There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
RECAP: Theo's horrible headache prompted Harry to unknowingly cast a spell on him as he watched the emergency at the Clinic. Afterward, in the examination room, Quinn spells the trio to sleep while urging Kyle to prepare for what lies ahead. He starts with Theodore, worried about the young alpha's lack of response and phantom pains. To better understand the situation, Quinn decides to use a SOUL CAST, he summons Ilsa and Bharin to come and help with the procedure.
"I think we are about ready for Bharin." Quinn mused. He'd waited, thinking a bit. He needed Bharin's calming, steady presence to ground him for this next step.
Soul Casting was something of a rare talent, it was manipulation of magic in a way that would affect the physical body when the session was over. It required tremendous concentration and meticulous attention to detail, as just touching a single strand could alter the individual's magic or physical body in a permanent way. It was also the quickest and least painful way to handle most dragel-magic related maladies.
It consisted of seven colors, corresponding to seven points of the physical body and psychology, sometimes known as Chakras to some and energy centers to others. Kyle's definition of a tangled ball of yarn was correct—a very tangled ball of seven different colors. Quinn's job would be to separate each strand with the utmost care and weave it into a circle, before setting it back into the host's body.
Easiest and least painful way, Kyle reminded himself. Tricky, rare and bloody difficult talent. He fought his nerves by taking a calming draught and smiled faintly when Quinn threw him a worried look. "I'm fine."
"You don't look fine."
"I will be." Kyle breathed in deeply. "You can use me, you know" he murmured. "I know these can take a while and you have those two over there when you're finished."
"I have the energy to spare." Quinn rolled his shoulders back. "Bharin made sure I slept very soundly."
"Good. But still, use me. I don't mind being an extra pair of hands and I know you need them. I figured this might make me a little easier to handle." He chucked the empty vial into the recycling container. His magic, white and gold swirled around him in slender, silken threads. Soul Casting was one of Quinn's rare talents, but it always unsettled him to see his friend use it.
Quinn smiled, softly. "You are too good of a friend to me." He murmured. "Bharin will be here when I call him directly. How are those two faring? Is there any backlash?"
Kyle waved his wand in a complicated pattern directed towards Charlie and Harry's still, slumbering forms. "Their vitals read at a low average and their energies are dormant, mostly. Harry's is completely drained. Charlie's is fluctuating."
"Drained?" Quinn made his way over to the brunet's bedside. The frown deepened as he read the floating list of stats hovering over the young Submissive. "And how in Arielle's name, did he manage that?"
Kyle shrugged. "Not sure. The last spell he cast isn't in any of the known references we have on the clinic database."
"What about yours?" Quinn eyed him. "You're fae, is there…?"
"Nothing." Kyle sighed. "I thought about it, but whatever spell he used, it isn't a known one and when I mean his magic is drained, I mean both his wizarding side—and his dragel side."
"His dragel magic came in? Last night?" Quinn's eyebrows arched upwards into his hairline. He looked from Kyle's grim face to Harry's sleeping one. "Well, of course it would have." He muttered to himself. "If he went ahead and exhausted his wizarding magic, it would have forced his dragel side to come to the surface."
"Forced it?" Kyle tapped on the glowing chart still hovering between them. "This is all the data recorded since we've brought him in here. Look at this."
"Mmm." Quinn flipped through the holographic pages, skimming for the basic information. His eyes widened when he saw it.
"You'd best clear my entire schedule for the day." Quinn turned away, sharply. "And we had best start. Do you need more time?"
"No. Theo shouldn't have to wait any longer. None of them should." Kyle drew in a breath, counted on his fingers and released it. "Just a moment," he waved his wand and a scrap of parchment appeared. "Here, sign this."
"What am I signing?" Quinn waved a hand at the parchment. His signature curved across it in a flare of gold lettering.
"Your excuses for changing your schedule." Kyle magicked his own signature to the paper and sent it off. "Any time now, is fine."
"Bharin." Quinn closed his eyes visualizing the image of his guardian in his head. A flare of blue-green energy swirled at his fingertips. Bharin…I need you.
The answer filtered back in slow beats. …coming…Quinn.
A moment later, the Gheyo 'ported in, drenched in sweat and breathing harshly. Clad in comfortable, loose trousers and a damp sleeveless shirt, Bharin tested the first few steps forward as the portal closed behind him. A few shallow cuts on his left cheek, dribbled bright red blood and his lovely, long dreadlocks were twisted up into a complicated bundle at the nape of his neck, held in place by a metal rod stabbed through the shiny, black mass.
"Quinn." The Jamaican rumbled. He stood up straight, to his full height, towering easily over the Healer and Medic. His worried gaze took quick stock of the room, his stance shifting, faintly, towards something more protective of the occupants.
Teal eyes grew wide with alarm the moment they caught the reason for the scent of blood in the air. "Bharin! Did I—are you alright? Where were you? What happened-!" He reached for the injury on his guardian's face, the glow of healing magic already lighting at his fingertips. "This is a clean room, Kyle-?"
The Medic hurried to cast wards and sanitize the newcomer. The barriers he'd put up earlier, continued to hold, preserving the cleanliness of the rooms and each individual patient.
"You're using that spell again." Dark eyes regarded his charge, silently. "I will hold you to that."
Quinn blushed, the faintest hints of pink along his creamy complexion. "It is my choice and you know it, Bharin." He frowned. If it helps you, I will pretend I am not using it.
Sarcasm does not suit you. Bharin frowned. "And it is a mere scratch, nothing serious. I should have ducked when I dodged." He sighed. "My apologies for 'porting in with such a mess." A wave of his hand immediate swapped out his sweat-soaked clothes for clean, fresh ones, a secondary cleaning spell, ensuring that he is able to remain inside the examination rooms. "You, however-"
"Later, Bharin, please?" Quinn hesitated. "You are alright?" It looked like more than a scratch to him, but he had learned long ago, to take Bharin at his word, when the Gheyo spoke.
"Midday training exercises." Bharin reassured him. He leaned down for Kyle to cast the necessary spells that allowed him to legally be present. He smiled in thanks. A moment later, he leaned down just enough for the glow at the end of Quinn's magicked fingers to soothe the wound away. "Just preparation for the cage matches."
Quinn winced. "I wish you wouldn't remind me."
"Then I shall not mention them again." Bharin took a longer look around the room, noting the three younger dragels and the positioning of the bed. His dark-eyed gaze rested on the incomplete Soul Cast hovering over one brunet specimen. The understanding dawned at once. "How may I be of assistance?"
"First, find a place you won't mind collapsing. I may have to draw a little heavier on you than I usually would. Then, you can take this-" Quinn paused to hold out his hand for the transfer of information. He was now doubly glad that he'd shared his mind and worries with the older Gheyo. Bharin would understand. He always did. "And explain it to her," he pointed towards a barrier at the far end of the examination room where a short, spiky-haired woman paced in rapid steps.
"Her being…?" Bharin trailed off. A perplexed expression settled on his tanned features.
"Lady Ilsa Gorgens." Kyle's lips twitched. "The wards will clear her for entry into this room, if you calm her down enough to enter." The smirk slipped out. "It was nice knowing you."
"That stupid, idiotic child!" Ilsa fumed. She stopped in mid-pace, but one foot still tapped along the ground as if it wished to continue on without her. "I swear I will kill him with my own two hands and be done with it!" Her hands went to her head and she tugged at the spiky, black-tipped strands. "Surely that would be the most logical course of action?" The words were muttered beneath her breath as she pinched the bridge of her nose, trying and failing to regain her usual composure.
"Hardly, though I do not mind if you consider it for a moment." Bharin placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, staying her pacing. "Believe me," He said, gravely. "I often find myself suppressing the same urge." His dark eyes flickered to Quinn's hurrying figure and back. "Try to control yourself?" He suggested.
"Oh believe me, I am always in control." Ilsa huffed. "I warned him." She sucked in a breath and pressed her fist to her mouth for a moment, before twisting out from under the taller man's hand. "Arielle, what else was I supposed to have done? I did warn him and I told him to send word as soon as he was settled in here. I transported them all of halfway here!" Her rage was beautiful in the way that it animated her so. "I cannot run his life for him! That is neither my place nor my duty and he is old enough!"
Bharin frowned. He could understand her frustration. He dealt with it often enough and he knew what a fine line the responsibilities of mentorship demanded. To play guardian, not parent and teacher as well as confidante. And he already knew what would help. He hoped Quinn would forgive them a few minutes delay, Lady Ilsa was nowhere near a clear state of mind to be present in a room containing an active Soul Cast. "Do you need, mayhap, a-?"
"I do." Ilsa cut him off. "Oh, believe me I do. I know violence is not the answer, but so help me, right now, I would—I could—can you set spar?" She turned to him, with wide, hopeful, black-golden eyes. "I need to. I am so terribly sorry to ask this of you, I swear I would not even consider it, especially that we are strangers, were it not so very necessary. I beg of you, I need only a few minutes to-"
"Kyle, wards!" Bharin called out. "It is no inconvenience." He explained, stretching his arms out. "From one Gheyo to another." He inclined his head. "I was practicing before I 'ported here, so this would be appreciated as well. I am looking forward to the cage matches this year."
Ilsa managed a small smile. "As am I. Though I fear I am spending more time meditating than practicing, lately."
"There is unrest." Bharin agreed. "I have felt it as well, things are moving and debts are being recalled."
The golden eyes flickered a few shades darker. "You speak as if you know that of which you share."
"There is always truth to be known and spoken aloud." Bharin shook out his hands, testing the grip on his fingers. "Your name is familiar."
Ilsa laughed. "It had best be. As a daughter of a—ah, sorry, adopted daughter of the Tribal Chief, of the Earthen clans, I must craft and maintain a suitable reputation." She rolled her neck, carefully, then stretched out her arms in similar fashion to the Gheyo opposite of her.
A moment later, the barrier restrengthened itself. Bharin cracked his knuckles and stretched his arms again. "I know modified sets, the one from Kurtar, are you familiar with them?"
"Intimately." Ilsa rolled her neck and shoulders with practiced ease. "Thank you kindly."
"Do not thank me yet. We haven't even started."
"They your boys?"
"Quinn and Kyle? No. But you would think they were."
"Impressive. They certainly act the part."
"Hardly." Bharin settled into a ready stance. "They merely know not to cross me. Our first encounters were rather—difficult."
Ilsa mirrored his stance. "You came for which one?"
"The blond."
"Ah. I see. We're exceptions to the rule then, aren't we? Ones like us should never be mentors for those with such pure souls." Ilsa's smile was sad. "But I suppose, it's hard to help ourselves, isn't it?"
Bharin shrugged. "If the exception is necessary, then I would never question it."
This time, her smile lingered. "How strange that we've never had the pleasure of meeting before."
"Indeed. Please do not worry about your—mentee. Quinn is an excellent healer. I trust him with my life."
"Kalzik, right?" Ilsa threw the first punch. It was well met with an instant block. "I know the name. Good healers. All of them. Never knew one that wasn't. I suppose I shall have to take your word for it."
"Only if you wish to. I mean to put your mind at ease."
"I am glad to know Theo is in good hands." She ducked and threw the next jab. They settled into an easy rhythm of trading and blocking blows, increasing in speed with each alternate strike. "Can he really undo a Soul Cast?"
"You noticed?"
"Kind of hard not to. That kind of magic is rare. There are a few talented healers in my father's circle. I have seen the procedure a handful of times on his favorite Gheyos. It is a fine line between death and darkness."
"Not as dark as one would think." Bharin smiled. He leaned to the side, using the momentum to carry him full-circle. He swung easily, inspite of his bulk and flashed a hand towards her neck. "Merely a fragile process. If you are impure to begin with, then everything you touch would be tainted, yes?"
"High praise, then." Ilsa flinched and ducked, the hand passing harmlessly by a hair's breadth.
"Hardly. Trials are merely the experiences in which we are purified by the fires of destiny."
"You sound like a friend I one knew."
"Ancient words are always a comfort in times of need." Bharin ducked and threw up a quick block with one forearm. "Your speed is notable."
"As is yours. For one of your size, I am surprised."
"Allow me to count that as a compliment."
"By all means, do."
"I shall. Please do not worry. Quinn is one of a kind by Kalzik blood."
"So it would seem."
"He mentioned something of Brindus bonds, can you actually do anything about that-?"
"I would not have said it, if I could not back it up." Ilsa smirked. She landed a solid swing to his left shoulder. "I invented the Brindus bonds, that does give me some leeway."
"I look forward to seeing your magic in play, then." Bharin smirked.
Ilsa grunted. "Stop dropping your right hook."
"You keep half-stepping on your dodges."
"Quick eye." Ilsa danced back a few steps and touched her right fist to her left shoulder. "That is enough. Thank you kindly. I think I can manage now."
"You will," Bharin murmured, softly. "We always do, for their sakes."
"That we do." The short woman straightened.
"I can never believe it." Kyle stood beside Quinn, holding up the necessary preparation items. He shook his head at the two Gheyos. "They bond over trying to kill each other."
Quinn looked up briefly, then rolled his eyes. "They're Gheyos and they're not trying to kill each other, idiot." He said, fondly. "If they were, they'd bring the whole clinic down. They can't help what is in their nature."
"That is not very reassuring." Kyle waved his wand again, strengthening the protective spells over Charlie and Harry's sleeping forms. "If they're not tearing for blood, then what do you call that?"
"Working off some steam." Quinn stripped his gloves and held out his hands. "If they wanted blood, there'd be blood. There isn't and I am grateful, therefore, we shall take what we are given. Are you ready?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"
"You're stalling and you're bad at it." Quinn took a deep breath. He checked his hands. Blue fire flickered on one hand, green on the other. He pressed his lips tightly together and the flames shifted colors as his magic separated and reworked itself together.
Kyle sighed. "Good. Tell me again why I have to call them?"
"Coward." Quinn retorted. "They won't bite." He waited while Kyle waved his wands over his bare hands. A cleansing tingle rippled through them and a moment later, a soft, white-gold glow settled on them. His own teal-hued magic began to lighten as the gold and white tendrils of energy mingled. "Thank you. Now go before this wears of."
"Hey! I'll have you know I can cast a long-term holding spell for—I'm going." Kyle did an about face. "Be careful, alright?"
Quinn didn't answer.
Ilsa sat at the head of the examination bed, with a pillow in her lap and Theo's upper body cradled on said pillow. She took his hands in hers and held them at his sides, waiting.
Quinn stood the right, with Bharin behind him. The older Gheyo stood just far back enough to give Quinn some breathing room, before he rested one massive hand on each of the Healer's shoulders. He'd opted to stay close instead of seated on a stool at the far end of the room.
Kyle stood opposite of Quinn on the other side of Theo and when he finally lifted his own brown-eyed gaze to Quinn, it was a split-second before his eyes suddenly burned bright teal.
Quinn? Kyle tested. He couldn't move a single muscle.
I'm here. Is that alright? Do you mind it? It's as light a hold as I can make it…
It's fine. Feels weird. Work on that.
…very funny. You good?
Yeah. Do what you have to do. I am your loyal servant.
…what did you eat this morning?
Focus, Quinn, focus. Kyle would have smirked—if he could have. Sometimes Quinn was too easy. I'll try and keep my mind shut—er, sorry—open. Go for it.
…You spoil me. I will never manage without you.
Good. I like being indispensable. Now hurry up. I hate standing still.
Quinn almost laughed. He studied the myriad of colors twined into the ball hovering above Theo's chest. There were three wispy white tendrils still anchoring the cast to Theo's body. Quinn checked himself once, twice and then thrice.
Then he reached for the glowing ball.
The first layer was about mid-level, Quinn decided. It was easy enough to observe. He searched for the typical seven strands of the rainbow and then for the two additional strands of energy that would connect Theo to his mates. First, he would have to find the colors belonging to said mates and then tie them off to the side, so he could work on the soul strands themselves.
Charlie's branch seemed to be a pale orange-yellow and it was short and ruffled, with strands fraying as Quinn gently coaxed it out from the tangled, multi-colored orb. He went to work, searching for Harry's next, surprised to find a slender, pale green thread—rather than a thick, strand—as Charlie's had been, though it was smooth and stronger than it appeared at first glance. Quinn was impressed when the thin thread seemed to wrap all the other colors together, rather than being interwoven through it, as Charlie's had been.
Interesting, Mr. Theodore Nott… The Healer hummed to himself as he continued on. Once those two strands were out of the way, he was free to do what he needed to, without affecting the new, mated, triad bond. The two strands of Charlie and Harry were wound into a single spool apiece, then, placed one on each side of Theo.
Now, Quinn was free to focus. He flexed his fingers and eyed the rainbow orb. He knew from the charts that Theo had Brindus Bonds, three of them, in the form of Caspered guardians, but he had yet to see them. Though of course, there were three, thick wisps of white anchoring the orb to Theo's chest.
Most likely those. Quinn made a mental note not to touch them as he cradled the orb and gently began to pull it apart, loosening the strands enough to poke his fingers through. His teal eyes flashed with determination and resolve, the magical energy in the room, rising rapidly.
There were a few patches where several strands of vivid scarlet scattered everywhere throughout the colored ball, and they were easier to pick apart, now that the others were loosened. Here, Kyle's hands came into play, as did Bharin's. With his mental command of both assistants, Quinn knew it would not affect Theo as he handed off the yellow and blue soul strands to Kyle's outstretched hands. Violet and orange went to Bharin and Quinn smiled at the remaining colors.
He took his time in separating the soul strands, using the extra available hands to hold stretches of the variously colored components. The lack of red, worried him. While most of the other colors were fairly well balanced out, the lack of that lovely, rich red hinted at something that Quinn hadn't expected. He could definitely work with this, but it would take time.
A lack of red meant a direct correlation to a lack of security, survival instinct and stability.
Three essential areas that any Alpha should be nearly overflowing in.
Quinn frowned.
A lack of security, either in Theo's position as reigning Alpha or certainty that he could function in his natural role, was a worrisome thing. The Healer was suddenly glad he'd sent for Lady Ilsa after all. From this perspective, he could understand how certain events had played out up to now. From what he had gathered from Kyle, the trio had arrived at the clinic appearing definitely worse for the wear than when they'd left the day before.
Theo in particular, had been somewhat out of it. According to Kyle, both Charlie and Harry had worried, but Theo had brushed them off, insisting that he was fine and it was nothing that a simple potion couldn't fix.
Trying to prove yourself? Quinn wondered. He turned enough to cast a cursory glance over Charlie and Harry, before returning his attention to Theo. The other two rested peacefully, which wasn't unusual in itself, except that with a mateship as new as thiers, it was rare for all mates to remain so—agreeable. He had used a natural sleep spell, one that would encourage them to rest on a deeper level—if their bodies desperately required it—apparently, it was actually working. They were fast asleep and it didn't look like they would wake without some external assistance.
Exhaustion was written on every inch of their features, a faint paleness lending some credibility to it and Quinn understood in a heartbeat, when he turned back to Theo. He gently nudged the resting subconscious of his patient. He would not wake Theo for a serious conversation yet, but he would offer what little reassurance that he could. Theo deserved it.
It isn't your fault, little Alpha. He continued to separate the colored strands. It would have helped you all to complete your mating as soon as physically possible, but, you did not fail them in the ways you are thinking. You should not judge yourself by their pasts, but rather their futures together with you. Sometimes, the most difficult responsibility is to stand back and allow others to find their own way. I am sure you have done all that you could, to protect your new mates. I am sure that you did what was necessary and secured all other options. Even yesterday, you were not at your best, but you are still stable enough for those two. Harry relied on you, Charlie looked to you. You may not see it yet, but they have already accepted you.
It did take time.
Quinn did not linger with his mental pep-talk. He simply left the message, with a gentle pulse of magic, before he began to consider the second phase of the Soul Cast. It took quite a while to unravel and he knew it would take even longer to rework them together. He did the best that he could, until the ball was now neater, more evenly formed and of a perfect spherical shape. The colors seemed to be all present in nearly the same amounts, with the exception of the bright red.
Eventually, Quinn was no longer able to avoid the white, caspered strands anchoring the cast to Theo, so he'd had to engage them. Thanks to Ilsa's presence, the Brindus Bonds were considerably easier to manipulate with her assistance. Her Earthen element was very deep and very strong, willing to work with Quinn's healing energy and able to mingle easily with Theo's magic.
Kyle silently expressed his gratitude for Quinn having physical control of his body. He hadn't been prepared for the three wispy, warriors that leapt from the pureblood's body at the first moment Quinn dared to touch the Soul Cast. They were invoked by the incantation of Terris, the Brindus bonds showing as golden shackles upon their wrists and necks.
It was a terrifying encounter by the Medic's standards, as the Caspered guardians were fierce and unyielding in every way. He was mildly grateful for having given Quinn control of his physical faculties. It helped him to remain standing still and impassive as Quinn had deftly swiped the other colored threads out of the way and directed Ilsa to take hold of the white anchoring threads.
When she'd finally held the separate threads in hand, the three guardians had come fully to the surface. She'd called them by name as they emerged.
Terris Sukey. Terris Makindor. Terris Alomath.
Proud, powerful caspers, they had screamed and raged at Ilsa in turn.
"You lying witch!" The tallest guardian, Terris Makindor, screeched. He rose up from the prone body, a wisp of whitness from the waist down, a decorated soldier from the waist up. The medals and ribbons adorned his entire jacket and short cape, his hands bejeweled, even as his red eyes glowed fiercely. "An honest host's body, you said!" He growled. "One that does not lie! And you would deny this?"
Theo's body gave a painful jerk with an accompanying writhe.
Quinn's frown darkened and with a wave of his hand, restraints flickered to life, carefully anchoring Theo's body to the examination table. Kyle checked the bonds for comfort and durability with a flicker of his white-gold magic.
The next casper spoke without waiting for a prompt or reply. Priestly garb seemed to fit him, as Ilsa identified the second spirit as Terris Alomath. Also in his spirited form, a silvery-white wisp from the waist downwards as he stretched forward, towards Ilsa. "To the individual that cannot even keep his word, they are nothing but ash, burned from their pedestals and cast upon the passing winds." His own eyes burned a deep, dark red. "We made a pact, Earth Mistress and you have cheated us."
"Be thankful," Terris Sukey's whisper was soft and deceptively light. "That I am more forgiving than my fellow guardians." A bustier of flowing silks was her only adornment, save for a scepter in one hand, bearing a spiked circle. "I spared their lives," she gestured beyond the group at Theo's side and then to the lying forms of Charlie and Harry. "I spared them. I did not have to, but I did." She sighed. "Rightfully, you know they are Death's."
"And yet they do not bear Death's mark." Ilsa returned, calmly. "I would never take from Death, that which is hers."
"You are hardly in a position to speak, Earth Mistress." Terris Makindor growled. "This is a blood pact. You will defy it?"
"She will not." Terris Alomath shifted, rising fully from Theo's still form to float, untethered above Quinn and the others. "Thought, it may only be, because her life is forfeit if she does and to leave this youngling without guidance, that would be against her own tarnished code of ethics, wouldn't it, Earth Mistress?"
"Ergen has chosen to favor me for whatever reasons he sees fit," Ilsa's golden eyes flared an even darker shade to bronze. "Do not pretend to think that one of your kind can know what he thinks!"
"We would never be so presumptuous!" Terris Sukey twisted free of the ball of colorful light, still swirling above Theo's chest. She loomed closer than before, her wispy form, somehow casting a darker shadow than expected. "Nor are we that naïve. You have much to answer for!"
"And I have much to say." Ilsa merely lifted her head, and kept one hand wrapped firmly around Theo's limp form, resting directly over his heart. "So you are going to wait and listen."
And then, Ilsa began to speak.
And when she did, she spoke with a terrible voice in an age-old tongue, calling up the very powers that Ergen, first bearer of Earth's element, had gifted to her.
Quinn closed his eyes and bowed his head under the weight of the ancient magic. Kyle mimicked the action without comment.
Time passed quickly.
And the matter was sorted in an odd, roundabout sort of way.
Quinn's quick hand threw up several sound barriers, protecting the ears of those present, while Kyle added his magic to the ward. He had briefly considered such a thing happening when he'd sent Kyle for the information to contact the Lady Ilsa.
He'd considered it and summarily dismissed it.
Theo was and still remained, his first priority for the moment.
And if it took housing three angry caspers and a grossly overpowered lady Gheyo, then he supposed this was one of those times where his Healer's heart had simply managed to surprise him yet again. He couldn't see Bharin, but he could still feel those steady hands on his shoulders and the comforting presence behind him, signaling that his guardian was there. Once they'd shown deference to the ancient magics, they were free to move about again.
Quinn hadn't wasted a single moment.
He snuck a glance towards Kyle, hoping his Medic fared the same, once Ilsa's powerful energy had passed over them. Generally, he preferred to do his Soul Casting with both Bharin and Kyle on the other side of an impenetrable barrier, with a dampener on their mental connections. Most of the time, he could avoid the issue of needing extra hands, by working with his wings fully extended and draping the colorful strands over the pointed spines. Lately, he'd needed the extra hands though, as the complicated casts had required more care than he could handle with his wings. It wasn't worth risking the magic or the possible results when another pair of hands could be provided, via a willing Bharin or Kyle.
Now though, Quinn hoped that he'd made the right call. Soul Casting was an exhausting procedure—for some—and Kyle, he thought, might be one of those. The bowed head of forest green hair, prompted Quinn to tug gently on their mental link, lightly lifting the dampener to be sure that his friend was alright.
Quinn? There was a hint of mild panic in the single word. The dampener-!
It's fine. You're fine. I only lifted it a moment. Wanted to be sure you're alright.
Me? Kyle shifted in the equivalent of a mental facepalm. I'm fine, you idiot. What about you?
Perfectly fine as well—idiot.
You started it. Quinn suppressed the urge to smile. A too cheerful spark in his emotions could alter the magic he currently channeled. How are you holding up?
I am not sleeping for a week.
…I just might join you.
That bad?
I shall only say that these are very…unique caspered guardians. I'm amazed they were able to spare Harry and Charlie. And I'm worried, if this is what Theo deals with on a daily basis, it is no wonder he ended up like this.
Really. It would seem that he has been dealing with more than he should have—all alone. Were there any next of kin listed in his records?
You read the same file I did.
Humor me. Were there?
No. The father was the last one living, a Nott Sr. He died some time ago, a few months?
Over the summer.
So it would seem. Kyle shifted uneasily. Why?
Then our little Alpha hasn't exactly had the chance to be testing his wings on his own, has he?
He would've just started school immediately after the death, there are no training sessions listed under the physical activity section, so Lady Ilsa was not present to offer any comfort or aid, after the father's death, meaning that Theo was likely on his own for quite some time. Quinn frowned. On his own and then he started the school year, stumbled into a Submissive, somehow found a Beta and then wrangled his way here. I'm surprised. Impressed, but surprised. He's held himself together quite admirably.
Apparently, if you're so impressed. Kyle tugged at the mental bond, lightly. How much longer? The rooms will hold the energy, but I need to be able to access my wards. I can't do it with you kicking about in my head.
I'll see what I can do. Will they hold?
Probably for another hour or so. You know the ones I used.
What language is that anyway? Do you know it? Kyle made sure not to look in Ilsa's direction.
Quinn's lips quirked. Not particularly, but it is probably a language of the ancients. Just pretend that you didn't hear any of it. And whatever you do, don't look. No eye contact. It's disrespectful and this has to be the oddest set of caspers I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing. Hopefully, she'll let us know when she's through.
She'd better. So just keep up the wards?
Yes. I'll hold the earplugs.
Generous to a fault, you charming devil. Kyle teased.
…shut up, Kyle. And Quinn mentally recalled the dampening barriers to their original state.
The Caspers were forced to obey.
In the face of Ergen, they could not deny him and Ilsa brooked none of their excuses nor protests as she wagered for her apprentice's life and that of his two unconscious mates. In the constant trading of insults and proposed compromises, the changing of the bindings she had already recast once before, a solution had to be found.
The trio refused to rework the already wrought magic, but they accepted that they would no longer be allowed to fight inside of Theo. They argued quite viciously with Lady Ilsa, who, in the end, demanded that they finish the discussion elsewhere and allow Theo and Quinn to continue with the healing process.
Quinn had only been able to watch helplessly as a mistress of magic wielded her might and forced the beings to settle on a different alternative. Bharin's hands were a calming, steady presence behind him and Quinn was thankful for it. Kyle's presence was welcome as well, his hands helpful and his magic, carefully twining around Quinn's own teal wisps.
When the Caspered suddenly hissed, jerking their host's body along with their displeasure, Quinn had it. He reared up, wings bursting forth in a flare of blood, power and dominance.
The blue-green in his eyes swirled to a true teal shade, burning with fire. "You will watch yourselves!" He grated. "I do not care what your grievances are. I respect that which you are, but you shall not visit Death today with a soul for her collection. Now, if I understand correctly, this is your creator, yes?" He gestured towards the still half-entranced Ilsa. "Then kindly take your discussion elsewhere. This body will remain here and I shall be tending to it, from the 'tender mercies' you have wrought upon it! Out. Now!"
"Please tend to Theodore. I will return as soon as I am able." Ilsa tipped her head in greeting. The gold had briefly returned to her eyes, rather than the blackened swirling depths they'd been a moment before. "I thank you, Healer Kalzik."
"Quinn." The Healer allowed. "You are most welcome, Lady Ilsa."
"Just Ilsa."
When Theo woke, the first thing he did was frown.
Quinn smiled, warmly. "Welcome back to the land of the wakened."
Theo blinked, slowly. He licked his lips with the same, careful slowness.
"Water?" Kyle offered. He approached with a chilled glass of purified water. He held the straw up to Theo's mouth and coached him through slow sips and careful swallows. "And nicely done. Would you like some more? I could add a touch of sugar, if you like."
"Or blood." Quinn added. "Perhaps just some blood on its own?"
Theo thought about it for a moment and then shook his head. "Harry and Charlie?"
"They are fine, remember?" Quinn moved slowly so his hands could be seen, helping to turn Theo's head to the side, so he could see across the room where Harry and Charlie were within view, protected by Kyle's wards and a shimmering barrier of pale cream-colored energy.
A soft sigh of relief left his lips and Theo's body relaxed once more. "I've been out for a little while, haven't I?" He tugged at his wrist and grimaced when the movement was pointless, thanks to the restraints. "What did I do?"
The golden eyes looked away. "I remember sitting down and then everything turning dark. I remember waking, I think. I'm not sure."
Quinn was silent for a moment, then he waved Kyle off to tend to the other two. "I think," he began, softly. "That we need to have a little talk, hmm?"
"…and so I would suggest speaking to your mentor. We all bear burdens of many kinds and weights throughout the centuries. There is no rule that insists that we must do it on our own. I am sure you will find there are those who are willing to help and support you, if you should only ask. Now, if you do not feel comfortable discussing this with your mentor, I am able to listen and advise you to some degree. I have a third-level certificate for counseling and I am happy to make myself available, should it be necessary."
Theo half-smiled. "…it is probably necessary." He acknowledged. "But I don't see why it would be a problem."
"There isn't a problem, until you find yourself here and those two are over there." Quinn gave a slight jerk of his head. "Otherwise, there isn't a problem."
"I see."
"Do you?"
Theo tested the bonds holding him down to the examination bed. "Are these really necessary for a little chat?"
Quinn's lips quirked into a near smile. "How familiar are you with Soul Casting?"
Golden eyes blinked in disbelief. "I have heard of it…" Theo's voice trailed off uncertainly. Worry creased his brow. "You are not, by any chance, suggesting that-"
"Good. It always helps when you've heard of it before."
"…and that's why I'd like you to speak to her or to someone you trust, if not, then someone who is at least qualified in handling dragel matters. You might be surprised at the clarity of thought that comes with sharing and explaining your thoughts." Quinn smiled. "As I said before, a Soul Cast does not lie, because you cannot lie to yourself on such a level. You always know the truth."
Theo gave a tiny nod. "…I understand."
"Good. I am glad. Now, there's another issue we need to cover as well."
Theo swallowed. "How many are there?"
Quinn blinked. "…I wasn't counting."
"…and so the best thing would be to solidify your triad bond as soon as possible. If you do not have suitable facilities to do this, the clinic has private rooms available for a few hours on request." Quinn checked the floating chart again and then the time. Ilsa was taking a little longer than he'd expected. He mentally checked the repaired Soul Cast again.
As long as Theo didn't move and Quinn remained by his side, keeping the bobbing, colorful ball hovering above him, things would be fine. He looked to said patient in time to witness the reaction to his earlier statement.
Theo blushed a faint shade of pink. "Er, it's not quite that we haven't had the facilities more of the, ah, time."
"Time?" Quinn frowned. "I understand there must be a great deal that I do not know of your situation, but if you seek sanctuary here, in Nevarah, during Hunting Season, then sheer dumb luck is the only reason you're all still together. Your bonds are open and raw and Harry will not be able to solicit any potential mates when there is one present who hasn't been fully claimed." His brow furrowed. "Which does surprise me somewhat, as the alpha, you should be driven to complete them. The same for your Beta, seeking to either dominate you or submit to you. He shouldn't be this—complacent in his ranking when you have yet to be fully mated. That's another side effect to what I mentioned earlier." His look softened. "I am not trying to accuse you-"
"No, it's fine. I know. I really do know." Theo fiddled with his hands for a moment. He finally sighed. "It is not that—easy though. Not the way you put it. It seems that way, but it really isn't."
"I am not suggesting that it is." Quinn said, calmly. "I am merely explaining why things may have been a tad more difficult for you than you expected." He patted one shoulder. "You would definitely find it easier if you were to take my advice on this, at least, if nothing else. Might I suggest tonight?"
This time, Theo really did blush deeper than a sheer pink hue.
"Sit." Kyle nudged a stool over from one end of the room. "And check the charts I'll send you in a moment. I think Harry's having a nightmare."
Theo twisted against the bonds. "Wake him."
"Stop that." Quinn frowned at him. "You cannot move from those and twisting will not help. Kyle, you know how to handle that. Please do not-"
"You have to wake him up." Theo bit his lip. "The nightmares are horrible and he's not easy to wake."
"Kyle will handle it." Quinn reassured him. "He's had these nightmares since you've known him, then?"
"Yes. I think he's had them for a long time."
"Hmm. Does he ever sleep peacefully?"
Theo half-smiled. "When I hold him or Charlie does."
Quinn nodded, slowly, tucking the information away for later use.
"…and so Harry told us about the seals."
"That was very brave of him." Quinn smiled.
"Is that why you had us leave?"
"Well, at the risk of sounding repetitive, you were not completely bonded as a starting triad ought to be and that was a deciding factor. Your Harry had no magic of any kind, no permitted access to your password—in its present state—and your beta reeked of poisoned blood." Quinn held out his hands. "What would you have had me do?"
"Nothing." Theo tried to sit up again. He scowled when Quinn's hands urged him to stay still. "Nothing at all. I am not, I was merely—never mind. I can't—this—I want to move."
"You cannot." Quinn scolded. He tapped the brunet lightly on the nose. "Stop fighting the bonds. If you disturb the Cast, I'll have to start over and goodness knows how that will turn out. It is literally sitting on your chest."
"I can't see it!"
"You're not supposed to!" Quinn resisted the urge to roll his teal-colored eyes. "It is forbidden for one to see their own cast. You know that. Now please settle down. Harry is fine, Charlie is fine, you will be fine—eventually. Now, as I was saying, on that previous note, I would suggest seeking a Gheyo of your own as well." Quinn sighed. "They are often neutral enough to take the place of our resident ones, to allow an impartial and fair appointment, regardless. Meaning that if you were to visit another clinic, then you would not have to worry quite as much as you did when Dahlia escorted you out. Also, you are in Nevarah and you will find that most of the situations you may stumble into are best resolved through them."
"So I've been told." Theo murmured.
"There is one thing you can help me with though," the Healer was on his feet, all business and intensity once more. "Harry cast a spell on you before we came here. I don't suppose you know what it is or what it was?"
Theo blinked. "What?"
"You were unaware of it?"
"It felt like my brains were scooped into a container and pressed out through the corners." He said, wryly. "I wasn't exactly able to notice much of anything."
"Has he done this before?"
"…I'm not sure."
"Could you elaborate?"
"Well, this morning there was something that well," Theo hesitated. "This morning was a little complicated…"
Finally, Quinn paused to hover at his side. "Might I make another suggestion?"
Theo's golden gaze flickered to him, worry, caution and a hint of defiance shimmering in their light-hued depths. He inclined his head in silent acceptance. "You've made plenty already."
Quinn stifled a smile. "Indeed I have. Actually, might I suggest seeking a Nevarean mate?" Quinn studied the impassive face.
The only hint of surprise from Theo, flittered across those golden eyes, before all expression became shuttered once more.
The Healer fixed a light smile on his face. "I do not mean to be forward, but I would suggest a Pareya or two, however your Submissive is inclined. It will travel a long way in easing some of the transitions between your current life and dragel life."
"Such as?" Theo prompted.
"Pareya would insist that you all take proper care of yourselves." Quinn's mouth twitched. "Insist to the point of physically doing it for you and all Nevarean-raised Pareya would be able to lend some traditional stability to your circle. They need to look after their mates and so they would find pleasure in tending to all of you, while also helping to smooth over some of your mated bonds. Besides a Gheyo, which would be purely for political and social maneuvering, as well as physical protection—they tend to be protective of Pareya, so it would bring them all full circle and you would not have to worry."
"I am—we are—only in Nevarah for as long as it is safe. It wouldn't be right to uproot them from everything familiar when it is time to return." Theo gave up trying to test the bonds.
"Safe." Theo turned away, with no intention of elaborating further.
"I see. Then you definitely might want to secure a Gheyo before you leave. They do not mind moving much as long as you allow them plenty of time for physical outlets, they adapt quickly enough." Quinn extended his hand to take the proffered needle from Kyle. "Normally, nearly all of our procedures are non-invasive, with the exception of this one. It might pinch a bit."
Theo twitched when the slender needle slid under his skin. "What is that for?"
"Essence." Quinn murmured. "It would be difficult to explain, but I need your magic and your blood in the same way, a ceremonial cut would not hold the same significance." He pursed his lips. "Just a moment, then you may speak again."
A moment passed.
"What do you intend to do with that?"
"Read it and then destroy it." Quinn said, calmly. "We never keep samples of these, it isn't right and those that do, deserve what comes to them." He set the syringe on a floating platter beside him and drew up a little bottle with green gel inside. "This will heal it. It might burn."
Theo choked back a squawk. It did burn.
Quinn looked to his left. The syringe on the platter shimmered. The Healer picked it up, gingerly, and crossed the room where he fed it into a machine. There were a few beeps, flashing lights, and then a manual confirmation required, before a print-out scrolled from one corner. "Ah, here we go." The sample was ejected a moment later and Quinn walked back to the examination bed. He held it up, in plain view, and calmly burned it to ash with a bolt of green-blue flame. "And that's that. Now, you have three caspered guardians, three very vicious guardians, I might add. Could you tell me about them?"
Theo hesitated. "Ilsa is really the best one to speak about them. I've—I haven't had them as long as she has. She can explain." He shifted, uncomfortably, as best as the restraints would allow. "Where are they anyway? Is that why you can't finish the Cast?"
"Something like that. They were anchoring you." Quinn explained. "You have quite a bit of the earth element running through your veins. I am impressed."
Theo flushed lightly. "It's nothing—important. But I can feel they're nearby, I can feel that she's somewhere close. I don't see her though," his eyes grew wide. She isn't in the room, is she?" The golden eyes darted about, nervously.
Quinn settled on the stool once more. "She is here, but not in this room. She ah, excused herself, after I drew the Cast out and your caspers came to your defense."
"Sukey, Makindor, Alomath." Theo took a shuddery breath. "Those are their names. They like it better when you use them." His fingers twitched.
"Thank you for sharing." Quinn waved Kyle away. "And you care for them?"
"They have taken care of me well before my time." Theo said, simply. "It is hard not to. They were the first friends I ever had."
"I see." Quinn was thoughtful for a moment. "So why were they called out in the first place? And how is it that your Harry called them out the way he did?"
Theo smiled, wanly. "Funny you should mention that," He said, softly. "It is a rather long story."
"I have plenty of time." Quinn returned the smile.
"I see." Quinn said, at last. "That is quite a—tale."
"Nearly everything to do with Harry, usually is." Theo smiled fondly. "I am beginning to grow accustomed to it already. You said you had a sister? An alpha one?"
"I do, actually." Quinn said, lightly. "She turned sixteen on the last Hunting Season and had already formed a Friendship Turning Circle. They all presented themselves on the Eve of Blessing and sealed a mateship of twelve."
"Twelve?" Theo stared. "That's-" he looked away and swallowed. The very thought of that many mates sent his head spinning. It would never work. Surely it could not. He hoped the young woman was still sane. To think that she was two years young than him and able to participate in a planned mateship was mind-boggling.
"Yes, twelve." Quinn's smile held a hint of pride. "A bit on the large side, but they are content and well-matched to each other. They have four children at present. This Hunting Season marks their tenth-year, first-decade anniversary."
The teal eyes regarded the younger dragel. "Shareena was sixteen—and, as I said before, she was the Alpha. There was very little luck involved. She has maintained her position with some difficulty at first, but it has been a learning experience for all of them. Our family always supports our own and we have always supported them. She claims it has made a difference. Her mates are within their second decades and fifth centuries, it is well varied. Age is naught but a label that we use when we do not know any better."
"A useful label sometimes." Theo countered. "She was very lucky."
"More hard work than luck." Quinn shot back. "And I come from a very large family. We all stood beside her. Anyone, with the right support, can do anything." He sighed, teal-eyes narrowing. "Your mentor, when she gave you those three, what was the reasoning behind it?"
"Why did she give you those three?"
"Oh. Huh." Theo was quiet for a moment. "She said, she wanted someone who could protect me when she wasn't there."
"I see. Interesting."
"How much longer?"
Theo fidgeted. "If I know my Oretta, I'll have an earful the moment you deem me well enough to stand on my own two feet. I'd rather have some warning."
Quinn chuckled. "I know the feeling. Bharin is the same. Your charming mentor will return in a little bit, I believe she intended to have some—strong words with your caspers."
"She is too kind." Theo closed his eyes with a faint smile on his face.
It was a very unassuming manor.
Or so he'd originally thought.
Now, Blaise stood before the sprawling gothic mansion, indigo eyes flickering from the sharp black spires to the equally ominous, wrought fencing that lined the entire front of the property. It seemed more like a gated prison than the local training camp for new Gheyos. He summoned up the tendrils of courage that had prompted him to travel this far.
In hindsight, now that he considered it, perhaps he should have spoken to Terius when the man was somewhat less occupied with Severus and Draco.
Definitely less occupied.
Blaise swallowed hard.
There was a small buzzer installed near the small, shuttered window to the watchman's post. He lifted a hand to press it and then hesitated.
A soft flurry of chirps and chitters came from the little, black scaled creature on his shoulder and the Italian resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Of course. He'd almost forgotten about the pesky Nytura. "Would you stop that already?" He snapped at the thing.
Intelligent dark eyes regarded him, silently, then began to dig its tiny claws further through his traveling cloak with the intent of securing said claws in his shoulder. Blaise shifted, trying not to shrug it off or encourage it at the same time. He couldn't understand why the little thing had latched onto him, especially if it was supposed to be Potter's and Nott's. He frowned.
He'd left before the newly mated trio had returned from their healer appointment. It bothered him to be in the same quarters in his current capacity. It also bothered him when he'd been asked about the extent of his powers and hadn't been able to conjure much of anything to substantiate his claims. His mother was a good teacher, with the exception that she didn't teach very often.
The lovely Mrs. Zabini spent most of her time courting, flirting, marrying and well, murdering.
Blaise winced and silently asked forgiveness for acknowledging the darker side of his darling mother. She had been a good teacher and now, he hoped that he could learn a little more. It had become increasingly more difficult to restrain the newer, bloodthirsty side of his personality since his inheritance had dawned. He found himself wanting to settle things with his fists—hang all pureblooded traditions and training aside—and to move.
He hadn't felt comfortable staying at Hogwarts nor at home and then, he hadn't felt very safe either when Terius had arrived at Hogwarts. But it had spiked his interest and he'd been able to wrangle some information on Neverah out of his mother. It had sounded like the most wonderful, perfect place he could imagine. Then, quite by accident, he'd managed to mix himself up with a certain Potions Master and to be present when the entire group of Potter, Nott and Weasley had 'ported over to the otherworldly realm.
The Nytura chirped helpfully in his ear and Blaise resisted the urge to smack it. It was far too cheerful and chirpy for his liking, but something suggested that it was tougher than it looked. He sighed. "Very well. I will knock."
And he did.
He was ushered into a lovely, expensive sitting room and served lemon scones with light green tea, while the lady of the house, an esteemed Matron by the name of Lady Paielda, said she would see him. It was tastefully decorated with rich wall hangings, printed lampshades and velvets and silks screaming of status and power. A coat of arms hung over the fireplace and smaller crests flanked it.
Blaise managed to hide his nerves behind the years of pureblood upbringing, that allowed him to lounge comfortably on the settee with Shadow wrapped around his shoulders, a cup of tea in hand, the saucer held perfectly beneath it and his dragel senses keenly aware of the fact that a maid nor a house elf had served him. Rather, it had been a young redheaded dragel, dressed in actual, plated armor, bared midriff and long, lean limbs on display.
She'd introduced herself as Mika and explained that Lady Pai, as she was oft addressed, would be with him shortly.
So Blaise really was mostly prepared for anything, but the entire West wall of the parlor to come crashing in. He was just surprised enough to stay sitting exactly where he was, as Shadow snarled softly at his ear.
A tall, muscled woman towered over a smaller figure, two curved swords held flush against her arms as she didn't halt in her attack.
The dust covered figure rolled to the side and scrambled to her feet, amidst the wreckage. The white, crumbled stone was smudged against coffee-colored skin and Blaise found himself staring in fascination. The young woman was clad in barely more than what would be a swimsuit costume among the female persuasion of Hogwarts, with a prominent scar slashing across her face and downward to her clothed hip.
Mika cleared her throat beside him and Blaise instinctively straightened even more. He averted his eyes in gentlemanly fashion, somewhat relieved when Shadow crept from his shoulder to sit in his lap. At least, then his hands would have something to do, as holding the cup and saucer for much longer, would give away with the faintest of tremors now in his hands.
"What is it, Mika?" The older woman whirled in a vicious swirl of power and speed, her swords gleaming.
"A guest to see you, Lady Pai." The redhead said, respectfully. She also, did not look directly at the fighting duo.
"Then see them in." Lady Pai snapped.
"To another room?" Mika suggested. "I had already done so before you…smashed the wall in."
"Just spit it out, Mika." The younger woman spoke. She tossed her head for the messy braid of hair to flip over one bony, sweat-slicked shoulder.
"He is here?" Mika ventured.
Both women turned as one and Lady Pai's hand flashed out a split-second after wards, knocking the younger woman to her knees. She held her there, with both swords angled, one against her throat and the other, pressing down that dark-haired head with the flat of the blade. "My apologies." Lady Pai tipped her head in greeting. "I was not expecting anyone today." She waved a hand at the wall.
Chunks of concrete and metal leapt up to replace themselves in the giant, gaping hole in the wall, as if nothing had ever happened before. The younger woman shifted, uneasily, the blade unyielding against her neck as the one pressing her head downward was removed.
"Enough, Dahlia." Lady Pai sheathed both swords and then thwapped the top of Dahlia's head. "Yield."
"I do, under protest." Dahlia shot back. She ducked away from the second hand and quickly rolled up to her feet. Her brow furrowed. "And I refuse to elaborate, I will hold my silence."
"Then you may deal with this." The older Gheyo said, brusquely. "Report to me at the end of today—and you do have until then to change your mind."
"I will not change it." Dahlia returned, steadily. "It would be pointless of me to do so, after holding out for this long."
"Be gone." With a flip of her light brown crop of hair, the esteemed lady of the house stalked out of the newly repaired parlor. "Mika!"
"Coming, your ladyship."
Dahlia watched them both leave. She ran a hand through the tangle of her sweaty hair and then scowled at the unruly braid. She tugged the leather wrapping free at the end and began to unravel it. "Hello, please excuse all of that." She gave a light tip of her head. "My name is Dahlia. I take no family name. I am simply Dahlia from the house of Lady Paielda. Did you come on business to see her ladyship? I fear I have not set her in the best of moods for the day."
"Er, no. Not quite." Blaise shifted to his feet, uncertainly. Shadow scampered back up to his shoulder. "I was—sent here, well, pardon me. I meant that I had inquired as to local training camps and-"
Dark brown eyes flickered over at the movement. "You have a Nytura?"
"Not of my own accord, I assure you."
Dahlia smirked. "They are pesky, loyal little critters like that." She gave a smile. "So, how may I be of assistance? Shall I assume you are interested in joining the Royal Army, searching for a military circle or merely in need of fellow sparring partners for the upcoming fights?"
Blaise blinked. "Well…"
"You can think about it." Dahlia's smile warmed. "Come this way, we can walk and talk."
A/N: Okay, so this was a Theo Chapter with a hint of the others and a little snippet for Blaise in the end. We're going to finish up Theo and start on Harry and Charlie in the next chapter. As some of you may know, I had an impromptu surgery on my eyelid that resulted in a stitch and a digital ban from anything with a digital screen. I finally got the stitch out of my eyelid and I am back to my PC as usual. Classes start today as well, so I'm sorry for any little typos/nitpicks. I didn't want this to sit for another week! Thank you all for the well wishes, the suggestions and encouragement! I really hope this chapter was worth the wait! :)
unneeded--nope, Quinn definitely doesn't have that much energy to spare himself, but he will try and he knows that he has people he can use and depend on to bring about the necessary results. Glad you enjoyed the last chapter, this one's a nice long one to make up for the wait!
Jan--It's going to get there soon! This Healer Arc will solve a lot of some of the issues for Harry and his circle. Beyond that, it'll be some real life things they have to deal with and stuff like Voldy and Dumbles. Thanks for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. Enjoy this one!
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