The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96906 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Happy Birthday, By The Way
It was 6.30 in the morning and all the students would be returning for the Spring term later in the day. But that wasn't why Obsidian was looking rather peeved. A Ministry owl was currently occupying his perch, eating a delicious looking mouse that Severus had generously given it to aid in its recovery after battling its way overnight through a particularly nasty blizzard. Its delivery...a thick Ministry sealed envelope...sat on his master's desk. His master sat staring at it.
Severus sat staring at said envelope wondering whether he should follow protocol and activate the spell which distributed the results of the recent N.E.W.T.s examinations to the ledger and to the individuals concerned or did he allow his curiosity to get the better of him? Not that he had any reason to worry about Hermione's results if her Mastery research was anything to go by. Her preparation for every lesson was impeccable and her brewing techniques were almost as good as his own now. It had even reached the point where he was considering cutting back on the number of sessions she had a week. She could easily take on the N.E.W.T.s class, but until she was fully qualified, the majority of the Board wouldn't hear of it. And the one Board member who would hear of it, the headmaster couldn't ask to lean on them because whilst Lucius' influence was continuing to regain strength, he didn't want his fellow Board members to think that he was slipping back into his former 'persuasive' ways. At least, not over something that would be considered to be of personal interest to him. And besides, he was so enraptured with his new living arrangements that Lucius was, at present, as useful as a chocolate cauldron.
Taking his wand, he tapped the envelope and muttered the distribution spell before pushing his chair back quickly and headed towards the door. He could have Flooed directly to their rooms before attending breakfast, but he decided to allow Hermione a few moments on her own to take in what he was sure was an impressive achievement.
As he walked, the Potion Master in him began to reflect further on Hermione's Mastery lessons. Again the notion of reducing their lab time reared up, but Severus knew that once she obtained her Mastery, he would be the one missing out. Because for those hours, he had the privilege of watching how passionate the brightest witch of her age could be. Obviously, he knew how passionate she was in the bedroom...or wherever else the mood took them...but this was entirely different. Ask him to explain it and his usually considered words would fail him, but he knew that in some respects he needed these lessons more than she did. He needed these lessons to be able to observe her like this.
Of course, he was sure they would find other ways to fill the spare hours when the time came. A smirk fell across his lips as one such way sprang to mind. Contemplating this particular scenario further, he turned the corner only to hear a familiar voice coming from The Founders room.
Employing a formidable array of stealth tactics, Severus found himself flattened against the wall next to the door. Considering the Founders had now taken to speaking through this person, and given the level of shit that the pillars of Hogwarts had created for him, he was rather curious to find out what this discussion was about.
"He's doing so well now."
"Yes, but he should be doing better if he is to fulfil his true potential," the gruff voice countered.
"He will, and we're all in place to help him. He's becoming much more confident as his happiness increases."
"It is strange how his support has come about."
"Oh I don't think so," the cheery voice replied. "I suppose it is strange that so many soulmates have occurred in one place, but it all stemmed from Hogwarts and magic does tend to happen here."
"Really? We'd never have known!" the eerie male voice said sarcastically. "But that makes it sound like that everything was manipulated."
"I suppose it does, and maybe it was, but on the other hand Fate is not one to be cheated. Everything happens for a reason, and soulmates will always find each other and they always arrive when they are needed most."
"So when the time comes, you believe he will be able to fulfil his duty?"
"Of course he will," the young female responded emphatically. "He still has a few years to prepare."
"True, but will you be ready? Do you think he has any idea how important he is?"
"Does it matter? Like I say, when the times comes, he will be ready and he won't need an army of Heliopaths to protect him. Anyway, must go. I think he's had some good news."
And with that the young woman skipped out of the Founders Room into the path of the Headmaster who had carefully made it look like he was striding towards his intended destination.
"Ah Miss Lovegood, I was wondering..."
"I'm sure you were, but you're not a spy anymore, Severus. Not every conversation means people are up to something."
A little taken aback, Severus realised that the young witch was right, but even so, he was still curious. "Indeed not, but I believe you and Slytherin were discussing my godson, and..."
"...we were. Hermione will be pleased."
Severus looked confused.
"Her N.E.W.T.s. I was just off to see Draco."
"Oh...well...I don't know any of the results," Severus told her, wishing that he did, "but I have sent them to the respective..."
"At least you won't have to teach Defence anymore and now Neville can really show you what he's capable of."
It was always difficult not to be wronged footed by Luna, and he hoped that when he was it never showed. And yet all he could manage to say was, "I suppose so."
"See you at breakfast," Luna sing-songed as she waved him goodbye.
It took Severus several moments to take in fully what had just occurred and continue on his way. And then he realised that he still had no idea what that conversation was all about. But one thing was for sure, Luna Lovegood was a mystery that no one was ever going to be able to solve, and he wondered how Draco managed to cope.
"Before you all traipse back to your dormitories, I have a few announcements," Headmaster Snape drawled as the start of Spring term feast at Hogwarts was concluding. The students were too full of roast meats, yorkshire puddings and a multitude of vegetables, followed by sticky toffee pudding and custard to do anything, but listen.
"As you are aware, the Castle remains a potential death trap. The list of prohibited Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes products is ever growing and I do not need to insult your intelligence by stating that the Forbidden Forest is so named for a reason. Observe the many rules that I have instigated and all will be well. Otherwise, several rather unpleasant detentions with Mr Filch will await you or worse."
Groans rumbled around the Great Hall as the traditional warnings were delivered, but then a change in the Headmaster's tone made some of the students turn their heads in his general direction.
"And now that the mundane announcements have been made, I have some rather more interesting points to raise with you all. First of all, I would like you all to congratulate Professors Malfoy, Longbottom, Potter and Granger as well as the other Eighth year students who passed their N.E.W.T.s. All passed with flying colours and if you follow their example then I will be quite satisfied.
"But also, Professor Potter approached me at the beginning of the school year with an interesting proposal which I believe will be of benefit to all. He will be organising a Duelling Club this term. Participants must be Second Years and above, although First Years are welcome, if not encouraged, to come and observe. And as an added incentive to ensure these sessions will be well attended, each meeting will have an exhibition duel between members of staff. The first session will see your Defence Against the Dark Arts professor try his luck against myself. I will of course go easy on him, but just in case I accidentally do what Voldemort could not, you can at least say that you witnessed it first hand!"
He felt a pair of eyes boring into him as he delivered what he felt was an excellent joke, and for the briefest of moments saw a pair of green eyes and a flash of red hair glaring at him. At least, he got the hair colour right as he looked up to see Ginny Weasley throwing daggers at him.
Unless you were born on January 9th the day would appear to be just another day to most of the world. To Severus Snape, born on it or not, it was just another day. When he was a small child, despite his mother's best efforts, his father took the opportunity to hammer home to his son that he had been a mistake. During his school years he would receive three presents: one from his mother, one from Lucius which was something expensive and useless, and one from Lily which was usually something Muggle and very personal. Well, until James Potter and company had caused him to lose his temper that is.
Since then, his birthday was a day he'd rather forget and no one save a select few, knew when Severus entered this world. Of course, Albus and Minerva never forgot, and whilst they never made a fuss, their small, thoughtful gifts like the mini potions set that his Gryffindor counterpart had bought him in his second year of teaching, often caused the corner of his mouth to twitch. Lucius and Narcissa on the other hand continued to try making a fuss, but Severus had none of it. Although he wasn't stupid and more than happily accepted the bottle of whatever fine spirit that his friends had delivered to Hogwarts when, once again, he failed to show for dinner. Even Voldemort knew better than to remind the surly wizard of the day of his birth.
But as 1999's version of the date approached, the headmaster realised that he wasn't going to be allowed to let this day pass quietly. And what gave it away was when his fiancee revealed a few days before the fateful day that she was meeting Lucius and Narcissa for lunch and afternoon tea respectively.
The lunchtime rush at the Golden Phoenix was all but over when the waiter carefully delivered two very chocolatey looking desserts to Lucius and Hermione's table.
Picking up her spoon and ladling the hot chocolate fudge sauce that was cascading down the sides of her triple chocolate sponge, Hermione looked perplexed.
"What can I get him, Lucius?" she grumbled almost petulantly.
The blond-haired wizard smirked at his lunch companion's dilemma. "How should I know? I'm just his best friend," he deadpanned before taking a mouthful of his dark chocolate cheesecake piled high with raspberries drizzled with white chocolate.
Hermione glared at him before continuing to bemoan her inability to divine what would be an appropriate gift for Severus' birthday.
"Yes, but he's got everything and if he hasn't got it already, he can just go and buy it."
Lucius shrugged. "Well then, apart from the obvious birthday shag, give him something he can't buy. Why don't you make him...I don't know...a card?"
"Be serious!" Hermione scoffed.
"I am!" Lucius rebuffed, a little hurt that what he thought was actually a quite sensible suggestion had just been shat upon. "Or just make him something. Cook for him..."
Hermione gave her lunch companion a disparaging look. "I said be serious."
Rolling his eyes, Lucius sighed. "You can't be that bad at cooking."
"I burn water."
"You're a fucking potioneer and you're fucking a potioneer. Surely something has rubbed off on you other than his...
"What?" Lucius protested around a mouthful of raspberries.
Hermione glared at him.
As much as he loved Hermione, his patience was beginning to wear a little thin. She was an intelligent woman and he was sure she didn't need him to hold her hand every time she wanted to buy Severus a present. "Well," he said carefully trying to conceal his slight irritation, "ask old mother Weasley to help you or is she still not speaking to you?"
Hermione smirked. Following the revelations of Boxing Day, Molly had been somewhat icy towards Hermione and Severus, even if she couldn't contain her excitement at their engagement...even if it was only to Arthur. But like mother's everywhere have a habit of doing, they thaw out after a while. "I think I'm in the clear again. She asked me if I wanted to have a lesson this week."
Lucius and Fleur had not yet been afforded an audience with the Weasley matriarch since news of their relationship had broken, but he hoped that with just over two months before Fleur and Bill's child arrived in the world, she would begin to accept the situation for the sake of her grandchild.
Nodding his approval at this development, Lucius looked rather pleased. "Oh good. That means Severus and Arthur will be coming out for drinks again."
"Excuse me?" the young witch laughed. "You're the one who's been staying in lately. We haven't even been able to get you two over for dinner."
"That's because Severus said you would be cooking!" Lucius informed her looking rather pleased with his little joke.
All he got for his troubles was a curt, "Bastard!"as Hermione finished off her dessert defiantly.
Hermione was so full that she was beginning to regret arranging to go for Afternoon Tea with Narcissa within a few hours of having lunch with Lucius, but with two days to go she really needed to sort out the preparations for Severus' birthday as quickly as possible.
The Waning Willow had become a regular haunt for her and Narcissa over the last few months. Situated on the periphery of Knockturn Alley, the former retreat for Death Eaters' wives, had reinvented itself since the war as the place to be seen taking afternoon tea. In order to divest her cafe of its reputation and to try and distance herself from her infamous name, Aloria Jugson, decided to explore ways to entice patrons from both sides of the divide into her establishment.
Several trips to Muggle London had cultivated the idea in her mind that ladies that lunch wasn't just restricted to the very wealthy. The promise of a year's worth of free tea and cake had proved enough to ensure a favourable write up in The Daily Prophet and with everyone needing a little cheering up in the days the followed The Dark Lord's demise, the healing power of the brewed amber liquid could not be overestimated.
Sumptuous freshly made finger sandwiches, decadent cakes and feather light scones with homemade preserves and clotted cream adorned the tiered stands which sat upon every table of the packed tearoom, whilst vintage teapots and teacups were filled with one of the large range of fine teas that Aloria had discovered on her various forays around the Piccadilly tearooms.
Hermione arrived as arranged, but Narcissa was nowhere to be seen. She didn't usually have to make a reservation...the war hero's face was enough to have the waitress find a table for her. But rather than being led to a table for two, she was led to a larger table which was set for three people.
Slightly confused, as Narcissa had not mentioned that anyone else would be joining them, Hermione immediately looked towards the door, slightly relieved to see her Auror escort still standing there.
She sat down and noted that three champagne flutes were also set out and a bottle of the finest elf-made fizz was already chilling. She began to wonder what the occasion was when she sensed the door to the establishment had opened and in strode her pregnant companion accompanied by an even more pregnant witch.
"I hope you don't mind, but I thought it would be nice to invite someone else," Narcissa called to her as she walked towards their table with a familiar figure.
"Fleur!" Hermione said cheerily as she stood to greet her with hug, which was proving more difficult these days due to the French witch's ever growing bump.
"I have not been here before," Fleur admitted as she sat down. "I am looking forward to my first English Afternoon Tea."
"Everything is lovely here," Narcissa told her knowingly before adding, "And you're looking rather well, I must say."
Fleur nodded, placing her hand over her moving offspring. "I feel better than I have in quite some time."
"Has everything settled with the baby?" Hermione asked knowing how ill Fleur's pregnancy could make her feel at times.
"Or is Lucius spoiling you rotten," Narcissa chuckled.
"Both. Although I will be honest, I am quite glad to be out of the house. He can be a little overbearing in making sure I am...what is the phrase...wrapped in cotton wool?"
"Make the most of it," Narcissa laughed. "When Draco was on the way, he wasn't allowed to enjoy my pregnancy. It wasn't the done thing even though in private he always looked after me. Let him have his moment."
Fleur smiled at the older witch. She had been quite overwhelmed by how supportive Narcissa had been towards her of late, but she was grateful for it. "Don't get me wrong, I love that he is so attentive, but..."
" are more than capable of going to the loo on your own without him worrying?" Narcissa offered.
Fleur's pained look as she nodded had both her companions laughing as the elf-made wine was poured and the three tiered stand magically filled with all manner of deliciousness. From then on the conversation turned to Severus' birthday, and the only thing that was decided was that Hermione and Fleur would be frequenting The Waning Willow together more often.
Slightly disheartened by her lack of ideas, Hermione was in a world of her own when she returned to Hogwarts. She was so lost in thought as she walked back to their chambers that she didn't see Neville, who was carrying a pile of books so large that it would not have looked out of place in her own arms, as she turned the corner. Said pile of books were destined for the floor.
"Oh god, Neville! I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Hermione fussed as she scrabbled to try and pick up the fallen books.
Neville just looked down at her, a smile gracing the Herbology professor's lips as he watched his friend in such a state. With a flick of his wand, he Summoned all the books to him, leaving Hermione sat on the floor looking up at him with her mouth wide open in shock. Thankfully no students were in the vicinity to hear him tease, "Really Hermione, as lovely as you look on your knees with your mouth wide open, I, and you, are both spoken for."
Hermione looked confused.
"Oh for the love of...what the fuck is wrong with you?" Neville asked as he set his books down and offered her his hand.
As her friend pulled her to her feet, the curly haired professor burst into tears.
Realising he needed to take control of the situation quickly, the formerly timid boy, levitated his books and still holding the headmaster's fiancée's hand, stated decisively that tea was in order and she was going to tell him what was wrong.
Neville Longbottom's office was, to all intents and purposes, a greenhouse. He had all manner of magical and Muggle flora adorning every surface and wall, and yet there were two clear spaces: his desk, which had little on it apart from a few photographs of Adrian, his parents and friends, and the area where he prepared his tea.
Noticing how Hermione was admiring his ordered chaos, he smirked as he Summoned two mugs and set the kettle to boil. "Grandmother, always says that the best tea is made in a clear space with a clear head, and as you don't seem to have a clear head I guess that means I'm making the tea. So, come on then, what's wrong?"
Hermione shrugged as she stared up at the brightly coloured blooms of the Umberella plant growing from the ceiling. "I don't know. Well, I do. There's just so much shit going on,and I'm so worried and I just want Severus to have a proper birthday because he's never really had one. And I don't know what to get him, and Lucius and Narcissa couldn't help, and..."
"...shall I ask Adrian to arrange a tour of Kew Gardens for you both?"
"What?!" Hermione exclaimed, looking at him as if he'd just slapped her around the face.
"Well," Neville continued as he handed her a mug of steaming tea, "for one, I know you two are always disappearing to one of your houses, but you're always doing work around them so you don't actually go out for the day much. And depending on the time of year there's always something different to see there. He is very interested in both are...and Adrian can get you in to see all the research labs. Severus has already said that he's interested in Ady's work. And it's..."
"...brilliant! It's absolutely, bloody brilliant. You're brilliant," Hermione shrieked nearly spilling her tea, and then placing it carefully on Neville's desk before throwing her arms around him.
"I'll take that as a yes then," Neville gasped as the air was knocked out of him. "Leave it with me," he forced out as he returned the hug, secretly pleased that his transition from clumsy to useful friend was finally complete.
By some miracle or deities idea of a joke, Severus Snape was alive and well on his thirty ninth birthday, and the lack of witch in his bed meant that his hopes of being woken with a birthday blow job had been dashed. The closest thing he had to a pussy in his bed was stretched out like a white feather duster, apparently sleeping.
Why are your lips not wrapped around my cock? It is, I believe, my birthday.
It is, indeed, your birthday, and my lips and anything else you want will be wrapped around your cock after I've... "brought you breakfast in bed," Hermione continued as she kicked open the bedroom door. "And don't you dare say we have House Elves for this. You did it for me, and so I am doing it for you."
Her wizard immediately closed his mouth.
Hermione placed the tray laden with scrambled egg and smoked salmon on toast, coffee, croissants and orange juice on Severus' lap before crawling back into bed next to him.
Severus eyed the scrambled eggs and toast suspiciously. The eggs looked fluffy and light and there appeared to be no sign of burning anywhere. "Did you...?"
"Yes, I did cook it myself," Hermione confirmed proudly before admitting, "I've been practising at Mum's for the last two days after Lucius kind of made me realise that I really need to start cooking more."
"Blunt was he?"
"You know Lucius."
"Alas! But this all looks perfect, love. Thank you," Severus smirked, leaning over to kiss her.
"You haven't tasted it yet!" Hermione teased, kissing him back and handing him a fork.
"Very true, but you made it for me and even if it tastes like a cow pat, you will not hear that from me."
"Since when have you become so diplomatic?"
"Since I decided that I would very much like to continue having sex on a regular basis," he told her before taking the plunge and shoving a mouthful of egg into his mouth.
"Good reason," Hermione laughed, but her playfulness was short lived as she anxiously awaited his verdict.
Severus realised he was being watched expectantly. He put his fork down, enjoying the flicker of panic in Hermione's eyes before declaring that he could get very used to her cooking for him. The smile on Hermione's face was birthday present enough for him, but the fact that he actually didn't have to lie about how good the eggs were was an added bonus.
"Now, come on, eat up. The sooner we finish, the sooner I can unwrap..."
Hermione gasped. "Oh god! Presents!" And with a flick of her wrist Severus' birthday presents appeared on his bedside table.
Looking at the small pile of gifts, Severus swallowed hard. He knew they weren't just from Hermione. There were presents from her parents, too, and he was deeply touched. But he managed to snap himself out of it by stating, "I actually meant that I could unwrap you, but these will do for now."
His witch giggled and took a mouthful of her own cooking, pleasantly surprised at how well she'd done. Needless to say, it wasn't long after they finished their breakfast that the unwrapping started. And once that had started, Severus' cock found itself being 'wrapped' by Hermione in all sorts of imaginative and very naughty ways.
Pius Thicknesse was a man with much on his mind. He was going to be a father: a prospect that had been ripped away from him when Alice had been killed. And yet Narcissa was now just over three months pregnant. He had no regrets about this turn of events, but he knew that he had to protect both her and his baby from the threat that no one, apart from a select few, knew about. And this threat was not just infiltrating the British Ministry, but the Australian and possibly the Albanian Ministries, as well as Durmstrang.
He sat at his desk, staring at the various pieces of parchment that were floating before him. Each contained various pieces of information, names of suspects or persons of interest. He was ordering and reordering them with an almost lackadaisical flicking of his wand as he tried to make form some semblance of sense.
Someone had tried very hard to make this look like an attempt to heap retribution upon the head of Severus Snape by targeting those closest to him, but something Severus had mentioned when he perused the evidence provided by Graeme Hartford regarding the death of poor Sarah Tindell had unlocked something in his mind which he was unable to shake.
The LeStrange brothers had once again been spotted in Albania, and Hagrid had been alerted to reports of the Albanian Ministry apprehending a number of illegal unicorn traders near where they had been seen. And the Ministry's curse breaking team, which included Bill Weasley, had been redeployed to a nearby mountain range after a couple of Muggles on a camping trip reported being unable to enter a cave due to an unseen presence. An excess of vodka had been blamed by the Muggle Authorities; the wizards who worked for the Muggle Authorities had never seen wards like it.
The same names kept coming up from a number of sources: Yaxley, Dolohov, the LeStrange brothers, Poliakov, Harkinsson, Lawson, Shacklebolt and now two new names were being thrown into the mix. One there may actually be evidence for and the other...just an initial for now...came from a gut feeling which felt as disturbingly probable as it was improbable.
A sudden rap on his door caused The Head of Magical Law Enforcement to snap out of his deliberations and as the pieces parchments drifted down into a neat pile on his desk, he bade his visitor welcome.
"Ah Mister Krum, thank you so much for dropping by. How was your meeting with Foreign Affairs?" Pius asked with as much cheer as he could muster.
Viktor shrugged."Very good, I think. I do not think they have decided on what job to give me yet, but they seemed pleased that I have decided to work for them."
"And so they should," Pius said with a smile as he Summoned a tray of coffee from the sideboard. "Well, at least they have until next month to decide where to put you. Have you started looking for houses?"
"Melina has. Oliver Wood is trying to persuade me to join the coaching staff at Puddlemere United, and he has been sending details to us of properties in that area. So far she likes all of them! But I do not mind where we live as long she is happy there."
"I can see you have the right idea to maintaining your future happiness," Pius laughed before asking if Viktor was ready for his testimonial match next month.
It was only when the coffee was finished that Pius turned his attention to more pressing matters.
"As requested I have been paying close attention to Harkinsson," Viktor continued. "He was not at Durmstrang on the night that girl was killed in Melbourne. It may be a coincidence that the killer of the Aurors was, as they put it, foreign, but he is often off the grounds. Poliakov doesn't seem to know where he is or even care where he is."
"Or he knows where he is and doesn't care," Pius added.
"More likely. And the owls he uses are commonplace. I have used the tracing potion rSeverus gave me on all the birds in the owlery. I hope this is useful," the Bulgarian said, handing over a piece of parchment.
Pius perused the list of destinations and aside from Knockturn Alley, one stood out a mile. "Very useful," the older wizard smirked, his eyes triumphantly burning into the parchment. "Now, if you will excuse me, I hope your house hunting goes well, I will, of course, be in attendance next month, and we will talk soon, but I need to inform the Headmaster of this development."
Viktor stood and with a curt nod said, "I am glad to be of service."
Pius smiled, and as the door closed, he Flooed directly to Severus Snape's office.
The headmaster looked up from his pile of parchments to hear the words, "Miss Parkinson was right. Harkinsson is Crabbe."
Severus pondered this. "So Shacklebolt and Harkinsson must still be alive for the Luciferan to be active still. Where the hell are they being kept though?"
"I think the curse breakers might be about to find out," Pius told him knowingly. "Happy birthday, by the way."
Despite the impending promise of a breakthrough, the next few weeks proved frustrating for the curse breakers in Albania. They worked day and night to dismantle and disarm wave after wave of wards and curses, but whilst they were yet to make significant inroads into the discovering either who set them or what lay behind them, Severus together with his team of confidants and spies furthered their plans to ensure his and Hermione's safety over the coming months.
Ron Weasley and Pansy Parkinson were proving most useful in supplying information from Yaxley. Their partnership was a tense one, after all they had never been friendly at school, but as his Flying Instructor left his office having provided another worrying update, Severus threw his head back against his chair, and exhaled forcefully.
"Don't be so melodramatic," his grandmother grumbled as she entered her portrait on his desk.
Turning his head slightly towards her, he sighed before addressing the only previous incumbent of is position he'd allowed to be present in his office when Ron arrived."You heard what he said, Albus. He knew exactly what Hermione did in Diagon Alley a few weeks ago. They are watching her. They know that according to the Prophecy until we are married I am vulnerable and it only takes one of them to get ideas above their station and..."
His grandmother could sense Severus' impending self deprecation building. "And?"
"I should send her away before..."
Where?" Lady Eleanor snapped. "Where would you send her? Where on this earth could you send that young woman so that she wasn't standing in front of you days later slapping you for being an idiot?"
"I would have to agree with your grandmother," Dumbledore informed him knowingly.
The astute witch smirked. "Well of course you would because I am always right in these matters. However, it would appear that despite my grandson being an intelligent man, he has taken leave of his senses."
Dumbledore's eyes beamed as Severus tried to bite back at his grandmother, but she had already started on the next part of her passionate lecture entitled: 'Severus Snape cannot think further than his nose.'
"We are all perfectly aware of what the prophecy states, but when you marry...and marry you shall as you have both is not only you that is afforded additional protection. Your bond is already strong and offers more protection than most, but once she becomes your wife, the bond's strength increases on both sides. Ergo you can protect her more readily once you are married than you can now. So sending her away isn't protecting her. Telling yourself that her life is worth more than yours is not only erroneous, but futile in this case because she needs you as much as you need her. So stick to the plan and I look forward to greeting my granddaughter in law as arranged."
Severus pondered this for a moment before speaking.
"Do you really think this is going to work?"
Lady Eleanor looked at Dumbledore for the answer, but neither found they had it. It was times like this both portrait figures felt impotent in their ability to provide physical comfort and support. It was Dumbledore who took it upon himself to try and reassure his successor.
"No one knows, dear boy, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. It would be a sad state of affairs if we only did things because we felt comfortable. The things that scare us are the things that mean we are truly alive after all."
Severus nodded and a sudden realisation washed over him. He was scared, and yet with Hermione by his side he was more alive than he'd ever been. He just hoped she didn't live to regret what they were about to do.
Rain bounced off the grey stone steps that led up to the Town Hall in Cokeworth as Robert Hopkins pulled up to the kerb outside. He rushed out of the car to put up an large umbrella that somehow managed to cover not only himself, but Helen, Michael and Hermione Granger. Thanks to the various wards and charms that Severus had insisted on casting, no one seemed to notice as they walked up the steps into the old building before following the signs to the Registry Office.
They were greeted by a stern middle aged woman in an ill fitting grey suit and clumpy black shoes. For someone who oversaw what was, for many, the happiest day of their lives, she really was a joyless character who took herself far too seriously.
"My name is Frances Warne, and I will be officiating today. Mr Snape is already here although I believe he is still awaiting his witnesses. Would you like to wait out here or join him?"
Hermione swallowed as she realised what she was about to happen. She felt her mother's hand squeeze around her own and looking up was comforted by Helen's reassuring smile. Everyone, thanks to the Daily Prophet, knew that Severus and Hermione would be getting married, but only eight people knew it would be today...well, ten if you included Albus Dumbledore and Lady Eleanor Prince, but due to obvious practicalities they would not be in attendance. Helen knew that Hermione wanted her closest friends to be there as well, but it had been agreed that it was better for everyone concerned that only a select few knew of this Muggle ceremony and when it was to take place.
"We'll go in," Hermione told the celebrant with a weak smile and the large cream panelled doors were opened to reveal a plain room with large sash windows, blue velvet curtains, blue carpet and about fifty blue covered chairs. At the front of the room sat Severus in a Muggle suit looking decidedly awkward.
He turned and stood as Hermione and her parents entered the room, and was taken aback when Michael held out his hand to him.
"You look after her," he warned his soon to be son in law.
Severus simply informed him that he had every intention of doing so as Hermione appeared at his side. A sudden wave of guilt washed over him.
"This was not how I intended this day to be," he told her quietly, his voice heavy with regret.
"I know," she told him taking his hand. "At least it shouldn't be raining in July."
"Well, we can take the appropriate precautions to make sure that it isn't," he teased before adding, "Just make sure you have whatever you want when we do this properly."
Hermione smiled and then looked over at her mother. "Do you think Mum will let me do otherwise?"
Severus shook his head. "Definitely not! And at least you'll have everyone around you that you want. I am so sorry that we could not invite Molly and Arthur and all your friends."
"What about you? Draco and Narcissa aren't here, although Lucius is pleased because it means she can't take a thousand galleons off him just yet."
Severus quirked an eyebrow to show that he demanded an explanation.
"They had a bet years ago. Narcissa said you would be married before you were forty. Lucius had other ideas."
"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Severus asked hiding his amusement, and looking to the door as two faint pops were heard in the corridor. His wand arm twitched until into the room strode Lucius and Minerva.
Whilst the pair only needed two witnesses to be married, Hermione had insisted that both her parents be in attendance, and whilst Severus had initially only intended to inform Lucius of today's events, a passing comment from Minerva about her killing him they should run off and marry in secret, made him realise that actually he wanted her there, too.
"I cannot believe I am attending your wedding without the stag do that I have been planning in my head for years," Lucius announced as he approached Severus and Hermione.
"I'm rather glad," Severus drawled knowing that Lucius' mind was wide open. "I can only imagine what you had planned."
Lucius smirked and winked at Hermione. "I bet you can't!"
"I'm a Legilimens," Severus reminded him dryly.
"This is true. Therefore, you will know what an epic event it would have been," his friend told him smugly.
"That poor sheep," Severus remarked with a glint in his eye.
It was then Severus' turn to become smug. "And when you and Fleur are free to marry, just remember who will be organising your stag do. And don't say it will be Draco because as his godfather I will take it upon myself to offer him all manner of assistance in the matter."
Lucius suddenly paled knowing the level of mischief Severus was more than capable of causing. "I suppose we'll be going out for a respectable dinner and a few drinks in July then," he offered trying to diffuse the situation.
Severus just shook his head. "We both know that's not going to happen. Just leave the sheep out of it."
Lucius was about to reply when a sharp cough was heard.
"Shall we get on with the ceremony?" Ms Warne asked.
Ten minutes later and Mr and Mrs Severus Snape were invited to seal their union with a kiss. But Frances Warne did not see their lips touch or remember signing the Register which for some reason had a page missing. All she could remember was a scottish lady say something and she found herself stood at the front of an empty room.
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