Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
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Harry and Draco stood at the edge of the Quidditch pitch, brooms in hand, and identical looks of horror on their faces.There were BUSHES growing on the PITCH!“Well, this is just lovely.” Draco sneered. “It must have something to do with the tournament, which explains why there’s no Quidditch this year, but WHAT are they THINKING?!”Harry shrugged. “Dunno. Do you think it’ll interfere with our game?”Draco rolled his eyes. “No, the bushes won’t interfere with a game of Snitch, but they’re UGLY. Well, there’s really nothing to be done about it. Ready?” He held up the practice snitch, and Harry nodded.They mounted their brooms and Draco released the snitch. They both watched it, then lost it as they counted to ten, then kicked off.Draco watched Harry as he flew, keeping an eye out for the snitch as well. He really DID fly well, and Draco knew that even if he won this game, which would surprise him, he’d be hard-pressed to beat him during a game. Harry had a way with his broom that Draco simply couldn’t match, though he could come close.He shook himself out of his thoughts as Harry took off, obviously having caught sight of the snitch. He slowed after a few moments, cursing under his breath, as Draco finally caught up with him. “Lost it?” Draco asked in amusement. “My snitch is good at losing people. It LEARNS, Potter. And I’m not a bad Seeker, after all. You’ll have to really TRY to catch this one.”Harry glared at him, though Draco could tell it was out of habit, rather than any real malice. They had grown past the rivalry they had shared, and now might even be considered friends, of a sort. “I AM trying.”“Not hard enough.” Draco said lightly, and sped toward the snitch, which he had spotted just behind Harry.Harry turned and they were neck-and-neck, both reaching for the little ball, determined to be the one to catch it.Draco growled, pushing his broom to its limit, watching as Harry STILL inched past him. He cried out in denial when Harry managed to close his hand around the little ball, stopping with him and glaring at him accusingly as Harry laughed.“I won, Malfoy!” He crowed.Draco growled. “I noticed. You only won because you have the better broom. Mine couldn’t go any faster.”Harry snorted. “Uh-huh. Tell yourself that if it makes you feel better; I know that I’m just a better flier all around.” He teased.Draco rolled his eyes. “Right. My snitch?” He held out his hand.Harry handed it back, still grinning. “You’re a sore loser, aren’t you?”“When I lose due to inferior equipment, yes.” Draco said, grinning.They turned and headed toward the edge of the bushes. “Why don’t we try this again sometime, and switch brooms?” Harry suggested.Draco turned a surprised gaze on him. “You’d let me fly your broom?” He asked, stunned.Harry shrugged. “If you’re willing to let me fly yours, why not? Not for an actual game, of course.”“Of course.” Draco echoed, smirking. “I think I might just take you up on that offer. Shower?”Harry nodded. “Yeah.”Draco grinned. “Since I may never have another opportunity like this, can I use the Gryffindor changing rooms?”Harry shrugged. “Why not? Not like there’ll be anyone else in there right now.”*****“A hedge maze?” Cedric asked.Shiloe nodded. “On the Quidditch pitch. You haven’t seen it?”Cedric shook his head. “Not much reason for me to go out there, is there? There’s no Quidditch this year. No practices or anything like that.” He explained.Viktor’s eyes narrowed. “Vhy are you telling us this?” He asked.Shiloe sighed. “Because you’re my anchors, and I want you to be as prepared as possible. I don’t want you to get injured in there. The more time you have to prepare, the less likely it is that you’ll get hurt.”Lucius came out of the library and nodded to Shiloe, then stopped short, one hand coming to rest on his stomach.Shiloe was out of his seat in an instant, rushing to his side. “Are you okay? Do you need anything?”“I… I do believe I felt the baby move.” Lucius said softly.Viktor smiled from where he was sitting, and Shiloe beamed. “Really? That’s wonderful!” Shiloe said excitedly.“It is. Now, I have the books I wanted. I will return to my room.” Lucius said, leaning in to kiss Shiloe. “Have fun with your fellow champions. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He said with a smirk.Shiloe turned to the others, a wide smile on his face. “I’m going to celebrate. Do you two want a glass of Firewhiskey?”Cedric shrugged. “Why not? If that’s not reason to celebrate, I don’t know what is.”Viktor smiled. “I, too, vill celebrate your impending fatherhood.” He agreed.Shiloe poured three glasses of Firewhiskey and brought the bottle with him as he sat down, setting it on the low table between the chairs and couch. “To Lucius, the bearer of my first child!” Shiloe said happily, raising his glass.Cedric and Viktor smiled, toasting Lucius and taking large gulps of the Firewhiskey.Cedric grinned. “So, how far have you two gotten? Have you slept together yet?” He asked Viktor.Shiloe chuckled into his drink as Viktor flushed. “Vhy do you vant to know?” The older teen asked, taking another sip of his drink.Cedric shrugged. “I mostly just want to know if I can proposition you yet without fearing Shiloe’s wrath. He’s the one that gets his anchors first, after all.” He flicked a glance at Shiloe, who was watching the two of them intently, waiting to see how this unexpected drama played out.“Ve have had sex.” Viktor said softly, his flush still firmly in place. “It vas… Very enjoyable.”“So, I’m free to try to get my own ticket into your pants?” Cedric asked with a wide smile.Viktor took another long sip of his drink, letting his eyes trail over Cedric’s body slowly. Finally, he set his drink down and crossed his arms. “You are attractive. Vhy do you vant me?”“You intrigue me.” Cedric admitted. “I have no idea who would be top if I were to try for you, and I have to admit, I’d probably enjoy either position. You’re hot, and as the only other anchor of my age, you’re the one I’m the most curious about. Plus, you haven’t really hung out with us yet, as a Pack. That adds a sexy element of mystery to you.” He finished with an unrepentant grin.“I vill keep that in mind. Ask me again vhen ve know each other better.” Viktor said.Cedric nodded. “Fair enough. I can do that.”*****“Shiloe.”“Mm?” The slightly tipsy teen grinned up at his anchor. “Luc. I love you!” He chirped.Lucius smothered a chuckle, eyeing the Firewhiskey bottle he knew had been full just that morning. It was now half-gone, and Cedric and Viktor were nowhere to be seen. “I see you’ve been making merry on my behalf.” He noted, sitting in the chair near Shiloe’s. “I need to ask you a favor.”Shiloe nodded slowly, then stopped, as the room swayed alarmingly. “Okay.” He said instead.“I want to visit the house I will be moving to, either this summer or once I’ve had our daughter and am strong enough afterwards to travel again. I need to prepare the nursery and tune you and Harry to the wards.” Lucius said, folding his hands in his lap. “As it is a Sunday, we have the time. I only need a few hours there to set things in place for my return.”Shiloe blinked, then sighed as the room tilted again. “Why do you and Severus always insist on doing things when I’m drunk?” He asked peevishly.Lucius raised a brow. “I could go alone. Regardless, I AM going NOW.”Shiloe huffed. “Fine. Spell me sober, and we’ll go.”Lucius drew his wand and waved it wordlessly over Shiloe’s body, and Shiloe groaned as his lazy lassitude and giddy happiness dissipated.“Alright.” Shiloe stood. “I assume we’re walking to Hogsmeade, and Apparating from there?”Lucius sneered. “Of course not.” He held up his right hand, showing the Malfoy crest ring he wore. “You do know how a head of family ring works, right, Shiloe?”Shiloe smiled. “Oh, right. Head of the family. I forgot. So we’re traveling by not-quite-portkey.” He corrected himself.Lucius snorted. “Indeed.” He said, then concentrated on Moonrun Manor, and they disappeared, reappearing on the grounds, near the front door.The Manor itself was in the middle of a forest, with just enough space for gardens around the house before the forest swallowed up the surrounding area.“Welcome, Shiloe, to Moonrun Manor. There are unicorns in the forest, as well as a lake with nymphs somewhere. The Malfoy family absorbed the property when one of my ancestors married the last of the Fawcette line. This was their Manor, though it is nowhere near as large as Malfoy Manor is. Let’s get you and Harry properly attuned to the wards.” He said, striding briskly up to the door and waiting.Shiloe joined him, placing his hand on the door.Lucius placed his own hand over Shiloe’s and tapped his wand on the door, and Shiloe felt his hand heat as pulses of warm, protective magic washed over it, then retreated.Lucius smiled. “There. Let’s go in.” He opened the door and looked around, nodding. “Dinkie!” He called.A house-elf appeared, bowing low. “Master is finally back at Moonrun! Dinkie has been lonely!” The house-elf’s eyes widened. “Master is with child! Dinkie will be cleaning the nursery!” The elf said, with tears in its large eyes. “Dinkie will be helping care for the baby!” The house-elf said to itself before it disappeared.Lucius chuckled. “He always was happiest with a child to care for. I almost gave him to Draco, but he was needed more here, so Draco had Ellie as his primary elf. Dinkie will belong to Aquila. Dursley!” Lucius called out.Dursley appeared, and Shiloe snarled at the elf, who shrank back in fear.Shiloe chuckled darkly, cuddling into Lucius’ side.“Love, if you scare him too much, he may not work to the best of his abilities. I need him useful, for now.” Lucius chided, amusement lacing his words. “Dursley, you are to clean the Master suite and the East Wing, in between your duties at Hogwarts. I need them ready by June.” Lucius said firmly.Dursley nodded, and then disappeared.Lucius sighed. “Now, to find a good place to sit and rest for a while.”Shiloe looked around as they headed to a small room decorated in light greens and yellows, with several couches along the walls and a few chairs interspersed between, in varying shades of light green. “Hmm. Not bad.” Shiloe decided, sitting on the couch beside Lucius.Lucius nodded. “It is a nice place, though I haven’t been here often. Narcissa has no idea of its existence, so it should be safe. Draco and I came here for a few days during one of Narcissa’s trips to France, and he loved it. When he turns seventeen, I’m going to gift it to him.”Shiloe smiled. “That’s a generous gift.”Lucius waved a careless hand. “I’m sure he’d be happier with his own place, so that he doesn’t need to stay with me if he doesn’t want to. By then, I should be back in Malfoy Manor. I can’t stay gone for too long, I belong there.”Shiloe nodded. He knew how Lucius felt. Harry and Shiloe both had often felt that same sense of belonging at Hogwarts, and since the Founders themselves wanted Harry and Shiloe to take over one day, they knew now that there was a reason for that feeling.Hogwarts was home, just as Malfoy Manor was home for Lucius.Lucius groaned, leaning his head back on the chair. “Dinkie!” He called.Dinkie appeared. “Yes, Master?”“Tea, for us both. Then you may resume your cleaning. We’ll be checking your progress once we finish our tea.” He said.The elf nodded and popped out.“He is one of my best house-elves, really. It’s such a shame he’s tied to this Manor. Once the baby comes, though, I daresay he’ll give up his ties to this Manor and tie himself to the child instead.” Lucius said with a small smile.Shiloe frowned. “Can house-elves DO that? Decide what they’re tied to?”Lucius nodded. “To an extent.”Dinkie popped back in, setting up the tea service on the table in front of their couch and popping back out again.Lucius began pouring the tea. “They can belong to a specific House that a family owns, as Dinkie does,” He handed the cup to Shiloe and poured his own as Shiloe added milk and sugar to his, “Or, they can tie themselves to a certain member of the family. Ellie is Draco’s personal elf, and Dursley is currently tied to me. He’ll go where I go. Ellie stays at Malfoy Manor, but that’s because that’s where Draco considers his home right now. Since we’ll be staying here this summer, she’ll move here as well.” He finished, and stirred the milk and sugar he’d added into his tea, before taking a small sip.Shiloe nodded. “So, does that mean Tuney is tied to Harry?” He asked.Lucius smiled. “Correct. She’ll stay wherever he tells her to, but if he needs her, wherever he is, he need only call her, and she’ll appear to him.”Shiloe stayed silent for a while, sipping on his tea, while he pondered that. In some ways, it was good that the house-elf was tied to Harry, but in others, it could cause some problems. Would Shiloe be able to call the house-elf, as well? He just didn’t know enough about the magic involved, as not many other Shiloe had had a Host tied to a house-elf. It was uncharted territory. He decided against trying to call her, for now. With the reaction he’d had to Dursley, and the restrictions placed on him by Harry regarding Tuney, it was better to just leave the matter alone, for now.Lucius finished his tea and stood up. “Let’s go to the nursery and see how Dinkie’s doing, shall we?”Shiloe stood, setting his tea down.“Dursley!” Lucius called out.Dursley popped in.“Clean this up.” Lucius commanded, heading out of the room and up the stairs.Shiloe followed Lucius up the stairs and through the Master Suite, which was decorated in dark greens with gold trim. “This room has seen use relatively recently, so it is already to my taste, but the nursery has not seen any use in at least three generations, perhaps more.” Lucius told him, opening the adjoining door.Dinkie was making the crib up, tucking in sheets and humming happily. He looked up as Lucius and Shiloe walked in and beamed as he added a lavender blanket onto the crib. The walls were a muted lilac color, and there were unicorns painted on the walls. “Master will be keeping the baby here? Master is pleased with the nursery?” He asked eagerly.“I am very pleased, Dinkie. She will love it. Good work.” Lucius told the elf.Dinkie squeaked in pleasure, bowing, then raised a hand. “If you is having a girl, should Dinkie be making the bed pink? Or is Dinkie keeping it white?”Lucius shrugged. “Leaving it white is fine with me.” He answered.Shiloe smiled as they exited, heading back to the Master suite. “It’s nice. Pretty.”Lucius nodded. “Yes. We should get you back to Hogwarts before we’re missed.”Shiloe nodded. “Good idea.”
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