The Rise of the Drackens: The Scaled Bits | By : StarLightMassacre Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 169799 -:- Recommendations : 8 -:- Currently Reading : 21 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. All rights of Harry Potter belong to J. K. Rowling. I am making absolutely no money from this piece of fictional writing. |
18th December 2020
Nasta – 60 Years
Max – 54 Years
Blaise – 41 Years
Draco – 40 Years
Harry – 40 Years
Braiden – 23 Years
Quints – 22 Years
Eva and Ave – 21 Years
Taren – 20 Years
Lai – 20 Years
Xabiere – 18 Years
Mace and Evie – 18 Years
Mollie – 17 Years
Ceri, Jason, Ethan, and Saeth – 16 Years
Seren and Senan – 14 Years
Lian – 13 Years
Phoebe, Neave, and Lucine – 12 Years
Loren – 11 Years
Cyneric and Kallan – 10 Years
Gage – 8 Years
Rosalia, Nia, and Vanora – 7 Years
Sextuplets – 6 Years
Lyran – 2 Years
Caronwen – 19 Months
Light Show
Alexander smiled as he gathered his great-grandchildren around him. He looked at their sweet, upturned faces shining with excitement as he took them around the streets to see all the different houses.
Of course nothing really matched the calibre of what Harry had done at their own house this year, he thought with a chuckle as he remembered the enormous sleigh and the nine, life-sized, light up reindeer. But still, sometimes just seeing something different was just as good.
“Granddad, look at that one!” Little Nia pointed out, holding Alexander’s hand.
He looked and saw the house done completely in gold and white.
“It’s like our Faeries!” Loren burst out excitedly.
Alexander smiled, but he cast a cautious eye around as well, looking for any danger, and automatically counting the children to make sure that they were all still there. Some of them had the tendency to wander off if they got distracted, the little ones especially.
He had been doing this for two weeks already, every single day, just taking out groups of his great-grandchildren, or great-great-grandchildren, to see the Christmas lights. It gave their parents some free time to have a break at this very stressful time of year, or in the case of Maxie and his mateship, time to wrap some presents in peace.
Max’s children were exceptionally adorable though, especially the surprise sextuplets, who all held hands with one another in a little group, three in front and three behind, and those on the ends put their hands forward, or back, so that they were all holding hands. Of course the headstrong Eiren was leading them with his equally headstrong sister, Eris, on one hand and his identical twin brother, Eurei on the other side.
They were only six, but Alexander vividly remembered the shocked, frantic call from Max to inform them that Harry had come out of his nest with six babies, and not the five they had been expecting. Eiren and Eurei were identical to the last freckle, however, so in a twist of fate Harry had only conceived the maximum number of five embryos, but one of those five had split into two babies.
“That house is all blue, look!”
Alexander looked to where Gage was pointing, and he chuckled at the soft sighs of wonder as they saw the house decked out in all LED electric blue.
“It needs some more colour to break it up!” Phoebe insisted. “It’s too blue.”
Alexander tried to hide his chuckle as the kids ripped apart all the decorations that weren’t their own. They only liked some houses, though their favourite was the one around the corner, lit up with every single colour imaginable, with so many decorations it looked like the Christmas shop had vomited all over their house…then perhaps Alexander was biased, as Maxie had told him that the owners had put up their decorations a week after they had, and seemed to be trying to purposefully outdo them in some misplaced sense of jealousy.
“Our house is still better!” Vanora insisted.
“Obviously, that’s a given!” Neave waved off and Alexander tried to stifle another laugh at how precocious these little ones were. They all seemed to be more forward, especially with their words, than they should have been.
“That one is so cool!” Gage insisted, looking at the next house, which had an almost life-sized nativity on the front lawn.
“I had to do the nativity.” Eris said. “I was Mary, Granddad.”
“I remember, sweetheart.” Alexander assured her. Max had recorded the entire thing and had sent copies to family.
“I had to be Joseph!” Eiren complained. “We can’t be married, Granddad.”
Alexander smothered a chuckle. “It was only pretend, Eiren.” He said instead.
“That’s what the teachers said!” Eiren said. “I told them that Eris was my sister, but they said it wasn’t actually real.”
“I was a angel!” Little Emerus piped up, holding Ellette’s hand tight on one side and Errai’s on the other.
“You were a perfect angel, Emerus.” Alexander told him.
With six of them being the same age, and in the same class as well, they did tend to take over everything. Eiren, Eurei, and Eris were very headstrong and wilful. Ellette and Errai tended to lean more towards being calmer and quieter, though only compared to the sextuplets as a whole group. Eris and Ellette together were little terrors, and Errai, Eiren, and Eurei together were little monsters. Emerus had had some problems early in life, and had been diagnosed with partial deafness when he was four. Since that diagnosis, and a battery of treatments to help him, he had flourished.
His behaviour from before had been ingrained, however, and he tended to watch and observe more than charge ahead like his sac-siblings. He took in all information first, and Alexander believed that this was from when he had been unable to hear. He was more cautious, and despite getting full range of hearing back, Emerus was still quiet, shy, and he hung back while his siblings charged ahead. His speech had also been affected due to him not being able to hear, but the boys had been assured that this would resolve itself in a few years. Harry was rightfully angry, all of them were rightfully angry, as they had been insisting that Emerus couldn’t hear them for two years before he’d gotten his diagnosis…if Emerus had been diagnosed at two years old, as opposed to four, his speech likely wouldn’t have been as affected, his personality might not have been as affected.
Alexander sighed, and pulled up a smile for the group of children. Nia was still on his hand and he pulled her ahead of him.
“What do we think about this house?” He asked, as he directed them to a house that looked like Santa’s grotto, complete with a fake Santa sitting in a little cove, several little elves around him, and fake snow all over the grass.
“That Santa isn’t real!” Rosalia gasped, looking at the mechanical Santa.
“No, this one is just a decoration.” Alexander agreed.
“Want see Santa.” Little Lyran said from his other side, holding his one arm up in an indication to be picked up.
Alexander stopped and picked him up. It was a little late for him to be out, which was why Caronwen hadn’t come, but Lyran had refused to be denied the joy of coming out to see the lights with his older siblings.
“Can you see?” Alexander asked, pointing out the Santa to Lyran.
Lyran clapped his hands. “I see.”
Alexander cocked Lyran on his hip, and he took Nia’s hand again, as he led the kids on to the next house that was decorated.
They’d been out for almost two hours, and it was getting to be too much. It was rather cold, and it was getting late. He’d given the boys plenty of time to have a break from their excited, energetic children, but now it was time for them to warm up with a bath and to start getting ready for bed.
He walked them back towards their home, taking a path they hadn’t gone down yet, so that all the houses and lights were new.
“Home!” Loren cheered, as he ran off ahead. The older triplets followed, and after a moment of hesitation, Gage followed.
Alexander wasn’t overly worried, as he could still see the kids that had ran off, and he watched them turn into their own driveway. He kept the littler children with him, including the sextuplets and the younger triplets. He was still carrying Lyran.
“Come on girls. Let’s see if your mummy has gotten you some hot chocolate.” He said to the younger triplet girls.
“No, Granddad, that’s not how it works!” Vanora told him. “Mummy tells daddy Max to make us our hot chocolate.”
Alexander stifled a laugh. “Oh, is that right?” He asked.
The kids all nodded and Alexander smiled.
They made it up to the house, the front door wide open, and the children all ran off, except for Lyran, who wanted to be carried. Alexander made sure to shut the door behind him.
The kids had mobbed their parents, and Alexander laughed to see them in a pile over all of their dads’ and Harry too, who had an armful of children.
“Mummy!” Lyran called out, and Harry extracted himself to come and collect the two year old.
“Did you have fun with granddad Alexander?” Harry asked him.
“Yeah! Want hot chocolate now.”
“Okay, sweetheart. Max, go and sort that out for them?” Harry asked.
“Sure thing.” Max replied, easing himself out of the puppy pile and heading to the kitchen.
Alexander was hard pressed not to laugh as Harry sent Max to make the kids drinks, just as they had said.
“How were they?” Harry asked.
“Perfect, as always, Harry.” Alexander assured him. “They were very excited seeing all of the lights, though.”
“It’s only a week until Christmas!” Loren said happily.
“Your brothers and sisters will be home tomorrow, are you all excited for that too?” Alexander asked.
He was almost deafened by the screeches and screams of ‘yes’ and he did laugh this time, especially as Max came darting back into the room looking worried.
“We’re really not looking forward to all of those kids coming home.” Blaise sighed.
Harry gave him a glare for it, which Blaise ignored easily.
Max let out a theatrical groan. “Please no. These little horrors are bad enough.”
“We are not horrors, Daddy Max!” Ellette insisted.
“Oh, you are.” Max said. “But you’re my little horrors and I love you anyway.”
“Weren’t you making hot chocolate?” Harry asked, a teasing smile aimed at him.
Max swept Harry into his arms and kissed him, and Alexander smiled to see them so happy.
“Daddy, stop eating mummy and hurry up, we want hot chocolate!” Eiren chastised.
Alexander laughed with the boys at Eiren’s comment, which confused the little boy as he didn’t understand why his serious demand for hot chocolate was garnering laughter from the adults.
“Alright, I’m going.” Max laughed. “Granddad, do you want some tea?”
“Of course. I have to tell you about our adventures.” Alexander smiled, sitting on the settee.
“Did they like that gaudy house around the corner?” Draco demanded.
“They didn’t really like any house.” Alexander said with a chuckle. “Harry has spoilt them.”
“I just think everyone deserves an extra special Christmas this year.” Harry said defensively, and Alexander knew from that that his mates had likely been grouching about how overboard Harry had gone.
“I’m not criticising, sweetheart. I love what you’ve done. I’m thinking of copying you for next year. I have the time and space to go all out for my grandbabies.”
“Nana probably wouldn’t like you ruining her perfectly coordinated colour scheme, or meticulously decorated tree.” Max pointed out as he came in carrying a tray.
“She’s always asking me to decorate the outside of the house more.” Alexander waved off. “You know she’s completely jealous of what you boys have done here.”
Max placed the tray down and handed out drinks, and Alexander accepted his own gratefully. It was getting to be very cold in the evenings now, and he was pleased to wrap his hands around a hot mug of tea.
He listened indulgently as the kids recounting all that they had seen, including the life-sized nativity and Santa’s grotto as he drank his tea.
“Come on you lot, it’s past your bedtime.” Harry said once they’d finished their hot chocolate, and their stories. “You need to have your baths, and then I’ll read you all stories.”
Alexander smiled as Harry herded the kids off, much to their grumbles, but Harry wouldn’t hear of any arguments, as he promised them two stories after their baths.
“So, did you boys get any wrapping done at all?” He asked with a smirk.
“A little.” Max said with a naughty grin.
Alexander chuckled. “Ah, to be young and irresponsible again.”
“It wasn’t irresponsible, we were seeing to the needs of our submissive.” Max insisted.
“Oh, and I’m sure it was such a chore, and he explicitly asked for it?” Alexander teased.
“He more than asked for it wearing that little skirt.” Blaise whispered to Draco beside him, but Alexander just about heard them and he was hard pressed not to burst out laughing.
“Believe me, Granddad, Harry wasn’t an innocent bystander.” Max said more loudly, thinking that perhaps he hadn’t heard the previous comment. Alexander couldn’t wait to get home to tell his mate.
“Well, I don’t envy you and your monstrous wrapping pile.” Alexander said, as he stood and placed his empty cup on the tea tray. “Have a nice Christmas, boys.”
Alexander went to the next room with Max escorting him, and he said his goodbyes and waving away Max’s thanks for taking the kids out for a few hours, before flooing out. He was never more pleased that Harry had chosen his Maxie as a mate. His life had never been this entertaining before Harry had joined them, this wasn’t the first time he’d heard whispers of little skirts.
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A/N: I’ve been doing these little bits for a week already, we’re over the halfway point, and I only have two more ‘bits’ left to write, which I’m confident I can do before the deadline seeing as I’m not in work this week due to two positive Covid test results in my household (I tested negative), but I’m actually off work for two weeks, which is going to do wonders for my writing, I’m sure.
I wanted to do a little piece with the grandparents, and I was actually thinking of maybe Lucius doing it…but then realised he probably wouldn’t like taking all the kids out around the muggle neighbourhood looking at muggle lights. I thought maybe Aneirin because we don’t see much of him…but in the end, it had to be Alexander.
StarLight Massacre. X
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