No one Comes When You cry | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10479 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Sky, the houses in the wall and the plot. Oh, and the wand is mine too. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
No One Comes When You Cry
Chapter 66
At that moment every Order member was standing directly beside a chosen Death Eater, had surreptitiously removed the wand from said Death Eater, and now each removed their invisibility cloaks to reveal their own wands aimed at the Death Eaters. It was a remarkable sight, the looks of shock, fear and outrage on each of Voldemorts servants was priceless. The Order simply stunned their chosen victim and followed with a binding spell.
Voldemort seemed to gurgle deep in his throat, unable to believe what just happened. His already red eyes became a deeper, bloodier red as they turned on Sky and Severus.
“You may think you have won the battle, but you have not won the war. You will never defeat me. I am Lord Voldemort. I am all-powerful. I cannot die no matter what you do. I will always, always return.” He said, his scaly, snakelike face enraged, his slit like nostrils pulsing in anger while his lipless mouth widened in a grin, confident of his own immortality.
Severus raised a brow and smirked at him, causing the Dark Lord to scowl at his ex-servants audacity. “My Lord. We do not think we have won the war, we know it. We know of your horcrux’s, just as we know that all but the one piece of soul residing within you is now destroyed. Oh yes, we knew of the other six, Wormtail and Nagini were but the final two. The locket, the diary, Hufflepuffs cup and the ring, they are all destroyed. Now it is your turn.”
For a moment everyone thought Voldemort was going to implode, such was the absolute rage that emanated from him. He seemed about to speak several times, yet no sound was uttered.
Then his evil red eyes narrowed and he aimed his wand directly at Severus.
Sky grabbed Severus’ hand, her stone, which had been glowing fiery orange when they entered, now matched Voldemorts eyes. A deep, blood red, she raised her own wand and the blood red glow at its tip joined with the one at her throat.
Voldemort screamed the avada kedavra at Snape, sending the bright green light straight at the point between his eyes.
Then the glow from Sky’s wand and stone bathed the couple from head to foot, surrounding them, and when the avada struck, it was absorbed by the red light.
Voldemort fired the curse repeatedly, each time seeing it being absorbed by that strange light the girl emitted from her wand.
He tried other curses, aiming lower, trying to send the curses beneath the shield, he stood on his throne and aimed downward, but still his curses were soaked up by the damnable red shield that defended them.
The Dark Lord was panting with his efforts now, weakening considerably as his curses dwindled to weak pulses that would hardly harm a niffler, let alone a grown wizard.
He collapsed into his throne, pain and exhaustion finally defeating him as he looked despairingly at the couple in front of him. He tried one last tack in hopes of saving his own miserable hide.
“So, you are ready to murder your own father are you girl. Your flesh and blood. Me, whose loins created you, planted the seed that enabled you to grow into the powerful being you are today. You would extinguish a father’s love for the sake of a few halfblooded traitorous nothings, when you could be beside me, helping me rule, basking in my love as a daughter should.”
Sky lowered her wand and the red glow faded.
Severus watched her from the corner of his eyes. He squeezed her hand slightly, needing her to realise that the evil incarnate before them was lying, to raise the shield again, that they were not safe.
Sky gave his hand a gentle squeeze in return, and then spoke softly, but clearly to Voldemort. “There was a time I wanted your love. I would have believed you if you told me then that you loved me. You made a grave error when you threatened my children and my husband. Now all I see in your eyes is hatred, for me, for those around you. Alone we may not be strong enough to destroy you, but together we have something you never had, never gave, something you cannot seem to grasp the concept of. Something that to you is merely a dirty word. Love, father dear. Love.”
With that, Sky raised the wand of bloods, and Severus raised both of his wands in the same hand, pointing them directly at Voldemort. At Severus’ nod, they both shouted avada kedavra.
The green light that radiated from the three wands and Sky’s stone was a deep, dark green. The beams merged and roiled together and opened into a wide circular swirl. A loud boom accompanied the light, reverberating around the room deafeningly, causing the stone walls to tremble with its volume as the dark green light enveloped Tom Marvolo Riddle, engulfing the wizard and swallowing him whole.
His screams were barely audible from inside the encompassing green glow and did not last long, fading to a distant whine until it faded to nothing more than a memory of his cries.
When Sky and Severus lowered their wands, Tom Riddle aka Voldemort aka the Dark Lord was no more. He had vanished from the face of the earth. All that remained was a set of black robes lying in an untidy heap on the floor in front of his throne.
Sky’s stone and wand tip faded to a pale grey, without any sign of a glow. Lifeless, unneeded. For now.
The order remained quiet for a full ten minutes as Sky and Severus stood, their fingers entwined, wands by their sides as the stared at the dusty, empty robes. When as one, they finally turned and walked to the back of the throne room and Sky opened the door wide, revealing Hogwarts Great Hall, every member of the Order whooped and shouted in glee.
Sky didn’t hear them as she and Severus stepped into the castle and faced each other, her face turned up to his, his eyes looking down into hers.
His lips quirked into a small smile and Sky matched it. His grew wider and so did hers. Severus relaxed his face and gave her an all out broad grin, and Sky laughed, her eyes shining with happiness. They were safe, alive. They were home. Again the turned as one and ran through the main hall to the dungeons, into their living quarters and from their to the wall to grab their sons, hugging them tightly and spinning them round.
They carried them to the main entrance and out into the grounds as the members of the Order slowly began to appear outside the school gates after delivering their captives to the Ministry.
Sky held Paul, while Severus held onto Alex and Tony as they waited for the stream of members to reach them.
Albus was first and he hugged each of them in turn along with the children. He took Alex from Severus and headed into the castle, too choked to speak, though his eyes said everything he needed to say to the couple.
Remus was next. He hugged Sky and held out a hand to Severus, who in turn took it and shook it heartily.
Remus took Tony and followed Albus.
Tonks hugged them both and took Alex from Sky, leaving the couple free to accept hug after hug from people they did not even know, until finally Harry, Ron and Hermione were left.
“Sir, Mrs Snape.” Harry said nervously. “Will you shake my hand?” He asked, looking at his ex-professor warily.
“Mr Potter, I will shake your hand gladly on this auspicious occasion. Though do not expect me to make a habit of it.”
Harry grinned and took the Potion Masters hand, shaking it then turning to Sky, who grabbed him in a bear hug before letting go.
Ron shook hands with Severus and beamed when he to was embraced by Sky.
Hermione almost fainted when not to be outdone, Severus ignored her hand and pulled her into his own embrace, lifting her off her feet and spinning her round once before depositing her back on the ground with a smug expression on his face as he looked at Sky.
Sky embraced Hermione also. “Don’t worry; I think he was trying to make me jealous.” She whispered in the trembling girls’ ear.
Hermione grinned at Sky and winked before joining her friends and heading into the castle, Ron grumbling all the way about her letting the Professor do that to her.
“Come on Romeo.” Sky said, giving Severus a mock frown. He placed her arm in his and led her inside, slightly put out that she did not show any real jealousy when he’d hugged the Granger girl.
The elves went to town, providing a veritable feast for the celebrations now taking place in the Great Hall. Drinks flowed freely and within an hour, most of the witches and wizards there were well on their way to becoming all out drunk.
Severus was amongst those imbibing freely, taking the time to actually converse with the others as he kept a watchful eye on the triplets. When Severus suddenly realised that Sky was nowhere to be seen, a frown appeared on his face.
He abruptly broke away from the small group he was with and searched the large room, trying to locate her.
Effy and Spin had taken over the care of the boys and told him earlier on that they were taking the boys back to the dungeons so as not to have them exposed to the more rowdy members of the Order.
Severus’ frown became a scowl as he left the hall and headed for their rooms.
After searching and speaking with Spin, he discovered she had not returned there either and he became worried.
Sky was at first happy to be led into the Great Hall. Even though she was not one to feel comfortable amongst large groups of people, they all seemed happy and Severus gave the impression of enjoying himself. After a short while though, especially when the boys had been taken back to the nursery, Sky’s mind began to dwell on what had happened over the last few days, in particular the last few hours.
It had all sounded so simple when they discussed their plans, what everyone would do and hopefully the final outcome. In fact, the execution of their plans had gone like a breeze. Not a single witch or wizard was injured during the attack, other than Tom Riddle that is. That was when it hit her what they had really done. That two people were dead because of her. It did not seem to matter that the dead were murderers, or that either one of them would have quite happily murdered her or her family.
Sky looked over to where Severus was talking animatedly with a group of wizards, his facial expressions varying constantly. Mostly though she looked happy, relaxed and as though he hadn’t a care in the world.
Sky had never seen him look like that before and she was loathe to interrupt him just because she was feeling out of sorts.
She edged her way round the edge of the crowded room and through the hall. The main doors stood ajar and she slipped through them unnoticed and onto the grounds.
After walking for a while she realised she was next to the broom sheds and used her wand to unlock the door.
Taking a broom, she mounted it and took to the skies, loving the feel of wind in her face, blowing away the dismal thoughts that filled her mind. Up here, she felt free, safe. It was a place where nothing and no one could touch her and she zoomed over the quiddich pitch towards the Forbidden Forest. Sky sailed over the treetops, her hair gradually loosening from its braid and whipping round her head. She veered back and flew round the perimeter of the castle, then swooped up to the highest point of the highest tower and landed on the small parapet that surrounded it.
There she sat, leaning back against the wall, staring into the skies and thinking about her life in general.
She had no idea that Severus was frantically searching for her, or that he’d alerted Albus to the fact she was missing. Now around seventy Order members, both drunk and sober, were searching the castle for Sky, asking portraits if they had seen her pass, and even setting the ghosts to seek her out.
Shannon sought Severus out when he headed to the dungeons again to get Effy. The little elf would be able to lock onto her immediately.
“She is fine. She needs time to come to terms with what happened.”
“What do you mean Shannon, come to terms?” Severus asked. “It was all straight forward, no one was harmed and we are still complete, a family.”
“The girl has just taken a life. Worse than that, she has taken the life of her own flesh and blood. True he would have done the same to her if possible, but she is only now realising the enormity of what transpired this day. So far it has been talk, now the reality has set in and she needs to come to terms with it.”
“At least tell me where she is Shannon. I can comfort her; she is my wife for Gods sake. I should be the one she turns to; I want to help her through this.”
“You can help her by letting her come to you when she is ready. She is safe and will be back presently.” Shannon disappeared leaving the Potions Master with a mix of emotions. Resentment that she had not sought him out when she became troubled. Guilt that he had not even realised she had left the hall, instead seeking solace while he chatted happily with his comrades. Hurt that she did not feel him worthy of understanding her confusion and pain.
Sky’s thoughts meanwhile were drifting further afield. She remembered the reason Severus was sent to find her in the first place, the reason for her being here at all. Sky was here for the sole purpose of killing Voldemort, everything that had happened to her since her arrival bas based around that fact. Her teachings in the wall, the stone round her neck, the wand of bloods. Even her marriage to Severus was to prevent Malfoy from getting his hands on her. Did that mean he would no longer need her, want her? The more she thought, the wilder her insecurities became. She started to doubt every one she knew, everything she’d learned. Then there were her children. Her boys. The most beautiful, precious things to come out of all this, even if Severus decided he no longer wanted her, needed her, she had her babies. But what if Severus decided he wanted to keep the children and she was cast out? No. She would not let that happen. She would take them into the wall and ward it against him if he tried to take her boys away from her. And then what? She could not keep them cooped up in the wall for the next sixteen years or so. Her house. Sky remembered the house she’d inherited from her mother and grandparents. The trouble was she had no idea where it was. Apart from the one time she’d apparated there by accident, Sky had never been back.
Severus waited another half hour and could stand it no longer. “Effy.”
The little elf appeared in front of him immediately.
“I need to locate Sky. She has disappeared and I need to find her now. You will have to take me to her.”
“Yes Sir, Effy will does that right away.”
Effy took her masters proferred hand and they appeared on the topmost parapet of the highest tower of Hogwarts.
Severus’ eyes widened in shock when he realised where he was and how high. “Dear Gods.” He breathed, hardly daring to take another breath. “Effy, why are we up here?” he asked, his voice several octaves higher than normal.
“This is where the mistress is. There to yous right Sir.”
“Sky?” He croaked, straining his eyes to peer sideways in her direction.
“Severus, what are you doing up her without a broom?”
“What the hell does it look like I’m doing? Looking for you and getting ready to fall to my death. What are you doing up here woman?” He growled. “Get down at once so that Effy can take me safely back to solid ground before I plummet. Shit!” Severus tried desperately not to look down and clutched tightly to the little elf’s hand. “Effy, make her get down, now.”
Sky looked at her husband. He was white as a sheet and did not seem at all happy with his position. In fact he looked ready to pass out. “Okay Severus. I’ll fly down, but not until Effy has taken you first. You don’t look very safe where you are.”
“Never mind me.” He ground out. “Just get your backside down on terra firma where I know you are safe.”
Sky mounted the broom and moved to hover in front of him. “Right, I’m on the broom, now you go down and I’ll meet you down there. You don’t look safe where you are and I’m not moving until you’re gone.”
“You will damn well do as you are told wife.” He said, momentarily forgetting his fear and glaring at her. He raised a hand to point at her and teetered for a second.
Effy please, take him down. I’ll follow.”
Before Severus had chance to counteract her order, he was standing on the grass, one hand clutched to his chest and Sky was swooping down to land in front of him.
Effy disappeared quickly.
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Only one more chapter left to write.
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