Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
A/n: Please note, I have taken from the Kalevala and other Finish mythology, and twisted it to suit my purposes with this story.
Unbeta’d, all mistakes and lousy grammar are mine. ccino
CH 66 Rumpy Pumpy
She brought her hands up in front of her, aiming them in the direction of a completely stunned Voldemort. The ball of intense burning fire left her and shot towards the amazed Dark Lord.
Lou shuddered violently trying now to take control of her magic, praying that Severus was unhurt and hoping the flames would keep the evil Lord occupied long enough for her to get the Sampo.
“Severus, Severus help me. Please.” She cried quietly.
She was relieved when her shocked but otherwise unharmed husband came to stand by her side and took her hand.
“Control it Lou, hold it in. You can do it, you know it and I know it. Make it stop now. Make it stop.” His voice was harsh, demanding and dangerous. He knew it was the only way she would respond to him now. “Hold it in Lou, think of the chair, it is waiting, I am sitting on the chair now, I am beckoning you. You know you must obey me, just as you know what will happen once I have you over my knee. Make it stop Lou now.”
His voice rose steadily, frightening her. “Severus no, please don’t, I’ll be good I promise.” She pleaded, her eyes glistening as the explosive magic from inside her started to abate. “Yes, I can do this. Stop. Stopstopstopstop.” She whispered. Slowly she calmed, the ball of fire that seemed to swallow Voldemort died down and disappeared.
Voldemort sat weak and in agony on the floor amongst the pile of ashes that had once been his throne. He was gasping for breath, his skin blackened and crispy. Yet still he lived.
“Traitors.” He croaked. “I will kill you both. I will not stop until I Aarrgh!”
Sielulintu chose that moment to remove the first four itse; Love, Compassion, Contentment, Sympathy.
Severus passed Lou the Sampo and she removed the cloth, throwing it to the floor and lifting the lid from the Sampo. She held it out in front of her and watched as the itse’s were drawn inside, merging with the small amount of salt in the compartment. She put the lid back on.
Sielulintu removed the next four itse: Passion, Fear, Vanity, Avarice.
Again Lou removed the lid, allowing the itse’s to be drawn in to merge with the corn. Once again she replaced the lid.
Voldemort let out a barely audible scream as sielulintu removed the final four itse’s: Malice, Lust, anger and finally, one that cannot escape, or be ejected by the owner of the itse. Hatred.
For the third time Lou removed the lid of the Sampo, the itse’s were drawn into the third and last compartment to join the small amount of gold nuggets at the bottom of the Sampo.
She replaced the lid firmly this time and sat cross-legged on the floor.
Severus sat beside her as she lowered the Sampo to the floor in front of her and let go.
The innumerable colours on the lid swirled constantly, changing, merging, brightening and darkening, never stopping, never ending.
Lou sat and rocked back and forth, humming mindlessly to herself as the Sampo also stared to rock, matching her rhythm at first then speeding up.
Lou stopped rocking and looked to the charred body of Voldemort.
“”Severus, the henki, he must be killed to destroy the henki. Can …can you …please.” She begged him.
Severus was more that happy to oblige. He stood and helped Lou to her feet, the Sampo still rocking madly, grinding the corn, salt and gold along with the twelve itse of Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Severus did not find it difficult to muster every bit of hatred he’d ever felt for the loathsome, pitiful creature in front of him that would enable him to cast the killing curse. “AVADA KEDAVRA.” He bellowed. A flash of green light left his wand to encompass Voldemort. The soulless body looked stunned for a split second, then slumped, laying still but not lifeless. His red eyes flashed for a moment, then calmed as the turned to look first at Lou, then at the Sampo. The red eyes were devoid of emotion, but they were no more dead than the Dark Lord.
“He is not dead.” Severus said amazed. He should be but he is not. I do not understand, what have we missed?”
Sielulintu flew down to land in front of them. “You have missed nothing, only Louhi can cast the curse to kill the henki, only Louhi has the black unicorns hair in her wand. The Goddess Louhi, she too had the hair from the black unicorn, yours is the second only to exist. Use it Louhi if you wish to destroy this evil once and for all. I bid you farewell.”
Sielulintu spread his wings and took flight, disappearing in a split second.
“You must do it Lou, the killing curse. Think of what he took from you.” Severus told her harshly, wanting to get her angry. “Your mother, your mother who loved you dearly, who would have cherished you, nurtured you but for him.” he spat, pointing at Voldemort. “Him, the one who caused the death of your father Lou, made another think he was a prisoner and sent his Deatheaters to kill innocents. Your father died trying to save those innocents at the hands of his followers. He is the one responsible for your tortured childhood Lou, but for him, your parents would have married, they would have raised you, loved you, cared for you, let no one harm you. Do it Lou, Avada Kedavra. Two words Lou, that is all it takes.”
Tears streamed from her eyes, her mum, her dad, they were taken from her, she was never given a chance to know how it felt to be loved by them, held by them, wanted, needed.
“Avada Kedavra.” She cried.
As with Severus, a green light emitted from her wand to engulf the soulless form that was Tom Riddle. It was not as strong as the curse Severus sent, but it took only a second for the life to leave the evil red eyes that stared at her.
“The henki is gone.” She whispered as she fell to the floor unconscious.
Neither of them noticed the Sampo vanish at exactly the same moment that Voldemort’s henki died. It was moments later, as Severus was cradling Lou in his arms as she came to that he noticed it was gone. Where he didn’t know.
“Lou, it is over, you did it. The Dark Lord is no more. Wake up my sweet, beautiful wife. I love you.” He said, drawing her up and pressing his lips to hers.
“Sev …Severus. Did we …is he …?”
“Yes my love, he is gone. So is the Sampo. It just disappeared, I have no idea where it went.”
“That’s good, we don’t need it any more. It’s too dangerous to keep lying around.” She told him as he picked her up and carried her from the building.
He apparated them directly to Prince Manor, shouting for house elves as he ran up the marble staircase to his rooms.
“Cassia is here master, what you want I should be doing?”
“A bath, now, healing potions, plenty of them. For bathing and for drinking.
Cassia ran the bath and sent another elf to get the potions they needed. Severus laid Lou on the bed and vanquished their clothes before picking her up again and carrying her to the bathroom and stepping into the tub with her.
It didn’t take long for Lou to start coming round once Cassia added a healthy dose of the healing potion to the bathwater.
As soon as she opened her eyes, Severus encouraged her to drink two phials of the potion before he relaxed with her in his arms.
Cassia, have Tilly return here, then send word to Albus Dumbledore that Voldemort is dead. Tell him I …we shall see him in seven days, no sooner. Nor do we wish to receive any visitors, close off the floo and do not allow any owls. Is that clear?”
“Oh yes master. You has seven days and nights of the rumpy pumpy. Elves is knowing that. Only meals of high nutrition for yous both for one week.” She told him before disappearing with a soft poof.
“Rumpy pumpy? Where did they come up with that expression?” He muttered to himself.
He looked down suddenly, surprised as Lou started to giggle.
“What is so amusing?” He asked her, a mock sternness to his voice.
“You saying rumpy pumpy. It sounds so funny.” She said, still giggling.
“Indeed. I take it you are feeling better since you find me so entertaining?”
“Yeah, I’ve stopped hurting.” She told him as she wiped her eyes.
“Good, then we shall be able to indulge ourselves in a session of rumpy pumpy.” He growled, standing and carrying her through to the bedroom.
“Oh, I er, I don’t know if I’m that well yet.” She said, panicked.
“You are well enough, I have made certain of that.” He told her, laying her on the bed and straddling her. “It is time to pop your cherry once more, only this time I am not going to fuck you Lou.”
She turned scarlet at his words. “Whaaa …you gon do?” She mumbled, afraid now.
“He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I am going to make love to you.”
Those words did something to Lou, she stared at him, taken aback, still afraid, yet somehow needing to know the difference between him fucking her and making love to her. When he fucked her before, it was amazing, wonderful, despite the initial pain. But even then when he said he would fuck her, she’d felt hurt that he’d said it that way.
“Will …will it still hurt?”
“Yes, but this time I will be loving you, not merely fucking you. There is a world of difference.”
Already her nipples had hardened at his words, his warm breath caressing her neck sending shivers down her spine.
He nibbled at her lobe then kissed it, kissed her jaw, her neck and finally possessed her mouth. His tongue explored her mouth, finding hers and she met it gladly.
She felt herself getting wet down there as his large muscle pressed against her belly, making her squirm and wriggle against him.
Lou blushed some more as she realised how she was reacting to him but she couldn’t help it, she wanted this more than anything in her life.
“Severus, please.” She breathed, passion overtaking her embarrassment now as he suckled at her breast, drawing it into his mouth and letting it go with a pop.
“Severus please …what?” He asked, his voice purring as he met her gaze.
“Err …just please. I” She gulped, unable to speak as she looked into his spheres of glittering, black jet.
“Tell me Lou.” He purred. “Tell me what you want me to do to you. Ask me to make love to you. Ask me to finally make you a woman.”
“Y …yes that. What you said.”
“Then say it, say it Lou. Never be ashamed to ask for what you want, what you need.” He parted her legs and parted her folds, stroking her close to, but not on her clitoris. Teasing her and placing his cock at her entrance. “It’s here Lou, it’s waiting for you to tell me you want this. Tell me.”
He applied just a small amount of pressure to keep himself in place ready for when she told him she wanted him. He kept stoking her maddeningly close to where she wanted him to touch, but never quite doing so.”
She looked at him, her eyes so dark with desire they were almost as black as his. “Please Severus, I want …just do it.” She said desperately, bucking her hips, trying to make him do something, anything other than this slow maddening, not quite satisfying torture.
“Not until you tell me what you want Lou.” he told her softly.
“I want you inside me, now.” She said, her voice strained with desperation now as she grabbed his buttocks and clawed at him.
Severus smiled down at her and slowly eased inside her as far as her maidenhead. “Time to pop that cherry again, are you ready?”
“Yes, anything. Please Severus, don’t be so cruel.” She was almost sobbing with want now.
He took her mouth passionately once more, swallowing her cry of pain as he drove through her barrier, pushed in all the way, burying himself in her heat, her tightness, giving her all of himself.
He broke the kiss, holding still inside her, letting her adjust as he did last time. “I love you wife.” He whispered.
“Lou stared back at him, her eyes full of wonder that he’d said that to her, it was there in his eyes and she was looking it strait in the face. “I love you too husband.” She told him, moving her hips slightly, testing to see if it would still hurt.
“Still painful?” He asked her.
“No, it just stings a bit. Love me some more Severus.” She said, reaching her arms round his neck, pulling him closer and initiating the kiss for the first time.
He smiled into her mouth and pulled out, then entered her again slowly, grinding against her each time.
“Faster Severus, do it harder, please.” She begged, loving what he was doing but not finding it enough.
“No, I told you, this time I make love to you. Tonight I will fuck you if that is what you need. But not this time.”
He continued the slow maddening strokes, all the time kissing her, caressing her, stroking, licking, nibbling and sucking.
Lou thought she would go insane, then she felt something building. Slowly at first, a faint tingle that grew as he entered her, filled her, ground against her. Then the feeling grew stronger, so strong that she thought she might burst because she might not get there.
Severus was struggling to hold back, keep control of himself, not lose control and take his fill of her, lose himself inside her.
Then Lou was clawing at him again, she wrapped her legs around his thighs and thrust up, trying to meet his own torturously slow ones.
He could hold back no longer, he grabbed her buttocks and began to ride her like a man possessed, which indeed he was. Faster and harder, all the time she clung to him desperately.
Lou stopped trying to match his pace, she couldn’t, instead she took all that he gave, crying out, asking for more and getting it until she felt something, that special something, like a ripple that becomes a wave, then a rolling surf before it bubbles and boils and sends you hurtling towards oblivion. Only instead of oblivion, it’s the most wonderful, blissful, ecstatic feeling you’ve ever experienced and you don’t want it to ever end because it has to last forever. Then you teeter over the edge and struggle to breath through the euphoria that now abates as you slowly come back down to earth.
Severus felt her getting closer, her walls almost undulating tightly around his cock, drawing him in, her cervix vibrating with her powerful orgasm as she tightened around him and he felt himself swell, his balls tightened and so did something deep inside his chest as he reached the point of no return. He gave a strangled cry as he gave her his all, ejaculating strongly inside of her as his love flowed through him and into her. He panted, collapsing on top of her, she clinging to him desperately as they both fought to regain their breath.
As soon as he was able to breath, he rolled over, taking her with him, still inside her and holding her close.
They stayed that way, both of them falling into a deep contented sleep.
They were woken that evening by both Tilly and Cassia, both elves fussing over the couple, suggesting they eat lots of carbohydrates to keep up their energy levels for the next rumpy pumpy that night. Cassia had already retrieved the extra phial of healing potion from the bathroom and passed it to a very embarrassed Lou.
She drank it without a word, as soon as she’d woken and sat up, she’d felt the painful burning sensation that comes with first time intercourse.
The only difference was that Lou was feeling it for the third time in her life.
Severus found it all highly amusing, a constant smirk on his face as they sat in bed eating supper. He knew Lou was embarrassed, he also knew she would probably lose that awkwardness during the days and nights to come. If she did not, he did not mind, her shyness was one of the things he found so endearing about her. One thing he was certain of though, was that her feisty nature would eventually come back into play as she learned that he was a very demanding lover. He hoped she would prove to be just as demanding.
Lou ate ravenously. ’Why does ’it’ make me so hungry?’ She wondered.
“It? Lou we made love, we did not ’it’.”
Her face went redder. “You listened again, I wish you’d stop doing that.” She told him with a pout.
“Then say the words. Making love, sexual intercourse, even fuck if you wish. A word I clearly recall you had no problem with at one time.” He said, still smirking.
“No I wont, it was different then. And you shouldn’t be listening to my thoughts, it’s not fair.”
“Yes you will, and since I have been given the ability to hear your thoughts, why should I not? There must be a reason for me to do so, otherwise I would not be able to. You do not hear me complaining about it being unfair.”
“That’s because you’re the one doing the listening.” She said sulkily, getting out of bed.
He grabbed her arm. “Where do you think you are going?”
“I need to use the loo Severus, and I want a shower.”
He let her go and followed her through, relieving himself once she stepped into the shower cubicle.
Lou had her eyes closed as she worked the lather through her hair and jumped when long fingers caressed her breasts from behind and she felt a naked body pressed against her back.
She coughed, trying to rid herself of the soapy lather that entered her mouth when she opened it in surprise.
Severus chuckled and began soaping her body as she rinsed her hair. He paid special attention when he washed between her legs, arousing her and making her cry out softly as he grew hard against the small of her back.
He pressed the soap into her hand so she could continue to wash her legs while he worked the lather over her back and sides. Then stroking her with one hand and himself with the other, he waited until she raised one leg, ready to rub the soap in and entered her smoothly from behind.
The soap fell to the floor while she pressed her hands against the tiled surface for support.
Severus gripped her hips and slid in deeply, more deeply then he’d been able to do that afternoon. He moved slowly at first as she adjusted to the new position, allowing her to gain some balance as she now clung to the taps, breathing heavily and emitting small cries.
Then held her tighter and moved faster and harder, grunting with each thrust until he was ramming into her over and over, making her cry out. His finger found her nub and he rubbed gently at it, working them both into a frenzy. When her walls began to pulse he knew she was about to come and slammed into her heated core for all he was worth, feeling something shift inside her, making her cry out again and still he slammed home as she stiffened and shook and he came deep inside her.
Lou’s hands slid from the taps and she hung there, only Severus’ hands around her waist preventing her from slumping to the floor.
He found the strength to lift her, turn her round to face him and embrace her. “Showering together is a must from now on.” He purred into her ear.
“Mmm.” Was the only reply she could manage as she leaned into him, still coming down from her orgasm.
He raised an eyebrow and lifted her chin. Her eyes were still lust darkened and he chanced placing a finger back on her clitoris, making her gasp and press herself against him harder.
Severus smiled inwardly and moved her so her back was against the wall. He lifted her easily and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Take me Lou, I am ready for you again, take hold of my cock and place it where you need it to be.”
Lou lowered her hand between them, wrapped her fingers round his thick girth and positioned the head at her entrance. She howled this time when he entered her forcefully, making her come straight away. There was no slow build up this time, he took her hard and fast against the tiled wall as she reached new heights several times before spilling his seed into her once again.
They were both breathless by the time they stepped from the shower. Severus dried them with a charm and they collapsed on the bed as the two elves appeared again with stupid grins on their faces.
“The master is giving new mistress good rumpy pumpy, the Binding is being very strong. Is good.” Tilly told them. A tray of snacks was placed on the bed and the elves disappeared
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