There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries.
RECAP: Theo, Harry and Charlie have exchanged scales for Harry and Charlie and undergone the runic cleansing for the Soul Cast preparation. At the Burrow, something dark is approaching and Neville, Seamus, Dean, Ginny and Mrs. Weasley have found that they are hostile.
When Harry woke again, he stretched and yawned, finding himself more relaxed and rested than he had been in quite a long time. He was cuddled to Charlie's chest, his feet spread out on Theo's lap and as he wriggled and moved, they leaned out of the way, bracing and supporting him for said stretch.
"Welcome back." Theo greeted.
Harry stifled another yawn. "What happened?"
"Time travel." Kyle winked.
Charlie snorted. He'd wakened first and thus been able to catch himself up to their present time and circumstance. They had all been waiting for Harry to rouse himself and now that it had happened, there could be some questions answered. "The aging spell accelerates time for an individual during a set period—it blew you through your Resting Period."
Harry blinked. He opened his mouth, then shut it and licked his lips, searching for an answer that didn't seem to be forming yet. He finally held out a hand. "Water?"
Quinn sat on a stool beside the preparation counter, fiddling and tinkering with things, while he'd projected his answers through Kyle's link. He turned at Harry's request and spun something on his fingertips, throwing it over with a wave of one hand.
By the time Harry held it, the little blob had turned into a lovely tinted crystal glass with clear, cool water inside. He gulped it down, thankfully and then grinned when the glass refilled itself. He drank the second glass down partway and then offered it to Charlie without a second thought.
The redhead bent down to accept the cup and finished it off. He nodded towards Theo when the glass refilled itself again. Theo hid a smile and drank his fill, before the glass finally melted away, the enchantment apparently over.
"How are you feeling?" Kyle moved over, wand in hand. "I need to run a few diagnostics, alright?"
Harry nodded.
"Can you please stand?"
Charlie ushered the brunet off of his lap, bracing him with a steadying hand at the small of his back. After a moment, Harry settled into himself and moved forward enough to stand in front of both his mates. He realized they had moved back to the original examination room at some point in time and had been seated along the couches at the far end of the room.
"Thank you." Kyle murmured. He tapped his wand in one hand and a pale, white-gold glow flickered over the tip and held steady. He held up a hand, two fingers extended and moved them carefully in front of Harry's face. "Tracking, Quinn?" He called over one shoulder.
The Healer slid off the stool in the corner and trotted over. He took the wand from Kyle's hand and performed the rest of the test, apparently satisfied with whatever result it produced, as a wide smile settled on his handsome features. He tapped the wand at Harry's heart, noting when the glow at the end flickered pink, then lower to the stomach, the kidneys and finally back up to Harry's forehead. After a long moment, he nodded.
Harry perked a brow. "Well?"
"It seems that the aging spell worked wonderfully and a certain, wonderful side effect was entirely unexpected." Kyle held his hand out for his hand and Quinn twirled it in hand, before passing it over. He tucked the wand back into the holster clipped to his utility belt and motioned to Harry to take a seat.
"What kind of side effect?"
"A good one." Kyle clicked his fingers together and the second couch swung over to be in the front of the next one. Another twitch of his fingers transfigured a stool into a lovely, rectangular table.
Quinn appeared a moment later, a steaming teapot in hand and a tray of biscuits in the other. He set them both down and then sat, his feet tucked up beneath them. He served the tea with some ceremony and then reached over and clasped hands with Kyle.
The Medic's lips quirked into a smile and he squeezed the hand back, before his eyes narrowed. "I see the girls caught you before you left the house."
Quinn chuckled silently and made a few signs with his hands.
Kyle rolled his eyes. "You know I don't understand that." He elbowed him, lightly. "I actually didn't see them."
"See what?" Harry wrapped his hands around the warm cup of tea, feeling slightly out of his depth. He'd never known any Healer's appointment to end with tea and biscuits and this was a first for him.
"These." Kyle held up their joined hands. "Quinn, show them. Take the glamour off."
There was a fizzle of teal magic and then, Quinn's pale arm was decorated heavily with colorful, gilt-edged bits of ribbon and cord, with a few tiny golden ornaments hanging from the bows.
"Ah, everyone?" Kyle's eyes lit up, fondly. "Lucky."
Quinn nudged him back and the Medic looked away for a second. Quinn nudged him again, perking a brow in question.
"I…left earlier than usual this morning…to make up for your absence."
Teal eyes narrowed faintly and Quinn abruptly released his hand half-way to rising.
Kyle immediately grabbed for him. "Wait! Stop, Quinn!" He ducked an angry elbow jab. "You can't just waltz in there and ream her out—besides, it was a perfectly logical decision. If you couldn't make it in, then I should've been able to make it up in your absence. You know this clinic only has one pair of us."
Quinn snorted, crossing his arms over his chest.
Kyle sighed, reluctantly releasing his grip on the newly stoic Healer. "I'm sure I'll see them tonight and they probably weren't even—well," he shrugged, palms up. "It's only a-" the words died in his throat when Quinn turned on him with a fierce glare, a strip of scales beginning to shimmer along the edges of his face.
Kyle swallowed. "Okay. Fine." He said, carefully, slowly. "I was only—Quinn, we're in the middle of a-"
Quinn reached over and snatched up one of Kyle's hands. A moment later, the Fae's brown eyes burned with teal fire and Quinn faced Harry's circle.
"Please excuse that unseemly display." The words were polite and formal, and odd, coming from Kyle's blank face, punctuated by Quinn's neutral expression.
Charlie stared for a moment.
"He is used to this." Quinn squeezed the hand, gently and after a moment, affected a sigh via Kyle. "Sometimes I borrow his voice for moments like this. Please do not let it worry you and again, my apologies for such a personal matter evolving before you."
"No need to stand on formality," Theo said, generously. "I think we have shared enough of our own faults to speak freely."
"If you wish it."
"I do." Theo said, firmly. His golden eyes flared. "You said there were things to discuss about Harry's Soul Seal?"
"There are." Quinn settled back, snitching a few biscuits from the plate. He could chomp away happily, as Kyle's mouth did the speaking for him. He waved a hand towards the plate, gesturing for them to take some.
"Thank you." Charlie acknowledged. He nudged the plate towards Harry. "Biscuit?" He slipped a few of the sweet brown squares onto the little ceramic plate in front of Harry. "Eat."
"This is…weird." Harry allowed. He took a biscuit and nibbled on it, the sudden hunger in his stomach overriding some other logical thought process. "What was wrong with the Seal?"
"Nothing is really wrong with it," Quinn was quick to say. "Rather, it has presented a rather interesting development for the rest of your seals."
"What do you mean?" Theo swiped a biscuit off of Harry's plate, before realizing what he'd done. He scowled at his own empty plate a moment later.
Charlie stifled a laugh and deposited a few squares in his Alpha's plate, with a flick of his wand, hidden up his sleeve.
"Well, for one, we have the way you were affected by the Seal." Quinn waved towards Theo and Harry. "Your height, for one." He wiped his fingers on the edge of a napkin. "Are you familiar with Dragel offspring?"
Theo shrugged. "I know of them. Charlie and Harry do not."
"I see." There was a pause as Quinn seemed to be in thought and then he held out a hand, level with the table, about waist height if standing. "Most Dragel children remain at this height and slight of build until they are about thirteen years old. Then, if they have any tendencies towards anything other than Submissive traits, their physical characteristics begin to change. By the time the inheritance comes in, either right on time at about sixteen years of age, or mayhap a tad later around eighteen years, the Dragel has settled and most height, weight and rankings have settled into their very beings."
Harry blinked, processing that for a second. He looked at Theo with the faintest of frowns on his face and then over at Charlie. "I don't understand." He crumbled his biscuit into his plate. "Theo grew."
"As did you." Quinn countered. "This is two-fold. Your Soul Suppression Seal, kept your growth spurt at bay, you are also very deeply bonded to your Alpha, which is remarkable considering the short time you have known each other. Your Theo had a moment of clarity that resulted in his physical transformation, it traveled down the line and triggered your own response. Most Dragel Submissives are a scant few inches shorter than their respective Alphas." Quinn's teal-eyed gaze flickered between them. "It is very rare for the positions to be reversed. The Beta is usually larger than the Alpha as well," and here, he nodded to Charlie, who was doling out more biscuits into Theo and Harry's plates, respectively. "You are all right on track at the moment."
"I see." Harry scowled. "So I grew because Theo figured something out and we-"
Theo leaned over and kissed away the complaint, a patient look on his face. "Because we're connected, treasure." He whispered, so very softly, for Harry's ears alone. "Please let him finish explaining. I think Medic Kyle might like to enjoy his own refreshments, eventually."
And here, Harry quickly hid the coming smile in his teacup. It was a little unsettling to be talking to Quinn, with the right facial expressions to boot, while Kyle sat straight and stiff as a statue, his lips moving and eyes mostly unblinking. He shifted uneasily again, calming when both Theo and Charlie shifted closer so their thighs touched. Warmth spread through him and he took a deep breath. "Alright, so what else?"
"The Soul Cast, as you know, helps to make sure you are in harmony with yourself," Quinn continued. "Setting your Theo to rights resulted in the growth spurt that in turn fed back through the bond and triggered your own reaction after the Soul Seal was removed."
"Lot of soul involved in everything." Harry muttered, quietly.
Charlie nudged him beneath the table and added another biscuit to his plate.
"In harmony with yourself filters back to the mated bonds and sets your circle at ease." Quinn perked a brow. "That is usually the reason the Soul Cast exists."
Here, Harry blushed. He wasn't trying to disparage anything, but he hated when things always turned out to be overly complicated and this was starting to feel like one of those things. "You said mine was bad."
"I said it could use some work, there is a difference. Tea?" Quinn extended a hand towards the pot. He refilled their respective cups and there was silence for a moment. "The secondary function of a Soul Seal is to keep power from overwhelming a specific individual. Some magical beings have more than one inheritance or a specific thread of native magic that may not mesh well with another half of their genetic makeup. As such, Soul Seals were invented to gift individuals the power of choice and peaceful coexistence with a symbiote or secondary creature instincts. It effectively represses and restrains the dual nature, allowing the individual to exist as a single being with no other influence."
Harry gulped. "Symbiote?"
"Some individuals choose a parasite to help them when suffering through certain disabilities." Quinn explained. "Blindness, for instance, can be cured that way. Peaceful coexistence allows one to use the visuals provided by the parasite while also retaining their usual traits and without affecting their magic." His lips quirked. "After all, magic cannot cure everything. My issue with your Soul Seal was due to the fact that you were unaware of it, meaning a distinct lack of choice or consent as your respective inherited seals did not share the same signature, as well as the fact that it attempted to suppress a portion of your wizard magic. This would explain why you were unable to access it for a time. Your wizard magic fed itself into the seal to keep the rest of you properly functioning without additional problems. I would wager that perhaps you used your magic for something significant in recent months and as a result, there was not enough left for it to regenerate in the method it usually would."
Quinn paused and his gaze flickered over to Kyle. "The third point would be your actual Soul Cast, because of the damper, you would not be like your true Dragel self any way, shape or form. You would likely have found yourself suffering from odd urges and with your natural instincts quite out of whack. In this case, I would give example, without offense, that knowing your Charlie bore a stigma as Blood Traitor, the Soul Suppression would have prevented your Dragel instincts from warning you away from him."
Horror painted itself plainly across Harry's face. "I wouldn't have—Charlie?" He set the teacup down a little harder than necessary. Emerald eyes narrowed.
"No offense taken," Theo interrupted, quickly. He placed a calming hand on Harry's arm. "He said without offense, Harry. Read between the words there. He is only using it as an example," The Slytherin paused. "Besides, you do remember that it was the first thing I did ask you after you'd decided on him, don't you?"
Harry scowled for a moment longer and then grudgingly nodded. He didn't like the thought that he wouldn't have even looked at Charlie if it hadn't been from having a harmful seal plastered over his soul. He liked Charlie. Liked him very much and was doubly glad to have him in the capacity as his beta and not just as Ron's older brother.
Kyle cleared his throat, drawing their attention back to the odd Medic-Healer duo. "The Soul Cast also would have prevented your soul—your innermost spirit—from naturally developing the way it should have, resulting in difficulties with your magic, accepting your mates and general clear-headedness. You would have found yourself suffering from low self-esteem, mild depression and extreme stress, as you would have overcompensated in all areas you could control, to make up for the lack of control everywhere else."
A faint paleness began to settle into Harry's face. He leaned back from the table and allowed Theo to draw him flush against his side, accepting the warmth.
"The rests I ran earlier allow me to see whether you can handle a Soul Cast or not. It is not a procedure for everyone nor for the faint of heart. However, there has been an interesting development following your readings after the aging spell to burn off the painted runes." A flicker of excitement showed through the Healer. "Your Soul Cast was altered just by having the Soul Seal removed. It has steadily improved since and I do not want to force anything by rushing into a Soul Cast, the same for your beta, Charlie." Quinn nodded towards the redhead. "I would recommend taking the weekend off and enjoying yourself, as well as the celebrations—this week the Water Prince will surface and the Royals from all elements will meet, so there is bound to be something entertaining to catch your eye. I should think about, ah, four days, perhaps? That is enough time to relax and take care of necessary matters." Teal eyes locked onto Harry. "I would suggest that you simply let yourself be exposed and indulged in Dragel culture. Spend the time with your mates and practice a routine with your magic to warm it up to you again. Your Alpha's records show he spent at least two years here, so he is knowledgeable enough in things you ought to know. Ask him questions—and, I have already filed for paperwork to see about that missing mentor of yours." He frowned. "Speaking of which, the witch that inflicted you with the Blood Seal," and now, Quinn looked to Theo. "Have you claimed your rights?"
Harry stiffened.
Theo shook his head, lightly.
Quinn frowned. "Why not?"
Theo's arm around Harry's waist, tightened by a fraction. "Because Harry requested that I relinquish them and showed great distress in my acting upon them. I would never willingly be the cause of his discomfort."
"Even when the discomfort might be warranted for general justice?"
"Harry is my responsibility, Healer Quinn. A responsibility I take very seriously."
The Healer's frown deepened. "I see and will you sign, legally, according to that?" Teal eyes flashed with fire. "Before you leave today?"
A knowing glint flickered through Theo's golden gaze. "I would."
"Good. Thank you then, I believe this covers everything for the moment." Quinn looked down at his beribboned wrist and then over at Kyle's bare one. A different expression flickered over his face. "I shall see you in four days. Clear your appointment cards at the counter on the way out." He rose to his feet in a single, fluid movement. "I wish you health and happiness. Good day." His hand brushed Kyle's still form and the teal glow faded from the Fae's brown eyes.
Medic Kyle came back with a gasping lurch and he threw a handy scowl over one shoulder. "You could've at least let me drink the tea." He grumbled. "While it was hot?" He spun a touch of magic with his fingers and a wisp of steam rose from the ceramic mug. His soft brown eyes flickered to the trio. "I take it he covered everything?"
"Everything except who cast it." Theo said, evenly. "Or was he avoiding that part on purpose?"
Forest-green eyebrows painstakingly knitted themselves together. "He wants to be sure about it, Quinn does not rush into things, nor does he make accusations without sufficient proof. So far, nearly every seal appears to have a different signature, meaning that there have been more than one magical being meddling with Harry."
Charlie bristled, faintly. "And he can't say who-"
"Please don't hold that against him." Kyle smiled, thinly. "Because once he knows who it is and what they have done, exactly. There will be nowhere they can run and hide to be free of a Healer's wrath. Our society protects them for a reason." Kyle downed the tea in a few quick gulps. He stood up, slipping his wand free to undo the arrangements and transfigurations cast.
"Ah, I'll sign for us, give me a moment." Theo slipped free of Harry, with a silent command in his eyes to Charlie.
The redhead perked a brow, but did not question filling the newly vacated space beside their Sub. He rolled his shoulders back and rubbed his neck. "Feels like I've been stuck indoors all day." He grimaced. "Miss the sun."
"and the dragons?" Harry wanted to know. He threw a smile upwards for Charlie. "Did you have a favorite?"
"All of them." Charlie said, wryly. "They are all delightful little monsters in their own way." He gave a happy sigh. "Hurry up, Theo."
"Maybe we can wait outside?" Harry suggested. "There might be some sun left…"
"Do that." Theo flashed a smile, all pointed teeth and fangs. "I will be with you shortly. Do not invite trouble from anywhere."
Harry childishly stuck his tongue out at that. Charlie snickered. "I don't do it on purpose."
"I know, Harry, I know. It just kind of follows you, hmm?"
Theo approached the reception desk, noting that Mimei seemed less frazzled than she had the day before.
The blonde looked up, snapping her bubblegum expertly. "What're you signing out for?" Her hand hovered above a tray of colorful parchments.
Quinn appeared around the corner before either dragel could answer. He leaned across the counter and selected two parchments, a golden-brown and a faintly pink tinged one. He snapped up two quills and splayed the parchments before Theo. He gestured for the young Alpha to read and then stabbed one quill into his arm. The resulting bead of redness had Mimei sucking in a breath.
She scowled at him, one hand moving to pinch her nose. The Healer pretended not to notice, casting something over the wound that apparently blocked the scent of blood, because Mimei moved her hand a moment later.
Theo skimmed the parchment, noting the clauses and the shortness of the contract. On one hand, short was good on another, it was bad. It meant there weren't many things to be argued over in that he would be signing over blanket rights. Quinn finished, tapping his quill impatiently.
Theo signed and swapped parchments. He skimmed the contents with the same expert eye he'd used before and then picked up the proffered quill. He pricked a finger with one fang, rather than stabbing himself with a quill and nodded his thanks when Quinn threw the same little spell to keep the scent of blood contained. It was a handy trick he'd have to remember to start using himself.
By the time they'd both signed off, the parchments glowed with the binding contract and Mimei wrapped them with black cord and a muttered spell that added her own magicked signature to them as a witness. Her sharp gaze flickered over Theo and then back at Quinn.
"You do realize when you give up your Alpha rights, they never return to you?"
"Only for this matter." Theo smiled, tightly. "I had no wish to upset my Submissive."
"The pretty one with the green eyes?" Mimei shook her head. "You'll have to work that out of his head. There is nothing wrong with a bit of necessary revenge." She gave a jerk of her head towards Quinn. They were waiting for the parchments to glow the final flash of white to show that the contracts had been approved. "Then again, knowing Quinn, I can say that handing him Healer's Rights is a deliciously dark alternative." Her lips curled into a smirk and she nodded to Quinn. "Happy hunting. Make them suffer."
Quinn lips quirked in the faintest of twitches that might have been a smile. He touched Theo's arm, briefly and then turned away, retreating to the inner rooms of the clinic.
"Suffer?" Theo repeated.
"Quinn used to be an Alpha." Mimei's smirk settled on her pretty face. "It was a downright bloody and vicious fight that took his voice. Just because he's taken Healer's Oaths doesn't mean he's forgotten how to fight. You won't regret handing over your rights in his stead."
"I hope not." Theo said, lightly.
"No worries. In fact, you'll never know it was him." Her shoulders shook with laughter. "What I wouldn't do to travel with him. Ach, well. Anything else I can see to for you?"
"Appointment cards." Theo handed over the green cards.
Mimei took them, swiping them through the calibration slot. A moment later, she handed them over. "Health and happiness to you and yours." She parroted. "Next!"
Theo stepped out into the daylight, moving out from under the shadow of the clinic's awning. He spotted Charlie and Harry a few yards away, Harry pointing at something in the sky and Charlie craning his neck backwards to get a good look. He studied them for a moment, before approaching. Noting how calm and relaxed they appeared, considering what they had all experienced in the space of a single afternoon.
He was bone-weary in a way he hadn't been in years—however few years he had to complain of—and was looking forward to rest, food and sex. Not necessarily in that order either. His acceptance of his true Alpha instincts were now clamoring for him lay claim to the handsome redhead and then to take his fill of Harry.
The very thought buzzed pleasantly beneath his skin, a hum of magic and instinctive want. Theo made his way through the exiting circles, careful to avoid the marked Submissives and a few glowering Alphas. He really did not want to place himself in any situations where his burgeoning triad might be questioned—afterwards, then perhaps he might chance it—and then only if absolutely necessary.
"What is it?" He drew near, a hand on each of their shoulders, following the gaze upwards. "Something shiny?"
"Dragel?" Harry asked in something akin to awe.
Theo followed the pointed finger and relaxed when he caught sight of the creature that had arrested his mates attention. "Air Dragel." He confirmed.
"It's beautiful." Charlie murmured, blue eyes transfixed.
Theo resisted the urge to elbow him. "Most of the Air ones are," he admitted. "They often have to fly for a few hours every day and they like to take prolonged sunbaths." His lips twitched. "I'd say those are Gheyic in nature though and most likely patrolling."
"They?" Harry's attention snapped to Theo. "I only see one."
"Don't look directly at it." Theo advised. "Look to the corner of it, watch for something that gleams. It won't glitter, but you'll see it and dismiss it."
"Invisibility spells?" Charlie wanted to know.
"Nay. They're Air, they can simply phase their bodies at will, it is the quirk of their element." Theo gave them a moment longer. "See them yet?"
Harry's amazed gasp confirmed that they had. "There's so many of them!"
A moment later, Charlie made a strangled sound in his throat as apparently he saw the same thing.
Theo smiled to himself. The Air dragels always had that sort of mystery around them and most of the time, they flew high enough above Nevarah to be out of sight, save for when the Hunting Season would begin. Then, some of the bolder, more daring ones would chance to glide a little lower and into the visible heights for those below. They would flip, circle, hover and chase each other around with gleaming, metallic-hued wings and pale hints of color.
"You can watch the pretty fliers later." Theo prodded them both, a moment later. "We should not be standing out here gawking up at the sky, anyhow." He cast a glance about the clinic courtyard. "Evening will come quickly. Mayhap in an hour or so. You have four days with which you can spend your waking hours staring up at the sky—well, some of them anyway." He cast a tempus and frowned at it. "Charlie? Harry?"
"Where will we stay?" Harry finally turned away to look at Theo once more. A hesitant look flickered across his face. "I'd rather not…be in the way."
"Terius would tell us if we were in the way." Theo sighed, pushing away his exasperation. "However, I understand and acknowledge your concern and so I spoke to Ilsa about it. She assures me that the guesthouse promised would be cleared and cleaned this afternoon and that no one will bother us."
"A guesthouse?" Harry perked up. "Where?"
"The outskirts of the city." Theo smiled. "Somewhere near to the water's edge, back up that way." He waved with his arm in a general direction. "Charlie?"
"Hmmm." The mumbled acknowledgement was not accompanied by Charlie's actual attention, but Theo rolled his eyes and threaded his arms around each of his mates in turn.
"Temptrificus Portgas, Lot Twenty-five, Ilsa Gorgens!"
Harry was grateful for Theo's supporting arm around his waist when the transportation spell washed over them. A moment later, they were deposited on the clean swept wooden deck of a lovely beachside cottage, with the sparkling Merrow waters in view and plenty of vibrant green grass before it bled away to crystal white sands.
"Wow." He managed, staring.
"Reminds me of Shell Cottage." Charlie murmured. "Mayhap a little…prettier." He looked around, taking in the short, front deck and then the sparse scattering of trees in a few odd clumps. "It's a bit isolated, isn't it?"
"Mated circles tend to be large." Theo offered. "And with the exception of sleeping, most circles spend their time out of doors, large spaces are absolutely necessary and it would be a hassle to worry about neighboring circles and whatnot."
"Ah." Charlie mumbled.
"How come you don't use the other one?" Harry moved away from Theo's side and went to look over the edge of the railing. It looked like one of those beach houses he'd once seen in one of Aunt Petunia's travel magazines. A house on stilts, with a comfortably shaded 'bottomhouse' view to add to the charm. He'd always wondered what it would be like to visit one and whether he could jump over the railing. That, of course, prompted him to take a more calculating look and Harry was mildly gratified to note that there wasn't a significant drop, at least, not one large enough to discourage him hiking himself up over the railing rather than aiming for the tangle of stairs.
"The other what?" Theo made a move to hurry after him. "There are stairs, Harry. They built them for a reason and—never mind."
"Wow." Harry's muffled voice came from below. "There's a hammock down here! Hey, Charlie!"
The ponytailed redhead did not waste a moment in all but vaulting over the railing himself. He landed easily in a crouch and gave a whistle of appreciation a moment later as he disappeared from view after Harry. "Nice!"
Theo rolled his golden eyes and with a resigned sigh, hefted himself up and over the edge. He landed easily and found Charlie poking at a clay stove and Harry tangling himself up in a hammock. The Slytherin pinched the bridge of his nose, counting slowly to ten and back, before deciding to stand to the corner and let his mates explore freely. He'd been to the guesthouse before.
As a matter of fact, he'd spent several weeks at a time here, with Ilsa, during their early years together. She'd explained that he ought to have somewhere to run to when he wanted and that they needed to have one place to call their own. The guesthouse had become it. He watched now, faintly amused as Harry managed to situate himself in the hammock and start it swinging and Charlie discovered that his hands could ignite the coals inside the little clay stove-turned-grill.
"Theo!" Harry's excited voice carried everything in it that he couldn't quite articulate.
"I see you've each found something." Theo glided over to catch the hefty suspension rope for the hammock and gave it alight tug. "Settle down." He instructed, pulling the rope a little harder, the equivalent of a push on the swing.
Harry grinned up at him. Theo grinned back. "There's more hooks, I think." Harry twisted, his sharp emerald eyes searching out the S-shaped hooks to hang up other hammocks. "We can each have one."
"Absolutely not." Theo retorted. He ignored the surprised look on Harry's face. "Why I should care for my own hammock when I could easily have you in mine is beyond me."
The surprise faded back into a hesitant smile. "What about Charlie then?"
"Enlarging spell." Theo said, haughtily. "We are wizards."
It was the way he said it, because Harry dissolved into laughter that clearly rang through the bottomhouse and out into the air. Charlie looked over from his fireside fiddling and shared a fond smile between his Alpha when he took in Harry's cheerful face. The smile melted away a moment later when the laughter turned in unexpected sobs.
"Harry?" Charlie flicked his hand at the flames he'd just conjured and tugged with all his might to extinguish them. He was relieved when they did flicker out and he hurried over to where Theo had stopped the hammock and now stood beside it, holding Harry's face to his stomach.
The smaller figure shook with effort and a moment later, tear-filled eyes stared up at both mates in misery.
"What happened?" Charlie looked from him to Theo and then back. He'd missed something, somehow.
"Hysterics." Theo supplied, bending down to be at eye level with Harry. "It is quite alright, Harry. It has been one of those days."
"I feel like a girl." Harry snapped. He scrubbed ineffectually at his face, unable to stem the sudden flow of tears.
"I know many charming young women who would take offense at that," Theo said, lightly. "Sometimes we laugh to keep from crying."
"And sometimes we cry when the laughter runs out." Charlie finished. He stretched out a hand and cupped Harry's tear-stained cheek. Harry leaned in the warm palm, however slightly. "Feel better?"
Harry took a faint, shaky breath. "Sort of. Maybe. I…I don't know."
"It is perfectly fine." Theo repeated. He leaned forward and kissed that wrinkled brow. "Cry, scream and laugh all you want." He thumbed away a stray tear, now that the others seemed to be fading. "Was it something we did to trigger it?"
"N-no." Harry shook his head. "It was—I mean," he gestured ineffectively.
"The hammock?" Theo guessed, his own confusion showing plainly on his face.
"…kind of."
"First time?" Charlie guessed.
Those lovely emerald eyes brimmed with tears that Harry tried to blink away. "Something like that."
"Ah, Harry." And Theo stood, pulling him up out of the hammock and straight into his arms. "Shh." He hugged him tight and then began to shower his face in soft, light kisses. "You were just waiting for the right hammock, hmm?"
"That—I-" Harry sputtered and then he had to laugh, the tears forgotten. "That was bad." He said, accusingly. "That was really bad."
Theo smirked and Charlie shoulder-bumped him from behind. "It worked, didn't it?"
Harry blinked. He smeared his sleeve across his face once more and managed a watery smile. "Yeah. It did."
"Good. How about you check out the actual house?" Theo nudged him towards the shadowed stairwell nestled between the two open areas at the bottomhouse. "Check for essentials and let me know if there's anything missing that we might need."
"Like what?" Charlie was already heading for the stairs. He paused for a moment, frowning at his fingertips. The expected flicker of flame did not appear. He sighed.
"It takes practice." Theo reminded him. "And in the meantime, you're a wizard, use your wand."
Charlie offered a rueful grin and drew out his wand to cast a lumos. He started up the stairs first and then gave another whistle of appreciation.
"What is it?" Harry scampered after him, his attention firmly fixed on a new distraction.
Theo watched them disappear up the stairs and hid a smile. He knew what had caught their attention. The house was magical—as was nearly everything in Nevarah—and Charlie had just realized where the magic was being used. The stairs did not move unless prompted and that was usually for the benefit of pregnant mates, or so Ilsa had told him. The rest of the time, the stairs were deceptively short, considering that they spanned at least two stories inside of the house.
There would be plenty for Charlie and Harry to explore and for once, Theo was glad that there was something interesting to keep both mates out of trouble and his hair. He looked down at the hammock and sighed, running his fingers through the familiar patterned cloth.
This had been his favorite hammock when visiting with Ilsa. It was big enough to hold them both and he'd spent many afternoons lounging in there, cuddled up to her side while she read a book on whatever struck her fancy for the moment. He could easily recall feeling safest beside her and comfortable to admit it.
He hoped he'd have the chance to add a few variations of that memory with Harry. It might do them all some good, he mused. He paused to check the clay stove that had drawn Charlie's attention, checking to be sure the flames were out—they were still faintly smoldering, but Theo chalked that up to the magical device rather than his beta's newfound use of his fire element.
It would take some time and a great deal of practice before either Charlie or Harry could master the fire element. He knew it was a difficult one to grasp. With a wave of his own earthen element, he quelled the flames and directed his steps towards the stairs. He'd given them enough of a headstart for sure.
Harry stared down the dark stairwell and then over at Charlie, whose own shocked expression mirrored what he felt.
"Wow?" Charlie offered.
Harry nodded. "Four floors?"
"I suppose it was made for very large circles." Charlie offered. He shrugged. "It's kind of nice."
"I guess." Harry stepped out into the landing and then looked down the wooden paneled hallway. It felt friendly, he could sense the faint traces of ancient magic twined inside the structure and it was comforting in a way. "Left or right?" He inquired, casting a look down the right and then to the left. Both sides of the hallway looked identical.
Charlie leaned over his shoulder, the lumos casting a bit of a light through the shadowy hallways. "Right?"
"And here I was going to say left." Harry snorted. He reached for his own wand. Charlie frowned and Harry scowled. "My lack of magic and its return does not make me an invalid!"
"I didn't say anything." Charlie held up his hands. The lumos bobbed.
"You were thinking it." Harry sniffed. "You take right, I take left. The layout of the house will probably let us circle around."
"The wrap-around balcony?" Charlie figured, following the train of thought. It made sense, in an oddly logical sort of way. "Alright then."
Harry tapped his wand against his arm for a moment, as if priming it, then focused, lips pressed together. "Lumos!" A faint glow of light sputtered to life and he smiled.
Charlie grinned and turned down the right corridor.
Harry amused himself by poking through various rooms along the left corridor. The doors were all open and most contained absolutely nothing, save for a simple, plain bed and a simple, equally plain dresser and nightstand. They were curiously absent of actual blankets, though there seemed to be an abundance of clean sheets if the fully stocked linen closet was to be believed.
There was a shared bathroom at the end of the hallway and a small kitchenette.
Poking about the kitchenette, Harry took note of serviceable pots, pans and the distinct lack of groceries. He made a mental note to tell Theo and continued on. It was a charming sort of place, a few carved swirls in some places along the wooden walls and floors, a faint layer of dust and grime in a few spots.
Harry wrinkled his nose at that, not looking forward to having to clean anything. He wondered if it really was impossible to find a house elf. Calida had gifted him some basic knowledge spells for housecleaning and clothes, but he wasn't in a hurry to sort them out to use. A sigh slipped past his lips and he continued poking through the empty rooms.
There was a staircase at the far end and Harry found himself wondering what kind of a house had so many staircases and why. It seemed like a veritable maze of sorts and he was fairly certain the house was magically enlarged in more ways than he cared to know. It certainly hadn't looked anything like this on the outside.
Light streamed in from a side window and Harry spied the wrap-around deck through the wooden slats, perking up at the thought of stepping out in the warm air. He reached for the door, pausing to fiddle with the assortment of locks and bolts, before swinging it open.
A yelp escaped when he found himself face to face with a pale, white-blond dragel with their wand drawn. Harry's hand snapped up, wand at the ready, even as a flicker of panic began to settle in.
When the fire gave way to the rich, elegant furnishings of Longbottom Manor, Molly Weasley was decidedly worse for the wear. She collapsed straight into wrinkled, steady arms that held her up even as her legs gave out from beneath her.
"Auggie." She murmured, magic flickerly weakly at her fingertips.
"Molandria!" Augusta Longbottom's sharp voice cut through the mental fog and made the newly transported children straighten subconsciously. "Good heavens, woman!" She gave the weary witch a faint shake.
"Just Molly, Auggie." The redhead corrected. "Only ever Molly. No one has called me otherwise in years."
"Humph!" Augusta's thin lips pursed together and her gaze swept through the newcomers, lighting on her favored grandson. "Neville!" She breathed a silent sigh of relief and mad a motion with her hand.
"Gran." The young wizard exclaimed, ferverently. He pulled away from Lavender's nervous hands to latch onto his grandmother's side.
She hugged him back, as a matter of course, and stroked his hair and face.
The chubby-cheeked Gryffindor leaned into the caress, his eyelids drooping.
"Don't you dare fall asleep on me now, Neville." The fearsome witch snapped. She wrinkled her nose. "Loopy?" The House Elf popped in. "We've guests. Tend to them, please."
The house elf surveyed the new house guests with a grave air, then bowed in acceptance.
Satisfied, the matron of the house returned her attention to the plump, pretty witch that had been supporting her Neville upon the unexpected arrival. "Succubus?" She inquired, stiffly.
Lavender's lovely face burned bright red. "Yes ma'am." She managed, ducking her head, nervousness showing plainly in her body language and soft speech.
"I'll thank you to keep your hands away from my grandson."
"Gran!" Neville protested. His ears turned a lovely shade of pink. "She didn't—we didn't-!"
"Hush, Neville." His grandmother scolded. Her hawk-like eyes narrowed faintly. "And if you absolutely must, then do it where I can't see hide nor hair of what you two are up to."
If Lavender could have become any redder at that point, Neville thought she'd self-combust in some way or another. As it was, he wished that accidental magic still happened so the ground or the walls could swallow him whole. Then again, his Gran always had a knack for calling out the most embarrassing things in his life at the most inopportune times. He frowned. "Gran, I think Mrs. Weasley-"
"She'll be fine." Augusta spared a glance for her grandson. "Do not worry for her. The rest of you, identify yourselves."
"Seamus Finnegan. Irish." The Irishman gave little mock bow. "I cast my luck." He said, softly. "It's lot lies with her." He nodded towards Molly Weasley. "Native magic, if you're asking."
"I am." Augusta said, evenly. "And you?"
Dean held out his hands, palms up. "About the same. Native magic, creature traits from far back."
"And you wouldn't care to share what creature?" The elderly witch sniffed.
"I would not, ma'am." Dean met her gaze squarely. It was a secret that he'd waited two years to share with Seamus. Now that he had, it was a private matter between bonded mates and he saw no point to revealing it. Not with his own kind of creature nature lurking beneath the surface anyway.
"Humph!" Came another snort.
"Dryad?" Dean countered, pleasantly. His instincts screamed at him to reveal his nature and publicly show his dominant status to the newest threat.
The old witch eyed him for a long moment and then gave another huff. "Come along, the lot of you. This way." Augusta drew out her wand and cast a spell, levitating a now sleeping Molly Weasley beside her, with a crooked finger at the witch's redheaded daughter. "And you must be hers." She frowned. "I have not seen any of you in years."
Seamus hid a smile and lingered long enough for Dean to move up behind and urge him forward with a hand to the small of his back. He did it on purpose, knowing the touch would ground his already agitated boyfriend. A trickle of worry registered as he remembered the angry faces and magic from the attack on the Burrow. He hoped that Mrs. Weasley was very good with her transportation spells—and that those attackers wouldn't be able to trace them anytime soon.
Dean's arm slipped around his waist and drew him subtly closer as they began to follow the head of the Longbottom house further into the manor. It looked like they would be in for a long adventure with plenty of surprises. Seamus' lips quirked faintly as if sensing Dean's tangled train of thought. He stepped closer for a moment, their sides almost touching and then broke apart before Lady Longbottom's gaze could catch them over one shoulder.
Ginny shuffled along beside Lavender, her hands in tight little fists beside her. Lavender moved with her head faintly bowed and her own hands twitching nervously.
Neville had slipped out from his Gran's embrace and trotted alongside her instead, with the occasional glance back over his shoulder. He seemed to be recovering quite admirably from his bout of lethargy and weakness at the Burrow.
Dryad. Seamus reminded himself, thinking his boyfriend clever for pointing that out. He'd never reveal Dean's true nature, not unless absolutely necessary for either of them, but he did like knowing what he was up against. Dryads were not immune to Luck. He'd be sure to be very, very lucky.
Playing his cards right would ensure they all lived. Dark times always called for dangerous games.
A/N: Do you like Dryad Augusta? She's going to be a connection figure for our stranded Neville and Co. As for Harry and the others, well, Our boys are out of the clinic at last! Whew. We get to see a glimpse of Theo's sneaky Slytherinesque Alpha traits, Quinn's protectiveness of Harry and Ilsa's famous guest beach house. Thank you for the well wishes for my Aunt, they have have moved her out of the ICU, but it seems that there's an issue with her Kidneys now. :(
Review responses are in the FF forum. I wanted to give y'all some nice LONG review replies, so please check the thread for them. I'm not skipping replies. Honest, the word req for A/N's doesn't allow me to answer your questions in their entirety.
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