No one Comes When You cry | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10479 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Sky, the houses in the wall and the plot. Oh, and the wand is mine too. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
No One Comes When You Cry
Chapter 67
“What the hell did you think you were playing at you foolish woman?
What if you had fallen? What if you misjudged your landing and tumbled of the parapet? How in Gods name did you expect me to continue without you? What would I tell our sons? Oh, your mother wanted to see if she bounced?” He asked incredulously, enraged that she had put herself in such danger after what they had just been through.
Sky lifted her face to her husbands. His own face was livid, his complexion flushed in anger. His eyes however showed something different. They showed anguish and fear, but more than that they showed love and compassion, and those emotions that showed so clearly in his eyes were directed at her.
“I needed to think.” She said lamely.
“Think?” His voice was again several octaves above his normal pitch. “You needed to think? Why the hell did you have to go to the highest, most dangerous place in … excuse me … out of Hogwarts to think? I have had the whole fucking castle searching for you. Do you know how afraid I am of heights?”
“Well … what? Severus I didn’t ask you to come and find me, I just wanted some time to think about what happened. You seemed … you were talking and … Severus do you still want me here now I’ve done what I was brought here for?”
“What?” he asked incredulously.
“Do you still want me? Tom’s dead, I’ve done … we’ve done what needed to be done. Is there still a place here for me?” She asked him, afraid of what his answer might be.
“Bloody hell.” Severus said quietly. He grabbed his wife and held her to him, lifting her so their faces met. He pressed his lips to hers, crushing them with his own in a desperate bid to prove to her just how much of a place she held in his heart. Severus finally broke the kiss so they could both draw in air.
“Sky, do you not realise how empty my life would be without you? I thought you knew that. You are everything to me. You, our sons, nothing in this world has a meaning without the four of you in it. Your place is with me for all time, without you my heart does not beat, without you I have no soul. I love you wife, does that answer your question?”
If Severus had not been holding her, Sky would have collapsed to the ground. Her legs buckled beneath her and she clung to him fiercely. She’d hoped, in the deepest recesses of her heart and mind she’d hoped that he loved her. Yet when he spoke to her just now, revealed his innermost feelings, the raw passion with which he’d spoken his true feelings was enough to make her feel as though he’d swallowed her whole. Taken her into the depths of his being and was holding her there.
“Yes.” She sniffed, her eyes filling with tears, blurring her vision of the wonderful man before her. “I just needed to be sure.”
Severus swept her up in his arms and carried her up the steps into the castle. The broom lay forgotten on the grass as everyone suddenly congregated in the main entrance, relieved to see Sky safe and wondering where she had been.
“Severus? Sky? Is everything alright now?” Albus asked.
“Everything is more than alright Albus, thank you for asking. Right now my wife and I would like to retire. It has been a trying day and we are tired.” Severus replied.
The crowd stepped aside and Severus carried Sky through the human aisle as far as the dungeon entrance. There the crowd ended and he carried his wife down the steps as the Order returned to the Great Hall to continue celebrating.
Once inside their rooms he let her down and they went to the nursery to find the three boys fast asleep, tired out from all the attention in the hall.
Taking her hand, Severus led her from the nursery and across the study to their bedroom. “Now I will show you in no uncertain terms, just how much I love you.” He told her.
Severus showed her over and over and over how much he loved her.
Well into the night and the following morning he showed her until Sky begged him to please let her sleep.
She was sore from the amount of times he’d shown her his love.
Severus was unable to control his passion each time he turned his head on the pillow and saw his beautiful wife. He too was sore however and when she asked him to stop, he snuggled up to her and went into his own blissful sleep.
It was almost noon the following day when they finally rose from the bed. Severus provided her with a couple of bottles of healing potion, and snuck a couple for himself at the same time.
When Effy and Spin brought the boys into the study, all three were eager to show that they could stand by gripping onto the sofa, looks of utter concentration on their little chubby faces until they were all standing on their stout little legs shouting dada, and bashing the seats with their little hands.
Sky and Severus rushed to kneel beside their sons, holding out steadying arms, looks of delight on their faces.
Alex managed to turn and take one step into Sky’s arms and when she hugged him to her he said. “Mama.”
Not to be out done, Paul and Tony turned. Tony managed to land in Severus’ arms while Paul landed on his bottom. It did not deter them however and soon a constant drabble of mamma’s was the main sound in the study, along with Sky’s tears and laughter and Severus’ constant encouragement for them to say dada again.
A knock on the door was answered by Spin and Albus entered the study.
“Oh how wonderful. There is nothing more joyous than the sound of little ones calling for their mother.” He said, his eyes twinkling wetly.
“Apart from when they call for their dada.” Severus put in, still trying his best to get Paul to say dada.
“Mada.” Paul babbled. “Madamada.”
“Looks like they will take after their mother.” Severus said dryly, earning himself a poke in the ribs from Sky. “What can we do for you Albus?”
“I wondered if you’d read the Daily Prophet yet. It seems you two are front page news, along with pages two, three, four and five. In fact most of the paper is taken up with yesterdays events. The Ministry is blustering as usual since there is no way for them to claim any of the credit. The Order is now openly admitting their roles and Askaban is full to bursting with the sudden influx of new inhabitants. Which reminds me, Minister Figglesworth will be arriving tomorrow with Ministry officials. You are both to be awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class, as are many of the Order members. He wishes to hear the story from you points of view and arrange a date for the awards, along with a press conference and an official celebration to be held at the Ministry itself.”
Sky sat and listened to everything the Headmaster said, then turned to Severus, who did not appear pleased.
“Is this all really necessary Albus? Much as I believe we all deserve the awards, I do not wish to attend the Ministries celebrations, along with all the pomp and ceremony that accompanies such procedures.” Severus looked at Sky. “Perhaps you are more inclined to accept on my behalf?” he asked hopefully.
Sky shook her head adamantly. “I didn’t like that last Minister we saw, I’m not meeting one on my own. And what’s a press conference?”
Severus and Albus explained what was likely to happen over the next week or two and Sky became more withdrawn. It was over as far as she was concerned and she wasn’t sure about meeting so many people that only wanted to hear the bare bones of what happened yesterday. “The last time that paper said anything about us they were really mean. But the Order has worked a long time to get us where we are now and I don’t think it’s fair to refuse to go, not if it might mean they aren’t recognised for all the hard work they’ve done over the years. What do you think Severus, Albus?”
The headmaster smiled at her while Severus merely scowled.
“Unfortunately you are right on this occasion.” Severus said. “But I warn you Headmaster, if there is too much attention pointed our way, we shall leave immediately.”
“I quite agree with you both.” He told them, sitting down to hold onto Tony’s hands as the little boy teetered towards him.
Tony was joined by Alex and Paul, all of them calling Albus mama or mada for the next tem minutes.
“It is quite simple Minister Figglesworth. Once Mr Potter and the Headmaster had succeeded in destroying the many horcrux’s made by Voldemort to ensure his continued existence, the Order apprehended the death Eaters and my wife and I jointly delivered the killing curse at Voldemort himself. There is nothing more you need to know.” Severus told the Minister.
“Oh come now Professor, you cannot expect me to believe it was as simple as that. You have … “
“No Minister it wasn’t as simple as that.” Sky said, standing and facing the minister. “I helped kill a man who was supposed to be my father. A man who should have loved me, but instead made it his business to try and kill me when I was a baby. Since then he has tried several times to finish what he started. It is not simple to kill someone like that. From what I’ve learned, the Ministry has done nothing to help stop him from killing hundreds of people. Refused to admit he even existed for a long time. Done everything possible to make Harry Potter come across as an idiot who did not know what he was talking about, and tried their best to make the Order of the Phoenix sound like a bunch of … of … dunderheads. The Headmaster said you even tried to accuse Severus of being a Death Eater. Well he‘s not, he doesn‘t even have the mark that the other Death Eaters have.”
Severus let out a deep baritone laugh at his wife’s use of the term dunderheads. He knew she could only have heard it from him. Then he turned to the Minister and took on a more serious mien. “Not only that Minister, but the Ministry did it’s utmost to discredit my wife after she was rescued and brought to Hogwarts, doing your best to try and discredit her, refuting her claim to the name of Morrigan and her inheritance. The legality of our marriage was put into question and it was found that the Ministry itself had been freely partaking of the Morrigan treasures. Even then, the Ministry tried it’s utmost to annul a perfectly legal marriage in the hope of having her wed to the son of one Lucius Malfoy, who now resides in Askaban I believe. I would suggest that along with these celebrations and press meetings you are so eager for us to attend, you include a public apology to my wife and myself, to Mr Potter, to the Order of the phoenix, and to the general public for all the misinformation and misdeeds that have been executed by the ministry over the last sixteen years as regards Voldemort and my wife.”
Sky stared at Severus mesmerized, hardly believing he dared to demand an apology from the ministry. Then she realised how she’d spoken to the Minister herself and decided to say nothing. Severus was right in what he said and what he demanded. She wasn’t bothered for herself, but it wasn’t fair how the others had been treat over the years and the Ministry had been in the wrong for a long time.
On Friday, because of all the press who constantly hounded the Gates of Hogwarts, Sky opened the lab door onto number 12 to allow the Order to enter Hogwarts, then reopened it into the main entrance of the Ministry of Magic. After making sure the door was closed behind them, Severus, Sky and Albus Dumbledore led the rest of the Order to the Ministries largest function room.
They were led to a long table at the far end of the room, passed rows and rows of seated officials, members of the Wizangammot, reporters, photographers and selected members of the general wizarding world.
As soon as they were seated, flashbulbs began to pop as the photographers took the opportunity to take snaps and send them off to the publishers as soon as possible, each wanting to be the first to publish the prints.
On each photo, Severus was scowling, Sky was wide eyed and Albus was smiling merrily. Harry was half hidden behind Remus and Kingsley, hating the limelight as always while Ron grinned and Hermione sat poised and ready to impart her wealth of information to anyone that might ask her a question.
For the first hour and a half, Albus, Severus and Sky were asked to give their version of what happened on the day Voldemort was finally defeated. Albus spent a good while telling them what happened, Severus added a simple ‘Ditto’, and when Sky opened her mouth to speak several times, her nerves got the better of her and she was unable to utter a single sentence. She sat down red faced feeling like an utter idiot, but the sight of so many people looking at her avidly left her dumbstruck.
Severus gave her hand a squeeze beneath the table and Albus motioned for Harry, Ron and Hermione to stand and continue with the tale.
Fortunately for Sky, the press were ushered from the Ministry as soon as the official telling was over, though Albus did halt them for a while, reminding Figglesworth that a public apology still needed to be made.
Figglesworth had no choice but to comply, seeing as the Headmaster had been rather loud when making the suggestion and most everyone in the room had heard.
He made the apology as requested, though apportioned the majority of the blame on the already incarcerated ex Minister Fudge.
Still, the press had a field day over the Ministries admittance of their obvious lack of assistance to the wizarding world and there incompetence. The deception and subterfuge over the Morrigan estate and lack of proper investigation into Sky’s whereabouts when she was abducted. The propaganda attack on Harry Potter after the fiasco at the triwizard tournament and their total lack of regard as far as the work of the Order of the Phoenix was concerned.
Several reporters, Rita Skeeter in particular, tried cornering Sky and asking for an exclusive interview. Fortunately either Severus, Albus, Remus or Kinsley were always close by to rescue her before she lost her temper and soon the press were escorted from the building so the ceremony could begin.
A total of eleven Order of Merlin medals first class were presented. A hundred and ninety seven second class, and numerous posthumous awards to the descendants of those who’d fought against the dark over many years and lost their lives in the process.
A large celebration followed, during which Minister Figglesworth tried desperately to persuade Sky to show how she worked the doors, or allow him to examine her wand. He spoke to her as though they had been friends for a long time and constantly tried to pull her to his side for photographs.
Sky hated it, especially when the man kept sliding an arm round her shoulder or waist when she wasn’t expecting it.
Severus told him none too politely to “Walk away passing water.” (Piss off) “Otherwise Minister you will find yourself to perform any kind of bodily function for the duration of your life.”
It was a further three months before all the who hah died down and those involved in the downfall of the darkest wizard ever known was finally old news.
Now it was time for the Halloween ball once again, and this time Sky had entered into the spirit of the occasion. Alex, Paul and Tony were dressed as pumpkins, and Sky was attired in black from head to foot. She wore black, tight leather trousers, a black vest top, her hair was charmed black and even her high teeth were spelled to be much longer than they normally were. She wore white face make up and one of Severus’ capes.
The triplets were brought in for the first hour and toddled round the hall, sneaking up behind unsuspecting students and Professors and shouting ’Boo’, before giggling gleefully and running off to find another victim.
Everyone played along to the boys and pretended to be scared out of their wits when faced with a trio of tiny pumpkin heads snarling at them.
The boys also liked to sit at the house tables during the evening meal, usually as a set and were thoroughly spoiled whichever table they chose for the evening, so they held no shyness for whoever they approached.
Towards the end of the ball Sky took Severus to one side. “It was nice having the boys here tonight. I think they really enjoyed themselves.” Sky commented.
“I quite agree. I have never seen so many frightened faces in one evening, albeit it was mock fear, but our sons were delighted with the effect they had on the students. Though not as delighted as I am at what you are wearing. Have I mentioned how delectably sexy you look this evening?”
“No you haven’t, but thank you anyway. Have I mentioned that I wont be looking this way much longer?”
Severus raised a curious eyebrow. “Wife, you will always look sexy to me.” he intoned quietly.
“You might not think so in a month or two.” She told him, a slight quirk at one side of her lips/
“Really, and why might that be?”
“Because I am not using slimming charms this time Severus.”
“Slimming cha … You mean …?”
“Due in April.”
“Circe. Err … dare I ask how many this time?”
“Only if you promise not to fall flat on your face when I tell you.”
“Oh dear Gods. How many this time?” he asked, his face paler than Sky’s.
“She smirked at him, her eyes bright. “Weeeell.”
“Do not torment me woman. How many?”
Severus’ jaw went slack, then he narrowed his eyes at her. “You purposely played on my anxiety wife, you will pay for that alter.” He told her, more than a hint of seductive promise in his voice. “When do we get to discover what sex it is?”
“Now. It’s a girl this time.”
Severus stared at her stunned for a moment, then his face softened. “A girl? You are carrying our daughter? You do understand that she will not be wearing pink, ever?”
“She will, lots of it. And frills and lace.”
“She certainly will not.” He said, affronted.
“Severus of course she will. Anyway, Poppy’s already started sewing.”
Severus frowned, but it did not last as he imagined a perfect little replica of Sky, dressed in pink and lace and bouncing on his knee. “Thank you Mrs Snape.” He said softly, lowering his head and kissing her tenderly, completely ignorant of the stares he was attracting as his kiss became more passionate in full view of everyone in the Great Hall.
To everyone who has read and reviewed this story, thank you so much.
I have loved each and every review you have taken the time to write. They have kept me going on the numerous occasions when I thought I would eventually have to give up on this story. Especially after the events that took place in J.K.’s book seven.
To those of you who’s home, work and family have suffered because you were reading this instead of doing what you normally do, I am not really sorry, not at all. LOL. That’s because I’m evil. But thank you for reading anyway.
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