Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
One last time, everything you recognize here was written by JK Rowling, I just borrowed and tweaked a bit. I make no money for including it here.
Voldemort was ready. As Harry shouted, “Expelliarmus!” Voldemort cried, “Avada Kedavra!”The two spells—one red and one green—met in midair, and connected, forming a thread of golden light between the two wands, which both began to vibrate as though electric charges were running through them.And then—nothing could have prepared Harry for this—he felt his feet lift from the ground. He and Voldemort were both being raised into the air, their wands still connected by that thread of shimmering golden light. They glided away from the tombstone of Voldemort’s father and then came to rest on a patch of ground that was clear and free of graves. The Death Eaters were shouting; they were asking Voldemort for instructions; they were closing in, reforming the circle around Harry and Voldemort, the snake slithering at their heels, some of them drawing their wands—The golden thread connecting Harry and Voldemort splintered, though the wands remained connected, a thousand more beams arced high over Harry and Voldemort, crisscrossing all around them, until they were enclosed in a golden, dome-shaped web, a cage of light, beyond which the Death Eaters circled like jackals, their cries strangely muffled now.“Do nothing!” Voldemort shrieked to the Death Eaters, and Harry saw his red eyes wide with astonishment at what was happening, saw him fighting to break the thread of light still connecting his wand with Harry’s; Harry held onto his wand more tightly, with both hands, and the golden thread remained unbroken. “Do nothing unless I command you!” Voldemort shouted to the Death Eaters.And then an unearthly and beautiful sound filled the air. It was coming from every thread of the light-spun web vibrating around Harry and Voldemort. It was a sound Harry recognized, though he had heard it only once before in his life: phoenix song.Suddenly, the beam between Harry and Voldemort changed, and there were beads of light appearing along it, and the wands both began vibrating even more strongly.‘Priori Incantatem!’ Shiloe breathed. ‘Of course, brother wands! Listen, Harry, see those beads of light? You’ve got to force them into Voldemort’s wand.’ Shiloe told him, as the beads inched towards him.Harry concentrated every last particle of his mind upon forcing the beads back toward Voldemort, his ears full of phoenix song, his eyes furious, fixed. Slowly, very slowly, the beads quivered to a halt, and then, just as slowly, they began to move the other way, and it was Voldemort’s wand that was vibrating extra-hard now, Voldemort who looked astonished, and almost fearful.One of the beads of light was quivering, inches from the tip of Voldemort’s wand. Harry didn’t understand why he was doing it, didn’t know what it might achieve, but he now concentrated as he had never done in his life on forcing that bead of light right back into Voldemort’s wand, and slowly, very slowly, it moved along the golden thread… It trembled for a moment… And then it connected.At once, Voldemort’s wand began to emit echoing screams of pain, then—Voldemort’s red eyes widened with shock—a dense, smoky hand flew out of the tip of it and vanished; the ghost of the hand he had made Wormtail. More shouts of pain, and then something much larger began to blossom from Voldemort’s wand tip, a great, grayish something, that looked as though it were made of the solidest, densest smoke. It was a head, then a chest and arms, an old man Harry had never seen before was now pushing himself out of the end of the wand, and his ghost, or his shadow, or whatever it was, fell to the ground, and surveyed Harry and Voldemort, and the golden web, and the connected wands, with mild surprise, leaning on his walking stick.“He was a real wizard, then?” the old man said, his eyes on Voldemort. “Killed me, that one did. You fight him, boy.”But already, yet another head was emerging, and this head, gray as a smoky statue, was a woman’s. Harry, both arms shaking now as he fought to keep his wand still, saw her drop to the ground and straighten up like the others, staring.The shadow of Bertha Jorkins surveyed the battle before her with wide eyes.“Don’t let go, now!” She cried, and her voice echoed like the old man’s as though from very far away. “Don’t let him get you, Harry—don’t let go!”She and the other two shadowy figures began to pace around the inner walls of the golden web, while the Death Eaters flitted around the outside of it, and Voldemort’s dead victims whispered as they circled the duelers, whispered words of encouragement to Harry, and hissed words Harry couldn’t hear to Voldemort.And now another head was emerging from the tip of Voldemort’s wand, and Harry knew when he saw it who it would be. He knew, as though he had expected it from the moment when Voldemort’s victims had started to appear from the wand. He knew, because the woman was the one he’d thought of more than any other tonight…The smoky shadow of a young woman with long hair fell to the ground as Bertha had done, straightened up, and looked at him, and Harry, his arms shaking madly now, looked back into the ghostly face of his mother.“Your father’s coming.” She said quietly. “Hold on for your father. It will be all right, hold on…”And he came, first his head, then his body, tall and untidy-haired like Harry, the smoky, shadowy form of James Potter blossomed from the end of Voldemort’s wand, fell to the ground, and straightened like his wife. He walked close to Harry, looking down at him, and he spoke in the same distant, echoing voice as the others, but quietly, so that Voldemort, his face now livid with fear as his victims prowled around him, could not hear…“When the connection is broken, we will linger for only moments, but we will give you time. You must get to the Portkey, it will return you to Hogwarts. Do you understand, Harry?”“Yes,” Harry gasped, fighting now to keep a hold on his wand, which was slipping and sliding beneath his fingers.“Do it now.” whispered his father’s voice, “Be ready to run. Do it now.”“NOW!” Harry yelled; he didn’t think he could have held on for another moment anyway—he pulled his wand upward with an almighty wrench, and the golden thread broke; the cage of light vanished, the phoenix song died—but the shadowy figures of Voldemort’s victims did not disappear—they were closing in upon Voldemort, shielding Harry from his gaze—And Harry ran as he had never run in his life, knocking two stunned Death Eaters aside as he passed; he zigzagged behind headstones, feeling their curses following him, hearing them hit the headstones—he was dodging curses and graves, pelting toward the Triwizard Cup, no longer aware of the pain in his leg, his whole being concentrated on what he had to do—“Stun him!” He heard Voldemort scream.Harry gave up running and summoned the Cup to him, grabbing hold of it, and whirling through space again.Harry felt himself slam flat into the ground; his face was pressed into grass; the smell of it filled his nostrils. He had closed his eyes while the Portkey transported him, and he kept them closed now. He did not move. All the breath seemed to have been knocked out of him; his head was swimming so badly he felt as though the ground beneath him were swaying like the deck of a ship. To hold himself steady, he tightened his hold on the Cup. He felt as though he would slide away into the blackness gathering at the edges of his brain if he let go of it.He heard the crowd cheering, as though from a distance. A pair of hands seized him and turned him over.“Harry! Harry, my boy, what happened?”Dumbledore was crouched over him, looking worried. The dark shadows of a crowd of people pressed in around them, pushing nearer; Harry felt the ground beneath his head reverberating with their footsteps.He had come back to the edge of the maze. He could see the stands rising above him, the shapes of people moving in them, the stars above.Harry let go of the cup, grabbing Dumbledore’s wrist instead. “He’s back.” He whispered. “Voldemort’s back.”“What’s going on? What’s happened?”The face of Cornelius Fudge appeared upside down over Harry; it looked white, and shaken.Dumbledore shook his head. “A moment, Cornelius. Are you sure, Harry? Are you certain he’s returned?”Harry nodded. “He used some kind of potion and… And my blood. And then he came back.”Dumbledore met Fudge’s eyes. “It would appear that Voldemort has returned, Cornelius.”Fudge drew himself up. “That’s preposterous! The boy must be mistaken!”Dumbledore frowned. “Harry, can you make it to my office? I have something there that may help us make sense of this situation.”Harry nodded and was helped to his feet.“Cornelius, if you will come with us, we can use my pensieve to view young Harry’s memory of tonight, so we can be sure of what happened.” Dumbledore said calmly.*****Harry sat in Dumbledore’s office, numbly, watching the two men bent over the pensieve, feeling oddly detached from it all.‘What we need to be concerned with now is where you are going to be staying over the summer.’ Shiloe said. ‘You need to be somewhere safe, where Voldemort can’t find you.’Harry sighed. ‘Where do you suggest?’ He asked listlessly.‘We could stay here for some of it. But we’ll need to join Lucius for August, when my daughter is due.’ Shiloe murmured.Fudge and Dumbledore straightened.“Well, I… That certainly is irrefutable.” Fudge spluttered. “What do we do now?” He asked Dumbledore.Dumbledore sighed. “Well, first we find the Death Eater within Hogwarts, and I think I may know who it is, and then, we plan how to combat Voldemort.”Harry sat up straighter. “You think you know who the Death Eater is?” He asked.Dumbledore nodded. “Yes, Harry. Why don’t you head to the infirmary, where Madam Pomfrey will check you over, to make sure you are well after your adventure tonight? I need to find Severus and Alastor… Who I believe may not be Alastor, after all.”Harry nodded and headed for the infirmary.He made it there without running into anyone else, and collapsed onto his usual bed.Poppy came out of her office and drew her wand. “Mr. Potter, whatever happened to you?” She asked archly.Harry sighed. “Voldemort came back. Dumbledore wanted you to make sure I’m alright, so here I am.” He answered.Poppy’s eyes widened. “You-Know-Who, back? Good heavens, boy, lie down this INSTANT!” She pulled out her wand and ran it over Harry’s body as Harry finally surrendered his grip on consciousness.*****Shiloe’s eyes snapped open. He checked his magical reserves and cursed. He saw that he was covered with a spell that was meant to rouse Poppy the instant he awoke.Right on cue, Poppy bustled out of her office, potion in hand. “Harry, you shouldn’t be up yet.” She chided.“It’s just me, and I NEED to be up. I need to Feed.” Shiloe responded.Poppy flushed. “Oh! Well, I suppose I can release you if you promise to rest for at least another day. That means a BLOOD Feeding, young man!” She wagged a finger at him.Shiloe chuckled. “Alright. I’ll just leave. I’ll come back tomorrow, or have Harry come by tomorrow, so you can check us over again, but I think we’re fine.” He headed out of the infirmary and stepped into the shadows, reappearing in his rooms.“HARRY!” Sirius launched himself out of the chair he was sitting in. “You’re alright!”“It’s Shiloe, and yes, we’re fine. Although I do need a Feeding.” Shiloe told him.“Shiloe.” Lucius’ voice sounded from Helga’s doorway.Shiloe turned, and saw the relief evident on his face. “Lucius. You know?” He asked, eyeing the way the man held his left arm gingerly.Lucius inclined his head. “Severus came by earlier tonight and informed us that you were safe, and that the Dark Lord had returned. I… Was already aware, of course.”Shiloe nodded. “Poppy let me come down here early, provided I rest. I need a Feeding, then I am going to bed. I suggest you all do the same.” He said, eyeing Sirius, Remus and Lucius. “We’ll talk in the morning.”Sirius sat down on the couch, patting the spot beside him. “You can Feed from me.”Shiloe bit his lip. “I’m rather low. We should do this in your bed. You won’t be able to move when I’m done, at least for a few hours.”Lucius closed his eyes for a moment. “I will wait out here. I have a private question for you.” He said, sitting in the chair Sirius had vacated.Shiloe nodded and followed Sirius into his room.Sirius laid down in bed. “Okay, do your worst.”Shiloe smiled. “Open your shirt, let me get to the heart. I need to Feed directly over it.”Sirius complied, and Shiloe bent his head, sinking his fangs into the delicate skin of Sirius’ chest and beginning to drink.He drank for a few minutes, before pulling his fangs out and licking the wounds gently. “Thanks. I’ll see you in the morning.”He walked out and sat on the couch in front of Lucius, whose head was bowed. “Sir?”Lucius raised his head, and Shiloe was astounded to see tears on his face.“I almost didn’t believe it, when Severus told us you were back.” He whispered. “I felt Him calling, and I was certain I’d never see you again.”Shiloe gulped, and got up to kneel in front of Lucius’ chair. “I’m right here. A little shaken, but I’m in one piece.”Lucius cupped Shiloe’s face in his hands and leaned in, kissing Shiloe deeply. “May I share your bed tonight, Shiloe? Just to sleep? I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep without feeling you there, safe beside me.”Shiloe smiled and stood, taking Lucius’ hand and pulling him toward Salazar’s room. “Come on, Lucius. Let’s go to bed.” He whispered.Whatever tomorrow held, he and Harry would rise to meet it.‘We can overcome anything.’ He realized. ‘Voldemort doesn’t stand a chance.’THE ENDThe sequel is in the works, and should be starting soon.
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