There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries. Read A/N at the bottom, please and thank you!
RECAP: Theo, Harry and Charlie leave the clinic after Theo signs over his Alpha right to Quinn so he can take care of the business of revenge over Harry's Blood Seal. Meanwhile, the triad travels to the guesthouse that Ilsa promised them. At the guesthouse, Harry runs into Bahn Deveraine, Bhindi's twin brother and the other Submissive in the Deveraine Circle. Bahn is happy to befriend Harry and instinctively takes the younger dragel under his wing. Ilsa turns up and things become strained when Bahn invites Ilsa to stay for dinner. Meanwhile, the others have met up with Dryad Augusta Longbottom and are warmly welcomed in. Luna receives a hidden message from her father and decides to get moving, sending a message ahead to her Fairy Queen.
"…dinner was lovely, thank you, Bahn." Theo positioned his utensils properly across the surface of his soup plate. It had been an exquisite meal, even if only made so by the fact that Bahn had served dishes made with otherworldly expertise from his native Elven realms. It was both a gesture of goodwill and a blatant show of skill to reinforce the recent display of Submissive Power. Bahn's subtlety was very subtle in terms that he'd simply meant to state that his pregnant status did not make him anything less than what he projected himself to be.
Theo had graciously acknowledged that with his verbal appreciation. He folded his napkin in his lap and lightly dropped it on the center of his plate. As a partial host—and he was being careful, still, not to step on Bahn's toes—he knew an after dinner tea would be wonderful. However, as an Alpha, he'd have to have been rather hard pressed to miss the rising tension in the room.
On Harry's side—his Submissive burned with muted desire under the circumstances, and the faint signs of fidgeting and squirming, only served to fuel Theo's own natural instincts to have both of his mates as soon as physically possible. He wanted to smuggle them away to shadowed privacy and feast himself entirely on all they had to offer. Alternately, his dominant dragel side simmered beneath the surface with the primal urge to stake his claim on each of them. It was enough to drive any well-bonded dragel to the limits of their patience, but Theo found himself struggling as he searched for a way to politely ask his Oretta to amuse herself elsewhere for the night. Normally, he could bluntly speak his mind and with very little regard to how he phrased his request—as they did have an understanding between them. It was only the apparent unease and distrust between Bahn and his mentor, that stayed his tongue.
On Bahn's side, the very fact that he was acting as if nothing had really changed between them, seemed to key up Ilsa even more. He didn't refute any of her instinctive urges, such as adding food to his plate, occasionally touching his sleeve and refilling his drinking glass if he so much as took three sips from it. Theo could tell it bothered her, as she'd sat stiffly and spoken minimally through the entire meal. He knew she was trying to work out why the sudden protective urges had become so insistent. He was mildly sorry for her, understanding that her dragel would sense that Bahn was pregnant and thus want to smother him in any way allowed, while her rational side could not understand her own instinctive urges in relation to his apparently fine, physical state. Theo swallowed back a blossoming sigh, knowing that there were three reasons exactly for any dragel mate to hover over their Submissive. One, pregnancy, two, severe injury and three, the Alpha's orders. Judging from Ilsa's face, she was mentally turning the list of reasons over and over in her head, attempting to puzzle them out. Theo had a feeling she would be saying quite a bit the moment the first opportunity was afforded to her—regardless of whether she had an audience or not.
Theo was returned to the present by the sound of Bahn's light, lilting voice in answer. He made himself smile, hoping that his musings hadn't shown on his face for the split-second of inattention.
"…you're quite welcome, Theodore. Harry helped by the way, do thank him. We worked wonderfully together. I must admit that I am impressed, he's quite handy in the kitchen. Quite a difference from what I am used to. I am very glad to be afforded the opportunity to meet him. I am also sure you and yours will be able to enjoy this meal again in the future, as he is a very fast learner."
Theo's eyebrows arched upwards and his appreciative gaze flickered away from Bahn to rest on his own delightful Submissive. The golden eyes darkened with the first obvious hints of lust, a flicker of possessiveness filtering away from him and through the mated bond between them. Theo saw his interest received in the sudden flush of redness that colored Harry's cheeks, those green eyes flashing at him in a mixture of annoyance, embarrassment and appreciation rolled into one. Theo swallowed the smile that threatened to break free, he would have so much fun with this bond in the future to come.
Harry squirmed beside him, before one slender foot traced out one of Theo's legs and delivered a meaningful kick. It only served to make Charlie's smiling lips twitch into something more of a heated smirk when he turned his attention to the near silent battle of wills taking place mere inches away from him.
"I hope that was for Theo," He murmured, softly. "Because I can't think what I could've have done to deserve it."
Harry's feet immediately retreated from the odd tangle beneath the table and he sent a warning glower at both of his lovers, trying and failing to keep from feeling slightly flattered at the thought that apparently both of them didn't mind if the evening was to end on pleasurably loud notes that centered around him. He'd be a liar of he dared say that he wasn't interested, in spite of the temporary obstacles of having two guests in their new home. Harry's attention was diverted as he felt the faintest spike of earthen element tremor and quiver in the air. He shot a glance at Theo, only to catch his Alpha's worried gaze, the lust retreating from those darkened eyes to lighten to the hue of pure gold that radiated worry as they darted between Bahn and Ilsa.
Ilsa stiffened beside them both, her golden eyes darkening from bright yellow to a rich hazel hue. Her hands curled around her utensils, the fingernails beginning to morph into clawed tips.
"It is really very good." Charlie chimed in. His rich blue eyes sparkled in appreciation. It was a reminder that burned dully in the back of his mind, dredging up memories that he firmly pushed away for the time being. Mealtimes at The Burrow had always been chaotic, frantic and loud—but they had been wonderful, bittersweet times just the same. Sibling squabbles living and dying over his Mum's famous cooking, prank wars brought to an end when threatened with the possibility of no dessert. For one fleeting moment, he allowed himself to worry for his siblings and how they were faring. "I've never eaten something like this before and I have traveled quite a bit. It makes me wonder what else you could have whipped up in there."
"Ah, thank you then." Bahn blushed quite prettily under the praise, the faintest of pink dusting his white features, the aristocratic face seeming more ethereal in that moment than ever before. It was easy to see how his looks alone would have attracted dozens of potential suitors. "I do hope that I can continue to live up to such grand expectations." And here, he turned his pale-eyed gaze to Harry, with the faintest of twinkle at the corners of them, a hidden signal between the two.
"Dessert!" Harry popped up from his seat, his face flushed, his hands straight at his sides as he caught the signal and took the out that it granted. "We nearly forgot dessert. We'll be right back." He made a beeline for the kitchen, before any of the others could follow. "Bahn?"
Bahn coughed delicately into his napkin and rose from the chair with the grace that seemed to be blanketed around him, a product of years and ingrained elegance. "You really shouldn't tease him, you know." He winked at the table's occupants and glided towards the kitchen door. "Harry, my dearest…" his voice and figure disappeared from view.
"Breathe, Harry." Bahn advised, shutting the door behind them both and throwing up his own wards.
It was nearly the same sort of reflex action that Theo had, Harry noted. He wondered what had happened to make the elf-dragel so wary. He wouldn't pry, but he hoped it was nothing serious—then again, perhaps he could ask Theo later. There was something in him that made him loathe to trouble the pale-haired Submissive, who seemed happily content to hover beside him, offering friendship and subtle mothering in the same instance.
"You really need to take them both in hand you know, or they will smother you later on." Bahn warned as he came to stand beside him, amusement coloring his voice. "and eat as much as you can now, for I doubt they will be stopping for more than a snack break once they have their claws in you."
Harry stood at the kitchen sink, his head already under the tap, cold water flowing over him. "You put something in that stew!" He accused, his scowl made less fearsome by the fact that he was, effectively half-drowning himself in icy water from the tap to keep the urge to jump his mates at bay. He shivered, faintly, at the sudden flash of coldness.
The elf-dragel sighed and padded over, snagging a clean kitchen towel as he went. "There was nothing in the stew, that is entirely your own instincts and your inner dragel playing off what your bonded are offering you." He sighed, reaching out to tug on Harry's shoulders. "That's enough. Stop it. You're merely embarrassed when there's nothing to be embarrassed about." Bahn snorted. "We'd be on equal terms if my Delani was here, she does not care whether we have an audience or not, so as long as we're both on the same page. Towel?"
Harry took the towel, blindly, straightening up, his head somewhat clearer than it had been a moment ago. He swabbed his face and then scrubbed the towel at his hair, turning to give the elf a piece of his mind. "I doubt that your mates would-"
"Bonded." Bahn corrected, almost at once.
"Only wizard-born that don't know any better use the plebian term of 'mate.'" Pale grey-white eyes gave a lovely roll. "We prefer Bonded. Ones you are bound to are your bonded, ones you are interested in are your Intended. It's really much easier that way, not to mention more dignified in polite company." Bahn lifted his face upward with theatrical air.
Harry found himself fighting a bubble of laughter. "That's…thanks." He thought it over carefully. "So both Theo and Charlie are my…bonded?"
"Of course and the moment you marry them in a formal ceremony, you can call them your husbands, spouses or whatever you like. I prefer to keep the title of Bonded, but it really is up to you and what works best for your circle." The last word hitched and Bahn winced, one pale, long-fingered hand skittering over his stomach where the noticeable bump was concealed by magic.
"Bahn?" Harry stepped forward at once, brows drawing together. He hadn't seen anything happen.
"It's fine. Nothing to worry over." The elf-dragel took a shuddery breath. "Well, maybe a little nothing to worry about."
"Bahn!" Harry lurched forward as Bahn doubled over once more, clutching his stomach. "What's happening? Theo-!" He began to call, only to have one of Bahn's hands dart out and cover his mouth, in spite of the awkward positioning.
"No. Don't. If you call them now, I might not be so…forgiving." The elf winced again. "Instinct and all that, you know. Ach…I'd forgotten how painful this could be…then again, the last time, there wasn't any reason to know—ugh." He winced, and dropped the hand from Harry's mouth, settling it on his stomach instead.
"But Bahn-!"
"Ow…shh." The older Submissive hissed. He lowered himself carefully to his knees and leaned forward his arms wrapped around his upper shoulders, a painful grimace registering on his face. "Don't…call them…" He clenched his jaw tightly, a tiny sound of pain escaping. "This is fine, it is normal. I was expecting it—perhaps not quite this soon, but I was expecting it. Everything is fine. Just please, help me. Do exactly as I say." He coughed and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, battling the sensations within. "…wards, Harry. Can you cast wards?"
Harry gaped at him for a moment. Half of him wanted to listen and the other half shouted at him to find Theo and drag his Alpha in here to fix things as he had when Bahn's first attack had come about. "But you're—I shouldn't-"
"Ilsa can't come in here. Do you hear me? You can't let her come in here!" Eyes snapped open, wildness showing in their pale depths as Bahn reached out again, grabbing Harry's arm, the fingers-turning-claws digging into the robe's sleeves. "Please, Harry! Not if you want me to survive this and I beg of you—cast them. NOW!"
The brunet hesitated, a flicker of the golden magic surging through him, a stab of golden-white, proof of Bahn's efforts. The elf-dragel was very serious. Harry bit his lip, but reached for his wand. This part did feel right to him and he'd learned years before to listen when this rare feeling settled over him. Whatever it was that compelled Bahn to ask this of him, Harry would grant it to the best of his present ability. The new magic thrumming through his veins would be enough for him to cast a simple ward and a more complicated one, maybe. He focused for a moment and then threw the magic forth with a single breath and ordered mind. He felt it respond to his touch, singing happily and doing his bidding without complaint. He then dropped to his knees beside, Bahn, hands hovering uncertainly. "There. It's done. I did it. Wards up. Now what? What's happening? Are you alright? How can I help?"
"…No…no, Harry, I'm not alright…and I won't be for some time." He gave a pained smile. "I don't think I could explain, save to say…that…Ow. Ow. Ow." Bahn pressed his lips tightly together and whimpered.
Harry twitched, muted feelings of panic settling somewhere in the back of his mind. His mind screamed at him to do something, while the other half of him demanded that he stay put and not leave Bahn's side. "Can I bring you something? What do you need? Tell what to do!"
"Time." Bahn forced the word out, his hand grasping and releasing on Harry's arm. "Just need time…and a silencing spell." He took a ragged breath. "Cast it. On me. I'll likely be unable to hold my own."
"Silencing spell on me. If she hears me, any ward you have up won't hold up against a Gheyo's rage. It's a pure kind of magic. They'll crumble, even if you, a Submissive, did cast it. That's the way our world works."
"…I don't understand."
"You don't have to. But please…" Bahn coughed and then choked, panic showing in his pale-white-grey eyes. "You can help me, if you do this."
Almost as if in a trance, Harry found himself casting a silencio over the pained Submissive. He was surprised to see Bahn relax almost at once, the moment the spell settled over him. He watched in horrified fascination as Bahn collapsed to the floor, writhing in silent agony, tears streaming down his nearly child-like face as colorful wisps of pink, blue and green energy began to circle around his swollen belly now quite visible, with the disillusionment charms having worn off. The elf rested a hand against his stomach and whispered words that brought about a beautiful, white-gold magic that surrounded him from head to toe.
Harry watched as the glow grew brighter and Bahn lay limply in its cradle. Soon, the white-gold was joined by a different set, these centered solely around the Submissive's midsection. The colorful strands were meshed together, overlapping and as time passed, they began to separate, until there was a single blue meshed around the pink, both encircled by the green. The entire process seemed to happen in fast-forward, taking place in the space of mere minutes.
Harry felt his breath catch in his throat, his hands trembling beside him. He understood that something wonderful and incredibly private was happening before him, but he had no time to even process it, as Bahn's hand on his arm tightened once more. With some effort, the elf, now even paler than before, accepted help in sitting up, braced against the lower cabinets.
At that, Harry sprang to his feet, extracting his arm to move freely. He found a glass, filling it with water from the tap. He offered it to the sweaty-faced Bahn, who screwed up his nose in protest, but downed the clear liquid anyway, agreeing to a second glass and then a piece of jerky found from the groceries clustered on the island in the kitchen. Bahn nibbled the piece of dried meat from Harry's shaking hands.
After a few moments of silence, the brunet couldn't take it any longer. "What just happened here?" He demanded.
Bahn managed a wan smile that made him seem more like himself again. "Twins." He said simply.
"I am elfin, before I was dragel." The blond sighed. "And I am cursed. It is why I have had my sister carry all of my children, up to now and what few I have…they are precious to me. The twins…I wasn't sure it would be successful this time, but I suppose I was lucky. The twins separated."
"I don't understand." Harry felt himself falter as he dropped to his knees beside the newly complicated Submissive. "What do you mean?"
"…a cursed twin, will always carry twins." Bahn said, simply. "Elfin twins are different, they are not like your regular kind of twins and you are not elfin. I cannot explain it to you, suffice it to say that we are two halves of a whole, if that helps." He took a shaky breath. "These…are twins," He rested a hand gently on his rounded stomach. "I am sure you saw their colors, they were so bright. They will be wonderful. I intend to carry them to term. They are generally one, until their second parent is present, then they separate. Dragel children are products of love, magic and harmony. We cherish them all."
Harry frowned. He still didn't really understand, but it seemed like his friend was unlikely to elaborate further than that, as Bahn leaned back, bracing his head against the wooden cabinets. "…do you need anything else?" He was now feeling the urge to hover and couldn't decide if it was just his protective instinct wanting to make sure his new friend was alright or if his dragel was trying to tell him something.
"Nothing that I can ask of you, I'm afraid." Bahn smiled, the expression bittersweet and beautiful. "Shall we go? I am sure we took far more time doing this than you think we did."
"Go?" Harry repeated, incredulously. The rest of him caught up to that sentence as he realized the implication behind Bahn's words. If they'd 'disappeared' to find dessert and taken longer than necessary there were one of two possible outcomes. Theo had calmed Ilsa down and they would all play nicely for another few, strained hours or Theo had not calmed Ilsa down and all three of the dominant-instinctive dragels would be likely to break the door down. He shuddered. He wasn't sure which option was worse.
"Yes. Now. If we wait any longer, they're liable to be unable to maintain what little control they've shown thus far."
"Control?" Harry found himself repeating as he moved forward to help the stubborn elf. He watched as Bahn began to cast spells to set his hair and clothes to rights as if nothing had ever happened.
"Thank you." Bahn said, calmly. "Yes. Control. As in one reason I am hiding my signature at the moment, has to do with my lovely Alpha and her last promise of exactly what kind of trouble I would be in, if I managed to outwit my Pareya."
"Big trouble?" Harry sympathized.
Bahn chuckled. "Nothing I cannot handle, though I will say that it won't be very pleasant." But there was the faintest hint of laughter in his voice, as his temperament seemed to have already recovered. "Which, by the way, leads me to remind you of our pact. Please do not think that I offered the friendship of my house, lightly. It may seems so, in hindsight, but I meant it in all true sincerity."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I did not swear friendship between us solely so I would have you beside me in case of this." He gestured towards himself. "I am truly honored to make your acquaintance and I shall speak to Delani of bringing our circles together for dinner or some such outing. Must mention it to Theo. I will see that it happens soon." He winced, straightening. "I must also ask you to remember your promise. Please do not interfere between myself and Ilsa."
"What happened between you two?"
"Something that it is not in my place to say." Bahn smiled thinly. "Correction, I could explain, but it is private and I would wish to keep her matters her own. I will only say that it was not my doing nor was the inciting situation something that I approved of. I am deeply disappointed and hurt, if you will, that she chose to handle the situation by running. She could have come to me. She did not."
Harry felt a protective surge at that. Ilsa had her flaws—and he was fairly certain he'd seen a good handful of them before he'd even seen her good point. For someone of Ilsa's caliber, to run from her own circle, Harry couldn't even begin to understand how she must have felt. He did remember how he'd felt though, when she'd gently snapped the dishtowel on his arm in the kitchen in the Snapes' quarters. It had completely inverted his perspective on the prickly warrior woman. If she'd felt the need to run, then she should have. It wasn't Bahn's place to judge her for that.
It must have shown on his face, for Bahn perked a pale brow at that. "You think I am wrong."
"Did you ever wonder why she didn't trust you?" He snapped.
Bahn blinked. After a moment, his trademark smile, the one that Harry had begun to associate with the slender dragel-elf, surfaced. It was a broad smile that held a hint of mystery and power and yet, was vaguely unsettling to see on such a small, angular face. "I did, actually." He said, softly. "Especially to know that whatever it is that happened, must have been something of terrible greatness, to spark in her the urge to flee. I knew Ilsa long before I considered her seriously for inclusion into our circle. She is a woman of great power and compassion. I can only imagine that what took place to wound her so deeply was something that should never have happened." He sighed. "However, I do have duties and other bonded to tend to. Ilsa and Aracle have always been close, the same for Greta. I assumed, incorrectly, that she was fine—until the years started to build."
"Years?" Harry frowned.
"I have not seen Ilsa for nearly sixteen years." Bahn said, quietly. "Which is three dueling seasons and one hunting season. She visits Aracle, Greta and the children, attends her work, but hasn't been seen in either official capacity or as one of the Deveraine Circle, in nearly twenty years." He frowned. "And she has been avoiding me." There was the faintest hint of steel beneath those words and Harry caught a glimpse of something deeper, darker and stronger in the pale, pretty Submissive mask. "I have sent messages, summons and short of forcefully 'porting her to my immediate presence, I have not spoken to her until today."
Harry blinked. He wouldn't call the strained conversation between Gheyo and Submissive as much of a conversation at all, but it did explain the weird tension and the odd words that seemed to have hidden and double meanings between them all. He frowned. "Maybe she doesn't want to-"
"What do you know about Gheyos, Harry?" Bahn's voice was deceptively light, a near warning it seemed.
"…they fight."
Bahn chuckled, softly. "Oh, they fight. They most certainly fight in nearly everything that they do." He inspected his fingernails, fluxing his claws in and out on the surface. "And they are so much more than fighting machines. They are just like the rest of us, only with an extra layer of armor and perhaps, a battlelust like we experience bloodlust. They are powerful, prideful and possessive creatures. The fight is everything to them. They live it, breathe it and feel it. To die fighting, is an honor. Your mentor would have explained them to you in greater detail than I can allow at the moment."
His lips twitched. "We simply must meet for tea, if neither of our Circles can be bothered for a proper social gathering. I will only say that Gheyos are….physical. Very, physical. A slap upside the head means more to them than a carefully rehearsed monologue. A pinch is more than a glare and so forth. Gheyos are special in this way. It is also why Ilsa has Aracle and Greta. As a Gheyo, she has a need to submit and to be dominated. So she trades it off. She does not trust her Alphas, so she trusts Aracle—they have history between them and I see nothing wrong with this. The same for Greta. I suppose I am making a horrible mess of explaining this, suffice it to say that it is different. It will be nothing like your other itendeds nor your bonded. It is why I am here right now, it is why I have been through this" and here, Bahn gestured to his baby bump. "Please, do not hold it against me. I knew the space would do her some good, I simply didn't think she would make me chase her." He straightened the cuffs of his robes. "Ah, we have dallied long enough. We will most certainly be in for it, I do hope you are prepared."
"Oh yes. Remember, please do not interfere. You do not truly know what has happened between us." Bahn took a deep breath, fixed a smile on his face and brought the wards down.
Harry had no chance to react.
The door to the kitchen burst open, showing Ilsa in her Halfling dragel glory with Theo and Charlie right behind her. The trio rushed into the kitchen, instincts running high and wings taking up a significant portion of the room.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Harry heard himself squawking as they were pounced upon.
Ilsa growled, loudly, her clawed hands reaching for Bahn, as Theo and Charlie both made to grab Harry.
They all froze when Bahn gave a loud, angry yowl, squaring off against all of them.
The pause was enough of a distraction for Harry. He hurried forward, making a successful grab for Theo and Charlie's robe collars. He yanked them to the side and pushed at their stronger arms, attempting to squish him in an odd sort of two-way hug. He could understand Bahn's words now—interference could be anything at this moment. "Hey. Hey. I'm alright. Stop it!" He snapped at both of them. "Calm down. I'm fine. Theo. Charlie. Stop it. I am fine. I am alright. Calm down."
"Not fine, Harry." Charlie rumbled, his blue eyes flickering with a hint of red in them, the fire element fighting within. "Not fine at all. You disappeared."
"What?" Harry sputtered, the shock surprising him enough that he stopped fighting the sandwiching embrace. "I did not. I was right here and-!" He stopped. He had thrown up his own magic, but it had been magic that was mixed with Bahn's. Bahn, who hadn't wanted Ilsa to know what was going on. Harry groaned. New friend or not, he dearly wanted to strangle the dragel-elf for that little bit of oversight, then again, he hadn't thought to ask, having been overwhelmed by concern and then worry.
"What kind of magic was that, treasure?" Theo hummed, his hackles not quite relaxing, but his claws shifting back to hands as his wings fluttered faintly. He held Harry to him, stretching his jaw for his fangs to come out. There was a faint thread of panic running through his Submissive and his Alpha instincts clamored at him to quiet and comfort Harry.
"It wasn't—oh." Harry blinked, dazed at the powerful, insistent aura swirling around and over him. A moment later, he sagged forward into Charlie's arms as those familiar fangs notched themselves in the mating mark on his shoulder. "No…" The protest came out as an almost whine. He didn't really want to protest because it felt so good, and he'd been craving this brand of reaffirmation. "Theo." He squirmed, feeling Charlie's scaled arms morphing back to their human state as they curled tighter around him. "Bahn!" He tried to explain, as an overwhelming feeling of panic began to wash over him. He was still worried for his fellow Submissive. "Something's wrong with him, we have to help. Earlier, he-!"
Theo growled, lowly. His fangs still buried in his Submissive's neck. The feeling within was transmuted through the bond and affirmed through the strong bite.
"Theo!" Harry shuddered, fighting the instinctive urge to give in to the Alpha demanding his compliance. His mind was not on Theo, but on Bahn. The tall, pale and pregnant elf with more fire and surprises in him, than any single dragel that Harry had met, so far. "Stop!" He felt his own fangs surging out of his gums, and he growled, baring them in a display of defiance. "This is important!"
Theo merely growled back in answer, his lovely golden eyes a rich, dark shade of brown.
Harry huffed in frustration, turning his angry green gaze to Charlie. "Charlie!" He snapped, sifting through the humming bonds inside of him and seeking out the one that was twined of fire and fierceness—Charlie's bond. He drew on it sharply. "Charlie, I'll bite you if you don't-!"
His beta came to life, drawing Harry closer to him and appealing to their Alpha with an apologetic whine, and a hand gently nudging at the head, nestled in Harry's neck.
There was a pause and then Theo's fangs slid free, his head, straightening up, an angry look in his lovely face as he took in Charlie's taller form. He hissed in answer, reaching for Harry, who was now safely ensconced in Charlie's arms. Theo did not like this. He hadn't laid full claim to his beta yet and it was showing in the triumphant glitter of those blue-red eyes. Charlie was pleased that he'd managed to gain the approval of their Submissive and his dominant side was gloating at the apparent victory.
Harry resisted the urge to groan. It seemed that he was the only one currently not in the instinctive throes of primal urge. Why do these things always happen to me? He thought despairingly, but even as his thoughts turned dark, his mind was furiously working away. He craned his head to the side, trying to see what had happened with Ilsa and Bahn. His dragel side was worried and that was enough for Harry to be doubly worried, especially as he'd heard part of Bahn's story and witnessed snatches of Ilsa's explosive temper. He couldn't see it ending very well at all.
He didn't know what history was between the Gheyo and Submissive, but he hoped their initial relationship had been based off of good times and happy memories. He didn't want this meeting after so many years, to be an encounter that would end in sorrow. He'd seen a few glimpses where Ilsa had seemed pained by the current circumstance, while Bahn had seemed resigned and sorrowful. As if there were some gap that could not be bridged. Even with what Bahn had shared, there was so much more that he hadn'tsaid, that Harry genuinely worried for them both.
"…don't touch me!" Bahn's angry voice rang out, with a very obvious ripple of magic, a wave of white-gold.
It made them all freeze and Harry wriggled free when Charlie froze, surprised enough to released his hold on Harry to turn and see what had happened.
"Bahn?" Harry moved out of reach of his protesting mates, silencing them with an audible growl of his own. He was beginning to see what Bahn had said about taking them in hand before they smothered him. A little bit of smothering would be nice, but preferably in the privacy of their quarters and not in the middle of what appeared to be a near crisis of sorts. Harry moved in careful slow movements, aware that Ilsa's Halfling Dragel form was not something to ignore, as he moved closer to the other Submissive.
The elfin-dragel spat out a string of words in Elvish tongue.
To which Ilsa growled and snapped back a string of her own.
Harry blinked. He hadn't known that Ilsa spoke Elvish. He looked from one to the other, then turned back to frown at his mates, gesturing with his hands. Theo seemed to get the message, because a moment later, his Alpha stood beside him in his usual form, deliberately standing between Harry and Charlie. Harry rolled his eyes at that, but didn't comment. He'd let Theo have his Alpha moment, if it was that important. He'd handle that side of things later.
Bahn huffed and gestured with his hand. A ripple of magic showed again.
Ilsa physically recoiled as if struck. "…you're pregnant!" She stumbled back a few steps, her eyes riveted to his stomach. Her arched wings began to droop as if the fight had been sucked out of them. "Since…what? When? No…"
"Brilliant as always," Bahn drawled. "Which leads me to wonder, how stupid you can be at times!" He drew himself up to his full height. "And if you don't trust my word, then trust your own instincts as they obviously never have led you wrong!"
"But that's—it's—you couldn't have! You couldn't!" But the protest was weak, even as she stared at him, the open hostility had faded away to something along the lines of horror. "That was years ago, Bahn. Decades, surely I wasn't even worthy of-!"
"Spare me." He snapped. "You were more than worthy. Have I ever treated you as something less? I had no quarrel with you." He glowered at her. "I said as much, that never changed!"
"However, in light of recent events, I would like to change that. I am not simply angry at you, Ilsa. I am furious. How could you?"
"You thought I was the same as my sister?" His eyes, furious and accusing drilled into her. "After all this time, after everything that you've known of me—and you knew me before she was ever in the picture. Even after all of that, you see us as the same? Sixteen years, you stubborn, foolish woman. Sixteen years of running wild on your own, leaving your children to my hand to raise, your father visiting our home every weekend in hopes of catching a glimpse of you and leaving a trail of-"
Her head snapped up defiantly, the golden eyes half-darkened to brown-black. "Leave my children out of this!"
"I would, if I had not been the one they cried on at night, the one they brought their shy smiles to and the one currently preparing them for their first Hunting Season!" The words rose in volume as Bahn continued on, his pale eyes darkening to rich, black-grey depths. "Was I so invisible? Such an oversight that I never occurred to you?"
"You left! Not even a note, not even a whisper, nothing. You're lucky Delani was there. She brought your three to my bed and left them there. She wouldn't say a word. Shecouldn't. She didn't know what had happened. She had nothing to tell me, save to ask that I please do right by you." He snorted. "As if I would have done otherwise. You were mine—you are mine! You're very lucky…I had no reason to take them, you know. After all, you'd never asked. There was nothing that suggested I ought to look after them and not Bhindi." His hands clenched at his sides. "Sixteen years? Or is it longer? No, let's stick with the sixteen, I'll allow you those first four. More than enough time to hide away in your shadows and lick your wounds. I sent messages upon messages, summons, gifts, even and yet, you couldn't find the common courtesy to send a single reply? You knew fully well when you joined our misfit circle that there were things to be worked through. You knew this, and yet, the first instance you encounter a little problem-"
"It wasn't a little problem!" Ilsa shot back. She had folded back her wings by now, but her hands were clenched as tight as her Submissive's. It looked as if both were hanging on to the final threads of restraint. "There wasn't anything little about-!"
"I wasn't finished speaking!" Bahn's icy voice sliced through her protest. "And you will wait until I am finished, before you speak, Gheyo…Ilsa. I am sorry I was not there to speak up on your behalf. I would have, had I been there. I am sorry that you did not think I was a suitable option for discussing your disagreement. I am sorry that I have apparently failed you in some way, because even though I have never held anything against you, never meant to hurt you in any way, I was still not an option when you left Nevarah." He paused for a breath. "Even when you were something to me…I was nothing to you."
Ilsa stared at him, her golden eyes flickering even darker.
"Sixteen years, Ilsa. I didn't even know what happened until nearly two months later, when Greta, of all people, walked into my room with Dahlia on her arm and asked for my permission to live in the Dueling Pits. She walked in and asked. And she wouldn't tell me why. She also asked if I could continue to look after the children as she might be absent for a little bit." His pale eyes burned with fire, a ripple of wind slashing through the kitchen. "A little bit. As if one ever spends less than ten years in the pits at a time. I hurried home, you know. I found that there were mates missing. Aracle, Ithycar, Bhindi and you." He smiled, thinly. "Imagine that. Two months later and nearly everyone else scattered about, because they are taking sides, never mind that no one knows what really happened. They're simply reacting, because what shouldn't be broken, appears to be torn down the center. Do you even have any idea what it's been like? What have I ever done to you? What did I do that was so terrible, you could not even come to me?" The pale fire in his eyes continued to burn, the pale white-golden glow of magic swirling angrily about him. "You couldn't even answer and now you have the nerve to be worried over me? The one you couldn't even be bothered to look at beyond our bonding night?" His lips curled back and he hissed. "You hypocrite!"
Shock registered plainly on Ilsa's face. Her lips moved, no sound coming from her mouth and she simply stared for a long moment. "I—that's not—you can't-!" She stopped and took a deep breath, gathering her words together. "I don't, I didn't mean anything by that. Really, Bahn. I swear I didn't and I'm…sorry. That was childish of me…I suppose…I would have gone to you, but you wouldn't have been able to do anything. It was just a…a silly fight. Childish, even."
"Liar." Bahn ground out. "You just interrupted me to tell me that it wasn't something little."
"Then why don't you ask that perfect sister of yours?" Ilsa shot back. "If you're so determined to be the missing piece of the puzzle, then why don't you talk to her? Ask her what she said or was that too much to even do on my behalf? How could I have known that you would have cared? You've never given any inclination that I was anything more than another blade to be used in-"
"I tried. I'm still trying." A hurt look registered on his face. "I have always cared. When have I ever treated you as anything less that one of my treasured, bonded? I am sorry if you think I am not doing enough, but I have tried. Bhindi won't breathe a word of what she said or did. And she is my sister, what would you have me to do her? Delani said she only noticed in the last minute, where she had to step in and tell you to talk a walk." He took a breath. "She didn't send you away, you know. She's always reminding me of what she said. She thinks it's her fault you left, even though I told her it wasn't."
Ilsa half-snorted. "Of course not. How could it be anyone's fault but mine? I'm no one's concern and I was never anything to her anyway. I must be blind then, because I can't recall any specific moment where I've ever been more to you than-"
"Her?" Bahn frowned.
"If you're as smart as you believe you are, then figure that one out for yourself."
"I am not trying to pick a fight with you, Ilsa. I am trying to understand something that has been festering for over sixteen years and I will have my answers tonight!"
"Of course." Ilsa shot back, bitterly. "You need only demand it and your wish is my every waking desire. After all, I'm merely another pawn in your-"
He moved so quickly, there was simply a blur and then nothing. His hand flashed out so fast, there was no time for her to avoid it, but the slap threw her head back to the side. His eyes had shifted from the dark-blue-grey to a vivid, bright blue and the temperature in the room plummeted. "Enough!" He stood toe to toe with her, magic rippling off of him in waves, his robes shredded as beautiful, silvery-gold-white wings burst forth. They were plain on the inside, but covered with shimmering, silver swirls on the outside that pulsed in time with the thrumming emotions in the kitchen. "Don't you dare speak of yourself that way." His voice was guttural and rough. "The woman I know could have caught my hand before I even moved." His eyes glittered. "I have stood back for sixteen years and let you be. Now is more than enough. If you think so little of me for demanding what is my right, then you may keep your belief. I will not take it from you, but I will not withdraw my claim either. We will sort this, whether you wish to do so or not. I will not have you running away from what you need and suffering in silence because of your bloody pride! There is no honor in this—none! If I cannot appeal to you as my mate, one who is treasured and precious to me, then I will do so as a warrior."
Her head bowed and a shudder ran through her. "…you don't understand." Her voice was scarcely more than a whisper. "You don't know the-"
"Then make me." He pleaded. "Show me." His hands came up to cup her face, one thumb smoothing gently over the pinked handprint on one cheek. He leaned forward to touch his lips to it, laving the mark gently with his tongue. A show of tenderness in the wake of his recent actions.
The older woman squeezed her eyes shut, another shudder rippling through her. Her body tentatively reacting to the soothing, comforting touch that she had missed. The light sting faded, the pink fading back beneath the surface as if it had never been there. She took a shaky breath. Her magic cried out to mingle with his, acknowledging and craving the familiar touch.
He kissed the newly healed cheek. "Please, Ilsa. Am I really nothing to you?"
Her stricken face said more than, perhaps, her mouth would have and she reacted to that, pushing him away and moving backwards to place some distance between them. She forced herself to look at his face and not his eyes nor his wings. She couldn't afford to give into him like this. Not when she'd held out for so many years for this…"You can't solve this the way you're thinking you can."
"Then tell me what I can do to fix it."
"If I need to tell you, then this has all been pointless." A flicker of fire showed through, her darkened eyes burning black. "Nothing is the same anymore. This is not something that can be fixed." The final word came out as a growl. "And you'd best keep your distance."
"Or else what?" He shot back.
Unanswered questions hung in the air, the silence stretching and the tension growing.
Charlie had eventually brought himself under control, folding his wings back, coming to join Theo and Harry, worry showing on his tanned face. He rested a protective hand on each of his mates' shoulders, his beta instincts telling him that something important was happening now between the two dragels before them.
Theo stirred faintly at the touch. He looked between Bahn and Ilsa, sensing that there were words and actions that could not take place with an audience before them. His gaze flickered over his shoulder where a pie had been half-way sliced and smaller plates set up around it. He sighed, then shifted, curling one arm around each of his mates. Harry turned to look at him in confusion and Theo wanted to kiss those peachy lips, to ease the worry, if he could not erase it. Charlie looked down to him, with a perked brow, a silent question.
The golden-eyed Alpha merely offered a fanged smile. "…Temptrificus Portgas!" The rest of the destination, he shouted in his mind, knowing his magic would hear it. They needed to be away from this situation.
A wash of blue-white energy washed up and the portal whisked them away.
"Theo!" Harry's protest was first as the trio tumbled out onto the bedroom's thick, carpeted floor.
It was a lovely room, wide enough to easily house the three of them with a large, curtained, four-poster bed at the center of the far wall, colored with rich burgundy and black. There were no windows, but an en suite was hidden between two packed bookshelves and there were four chairs angled around a large fireplace, and two double-door wardrobes braced beside each other on the second room. Theo smiled, recognizing the room as one he knew from years before. It held good memories. He was glad it was mostly the way he remembered it.
Harry shot to his feet, having untangled himself faster than the others. "What did you do that for? We can't leave Bahn with-"
"With Ilsa?" Theo caught him before the brunet could reach the bedroom door. "Harry, calm down. Nothing is going to happen." He grunted when Harry resisted and the result ended with Harry shirtless and scowling, and him with Harry's shirt in one hand and robe in the other. He stared at the items, comically for a moment. He hadn't known Harry was that flexible or creative. "Harry!" Exasperation covered the momentary surprise.
"She could hurt him!"
"Ow." Came Charlie's quiet addition to the conversation. He sat up, gingerly poking at his head. The unexpected transportation had caught him off guard. He'd expected apparition, not one of the transportation portals and this had been the worst 'portal yet. He stifled a shudder, wondering what Theo had cast wrong. It felt as if there had been cold, slimy things wrenching him apart and throwing him out on the other side. "What happened there?"
Theo rolled his eyes, a golden hue beginning to return to its natural state. "You both fought the transportation, so it spat you out for being disrespectful." He sighed. "I was the caster, so it had no issue with me." He fingered his wand, slid up the left sleeve of his robes. "I'm sorry I couldn't give you any warning." He frowned. "And you, Harry, you are not leaving this room. We can't interfere down there. It's dangerous and we'd only be in the way. Ilsa wouldn't hurt anyone, not any of us or Bahn. Trust me on this."
Harry scowled. "It's only dangerous if you leave them alone! You're not listening to me, you don't know what's happened between them and-"
"You're right. I don't know what's happened between them, because it's none of my business. It is not dangerous to leave them, it's dangerous for us to stay there. We'd be in close proximity to a dragel with dominant instincts and a pregnant Submissve. That's a volatile combination. Even if Oretta gave into her instincts and managed to restrain herself, it would be on the grounds that I'm her mentored student. You and Charlie would have no such protections. Bahn can handle himself, I know he'd have ways." He sighed. "And Harry, I am trying to understand you, but you're making it hard. I'm completely missing the reason why you're so worried. Ilsa would never do anything to hurt Bahn. In fact, I'm more worried about her than him, it looked like she was the one bearing the larger half of the situation." Theo tensed, his words seemed to be having no effect as. Harry was still inching towards the door. The young Alpha hesitated, not really wanting to start an argument, but having a feeling that if he wasn't very careful there might be some bruised pride and wounded egos before the night was gone. Thoughts of his lovely, potentially passionate night had already begun to slip through his fingers, but it didn't bother him the way he'd expected as he took in Harry's legitimately worried face. He didn't know what to say to explain what he instinctively knew.
"You don't know that!" Harry protested. His hands twitched, agitatedly, betraying his physical distress as well.
Theo silently pushed a wave of calmness through their bond. "Yes…yes, I do, Harry. I know Ilsa and she would never do anything to hurt Bahn or any of her lovers. She can't. She's dragel. It's in her blood to protect them. The same is true for Bahn, he wouldn't have been able to touch her, if she hadn't let him. They have a different dynamic in their Circle than others. I don't expect you to understand it, Arielle—even I don't understand it, but dragels are different. I don't know how to explain it to you beyond that."
Harry glowered at him. He respected Ilsa—a great deal, and he was really worried for Bahn. He hadn't know Ilsa could look like that, nor had he realized that Bahn would react so defensively. "She could still hurt him. She was angry enough to-!"
"Shh." Theo hushed. "She is his Gheyo and he is her Submissive. They are bonded. That is everything between them." Theo raked a hand through his chocolate curls. "You're right that I don't know what happened between them, I only know it was very serious. I do know that when Ilsa joined the Deveraine Circle, Bahn was the Submissive that she pledged to. She refused Bhindi on the ground that she was not…inclined that way. They have a similar bond like you and I, between them. I know it seems like it was a bad idea to leave them alone together, but it's really best that way. Bahn can handle himself and honestly? I'm more worried for Ilsa."
"That's because she's your mentor!" Harry shot back. "You don't understand that-"
"Is he just reacting because Bahn is a Submissive too?" Charlie perched on the edge of the bed. He'd listened to the exchange, unsure what he could offer, knowing even less than Harry of Circle politics and intercircle relationships. He hadn't felt particularly inclined to stay in the kitchen, as he'd had the distinct feeling that they'd be in the way. He was now worried about Harry and said brunet's reaction to the situation. He was also trying to fight back the little happy voice in his head that was cheering of how Harry had chosen him earlier.
"Most likely." Theo sighed. "Submissives are picky, but if they like one another, they usually become fast friends, to the point where they'll land themselves in situations like this, I suppose." He frowned. "Harry, did Bahn say that he wanted you down there? If he did, then I'm not stopping you, but if he didn't, you'll be in the way if you interrupt them right now." He said, firmly.
Charlie hummed at that, tugging his robes off and then his shirt, with a wince and a hiss.
"Charlie?" Theo's attention snapped to him at once.
"Shoulders." Was all the redhead said, now shirtless as well, his hands feeling carefully about his neck and shoulders, with stiff, careful movements.
Theo's attention immediately shifted to the newly exposed expanse of lovely, tanned skin. He was worried about Charlie, as new wings shouldn't be quite so troublesome, after all, Harry hadn't seemed to have any problems—then again, Theo reminded himself, Harry'd had to deal with some things like that on his own. He let out an approving hum, admiring his soon-to-be-claimed Beta, stifling a sigh when he heard Harry growl. Apparently their Submissive was not inclined to share their mutual interest at the moment.
Harry reached for the door, only to find that it would not open. "Theodore!" He whirled on the golden-eyed Slytherin.
Theo immediately held his hands up. He hadn't cast anything. "It wasn't me, Harry." He started forward, stopping when Harry shifted into a defensive posture. "Harry?"
"Open. The. Door." Harry's lovely emerald eyes shifted from their natural state to the cat-eyed pupils that the dragel-kind favored.
"I didn't lock it." Theo repeated, but he slowly moved his wand just the same and cast an unlocking charm at it. The charm bounced back, repelled by whatever magic was currently locking them all in.
"Do something!" Harry hissed. "They shouldn't be-"
And suddenly, understanding dawned in those vivid golden eyes. Theo backed away instead, holding up his hands to show he meant no harm. He angled towards the fireplace in the bedroom, and gave a jerk of his head towards Charlie. "Want to lend a hand with the fireplace?"
"Hmm?" Charlie leaned to the side to see the fireplace better and then slid off and padded over. He lowered himself down on the thick, plush rug and then concentrated on his fingertips, willing his fire element to come forward. He snuck a glance at Theo who was now studying Harry with a contemplative gaze. He sighed softly and then returned his attention to the task of lighting the fire. The room wasn't really that cold, but then again, a nice fire would be lovely. Something inside of him warned him to stay out of the possible argument brewing between the two.
"…Harry?" Theo's voice was soft and coaxing. "Bahn and Ilsa are fine. They are both two very stubborn, strong-willed individuals. They used to spar with each other. I know Bahn is pregnant, but he would never do anything to harm his child and Ilsa would never let him reach a point where he could harm the babe either. They are adults, well into their decades, at least a century or so, I believe. They are responsible adults, they have their own way of handling things and we would only be in the way if we went down there right now." He repeated the words again, hoping they would come through.
"They could hurt each other, Theo." Harry turned sorrowful eyes towards his Alpha, the desperation showing through. "They were so angry…"
And Theo blurred forward, wrapping his arms around the newly unresisting Harry as the truth of the matter finally came out. "Oh, Harry." He breathed. "They couldn't. I swear to you, they won't. It's in their blood. They cannot. Right now, they simply care too much for each other and that caring is making everything out to be one big, open wound. They will be fine. Everything will work out in the end. I promise. They are angry, they're also hurting, but they will not physically harm each other."
"He hit her!" Harry burst out. He pushed against the arms holding him together as fragments of unwanted memories came bubbling to the surface. Moments where he'd suffered through situations that never should have happened. Blows and kicks that had come from hands and feet that should have cared for him. Pain of a different kind lanced through the skinny brunet as Harry trembled faintly in those strong, caring arms.
Theo winced at the pained look in Harry's expressive emerald eyes. He hugged the smaller figure even tighter to him, bending his head to mouth at the mating mark he'd bitten earlier. He willed all the calmness and reassurance he had, to pass through the bond between them and a moment later, Charlie's rumbling purr filled the room, as his rich blue eyes focused on them. He'd obviously caught some feedback from the bond through Harry. Theo straightened with one final lick to the mark. He kissed Harry's cheek with tender, soft lips. "I know he did, treasure, and I don't agree with that. But I do know that if Ilsa really didn't want him to hit her, she would have stopped him, Harry. You musttrust me on this. She would have stopped him. Do you really think someone like her would let anyone do something they didn't want?"
"W-why would anyone want to-to be hit?"
And there was the other half of the truth of the matter. Theo sucked in a deep breath and slowly let it out. He nudged Harry forward, guiding him towards the fireplace and then to sit on Charlie's lap, now that the redhead had successfully started the fire. He pulled out a soft throw blanket from the small end table holding up a chess set and handed it over. He took his time, thinking of an answer.
"Gheyos," Theo said, finally. "They're the strangest type of dragel among us." He nudged Charlie, settling in beside his mates. The redhead quirked a smile, but lifted a blanket covered arm, allowing Theo to join their little huddle. "They are very tactile and physical. They push boundaries and expect to be pushed back. They understand a darker side of our world—of dragels—the side with power, control and pain. Things are different to them, always different. They understand force, respect and loyalty. It is one reason they can die easily for their circle, even if they were only bonded for a day. There are things that mean more to them, things that can't be explained." Theo sighed. "When you find a Gheyo for our circle, you will understand a little bit better."
"…I don't want to understand that." Harry swallowed, miserably, a hunted look in his eyes. "I don't want to hurt people that I care about." He squeezed his eyes shut. "Not people that I…love."
Theo pinched the bridge of his nose, willing himself to keep it together. That simple phrase tore at him in a way that reminded him of previous conversations with his mentor. Conversations where she'd warned him to never hurt Harry the way others had. She'd promised to kill him herself, should he ever venture down that path, against all odds and instinct. It was oddly reassuring. Theo swallowed. "Harry…what makes you think something is wrong?" He forced himself to remain calm as he heard Charlie's sharp intake of breath when Harry nearly curled in on himself, slowly making himself smaller, in the bigger wizard's lap.
"…always that way." Harry's voice was barely audible. "It's always that way. When they're angry. It hurts."
Theo could not stop himself from grabbing Harry right out from Charlie's arms. The redhead protested, but silenced himself when Theo shot a glare and a growl over Harry's messy head of hair. The dragon tamer shifted then, to awkwardly wrap his arms around them both, understanding a need to offer comfort in some way, as Theo drew Harry to him and squeezed tight.
"Harry. Harry. Shh. It's alright. Everything is alright." Theo felt his chest tighten when he heard Harry's breath hitch softly. "…and if it isn't, then it will be soon." He soothed.
Charlie quivered beside them and Theo tilted his head to look up. "Wings?" He mouthed.
The redhead shifted uncomfortably and nodded.
Theo gave the faintest of a shrug and tugged on the edge of the blanket to pull it free from the broad, tanned shoulders. He wrapped it around Harry as Charlie called his beautiful, navy wings out.
With absolutely no hesitation, the gorgeous expanse of blue and red-scaled loveliness curved around them all, encasing them in a faint hollow of privacy, warmth and comfortable darkness.
Theo stretched out his fingers to brush gently against the warm, blue scales. Charlie hummed contentedly and leaned closer, his wings fluttering ever so faintly. His earlier unease faded somewhat as he was able to offer some part of himself to ease the distress of his Harry.
Harry's hands fisted tightly in those expensive robes and he tried to push himself closer. "…thank you…thank you…thank you…" the thanks spilled out like a mantra as he trembled.
Theo found himself wondering about the rest of the seals attached to their Harry. He was starting to wonder if there was any hint of Empathy in Harry's family ties. He didn't know much of the Potters or the Evans, which he had known to be a muggle family, but still—for Harry to be the dragel that he was, both parents would have had to be dragel.
An Empathy gift would explain the sudden ups and downs in Harry's emotional state—especially the most recent ones. A young wizard normally known for his strong character, steady opinions and powerful magic could only be thrown so badly off-kilter if there was something significantly upsetting.
A creature inheritance might be a suitable example, but Theo was instinctively inclined to think it was more than that. From what he'd known of Harry, the young man was grounded and dependable. His recent breakdowns had been just as odd and unnerving for Theo as it likely had been for Harry and it was really starting to worry him. From the shared look over Harry's head, Theo knew that Charlie was thinking along the same lines as well.
Holding said wizard in his lap, Theo rubbed his hands up and down the slender back in reassuring strokes. Harry had gained some weight, but very little muscle in spite of the few weeks of training they'd done and Theo hoped to fatten him up just a touch. He forced his hands not to longer over the bony shoulders and focus instead on the faint shivers and tremors.
Ilsa had spoken plainly of Harry's shaded past in regards to abuse. Quinn had been properly outraged about things that Theo knew no average, well-adjusted individual would suffer from. Perhaps it was time he started to put his Slytherin upbringing to good use. It lit a fuse inside of him that Theo had long ago assumed he'd burned out. It was a sudden, burning need to protect everything that was his with every scrap of magic and his dying breath, if need be. The inner strength of a dragel Alpha.
The young Alpha pressed a kiss to the top of that head and silently whispered a prayer that he could reach inside the heart and soul of this beautiful individual. He beckoned to Charlie to lean closer, nearly sandwiching Harry between them. The movement and increased warmth caused Harry to burrow closer and then, the shaking stopped.
Charlie smiled, leaning forward to brush a kiss of his own to one pale cheek. Theo breathed a sigh of relief. They'd be fine. They'd all be just fine or so help him, by Arielle and Merlin, he'd rip the realms apart to find the ones who had dared hurt Harry to such an extent.
On second thought, they didn't need to be fine for him to do it anyway. Excuses were pointless.
In the shadows of the kitchen, Ilsa sat, slumped on the floor, braced in the corner of the wall, where she'd been cornered—caged by the natural architecture and Bahn's expertise. She'd forgotten this side of the pale, lithe Submissive that now perched in her lap, straddling her sprawled legs, carefully, his expressive eyes fixed on her face, judging her reactions by everything she wasn't showing on her face.
Her breath hitched faintly as he leaned forward, readjusting newly bared thighs as he guided one of her hands to rest on his clothed waist, testing her and himself in the same breath.
She didn't dare move, beautifully frozen as he slowly and carefully took charge in his own quiet way. He hadn't forced anything out of her, except perhaps, to demand that she listen. Her lips twitched faintly, realizing once more the very obvious difference between the Deveraine twins. Bhindi would often force the results she desired, while Bahn would simply demand them and then wait to see whether you'd agree with him. She had definitely forgotten that.
A decision that now rested its entire guilty weight upon her, a reality made even clearer when she registered the fact that Bahn hadn't relaxed yet. He didn't rest his entire weight on her, a subconscious action that spoke more of what had been lost between them in regards to what was now being tentatively restored. He didn't trust her enough to support him.
He was often too quiet and too invisible, that save for the precious few interactions they'd had, it had never occurred to her that he was an option. There was plenty of blame to be shared between them, but then again, the lion's share was hers.
She'd never considered giving him the same courtesy that he'd obviously extended to her dozens of times over the past decade, at least. Her dark brown eyes shimmered, the last flecks of gold fading away entirely as her head fell back against the wall. This truth hurt. It ached and burned in a way she'd been trying so very hard to ignore.
His arms rested lightly on her shoulders, his hands curving around her neck and weaving through the soft tufts of two-toned hair at the nape of her neck. She pressed her lips together fighting back everything in her that threatened to break free. It had been so long, so very long since she'd had this sort of feeling. Of all the ways she'd expected the situation to turn out, she'd never imagined it would end with a lapful of half-naked, pregnant Submissive sensually insinuating himself into her lap, and spelling away her armor to the traditional Gheyo wear of an armless, cropped bustier and equally short cropped skirt. It left her feeling quite underdressed.
The devious little bugger. Ilsa thought, helplessly, amusement threatening to break out as her inner dragel sorted through the situation, apparently pleased with the outcome. Bahn was quick on his feet, she'd allow him that, for she hadn't even realized that he'd played her instincts until she found herself backed into the corner of the wall, holding his shredded leggings in one hand. She hadn't even known how they'd ended up fighting in the first place, but she did remember when her protective instincts had caught up to her. She'd seen it in his face when he'd witnessed her realization of his orchestration. The smirk on his face was good in the worst sort of ways and when he'd lunged forward, she'd dropped to the ground, instinctively, to brace him for an impact that never came.
From there, he'd pinned her arms to the side and begun the difficult task of snogging her senseless. By the time her thoughts had successfully scuttled away, he'd gently initiated a mindlink, slowly feeding images, emotions and memories through the link, coaxing their bond back to life, with whisper-light caresses of the mind and body. She shuddered, faintly, under his touch, feeling distinctly unworthy of the tenderness being lavished upon her.
Silken strands of white-gold spilled free from the braids woven on his head and brushed against her bare arms and shoulders. He bent his head to nibble along her jawline in soft, sucking motions, punctuated by the occasional lick to her cheek—the same cheek he'd slapped earlier. She felt her eyelids flutter in pleasure as happiness began to spiral up inside of her.
He then shifted his attentions to her neck, licking over the faintly salty skin. His mouth dipped lower in the hollow of her throat, hinting at his intent. She arched her neck backwards, making room. There was absolutely no reason to deny him, her own issues aside—and in truth, she hadn't even allowed Aracle or Greta this particular pleasure. Bahn hummed appreciatively as he selected a spot on her neck and nipped it gently, sucking in preparation for the bite to come.
She drew in a breath as he pressed a close-mouthed kiss to the reddened area. There was a moment of dread and anticipation mixed together, her mind trying to recall just how this specific pleasure felt.
Sharp fangs sank deeply into her neck, sparks of pain blossoming outwards. Bahn's soft lips worked gently, as he drank with care, one hand slipping up the front of her bustier to caress the mating mark on her left breast. Pleasure spiked through her at once, the pain muted to nearly nothing.
There was no comparison.
She panted softly, a moment later, when another powerful wave of pleasure rocked through her. His free hand was curved in her hair once more, the grip warning her to remain still, as he had not consented to allowing her to return the favor.
Several torturously sensual minutes later, his hand slackened in her hair and guided her head forward to his exposed neck. He fully intended for them to reaffirm their bond as best as they could without taking her directly on the kitchen floor.
The Gheyo was distinctly grateful for that particular consideration and she licked his neck in apology before calling out her fangs and notching them delicately into his soft neck. The taste of blood, rich, sweet and thick flooded her mouth at once, drawing a moan she couldn't hold back.
He chuckled, the sound muted as he rocked his fangs inside her neck, extracting another delicious moment of exquisite, painful pleasure. The moment was private and sacred, the bloodsharing speaking that which was unspoken between them.
Bahn hummed as he gently disengaged, sliding his fangs free and licking at the reddened bite mark on her neck. It would heal within a few minutes. He rested his head on her shoulder, waiting for her to finish.
A few hearbeats later, she gave a final pull and withdrew, licking the wound clean and urging it to heal faster with a whisper of her magic. She had forgotten what a precious thing this was and it prompted a shiver inside and out.
Bahn smirked into her neck. "I can't believe you made me hit you." He whispered in her ear, turning his attentions to the neglected appendage.
She started, feeling that talented tongue laving the curve of her ear, before that sinfully hot mouth enveloped the entire lobe, teeth playing with the piercings, fangs teasing lightly. "Bahn-!"
"Shhh." He purred. He released that ear to nuzzle his cheek up and down on hers. "You should have stopped me." He nipped her ear in reprimand for it, then returned to sucking and nibbling, apparently enjoying himself.
"…didn't think you would."
He snorted, straightening. "And whatever gave you that idea, loveling?"
She peered up at him through heavy-lidded eyes, feeling another tendril of her magic ebbing away from her and curling towards the new swell of dragel, proof of the new life growing within her Submissive. "No idea."
He smirked, leaning forward again, hovering inches away, licking his lips with that wicked, pink tongue. "You have always been incredibly thick-headed." He bumped their noses together. "However, I did solemnly swear that I would return you to your senses, regardless of necessary methods, no matter the situation, given the proper chance, a clause I believe you included in our bonding contract."
"You actually read it?"
"You didn't?" He shot back. "Of course I read it." He licked the tip of her nose and then kissed the corner of her left eye. "I also included the little note that went something to the effect of allowing you whatever time you deemed necessary…to the effect of five years."
"Then what took you so long?" She hated the way her voice shook at the end.
His thighs tightened, his weight settling fully on her. Serious blue-grey eyes locked onto her, until her own dark ones wearily opened to meet her. "I did try—three times in person—every five years. I brought the children with me in turns." That delectable mouth curved into a faintly disapproving frown. "You turned us away each time. They are not very happy with you."
"I visited them." Ilsa looked away. "…and they never said…"
"They didn't want visits." He caught her chin and gently turned her face back to him. "They wanted their mother—just like these will want you." He took her other hand, bringing it to rest on the swell of his stomach. "And they wouldn't say, you mean the world to them. Do you really think they'd risk losing you?"
"I didn't meant to…it just…" Ilsa licked her lips, her fingers trembling faintly over the taut fabric. "They're really mine?"
He bopped her on the head with one closed fist. "I worry sometimes that you've taken one too many hits in the arena. Yes. They're yours."
"But—all these years-?" The dark brown eyes began to bleed back to golden, shimmering, pleading showing clearly in them. If the magic sharing hadn't hinted to her at first, she wouldn't have believed him, except for she'd scented her own signature upon him the moment she'd walked into the same floor. Her magic's immediate reaction had been the icing on the cake.
"Of course all these years." He countered. He smiled, even though it trembled. "You are mine, even if it does take you several decades to realize it, the reality is unchanged."
Her hands fluttered, the one on his thigh stroking the bare skin, savoring the feel of it, while the other curved around the bump. Her magic reached out to him, being warmly received and caressed in return. Her head fell forward to rest on his shoulder, her lips pressing against the bared expanse of neck, offered to her. "They're really mine?"
"As if I couldn't tell the sire of my own children!" Bahn huffed. His arms fell from her shoulders and he crossed them over his chest.
She hid a smile in the hollow of his neck and drew him close to cuddle, his head tucked under her chin. "Sh. I'm sorry. I know. Of course you know. I only meant…I never though you or Bhindi would even-"
Bahn growled faintly. "Do not mention my sister when I am sitting half-naked in your lap." He squirmed lightly, to make his point, pale skin kissing tanned skin. Her grip tightened on him, her breathing skipping a breath or two.
"Bahn, we're in the kitchen of-"
"Fine then. My room."
"No one should be there."
"Greta's?" Bahn repeated, incredulously. He pulled back enough to survey her face. "Why?" He prompted.
"…you're too kind."
"Am not." He chuckled and uncrossed his arms, one to cup her cheek, the other to trace shapes on her bared torso, teasing along the edge of her bustier. "However, if it is Greta you want, then Greta you shall have. I will watch."
Rich pink immediately flooded her cheeks. "That's not what I meant-!" She protested. The blush deepened. "And I-!"
Bahn laughed richly in her ear, pressing himself closer against her. "I know." He sighed, tugging gently on the shaggy tips of her hair. "The others will not mind you."
"Yes, they will!"
He pinched her midriff, a little harder than necessary. She twitched, faintly. He growled. "They will not."
"You don't-"
"Surely I can handle my own circle?" He twisted to look her straight in the eye, holding her gaze until she had to look away. He then looped his arms around her, in a traditional carry hold. "It seems I have just as much to make up for, as you do." He planted a wet kiss on one cheek, ignoring her theatrical wince. "Very well, to Greta's first."
She perked a brow. "Really?"
He yawned and snuggled closer. "Yes and don't use that ridiculous Ergen, I have a sensitive stomach, you know."
"Ah, of course." Ilsa waited a moment longer. Bahn didn't budge. "I suppose this is your way of informing me that I will be carrying you?"
Bahn merely sniffed in answer.
Ilsa opened her mouth and then shut it. She adjusted her hold on the pregnant Submissive and easily rose to her feet, the added weight accommodated as if it were nothing. "Anything else you desire, my precious?"
The sarcasm was entirely wasted on the nearly napping dragel-elf, for he only sighed in answer, with a mumbled "leggings…those were my favorites, you know."
"For home, I hope." Ilsa grumbled. "You shouldn't be out in public wearing those, are you trying to invite trouble?"
"Alloras." Bahn reminded her. He wriggled again.
She tightened her grip, instinctively. "Yes, yes, I know." She lightly threw her magic about the room, setting the kitchen to rights as if their confrontation hadn't left such an obvious mark. Satisfied with the results, she drew her wings out, positioning herself for the 'portal she was about to cast.
She was completely caught unawares when Bahn's looped arms tugged her head sideways and downwards to touch their lips together. Magic exploded and rippled between them, the Gheyo-Submissive Bond singing to life as Bahn offered and Ilsa accepted.
They parted, Bahn with a hint of tenderness and looking entirely too smug for his own good, Ilsa with a flicker of laughter in her golden eyes, the sadness lurking at the corners, no longer the center.
"Temptrificus Alloras!"
Bahn smiled as the portal opened beneath them.
Thank you, Harry, my friend.
Aiden lounged on his bed amongst the silken, blood red sheets in his private rooms. Melacor was safely tucked against his side, atop the sheets, and the smaller hound-child snuggled even closer when he ran a reassuring hand across hunched shoulders. The lad twitched faintly in sleep, but relaxed at the soothing rumble of reassurance from above.
It brought a faint, bittersweet smile to Aiden's face. He'd listened as long as he could bear and then he'd used a touch of magic and his Alpha's voice to coax his aide to sleep. The boy had been working nonstop since he'd left, with snatches of sleep here and there. It angered him, somewhat, as he'd expected his betas to take better care of the boy.
His pack was restless, but they were generally good at heart. Enough so that he knew their lack of remedy for Melacor's present state was something he ought to look into. The present Hunting Season would calm the commotion significantly as his untethered Hounds would have the opportunity to take mates and consorts, thus quelling the troublesome aspect of their combative nature while preserving the natural instinct that allowed them to function as an extension of Death, herself.
He wondered exactly how much trouble Rasputin had caused in his absence. From the sound of things, the Lord had been busy, both in machinations and subtle manipulations. Aiden found himself wondering how many apologies he'd have to talk his way out of in the upcoming weeks.
It was a bad omen to be inviting trouble during the Nevarean Hunting Season, especially when it meant the additions of newcomers to their precious fold.
For the moment, at least, he had far more important and troubling things to deal with besides an unruly second-in-command and an unnecessary human consort. The hellhound sighed, wearily, his head nestled in the mounds of pillows, as his mind flickered through the necessary preparations.
He hoped that Niko had arrived, because he simply hadn't the patience to wait for her if she hadn't. Calling her early was something of a habit as he'd known the childlike Immortal long enough to know that her leash was long, but her travel methods questionable. Niko would arrive whenever she liked and not a moment sooner, unless she was bored.
He rather hoped that she was. Waiting on her to waltz on over was not something his frayed temper could handle. As for the Miss Hermione, herself, he couldn't feel anything wrong with the mortal witch through the crested mark that he'd bestowed upon her and thus reasoned that she was fine. He'd visit the house that held her in the morning. He wasn't in the mood to be wandering in there in the night—not when a good harvest was imminent and most certainly not when he'd left his pack untended for so long.
Making a mental note to run them to the ground for troubling him, Aiden settled in for a quick nap. He'd wake in a few hours and take his pack to task for what they had or hadn't done. He was sure he'd think of something. They certainly wouldn't complain.
Sleep came as he courted it and within minutes, he'd drifted off, curled protectively around Melacor. He'd deal with the rest of the realms when he woke.
A/N: This kind of turned into a monster chapter...I'm really sorry about that. Yeah. I hope everyone enjoyed it. :) (But don't get used to whopper 14k installments.) I hope that clears up some of the Ilsa and Bahn drama. We won't know what made Ilsa leave, but we do know that Bahn is willing to accept her back, issues and all and she's ready to be back. ;) I hope you enjoyed the little interlude and now as the two of them are out of the Guesthouse, our boys can get down to business. The threesome is next chapter, I am one third of the way through it. :) Harry's overemotional state at the moment is due to his Empathy gift making itself known-he was literally reliving Ilsa and Bahn's sorrow, regret and love for each other. Also, I debated quite a bit of having Bahn's "slap" in there, and I absolutely do not condone any kind of physical violence, etc in a relationship, but for fiction and story purposes, Ilsa is a Gheyo and is pretty much hardwired to pay attention to the physical cues that Bahn uses for her, (the pinch, tugging her hair, letting her carry him without spelling it out for her, etc). Harry will have his own set of issues to deal with when he takes on his first Gheyo into the circle. review responses are in the ff forum.
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