There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries. Read A/N at the bottom, please and thank you!
RECAP: Theo, Harry and Charlie travels to Ilsa's guesthouse where Harry runs into Bahn Deveraine, Bhindi's twin brother and the other Submissive in the Deveraine Circle. Bahn befriends Harry and instinctively takes the younger dragel under his wing. Ilsa turns up and complicated things are finally straightened out between her and Bahn. Aiden returns to Nevarah and checks in with protege, Melacor, resolving to go and pick up Hermione soon. In the meantime, it's the big night at last...
Eventually, Theo stirred, as his legs had gone to sleep and Harry's breathing had evened out, the younger man having fallen into a light sleep. He was loathe to disturb the younger man's rest and so, he was careful to keep his movements to a minimum, as he ran through the usual mental checklist. He'd dozed off at some point himself, but something had happened to wake him.
Harry was still curled up in his lap, peacefully asleep, while Charlie's head was pillowed on the side of Harry that he could reach, from the awkward jumble where they'd huddled together. It couldn't be comfortable, Theo mused to himself, but he reached out with one hand and gently stroked the rich red strands, marveling at the thick tresses and wondering how exactly a Dragon Tamer had managed to keep long hair in a career field where it certainly would've been a hindrance. His smile turned fond as he recognized the signs of Charlie's Fire element beginning to mix in, the red hair was no longer the same red hue all the way through, but now more pronounced with tones of light and dark scarlets and auburns.
That was good. Theo continued his light petting, when Charlie shifted to present his head at a better angle for the caresses. It seemed that both of his lovers enjoyed an affectionate touch—something he made sure to tuck away in the corner of his mind. He did not have any problems at all, with being a touch more physical.
His mind returned to the task at hand as something clanged below. Lightly throwing out his senses, Theo sifted through the varying wafts of magic filtering through the air to read what he could from it. The guesthouse was secure, as it ought to be. There were no new signatures added to the mix, meaning that no newcomers had joined the private moment downstairs. Theo was mildly relieved at that, he thought Bahn and Ilsa could use the privacy.
He rolled one shoulder back, keeping his other arm wrapped around Harry's bared shoulders. He frowned at the scattering of gooseflesh in the wake of the disturbed warmth. It prompted him to send a light tug down the bond to ensure that Harry was sleeping and cold, instead of locked in a nightmare of sorts. He was happy when it returned a positive feeling, albeit sluggishly. He pressed a kiss to the messy head of hair and then turned his neck to the side, cracking it audibly.
"Theo?" Charlie yawned and stretched, his muscles popping softly in tandem with the crackling from the embers in the fireplace. "Awake?" His wings had retreated and folded on their own, sometime in the passing hours. He hadn't even noticed, having fallen asleep, his neck sending messages of protest at the awkward angle in which he'd fallen asleep, pillowed on the warmth of Harry's bare torso.
"Never fell asleep?" Theo quipped. He found himself yawning a second later and contemplated whether he ought to shift Harry so he could move his legs. The combined weight of Harry and Charlie's upper half was not to be underestimated. Technically, it shouldn't have bothered him, but he was tired too and the lack of proper restful sleep could take its toll in various ways. Of course, he was loathe to disturb his sleeping armful, knowing that Harry needed rest, just as much, if not more, then the rest of them. "You alright?"
"Neck." Charlie managed a rueful grin as he gingerly sat upwards. Every single muscle in his body ached, his shoulders and neck uncomfortably sensitive. He winced, making tentative movements with his arms and head.
Theo shared a sympathetic smile. He knew that feeling all too well, a common occurrence when he'd fully come into his inheritance. It was nothing a good massage couldn't cure. A few mouthfuls of blood would also help, if Charlie didn't particularly mind it. "Did you bring the prescription oil from the clinic?"
"You had it." Charlie's brow furrowed. "No, wait. I think it's on the porch." He blushed, remembering that his first reaction upon entering the guesthouse had been to vault over the porch railing and head after Harry.
Theo chuckled. "Ah, so I did pick it up. It would have been…" He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking. A moment later, the golden eyes opened and flashed. A small knapsack sized bundle materialized at the foot of the giant bed at the end of the room. "I'd be happy to help you work out the knots in your shoulders, your wings shouldn't really be troubling you so much."
Charlie found himself smiling. "Thanks."
"How do they feel?"
"…rough and raw."
"Ah. You should probably practice with some extensions in open air—with enough room to stretch them all the way out."
"Are they still that sensitive?" Theo perked a brow. "The air bothers them?"
Charlie tried to shrug and hissed softly at that. The movement was not appreciated at all. "They come out and I can't help it." He turned his hands palm up. "I can't even control them right now. I didn't notice when they faded."
Theo nodded. "The oil will help. I can blood-spike it as well and that would help some."
Charlie wrinkled his nose. "Wouldn't that be messy?"
Golden eyes darkened to a suitable brown. "Not the kind of mess you're thinking of." Theo drawled. "Let me be the judge of that."
A sudden, powerful surge of magic rippled outwards, washing violently over them all, drawing a rather undignified squawk from Charlie and a growl from Theo, who recognized the blended signatures the meaning behind it. He smiled as it tapered off.
It woke Harry, who lifted his head from his pillow on Theo's shoulder, blinking blearily at his surroundings. He was fully awake a few second later, when a second wave washed through, several minutes later. He thunked his head a little heavier than necessary against Theo's shoulder and neck, an unspoken question as a soft sound burbled up out of his throat.
Theo found himself smiling as he cooed softly in answer to the questioning chirs from both of his lovers. "Oretta's magic." He murmured, curving his head to the side to rest affectionately on Harry's. "It's the only touch that's so strong and so soft at the same time. The other one is Bahn's. It seems they've renewed their bonds." The smile grew wider. "That's wonderful for them." The dark brown eyes flickered a few hues darker. "And I do believe they've warded the house and left us to our own imaginations." A downright wicked grin stole over his face as he splayed one interested hand on Harry's bared lower back, curving around to his stomach. "Imagine that." His heated gaze shifted to catch Charlie's lovely blue eyes.
Charlie couldn't stop the shiver that rippled through him. The look on Theo's face spoke of delightfully filthy promises to be kept. Suddenly, being a bit messy sounded rather good.
Harry shifted, stretching slowly and carefully as he lay on his stomach on the bed, his head propped up on his folded hands as he lazily watched Theo slathering Charlie's broad back liberally with the medicated, fragrant oil. The two distinct itches bothering him mere minutes ago had faded away, now that he could sense a renewed atmosphere of calmness and harmony.
He did admit that he'd felt the wards around the room fall away. Wards with the very faintest trace of Bahn's magic in them. He'd had a taste of the elf's white-gold magic, and there was a whisper of it in the locking charms that had fallen away, after he'd sensed that, he'd also felt the faintest brush of magic from his new friend, that things were fine. It was enough to allow him to shift from worried to embarrassed as he remembered his near melt down. Charlie and Theo were saints to put up with his recent mood swings and he knew he hadn't been the best lover or good company, recently.
It helped significantly to hear Bahn's thankful, mental whisper, before the magical signatures of Gheyo and Submissive had exited the guesthouse. He had to admit that Theo's definition of Ilsa's signature was spot on. Her magic was rich, deep, strong and very, very soft, it slipped away as if hadn't been there. Bahn's had been more direct, straightforward and with a whispery touch of his own to it.
He'd worried even though Theo had assured him that they were both fine and had left—exactly as he'd sensed—Harry had wanted to see for himself. The inability to do so, had left him with an itch that he couldn't scratch. Of course, Theo had been quite persuasive with those delightfully wicked hands of his and between that and another hot, open-mouthed kiss on a certain, tattooed mark was all it had taken for Harry to trust his Alpha's instincts. He was half-convinced anyway and easily surrendered with a sigh. Theo had him stretch out on the rich, silken sheets and then had Charlie do the same.
Of course, Harry hadn't exactly done that—he'd inched over to half-lie on Charlie, for warmth and because he could, while Theo rummaged through the little knapsack to find the prescribed oil. It didn't miss his attention that they were all quite shirtless by this point, with neither of them wanting to be the first to strip their trousers off. Harry tucked that detail away for later, wondering if there was some significance attributed to it that he didn't know of yet.
There was a smile lurking at the corners of their Alpha's mouth when Theo turned back to see their altered positions. He'd then chuckled and spelled the oil warm, before liberally drizzling it over them both. Harry had flinched and squirmed when the first ticklish streams poured over him and the wriggling resulted in Charlie's iron arms immediately clamping around his shoulders and waist.
"Oi! Hey!" Charlie protested, but there was laughter in his voice even as he spoke. Harry's squirming did things that he knew the younger man was not quite aware of—yet. "Harry first?" He prompted Theo.
And Harry found himself laughing as Theo coated his hands and skimmed them lightly along his exposed sides.
Warmth sparkled in those familiar, golden eyes, the yellow shine returning as Theo devoted his attention to covering every inch of Harry's available body in warm oil, squeezing, stroking and pressing, to loosen the muscles beneath the pale skin. Harry's laughing squirms settled down and he gave the occasional tremor, as Theo's fingers plied their magic on his willing body. Theo's long fingers teased lightly, circling and pinching those lovely pink nipples, drawing happy little noises from Harry as he finished the massage with a light slap to one trouser-clad thigh. Harry shifted, faintly, finding himself being moved as Theo removed him from Charlie's embrace and settled him on the sheets just within reach.
"Theo?" The name was faintly yawned as Harry had then rolled over on to his stomach. He didn't really want to move or be moved, he'd been hoping things would take a more pleasurable turn—not that he'd been complaining about the massage. That had been delightful too. But he didn't really want to sit on the sidelines if the happy thrums shared between Theo's bond was any indication of the possible turn certain relaxing activities could take.
"Charlie's shoulders." Theo had reminded him, waving a hand at Charlie to have his Beta change position. "I want to put some weight into this." He cracked his knuckles and rocked back to sit on his heels. "Set yourself up so I won't accidentally put too much pressure where it shouldn't be."
Charlie did as requested, with a faint wince. It was easier to be distracted when he was holding an armful of laughing, slippery Harry. He bit back a hiss as Theo shifted to straddle him from behind, already pouring the medicated oil out. The warm oil spilled down his shoulder blades and trickled down his spine, leaving a faintly warming trail. He made an inquisitive sound when the warming sensation increased, before turning cool.
"Shh." Theo soothed. "It reacts to injury, helps to relax the muscles. In a few minutes, you shouldn't feel anything. It is better than a muscle-relaxing potion."
Charlie hummed in acknowledgement as Theo positioned his hands carefully along his spine and pressed. He exhaled, sharply, feeling something click into place. That felt unbearably good, even though his sensitive shoulders screamed for a second, before a blissful numbness began to tingle along the edges. With his head carefully set sideways, Charlie found himself gazing into relaxed, emerald eyes.
Harry stretched out a hand and gently brushed the fingertips along Charlie's shoulder and the mating mark present.
A pleasurable jolt spiked through the redhead and he felt his breath catch, lightly.
"Breathe out." Theo instructed, from above. "And keep breathing."
Charlie didn't answer. He had to focus on breathing.
A sparkle of mischief showed plainly on Harry's face as the brunet transitioned from lazy, relaxed compliance to lust-laced interest. His little experiment had been twofold. He'd felt the same spark of interest trickle back to him through the bond. His hesitant fingers pressed a little firmer as they skimmed over the tattooed mark. This was certainly a far more interesting distraction than simply lying there.
This time, Charlie nearly groaned as the intent in that 'innocent' touch went straight to his groin. He shifted, only to feel Theo's weight settling even more firmly on his thighs. His mind caught up to the predicament, much sooner than his body did. Theo's hands were firm and sure, a contrast to Harry's sensual brushes as the mischievous brunet sidled closer, to better run his hands up and down Charlie's bicep and side.
It was a matter of minutes before Charlie realized he'd have to speak up. Pure desire alone was being channeled through the bond forged between him and it sang happily as it was fed, while his body began to warm under the attentions. Harry's hands began to wander a little more, only to be lightly slapped away by Theo's working ones.
"Har-ry." Theo's drawl wasn't exactly discouraging, as he seemed to catch on to what was happening, when Charlie began to shift beneath him. "He needs to stay still until I'm finished."
"I didn't want him to fall asleep."
"Play with something else." Theo suggested. "Or try rubbing the furrows out of his forehead."
"Don't have furrows." Charlie protested.
Harry stifled a laugh. The exact way in which Charlie made his face of complaint, did indeed furrow his forehead. "Let me see." He shifted, moving over.
"You could take all night at this rate." Charlie heard himself mumbling into the coverlet.
Above him, Theo smirked.
By the time Theo's massage had finished, Charlie was comfortably relaxed and uncomfortably aroused. His body felt heavy and weighted as if Theo had hit him with a weight charm. Just the thought of moving, filled his mind with protest, even as certain portions of his body clamoured for attention and friction. He groggily shifted gears and when Theo finally climbed off of him with admonitions to give the oil time to sink in. He certainly had no intention of leaping off the bed and dancing around, now that his shoulders didn't burn and ache with every half-breath he processed. He did, however, hope that the night was not ending on the note of a well-delivered massage.
Before he could protest, Theo had already begun wiping his hands on a clean handtowel, plucking up the bottle of medicated oil. The young Alpha slid off the bed and set the oil on the nightstand, before clicking his fingers. The light in the room dimmed to have point and with another flick of his fingers, the fireplace rumbled and came to life, the wood refilling and the flames sizzling upward. Theo then cast his own set of protective wards within the room, before he padded over to the en suite, and calmly went about his business, the door halfway open. He hummed as his brushed his teeth and rooted out a pair of fresh pyjamas from an empty wardrobe.
Harry and Charlie looked over at him in a mixture of surprise. But he seemed oblivious as he went about his nightly routine, a fresh bath towel in hand, his intention clear.
The door shut a moment later.
Charlie blinked. He looked to Harry. "I thought…" he began and then stopped. It was easy to push away the feelings and emotions, he'd had practice at it over the years. Perhaps he wasn't what Theo was looking for at the moment or maybe something else had distracted the Slytherin. His mind whispered ugly words of scars and inexperience, but Charlie stubbornly shoved them back where they belonged.
He was ready for this and if not right away, close enough for that right away to be very soon. Harry had to know what he was and how he was, before he'd considered him for his Circle and if Theo disagreed, well, Charlie hoped that he would have rejected him earlier and sooner—not simply left him hot and aching in the middle of the room while he went for a shower. The feelings of insecurity and uncertainty still simmered, but at least, Charlie could remind himself that he'd had lovers of both sexes and knew he wasn't necessarily lacking in the art of pleasure.
Perhaps something else was bothering Theo. He looked to Harry, who was staring at the door of the en suite.
Harry slowly shrugged for the both of them. He'd been thinking too and his thought process hadn't stopped the way that Theo's appeared to have done. In fact, the reality of having Charlie half-naked in front of him was slowly rekindling the earlier passion he'd been forced to push aside. If Theo wanted to take a shower now, then that was his loss, Harry decided. Charlie twisted, stretching towards him, a content and not entirely innocent smile on his face. Harry allowed himself to admire the gorgeous expanse of oiled, tanned skin that was soft to the touch, thanks to Theo's expert touch.
Their Alpha had certainly done quite a thorough job of it and while the faintest hint of citrus hung in the air, it was a muted fragrance that wasn't anywhere near overpowering. A hopeful gleam flickered in Charlie's rich blue eyes as he waited for Harry to take his hands.
"What?" Harry wanted to know, still busy cataloguing Charlie's current assets. He took the hands offered as Charlie seemed eager to have him hold them.
"I can't turn over." Charlie said, lightly, changing what he'd meant to say when Harry's emerald eyes roved hungrily over him. "Wouldn't want to undo all of Theo's ah, hard work." Charlie's hands squeezed, gently. "You're a little too far to reach."
A warm flush began to spread across Harry's pale face. He inched closer, but remained slightly out of reach. "How about now?" He prompted.
"Still too far." Charlie propped himself up on his elbows, tugging on Harry's hands again. "Closer."
"…now?" Harry scooted closer. He licked his lips, emerald eyes wandering carefully over the tanned and slightly scarred face. He dropped one hand to run it along the ridged bump. He wondered, briefly, why Charlie's inheritance hadn't canceled it out, before he realized that Ilsa had forced Charlie's dragel nature out. The ritual had likely been the reason the scar was so faded, but it still remained.
Sapphire eyes fluttered in welcome appreciation as Harry's soft fingers tentatively explored the familiar face, now made new again. He was grateful to read the acceptance in Harry, as those smaller fingers traced over the scars on his face. He had noticed the curious absence of markings on both Theo and Harry, but he'd chalked it up to both of them being involved in less dangerous careers than his own. He'd then, of course, amended that, remembering the Twins' tales of Harry's adventures and then marveled over the fact that no visible scars remained. That was good, in his opinion, anyway. Harry didn't deserve the scars that he collected, especially the jagged slash of lightning on his forehead, a scar that seemed to both Harry more than anything else. He'd seen Theo deliberately kiss the mark several times and witnessed Harry's relief at the action. It was something special and private between them, but Charlie couldn't help wondering if he could be included in the moment. From the very first day since he'd met the younger wizard, the small body, wide-eyes and subtle, powerful magic had called out to him and he'd been hard-pressed to remain in character for the rest of his family.
Harry's magic was a near siren call, if you were brave enough to open your ears and listen. Listening for magic was a talent he'd been taught at the Romanian Reserves and Charlie had never given it a second thought until he'd returned home and realized just what a powerful talent it was in close proximity to powerful wizards. He'd never recalled Dumbledore even having the same magnificent signature and he'd been to the Order meetings, at his Mum's request. Meetings where he'd spoken on Bill's behalf and agreed to speak to his employers about including the dragon's in a possible, future war.
Charlie's hands flexed on Harry's thighs, missing the action of holding something, but soaking up the soft, gentle touches as Harry continued to explore his scarred face. The scars were recent enough, the ones on his face anyway, he'd been careless—no, careful for the dragon and not for himself—and the result had been a barrage of new scars. His Mum's scar salve a special recipe combined with something he'd never been able to recognize, but now guessed it to be a blood-based magic, had often faded or erased the marks. It warmed him inside to see and know that Harry didn't mind the marks, slashes and tears. Some of the scars were far from pretty, but Charlie was gratified to know that Harry was indeed as special inside as he was on the outside. The young wizard had a knack for seeing beyond the physical appearances and reading the true intentions beneath, easily seeing the inner beauty and treasuring it.
Their bonding moment had been wonderful and beautiful, but there hadn't been any time for the kind of interaction taking place now. Charlie held his face still and angled upwards as Harry dropped his other hand and began to trace the features, one at a time, an indescribable expression on his young, vulnerable face. Thin fingers skimmed over full lips and a generous nose that didn't look the least bit out of place on the lightly freckled face. Spots of freckles so light, they melted into the well-tanned face, serving only to highlight high cheekbones as the bedroom light flickered over them.
After a time, another contented sigh slipped out as Charlie led his head fall forward and Harry's fingers began to tangle in his hair. Harry's searching fingers settled in the spell-cleaned tresses and worked their way down to scratch gently at his scalp.
An audible purr filled the room and Charlie started, faintly, before he realized the sound had come from him. Harry chuckled overhead, digging a touch harder with his blunt fingernails, the pleasure multiplying exponentially in the following moments. It was why he was completely unprepared when one of Harry's hands snuck downwards and dug into his sides with a deliberate tickle.
The Dragon Tamer squawked and jerked away, laughter spilling out as Harry darted in closer, tickling hands refusing to stop. In a matter of seconds, it became a light wrestling match as hands stretched and legs intertwined, both careful in their movements, so that Charlie remained on top and Harry sprawled out beneath him, to keep from aggravating his sensitive shoulders. Several minutes later, Harry lay breathless and helpless as Charlie gifted him one last tickle. The redhead half-collapsed on that, slender pale chest, still heaving with gasping laughter. He smiled, the expression softening as he caught Harry's lighted eyes.
The laughter tapered off and the silence between them was broken by the quiet, shallow breaths and then Charlie leaned downward and Harry leaned up.
Lips met in the middle and Charlie shifted, settling himself more comfortably half over and half on Harry. He shifted to cradle Harry's head with one large hand and focused on ravishing that smiling, willing mouth. Harry wriggled beneath him, until he could reach around those broad shoulders, one resting tentatively on the back of Charlie's neck, the other a little lower down, skirting the edge of the sensitive shoulders and upper back.
Lips, teeth and tongue, began to dance in sensual play, as Charlie nibbled lightly on Harry's lower lip, teasing and asking for entrance, that was given after little resistance. Harry sighed into the kiss, angling his head to enjoy it better. Happy feelings and seductive threads of magic spiraled over the pair, twining together and meshing as the Beta-Submissive bond hummed to life, strengthening and reaffirming itself.
The kisses did the trick and Harry soon arched upwards, seeking a touch of friction as he rubbed up against the hard, firm body hovering just barely above him. Charlie broke the kiss to smirk down at him, his own blue eyes darkening with lust.
Freshly bitten lips parted to show budding, half-present fangs delicately sliding out as Harry chirred encouragingly. Charlie turned his head to the side, yawning, even as he stretched his jaw and heard it pop. His fangs were extended and full, aching with need as he nuzzled Harry's neck, nibbling, but not biting.
Harry hummed into the ministrations, his hand falling free from Charlie's neck and moving downwards to tease along the waistband of Charlie's pants. Any potential shyness had long flown, easily attended by the light play-fight they'd had earlier. Now, Harry was relaxed and confident, his intentions clear and his need growing as Charlie continued his light, teasing touches, never quite granting him the pressure and deeper stimulation he craved.
Charlie caught a patch of skin in his teeth and worried it, taking care not to bite. He wasn't quite sure about the biting and the blood, bit, but he was very sure about how he wanted this night to end when Harry's half-frustrated, half-groaned exclamation of his name was uttered right by his ear. "Hmm?"
"Stop…that…I want-!"
The protest was cut off as Charlie shifted his weight so he could slide one hand between them, palming the erection in Harry's thin pants. He rubbed the pad of his thumb over the tip and watched as Harry twisted pleasurably beneath him. "Did you say something?"
"…tease." Harry growled out, arching upwards into the caress. "Stop…ughh…" he groaned in frustration as that warm hand disappeared from where he wanted it to be. "Charlie!"
"Shh. Patience." Charlie bumped noses in consolation. "The last time was a little bit of a hazy daze. I want to take my time."
Harry's response was to twist and turn, trying to free his legs to wrap around Charlie's waist. He wasn't quite in the mind to argue against Charlie, but he'd gladly show the redhead what he wanted.
Charlie laughed overhead, the sound rumbling in his chest and coming out as a near, light growl as Harry fisted his hands in the reddened strands and tugged. Harry's grip slackened when Charlie's hot mouth found one peaked nipple and focused his attentions solely on the pale bud.
His breathing hitched, breath coming in soft, welcome gasps as Harry squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to calm down and simply feel. There was absolutely no reason in the world to rush this except that oh—a new scent caught his nose and Harry's arms shifted at once to lock around Charlie's neck, holding the redhead down, as he scented Theo's entrance into the bedroom.
He did not want Charlie's attention to shift from him, to Theo. At least, not in the way he knew it would, as Charlie's current state was more relaxed and unreserved than Harry had seen him in a very long time. He didn't want Charlie to change just because Theo had entered the room.
Theo hadn't had the chance to prove his dominant status as yet. While it did make Harry antsy to feel the two powerful auras from his older bonded, it bothered him to see that Charlie couldn't take the same comfort and strength that Theo so readily offered. The depth of Theo's earthen element afforded Harry the same kind of steady, silent strength and solid foundation, even more so since Quinn had done the Soul Cast bit.
At least, Harry had felt it as a rock-solid thrum of magical energy and warmth that he could fall into. Emerald eyes locked onto golden ones as Theo's silent exit from the en suite went purely unnoticed by Charlie as Harry made sure to keep the redhead's face buried in his neck.
Mischief danced in those pleased golden eyes and Theo winked at him, over Charlie's shoulders. Harry felt a thrill of delight ripple down his spine as Theo advanced towards the bed, subtly calling out his dragel nature, his Alpha's aura muted, so as not to startle Charlie.
Feeling quite pleased with himself to be included in the mischief, Harry slackened his grip on Charlie's neck, pulling the dragon tamer up for a kiss that he happily gave into. Harry shifted, feeling Theo's weight slowly settling on the bed. He wriggled purposefully again and twisted away from Charlie's questing lips.
"Wings," He whispered into one available ear, then licked said ear and clamped his half-aroused fangs into the fleshy lobe. Quinn's purification ritual meant that they could all share blood tonight—Harry fully intended to take advantage of that.
Charlie shuddered above him, turning his head, experimentally as the small fangs clamped down around his earlobe and by default, the metal piercings there as well. He couldn't suppress the reactions racing through his body as Harry began to work his lips and tongue in tandem to produce delightful sensations of pleasurable pain.
It reminded him of the day he'd had the piercings done and then of the achy week that had followed, as these particular piercings did not heal in the usual way most magical body modification processes did.
Something tingled behind him, but Charlie ignored in favor of gasping as Harry's fangs finally drew blood and prompted him to accidentally bite the thin shoulder presented to him. Before his mind could catch up to his unintended move, instinct crawled to the forefront and Charlie moaned into the first mouthful of blood.
Theo's blood had been strong and rich, but Harry's blood, oh Harry. The pale, slender beauty tasted like rich sweetness, a sugary hint that only made him want to drink more and more. He felt Harry tremble in his arms and looked up, worriedly, in time to see his Submissive's gorgeous silvery-peach wings tentatively stretching outward. He sucked on the bite one last time and then slid his fangs free, licking the puncture wounds. He gave a cursory lick to Harry's cheek, before his eyes lit on the mating mark on Harry's pale skin.
Charlie turned his attentions to that lovely mark in time to feel something moving behind him. Before he could react, strong arms wrapped around his upper half, one about his neck, the other around his waist. His mouth opened with a growl.
"Don't even think about it." Theo's silken voice purred from behind and he bent his head, to make his point.
Charlie twitched when sharp fangs pierced the unmarked side of his neck and dug in deeply. He reacted a second too soon to realize that his acceptance of the bite meant that he'd given in. He twisted, prompting a whine from Harry as the myriad of complicated emotions began to war within. Half of him wanted desperately to give into Theo's silent strength and the other half demanded that he fight back.
Harry's repeated whine drew Charlie to the present where the smaller brunet had released his ear and now licked his neck, repeatedly, the whine growing louder when no one seemed to be addressing it.
Theo rumbled reassuringly from behind and Charlie fought back the urge to rebel against the warm feeling welling up inside of him. He tried to focus on Harry and instinctively bent his head to press a wet kiss to the arched throat presented to him. An apology, he realized, belatedly.
He felt another growl building up in his throat, when Theo worked his jaws lightly, fangs rocking in and out of wounds on his neck. It was a sharp, stark reminder that he could not protest this—not when Theo had managed to catch him unaware—he didn't deserve to challenge the rank if he could not keep his awareness around him at all times. A ripple of guilt traveled through him.
It was stopped by a light slap to one flank and Theo's Alpha growl from above. The bite deepened a touch more and then those wicked fangs slid free. The scent of chocolate teased through the air and a warmed breeze blew over the trio. Theo's warm tongue lapped at the new wound and the Alpha hummed softly, gently pressing himself against the sensitive upper back of his Beta.
Charlie inwardly winced, bracing himself as a few sharp twinges of discomfort registered from the skin on skin contact. He was pleasantly surprised to find that Theo's touch cooled and soothed, rather than inflamed. Instinctively, he pushed back into the embrace that tightened, obligingly, allowing more of the coolness to register. A questioning noise managed to make its way past Charlie's lips, prompting another one of those lovely, dark chuckles from the young Alpha.
"Alpha's rights." Theo murmured, gently pulling the older wizard back. "I would never leave you in pain, if it were within my power to. Let Harry up a bit."
Harry scooted further up on the bed, at Theo's prompt, the moment that Charlie was lightly lifted off of him. He stopped at the quick nod from the golden-eyed Theo and waited to see what the Alpha had in mind.
"Claws." Theo purred into Charlie's reddened ear. He licked the abused appendage and nuzzled along the redhead's hairline. "Call them out, slowly."
Worry trickled through Charlie's consciousness, but he tried to focus as instructed and found that it was easier than he'd expected. Instinct was closer to the surface than he'd thought and within minutes, his hands had morphed into, neat, compact claws. He flexed his fingers, noting the sharp, dangerous tips and marveling at the feel. He tensed as Theo's hands around him, morphed to claws as well.
"Pants." Theo instructed, his velvet voice still seductive. "Harry doesn't need to be wearing pants right now, don't you agree?"
Charlie slowly nodded.
"Good. Make use of those claws."
"We didn't bring extra-!" Harry's half-yelp was cut off as Charlie leaned forward and did exactly that. The bright green eyes gave an exaggerated roll. "Theo." Harry directed his protest at the smirking Slytherin.
Theo's answer was to simply remove one arm from Charlie's neck and nudge him down again. His claws set at the edge of the dragon tamer's pants and shredded them in short order. "More fun this way, isn't it?" He inquired, suggestively. One clawed hand slid lower down to play with what had been newly freed. "You focus on Harry…I'll focus on you, alright?"
Charlie sucked in a breath, his earlier thoughts struggling to mesh with what was happening to him right now. "But-"
"Do you yield?" Theo's wicked claws scraped meaningfully over sensitive skin. "I would never ask anything of you that you did not wish to give. You are not losing anything, my dragonheart. You are only gaining."
Chapped lips pressed tightly together in thought. He recalled every interaction he'd seen between Alpha and Submissive since his addition to their little snapshot of happiness. It wasn't at all like he'd originally thought, before he'd know anything of Theodore Nott. Instead it was so much more. So much more. Theo was everything dark, deadly and dangerous, as long as it meant keeping Harry happy, safe and loved. Instead of smothering either of them—and Charlie knew that to take some significant restraint—Theo seemed to be angling towards a bonded pairing where they were equals.
All of them.
All three of them.
That final thought took an extra handful of seconds to process and it was the final piece of the puzzle. The instinct to fight this particular threat—this Alpha—finally flickered out. There was no need to push this issue. Charlie's shoulders quivered as he grasped that new revelation, turned it over twice in his head and accepted the outcome. He leaned forward, the battle won, his body explaining what his mouth could not.
"Shh." Theo soothed and this time, he sank his fangs directly into the vulnerable softness of that tanned neck as he followed the downward movement, still keeping them chest to back. He'd showered to ensure that his skin would hold the rune magic he intended to use. It seemed as if it were working, as Charlie had sought more of the cooling sensation when they touched. Theo was glad for that, he knew that new wings could be one of the most painful parts of a forced dragel transition. To be able to help and show his intended Beta that he truly did care, made the nearly unbearable hiccup in their night, worth it.
He hadn't wanted to leave, but his rational mind had won out in the end and so he'd left both Beta and Submissive to their own devices, knowing that a little time between each other wouldn't be amiss. Neither of them had managed to really spend a bit of one-on-one anywhere and then there'd been the whole mess at the healers.
Theo stroked his claws over the slightly scarred, tanned skin of Charlie's sides and hips. He worked his fangs into the willing neck and this time, he did drink the blood. The mark made before in the Snape's quarters had been incomplete, it required more to solidify it and they simply hadn't had the time. Now, however, they had all the time in the world and Theo was more than happy to make use of it.
Charlie's blood was light and filling, sliding easily down his throat, compared to Harry's delightful sweetness that always reminded him of his sweet tooth. But his mind easily clicked over from blood to the roughened skin texture beneath his hands. Theo had to admit that the scars added a certain amount of attraction to the dragon tamer, and the tan was an extra bonus. His own skin was far too pale to handle a decent tan, but Charlie wore it well and it made Theo want to lick and taste every inch of that skin as he staked his claim.
Mine. His inner dragel growled, contentedly. Theo smirked into the bite and his eyes flickered a bright, deep golden hue as he poured his magic into the mark. When he withdrew his fangs this time, the mating mark was dark and permanent. This time, was for keeps.
The Alpha-Beta bond snapped to life and hummed as a jumble of emotions, feelings and magic zipped by, adjusting to them both. Theo had made sure that Charlie wasn't in the position to refuse as he'd done in the Snapes' quarters. He'd made absolute sure that refusal wasn't even an option, given Charlie's current positioning and state of dress, after all, one was Slytherin for life and beyond.
Just the same, Theo hadn't wanted to force anything out of his fierce dragon tamer either. For Charlie to give in of his own accord meant that he had achieved the original goal intended. He rewarded his Beta with a firm stroke, fisting the heavy, swollen cock with one clawed hand. Another bubble of laughter threatened to spill out and he swallowed it back, feeling and sensing his magic at work.
Neither Charlie nor Harry had paid him any mind when he'd been working, so he'd taken a moment to trace in the necessary spell for delayed release. It had eased the harshness of having to take his shower alone. He could see evidence of the spell in Harry's aroused body, flushed and waiting for relief. This would be so much fun…
Harry was prepared for anything but Charlie’s hot mouth on his cock when the dragon tamer suddenly winked up at him. In the second it’d taken for the wink to register, Harry clapped both hands over his mouth at the girly squeak that had emerged as Charlie swallowed him whole. That warm, wet heat brought him easily to the edge, but refused to take him over. Harry squirmed, even as Charlie’s clawed hands dug into his thighs, holding him still enough to bob his head up and down. “No hands, Harry.” Theo’s rich voice wafted over to him. “Hands at your sides or in Charlie’s hair. We want to hear you, don’t we, Charlie?”
The redhead hummed in answer and Harry half-arched off the bed, his hands scrabbling in the sheets. He grabbed ineffectually at Charlie’s tangled, scarlet strands and bit his lip, drawing blood as a litany of moans and pleas began to fall from his lips. He was close, so close that it felt as if he’d simply burn alive if something didn’t give. He hadn’t known that Charlie could do that.
“Charlie, Theo!” He pleaded again, yanking on Charlie’s hair and succeeding in the counterproductive move of drawing the redhead up and off his prize. Charlie’s own smirk matched the wickedly dark look on Theo’s face as he blew softly on the moistened flesh, the change in sensation making Harry mewl. He didn’t remember Harry being quite this responsive when they’d bonded, but he wasn’t about to complain.
“I should ask to see your eyes too,” Charlie said, huskily. He felt Theo’s hands stroking his sides and arse, the strokes becoming firmer and more purposeful. He knew what would happen next, but appreciated the fact that Theo wasn’t surprising him as he’d done moments before. That was unexpectedly thoughtful. Charlie redirected his mind towards lapping at the bead of blood on Harry’s lower lip. “If you need to bite something…” He offered.
Brilliant green eyes popped open, fixing on Charlie with a lust-filled glare. “Tease!” Harry managed, even as Charlie licked his lips with deliberate slowness. “You did-!” He suppressed a shudder as another unbearable wave of pleasure rocked over him. Someone had done something, Harry wasn’t sure which. He was liable to think it was Theo, except for he couldn’t recall Theo having cast anything over him before and thus had nothing to compare it to. His body didn’t feel any different, except for the unbelievable waves of pleasure rocking through him. He could burn alive and nothing would change it seemed, his damp hair clung to his forehead, a pale sheen of sweat glistening on his skin.
Yet, even as Harry tried to think, those hypnotic blue eyes stole his breath and demanded his attention. He’d wanted this so badly earlier and now that it was in front of him, Harry wasn’t sure how much longer he could bear being just on the brink. He wanted to tear into Charlie with claws and fangs, to make a bloody mess and feel the slip of scales and skin as Theo had once done for him. In the wake of the night of claiming night, Theo had showed him pleasures he hadn’t even imagined.
Claws shifted back to hands and Charlie returned to his earlier task, this time, his hands busied themselves with reddened nipples, even as Harry tugged on his wrists, body contorting in pleasure and need. In all that he’d ever experienced, Charlie had never found a lover as responsive as Harry’s delightful cries, twists and shudders. So open, so perfect and so mind-blowingly tantalizing. It made him want to love and treasure this exotic, green-eyed creature for as long as fate would allow.
Something inside of Harry shifted and moved, prompting another groan. He came with a cry as Charlie’s hands gave a particularly delightful twist, spilling down that hot throat and squirming as Charlie swallowed it all. He licked his lips and waited for the kiss that was sure to follow, gratified when Charlie indeed, surged upwards, moments later, sharing the taste of himself as it mixed with the fresh bead of blood welling from one lip.
Theo sat back on his haunches, watching them both, his eyes roving meaningfully over Charlie’s delectable arse. He’d allowed both Beta and Sub the moment that they needed and undone Harry’s spell for the time being, knowing fully well just how insatiable their Submissive could be.
Harry would likely wear them both out, if given the chance and the wild look he’d seen in those emerald eyes certainly promised pleasurable retribution if he hadn’t undone the spell straightaway. The moment he’d released the trigger, the response was both beautiful and immediate. Theo had watched with lust-brimming and spilling over as Charlie had skillfully brought Harry to a blistering orgasm. His trembling, softly shuddering body was immediately stilled and warmed as Charlie stretched out over him, bringing him down from the hazy high with slow, thorough kisses.
Theo smiled to himself and watched a moment longer, before lazily fisting himself to attention. Not that it wasn’t enough to be watching them, but he’d made use of his shower time in order to make the most of their night now. Without the rush of a first orgasm hanging between them, he could be patient and take his time to purposefully drive them crazy. He fully intended to have them both before the night was over, once to complete the bond and twice because he felt like it. His fingers twitched, summoning the bottle of favored lube to his side with the whisper, feather-touch of his earthen element. Mentally checking the room’s wards one last time, Theo gave himself over to the moment.
Squeezing out a generous dollop of lube, Theo moved to a better position, patting that tanned lower back to hint at the intent. He watched as Charlie twitched, his body still sensitive, half from arousal and half from his wings rippling just beneath the surface of his skin. Theo knew they’d be out before the night was over, but he also knew that Charlie was too keyed up to draw them out properly. He’d make use of the moment in the meant time. His own wings shifted beneath the surface, but it was an easy thought to keep them folded in for the time being.
One properly lubed finger slipped between firm arse cheeks, seeking out the tight ring of muscle usually hidden from view. Theo smiled when Harry’s slender arms came up to wrap around Charlie’s neck, sliding under the redhead’s arms before curving upwards. Harry’s pleased chirrs filled the room from the appreciative kisses being slowly traded. It was a good distraction for Charlie as Theo continued his intimate exploration with slow, smooth movements.
Theo smirked to himself, grateful for his element that gave him control and for the show in front of him that was everything he’d known it would be. The view would be even better in a moment, he thought to himself, adding another finger and stroking the velvety insides. Charlie took it well, the occasional twitch the only sign of discomfort, as he shifted, lifting his hips slightly to accommodate the process.
Theo smiled outright at that and leaned forward to press a kiss to sweat-slicked skin as he added a third finger, scissoring expertly. Charlie was hot and tight and the third finger coaxed him open even wider. That brought a sound of discomfort and Theo magicked another glob of lube into his free hand, nudging Charlie to his knees, with a murmured “up.”
Harry was the one to protest at that, but his attention was swiftly redirected when he caught sight of Charlie’s thick, bobbing cock. Theo’s free hand wrapped around that heavy thickness and gifted it a few firm strokes. Green eyes grew round and then filled with renewed interest when Theo wiped said free hand on Charlie’s stomach and then tossed him the lube, his direction clear. Charlie and Harry exchanged a glance, then Harry flipped the cap open and squirted a bit into his hands. His eyes remained fixed on Charlie’s face as his lubed hands reached downwards.
Charlie hissed when the smaller, slick fingers found his throbbing erection and gently squeezed. The light touch was not to be mistaken for shyness or uncertainty, because Harry fisted him completely a moment later, swirling one roughened thumb around the swollen, weeping head. It made him keen softly as Harry’s free hand went for his balls, fondling and massaging them, coaxing him to walk the fine line of fiery pleasure and tolerable pain. It was a pleasant distraction from Theo’s thrusting fingers.
“Your turn?” Harry settled back a moment later, a pleased look on his face. He reached for the lube and held it up to squeeze a bit into Charlie’s hand.
Charlie stared at him for a moment.
Harry rolled his eyes. “Charlie.” He tilted his head forward. “Me?” The hint of daring in his voice was almost challenging.
Charlie hesitated long enough for Harry to bare his fangs and hiss. He held out one hand, supporting himself as best as he could and accepted the slightly cold glob of lube. He rubbed it quickly between his fingers, warming it before tracing that hand down Harry’s side and lower still. He watched as Harry deliberately made himself relax, still clenching his lower lip between delicate fangs. Twin beads of blood appeared as the fangs bit through once more and two of Charlie’s fingers slid home.
Harry squirmed at the intrusion, already prepared for the sensations that were still yet to come. He found himself staring upwards in fascination as Charlie’s smooth strokes became somewhat jerky and sloppy, due to Theo’s efforts. A happy chirr bubbled out as Harry spread his legs wider to welcome the thrusting fingers as two became three and one of them curled. A choked gasp left his lips as he stood to attention once more, the earlier orgasm already a memory.
“Charlie. Charlie. Charlie.” The name came out as a chant. Harry wiped his slick fingers down that warmed chest and reached for Charlie’s red hair once more. He wondered, briefly, if Charlie might have a headache in the morning and then dismissed it with the thought of headache reliever potions. Magic was a wonderful thing sometimes. He’d think of that later. He wanted Charlie in him, now. Anytime now, to be exact.
Charlie lurched and shuddered, suddenly held still, his hands grabbing at the soft pillows beneath Harry’s head and shoulders, his own head resting heavily on Harry’s chest as his breath came in short, quick pants.
“Charlie?” Theo’s voice was light and careful. “Relax.”
The redhead bobbed stiffly in answer—once. Harry’d done a wonderful job. He hadn’t been paying attention when Theo had found the spot that made lights dance behind his eyes. And he definitely hadn’t been paying attention when Theo’s cock had replaced his fingers. The intrusion was not entirely unwelcome, but it was uncomfortable and it had been some time since he’d been on the receiving end, evidenced by the way his mind had instantly blanked and was now vaguely aware of Harry’s hands in his hair.
Theo stroked his hands down Charlie’s sides, tracing over the faint scars and tempering the coolness in his hands to his Beta’s warmth. The touch was soothing and relaxing on the tanned skin as Theo waited, balls deep, for Charlie to relax. “You’re lovely, you know that?” Theo murmured. “Everything about you…Harry has excellent taste.”
Harry sniggered, wrapping his hands around Charlie’s head and hugging his Beta to his chest. Of course he had good taste. Charlie was perfect for him—for them. He was glad to see that Theo had no objections to Charlie, especially now that he could understand what was happening between them. He much more preferred this dominance fight compared to the snarls, claws and growls he’d witnessed in Snapes’ quarters. Harry smiled as he gave small pats to Charlie’s head, rubbing his cheek up and down the sweat-dampened locks, trying to transmit feelings of camaraderie through their renewed bond. It took a moment longer, but when it happened, both Alpha and Sub felt it. Pure, complete, unadulterated submission.
Charlie’s fiery warmth exploded outward to both of them as his magic rippled and sang. Wizard and dragel halves connected, his position proposed and accepted.
“Perfect.” Theo whispered, bracing one hand on Charlie’s lower back as he slid out, hovering for a second, before thrusting back in. Charlie gasped and groaned as the pace was set.
Charlie’s orange-red hair sparked to cool flames that danced around Harry’s adoring fingers, blue eyes fluxed purple with the fire element bleeding into his natural, physical traits. Tanned skin darkened as a smattering of navy blue scales began to surface along his sides. The tops of his ears shifted, pointing faintly at the tops, his forehead taking on several additional wrinkles from the ridged bump.
Harry found himself smiling up at the fierce face, a faint prickle of wetness in the backs of his eyes. He blinked it away, forcing a smile as he ran his hands through Charlie’s flaming hair once more. He was lucky, so very lucky to have something this beautiful and perfect. If fate should think to steal it away from him, Harry had no reservations of chasing fate down to the depths of hell for it.
Charlie moaned softly again. Harry pushed the morbid thoughts aside and leaned up to kiss whatever he could reach. There was no mistaking the pleasure in that particular groan as Theo’s pale hands gripped those tanned hips and settled into a rocking rhythm. “He’s good, isn’t he?” Harry murmured, his eyes laughed over Charlie’s shoulder at the smoldering look in Theo’s golden gaze. His own needs were temporarily dimmed in the heat of the moment where Charlie’s pleasure had taken precedence.
A rough groan of aching pleasure was Charlie’s answering response as his hands caught Harry’s shoulders and dug into the pale skin.
Harry wriggled, experimentally. He had some range of movement and he wasn’t quite about to forget where Charlie’s fingers had been several minutes ago. He’d been satisfied once, but there was a whole night ahead of them and he had no intention of letting Charlie and Theo have all the fun.
“Not enough?” He inquired, impishly, shifting his knee to rub against Charlie’s leaking cock. He watched those blue-purple eyes roll upwards to the back of Charlie’s head. Ah, that was a good move, then...he repeated the nudge. “…can I can fix that?” Harry propped himself up on his elbows, enough to catch Theo’s eye. “Theo…”
It took a bit of careful maneuvering and a touch of patience before the trio was carefully situated, Harry beneath Charlie and Charlie under Theo.
Overall, a gorgeous Charlie sandwich that was served at least twice. Harry squirmed pleasurably into the sheets as every thrust from Theo rocked Charlie even deeper into him. The second time around was even more enjoyable than the first and he knew to brace himself well,this time. It felt so incredibly good. He felt their magic rising up and twining together, sparks of energy and stabs of raw emotion filtering down to him. He could taste the hesitance, the relief, the pain, the hope and the new, humming threads of love and affection. It meshed together in a way that was beautifully bittersweet. Charlie’s tingling heat, Theo’s steady coolness and Harry’s tempered warmth, a perfect trio of blended elements. He could see why the others had been worried about their incomplete bond as now he could feel everything flowing together in a neverending circle, where Theo’s steady presence bled into Charlie’s comforting warmth and they both fed back into his own tempered strength. Whereas before, he’d felt as if there were something not quite put together, the pesky feeling had vanished and everything was settled comfortably between them. Instinct took over and when Theo stretched forward, settling his weight over Charlie and his fangs in the redhead’s neck, Harry arched upwards and notched his own fangs in the other side of Charlie’s neck, directly over the mating mark. The reaction was instantaneous and utterly enchanting. Harry heard Theo murmur a handful of words, muffled by his fangs buried in Charlie’s neck. The response was Charlie’s body freezing, then writhing in a series of shudders and tremors as he groaned through his release, head buried in the sweaty curve of Harry’s shoulder and arm. “Shhh.” Theo soothed, withdrawing his fangs and lapping at the wound. He was quite pleased with himself and Charlie’s lovely reactions. A scant handful of seconds later, Theo drank in the sight of Harry coming as well, the combined stimulation and feedback through the bond, prompting his second release for the night. Entirely satisfied for the night, Theo gave three more solid thrusts before he gave a choked sound of his own and emptied himself yet again into Charlie’s scorching heat, the aftershocks rippling through him in short bursts. They relaxed into each other, a pile of sweaty, sated bodies, breaths coming in harsh gasps, shaking hands patting and stroking whatever they could reach. Harry made a sound of discomfort as Charlie’s softened cock slid out from him. A breathless chuckle was Charlie’s answer. Theo sighed and rested a hand on one pale flank, his clawed fingers pierced the white skin, drawing blood. Harry whined at the strip of painful fire, but didn’t protest, knowing that Theo was casting the usual magic that would heal whatever scrapes and marks their bonding session had brought on. It would also help with the soreness.
"Sleep?" Harry croaked, feeling a wave of sudden tiredness wash over him. The sensation felt mixed as if it weren't entirely his own and he traced it down the bond to Charlie's half-closed eyes, the purple-hue fading away from the vibrant blue eyes.
"I think we wore him out." Theo murmured, slipping out from the pliant redhead with a touch of concern. He dug his claws into the firm side and began to trace the shapes and runes as he'd done for Harry.
Charlie twisted with a warbling sound in his throat. Theo rumbled comfortingly in answer as Harry elbowed his way to a better position between the two of them.
The green-eyed brunet snuggled up to Theo's chest, his arms holding one of Charlie's captive, as their legs tangled together. Theo reached across Harry's slender, pale form to skim his fingers reassuringly over Charlie's tanned bulk, his own legs tangled up with theirs. The young Alpha gently prodded at the new bond, checking each of his bonded's current statuses before slipping towards the welcome blackness of sleep.
A faint quirk of his lips showed when his Slytherin mind whispered one detail that hadn't occurred yet. The bond had settled and while it now happily accepted Charlie into the fold, he could sense that it was still unsatisfied. Now that their triad was fully established, the circle instinct in all of them would prod them to continue building until both magic and personal preferences were at equilibrium. Harry would definitely be hunting this Hunting Season.
Theo smirked. He hoped Harry's next choice would be a Nevarean native, a Pareya would be nice, he mused. Then again, unless a specific pull manifested between him and another, the choosing was all Harry's. He was curious to see how this would turn out, as knowing Harry, the brunet wasn't likely to set his Hunting criteria on shallow limits, but rather deeper and with purpose, just as he'd done with Charlie.
That made Theo smile as he waited, knowing the feeling would be shared between his Beta and Sub, albeit in muted tones. Charlie was a lovely addition, while he'd enjoyed the one-on-one time he'd had with Harry, having Charlie had significantly eased the Alpha burden on his shoulders. A Pareya would ease Charlie's worries and from there, the ranks could fill in time. There was absolutely no rush at all. Sort of.
Harry had nearly drifted off before it registered.
Theo smothered his laugh in Harry's sweat-dampened hair as the brunet groaned aloud. The same sound he'd made after their bonding had completed and he'd realized the need for a Beta.
"No…" The protest was a near whine as Harry burrowed his head deeper into Theo's chest. "No." He mumbled, faintly. "Already have Charlie."
"Wha-?" Charlie slurred, sleepily.
"Nothing." Theo rubbed the arm within reach. "Harry's being cute. Go back to sleep."
"Cute?" Charlie yawned. "S'how?"
"Sleep." Theo yawned in turn. He gathered up his Alpha authority and gently pushed the command through the bond.
It took a half-second to register. Harry's warm, soft body went slack with sleep within a heartbeat, as Charlie's own breathing evened out and a comfortable silence filled the room. Theo mentally threw his senses out, feeling through the guesthouse and then about the property lines, before he was assured that everything was well and where it ought to be. Satisfied in more ways than one, he settled down and finally let his eyelids slide shut. Sleep would come quickly.
Harry was the first of the trio to wake when daylight settled in. He couldn't tell the hour or the time, because the lack of windows prevented any actual access to the outdoors, the charmed picture on the wall hidden by the curtain Theo had drawn out of habit the night before. A dull ache settled in his lower back, but nothing that he wasn't used to dealing with, on the grounds that magic could heal quite a bit, just not everything.
He was content to discover that Theo and Charlie had him sandwiched between them, Charlie's hands reaching across to rest on Theo's side, while Theo's pale fingers settled on Charlie's bare hip. Each of them leaned closer towards him, their heads sharing the same soft pillow. Harry shifted until he could curve his hands up to touch the mating marks on each bicep that would allow him the freedom of movement he sought.
Brushing his fingers over the familiar tattoos, Harry hummed happily to see the darkened mark on Charlie's neck, proof that Theo had completely claimed him the night before. He pressed a congratulatory kiss to Charlie's cheek, even though the redhead wasn't awake to appreciate it. His bladder was currently reminding him that he needed to see to it, and the uncomfortable stickiness in his lower regions reminded him that someone had forgotten the cleaning spells before bed.
Theo and Charlie shifted in tandem until Harry could crawl out from his position between them. He watched them cuddle up to each other as he slipped free, smiling when Charlie's larger frame curved around Theo's smaller one. He found the differences in height to be interesting as Theo had always been taller than him, yet Charlie was taller than Theo. He wondered at the significance, recalling to mind Terius and Snape, with the DADA professor being perhaps an inch taller than the Potions Master, while Draco had been decidedly shorter than both. Bahn was also a touch shorter than Ilsa and Harry knew the lady Gheyo had been shorter upon their initial meeting. Then again, he'd seen her alter her height at least once.
Sliding off the bed, Harry stretched carefully, cataloguing his aches and twinges, unable to find anything wrong. That was good, considering the night they'd had that had begun in careful, gentle motions and eventually turned rougher, harder and compelled by instinct in the later hours. Harry made his way to the en suite, tickled to see that Theo had laid out fresh changes of clothes and towels on the racks and along the sink.
They'd traveled to Nevarah with nothing, so it was a welcome relief to see clean—familiar—clothes awaiting him. He fingered the neatly pressed collars of the wizarding robes and then trailed his fingers over the thick, dressy trousers and soft, dressy shirt. He didn't exactly feel like dressing up today, but when his fingers settled on something that wasn't silken, Harry explored the pile to see a change of pyjamas and a pair of cuffed shorts with brass buttons and short-sleeved cotton shirt with a pressed collar and buttons at the neck.
Harry poked through the pile with interest, remembering when Theo had dragged him to Hogesmeade for that particular outing. He hadn't really wanted to go shopping, mostly because it was embarrassing and his school clothes were still mostly serviceable—or so he'd thought until his Alpha had caught sight of them. He'd emptied Harry's trunk and wardrobe in short order and immediately seen to a day off so they might replace every single item.
In spite of his protests, Theo had been firm and unmoving on the topic of replacing every item, school clothes included. Why, Harry didn't try to figure out, surprised when Theo had offered him the option of muggle clothing as well as wizard wear. He'd shyly accepted, surprised to find that his pureblooded wizard was perfectly adept in fashionable wear for either side of society. The highlight of his day had been a comfortable pair of trainers with solid rubber soles in black and silver. Black because it would match with everything, Theo had told him and silver, because he liked it.
Now as he wondered where they'd been left, Harry looked down at the floor to see them neatly lined up along the edge of the vanity. Theo had likely summoned them or 'ported them or whatever, the night before and it was a gesture very much appreciated. Harry selected the shorts, and causal collared shirt, digging through the pile to find clean pants and socks. Poking through the cabinets showed them to be stocked with his usual body lotion, deodorant and other necessities.
Sending a burst of happiness through the still humming bond, Harry finally headed towards the shower, relishing the thought of the luxury of unending hot water. He noted the twin showerheads and shook his head, knowing that it was both practical and impractical. He turned on the taps and stepped under the steamy sprays, relaxing almost at once as the soothing heat sank into his tired body. He had slept, but he certainly hadn't rested, as his dreams had been something of an erotic blur based on the night's activities. He'd woken once in Charlie's arms and twisted around to cuddle back up to Theo, waking the Alpha to silently request the forced sleep.
A worried Theo had groggily granted it to him and then locked his arms around Harry for the rest of the night. Harry was surprised that none of them had woken in all the movement he'd made to extract himself from the bed. He was even happier to find his favorite shower scrub, shower gel and shampoos lined up for his use and smiled outright at Theo's thoughtfulness. He'd wondered what had prompted their Alpha to leave them alone on the bed and walk out after such a sensual beginning.
One particular moment niggled in the back of his mind and Harry recalled Theo's murmured words before Charlie's first orgasm. The Slytherin side of his Gryffindor mind eagerly fitted the pieces together, deducing that Theo had likely cast some sort of magic in the wake of his abrupt exit the night before. That thought settled with a touch of a frown as Harry resolved to mention it to Theo the first chance he had.
"…that's a very solemn face, my treasure." Theo's quiet, dulcet tones filtered through Harry's musings.
The shorter brunet turned in time to see Theo holding the shower curtain back, happiness shining in his golden eyes as he drank in the sight of Harry's wet, naked body. "Morning." Harry greeted, taking a step back.
"Mind if I join you?"
"Would you stay out if I said yes?" Harry countered.
"Always." Theo murmured, stepping in. "and I reserve the right to read between the lines."
"Is that what you did yesterday?" Harry eyed him as the Alpha stepped into the shower and tapped the second showerhead with one faintly golden-tipped finger. He wasn't surprised when hot water began to fall from the second nozzle and watched as Theo bent his head to wet the chocolate-brown locks.
"Hmm?" Theo leaned into the warm water, raking his hands through his hair.
"I tried to tell you about Bahn." Harry reminded him. He nudged Theo to the side, reaching up to angle his showerhead more to the side so they wouldn't bump in to each other. "I said to stop. You didn't listen."
Golden eyes blinked in surprise. "I did."
Harry arched one perfectly curved eyebrow in question.
"Har-ry." Theo drew the name out with a sigh. "I did. You wanted me to help Bahn, correct? I have known him for longer than either you or Charlie have—I've known him since I was about ten years old. He carried me around and taught me to bake sweets in the kitchen."
"…carried you around?" Harry blinked at him, trying and failing to reconcile the tall, handsome Alpha to anything smaller and shorter than his present state.
"All dragel children are small until their teenage years." Theo reached around him, plucking the dampened washcloth from a slack hand. "Between thirteen and sixteen we gain the majority of our height and looks, by sixteen, our inheritances activate and from sixteen to twenty-one, we grow into whichever rank we've displayed for." He frowned. "That is off-topic. I did listen to you, Harry. You said to help Bahn, I did. I know him. His sole thought was for you to be safely protected, because while he could manipulate my darling mentor, he couldn't guarantee your safety. He likes you and didn't want anything to happen to you, so I removed all of us from the equation."
Harry's frown remained.
Theo reached for the bottle of Harry's shower gel and squirted the liquid onto the fabric. "If you were any more agitated than you were when we left them in the kitchen, your pheromones might have begun to interfere." He squeezed the cloth, working up the foam. "I did listen, Harry and I chose the best course of action according to the situation." He leaned forward to kiss Harry's wet cheek. "I'm sorry it appeared otherwise. Please understand that I did not charge into the kitchen entirely empty-headed. I had a fairly good idea of what would happen if Bahn was apart from Ilsa for too long, her reactions told me everything I needed to know. I've known her even longer than Bahn and I knew something would happen. I also knew that we needed to be far away for them to resolve their differences."
Harry tugged the washcloth free from Theo's reluctant hand. "I understand that." He agreed, at last. "I'm glad it…worked out."
Theo smiled. "Is that alright?"
"…did Bahn really carry you around?"
A low groan came in answer and Theo's head fell forward to thump on the tile of the shower wall. Harry found himself snickering and he didn't protest when Theo shot a sideways look at him and then took the washcloth back.
They finished the shower, by that time, Charlie had roused himself from the bed and Theo stayed back to help him rinse his wings and reapply the oily potion. Harry shimmied into his fresh, new clothes and carried the rest out to stash in the bedroom wardrobe. He was pleasantly surprised to see it magically expanded on the inside and divided into three specific compartments, one for each of them. He arranged the shirt, trousers and robes, opting to go without for the day. He took the socks and trainers with him, not really wanting to put anything on his feet, but not wanting to be in a position where he couldn't have something nearby in case it was necessary.
He made his way downstairs, through the winding halls and smiled as windows opened as he walked past. They were charmed to respond to the first riser in the house, it seemed and he liked the warm, cheery feel of the sea-scented breeze that filtered through the open upper windows. It took some searching, but he found the kitchen, unsurprised to see that everything looked quite different in the daytime than it had in the evening.
Poking about was done in lazy, half-hearted motions as Harry took eggs from the fridge and tomatoes and lemons from the crisper. Salt was found in the spice cabinet and he doubled back to the fridge for the jug of milk. He counted in his head, multiplying eggs by the number of bonded and then settled on eight eggs and hunting for the wire whisk. He couldn't find one and ended up using a slightly oversized fork instead.
Whipping the eggs together, he poured in a touch of milk to the make them fluffy, some lemon juice to remove the eggy-smell when frying and then some tomatoes because veggies were good to eat and he liked them. The result was a nice, thick omelet, bright yellow with hints of red tomato chunks. Bread was in the breadbox and Harry sliced off a few slabs toasting them in the oily frying pan, now that the eggs were divided into plates. He couldn't think of anything else to make, but he was hungry and his stomach demanded food. He hoped Theo and Charlie wouldn't mind the simple fare.
Coffee and tea weren't anywhere to be found and Harry puzzled over that, recalling that he was sure he'd seen Theo and Bahn both serve tea the day before. He covered the plates and left them on the counter, heading out to the dining room, where he found a bright cheery white and gold card propped up on the table. There was a familiar magical signature attached and Harry drew his wand from his pocket to run a quick diagnostic over it. Unable to find anything wrong with it, he poked the card, gratified to see the name "Bahn Deveraine" scribbled along the bottom.
It popped open and Bahn's happy voice read out the message within.
"Harry, dearest!" The tone was teasing. "I'm sure you've had a wonderful night—at least I hope you made the most of it, considering I helped to strengthen the wards so you wouldn't be disturbed—I will be very disappointed if you didn't. Good morning or afternoon, which I'm sure it will be, by the time you wake. I am well. I am fine. Quite alive and unharmed. Ilsa is alive and well—grousing as can be expected-"
There was an unladylike snort in the background, followed by Ilsa's voice interrupting the message. "I am not grousing. You're the one that couldn't be bothered to wake up beyond a-"
"Hey. Shh. He's recording." A new voice cut in. "Bahn, hurry up, love, would you? We're not supposed to be sending messages from down here in the-"
"—do ignore them. They are always like that." Bahn sighed. "I'd like to invite you and yours to a beachside brunch. If you can make it, then please touch the invitation in the left corner, the glowing side and say yes. I will be bringing my Circle down to the water for a bit of relaxation and family time. I'd like to include you. Expect us within two hours of accepting the invitation and be prepared to meet just about everyone. We'll bring plenty of food, both salt and sweet so you needn't worry of cooking anything or even helping. I have extra hands for that. Just come with Theo and Charlie. If I don't hear from you by three in the afternoon, I'll assume you're otherwise occupied for the day and we can do this some other time, hmm? If I do hear from you, we'll come to your side of the beach at the guesthouse. Just keep an eye out from the balcony." The message flickered off and the left corner of the invitation card began to glow.
Harry smiled at it, thinking for a second. He liked Bahn and didn't mind taking the opportunity to visit on more friendly terms now that the awkwardness had been sorted out. Not having to cook was an added bonus and he knew that Theo would be happy to see Ilsa for himself and know that his mentor was content and unharmed. Even with Bahn and Theo's reassurances, Harry had worried for her—the woman who had taught him to make butterscotch pudding from scratch and kissed his forehead as if he were Theo.
Squeezing the end of the card, Harry cleared his throat and spoke clearly "Yes." The card glowed and then fell from his hands back to the table, the magic gone. Harry waited a moment longer and when nothing happened, he took his breakfast plate and headed out to the balcony. He wanted to eat his food in the open air and beneath the midday sun. He was too hungry to bother with casting a tempus, but he circled around the balcony until he found the table and chairs in the shaded half of the balcony.
Trotting over, he chose the chair affording him the best view of the wide, white beach stretching out before him and then angled himself towards the door a few feet away. He didn't know where that door was, but he was fairly certain Theo would most likely emerge from there and Charlie would be in tow. He settled down, comfortably, bare feet tapping on the smooth, wooden floor as he hugged the plate to his chest, rather than setting it on the clean table. He ate without hurry, but with large bites, enjoying the tastes and textures of an omelet made the way he liked it.
His magic twined contentedly inside him of him, proof of the solidified triad bond between Alpha-Beta-Sub. He had to admit that it felt good. He could finally feel his magic back the way it was supposed to be—even better than before, if he had to be honest. It had never felt quite so powerful or strong before. Today, he could feel it in his bones, in a way he'd only felt a handful of times before, in moments where he'd taken every ounce of life in his soul and channeled it into fighting Voldemort. Possession at the ministry, his hands on Quirrell's face, the spell cast in the graveyard…moments that he sometimes wishes he didn't have to remember, because they are so vivid.
He would do it again in a heartbeat, though this time with a different mindset. This time, he knows what he is doing and Harry is sure that he can push the extra inch forward to wipe Voldemort out of the history books. Knowing what it has cost so many—his own sacrifices aside—Harry tore a vicious bite out of the toasted bread and chewed stiffly. Now that he is alone, with time to think, his mind is wandering back to what it has known for so long.
Leaving the Wizarding World in such a rush has left so many things open and tangled. Harry rolled the thick slice of toast into an awkward log so he could chew on it without thinking about the crispy crust and soft middle. Thinking of things in such simple terms brought back even older memories that he honestly did not want to deal with. The miniature breakdowns since he'd set foot in the guesthouse were unsettling and unwelcome. He did not want it to become a reoccurring practice, thank you very much. He had more important things to deal with.
His mind flickered back to the Weasley house, noting that Charlie had seemed saddened and lost a few times since the recent slew of changes. He'd been uprooted from the Wizarding World in very much the same way Harry had—except that Charlie hadn't had a Theo to guide him along through things for the past few weeks. Harry squeezed the roll of bread into a weird shape. He chewed morosely on the end, his mind flitting from memory to reality.
There were things to be looked after. Personally, there wasn't that much left in the Wizarding World. His entire life had honestly been Hogwarts, tea and rock cakes with Hagrid, weird conversations with Luna, Quidditch—which reminded him of wings and then the fact that he hadn't actually had the chance to test his wings—and then Ron and Hermione and Ginny and oh—Hermione.
Harry sat upright in the chair, his omelet forgotten. Hermione! The image of his friend hovered in his mind's eye as he remembered the confusion, her disappearance, everyone's lack of information regarding her and checked it over with all that he could recall since the school session had begun. Hermione's scent had changed around the same time as Ginny's, sort of. He remembered the changing scents, how Ron had eventually become too distant and immature, while Hermione's had taken on an oddly sweet scent. Ginny had definitely moved from friend to acquaintance and now, Harry's brow furrowed in thought.
Something had clicked with Hermione. Something had happened, he'd seen it or sensed it on an instinctive level and when no one had stepped forward to protect her, he hadn't been able to help himself. He'd reached for her with the knowledge that she could not be one of his intended, but that she could be the next closest thing. His breath caught in his throat as his mind continued the sorting through the past memories up to now.
The gossip at Hogwarts. The restlessness in the teachers. The reason Terius was DADA professor. Harry mechanically began to eat his omelet, sufficiently mentally distracted, now that he was calm enough to be thinking through the most recent adventures. He had promised himself that he would use his newly enhanced senses to make sure that he never missed anything at all. And still, he'd missed something. He'd missed—no, wait—he had caught the change in scent from Ron. He'd noticed that Lavender's scent was mingled with nearly every male in the Gryffindor dorms as long as a few of the girls. He hadn't read anything into that because—ew. He hadn't wanted to, but he did remember.
And Lavender had been almost exclusively with Ron, even during the time while he was there at the Weasleys. In fact, her scent had never filtered over to Seamus and Dean, while it had spilled over a touch to Neville, Harry hadn't thought anything of it. He'd been preoccupied with Charlie, even the Twins-!
Harry swallowed. The Twins could wait for now, there was something in the back of his mind niggling on that, but the most obvious thing stared him straight in the face. Lavender was with Ron, leaving Hermione with…no one. His fork clattered to the table with a dull rattle. Hermione was a brilliant witch, everyone said it all the time. But it was just that, exactly. Hermione was a brilliant witch. Singular. Not plural. Alone. Always. Even since first year where their tentative friendship had come together, Harry had known—knew it the same way he knew that accepting Bahn's invitation without needing to double-check was fine.
Hermione had always been a loner, busy with her books and quick with her hexes. Her bossy attitude and sharp tongue had rarely endeared her to anyone—even the teachers. He'd never known what he could do for her, save for speaking up the few times it had been in his power and place to do so, she'd always been grateful to him afterward, but he'd always had a sense of failure afterward, as if he should've been able to do more.
Instinct screamed at him to do something, but it could not tell him directly what to do. Harry forced himself to focus on the task of eating. He could think and puzzle through the mental marathon, but his stomach was still hungry and he needed to fill it. Harry thought long and hard, even after he'd finished his eggs and wondered what was taking Theo and Charlie so long. He could feel that they were both content and happy through the bond, so he didn't push it, taking care to keep his worries from filtering through.
He could easily imagine that Theo's wicked, wicked hands had managed to have their way with Charlie. Personally, he would have liked to witness that particular episode, but right now, intimacy of any kind was the furthest thought in his mind. He sifted through the neatly ordered memories recalling everything that he could of Hermione in the past few weeks since the term had begun. Ah-! The thought registered and Harry slumped back in his chair as remembrance flooded through him. He'd been noticing that as he'd searched out Theo, Hermione had been busy with some secret project of her own.
She was always studying with a frown on her face and occasionally, he'd seen her downing gulps of headache potion, a pained grimace stuck on her face for days at a time. He also remembered fetching it from Madam Pomfrey for her and realizing that he'd known when she and Ron were growing apart. He'd been caught up in his own troubles and hadn't thought to spare the extra effort toward ensuring that she was perfectly alright.
No wait, Harry gave his head another shake. That wasn't right either, in fact he'd almost tried and-! A sudden angry squawk left his lips and Harry stood bolt upright as the memory charm began to unravel. His memory was good—too good—and he hadn't stopped to wonder why. He remembered an incident where she'd passed out while visiting Hagrid with him, on the way back. He'd taken her to Madam Pomfrey, surprised when she'd simply signed out a little leather pouch of headache reliever and then pushed him out of the hospital wing before the Matron could return. She'd gone straight to her dorms then and lay down for 'a bit of a rest'. The next day, she'd been pale and feverish and by the end of the week, a slip of her former self.
He'd panicked one afternoon, finding her puking in one of the stalls in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. At first, he hadn't thought anything of her being in there, until he'd remembered that neither witch nor ghost were particularly fond of each other. He hadn't worried then, he'd hurried to help her, casting a half-glance in the toilet bowl and seeing shimmering ribbons of silver mixing with the water.
His hands clenched into fists. He'd ignored it, helping her to stand and half-dragging her over to the sink to wash, feeling her forehead and neck, realizing how utterly weak and thin she'd become. He'd made to send for help, when she'd suddenly come to life. She grabbed his chin, begged him to swear not to tell a soul and when he had, then she had….she had…
Harry shuddered.
The sight of her wand pointed in his face was the one thing he'd never expected. From Ron, from Draco, from Voldemort….maybe even Dumbledore, alright, yes, from Dumbledore too—especially after that other memory, but never from Hermione. The sight of her pain-filled hazel eyes shimmering at him tore into his heart, spilling out fresh ribbons of guilt. She'd suffered even more after that. He vaguely remembered waking up in the Common Room, his face planted in a book as if he'd simply dozed off. He couldn't recall even walking back there in the first place.
A hand went to his mouth and he squeezed his eyes shut. Hermione…what happened that was so terrible you couldn't even share it with me?
He'd failed her, just as he did with so many other things. He should have told someone about Dumbledore's spell, but then again he'd never been able to tell anyone about it before until Quinn had…Quinn had done something. Harry felt his eyes sting with the telltale pressure of tears building. He stubbornly blinked them back, reminding himself that he'd cried enough. It took a bit of effort, but soon he was able to control his breathing as the pressure faded. His hands remained clenched and he could feel the claws just beneath the surface of his skin. From frustration or relief, he didn't know, he only knew that he was, perhaps, thinking too much and that he needed to see Hermione, to look her straight in the eyes and find out what had happened.
To save her.
He had to.
He could feel it in his magic.
"Harry?" Theo's head poked through the door at his right, an expression of worry creasing his pale face. "There you are." The young Alpha stepped out fully onto the deck and turned back. "Charlie, he's through here." Theo moved over, his golden eyes shimmering faintly as they skittered over Harry's not quite finished plate and the clenched fists. "Harry?"
"I'm fine." Harry answered.
Theo perked a brow, but said nothing though, simply crossing over to press a kiss to one cheek. He took up a standing position near the railing and relaxed. He was dressed in swimming shorts, bare chested and barefoot. The black and burgundy swirling tattoos stood out prominently on his creamy skin, the slight muscle definition only adding to the lovely image. The tip of a wand holster peeked above the waistband of the swimming trunks and three tiny golden hoops visible at the tops of his ears.
His mind flickered back to his train of thought and Harry hesitated for a moment, before clearing his throat to gain his Alpha's attention.
Theo's golden eyes flickered patiently back to him. He gave an encouraging tilt of his head, waiting.
"I need to see Hermione."
"We can visit them tomorrow, if you like."
Tomorrow? Harry frowned. No, that wasn't soon enough. "As soon as possible."
"…I shall call Terius."
"Before Bahn comes?" Harry tried. His hands unclenched and he crossed his fingers.
Theo blinked. It was certainly possible, but it also certainly wouldn't be happening. "That wouldn't be very polite." He said, at last. "and it would be bad manners to drop in unannounced. I doubt we could send word and receive an answer before Bahn arrives." Theo's fingers twitched in a partial tempus charm to check the time. "From the moment you accepted Bahn's invitation, I can promise you that he was ready and waiting to leave. They will likely be here earlier than you expect. Elves are always very punctual if nothing else."
"Terius said that we could come to him for anything." Harry reminded. "And they couldn't really mind, I mean, Hermione's stuck in their living room. What if she woke up? What if she's in the way? She doesn't know where she is and I feel like—I have to see her, Theo."
"If she woke, I am sure they would have sent word to us and I doubt she is in the way. Severus is likely working on some potion and Terius is likely with Draco and Calida. I am sure that someone would have said something." Theo soothed. He frowned, his mind puzzling over whether Harry's empathy could be showing itself or whether there was something else thing he was missing.
"Call him now?" Harry prompted. He didn't bother to sit down, but rather moved forward, coming to stand in front of Theo. He wanted the older dragel to see his sincerity. There was more to Hermione than met the eye and he'd just figured out a Pandora's box worth of mystery in his head. He was not about to tell Theo of the witch's memory charm, not after he'd seen Theo's reactions to Umbridge's little fiasco. His Alpha might be strong and steady, but he was very, very protective and Harry did not want to stir those protective instincts up unless they were necessary.
Hermione had always been a good friend to him, which was a little more than he could say for Ron, but then again Ron never had the smart witch's intuition and quick tongue. Until he could prove otherwise, Harry swore to think nothing but the best of her. Something had gone wrong somewhere and he would find out what and why as soon as he could.
Theo slowly released a breath. "We don't have a floo." He said at last.
Harry inched closer. This was important. "Please, Theo?" Emerald eyes met gold.
Theo finally nodded. "As you wish, my treasure." He stretched forward to press a kiss to the furrowed brow. He then leaned back and the air around them seemed to still. The golden eyes widened and fluxed black as Theo's face took on a faraway look. He raised one hand and rested it over his heart, head tipping forward in a mild approximation of a bow. "A message for Councilman Terius Snape, on behalf of Theodore Gorgens Nott, immediate vicinity. I wish to inquire about his extra guest and request a suitable time to visit. Our evening is currently full. I ask that he respond at his earliest convenience. Teacher Terius, it is Theo. Harry wants to know about Hermione. Please send an update as soon as possible. My thanks and well wishes to you and yours."
Harry found his breathing eased as the nearly faint pressure evaporated and Theo's dark eyes returned to their normal, light hue. "No floo?" He said, cautiously.
"Dragels send and receive messages in much the same way as our transportation spells." Theo reached for him, curling two arms around Harry's slender waist. He drew the smaller dragel towards him and smiled indulgently when Harry let him. "We address the message to their formal, legal name and sign it with our formal, legal name. Messages can be left at the Circle's message center and accessed when either the Alpha or Submissive returns to the flat, or they can be sent directly to the individual. However, that is risky and you cannot possibly know where they are and what kind of a situation they are in. Causing any sort of a fuss could be detrimental to your social growth and as such, you shouldn't send any messages unless you are sure of where the recipient ought to be."
"You aren't in trouble are you?"
"Now you worry." Theo chuckled. "No, love. We are fine. If I am not mistaken, I do believe that Draco's realignment is drawing near if it has not occurred yet again and on that basis, I doubt that either Terius or Severus would allow him out of the house, meaning they are home and it is fine to send them a message."
Harry relaxed. "Thank you."
"Think nothing of it. Now finish your food, you hardly eat enough as it is." Theo released him from the light embrace and gave Harry a nudge towards his chair. "Go."
The sound of the door swinging open drew their attention as Harry reluctantly returned to his seat. He would have rather stayed in Theo's arms for the time being, but he didn't want to waste the food either and he didn't exactly feel full, so that wasn't a suitable excuse to leave it.
"You forgot your plate." Charlie called out, coming over to join them. He was dressed similarly his tanned skin showing off black and navy scripted tattoos over his back and gracing the tops of his shoulders. His multi-highlighted red hair was twisted into something of a careless ponytail, showing off the textured strands, a few short, stray pieces curling around his ears. His swimming trunks were navy blue and grey as opposed to Theo's brown and black. A sated look shone in his rich blue eyes as he slid the plates onto the table beside Harry and leaned down to hug the smaller wizard in welcome.
Harry leaned back into the strong arms, relishing and enjoying the contact. It was warm, grounding and very, very welcome. Charlie gave great hugs. Theo gave nice cuddles.
"I'd say morning, but I think it's more afternoon." Charlie chuckled. "Thanks for the food. It looks lovely."
"It does, thanks." Theo chimed in, he pushed away from the railing, his golden eyes fixed on something far out of sight. He turned back to the present, a faint smile twitching at the corners of his lips as he took in the site of Charlie's broad tanned arms wrapped around Harry from behind, Harry's head tilted back to rest on the firm chest. "No swimming trunks?" He inquired. "Bahn said a beachside party, do expect to be soaking wet at some point or another."
Harry shrugged. He'd forgotten that little detail and a lifetime of wearing clothes meant to hide rather than display, made him shyer about showing off his skinny self, compared to his Bonded's luscious bodies. "I forgot." He stuffed his mouth and chewed slowly, swallowing down the final mouthful.
"Green and silver?" Theo suggested, mischievously.
Charlie wrinkled his nose. "Not gold and burgundy."
"Black." Harry wrinkled his nose. "And I didn't see any swimming trunks in the wardrobe."
"I didn't 'port those over until I read Bahn's note." Theo took a seat at the little table and reached for his plate. He drew his wand with his other hand and tapped it on the edge of the table. "Dark brown and blue?" He suggested, gesturing towards his own swimming trunks. They had stripes down the sides and the cuffs as well as colored drawstrings with metal tips.
Harry shrugged. "Doesn't really matter." He didn't really know. He'd never had the chance or the opportunity to choose swimwear before—not really. The Triwizard Tournament hadn't afforded him any personal options, it had been standard Gryffindor colors and classic black. He was used to wearing the dark red and gold hues of his house, never mind what everyone thought of his green eyes and dark hair.
"Green and black?" Charlie suggested, finally unwrapping his arms and reaching over Harry's head to retrieve his plate. He lounged against the railing rather than taking a seat, sniffing appreciatively at the plate of eggs and toast kept fresh by the charms.
Another shrug came in answer. Harry watched Theo eat for a moment and then mentally backed up. "What were you looking at?"
"Hmm?" Theo's head snapped up again. He was idly twirling his wand and eating his late brunch with annoyingly small, perfect motions.
"You were looking out there," Harry gestured beyond the guesthouse at the beach.
"Bahn." Theo grinned. "He'll be coming around as soon as he can round up his entire circle, which reminds me. This will be the first time either of you are interacting with a full circle, so I'd like to ask you to remember a few things."
Harry swallowed back a sigh. He was hoping it would be fun, after all Bahn had seemed fairly wonderful and not quite as snobbish as his twin sister. However, he remembered that the elfin Submissives shared a circle. Certainly the other Circle Members were something like Bhindi, then again, Ilsa hadn't been anything like either of them, Harry mused. He tried not to let anything show on his face at the thought that a potentially enjoyable afternoon would now be bogged down by formalities and things he shouldn't do. Theo probably had a whole list of rules for etiquette and manners that he'd have to keep track of.
"Bahn is likely bringing his original Circle, plus Ilsa. There are six of them, not counting his Alpha, Delani. Ilsa makes seven, Delani makes eight. I know the Circle has children, I don't know how many or who they are. I've never met them. They have likely heard of me, being Ilsa's apprentice, though some of us have never met. They will know of you two, thanks to Bahn, I am sure. However, I want you to be aware, because Oretta has warned me that some believe I was responsible for her…absence from the Deveraine Circle. We dragels are sneaky, devious creatures. They may be perfectly polite on the outside, but not so nice until they are sure about you—please be careful. I highly doubt that anything will happen and I know Delani has a firm grip on her Circle, but it cannot hurt to be cautious. You both know if you have need of me, I will likely always be within sight, do not hesitate to call and remember that I can feel you." Theo smiled. "And have fun. The parts of us dragels that aren't sneaky and devious tend to be playful and curious. If there are dragel children under the age of ten, then be sure not to touch them or approach them first without either Bahn's permission or Delani's, unless the child engages you. The entire Circle will be fiercely protective of them."
"Bahn said we had no quarrel last night." Harry spoke up, carefully. He remembered the exact phrasing and the exchange of magic. "Doesn't that mean something?"
Theo's eyebrows arched upward to his chocolate curls. "He did?" There was a note of amazement in his voice. "He really likes you then, Harry…all of us. That is not a vow to give lightly. In that case, simply have fun, but do be careful. It's not likely that we'll cause any trouble by being ourselves."
Charlie snorted. "Since when doesn't being ourselves cause trouble?"
"Do not make me answer that," Theo countered. But he smiled as he spoke and then refocused his attention on his plate. He paused at one point and tapped Harry's shorts, transfiguring them into swimming trunks of black, with brown and green stripes adorning the sides, finished off with a hint of gold and silver detail. "If you don't like those, I can change them later, but I can almost guarantee that you will spend the afternoon half in the water and half on the sand." He gave a tilt of his head towards the beach. "You'll be more comfortable if you are shirtless and in swimming trunks." His brow knitted together. "I suppose it does not need to be mentioned that as dragels we are very physical. Expect it." He stood up abruptly, head cocked.
"What is it?" Charlie subtly straightened, his blue eyes narrowing. "I don't see anything-"
"You won't see it, but I can feel it." Theo smiled. "They're on their way."
"Already?" Harry rose to his feet, plate in hand.
Theo flicked his wand at the dish, banishing it to the sink. "You'll see them in a minute or so. Keep watching over there," he pointed. "Can you feel my element? Tune into it, just like we've practiced. Search through all the sensations and try to find Bahn, once you find him, simply be. You'll sense the rest of them in no time and they will be here soon enough."
Harry hesitated. It was there, he was sure, but he couldn't be certain what exactly it was that he was feeling. Theo's suggestion for Bahn helped though. He could do that. He would definitely never forget the feel of Bahn's magic, powerful, seductive and so very gentle. A faint smile touched his face and Harry reached inside of himself and pulled on the magic twining around him.
"George?" Fred stumbled out of the energy ring and into his father's arms. He was surprised to feel their magic react to each other, a happy thrum of energy and he managed an awkward smile before the realization of his twin's absence registered. "Dad, where's George?"
"He went to stand in the hallway." Felix came over, a wide smile on his face. "Celebratory drink, now?" He tried. "We were waiting for-"
"I can't feel him." Fred interrupted, a new tinge of panic beginning to bleed over. He'd expected to feel something when he'd accepted the Torvak transformation and yet, his twin seemed to be even more distant than before. He twisted out of his father's embrace, eyes rapidly scanning the room. "George?" He called. "Forge!"
"Fred." George's quiet voice came from the doorway where he stood, half-shadowed and sheltered by Regulus' broad, dark feathered wings. He managed a wan smile as their eyes met and no words were needed.
Fred was across the room and snatching him up in a hug, before the truth of the moment settled fully inside of him. He gripped his twin a little tighter than necessary, uncaring of whether this particular embrace was uncomfortable and bordering on painful. George did not protest. He simply stretched his head to the side and laid it on his twin's shoulder, with a heavy sigh.
"Forge?" Fred hated the way his voice shook.
"S'okay, Fred." George murmured, numbly. He wondered how he'd miscalculated and then he recalled that he hadn't been calculating anything at all. Jun had asked what he'd wanted and he had…answered. He had no one but himself to blame if they didn't match and yet, wasn't this something they had once fantasized about? Being different and unique in ways that were perfect for each other?
"…Forge." Fred repeated, stubbornly.
George slowly worked his arms free to return the painful hug. "…Gred." He answered, softly. Understanding the connection his twin so frantically sought. The weight of Jun's words were now settling inside of him and he realized, belatedly that this choice may have been perfect, but it would also cost him dearly. He was not prepared to leave—not Fred.
"What did you tell her?" Fred's whisper was harsh and broken.
"…the truth."
"I can't…not without you." Fred's head bowed and he touched their cheeks together, seeking warmth, comfort and reassurance where there had always been something and now, seemed to have disappeared. "This can't…they-"
"Ronald, you're next." Cedrella eyed the twins worriedly, but waved the youngest Weasley child forward. "Hurry up now, we do not want to keep Lady Black waiting and I am sure she must be using quite a bit of magic to be keeping this up." She snatched the half-eaten meat pie from the wizard's fingers and brushed a few crumbs for his face. She frowned when he wiped his mouth on his sleeve rather than his kerchief that was nowhere to be seen. She didn't want to know how he'd managed to sneak something from the kitchen after meals, her house elves were quite firm on some points.
"Did it hurt?" Ron looked to Fred and rolled his eyes when he caught sight of his older brothers clinging to each other as if they were drowning. He'd seen their odd displays of affection before and this was another one of those moments. He wished that he hadn't seen it, because it always made his stomach churn. There was a closeness about them that he'd never been able to reconcile himself to, especially with their twinspeak and wild magic—and he knew their magic was wild, he'd felt it a few times when he'd inadvertently made himself the targets of their pranks.
Cold hazel eyes turned in identical synchronization and glowered at him.
Ron stumbled back a step, the sheer intensity of raw emotion in both gazes made him feel hot and cold all over. He stumbled towards Jun's yellow wall of fire and hoped that she would call him in soon. He did not want to burn his hands as he'd seen Fred do, but he couldn't wait to be a creature like the rest of them. They were treating him like a child, some clueless snot-nosed brat that didn't know what was really going on. He'd show them. Once he was a Torvak, then he'd show them all…
"…you despicable child." Jun stumbled out from the energy ring circle, rubbing her arms vigorously. She backed up until she was flush against her husband's left side and she trembled, faintly, even as his winged arms twitched at her agitation.
"Jun?" Regulus carefully maneuvered his arms around her, wings and all. He was used to her reactions and bursts of wild magic, though as the energy walls and flickering neon yellow flames now faded, melting away due to her absence, he could tell something else was wrong. "What happened? Is the boy alright?" He'd come forward with George and was surprised to see her emerging scarcely two minutes after she'd just drawn Ron in.
The lady dragel visibly shuddered in his embrace. "He's fine. Quite fine." She swallowed hard. "And I want nothing to do with him." She turned at once in his arms. "Take me home, Reg. Now. I want to go home. I don't want to be here." There was a vacant look in her eyes, proof that her mind was somewhere.
Regulus blinked. He tried to tighten the embrace. "What happened? Are you alright?"
"I'll be fine when I'm anywhere but here." The redhead snapped, fiercely. She crossed her fingers and reached up to scratch bloody marks from her cheek down to her neck. She muttered a few words and all the live, glowing runes in the room immediately died, turning to black ash. "Home. Regulus, I want to go home."
Understanding dawned with a sudden, new surge of protectiveness. "Shh." He soothed. "It's fine.
"No, it's not!" Her voice was shrill and loud. "It absolutely is not. Take. Me. Home."
"…have you ah,"
"I want nothing more to do with that selfish, boastful, arrogant…prig!" The words were ground out, the last one ending on a feral hiss as Jun Black turned and threw a green-eyed glare over one shapely shoulder at the bewildered figure of Ronald Weasley. "You-!" She fairly shook with emotion. "I refuse to spend another minute in your appalling presence, the same for this entire house of ignorant, uncultured, self-serving feather-brained incompetents!"
Regulus winced. "Must you insult them to their faces?"
One auburn eyebrow arched delicately. "Is there any other way?" Jun said, primly. The air seemed to grow dry and a faint tremor rattled through the room.
"Jun, please…calm down." Regulus frowned, straightening even more. His dark eyes darted quickly about the room, seeing things that apparently no one else could see.
"I am perfectly calm, darling." Jun retorted. "but I am not stupid and I should hope that you are exactly as I have left you before this started." Her shoulders twitched, faintly and her glare remained fixed on Ron. "You will never be a dragel, I have insured that." She licked red lips, her green eyes glowing even brighter. "However, it is not by my hand that you will be a Torvak, either. I refuse this responsibility in every capacity that is mine and I call you all as witnesses." She paused for a breath.
Cedrella exchanged a look with her husband, Septimus and then heaved a sigh. "Lady Black," she began.
"Page five-hundred and ninety-two of Slyvania's Home Potions for the Cautious Witch." Jun ground out. "Brew the ingredients according to the instructions on page four-hundred and eleven. Cool for fifteen minutes, add two tablespoons of his blood and that of his father. Divide it into three doses, each to be taken twelve hours apart from each other, no sooner and no later. Cast the spell of anchoring to keep his magic intact before he takes the potion or you'll have a squib." She wrinkled her nose. "…not that I believe it would be a disappointment…" The witch gave a little huff. "You must not under any circumstances combine the doses and they must bleed directly into it, the blood cannot be stored, it must be fresh. Lastly, it cannot be brewed by a woman nor administered by one. Sort out amongst yourselves who will do what. I wash my hands of this mess." She folded her arms, clawed fingers wiggling. "And I clean my claws of your blood." She leaned into Regulus. "Home, Reg. Now." She turned towards the younger Weasley twin who hovered uncertainly beside them. "George, hold onto his wings and my arm. Do not let go. This is nothing like apparating. It is far more complicated. Good day to all of you and a miserable night."
"Now wait just a minute!" Arthur Weasley came forward as the outcry began. "What is the meaning of this?"
Those vibrant green eyes flickered dispassionately at the elder Weasley. "Surely you didn't think I'd let you keep him." She mocked. "A dragel in your ranks, you'd try to tear it out of him in some way or another."
"We would not." Bill said, strongly. He frowned, moving forward to take up a position beside his father. Fleur fell into step beside him, their fingers still intertwined. "We are family and that is all that there is. None of this ridiculous-"
"You made him a dragel?" Arthur's voice was deceptively light. "Even when-"
"I asked." Jun threw back. "I asked every single one of them and whatever it was that they asked, I granted. You cannot turn this on me."
"I will not let you take my son."
"I am not taking him, he is coming of his own accord." Jun wrinkled his nose. "Ask him, unless you are afraid of the answer."
A/N: Well. I guess we shouldn't take my word as far as monster chapters are concerned. Link's on my profile to find the review reply forum, as I cannot answer things in an author's note due to site policy. I am Scioneeris virtually everywhere else. It isn't hard to find me. This chapter featured the first threesome and bonding night. There are currently several things happening my Real Life that have kept me from keeping up with this fic, including but not limited to my Aunt who is now back in ICU after a stomach infection this week. Thanks for your patience and understanding. ~Scion
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