The Domino Effect | By : jameschick Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 28943 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Part 7
Can't help if I space in a daze. My eyes tune out the other way. I may switch off and go in a daydream. In this head my thoughts are deep, but sometimes I can't even speak - Avril Lavigne
Harry watched in amusement as Draco looked around him in awe. His eyes couldn't stay on any one thing long enough to really take in its significance. He looked like Harry imagined he must have, a long time ago, when he'd first stepped into Diagon Alley. "You can touch stuff, Malfoy. Nothing will bite."
It seemed that permission was the only thing the blond had been waiting for, and, not surprisingly, it was the potions lab he went to first. "Merlin, Harry. Do you have any idea of what you've found here?" Draco whispered as he ran his fingers lightly over the various bottles and implements. "Some of these ingredients were banned by the Ministry centuries ago, and they're still perfectly preserved!"
Harry snorted. "I had no idea. Then again, I'm shite with potions, you should have expected that."
"True, but did you even look at these bottles?" Draco inquired.
Harry shook his head.
"Why not?" the blond asked.
"I was busy reading." Harry pointed out the bookshelves and Draco immediately moved toward them. Harry followed behind him. "Actually, that's the reason I brought you down here. I found something... very interesting. Something I think will teach those bastards a lesson they won't ever forget. I wanted to show you a book, or a set of books, actually."
Harry went to the shelf and removed Salazar's journals. He handed the first one to Draco and watched as he opened the book. When the blond turned an inquisitive look on him, Harry frowned. "What?"
"Why did you want me to look at an empty book, Potter?"
Harry took the book from Draco's hands and blinked in confusion. "It's not blank, Malfoy. Look."
Draco stepped in closer beside Harry and peered over at the book. "Huh, well that's strange. Let me see it again?"
Harry handed the book back and watched as the writing faded away to nothing as soon as he was no longer touching it. "Oh," was all he said.
"Well, I suppose if I am to read this, you'll have to hold it for me," Draco spoke as if it were the most logical statement in the world before pulling Harry to the sofa and seating them both side by side. As Harry squirmed a bit uncomfortably, Draco looked at him and asked, "Is something wrong?"
"No," Harry replied.
"Then sit still, you're shaking the book."
Harry held himself still as Draco leaned into his shoulder to get a better view of the pages. They remained quiet except for the occasional softly spoken request for Harry to turn the page. When Draco finished reading the part that Harry wanted him to see, he sat up and with a low whistle, and looked at Harry with something akin to awe on his face. "You really think you can do this? I mean, Salazar himself didn't have enough power or discipline to master this spell. What makes you think you can?"
The question was asked in honesty, not malice or contempt, so Harry felt obliged to answer without taking it personally. "I've never told anyone this before, and I don't really understand why I'm telling you of all people, but here goes," Harry looked Draco in the eye and then spoke. "I have more power than Voldemort and Dumbledore combined. I'm not only a direct descendant of Godric Gryffindor, but because of my connection to Voldemort, in some way, I'm descended from Salazar as well."
"Even still..." Draco made to interrupt.
"That's not all," Harry continued. "My mother, Lily Evans, wasn't a Muggleborn." Harry shook his head. "Well, see, my grandparents were separated for a while after my aunt Petunia was born and my grandmother had an affair. With a wizard. My mother was what you would call a half-blood. Her father, well, this is the part that gets a bit... weird."
Draco made a 'go on' motion, listening avidly as Harry told him things that no one outside of Harry and Dumbledore himself knew.
"Well, I'm sure you know more about ancient wizardry than I do, so how familiar are you with the story of Merlin?" Harry asked as Draco sat up straighter and blinked.
"I know he was the most powerful wizard ever born, that he could do things that others could never dream of. I also know that he took that power to the grave with him, leaving no heir to his name, nor his magics. Why? Are you going to tell me he was secretly married and you're his long lost heir and progeny?" Draco looked sceptical and Harry shook his head.
"No, I'm not. From what I understand, he never did marry. And I'm not his long lost heir, but I am his progeny." Harry took a deep breath, "Malfoy, Merlin was a time traveller, you knew that, right?"
"Yes. It was never proven, but he claimed to be able to not only see the future, but to travel there as well. What are you trying to tell me, Potter?"
"Merlin was my grandfather, Draco. I have the power of three of the greatest wizards of all time flowing through me, I can throw off any curse you aim at me, including the Avada Kedavra. Dumbledore has kept this a secret from everyone, including me, until the beginning of this year. He's had Snape training me to sustain curses so that I could understand their mechanics. I can withstand Cruciatus for 15 minutes, but if I wanted to, I could throw it off in about 2 seconds."
"Bloody hell," Draco whispered. He just now realized that he was essentially in an unplottable cavern beneath the school with the most powerful wizard in the world and that no one knew where they were. If Harry wanted to hurt him, kill him, use him for target practice, he'd be screwed. Then suddenly he blurted out, "Harry, if you're so powerful, how were Blaise and the others able to ... do that to you?"
He regretted the question as he saw Harry's eyes flash in anger as a cold mask slipped into place on his once open expression. "Zabini used a spell I'd never heard of before, I couldn't block it or throw it off. Not at the time, but I can now."
Clearing his throat, Draco asked, "What, what was it?"
"Perstringo strictum," Harry answered. "Essentially, it binds a persons magic. Leaves them helpless."
Draco swallowed; a queasy feeling in his stomach. "Lucius," he whispered. "He, he taught it to us in fourth year. I never, I didn't think Zabini would even remember it."
"Apparently he did," Harry whispered in reply.
They sat quietly for a long time, Draco coming to grips with everything that Harry had told him, and Harry silently wondering why he had chosen to confide in Draco Malfoy of all people, about things he'd never even told Ron or Hermione.
Eventually, Draco broke the silence when he turned to Harry and nodded at him. "What ever you decide to do to them, I'm in."
Harry smiled that chilling smile, and Draco shivered. Malfoys, it seemed, had always been drawn to power, and he had just been made trusted confidant of the most powerful wizard in the world. Knowing what Harry Potter was capable of, Draco now felt a whole lot better about his fairly recent attraction to the other boy.
There had to be something more going on than he was seeing, Snape thought to himself. The idea of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter as anything other than bitter rivals was difficult to even consider, but when faced with the facts, he had to concur that he was correct. They were no longer adversaries, and if he was honest, he thought they might actually be moving in the direction of becoming friends. "Oh, Lucius," he muttered with a small chuckle, "If you had any idea..."
Snape had never wanted Draco to join the Death Eaters, he would have done anything in his power - short of blowing his own cover - to keep him as far away from Voldemort and his followers as possible. But allying him with Potter was not something he ever imagined. First, he was certain the younger Malfoy hated the other boy, and second, well, befriending Potter was as good as painting a target on your back. Never the less, it looked as though that was what was happening.
The entire situation was absurd, Draco being the one to find Potter after his unfortunate attack should not have resulted in them becoming fast friends. In fact, if asked before hand, given this possible scenario, Snape would have put money on Draco furthering Potter's humiliation by spreading the tale to every gossip rag in the country. It was a good thing he hadn't made such a bet; he'd have lost his shirt.
The question now was, did he encourage Draco and Harry's friendship - having the younger Malfoy on their side would be quite a boon to the Order - or did he try and talk Draco out of this foolishness before it got him killed?
"And what if it sends him running straight into the waiting arms of Voldemort?" Snape asked himself. "Then what?"
Then what indeed. As much as he hated the entire idea, he needed to talk to someone about this, and the only person he could think of was Albus Dumbledore.
There was something bothering Draco about Harry. If it was true, and he really was this all-powerful wizard, why then, did he not just walk straight up to Voldemort, curse him and be done with it? One thing about Draco that he hid incredibly well, was that he was curious to a fault. Not too many people knew that, and he was glad for it, but right here, right now, he was about to expose that part of himself to Harry Potter, because regardless of the consequences - and they could be horrendous - he had to know what was holding the other wizard back.
"Harry?" Draco asked. "Can I ask you something without you hexing me into oblivion?"
Harry snorted. "You just did, Malfoy." When Draco rolled his eyes, Harry went on. "But go ahead and ask me something else; I won't hex you. Promise."
Draco relaxed at the promise, there were certain things you count on in life: Snape was greasy, Weasleys were poor, Slytherin females were always ugly, and Harry Potter never broke a promise. "Alright then, why haven't you taken care of Voldemort? If you're as powerful as you say you are - and I'm not questioning you on that!" Draco hastily added. "Why haven't you just cursed his arse and have done with it?"
Harry seemed to cons his his reply before speaking. "I don't want to be a murderer, Draco. Until this year, I didn't know who I was, what I was, what I was capable of. I can't just walk up to him in the street - so to speak - and kill him. Don't get me wrong, I want him dead, and I will kill him, but it'll be in defence of myself or someone else. Not in cold blood. Not the way he killed my parents. I won't become what he is."
Draco nodded. "Fair enough. So?" He looked around the room again, "What other nasty little things have you found in this room?"
Harry chuckled. "Nothing, yet. I'd only just started to look around when I found these journals. I haven't really looked at anything else yet."
"Can I..." Draco looked toward the book shelves and Harry nodded.
"Sure, just let me know if you find anything interesting."
It was late and Ron Weasley was still awake. This in itself was an oddity because if there was one thing Ron liked - other than food of course - it was sleep. But he wouldn't sleep until Harry was back in the dorm, until he knew where he had been, why he had run off, and what Malfoy had to do with everything.
If Harry was shagging Malfoy, well, Ron certainly wasn't going to be happy about, but he'd accept it. So long as Harry didn't expect him to like the little ferret. Or be nice to him. Or even tolerant.
Aw hell, Ron thought to himself, it just isn't going to work. Weasleys and Malfoys were like oil and water, they just didn't mix. He couldn't imagine spending five minutes in the same room as Malfoy without hexing him, or hitting him. Not even for Harry.
It was such a sudden realization for Ron that he couldn't help but leap to his feet in shock. He was going to lose his best friend. To Malfoy. And there wasn't anything he could do about it. Oh he knew that Harry would try to bring him around gently, to tell him that Malfoy wasn't who he thought, that he had changed, or some rot. It might even work for a little while, but in the end, Draco Malfoy was a Slytherin, a Death Eater - or at the very least a sympathizer - and a muggleborn hater. All things that Ron couldn't tolerate. Things he thought Harry felt the same way about. No, it was much more likely that Harry had been the one to change, to come around to Malfoy's way of thinking. And if that were the case, then it wasn't just him that was going to be betrayed, Ron might lose a friend, but the wizarding world at large was about to lose it's saviour.
"Bloody hell," Ron whispered to himself and made his way toward the door. He needed to talk to Hermione about this, hopefully she would tell him he was being paranoid and make him see reason, but somehow, he just knew that he was right, it really was the end of the world.
It was odd, Draco thought as he glanced over at Harry, how quickly things had changed. He had gone from hating Harry Potter and everything he stood for, to being his rescuer, confidant, and co-conspirator in a matter of days. Then again, most of his preconceived notions about Potter had been blown out of the water rather recently. His parentage for example. Although, it did make it much more acceptable to find the other wizard attractive now. Even his father wouldn't shun him for sleeping with the male heir of both Slytherin and Gryffindor. Not to mention being the blood progeny of Merlin himself. No, in fact, Draco was pretty sure had his father known about Potter's pedigree, he'd have prostituted himself out in hope of garnering his favour. He'd done it with Voldemort after all.
That was one more reason as far as Draco was concerned for not becoming a Death Eater. He chose his bed partners carefully, and always for either aesthetic reasons or power. He would not allow himself to be buggered out of fear. Sleeping with Harry Potter would fall under both categories, he was powerful - extremely so - and he was attractive. In an unkempt, fashion-challenged way.
Draco was mentally dressing Harry in expensive robes and shoes, imagining how he would look with a little care applied to his hair and without his awful glasses when a soft chuckle broke into his musings.
"You know, most people tend to undress someone with their eyes, Draco."
Draco started and then raised an eyebrow in question. "And just what makes you think I was doing that?"
Harry tapped the book. "I peeked."
"You..." Draco was flabbergasted. "You read my mind? That easily?"
Harry nodded.
"I didn't even hear you cast a spell, see you raise your wand..."
"I didn't. I only had to touch my wand, and think the spell. After I've done it a few times, I won't even need my wand to do it," Harry replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "I wasn't kidding when I said I was powerful, Draco."
"No, you obviously weren't," Draco answered with wonder in his voice before his expression changed to one of reluctant acceptance. "I suppose asking you not to read me without permission is out of the question. But if you would do me the courtesy of not mentioning anything you happen to find out about me to anyone else, I would appreciate it."
Harry nodded. "I didn't mean to pry, I was just sort of curious. You were staring at me for a while and I wanted to know why. Although, if you really do want to dress me, I could use some new clothes, and advice on what looks good." Harry cracked up at the anticipation his remark brought out on the other boy's face.
"We'll go into London next weekend," Draco said, "there are some fabulous shops in Diagon Alley. I know exactly what to get you, and then we'll have your hair taken care of, and get your vision corrected, and then..."
Harry laughed. "Why do I feel like a Ken Doll?"
"A what?" Draco asked, perplexed.
"It's a fashion doll - a muggle thing, there's Barbie and Ken - little muggle children, mostly girls, play with them, You dress them up in all these glamorous clothes and pretend to have fashion shows and weddings and whatnot with them."
Draco smirked. "Why, Potter, did you play with dolls as a child?"
Harry shook his head and grinned. "Nope, my cousin Dudley did."
"Hmm, even still, I can't say that I don't find the idea of having my very own... Ken Doll did you say? To dress up and play with, an interesting prospect. Would you let me play with you Potter?"
Draco knew he was pushing it, but the Malfoy in him couldn't help it. He was attracted to Harry's power, his physical appearance, and, he had to admit, his naiveté as well. Harry had read his mind, so he must know what he wanted from him, the question was, what did Harry want from Draco?
"No," Harry whispered. "I'm not a plaything, Malfoy." Harry leaned in and brushed his lips over the blond's. "But if you're looking for something more substantial, you just might get it."
"Substantial's good," Draco whispered back against Harry's lips before his mouth was taken in a much firmer kiss.
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