Changing Faces | By : WynterRose Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 7101 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
As usual, none of this is mine. I would love to own the copywrite but sadly, no where close. I promise to give them back after I torture them a bit. I am sooo sorry it has taken so long to update. The last two months have been awful from sinus infection to needing stitches and other things. This story actually does flow when I have time to write it. I wanted to get something up for that one or two faithful reader. I'm suppose to be working on a NANO project this month, but sadly with everything that has happened I don't see it happening. Chapter 7: A View to a Kill Lyrics by Duran Duran
Harry called for the guards to take them directly to Lucius’ cell. He walked behind the guards and Lucius down the dreary hallways. They passed through a maze of different corridors before arriving at Lucius' cell. Harry followed Lucius into his little room and looked around. He noticed how filthy the room was. It was too deplorable to even think of sitting on the bed. The other man had always had a style to him when he was on the outside, and even though it was grimy he had managed to carry it over into the prison in small ways like keeping the small table clean. He could tell that Lucius had done what he could, but when a rat runs over your foot when you walk in the door, something needed to be done.Lucius walked to the bed, picked up the book Crime and Punishment, and handed it to Harry. “I didn’t check it for anything magical, obviously. I just thought it was weird that the Weasley boy had given me a book. I thought he might be poking fun at me, but it is one of my favorite books. I have read it twice since he left it here.”“Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. I will definitely let you know if there is anything to it,,” Harry replied quietly. He knew they needed to be careful about what the guards heard.Harry glanced over at the Auror at the door. “I would like to see the rest of the prison. What do you do when the prisoners do not behave?”The Auror fidgeted, but saw that Harry meant business. He had been told about the exploits in the interrogation room when Harry arrived at the prison. “Yes, Mr. Potter, sir. I hope you let the Minister know that I was willing to take you to certain places when the others weren’t.”Harry nodded his appreciation, still holding his mask of indifference. Lucius followed him out of the cell as two more Aurors appeared behind them. As they continued down the corridor, two more joined the one in front. They went through a twisting maze of corridors, Lucius’ face becoming harder with each step.The Aurors led them to a door that opened just as they got there. Harry went to walk in, but one of the guards stopped him. “I just want you to know, Mr. Potter, what happens in here, well, we just do what we are told. None of us like this job. Please do not hold it against us.”Harry was beginning to really wonder why they were all making sure that he knew they didn’t like doing their job. He was suddenly afraid of what was on the other side of the door. He stepped through the door without answering the man and walked in. The shock had to be showing on his face, because Lucius stepped up beside him.“They just finished with a prisoner. I don’t know who was in here today, but it looks as if they used the rack and the flogger with steel tips.” Lucius pointed to the area of the room that looked as if it had just been used. There was blood splattered over the medieval-style rack. There were cuffs attached to the rack making it apparent that a prisoner was strapped down before they were soundly beaten.Harry walked around the room in shock. Lucius' words sunk in as he took in the entire room. He walked to the other end of the room and touched the Iron Maiden sitting against the far wall. There was dried blood on it. Apparently, they never did clean up fully in here.Harry looked at the guards in the entranceway. One of them had his hand on an interesting looking device. "Can someone please explain to me why there is not only fresh blood, but also dried blood in here? Who authorized the torture of prisoners? What does a person have to do to deserve such treatment?"The Aurors just looked at each other, trying to decide which one of them would be the one to tell Harry Potter what happened in the dungeons. Lucius looked at the guards with disgust and spoke up, "This is what happens when you do not cooperate with the Aurors. If you are difficult in the least, you are punished in some way.""Mr. Potter, we can explain," said the guard that led them in there. "We are under orders to find out all the information they have on suspicious activities. Mr. Malfoy cooperates with us, so he rarely comes down here. It is the others that do not talk when we ask them to."Harry felt as if he could strangle all of the guards right there. He looked over at Lucius, "This is what you meant when you kept telling me you would cooperate. You were afraid I would have you sent here."Lucius nodded at the boy, glad that he picked up on the subtle hints he had given the boy. "Yes, Mr. Potter. I am not quite in the mood to be tortured today, or any other day for that matter. Typically I come down here every other week."The equipment started to rattle as Harry's temper began to get the better of him. He was doing his best to control it, but the fire in his eyes was apparent to everyone. "Where is the prisoner that was in here? I want to see him now."The guards paled. One of them finally came forward and led him and Lucius into a small room. There was a sheet covered body lying there, not moving. "I'm sorry sir, they were a bit rough with him. He refused to talk. He refused to say who his contacts were."Harry walked over to the body. He pulled back the sheet slowly, not quite wanting to see what was under it. Harry forced himself to look down into the pale face of Stan Shunpike. Harry pulled the sheet down further, tears forming in his eyes. Stan had no clothes on, not that it would matter. His body was covered in red welts and there was blood everywhere. It looked as if his hand had been smashed.Lucius gasped when Harry pulled the sheet all the way down. Some blunt object had removed his testicles and his penis had been cut repeatedly. A tear fell from Harry's face onto the body, mixing with the blood. He looked up into the face of the Auror. "I want to know who is responsible for this. I want to see the Minister right now. Please get him a message for me. Immediately! Someone has murdered an innocent man; a man I planned on talking with today.""But, Mr. Potter...""NOW! You have just killed an innocent man. I want something done about this. You know what. Forget what I just said. I'm going to the Ministry myself. His death will not go unpunished. I think you need to start deciding on your alliances now." Harry turned from the man and walked out of the room. "I would like to speak with Mr. Malfoy in the visitor's room again. I need to find out what he knows now, before anyone else can cover it up."Harry brushed past the Aurors standing in the doorway. He stormed down the corridor, knowing they would follow him. Lucius caught up to him and walked beside him. The Aurors followed them closely, but they remained silent as they followed the young man. One of the Aurors opened the door to the room when they got there.Harry thanked the man before slamming the door shut and placing multiple locking and silencing charms on the door. He turned around and sank to the floor. He ignored Lucius at that moment and just cried as he banged his head against the wall.Lucius sat back in his chair watching Harry, impressed at how well the boy had held up when facing the sight downstairs. He knew that he was making the right choice by following the boy. The older man felt honored that Harry even trusted him enough to let him see the vulnerable side of his personality. "Harry?""Why? Why are they doing that?" Harry looked at him with tears running down his face. "What kind of human would do that to another human? He was never a Death Eater. He was innocent."Lucius stared at young man in front of him. He wanted to comfort the boy again, but felt it would be out of place. Harry needed to be strong now. He needed to see the horrors committed by both sides in this war. The ones on the side of the light were killing people, too. “In this society, you are guilty until proven innocent. I admit that I have done wrong, but other people that are in here are innocent. They keep pleading their innocence, begging for someone to listen. The more they do, the longer and harder they are beaten.“I didn’t know the man in there. I can say this much, Harry. No one deserves a death like that one. I learned quickly that I needed to take care of myself. I agree to whatever they want, otherwise I am tortured.” Lucius continued talking, telling of the treatment in the prison. When he finally stopped, Harry was no longer crying. He had a determined look on his face.“Mr. Malfoy, I have a proposition to make to you you. The Aurors know that I will go directly to the press with my findings if something is not done. To ensure that they work diligently at solving their discipline issues, I believe I may be able to get them to release you. You have been an upstanding prisoner. They even said this before they brought you to me.”Lucius stared at the boy. He could not believe he was hearing these words come from his mouth. “Harry?”“Please let me finish. I will get you out on my terms, though. I want an Unbreakable Vow from you,” he demanded. “I want you to testify and tell the courts exactly what has gone on in here. I want your memories of today recorded in a pensieve before I leave, and I will take a copy of it with me.”“That all sounds reasonable, Harry,” Lucius said, wondering what was going on in the mind of the boy.“That isn’t all. I also am in need of a secret keeper,” Harry paused to let it sink in.“You are going to trust me to be your secret keeper?” Lucius was astounded. He began to question his new allegiance. If this boy believed that Lucius would not betray him immediately, he was insane.“Lucius, it is not as crazy as it sounds. You are going to be bound by an oath. It will not be for my house, either, but rather that of my family. I may not like them, but I do not wish them dead the minute I leave their house. Besides,” he said with a grin, “Voldemort would never look to you as the secret keeper. What kind of idiot would trust their enemy’s right-hand man?”Lucius nodded slowly. He could see how that would actually work. Voldemort would never question Lucius about his involvement with the boy, except as to why he wasn’t dead yet. “Is there anything else?”Harry gave him a cold smile. “I’m also going to be your secret keeper. I am going to have Malfoy Manor hidden so that it will be a safe haven if it is needed. No one will know that you are there, so you will still be in prison in a way, only you will be living in the comfort of your own home. Hopefully this will be for just a short period of time, but I guess that depends on how long it takes me to kill Voldemort.”Harry looked at Lucius as an equal at that moment. “What do you say? Does this work in your favor?”Lucius sat back and looked at Harry, quite thoughtful. “What do I receive out of this? I realize that I will be out of here, but you are asking quite a bit, including making sure that I do turn my back on my Master.”“Well, it is simply this. I will testify in your trial. I will tell the Ministry that you are actually a spy and were working for me since Voldemort returned. You are here now under the guise of hiding from Voldemort so he doesn’t discover your true allegiance. When I win this war, and I intend to, you will be set free and the Malfoy name will be dignified once more.”Lucius stared at the boy who had been his enemy. He would have crushed him if the circumstances had been different, but young Potter was learning how to deal with adults now. There might be hope for their future after all. “I do believe we have a deal then, Mr. Potter. It seems to be in my favor no matter which way I look at it, so I will not complain.”Harry stood up and walked over to Lucius. He shook his hand. “There is only one person I trust to do the Unbreakable Vow and that is Arthur Weasley. I will send a note to him, telling him it is urgent he come here, along with release papers for you.”“How will he get my release?” Lucius was curious about how Harry planned on getting him out.“Quite simple, he will get the papers from Kingsley who will word them exactly the way I tell him. It will mention that you have been released into my care due to the abuse you have suffered here. Due to the extenuating circumstances, it is much safer for you to be with me than in the prison system."Lucius nodded. The boy seemed to have thought of everything. He watched as Harry wrote out the message to the head of the Weasley clan. Harry then called for the guards and had the message floo’ed to the Ministry of Magic.Harry sat back down hoping Mr. Weasley would get there quickly. He was still angry at the turn of events at the prison. Thanks to him being led to Azkaban he now had to change the entire prison system. He had no idea if his plan would work, but he decided that it was best to try and fail, than to sit and think.Fortunately, lady luck was on his side. Mr. Weasley arrived quickly and was escorted to the examination room. He watched as Harry applied the spells to the door again, sealing the room. “Harry?”“Thank you for coming, Mr. Weasley. Did you bring everything I requested?”“I did, Harry, but do you know what you are doing? How did you end up here?” Mr. Weasley asked, placing a hand on Harry’s shoulder.“Yes, Mr. Weasley, I know what I'm doing. I am here because this is the first stop on my quest. Granted, I will be doing more here than I thought I would,” Harry replied sourly. “Mr. Weasley, I’m sure you remember Mr. Malfoy.”“Lucius,” he said with a terse nod.“Arthur, a pleasure to see you,” Lucius replied. The years of hate were evident between the two.“Harry, please tell me that he has not conned you into anything.”“Come now, Arthur, do you believe I could control the boy? He outsmarted me quite a few years ago. I lost one of my best house-elves because of him.”“I would put nothing past you, Lucius."“STOP IT!” Harry yelled. “Both of you just stop it. I am the only child in this room, and let’s not forget that. You are both here for a reason.”The men looked at the boy. Lucius wisely closed his mouth. He had just seen everything the boy saw. He did not know how the boy was not in shock.Arthur stared at Harry in shock. Harry had always been a quiet one. Where hadd this newfound strength and will come from?“Thank you, gentlemen. Lucius, you know why you are here. Mr. Weasley, Lucius and I have come to an understanding. Before we are through here today, you will be shocked by all I intend to do.“First and foremost, I am having Lucius released into my custody. That is part of what you are here for. It will go on record that he has sworn an Unbreakable Vow to me, with you performing the ceremony. The oath practically makes him a prisoner in whatever residence I place him in.”Mr. Weasley was just about to interrupt when Harry held up his hand. “I know this is a shock to you, but you will not believe what I have witnessed while here. I planned on speaking with one prisoner whom I knew was innocent. Because of this prison’s barbaric rules, he now lies dead because they tortured him. They mutilated his body. I cannot in good conscience leave anyone here. Mr. Malfoy was with me and saw everything I saw. He is going to testify for me when this becomes public knowledge. The Ministry has to get this prison straightened up or I will find a way to get each and every prisoner out of here. This is not a safe environment for a rat to live in!”Mr. Weasley sat back, shocked at what the boy had said. He looked to Lucius. “Is this all true? The torture and abuse?”“Yes, it is, Arthur. I have a quite a few new scars from where I was tortured. I have just witnessed the worst torture that I have heard of to date. Others have died before Mr. Shunpike, but his had me in shock. They strapped him down, mutilated his body and then removed his testicles.”Mr. Weasley paled when he heard the last statement.“That is right, Mr. Weasley. He was mutilated. Both Lucius and I are going to put our memories into a pensieve for later use. I wanted you here to do it and to protect it as well. Then we are going to go to my house after giving him directions.”“Harry, is this safe?”“It is the only thing I can think of. I cannot leave him here. I know they will torture him because of me. I will not let that happen.”“Fine, Harry, the Minister is not going to be happy with this, but I managed to pull a few strings for you. I got the papers signed based upon what you wrote to me. He is free to go, as soon as we perform the spell.”Harry looked to Lucius. “You’re a free man, Lucius. Are you ready to escape these walls?”“What do you think, Harry?” Lucius smiled, actually showing emotion for a change.“Okay, gentlemen, gather round. You both come to this table willingly?” Arthur began the Unbreakable Vow.
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