No one Comes When You cry | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10479 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books of films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Sky, the houses in the wall and the plot. Oh, and the wand is mine too. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
No One Comes When You Cry
Sansa: So glad you in love with Snape.
Eld: Hope you didn’t use all the tissues.
Miepje: You still here. Keep with me.
WW: Glad it’s doing it for you.
Sky: Like to keep the imagination going.
Chapter 7 Life in the wall.
Meanwhile back in the wall, Sky was thriving. Each day, Salazar Slytherin would teach her something new. After only two months, she could speak well, understand so much more, perform spells with ease and was learning how to make potions.
Every so often, a door, set into the wall near the fireplace, would lead to somewhere she’d not seen before. A potions lab or a charms workroom. It always adapted to whatever subject Salazar was teaching her.
Sky learned much quicker then she had with Sir. She was not terrorized, or dragged about from one place to another. Salazar never told her he hated her, or that she wasn't wanted. He was nice to her and praised her.
Each day, there would be a clean set of clothing laid out for her. She didn’t know where they came from. Salazar told her not to concern herself about it when she asked him about them.
He in turn loved the fact that she would always do as she was told. She would never hesitate when he gave her an order. She learned very quickly and enjoyed learning.
He knew that by the time their six months together were up that she would have learned enough, maybe more then enough to be a Potions Mistress. She would certainly be able to show that ‘pain in the arse’ Potions Master at Hogwarts a thing or two.
The door she was going through now led to a potions laboratory. Salazar had a blank portrait down there so he could teach her potions. He also taught her the way of Slytherin’s.
Sky looked healthy and had blossomed. He also taught her to laugh and she discovered that she had a sense of humour. She never had the urge to cry anymore. She was still nervy, but not nearly so much as she had been. She was gaining in confidence all the time and had become a regular little chatterbox.
Her stone and wand tip stayed at a nice steady Mediterranean blue.
After five and a half months under the tutelage and care of Salazar Slytherin, Sky had done marvellous. He insisted early on that she stop calling him Sir and call him Sal instead. It had taken a while for her to get used to that but eventually it became second nature and she called him Sal all the time. When he told her how proud he was of her, she was, amazingly to him, at loss for words.
At Hogwarts Albus and Severus were not so happy. Actually Severus was rarely happy anyway. He ruled his classes with a rod of iron and was as nasty to his students as he had ever been. Of course, he was easier on his Slytherin’s. He was their Head of House after all and he nurtured them tenderly, though not in any way that showed.
But it was almost March and he and Albus still had no way of finding out where the girl had gone. They had tried sending owls but they always came back with the missives undelivered. Even Spartan, Severus’ own owl had no luck.
Hagrid had taken Fang, his boarhound, out of the gates to see if he could pick up her scent. But Hagrid complained that the stupid animal kept on heading to the same piece of wall and that there was nothing to see. That piece of wall was the same as all the rest of the wall. He took the Headmaster and the Professor to the spot Fang was obsessed with so they could check for any king of magical signature. They came up with nothing.
When Sal told her to sit down one evening, Sky knew that something was wrong. His face was more serious then she’d ever seen it.
“What is it Sal? Have I done something?”
“No Sky. But I do have to tell you something. In three days, you shall be leaving the House of Slytherin.”
“Leaving? But why? Please Sal, I don’t want to go. Don’t make me leave. Not now. I thought we were family.”
“We are and always will be family. And you shall see me again Sky. Listen to me carefully. There are four founders. I am but one of them. In three days, you shall go through to the House of Helga Hufflepuff.
As I have done here, Helga will teach you the ways and learning of Hufflepuff. You shall remain with her for six months. As you have with me.”
“Then can I come back here? Please Sal.”
“No. From Hufflepuff you shall go on to the House of Rowena Ravenclaw, and then to the House of Godric Griffindor.”
“But what if they don’t like me Sal? What if they don’t want me in their houses?”
“Oh they want you Sky. They are all eagerly awaiting their time with you. But my door shall always be open to you. Remember that.”
Sky was heartbroken. She didn’t want to leave Sal, not ever. She was happy here. But Sky had no choice but to do as she was told. On the third day after her talk with Sal, she finished her breakfast and came through to see him.
“It is time child. You must leave the way you came, with only the clothes you stand in and your wand. May the gods bless you child. It has been a pleasure and an honour to know you.”
Before her eyes, Sal’s portrait stilled, faded and became dusty; as dusty as the rest of the room. It looked just as it had that first night she arrived six months ago.
Her heart felt heavy as she entered the little corridor that held the door to the outside world. As she felt the tears once more prickle at the back of her eyes she fought to hold them back. Instead, she squared her shoulders and looked straight ahead, as Sal had taught her to do.
She was not afraid. She was not afraid. She was not afraid. Who was she trying to kid. She was scared witless. Sky opened the door, stepped through, and it closed behind her.
This was the first time Sky had been outside in six months. It was cold and the February wind was strong and bitter. But the air was fresh and clean as she turned her face to the biting wind. Sky could have easily performed a warming charm upon herself but she wanted to feel the chill of the wind against her skin.
That same wind whipped at her robes and sent her hair flying about her head, the same robes she had been wearing when she had been thrown from Hogwarts. They were tight on her now and the skirt was too short. Her shoes nipped her toes painfully.
Unsure of what to do next, she walked toward the gates of Hogwarts. They rattled loudly in the wind. Standing in front of them, she wrapped her now cold fingers around the bars and looked out over the grounds.
As on the hills behind her, there were patches of snow scattered here and there. She could see smoke coming from the chimney of the cabin where Hagrid lived. She also thought she saw someone entering the castle. But it had only been from the corner of her eye so she dismissed it.
Sky looked up at the castle. It was the first time she had really had the chance to view the outside properly. The school really was colossal.
As she studied the high towers above, she heard something. Her eyes flicked across the grounds once more. That was when she saw them. Professor Snape was running at full speed toward her, his cape billowing out wildly behind him. He was closely followed by the Headmaster, Professor MacGonagall and several others.
She panicked. If Sir caught her there would be hell to pay. He would surely give her a hiding this time and Sal told her that no one should ever be allowed to do that to her again. She wanted to run but she was rooted to the spot in fear, watching as he got closer and closer. Sky could feel the thud of their footfalls as they neared the gate and that was what finally made her move.
Severus was close enough to be able to see the fear in her eyes. He aimed his wand at the gate, lowered the wards and unlocked the gates. They swung open just as he approached them.
The stupid girl panicked and ran as he closed in, but Severus knew he could catch her easily. There was nowhere round here for her to hide.
He ran through the gates and turned right in the direction she had fled but there was no sign of her. There was not so much as a bush nearby for her to hide behind. Looking in the other direction, he saw Albus and the others emerging.
“Do you have her Severus?” The Headmaster panted.
“Does it look like I have her? No. Of course I bloody haven’t. She simply disappeared. Though how or where to I do not know.”
Hagrid came lumbering up with Fang and the hound immediately made his way to the same stretch of plain wall he always did. Sniffing, whining and scratching. Hagrid scratched his head.
“I dunno wa yer fin so fascinatin down there Fang. It’s no different ter th rest o th wall. Look.” Hagrid banged the side of his fist against the solid stone wall.
Severus narrowed his eyes and ran a hand along the length of wall that so interested Fang. He could find nothing. But something strange was going on. He did not believe the girl had suddenly developed the ability to apparate. Besides, she would have left some trace of magic if she had and there was nothing.
Hagrid told them he would stay out here for a while in case she showed her face again and the others went back into the warm comfort of the castle.
Sky ran hell for leather when she realised the wards were dropping and the gates were opening. She shot back along the wall, hoping to get to the safety of Sal’s house. When she reached the door, she barely had time to register that the door was now yellow instead of green as she pushed it open and slammed it closed behind her. She leaned her back against the door panting. She could hear them talking outside; could hear the dog whining and snuffling. But they couldn’t find the door. They were right outside of it but they could not see the overlap as she could.
“Don’t you worry dear they can’t see the door. No one can find you here. You’re quite safe now.”
Sky moved to where the voice came from. The portrait was in exactly the same place as Sal’s had been.
“Hello. I’m Sky. I’m sorry for bursting in like that.”
“Don’t worry about it dear. I’m Helga Hufflepuff. I assume Sal has told you about me.”
“Yes Sir … erm maam.”
“Call me Helga dear. Everyone else does.”
“Thank you Helga. Would you mind if I …” Sky held out her wand.
“Oh I wish you would. It’s been so long so long since this place has had a good clean.”
Sky moved about the House of Hufflepuff, arcing her wand until the place was spotless. This time the house colours were yellow and black. Sky wasn’t struck on the yellow but said nothing. In the bedroom closet, she found clothes and shoes to fit her and got changed. Then she went through to see Helga.
“It’s lunchtime you know. It’s is the same here as it was at Sal’s. You know where the kitchen is.” Helga told her with a smile.
As soon as she finished eating, Sky went to see Helga. It wasn’t long before Sky was chattering away to the woman. She was able to tell her about her time with Sal and how scared she had been when she had first arrived.
Potions and the Dark Arts were Sal’s specialities. Sky had been taught more how to use the Dark Arts rather then defend herself against them. That part was to be taught by Godric Gryffindor. Helga told Sky the kind of things she would be teaching her. Herbology was one of the main subjects for a Hufflepuff, closely followed by care of magical creatures. She would also be teaching her History of Magic and the ways of Hufflepuff. So for the next six months, that is what they did. Helga taught and Sky learned. One of her tasks was to go outside and find the herbs and plants that Helga described to her.
A couple of times, she had been spotted by someone up at the school and had to scoot back into the wall as fast as she could. Another time she was at the edge of the lake and the giant squid made a grab for one of her legs. But Helga taught her that if she tickled its tentacles it would go into raptures and leave her alone. As soon as she started to tickle it, the creature let go of her.
Unfortunately, most of the students were outside at that time enjoying the spring sunshine and had seen her. Word soon reached the Professors and once again she had to run. This time Sir was only a couple of feet away from her when she entered the overlap in the wall.
Severus was fuming once again. He almost had her and she disappeared into thin air. This was the fourth time he almost had her. If … no, when he caught her he would certainly make sure that she knew about it.
For the last ten months, since he had thrown her through the gates of Hogwarts, instead of being able to forget about her as he wanted to do, he was bloody well dreaming about her. And the dreams were getting more frequent as time went on.
‘It was her bloody fault‘, he told himself. ‘If she was not flashing her pussy at him she was walking into his bedroom at very inopportune moments wearing next to nothing. Or she would press her backside against him when all he was doing was trying to be nice and making bubbles for her with his wand.’
‘But the dreams. Oh gods the dreams. They were causing him to wake up most nights as he dry humped at the dammed mattress.’ That was when he wasn’t waking to sticky sheets, which he did frequently. ‘And it was all because of her.’
Severus had guessed her age to be about fourteen, but that was all it was, a guess. ‘By the look of her body she could quite easily be of age. Old enough to take a good fucking anyway. He intended to find her first if he could. Once he’d had fucked her he would obliviate her and hand her over to Dumbledor like a good little Potions Master. No one would be any the wiser and he could stop having these ridiculous dreams.’
Sky had been lucky each time but was afraid that one day she might not be. Now her time with Helga had come to a close. Between Sal and Helga, she had been here for a year and after a tearful goodbye on Helga’s part, Sky left the house in the wall once more.
Unable to resist, she headed once more to the gates of Hogwarts. She didn’t stand directly in front of them this time. Instead, she stood to the side and peeped round. It was quiet and no one was about. It was the first day of lessons today but since it was only seven am she imagined most of them wouldn’t be up yet.
Sky turned to head back to the wall and came face to face with Sir. Her eyes widened in shock as he grabbed hold of her and carried her the way she had intended to go. Throwing her hard on the ground, he dived on top of her and pinned her down. Sky felt as if all the air had been crushed from her lungs.
“So. We meet again. You are an elusive little creature aren’t you?” Severus drawled. “Where the hell have you been hiding?” He suddenly spat.
“Get off. Leave me alone.”
“Ah. So the mouse has found its tongue at last. Well I can find a much better use for it believe me. Now where have you been?”
“I’m not telling you. Now get off. You hate me and I don’t like you. Just leave me alone, or else.”
“Oh. Right little spitfire you’ve turned out to be. Good. I like that. It makes the take taking that much sweeter.” He told her as he ripped open the front of her robes and mauled her breasts roughly.
But Sky was not giving in without a fight. He had hurt her enough.
“Wand.” She cried and her wand was instantly in her hand.
Severus gripped her wrist tighter, trying to make her drop the wand, but the wand had other ideas.
Even as Severus held her wrists with one hand and ripped her knickers away with the other, Sky’s wand turned itself on him and a flash of orange light shot from its tip as the stone around her neck glowed brightly with the same shade of fiery orange.
Severus could feel himself being torn away from her and his limbs felt as though they were on fire. He was thrown to the ground by some invisible force as Sky took her chance and ran for the safety of the wall.
As soon as she disappeared, so did the curse and Severus was left panting on the ground. The pain had gone along with the light and he was able to get to his feet. But he was one pissed Potions Master. He couldn’t believe she got away. He’d needed less then a minute, then he would have been inside her. He didn’t even know why he was out here at this time of the morning. Just a silly niggle in the back of his mind telling him that he should be. He’d almost ignored it. He half wished he had. Less then a minute, that was all he’d needed. Once he was in her, she would not have even thought to use her bloody wand. He was even more determined now to catch and fuck her now. She would not get away from him again.
This time Sky ran in through a blue door. She pulled her torn robes around her as best she could and walked into the room, arcing her wand as she went through. She headed straight to the bathroom without a word, arced her wand again and ran a bath. She cleaned the bedroom and grabbed some clothes from the closet, threw them on the bed and climbed into to the bath.
As she soaked, it slowly hit her what had just happened. She didn’t know what Sir was trying to do to her, but she was sure it was gonna be bad. The only times he’d ever touched her was to hurt her. After soaking for an hour she dried herself with her wand and healed the bruises left by Sir. Then she dressed and went back into the living room.
“I’m really sorry about that Madam Ravenclaw.” She said to the portrait.
“That’s quite alright. Oh and please call me Rowena. What on earth happened to you?”
“I had an argument with a very unpleasant person.”
“From the look of your clothes when you came in I would say that it was more then an argument. What did he do to you?”
Sky ended up telling Rowena all about her history with Sir, ending with what had happened outside.
“My goodness. And you truly do not know what he was about to do, do you?”
“He was about to give me a hiding. That’s what he was gonna do.”
Sky’s first lesson that day turned out to be sex education. She was embarrassed at first and that feeling turned to shame as she remembered some of the things he had done to her that summer. The way his fingers had examined her in places that hadn’t needed to be examined. The feel of his member pressed against her at other times. Then she remembered the times she had followed him around because she was curious about the thing dangling between his legs and got embarrassed again.
“Maybe it was my own fault.” She told Rowena.
“No Sky it was not. All you had done was shown an innocent curiosity. He was the one who abused you from the second day you were there.”
All day they discussed the subject. Sky even ate her meals in the room so they could carry on the conversation. When she started yawning, Rowena told her she should go to bed.
“Tomorrow your lessons with me shall begin in earnest. I shall teach you Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Charms. Now go and get some sleep. It has been a long day.”
Sky took a long time getting to sleep that night.
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