Hollowed | By : dirtydarella Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 6995 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
After locating the book he needed, Draco discovered the counter-potion wasnt particularly hard to make; at least, mostly common ingredients were used. The most difficult part was getting the timing of the stirring just right. Each counterclockwise stir released a noxious smelling fume, which wasnt extremely pleasant to inhale. Potter lay stomach-down on a workbench behind Draco as he stirred, his breathing audible as it hitched in pain, no doubt from when his lungs stretched the skin of his back. The blond did his best to block out any sounds that could distract him, now it was time for the devils shoe strings to be chopped, now it was time to add the chopped ginger root, now was all that existed.
Thankfully, the potion — or rather, salve would be a more correct phrasing considering it had to be apllied externally — that counteracted this curse wasnt one that took weeks to brew, and a mere twenty minutes after starting, Draco found it to be the correct consistency and color that the finished product should be. When it came time to actually apply the potion, Draco had to keep his hands from shaking. The gouge on Potters back was a nasty one, and he didnt want to accidentally stretch it open further. Merlin, Potter really knew how to get himself in trouble.
Draco decided that hed better start from the middle out, figuring that the middle of the gouge would be the deepest, and thus the most dangerous area right now. Pouring just a small drop, he tested to make sure; if he had done anything wrong, the results wouldnt be devastating with such a small amount. Hopefully. Nothing seemed awry, and he thought it at least appeared as if it might have stalled the skin from splitting further. Shaking his hair out of his eyes, he did another test, pouring a more substantial amount out directly into the deepest part of the wound and waited. There was something grotesque about seeing a humans flesh open like that, the muscles revealed and their woven-like appearance being split apart. However, what really had Dracos stomach turning in knots was the fact that it was Potters flesh, and that the body below him was in danger of dying.
Another thing, and this one called to question Dracos sanity, was the fact that even though he was staring at something grotesque, his eyes still moved about Potters body appreciatively, even hungrily. He couldnt stop them from tracing the definition in Harrys shapely shoulders, or from them continually shooting down to where the waistline of his pants were obscuring his vision of something he yearned to see. This wasnt the time, at all, and why couldnt his libido see that?
Is it
uh, cold? He said, doing his best to pour as much potion on the wound without spilling it anywhere else. It wasnt really the question he wanted to ask, but he wasnt sure what else to say, and the stretching silence between them was getting uncomfortable. Although, trying to think what to say when he had his hands on Potters body — even as inappropriate as it currently was to be flustered by it — was no easy task. How could someone who used to be so scrawny grow up to be so sculpted?
Its fine, Potter replied in a grunt, sounding as if he was gritting his teeth. Draco supposed when your back is being torn apart, a little coldness probably isnt a big deal. Is it working?
Potters voice was a mix between panic and hope, quivering just slightly at the end. Draco pulled back his massaging hands for a moment, frowning as he looked down into the wound — which appeared unchanged. I
cant tell.
Potter let out an annoyed sounding groan.
Just give it a minute, Draco snapped, panic edgeing into his mind and voice. He cleared his throat.
I should have just told Hermione in the first place, Harry mumbled into his arm.
As was my original suggestion! Malfoy hissed, his voice pitching higher than usual.
For some odd reason, hearing Malfoy sound so panicked seemed to make Harry feel more clear-headed. It was almost as if his main focus suddenly had to switch to calming the blond down.
Harry kept his head turned towards Malfoy, his cheek squished against his forearm. There was something strangely fascinating about the way Malfoy was moving about, so quick and precise, none of his fluent movements wasted. A small comfort came from how sure his movements were, despite the fear underlining his voice. Harry was just hoping that his supposed potions talent was actual talent, and not just false boasting from Snape. He was admittedly starting to get a few second thoughts on how serious this curse was, he was pretty sure he was feeling his muscles slowly being torn apart. Something back there hurt like hell. Well, his best bet now was just to trust in Malfoy for the time being.
Okay, keep at it, He mumbled slowly. Maybe the salve just needed time and they were being too impatient. He thought for a moment before speaking his next words. Thanks Malfoy.
Regardless of whether or not the potion worked, Malfoy had gone out on a limb for him, and it had made him feel
he didnt know how to phrase it other than trusted. It wasnt as if his friends didnt trust him, because they did, it was just that they worried. If he had an idea, or a plan, they would pick it apart to death, trying their best to make sure it was the most logical, or the safest, or whatever they felt it needed to be. In doing so, they had slowly started to plant doubt inside his head. He was starting to feel despair in everything he tried, like it wasnt every going to be good enough. But just like that, Malfoy had trusted him almost blindly, and Harry felt both gratitude and an assurance that he could still accomplish tasks on his own. Of course, that would all be for naught if this didnt work.
Harry really wanted to believe it was working and that the new itching sensation was a result of healing, and not another stage in whatever curse hed been hit with. For the time being, he did his best to push any rising panic forcefully down, and in the meantime clutched to anything that could momentarily distract him. Consequently, that was the gentle, smooth hands that were massaging his back. Harry figured it was a subconscious action of Malfoy, but he welcomed it all the same. There was something unbelievably soothing about the experience, despite his trauma.
Suddenly Malfoy hissed so forcefully Harry worried he had accidentally lopped off his wand hand or something. Then there was a great pressure on his back, probing of fingers so harshly that he almost cried out from the pain. What the hell are you doing?
I think
I think its working, Malfoy said in rush of words.
Harry allowed a little ray of hope blossom inside his chest. Well dont go ripping it apart again.
Immediately any contact from the pale blond was lost. He thought, for a moment, Malfoy had whispered sorry under his breath, but decided that the proud Slytherin probably hadnt. When Malfoys voice came again, it was emotionless, yet strong. Your skins knitting itself together.
Good, Harry muttered so softly he doubted Malfoy could have heard. He felt unbelievably lighter all of a sudden, something that might possibly be attributed to his spinning head. It had been right to trust in Malfoy to help him. He had made a decision that resulted in an ending where things had worked themselves out.
After a moment of his head buzzing, any and all feelings were replaced with the grogginess of fatigue. Without panic and fear to pump adrenaline in his system, and thus false energy, there was no longer any strength left in his body. He only had one more request of Malfoy for the night.
Can you help me back to my room? he muttered. The blond would probably be smug about needing to help Harry when he was in such a weak state. He was sure this would come back to him — not that he wasnt already expecting the fact that Malfoy had saved his life would end up being exploited in the future. For his secrecy, there would be a price, and no doubt that involved him being able to gloat. Still, Harry just wanted to go to bed.
There were no more words as Malfoy helped him up and they started back towards his room. Perhaps the blond was gracious enough to realize just how tired Harry was, and how much he just wanted to get to his room and sleep for a week or two. Not that it was actually possible, Hermione had taken it upon herself recently to act as an alarm clock and get him up in the mornings.
On the way up the stairs Harry continually bumped into Malfoy by accident, until finally the Slytherin wrapped an arm around his waist for support. It felt
nice. Comforting. He didnt even care if hed have to pay for it later, right now he felt inexplicably close to Malfoy, and he wasnt prepared at this moment to fight all his recent attractions towards the other teen.
Potter, Id better stay here for the night, he said, as he helped Harry onto his stomach into his bed. The brunet pulled a pillow up to rest above his folded arms and let his head drop. You know, in case something goes wrong.
Ill be fine, he said, his response muffled by the pillow, but he was sure it was still audible.
He thought he heard footfalls, and the door shut, and imaged that had been Malfoy leaving. So much for him putting up much of a fight. Harry couldnt really blame him, though. He doubted Malfoy had been that concerned for Harrys well-being as long as he wasnt dead. Although, as sleep claimed him he thought he had felt a dip in the bed, and fleetingly wished he wasnt alone.
Draco frowned, sitting quietly as he watched with great relief the skin on Potters back continue to knit itself back together. He wondered if there might be a scar from the whole thing — he couldnt remember if the potion prevented that or not. For a moment he wondered if he should go tearing through all the books he had and see if there was something he could brew to prevent a scar, but it wouldnt be wise. He didnt want to mess with upsetting the effects of the current potion, plus there probably wasnt anything hed be able to do in time. Still, he imagined Potter wasnt too fond of scars, and hoped there wouldnt be one.
Pulling out his wand, he was careful to rest it next to where Potter had haphazardly thrown his own on the nightstand when they had first entered the room. He allowed for his knuckles to graze the real wand as a bout of longing for his surfaced in his chest. Turning back towards Harry he paused for a moment before slipping into bed. Potters response to him staying hadnt technically been a no, so Draco felt justified in resting next to him for the night. If it meant he could watch the sleeping face next to him, looking more relaxed than hed ever seen it, than that was just how it was.
For a brief moment there was an urge that burned through his entire body to roll Potter over and snog the living daylights out of him, but he fought it — and the threatening heat in his groin — until he once again reined in his desires. It wasnt the most opportune time to make Potter his.
He winced slightly from the thought, he hadnt meant for it to come out quite like that. His feelings really were turning him helplessly into one of those love-struck girls in Hermiones muggle books. What he really should be concentrating on, he mused as he ran a hand down what appeared to be the mostly healed stretch of skin on Potters back, was permanent nerve or muscle damage. Hed look up the detection spells in the morning and insist on the brunet be examined for anything and everything before Draco would let him out of the house.
His hand lingered on Potters back for a beat, before curiosity got the best of him and he moved it south to inspect the firm butt.
Blushing slightly, Draco curled closer to the sleeping boy and listened to his steady breathing while he was lolled to sleep himself.
Although Harrys first reaction to finding a body lying next to him was panic, he was able to keep himself under control enough to remain still until the memories of last night returned. Looking over to the blond curled on his side inches away, Harry frowned. His skin prickled at their proximity, but he couldnt decide if that was because he was uncomfortable with the idea of them sleeping together, or
for some other reason. Fighting the urge to just shove the blond off the bed and demand he go back to his own room already, Harry carefully rolled over on his other side until he was facing away from Malfoy.
He could tell by the lack of light coming from the bedroom window that only a few hours had past — he guessed it to be around four or so. Hed be perfectly justified in kicking Malfoy out — his back was fine, but
well. He glanced over his shoulder and looked at Malfoys face in the extremely dull light from the ever-lasting candles that burned on opposite sides of the room. With his pale features so relaxed, Malfoy really looked different. With such a peaceful expression on his sleeping face, Harry really didnt have the heart to wake him. Besides, the blond wasnt hurting anyone by resting there, so what could be the harm? Shifting slightly back into the other bodys warmth, Harry closed his eyes and prepared to go back to sleep.
The fact that their bodies were now touching didnt bother Harry, oddly enough. In fact, and he was probably only admitting this to himself because he was so tired and not in his usual state of mind — it was kind of, in a tiny way, so fucking comforting that he almost wanted to fight to keep it a norm in his life. Not that hed ever let the blond know.
Draco jerked away at the succession of three quick knocks followed by the bedroom door being swung open. He felt Potter hurriedly sitting up next to him but his eyes remained fixed as a mousy-brown-haired girl bounced into the room.
Time to get up, Harry. Breakfast
Granger tapered off as her face flashed a complex emotion Draco couldnt read before quickly turning blank. How very Slytherin of her.
Oh, she said in a monotone voice. Pardon me.
Draco felt his arm burn as the sheet underneath was hastily pulled up and he could see Potter trying to cover the fact that he was shirtless. Granger stumbled backwards while her hand groped about for the door handle. Not a second after her fingers graced it was the door being slammed shut, and Potter was trying to shout after her.
Its not what it looks like!
The quickly fading thumps indicated she had probably bolted down the stairs already, out of hearing range. Draco concealed a smile to himself as Potter turned his blushing face towards him. Cute.
Draco tried not to smirk when Potter pulled his hips back slightly. He was pretty confident that he understood what that meant, but at the same time it wouldnt be wise to embarrass him more than he already seemed to be. Gryffindors were unpredictable when their emotions took hold of them.
Why the fuck are you in my bed! Potter all but shrieked.
Slowly stretching his spine, Draco tried to gauge what Potter was really feeling at this moment. Just as hed hoped, the other teens eyes flicked down his lithe body for a moment, as if he couldnt help himself. So Dracos assumptions — alright, hopes — were true, Potter did find him attractive. And he was probably slightly aroused right now.
I was worried about you, Harry, he said, half playfully, trying to make it sound seductive. He would have never behaved like this usually, but there was a giddy feeling cycling through him. Having Granger discover them couldnt be less insignificant to Draco right now, but he had just woken up next to Potter and the situation was
interesting. Especially since he saw a small shudder from the other boy when he had spoken his first name. Yes, most probably aroused.
Thoughts started to form in his head that made him even more giddy. Potter wouldnt be telling Granger the truth, not after he practically swore Draco to secrecy about it. Which meant that he wasnt going to be able to dispel her conclusions of what had happened between them last night very successfully unless he could come up with some brilliant lie — which Draco found unlikely. And there was no doubt Granger would come to that conclusion after her
discovery of who he thought of as he
well. She just would.
Reluctantly, since Potter was looking more and more panicked — more so than he even had last night, when he could have died — Draco decided the best action he could take right now would be to leave the ex-Gryffindor alone and gather his thoughts. Knowing he was going to use this situation, and what had occurred before to his advantage, he began to start forming a plan in his head.
Well, he said cheerfully, slipping out of the bed and grabbing his temporary wand. Wed best be getting down to breakfast.
He turned and made his way out of the room before he could see Potters reaction. It was best to act as nonchalant as possible right now, letting Potter come to the conclusion that the attraction was more on his side for now. Draco figured that later the relationship would be more in his hands, especially if the other thought he would have to do more to win Dracos affections.
thrnbrooke Here it is :)
DTDY ^_^ It's good to be back *hugs*
Kiersten: Aww *blushes* Thank you so much!
Sorry, I feel bad I was away so long! *hugs you silly*
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