In Need of a Little Comfort | By : Monddame Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 45139 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Harry Potter franchinse; I never have and I never will. Furthermore, I am not making any money whatsoever from this submission...even though it would be nice...but that's illegal...but still... |
A/N:Two quick things: first, e-mail updates, let me know if you want to be added. Second, apologies for those of you that reviewed the reader challenge ‘Delectus’ that I posted and had your comments subsequently deleted. Apparently reader challenges are considered ‘unfics’ and are summarily deleted without warning. Anyway, I’ve trotted it on over to a BRAND NEW!! Livejournal and you can read it/comment on it there. (monddame was apparently already used at some point, and I wasn’t going to pay $15 to acquire it). I hope some of you take the time to read/comment on it! I’m going to leave off tallying votes until probably the end of October, so you’ve got some time. As always, let me know what you think!
The next few days flew by faster than a niffler after a knut. Professor McGonagall was disinclined to further detain her favorite student after she successfully transfigured a slimy green slug into the most adorable little marmalade tabby kitten only twenty minutes into her detention Monday evening. Unfortunately, Hermione’s unexpected free time was spent finishing an essay for Potions since Draco was out on the pitch practicing with his team and Harry, Ron, and Ginny were likewise engaged discussing strategy for the upcoming Slytherin-Gryffindor match the week after the Halloween Dance.
In her hyperawareness of Draco, it became increasingly obvious to Hermione in the days that followed that he was, for lack of a better word, stalking her. Each day found him a seat or two closer in the classes they shared. He could often be found at the opposite end of her table when she was studying in the library. And she blushed each time Harry caught her casting a glance over at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall when the feel of Draco’s eyes on her became too great a temptation.
And so it seemed that Hermione wasn’t the only one aware of the changing air between her and the Head Boy; and changing it was, despite her misgivings. More than once, she found emerald green eyes trained on her face when Draco smiled as he brushed past her in the corridor or murmured hello to her before class. And she was certain that the jet haired boy who had been her best friend since the age of eleven also noticed the small courtesies the sinewy blond was exhibiting toward not just Hermione herself, but most of her Gryffindor friends as well. Gone were the ‘Potty’, ‘Pot-head’, and assorted scar-related appellations of days gone by, replaced solely by the use of his full surname. The Slytherin Prince still slipped occasionally, calling Ron ‘Weasel’, but she could hardly blame him as it was when Ronald was being a particularly petulant little child. And he more than made up for it when she nearly burst a blood vessel keeping herself from laughing at the look Ginny gave her when Draco went so far as to use the redhead’s first name without the smallest trace of a sneer in sight.
Hermione appreciated Draco’s efforts to be civil with her friends so much she had to take great care not to beam too brightly at him each time such an event occurred. From the significant looks Harry had been shooting her, she knew she was failing miserably. So it was with no small amount of apprehension that she agreed to ‘take a walk’ with him after he’d finally cornered her in the library Thursday evening, despite her best efforts to avoid being alone with him. She wasn’t too proud to admit that all her purported Gryffindor courage had forsaken her in the face of the potential ire from her best friend.
It was quite chilly in the growing darkness surrounding the Black Lake, and even a warming charm wasn’t enough to keep the cool air completely at bay as the pair meandered along the edge of the dark water. Her heart was in her throat, the pulsating of her blood in her ears the only indication the muscle was still functioning as she waited for her companion to speak. When he finally did, it wasn’t any of the possibilities she had entertained in her head.
“Are you going to tell me? Or do I have to ask?” Her eyes flew up to his face, desperately trying to gauge his meaning, and determine what he might already know.
In her mind she tabulated all the moments that Harry might have witnessed passing between her and Draco and what conclusions her friend might have come to. Obviously he suspected something, and wouldn’t it be better if she told him outright instead of being pressed? Because in the end, she would tell him. Suddenly her courage flooded back to her and she met those green eyes with steely determination.
As quickly as her resolve solidified, it dissolved once more. She was what? She didn’t exactly know how to explain her relationship with Draco, a relationship which she still wasn’t sure was a good idea; they hadn’t exactly figured it out for themselves yet at any rate. Were they dating? Not precisely. Seeing each other? Probably, but it sounded so casual, so unintentional; and given the blond’s reputation that wasn’t a good impression to give her very protective best friend. Sleeping together? Yes, but she certainly didn’t want to tell Harry that if she could help it. Hermione sighed in frustration at her inability to form a coherent response. This might have been easier if she’d confided in Ginny first. Not that the fiery girl would have necessarily been more understanding than Harry, but she was a girl. She might at least have helped her figure out what to say to her boys.
“Dr-Malfoy and I…have become…friends, sort of.” If she expected a strong reaction then she was disappointed when all she got was one raised eyebrow.
“Sort of?”
“Yes, well…um, it’s complicated, Harry.” He crossed his arms and gave her a stern look, one that was almost never directed at her, and it didn’t give her much hope. He wasn’t going to let this go until he knew everything.
“Complicated how?”
“Well, um, you see…” Oh bloody hell, to fuck with it. “He likes me. And I…I like him. And we’re…we’ve, that is to say, we’re sort of…seeing each other, I guess you could say.” Oh yes, very nice. Very eloquent.
“Seeing each other?”
“You and Malfoy?”
“Draco Malfoy, the Death Eater?” She deflated; any hope that he was going to make this easy vanished.
“I suppose.”
“You suppose?” His features hardened and his voice was saturated with skepticism.
“It’s just…it’s hard for me to see him that way. He’s so different from what I thought he was like.”
It was quiet for a moment, and she thought perhaps he was digesting what she said. But, when she glanced up at his face, she cringed seeing instead that he was incensed beyond words.
“He’s a Death Eater, Hermione! It doesn’t matter if you see him that way or not. For Merlin’s sake, he tried to kill Dumbledore!”
“But he didn’t Harry. He couldn’t. You told me that.” But he continued as if she hadn’t spoken at all.
“And his father-”
“He isn’t his father Harry!”
“-tried to kill us! Or have you forgotten about that?” He turned his flashing green eyes back to her face, challenging her.
“Of course I haven’t forgotten Harry. I haven’t forgotten a single thing. But you don’t know him like I do. You haven’t seen or heard the things I have.”
“I don’t need to! He’s bloody Malfoy! Isn’t six years of bullying enough?!”
“But, he’s explained…he’s apologized for…”
Her stomach felt thick with rising despair at the unquenchable fire in her friend’s eyes. She knew if he didn’t accept her relationship with Draco, she would lose one of them, plain and simple. She would be forced to choose. So she could completely blame that inner turmoil for what came out of her mouth next in her desperation.
“Harry, you haven’t seen the way he looks at me, the way he touches me when we…” She broke off, her eyes widening uncontrollably in horror at what she’d almost said. But it didn’t matter; she’d said enough.
“No.” His voice descended to a deadly whisper rife with denial, disbelief. “You-you…YOU SLEPT WITH MALFOY?! You let him…He’s…Aargh!” He let out a frustrated, primal scream, pulling at his inky hair. “He’s obviously just using you for… Merlin, Hermione how could you be so…so…”
“So, what?” Angry tears began welling up in her eyes. Harry had inadvertently stepped on a land mine in his choler. “Stupid? Naďve? Foolish? Perhaps some of all three? He’s got to be using me because there’s no way he could actually like me, actually want me. Not plain, boring, bossy, know-it-all Hermione. No, someone like Draco could never be interested in the awkward, dull little bookworm. Nobody could be interested in her. All she’s good for is encyclopedic recall on demand. She’s a book with legs.” Her voice was quiet but intense and it shook while she struggled against her tears, not wanting to break down in front of him for some reason.
“Hermione, that’s not what I meant. You know I didn’t mean it that way.” He pleaded a bit, through his anger.
“Do I, Harry? I don’t think it has ever occurred to you that every time I see you and Ginny snuggled up together in the common room I ache inside because I want someone to want me like that too. Don’t you think I want someone who likes it when I touch him, desires it even; who looks at me like I’m the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen? Don’t you realize how much I’ve tortured myself because no one did, because I didn’t think anyone ever would? I don’t know why he does, but for some reason Draco really likes me. He likes me, Harry. I know it doesn’t make sense, and I know that I’m being beyond reckless getting involved with him when it can’t last, but…I just can’t…I just can’t let him go now that I’ve finally found someone who looks at me like…like I’m a woman, a desirable woman.”
She turned away from him, wiping furiously at the few rogue tears that she couldn’t contain, sniffling quietly. Her emotional upheaval was like a physical pain in her chest. Saying those things out loud about how Draco made her feel…it was freeing, in a way, to admit, but it also served to draw her deeper into despair at the thought of having to choose between the boy who was the best, most loyal friend she had ever known and whom she had come to view as a brother and the boy whose touch made her feel powerful, like a whole woman, like she was worth something beyond simply knowing quite a lot. It would be a choice that would no doubt destroy a part of her to make either way.
She heard him sigh and jumped slightly when his arms snaked around her waist, his chin resting on top of her head in a comfortable embrace.
“I don’t understand.” His voice was filled with tired defeat. She felt the same way.
“I don’t either, Harry. But being with him…he makes me feel alive.”
They stood in tense silence, looking over the vast, dark waters of the lake for a long time. In the quiet all of her misgivings about starting…something with Draco weighed on her as did the possible thoughts of the boy behind her. Finally, he squeezed her a bit, kissing her hair at the top of her head, and stepped away. When she turned to look at him the expression on his face filled her with icy dread.
“I don’t-I’m not sure…” He sighed again, running his hand through his messy hair. “I need some time to…figure this out. I’m sorry, Hermione, but I’m not sure…I don’t know if I can accept this.”
Without a backward glance, Harry Potter, her very best friend, turned away and trudged back up to the castle, leaving her alone in the darkness. With a strangled little wail, she sunk down on to the ground and cried, feeling like her heart was breaking.
She wasn’t sure how, but one way or another, a cold, wet Hermione managed to find her way back to the Heads’ common room and curl up in the fetal position in front of the warm, comforting fire. Tears slid silently down her face until she recalled the way Harry had looked at her before leaving her in the dark: like he was torn between pitying her and despising her. She was overcome once more by raucous sobbing at the thought of her best friend hating her.
Draco finally turned the corner into the corridor where the Heads’ quarters were after his long, boring rounds through the castle after what had, so far, been a rather long, boring week. They were both so busy, he hadn’t managed to secure any real time with Hermione, and sitting closer to her in class hardly satisfied. With a tired sigh of relief he spoke the password and stepped forward into the common room.
The first thing that hit him was the heart-wrenching sounds of a woman in distress. His heart began to beat wildly as he searched the room with his eyes. When he finally lit on her small, curled form in front of the fire his breath hitched in his chest at how broken she looked. It ate at him. Without thought, he strode forward and gathered her into his arms, cradling her against him as he moved to the couch and settled her in his lap.
Crying fiercely, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and clung to him as if he were the only thing keeping her from flying apart. He wasn’t sure how to deal with crying witches, but he hoped holding her and caressing her back lightly would make up for his inability to know the right words to say. When her violent sobbing finally began to quiet to shuddering whimpers he tipped her face up to meet his gaze.
“What’s wrong, kitten? What happened?”
But she wouldn’t speak, shaking her face away from the influence of his finger and burying it against his neck. Frowning, he smoothed her hair away from her damp cheek as he lost himself to thought at what could have possibly affected the little witch so strongly. Presently, he became painfully aware of her warm breath on the exposed skin of his throat and the feel of her hot little tongue darting out between her lips to graze his rapidly heating skin. Confused, he began to pull her away from him, to study her face, but she began to cry again, her salty tears falling onto his shoulder and making small, dark spots on the fabric of his robe.
“Please…” she whispered, her quiet voice filled with tortured pleading as she placed open mouth kisses along his bare skin. “Please. I need you Draco. Make me forget. Make me forget everything but you.”
Unsure of whether sex really was the best solution to whatever was bothering her, Draco hesitated…until her lips captured his in a heated, passionate kiss full of overwhelming need. He was overcome by the scorching desire radiating from her small body, paralyzed by the absolute ferocity of her emotions that he couldn’t refuse her.
Without breaking contact with his mouth, she shifted until she was straddling his lap, furiously pulling off her robes and practically ripping her tie and shirt off her body.
“Touch me.” She whimpered against his smooth lips while reaching behind her to unclasp her bra, letting it fall to the floor. “I need to feel your hands on my skin. Please.”
Hesitantly, he slid trembling fingers up the soft expanse of her sides and over her ribs until he was cupping the delicious weight of her magnificent breasts in his palms. The slow movement of his thumbs circling her taut nipples drew a plaintive cry from her lips and she indicated her displeasure at his leisurely pace by hurriedly, almost violently divesting him of his own robe, shirt and tie. Her near hysterical frenzy to undress him leached through his reluctance and reduced it to ruins in a fraction of a heartbeat. If she needed to be distracted from her pain, he would use his considerable skills to keep her prodigious mind so clouded with an onslaught of pleasurable sensation that there wouldn’t be room for anything else.
Gripping her tightly about the waist with her legs wrapped around his hips, he stood and carried her to her bedroom while he kissed her with fervor. Tipping her slowly backward, his lips followed hers all the way down to the bed. Lying next to her, he let his hands roam across her skin, fingertips raising goose bumps as they ghosted across her flesh while he drank hungrily from her lips.
He withdrew when she was good and properly breathless. Kneeling next to the bed where her feet dangled over the edge, he locked his heated gaze with hers as he slowly pulled off her shoes and tugged her tall socks off her shapely legs. Gently cradling her left foot he ran slow open mouthed kisses up the inside of her calf to her knee, draping her leg over his shoulder before repeated the process on her other leg. Her chest heaved as he traced his tongue along the inside of first one thigh and then the other. With a wicked smirk, he dropped his eyes from hers to push his head underneath her skirt and bury his face between her legs. She shivered and moaned when he pressed his nose against her damp knickers inhaling the intoxicating scent of her arousal. Her thighs clutched his head as he began mouthing her through the thin fabric. Drunk on her smell and no longer able to resist, he pulled aside the irksome material and flicked his tongue against her gathering wetness pulling a gasp and then a long drawn out moan from her throat.
With slow, measured licks he teased her folds savoring the taste of her on his tongue. He couldn’t keep the smirk off his face as he felt the pleats of her skirt ruffling his hair as she tugged the hem up to pool the fabric at her waist so that she could watch him pleasuring her. Spreading her thighs further apart, he slid his tongue into her pussy and lashed it about inside of her until she was involuntarily twitching her hips up off the bed. Replacing his tongue with his fingers he stroked her sex curling his fingers to find that special spot that make her keen and shudder. When he found it he latched his lips around her clit and sucked it into his mouth at the same time. She immediately came undone, and he raised his eyes from his pursuit to watch her face as she came. Merlin’s old dragon, she was ethereal when she broke apart like that, transcending the beauty available to a mere woman.
Not wanting his mortal goddess to come down too much, Draco stood and swiftly divested the both of them of their lower garments and slid the both of them back, fully onto the bed. In a moment of beautiful serendipity, his eyes fell on her standing, floor-length mirror which was positioned just so, affording a promising reflection of the lower half of the bed. Drawing her down toward the footboard with him, he positioned her on her side facing the mirror while he spooned her from behind. Sliding his hand down her leg, he gripped her knee and pulled the limb back towards him, draping it over his own legs, her knee pointed upward opening her up to him. Brushing her hair from her face, he tugged playfully on her chin to get her to open her tiredly satisfied eyes.
“Watch, kitten.”
They both moaned loudly at the sight and feel of his thick erection sliding into the liquid heat of her pussy reflected in the mirror. Wrapping his arms around her and playing with her nipples, he soon had her trembling and groaning in ecstasy as they watched his rock-hard cock questing in and out of her tight cunt.
A feeling of rightness like the freedom he experienced on the Quidditch pitch stole over him. He felt…complete with his arms around the sexy Gryffindor while he brought her pleasure. She embodied all the things he’d been searching for his whole life: someone to care for, who cared for him in return, someone to be close to, someone to debate, to challenge him, someone who didn’t take his shit and wasn’t concerned about his name, his wealth, or his intimidating looks and personality. Someone to love.
Thankfully, at that moment, her back arched as she came once more, because that thought sent him irretrievably over the edge and into the sweet land of bliss that no other girl had found for him before. And he knew, even though it had only been a week, even if it hadn’t happened quite yet, he knew as he fell asleep still inside of her that he, Draco Malfoy, was falling in love with the matchless, Hermione Granger.
The stupid wanker was staring at her again. Honestly, he was going to ruin all her plans if he kept being so obvious about it. At first it had annoyed her to the point of outright anger the way he kept stealing glances at her from across the Great Hall or in the classroom. But as it dawned on her that the insufferable blond git still hadn’t asked her to the Halloween dance (nor anyone else, as far as her information network had gathered) despite it being a mere week away, he was most likely going stag; and therefore, the attentions of the tall, gangly Gryffindor were inconsequential as such.
Merlin only knew why her fading exasperation was replaced with…fucking tingles. And not just that, but, sweet Circe, blushing. Shaking herself out of the trance that had descended on her from the feel of his sparkling blue eyes caressing her body, she gathered her books and her wits and headed for the Infirmary for some Pepper-Up Potion. She was obviously coming down with something.
A/N: Sigh. I don’t know why this chapter took me so flippin’ long! Harry was being a bit difficult and I rewrote their argument about three times.
Anyway, as an apology of sorts, I’ve written a little one shot that I’m posting too. Hope you enjoy it!
Thanks, as always, to my reviewers, who are really the only reason I continue to write! Angeles, kazfeist, Dreamweaver, Margot Le Faye, Harlot, katiekrm, margaritama, and Hermione_Malfoy.
Sarah Whitman: Thanks for the birthday wishes! I feel the same way about the chocolate/sex situation, which is why the chocolate I used last chapter didn’t have any sex-related properties (weaning them off their reliance on them, I suppose). I’m trying to keep to the sort of theme/impetus of the fic without becoming pedantic about it, which is going to be more difficult as the story progresses, I imagine. Meh, we’ll see what happens. I know the sex in this chapter was angst-induced, but at least there was no chocolate, right? Thanks for the review!
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