Coppery Temptation | By : IsysSkeeter Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Tom Views: 24526 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I also do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Warnings in this chapter: AU fanfiction, Creature fanfiction, OC
Nr words in this chapter: 2,490
Time change/date of time
Chapter VI
–The Red Eyed Man and The Snake–
Monday, July 08, 1991
"You said wrong. My name is Erik" said the teen before he passed out.
Tuomas just stood there frozen looking at the younger one. The door unlocked, the ward on it had dropped the moment Tom had come, opened and Nagini slithered inside.
She took a good look at the teen on her master's desk, his legs still wide open and her master's seed trickling out of his entrance and alongside his legs.
–Feeling better master?–
Master seemed to come back to reality, he had been staring at the human without seeing him, and he looked at Nagini. His eyes were black, not with hunger, not with desire, not because of the glamour so they would look like his old ones, but with an intensity that made even the large serpent shiver.
–The human's name is Erik, I asked his as I do with everyone else.– her master looked up to the ceiling in deep thought, which made her relax, she didn't like it when he had that look on his face. She had a feeling that she knew where this was going and so she approached her master and curled around him for the second time that day. –I didn't call him by his name. I…– her master closed his eyes and when he opened them and looked at her, they were back to its red color. –I said His name.–
Sunday, September 01, 1991
Harry entered one empty compartment. He had just said goodbye to his family and now he just wanted to finish the book about alchemists that his father had handed him the previous week. Harry didn't understand it, why did his father give him such a light book? Note the emphasis on the light part.
The door opened. Harry looked up and found that Ron, the twins and Alphard had entered, sat down and had stayed in silence. Going back to the book his eyes widened when they passed by the words:
Philosopher's Stone.
Harry smirked. Now he knew why.
Nicolas Flamel was a very accomplished alchemist, possibly the greatest in history, as he had created the holy grail of alchemy - the Philosopher's Stone. With this, he rendered himself and his wife immortal, celebrating his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday and his wife's, Perenelle, six hundred and fifty-eight birthday last year. He is a close friend and partner to the Hogwarts School Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.
Flamel is noted as an alchemist of considerable talent and as an opera-lover, having been spotted in an opera house in Paris in 1762. It is said he enjoyed living a quiet life in Devon during the last years. Although it is clear that he used the Elixir to greatly extend his life, it is not specified whether he used the Stone's powers to make himself greatly wealthy, as the Stone is also capable of turning any metal into gold.
Harry almost laughed. He couldn't believe that he had read a whole 'light' book about alchemist so he would finally find his 'homework' in the last pages.
–Hand me a parchment, a pen and ink.– he said stretching his hand to Ron. After a while of silence Harry looked up. "Parchment, pen and ink, Ronald." He hissed at his minion.
Ron immediately stood and took the things from his trunk and handed them to Harry. "Sorry, but you used The language again and I couldn't understand you."
Harry frowned and looked at the others three, noticing that, if their face was anything to go by, he really had used Parseltongue again. Alphard's face had closed off and darkened, but the twins had malicious identical grins on their faces. Only Ron knew about this gift, one more thanks to the snake bite, and Harry wanted to keep it a secret, but now it would be difficult. The twins had already forgotten Harry's and Ron's run in with the red eyed man and the snake, but not Alphard and he had seen Harry swallow a whole beef without even cutting or biting it, like a snake.
"You have it thanks to the attack, don't you?" Alphard asked. Harry merely nodded. "That makes sense. After all it is a genetic gift so godfather or Lily had to be one too."
When Harry was certain that the conversation ended there after a few minutes of silence he returned to the parchment and started the letter. But:
"We have to be careful, we don't want anyone else to find out. We don't want people to think that you are the bastard son of the dark lord."
Harry laughed at that. The twins' eyes twinkled at that.
"And why wouldn't we want that?"
"We mean… We have"
"The Slytherin heir"
"Right in front of us"
"And we can't even"
"Tell people about it?"
"No." Harry said coldly.
"But…" they both whined.
"You heard him, you two. Now be quiet and let our lord work."
Harry looked at his cousin immediately, darkly. The twins grinned but beside that became, suspiciously, quiet. Harry took a deep breath and turned back to his letter.
"May I use Hedwig, Alph?" Harry asked, looking up at his cousin. It was more of a formality than an actual question, since he knew that any of the others in the compartment would do anything he told them to do. When he was younger and the older boys had started on the 'Follow Harry' group, he had thought it to be funny but with time he realized, that he was able to do it not just with them. If he used the right words, voice and face he could make almost anyone do what he wanted.
"Of course you can. May I inquire to whom?"
"Lord Erioth Blackthorn" and with that everyone became stiff, Harry smirked while he took Hedwig, the snowy owl, out of her cage and handed her the letter. "Will you hand it to Lord Erioth Blackthorn?" the owl picked in his fingers as if outraged of the idea of not being able to deliver a letter. Harry chuckled and gave her the parchment, opened the window and let her fly away. In the moment that he closed the window a smell came into his nose. An oddly familiar smell, but from where?
Dear Lord Erioth
I wrote to you this letter to inform you, and thank you for your help, that I found out what the philosopher's stone is.
I expect this Christmas holidays to finally have the promised conversation.
Just Harry
Salazar chuckled.
–Master's ancestor?– Salazar looked to the floor near door, Nagini was slithering her way in. If Salazar didn't know better he would say that the snake looked worried.
–What is it that troubles you, Nagini? Did Tuomas forget to feed you again?–
–No, master's ancestor, that's not the issue. Does master's ancestor remember… Him?–
Salazar became tense. Nagini knew better then to talk about it, so it was grave. –What did Tuomas do? He didn't…–
–No, master didn't return to Him. But master's ancestor knows that master is sensitive to His approximation. Master called his name when he was interbreeding with the human.–
Salazar growled, trust the serpent to let such a long time pass without mentioning such a thing before. –Where is Tuomas?–
–On the train.–
Salazar stood, ready to apparate when the door behind Nagini slammed open and the next moment Salazar was against a wall with a vampire grabbing his neck and chest.
"Hello Sally, I thought it was time to came say hello to my family… where is Tommy bear?"
This vampire had red eyes and around his neck was a huge snake, similar to Nagini. The vampire was short, 5'2 to be exactly, had dark brown hair, white skin, was thin and had no muscles, but was still stronger than Salazar. This vampire was Salazar's sire.
"Or what? Are you still under the assumption that you can send me away, mijn lieve(1) Sally?" the vampire taunted and gave the neck a little space, to then push back with force, that if Salazar was human he would be dead. "Remember, Sally, you're younger than me. Do not even try to fight me. Now…" the vampire released the force on the neck and chest a little. "Where is my Tommy bear?"
–Master's ancestor?–
–Go to the sunroom. We'll talk later.– the snake took one long look at the vampire and then turned around, leaving.
The snake on the vampire neck hissed. –She didn't change at all.–
Salazar looked at the snake and smirked. –You only say that because she refused to mate with you.–
That only made the snake hiss angrily at him. The vampire chuckled and took one of his hands to the snake and petted it. "Still the same Sally, but that won't chan…" the vampire stopped himself sniffing and his head snapped to the side, to the desk and his eyes became dark. Next moment he was gone.
The door to the compartment opened. Harry looked up, there was an old woman with a car with candies. Alphard stood and paid for them all, asking for the soup that was kept underneath the car. So while all of them ate a bowl of soup, Harry's senses were kicking in. he knew that smell, but he didn't knew from where.
"Harry!" someone grabbed his hand. Harry looked up, at Alphard and then to his hand, noticing that he was swallowing the spoon and his hand. He blushed and took it out. The twins laughed.
"We're sure that the"
"Spoon must be tasty,"
"But we don't think"
"That your stomach"
"Would agree with you,"
"You know?"
Harry merely rolled his eyes and looked at the door, someone was opening the door.
"Everything alright, lads?" asked the tanned man, with an American accent. He was tall, dark brown that in the sun (as it shone right then) looked like honey, honey eyes and defined male expression and body. Harry taken a full minute to notice that he was staring, Merlin it was not his fault that the man was like those sculptures of Michael Angelo, like David, to perfect to be true.
"Yes professor." Alphard had returned to his seat and was looking like a pureblood at the time.
Harry looked out of the window to keep his eyes out of the man, he should be the new professor that Remus was talking the other day. Apparently since Lord Tuomas had left the post every professor ended updying a mysterious death. This was the seventh professor to come.
"Ron Weasley, sir."
"And you, lad?" Harry looked up to see honey fixated on him.
Harry smiled. "Dudley Dursley, sir."
The man brows went high. "Dursley? Is that a muggle surname?"
"Yes sir. Vernon and Petunia Dursley are muggles."
"So… if I asked you… let's say a penny?"
"Muggle money." The twins snickered and Ron put his face in his hands.
"And the reason why you are in a compartment with purebloods?"
"I was here, they appeared and sat. I don't even know them, sir." He said, his voice trembling as if afraid, but Harry was actually trying not to laugh.
"I see… have you read Hogwarts, a story?" at Harry's nod the man continue. "So what house do you suppose you will be?"
"Probably Hufflepuff, sir."
The man smiled. "So I'll see you at Hufflepuff, Dursley." And with that, the man turned around and left.
They all looked at each other and, suddenly, burst laughing.
"I can't believe that you told him that you were your cousin."
"Why not? It's not like I know him. He could be lying for all I care and pretending to be the new professor."
"Was he pretending?" Ron asked serious. Harry looked at his thoughtfully.
"Yes, but when and how I don't know. He's an enigma."
"Oh oh… Harry found a new topic for research." Harry merely threw his bowl to one of the twins' head, who ducked to avoid it.
A while later they all change into the cloaks and then the compartment door opened again.
–Yes, here you are. I know your smell.– Harry stiffed and turned to see a man with red eyes caring a huge snake around his neck. That was the smell he tasted that morning. The man looked around, his eyes fixed on Ron, making him smirk, and then he looked at Harry. Harry looked around, all the others were starting now to turn as if in slow motion, he frowned and looked again to the man. The man started to approach, his eyes never leaving Harry. Harry stood and grabbed his wand.
"You, mijn kind(2), are coming with me. We are going to be great friends."
The man had a Dutch accent, but before Harry could think, his eyes were locked with the other ones, the door to the compartment opened and a red light hit the man who immediately turned around. The new professor was there, wand in hand.
"Leave now. You are attacking a wizard student."
The red eyed man pouted. "Jij bent saai(3)." He looked back at Harry. "Sorry jongen(4). I'll came for you later, 'kay?" he turned and left, only stopping to whisper something at professor Marvy in the ear.
When he left, Harry saw that his four friends had finished looking at the door, already in normal motion, and then at Harry. "What is going on? Why are you two facing each other with a wand?"
"Mr. Dursley was just attacked by a vampire." Professor Marvy said, withdrawing his wand. "I suggest, Mr. Black, to put an anti-vampire ward on the compartment."
"Right away, professor."
The professor turned and left. Harry stood there facing the door for a while and when he finally decided, he followed him. "Professor."
Professor Marvy stopped and looked at Harry. "Yes, Dursley?"
"May I ask you three questions?"
"You may."
"Would you answer with the truth?"
The professor frowned. "I will…"
"Is your name really Marvy?"
The man scowled. "No, that's an abbreviation. I would appreciate it if you didn't use it."
"As you wish, professor…" Harry turned and started to come back to enter.
"Wait. You only asked one question."
"I asked three professor." And Harry left, entering the compartment again. That professor was a vampire, otherwise he wouldn't be so fast. But the question was: why was Harry so fast? And why was he able to see so fast?
And the snake… it was the one who had bitten him. The vampire came to recollect him, why? Could the vampire know about the powers that the snake had given him?
The professor looked like he knew him, maybe he should ask him about it…
Tuomas entered the last compartment, the one meant for the professors, and saw the vampire laying on the seat looking at him. Up and down.
"You look good, Tommy bear."
1 – meaning of "mijn lieve" is "my dear"
2 – meaning of "mijn kind" is "my child"
3 – meaning of "jij bent saai" is "you're no fun"
4 – meaning of "jongen" is "boy"
one thing: want to thanks all of your help getting names and surnames from america and, by the way, the DADA professor is male(as you may have understand by now), so every girl name only made me think of voldemort dressed as a girl *grins evilly* :P
second thing: I did a one-shot to explain the importance of the vampire sire in Salazar's and Tom's life, please go read and review Family Issues, here is the link: http : // hp . adultfanfiction . net / story . php? no = 600095426
the one-shot is a part of this story, so should be read as an whole
third thing: I'm starting my exams so next month i'll might not be able to upload a new chap
Hope you liked it, please review!
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