The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Hermione was seated behind the desk in the Headmaster's office writing one of the hardest letters that she'd ever had to write. The headmaster was of little help whatsoever as he nonchalantly leant up against the desk next to her whilst scowling over the latest piece of stupidity that had been written about him in The Daily Prophet. It was amazing what he didn't know about himself.
"Oh for fuck's sake!" he exclaimed, preparing to read another snippet to her. "Now they are speculating about whom I will be taking to the Ministry Ball. Unfortunately, your name isn't on the list, I'm afraid, and given the names on the list, we once again have proof that the hacks at the Prophet are indeed delusional." He shuddered as he considered the names and muttered, "I'd rather become a eunuch," which caused Hermione to chuckle distractedly.
After a few moments of silent reading, Severus interrupted Hermione's chain of thought again, "Oh, how interesting!" he said sardonically, unable hide the amusement in his voice. "According to this, you will be shunning Mr Weasley in favour of Draco in some kind of reconciliatory exercise. I think it's a little late for that, but my congratulations on keeping your friendship so well hidden."
Hermione gave a pained smile, sighing as she tried to recall the last sentence she had been thinking about, but Severus continued to distract her.
"I've got a good mind to find out what the odds are on you accompanying me to the ball, and then get a house elf to put a bet on for me."
"Sev, you're not helping," Hermione snapped at him.
Unused to be spoken to like that, Severus was about to retort, but seeing his witch with her elbows on his desk and her hands firmly buried in her copious curls, made him bite his tongue. Closing the paper abruptly, he threw it into the fire so that he could give Hermione his undivided attention.
"My apologies, darling. What's the matter?"
"Ugh, it just feels so cold finishing with Ron by letter," Hermione growled frustratedly before screwing up another piece of parchment.
A devilish smile graced Severus' lips. "I could always go and see him for you."
Hermione snorted softly. "You'd love nothing more, would you?"
"Oh I disagree," Severus purred. "There is something I love far more, which is why I would happily go and tell the official incumbent of my rightful position to go fuck himself and any bint who happens to look at him sideways," he smirked before bending down to steal a kiss.
"You are incorrigible, Severus Snape," Hermione remarked playfully.
"And you are an―"
Severus didn't finish what he was about to say as Dumbledore interrupted them by clearing his throat.
"I would suggest, Hermione," the former headmaster's voice rang out, "that you simply state that you are sorry, but you hardly see each other any more, you've met someone else, but you are not yet in a relationship with him," Dumbledore offered. "After all, you informed Mr Malfoy that you would be leaving Mr Weasley prior to you formalising your relationship with Severus, did you not?"
Severus snorted and shook his head incredulously. "You really are a piece of work, aren't you, Albus?"
Dumbledore tried to look innocent, but, as always, his eyes gave him away.
"Thank you, Professor," Hermione mumbled disconsolately. "I suppose that is the best thing to say,'s just hard. We've been friends for so long."
"And, as such, if Weasley is a true friend then he will accept your decision and, in time, things will right themselves," Severus told her, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly as he thought to her, Whatever happens, you've got me.
Hermione leant into him and placed her hand on his, squeezing it gently before she turned her attention to the clean piece of parchment before her and began to write.
Trying not to disturb Hermione further, Severus conversed with Dumbledore's portrait until Hermione sighed and said pensively, "I've finished it. Better send it before I scrunch it up."
Severus immediately called his owl, Obsidian. Obsidian―Obs for short― was an unusual, but impressive bird with jet black feathers and black eyes which were as arresting and guarded as his owner's.
"Hello Obs," Hermione whispered, stroking the proud bird's head. He turned his head so that his beady eyes could look into hers and narrowed. There was no denying that this was Severus' familiar.
Surprised by his owl's acceptance of Hermione touch, Severus whispered in her ear, "He likes you."
Hermione just smiled before handing the letter over to Obsidian. "Take this to Ronald Weasley. Do not wait for a reply," she commanded gently. Obs bowed his head slightly and took off without hesitation. That was it. She'd done it. A wave of sadness engulfed her just as a pair of supportive arms wrapped around her.
Albus looked on and giving the couple before him a ruminative smile, decided to try and appease the young witch.
"Hermione, my dear, although Ronald is a rather impetuous young man, he will eventually see that this is for the best. It would appear that you have a new life with Severus to look forward to, so do not dwell on the past. Would you not agree, Headmaster?"
Severus took her hand and gently ran his thumb reassuringly across her knuckles. "I would, and I promise that I will never give you cause to regret this, Hermione," he told her sincerely before kissing her chastely.
Even these small kisses had the ability to light small fires within each other.
A moment later the headmaster's office wards vibrated, and recognising Lucius and Draco's signatures, Severus flicked his wand to allow them admittance.
The older of the two Malfoys swept in and drawled, "Good morning, Headmaster. Dumbledore," before walking over to Hermione.
In a tone that felt like melted, dark chocolate was being poured over her, he greeted her. "You look enchanting, as always, my dear," and leaning in to kiss her cheek, whispered, "Did he behave himself?"
Hermione rolled her eyes, and leapt up to greet Draco, flinging her arms around him as Severus sneered at Lucius.
"Hello, oh sexy disturber of my sleep," Draco chuckled before giving her a quick peck on the lips.
"Hello, oh sexy purveyor of hot chocolate at ungodly hours," Hermione giggled back.
Severus nodded courteously to Draco, who took that to mean thank you for being there for her.
The final person to arrive was Minerva, who greeted everyone in her usual brusque tone before sitting down next to Dumbledore's portrait.
Summoning a chair for Hermione next to his, Severus asked everyone to sit down, and ordered tea before sitting in his chair―the Headmaster's chair.
Giving Severus a sideways glance, Hermione couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as her wizard sat in his rightful place.
"Excellent!" Dumbledore declared, and like a judge presiding over a trial, made his opening statement. "Now that we are all here, may I point out that our main concern here is to discover some truths about the bond linking Severus and Hermione. I must warn you that it may take some time. I expect no threats from you, Lucius. You are here, first and foremost, as their friend first and Head of Board of Governors second. Minerva, whether you are concerned or not, we will not have any silly comments from you, either. Draco, you are here because you have been witness to many of the perplexing events that have occurred in recent days―and possibly months―and as Hermione's friend. Now that I have made that clear―"
Severus rolled his eyes and snarled impatiently, "Just get on with it, please."
"For a former spy, you display a remarkable lack of patience, Severus, my boy," Dumbledore chuckled, looking over his half-moon glasses.
"As a former spy, I found it beneficial not to be sat in the same place for too long," Severus retorted snarkily.
"Severus, stop it," Hermione chastised, "but can we get on with it, please, sir?"
Lucius struggled to contain his amusement. Severus glared at him.
In order to prevent the two Slytherins from bickering, Dumbledore continued calmly, "Now, Severus and Hermione, if at any point the questions get to be too much for you, please feel free to call for a break as I appreciate that this will be difficult – and intrusive – for you. You may also hear things from each other which you were not expecting and on which you may wish to seek instant clarification. Do not hesitate to ask, as your happiness is paramount to all of us, so we will do this at your pace."
Severus muttered his appreciation whilst Hermione said sweetly, "Thank you, Professor."
Dumbledore inclined his head respectfully towards the young witch. "You are most welcome, Hermione. Now, tell us, my dear, when were you first aware that you had feelings for Severus, and what happened on the evening that you saved his life?"
Hermione swallowed, and looked at Severus slightly nervously before she took a deep breath and let her inner Gryffindor take over. With a smile and cheerful pride in her voice, she began to tell her side of the story.
"Well, you see, it all started when Severus protected us from Professor Lupin in our third year. He grabbed hold of me and pulled me behind him. I just thought 'WOW! What an incredibly selfless thing to do,' and I suppose he became a bit of a hero, as far as I was concerned."
She'd never admitted that to anyone before, and feeling her cheeks begin to colour, she continued. "But the more he taught us, the more I noticed his amazing mind and, well, quite a few of us had a thing for his voice." She felt her cheeks burning as she added, "Well, I still do."
Severus was amused and slightly aroused by Hermione's admittance, and was tempted to say something, but thought better of it, deciding to save it for more private – and rewarding – endeavours later.
"I suppose I began to notice Severus more as a man during our stay at Grimmauld Place before our fifth year. He would walk past me in the corridor, and I just remember thinking that he always smelt so good. At that point, I just thought it was a crush, but I know I fell in love with him in my sixth year. He was 'Professor Snape' still, but there was something so sad and noble about him. Looking back, we all know why, but I recognised that there was a lot more to him. I always felt strangely safe when he was around―ironic really, considering.
"But despite everything, I missed him for some reason when we were on the run, and, a few times, I even thought I saw him out of the corner of my eye. I knew he'd killed you, Sir," she said looking up at Dumbledore's portrait, "but I hated it when Harry and Ron went on and on about it. I knew something didn't ring true from what Harry told me. I thought if Severus was really doing this for Voldemort, he would've turned Harry over to the other Death Eaters straight away. It didn't make sense to me that with Dumbledore gone, and the Chosen One stood right in front of him, that Severus didn't capture him straight away.
"And when I heard about the regime here last year, things just didn't tie up, either. It seemed that he had worked out who the ring leaders of the resistance were in the school and protected them from the Carrows – not that he could always protect them, but I don't think he was turning as much of a blind eye as everyone thought. He obviously fooled a lot of people," she said looking at Minerva.
"Don't get me wrong, I've seen his memories; I know what he has done in the past, and I know what he is capable of, but―"
As Hermione's voice began to crack, Severus reached across, and squeezed Hermione's hand whilst telling her―in her mind―to be brave.
Tears began to prick Hermione eyes as she continued. "Even when Professor McGonagall duelled him, I could see in his eyes...he wasn't fighting back. It was all for show." Her tears were now sliding down her cheeks as she turned to Minerva. "It broke my heart when you called him a coward."
The older witch went to respond, but Hermione carried on speaking. "And when Nagini...when she...when she attacked...the sound of it...the sound of when he collapsed―"
Accepting the handkerchief that Severus handed to her, she tried to speak again, but her tears were falling unashamedly now, and in between sobs, she choked out, "―the sound...that...was coming...from his...throat...the blood...I...couldn't...breathe."
It was at this point that Hermione completely broke down, and instinctively, Severus pulled Hermione onto his lap to comfort her.
"It's OK, sweetheart," he whispered into her hair., visibly moved by Hermione's words. "Do you want to take a break?"
Hermione shook her head violently against his chest.
"Look at me," Severus urged, brushing her hair away from her face. Concerned not only for her, but for what he was about to hear, he asked, "Do you want to speak about this privately?"
Hermione pulled back to look at him, and shook her head, slightly shocked―as was everyone else―to see two single tears rolling down Severus' cheeks as he blinked. Even after a night of torture, Severus never cried in front of anyone. But no-one took this as a sign of weakness; in fact, everyone in Severus' office saw that as he opened himself up and laid himself bare that this was one of the bravest things he'd ever done―and he had done many brave things.
Lucius and Minerva looked at each other a little uncomfortably as they observed how Severus and Hermione were looking at each other. They felt like they were intruding on what should have been a very private moment between them.
"No," Hermione spoke softly. "I've got to talk about this now, Severus. I want answers as much as you do, but it's so hard talking about. I mean, what if you'd―" she sobbed into his chest.
Cupping her cheek, Severus whispered, "Thankfully that 'what if' didn't happen," before wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her hair. In her mind, he said,you're stuck with me I'm afraid.
Thank God, she thought back, smiling as she pulled back and kissed him gently.
Brushing her tears away with his thumbs, Severus asked, Are you able to carry on?
Hermione nodded, and turned on Severus' lap so that she was facing everyone again, but as she went to speak, she froze. Blocking out the emotions that she'd felt when they first found him surrounded by a pool of blood, was proving harder than she expected, and she suddenly felt angry as she thought about how her friends left him for dead, and urged her to go with them.
Gently stroking her back, Severus thought to her, Be strong; take your time.
It's too hard, Hermione responded, clenching her fist and biting down on her index finger.
Where's my brave girl?
Sat on your lap, she smirked.
As it should be, Severus told her, looking into her eyes to make sure she really was able to carry on. Seeing that she was, he nodded to indicate that Hermione should continue, and his witch turned to face everyone again.
Clearing her throat, Hermione began to speak with her usual determination. "As I was saying, Harry and Ron left him after taking his memories because they thought he was as good as dead, yet―and I don't know how―I could sense him. It was like he was calling to me."
Her voice caught again, and her tears started to flow.
Severus leant forward and whispered words of comfort and encouragement in her ear as Draco came over and knelt down beside them, taking Hermione's hand in his.
"It's alright, love, just tell them what you told me," Draco told Hermione, squeezing her hand encouragingly.
Hermione swallowed hard and continued. "I have no idea where all those vials in my pocket came from. There was blood replenisher, there was the stasis potion I had been working on, there were healing potions, pain potions, anti-venin, bezoar infusion, warming potions and phoenix tears."
She began to falter again. "When I was making him drink all those potions...I just kept telling him to hold on."
She was finding it harder to keep going as she descended into racking sobs. "I told him...I told him that I knew he wasn't who...everyone thought he was, but even though.. he couldn't talk, I knew...I knew what he was trying to tell me. I didn't know...if it was the...potions reacting, but there was a glow, and that was when he finally passed out and...and his breathing and heart...had stopped. I didn't know...if...the...stasis potion...had worked or if...I was too late."
Then ignoring everyone else she turned to Severus, fat tears cascading down her skin. "But I had to tell was only then that I told you...told you that I loved you. I doubted we would ever have...a future. I...didn't think you would ever look at me...but I couldn't bear the thought of never telling you. I couldn't stop crying, but I had to leave you. I warded the shack and sent word that you were there, but, when I came back, you were gone. I went a whole week not knowing...that you were still alive.
"And when I found out you were at St Mungo's; the Aurors tried to keep me away from you. I sneaked in, though," she said sniffing; almost giggling at her victory.
"When they arrested you, I cried myself to sleep every night. I needed to be near you, and I decided that the only way to get close was to offer to go through your memories as part of your defence. At the trial, I had to touch you and there was that glow again. Remember?"
Severus nodded before planting a lingering kiss on her forehead.
"And then I did the most stupid thing," Hermione declared, her annoyance at herself shining through. "I tried to forget about you. I didn't think you would want me so I just threw myself at Ron even though I knew it was wrong. He asked me to marry him, and I said I wasn't ready because all I could think about was you. It started off with the odd thought here and there, and then you were on my mind all the time. You even started invading my dreams," she chuckled through her tears. "And then as time passed the thoughts I had about you took on a more intimate tone. I won't deny that I had the know...over you when I was at school, but it got to the point where it was at least twice a day―"
"Yes, it's most disconcerting hearing your best friend screaming your godfather's name," Draco interrupted her before stating the obvious. "Silencing spells are a useful thing to remember, sweetie!"
Hermione blushed, but looking at Severus, bit her bottom lip and thought, And you know what I was thinking about.
Severus held her a little tighter. I do indeed, and it is not easily forgettable.
Hermione's eyes burned into his before she burst out laughing and threw her arms around his neck.
Severus was overcome by her heartfelt confessions and whilst he held her, thought, I know how hard that was for you, and I'm so proud of you. There is so much I want to say to you right now, my love, but let's see this through to the end and let the old coot mull it over. We can discuss this further over lunch.
I am quite hungry, Hermione replied, absentmindedly playing with a button on his frock coat.
So am I―for all sorts of things, Severus purred, leaning forward to kiss her. However, he was halted in his actions when they heard a sharp cough from Dumbledore which reminded them that they were not alone.
"Hermione, my dear, you are indeed proven yourself to be a credit to your house," the deceased headmaster remarked, which caused Professor McGonagall to swell with pride. "Indeed, your bravery shone through, and what is even more amazing is that Severus didn't balk when I surreptitiously reminded him that you are a Gryffindor," he teased.
"Are you unwell, Severus?"
Severus scowled at Dumbledore's attempt to get a rise out of him. "No, you are quite correct, Hermione is indeed a fine example of a Gryffindor," Severus agreed, "however, I can assure you there is quite a bit of Slytherin in her as well."
Draco sniggered at Severus deadpan delivery, but recoiled as Severus glared at him.
However, he soon found a small smile gracing the corner of his lips when Hermione thought, I wish.
Patience, sweetheart, Severus chuckled in her head.
Minerva huffed at Severus' double entendre, which caused the former head of Slytherin to quirk an eyebrow at his counterpart. If his face weren't so impassive, anyone would think he looked like the cat that got the cream.
Sensing that Minerva was about to speak, Dumbledore spoke again. "Miss Granger, a further question. I will deal with the glow and orbs with you together, but the do you think they came to be in your possession?"
Shaking her head and twisting her mouth in consternation, Hermione replied quietly, "I wish I knew."
Hermione was a little despondent that she was unable to answer Dumbledore's last question.
"Not to worry, my dear, the answer may yet present itself. Now, Severus, my boy, are you ready to continue?"
"I am," Severus stated calmly as Hermione moved off his lap, deciding it would be better if he didn't have any distractions.
But before Dumbledore could speak, Lucius asked haughtily, "So tell us, my Lord Snape, when did you first notice the lovely Hermione?"
"What an ambiguous question, my Lord Malfoy," Severus spat back. He hated the fact that he had a title and Lucius knew it. "Are you asking me when did I notice her or when did I fall in love with her?"
Lucius rolled his eyes. "One and the same, aren't they?"
"Not at all, because when I first noticed her she was eleven years old at her Sorting Ceremony. I couldn't miss the curly-haired mop that was seated near to Potter, but all I could see were her eyes. And by her eyes, I mean Lily's. I was tasked to protect Harry, but by association it became evident that I had to protect Hermione, and the other dunderhead as well. Of course, from a teaching perspective, she was an insufferable know-it-all who couldn't keep her hand down in class. But as a Potions Master she intrigued me. What twelve year old can successfully brew Polyjuice potion unsupervised?"
He then leant over to whisper in Hermione's ear. "Shame it backfired, but you did have lovely fur," he teased before receiving a swift slap on the arm.
"I will admit that I first noticed her as a young woman at the Yule Ball. Oh, and, by the way, I'm reinstating that."
This statement caused a few raised eyebrows which ordinarily Severus would have snarked at, but he was knocked off stride as Hermione placed her hand on his thigh, and squeezed it supportively. It was then that a sudden realisation hit him―he had Hermione by his side. Yes, she was there in the physical sense, but she was there―beside him―emotionally.
Looking down, Severus stared at the white hand that sat in stark contrast to the black of his trousers, and the faintest trace of a smile appeared on his face. Feeling Hermione's eyes on him, he looked at her only to be rewarded with a soft smile, and he knew that he never wanted to be without that smile.
"Please, stop doing fish impressions. We will, of course, discuss the ball later," Severus resumed in his usual rich drawl. "Of course, Hermione's skills as a witch were unparalleled and I respected and admired her abilities even if she was annoying with them. But with hindsight, I believe she used to annoy me so much because I saw a lot of myself in her."
Hermione was confused by this until Dumbledore provided clarification. "Severus was an insufferable know-it-all too. Your OWL grades are an exact match: the two highest scores in living memory." Then in a loud stage whisper, he said, "And between you and me, his NEWT scores have been unattainable in recent years but, I believe, his record is in danger of falling. I can only imagine that your offspring will be a complete intellectual nightmare to teach," and winked at a deeply blushing Hermione.
Severus snorted. "Give us chance, you mad git, I haven't even asked her to marry me yet."
The impact of what he'd just said did not go unnoticed. The only time Severus had ever mentioned marriage in the past was when he announced that he was never getting married because who would want a bastard like him, and now he was, even if it was in response to quite a loaded comment, considering it.
It was enough to make Minerva's gaze soften because all she wanted for Severus was for him to meet a nice girl, settle down and be a father. Perhaps, despite her reservations, this was the start of that particular journey for Severus, and Hermione, by the looks of things.
"If I might be allowed to continue," Severus growled, trying to divert everyone's attention from what he'd just said, "yes, I respected her abilities as a witch, but on that night, I'm sure I wasn't the only man in that room to notice her, even if in my case, it was just a fleeting recognition."
"Bollocks!" Draco chimed in. "I apologise, Uncle, but you seem to have forgotten that you had me pinned by the throat against the common room wall that night because I made a comment about―sorry 'Mione, but you know what I was like―giving her a taste of pureblood cock. I think your exact words were 'What makes you think you're man enough for her?' I could see it in your eyes. You called us off her; she was off limits, and you took points off us if we upset her unnecessarily."
Severus growled at his godson, but all he could do was sneer as Dumbledore defused the situation.
"We all knew, Severus, and, deep down, so did you, even though you chose to ignore it. Your devotion to Lily blinded you to it. But who were you really protecting?"
Severus looked down and swallowed hard. "I protected Potter for Lily―never doubt my loyalty to Lily and her son―but, looking back, I would never have forgiven myself if anything had happened to Hermione. And it wasn't just because Hermione was Potter's friend―I certainly had no regard for Weasley except as any professor for a student in their charge."
"So you admit that you had feelings for Miss Granger, Severus? But when did those thoughts become of a less than a savoury nature?" Minerva blurted out. As happy as she was that Severus and Hermione seemed to be embarking on a genuine relationship―bond, be damned―she needed to be reassured that Severus' feelings had in no way been of a sexual nature before Hermione was sixteen.
Severus seized upon the opportunity to make his colleague squirm. "Since when has thinking about having sex with someone been less than savoury, Minerva?"
"Well, it isn't, per se, but you were her teacher, she...she was potentially underage, and we cannot get away from the fact that you are now her headmaster, Severus. You have to be above reproach in these matters."
"Point taken, and I can assure you that I was and still am above reproach, my dear," Severus informed her solemnly as he took Hermione's hand in his. "If I am honest, I had to convince myself that I did not care for her. I was harder on her, at least, academically than I was on anyone else, yet I cannot deny that Hermione crossed my mind more than once. But I would never have touched her. I will admit that once she was of age during her sixth year I found it harder to ignore my feelings for her, but I was far too preoccupied to ever, I wouldn't have approached her, except perhaps to have explained my actions.
"But to answer your question, Minerva, it was only after the trial that my thoughts became more...intimate," Severus admitted whilst looking at Hermione, and squeezing her hand.
Addressing Hermione directly, he continued. "The truth was, once I realised that I was falling for you whilst you were on the run, it almost cost you your life. Through the portrait in your bag, I would discover your location and―"
Severus paused to compose himself. "I came to check on you―and Potter, of course―on several occasions. I even had to reset your wards once because they had failed and Snatchers were patrolling the area. And then I nearly gave myself away. You were patrolling the wards late one night, and I'd disillusioned myself. Normally, I would have watched from afar, but you looked so gaunt that I needed to get closer to check on you. I could smell you. It wasn't your perfume―it was just you―and I was so close that I could have reached out to touch you.
"I had to Apparate away before I did anything stupid, but as I arrived back at Hogwarts, I received a summons from Voldemort, and as was his wont, he looked into my mind. I was still reeling from seeing you, and seeing how much weight you'd lost, and I managed to slam the door relating to you shut before he could examine it, but only just. I performed a hurried mind lock to keep that door shut, and threw away the key to keep you safe."
"When was your mind lock released, my boy?" Dumbledore asked quietly.
Severus sighed, unconsciously rubbing the back of his head. "When I was unceremoniously dropped on my head yesterday. When I came round and saw Hermione, it all flooded back. The point was, I knew something was amiss, as my behaviour yesterday may have indicated. But, as you know, Albus, a side effect of a mind lock is a mild dislike of what or whom you are trying to protect. And that was why I was so confused by my growing feelings over the last few months. Something was telling me that I cared for Hermione, but I simply put it down to her saving my life, and tried to ignore it."
Turning to Hermione once again, Severus pressed on. "When Minerva duelled me, I saw you and even though I'd locked you away, something made me open my eyes to you at that moment. I never thought I would see you again. I was ready to die, but I suddenly had this overwhelming regret―well, there were many regrets―but my biggest and most inexplicable regret, at the time, was that I'd never held you. I didn't understand it at the time, and I consoled myself that it was preferable not to have held you rather than never be able to hold you again."
"It is obvious now that your mind lock has been failing slowly for a number of months, dear boy," Dumbledore mused.
Severus blatantly ignored him, and taking Hermione's hand, intertwined their fingers. "And then there you were leaning over me in the Shrieking Shack, and the rest, as they say, is history. I must admit that I do not really remember what occurred at that point, but I do know that after that my feelings for you have built up, and, quite literally, it hit me yesterday how I really feel about you."
Hermione's eyes were filling with tears as she stood up, cupped Severus' face in her hands, and kissed him tenderly, but as Draco so eloquently put it later, it was still hot enough to light a cigarette from.
Dumbledore looked at the couple, his smile beaming at them. "So, my dears, we have established that you both had feelings for each other before the day Hermione saved you and this is, indeed, wonderful news," he stated almost bubbling over with joy.
"With hindsight, yes," Severus agreed, whilst memorising everything about Hermione's face.
"However," Dumbledore continued seriously, "it only eliminates the possibility of this being a life debt, and it is, therefore, more imperative than ever that we establish the true nature of this bond between the two of you. I cannot see that it is Dark or Sex Magic, but we cannot be sure as yet. That being said, I am convinced that the bond is some kind of elemental magic and its goal is simply to bring the two of you together and keep you together for a purpose which still needs to be discovered. I do, however, have some ideas. Now, we will discuss this after lunch. I think we all need a break."
No one was about to disagree when Dumbledore spoke again. "Actually I do have one more question for you, and, please forgive me, Severus, for the impertinence of my question, but did you claim Hermione after Minerva left you both this morning?"
"I beg your pardon?" Severus scowled menacingly.
"It is, I regret, a very valid question."
"No," Severus blustered, "that won't happen until Hermione is completely ready. We have, however, made our initial declaration."
Hermione blushed, recalling the conversation that she and Severus had shared that morning, and how they had made the first declaration, but was snapped out of her thoughts as Dumbledore asked, "Miss Granger, are you aware of the nature of the Declarations of Intent?"
"They are an ancient Pureblood tradition where a wizard declares his intention to claim a witch for his own. It shows that the wizard is serious about their courtship before the physical side of the relationship starts."
"Essentially, that is correct, Hermione," Dumbledore said cheerily, "and I apologise to you also for having to bring up such a personal subject, but there is a reason which I hope will become clearer as my thoughts on the matter are clarified. It is, of course, such a beautiful moment when you first declare 'I am yours and you are mine' isn't it?" he said drifting into a dreamy haze.
"Shut up, Dumbledore, you sentimental old fool," Lucius interrupted, and yet as a key advocate of wizarding traditions, he was pleased to see that Severus was observing them―especially as the dark-haired wizard had had quite a reputation when he was younger. But these days, many younger wizards would stick it in anything that moved―well, so did he, now that he was separated from his wife. But he reasoned that, at forty-four, he could do whatever he wanted with whomever he wanted. However, when it became obvious that the Malfoys and Blacks had arranged their marriage, Lucius had instigated the Declarations of Intent with Narcissa, and―he thought sadly―he would have done the same with Hermione if he'd been given the opportunity.
Lucius considered the couple before him carefully, and Severus knew he was about to give his two knuts' worth. He'd known the blond wizard for too long to know that he needed to feel included.
Sure enough, Lucius drew himself up to his full height and began to speak. "I am delighted to say that my report to the board will state that no acts of impropriety had occurred before yesterday. However, I will require clarification on how you are planning to proceed with your relationship, Severus, whilst Hermione is still a student of this school. That said, I accept that she is of age and is under no obligation to be here. Also, we can argue that she is technically your private apprentice rather than a school apprentice. I will still recommend that Hermione is appointed as Slughorn's replacement in due course. I cannot see any of the romantic fools on the board taking action against two war heroes who are so obviously in love"
Then in an almost tender tone; a tone which showed a side of Lucius that very few knew existed and was reserved solely for those he cared deeply about, he added, "And nor would I want them to."
However, reverting to his usual snide intonation, Lucius advised, "However, I believe, Severus, we should reconsider Hermione's appointment as Head Girl?"
"You can't do that!" Draco protested vehemently. "I don't want some dimwit as my sparring partner."
Severus chewed the inside of his cheek as he considered this, and reluctantly admitted, "I believe you may have a valid point, Lucius. It doesn't often happen, but I will grant you this one. Hermione and I will discuss this privately over lunch."
Having considered Lucius' proposal, Dumbledore suggested, "Perhaps, Severus, you could include Hermione in your planning for the school's future. She is, after all, a recent student who has lived through the war and her perspective could add another dimension to your thoughts. That way, she will still have an active role in the school but not in such a public one."
This incensed the headmaster. "You make it sound as if we should be ashamed of what is happening between us. I will not hide Hermione away just to make everyone's lives easier. If it came to that, then I would―"
"Sev, I don't think that is what the professor meant at all," Hermione interjected, putting her hand on his, "and to be honest, I've been thinking the same thing. When you showed me the plans and your ideas last night, all I wanted to do was get stuck in and help. I know I always take on too much, but even I know that I can't study for my NEWTs and apprenticeship, be Head Girl and support all that you are trying to achieve at the same time. I have ideas of my own, as well, and that is more important to me than being Head Girl. I'd even leave school to do it."
"You can forget about leaving school for a start," Severus spat at her, but then their orbs suddenly appeared from out of nowhere and caught his eye as they danced around on the ceiling. "And what the fuck is all that about?"
Hermione looked up, recalling what Lily's ethereal form had told her about the orbs.
They are drawn to their owner in times of pain and danger but they also rejoice in your relationship.
The orange balls of light had appeared again after she had told Severus that she wanted to assist him with his plans for the school.
Be his everything; take control of his destiny, Lily had said.
The phrase 'The power behind the throne' sprang to mind, and Hermione knew that she had to think about this more before discussing it with Severus.
"I'm not sure, but we can discuss that later. Sev, if I want to leave school, you can't actually stop me," she informed him calmly. "However, I do want to get my NEWTs and become a Potions Mistress. I was offered a job at the Ministry, but I came back here―in hindsight―to be close to you. I'm not about to throw that way."
And with that small declaration, the orbs joined together and disappeared; a sense of calm engulfing the couple.
Severus' tight expression softened, and he sighed deeply. "Alright, we'll discuss this at your place."
Hermione chuckled at the thought of referring to their respective chambers as 'his place' or 'her place' when they could just walk through the wall to each other.
"In that case, I have some calls to make," Lucius advised urgently. "When shall we return to discuss the rest of this issue, Headmasters?"
"Shall we say two thirty, Severus?" Albus enquired of his successor.
"Yes, as long as you don't make any dentist jokes. That would be rather disrespectful to Hermione's parents," Severus drawled, glaring up at Dumbledore's portrait.
The former headmaster chuckled deeply. Severus had never been one to fall for his juvenile jokes, but for the first time in a long time, he noticed that Severus' eyes were sparkling.
As everyone prepared to leave the headmaster's office, Draco offered Minerva his arm, and asked if he could escort her to lunch in the Great Hall, knowing that Severus and Hermione would want to be on their own.
The younger of the two blond wizards smiled at the thought of his godfather being henpecked by his witch, and wondered what would happen when Severus really put his foot down about something. There would be one hell of a row, but from what he'd witnessed of the couple already, he knew it would be followed by one hell of a making-up session. What Draco wouldn't do for front row tickets to both.
Lucius couldn't help but watch the new couple carefully as he fought back pangs of jealousy. Observing their gentle touches whilst they spoke to each other, he recalled how lovely Hermione's skin had felt when he'd helped unzip her dress the previous day. It could have been the start of something rather passionate between them, but he knew she was thinking about another wizard, and as much as he was delighted that his oldest friend seemed happy, Lucius really wished that Severus wasn't the object of Hermione's affections.
However, after all that he had witnessed and heard this morning, he knew that he had missed―what had already been―his very slender chance with Hermione. And as Severus excused both himself and his witch, and led Hermione to the fireplace before disappearing into the green flames, Lucius had one overriding thought: Life is much easier when you're being a bastard.
AN/2: Updated on June 18th 2014
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