To Be Normal | By : Anomalylady Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Slash - Male/Male Views: 21330 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 10 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor it's charaters, nor I do make any money from this work. |
To Be Normal
Chapter 6
-Getting Settled In-
July 31th – Afternoon –
Harry smiled indulgingly as Hermione machine gunned her questions and theories from her spot on his bed. Ron had fled the room the moment she had asked if Harry would menstruate… Harry wished he had joined him because right now it didn’t seem to matter if he was actually there to participate in the conversation.
He knew this barrage of questions was coming the minute he’d sent off his letter the night he’d “come-out” to the Weasley kids but actually living through it was another thing all together. Harry had decided it would be better for his other best friend to hear the news from him rather than the paper, so he’d written the girl a short letter giving her a brief explanation along with the news that he would be staying with the Weasleys for the foreseeable future.
He’d also written a letter to Sirius, hoping that maybe his godfather already knew and would shed some light as to why Harry’s status had been kept secret.
Hermione had sent him a lengthy letter back straight away, three-quarters of the page had been filled with the questions she was currently firing away, while the first part had been a very heartfelt confirmation of her friendship, respect and love.
Sirius’ response however had only just arrived yesterday -via a large blue parrot- and while Sirius had not known the truth, he was very excepting of Harry. In fact, Sirius had explained to Harry that unusual conditions were common in the Black family; his baby cousin was a metamorphmagus and thus could shift her appearance at will in all sorts of fashions. Harry had cringed in pity at the girl’s name. What was it with purebloods giving their children strange names?
Sirius had also given his approval of the Weasleys being in charge of Harry’s care. Apparently Sirius had known the Weasley parents fairly well before his imprisonment and had shared a kinship with Arthur over their love of all things Muggle.
“Harry? Are you listening?” Hermione’s voice cut Harry’s thoughts short.
He blinked, trying to remember when exactly he’d stopped listening. The girl’s exasperated expression told him it must have been a while ago. “Sorry Hermione, it’s just… Well you were doing such a fine job holding the conversation all by yourself.” He gave her a crooked smile while she huffed and sat back on the bed.
“Sorry… It’s just, I couldn’t find very much at the Muggle library and my parents didn’t have the time to take me to the Alley…” She lamented.
Harry rose from his chair and joined her on the bed. “It’s alright, besides I think you probably know more about me than I do… Actually you always have.”
“It’s not my fault you can’t be bothered to get the books on the list I sent you. You’ve been here for a month surely Mrs. Weasley could have taken you?”
“And get mobbed again… I don’t need another article in the Prophet detailing my personal life, no matter how wrong they are…” Harry scowled and tried to push the dark thoughts away.
“It was awful wasn’t it? Are the letters still coming?” Hermione asked as she laid a comforting hand on Harry’s shoulder.
“Yeah it really was, and the letters are coming in only every other day now but I don’t read them anymore… Fred and George have taken over ‘mail duty’ so I don’t have to look at them. Actually I think they’ve been sending pranks back…” Harry’s smile grew as he thought about the twins. The strangeness between himself and George was almost gone and in its stead there now was a subtle protectiveness from both twins. Whatever had changed, Harry was glad for it.
“You’re still crushing on them aren’t you?” Hermione whispered.
Harry’s head spun so fast his neck cracked, he gapped openly. “I- I- I have no idea what you’re talking Hermione!” If his voice squeaked neither of them said anything about it, instead his best friend simply looked at him imperiously.
“Honestly Harry, surely by now you’ve realised that though Ron may be completely clueless about things like emotions, I on the other hand have never missed a thing.” The girl declared all too proudly.
Harry groaned. “Am that obvious?” The fear lacing his words.
“Oh Harry,” Hermione leaned in closer and hugged him tightly. “When are you going to learn that the magical world has different kinds of prejudices from the Muggle world? No one here cares that you’re gay, even if they don’t know.” She smiled reassuringly. “And no, you’re not obvious at all. Like you said I know you better than you know yourself, right?”
Harry snorted and they shared a long laugh until there was a knock on the door and Ron poked his head through; looking both apprehensive and curious. “Is it safe to come back yet?”
Laughter echoed throughout the Burrow.
July 31st –Evening-
“Good night Harry!” The twins shouted from down the hall before disappearing into their room. He smiled, his hand still raised in a parting wave. Harry didn’t doubt he had a dopey smile on his face.
“Good night Harry, hope you liked your birthday?” Ginny’s soft tone drifted from her door. To Harry’s relief the girl had seemed to have gotten over her crush on him and now treated him like a brother. Actually more like a brother she actually liked.
“It was the best birthday I’ve ever had Ginny. And thank you for the gift, you’re getting really good.”
The younger girl grinned widely. “You’re very welcome, I had fun making it. I think I might make a whole Quidditch set and spell them to actually work once we get to school.”
“That’s a great idea Ginny; I think it’d be brilliant.” Harry pulled the knitted snitch with his initials stitched on the front out of his pocket. It was a true replica of a snitch, if you ignored the fact that it was made of yarn. “Talking about Quidditch, can you believe your dad was able to get those tickets to the World Cup! I still can’t believe we actually get to go.”
The previously sleepy girl now rushed towards in excitement, trying to bounce quietly. It was very late and everyone else had gone to bed. “I can’t believe he managed to keep it a secret for as long as he did, dad is horrible at keeping secrets.” Her grin grew even wider. “I’m so happy Charlie and Bill are going too! I know you’ve met Charlie already but you’ll love Bill.”
Harry paused for a moment. “Ginny, how did you know I’ve met Charlie?” He asked genuinely curious and then worried that Molly would find out about the ‘Norbert Incident’.
Ginny snorted. “I’m Charlie’s favorite, he tells me everything ‘cause he knows I won’t tell anyone or use it against him. By the way, it’s Norbertta now.” She giggled when Harry gave her a confused look.
“Wha?” There was a longer pause as Harry’s tired brain tried to work out what his friend was trying to get at. “Wait you mean…” Harry chuckled. “We should really tell Hagrid once term begins.”
Ginny smiled and nodded in agreement. “Well good night Harry.” She turned back to her room all the while dancing and singing ‘I’m going to the World Cup’.
Harry shook his head at the girl’s antics but admittedly he was just as excited. “Good night Ginny.” He walked to his room and once the door clicked shut behind him, he did a dance of his own all the way to his bed.
August 20th – Too early in the morning-
Harry groaned as a ray of morning sun shone through a crack in his window shade and right into his eyes. He rolled onto his side attempting to burrow himself deeper in his quilt. He was sure it was much too early to be awake since the house was still quiet and he couldn’t smell any of the breakfast type smells he’d gotten used to waking up too since he’d moved in with the Weasleys.
As he tried to relax and hopefully drift back to sleep, he was struck with a sudden need, a need that had plagued man kind since the dawn of time when one is warm and trying to sleep; to pee or not to pee. He squirmed at first, then tried lying completely still but now he was simply more aware of the need to go than before.
A few tortuous minutes passed before he finally cursed loudly and grudgingly crawled out of bed. He pulled his glasses on and found the slippers Molly had knitted him for his birthday. He didn’t bother changing out of his sleeping tank and cotton shorts, the need to go was quickly becoming a non-option and everyone was still asleep anyway.
Harry shuffled out into the corridor, suddenly thankful that the bathroom was right next to his room. Still groggy from sleep he never noticed the bathroom door open and walked right into the person exiting it.
Harry’s sleepy state vanished the instant his face made contact with a very naked chest. He stared up wordlessly horrified at his blunder and felt the heat rise up to his cheeks.
It was one of twins…
He looked at the older boy’s face, spotting the small mole on the right ear. Smiling inwardly he greeted the twin after backing away slightly, shamefully regretting no longer being in contact with the amazing expanse of muscled flesh.
“Morning Fred.” Sounding as casual and unaffected as he could, “Sorry I didn’t see you there, I was just… Well you know.” Harry scratched at the back of his head in an awkward and nervous gesture causing the shoulder strap of his top to slip down.
Fred chuckled. It was one of Harry’s favorite sounds.
“Morning Harry, no worries. It’s all yours.” Fred moved aside theatrically then stopped mid step. “Hold on Harry, how do you keep doing that? You always seem to know which one of us is which?” At first George and he thought it was just a fluke but so far Harry had never been wrong. Even their own mother mixed them up on occasion; it was skill they were rather proud of. His eyes then lingered on the younger teen’s form.
Fred had gotten used to Harry wearing more form fitting clothes over the last month but Harry never really showed much skin. The stripy tank now hung off of one slim shoulder, showing off the teen’s neck and collar bone –something Fred hadn’t thought could be sexy until now- and Harry’s breasts, though still small had grown a fair amount as well.
He’s not wearing a bra… Fred realised as his gaze drifted south, passed the loose cotton shorts and onto smooth and surprisingly muscular thighs. He groaned and the thought of those thighs wrapped around him. No wonder George had been losing his mind that first week.
“Um, Fred? Are you okay?” Harry stepped forward, hesitantly reaching for Fred’s shoulder but stopped when he heard a small groan from the redhead. “Fred?” He asked again but pulled his hand back, suddenly very aware of his state of dress, or lack thereof. He noticed those amazing blue eyes glued to his exposed legs. Merlin! Is he checking me out? Holy shite he really is! Harry’s blush deepened and his heart seemed to thud louder in his chest. Hope blooming dangerously in the back of his mind.
“Oh right, sorry, just um thinking about how you’re the only one who seems to be able to tell us apart…” Fred tried to explain away, actually embarrassed at being caught starring. And if the massive blush on Harry’s face said anything, it was that he’d gotten caught.
Harry snorted out loud. That was the lamest excuse he’d ever heard. “No, you were starring.” Calling Fred out and surprising himself a little but he’d always lacked a mouth filter so maybe not so surprising. He started to fidget as Fred smiled crookedly. Why did it have to be that smile? He always melted inside at that smile.
“Does it bother you?” It was unexpected question and Harry wasn’t sure why Fred was asking.
Harry straightened up, his need for the bathroom forgotten. “It depends on why you’re doing it I guess.” It was an honest reply though he dreaded the possible answer. As much as he liked Fred and George and their increased protective streak, he still wanted them to see him as person. Anything else would hurt more than he wanted to imagine.
“Tell me how you can tell us apart first.” The twin grinned playfully.
Harry rolled his eyes, typical, he stepped in closer, almost as close as he had been when he’d crashed into Fred a few minutes ago. His nerves were coming back and his stomach tightened; he was more exposed than he’d ever been and Fred was only wearing a pair of loose plaid sleeping trousers. Said trousers were barely clinging to Fred’s narrow hips and Harry swallowed dryly.
He reached up, ignoring the fact that his hand was shaking lightly. He used his index and quickly tapped Fred’s right earlobe. “You have a mole there… George’s is on the left.” Harry pulled his hand back feeling even more self-conscious and tried to look anywhere but at the naked torso in front of him. He clasped his hands together to keep himself from reaching out.
“Really?” Fred asked in surprised, he couldn’t believe he and George had never noticed. Actually, no one had ever noticed except for Harry. He felt his excitement build, maybe it was a sign that the attraction wasn’t one sided. “Thank you Harry, no one’s ever bothered to look for the difference between George and I.”
Harry smiled happily at the sincerity in Fred’s voice, though he did wonder why no one else noticed… He’d figured it out in second year before he’d even realised he was attracted to the pair. “I figured it out years ago but your welcome I guess.” Harry glanced up through his fringe, “You going to answer my question now?” He asked flippantly and got an amused snort from the redhead.
“Because your fit Harry.” Fred took the step to close the gap between them, his left hand reaching to gently slip the fallen strap back onto Harry’s shoulder and then let his fingers linger longer than necessary. “Is that alright?” He asked quietly. He’d never been shy about it when he liked someone -neither was George- and it didn’t matter if it was a girl or a bloke, George had even had a few encounters with some Muggles.
To Fred, Harry was different though. It wasn’t about all that boy-who-lived nonsense or the fact that he was some rare magical being with a nice set of tits. Harry was Ron’s best friend and their parents had taken him in as one of their own. It complicated things a lot. But most of all, Harry had grown to be more than just a physically attractive person; he was special to both George and himself and he didn’t want to fuck it up.
Harry’s brain seemed to have stalled; he wanted to shout yes, yes to Fred looking at him like he was the most beautiful person on the planet, yes to Fred bringing their bodies closer together and most of all yes to the gentleness and warmth of the hand on his shoulder. His breathing was speeding up, his palms were sweaty and he wasn’t sure if he was going to run away or throw himself at the redhead.
The black haired teen did what he usually did in uncertain situations; jumped in blindly with both feet. He closed his eyes shut, pushed himself onto the tip of his toes and kissed Fred square on the lips. They stood there frozen, lips pressed together until finally Harry opened his eyes and pulled back. He started to stumble, suddenly feeling lightheaded but Fred caught him and pulled him in close.
“I’ll take that as yes then?” Fred asked with a large grin.
Harry returned the grin, he was so happy he could burst. “Yeah.” It came out a bit breathless but Harry was leaning in for another kiss and couldn’t have cared less in that moment. He didn’t care about sounding like a schoolgirl or about the dopey smiles on their faces. He’d just had his first kiss, with Fred Weasley, and it had been brilliant. He was going to have another one right now. Harry felt Fred’s arms circle around his waist has the shared another kiss, this one slow and their lips moved. It was even more brilliant than the first one.
A not-so-quiet cough startled the pair, Fred hands which had been rubbing slow circles over Harry’s back froze and both teens looked towards the stairs where the noise had come from.
“Bill!” Fred called out and grudgingly let go of Harry but was happily surprised when the younger teen stayed close enough that their arms were still touching. “You’re early, how- how long have you been there?”
Bill Weasley stood at the top of landing, seemingly unbothered by the scene before him while a large grin pulled at his lips revealing a set of dimples. Harry was surprised by the man’s calm demeanor and rock band style, by Ron’s accounts of his eldest brother Harry had pictured an older version of Percy.
“I arrived early, didn’t think anyone would be up yet but I figured you wouldn’t want mum catching you snogging in the corridor.” Bill walked closer to the pair and chuckled at their mortified expression. “Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone, that’s up to you two. You must be Harry, William Weasley, it’s a pleasure.”
“Thank you, it’s nice to meet you as well.” Harry smiled up at the man before looking down when he felt Fred’s fingers tangle in between his own, his smile widened.
Author's Note:
I'm sorry for the delay, been very busy and I actually rewrote this chapter several times. I tried to write the prophet article rita style and just couldn't get it right. If someone wants to give it the old college try, you're welcomed to do so and send it to me, if I like it a may use it and credit the author. I'm also thinking of turning this into a crossover, thoughts, suggestions and requests are welcome. Hope ya'll liked it.
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