Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
Unbeta’d, all mistakes and lousy grammar are mine. ccino
CH 70 The Press
“Yeah? Well who made it possible for me to do all those things? Who brought me here in the first place so I could? Who Bound me to them so I could let go of that power? Who cared enough to risk his life so WE could do what we did? Tell me now you don’t deserve a medal Severus, and if you do, I’ll call you a liar. You know what? All I care is that you …we, came out of this alive, nothing I did was for the wizarding world Severus. What I did, I did because I love you. What we did we did together, is it wrong for me to want to hang on to that for a while longer? This way people will say, ’Look, that’s the couple that rid us of Voldemort.’ Instead of pointing at me, they’ll point at us. I‘m scared Severus, scared you‘ll grow apart from me, scared because you might find someone else, scared you might decide you want children. It‘s only been a couple of days and it‘s so hard being apart from you. The only time I‘ll see you out of class is when I get punished,”
Severus stared at his wife. The fact she’d just lost her temper and dared to shout at him was amazing in itself, and threatened to call him a liar to boot, that she’d not let loose her magic as she did so was testament to her control over her power. And more than anything, through it all, she loved him and wasn’t afraid to tell him.
“Lou I am never going to want anyone else, you are the one I love, the one I will always love. I do not deny that children would have been nice someday, but they are secondary to you, have I not already stressed that? I will wait as long as it takes until you are ready Lou and no, do not tell me you are ready now, you only think you are. Your time, our time will come when we can be together as we should be. Until then, I shall be at your side when dealing with the Ministry and the press, other than that, we stick to what we planned. We do not wish to invite difficult questions from the Ministry, they do dig deeply when it suits them.”
Lou had an idea, at fifteen she hadn’t a clue when it came to the subtle art of seduction. Still, after their last week of Binding she’d learned well what Severus liked and intended to use that knowledge from now on. She quickly put the idea from her mind before Severus decided to listen in on her thoughts, knowing she’d have to be very careful from now on.
“What are you up to?” Severus asked her, his eyes narrowed thoughtfully.
“Don’t know what you mean.” She answered innocently.
“Yes you do wife so tell me now before I have to resort to drastic measures and find out for myself.”
“That’s the bell for lunch Professor, don’t you think we should show our faces, people might talk otherwise.”
He growled. ’So, you think you will get away with it that easily do you? Well you are mistaken.’ He thought, his eyes still narrowed as he studied her. Lou never looked innocent, even when she was, her face was too expressive not to give her away when she was plotting something and he intended to find out what it was.
Removing the silencing spell and lowering the wards, he let her go, waiting for a few minutes before exiting himself.
Lou went straight to the Slytherin common room to wait for her friends, only to find Malfoy sitting sulking on the sofa.
“Hi Drucilla, you waiting for your friends?” She asked pleasantly. “I bet Crabbe and Goyle will love helping you adjust to your new life, oh and Blaize, he’s sure to want help initiate you into the ways of pleasing a man. You‘ll be well suited to each other, you do have such similar tastes after all.” Lou was unable to resist tormenting Malfoy, she still wanted payback for all the things he’d done to her.
“Fuck off bitch before I give you another thump.”
“Ooh, I’m really scared, I don’t think. You know what I can do Malfoy so don’t push your luck with me any more, otherwise I might not let you keep your pretty looks.” Lou threatened. She’d had no intention of doing anything more to her, but she still wanted a bit more payback for all the times he’d tormented her.
“You stay away from me you …you …I’ll tell my father.”
“Go ahead, run to daddy, though I’m not sure what you think he’ll do about it. You heard him make that oath, paybacks a bitch isn’t it.” Lou gave him a cheesy grin and sat down to wait for Stacey and the others.
Drucilla didn’t say a word. Students were starting to enter the common room and she was too worried now about the reaction of her friends when they discovered she would never be Draco again.
“Lou, where have you been all morning?”
Lou and her friends headed for lunch as she told them some of what the Minister for Magic had to say and what a useless buffoon she thought he was. Today though the gossip wasn’t centred around Lou or Lou and the Professor. Instead everyone was curious about the new Slytherin, Drucilla Malfoy. Apparently she was a distant cousin of Draco’s and had transferred here from Beaubaxtons, whilst Draco was now at Durmstrang. The few who knew the real truth were under oath not to reveal the truth.
That afternoon Lou, Severus and the Headmaster remained in the Great Hall as scores of reporters and photographers were admitted.
They were only permitted to enter on condition that questions were asked in a polite and civil manner. No personal question were to be asked, only enquiries about Voldemort’s downfall.
Firstly the Headmaster gave a brief outline of what the Minister had already been told.
“Rita Skeeter, Daily Prophet. Tell me Madam Snape, who actually fired the final killing curse?”
“It was a joint effort ma’am.” Lou replied.
“Really. So you both cursed him at the same time?”
“You are cognisant of the term joint effort I take it.” Severus said scowling. “Next.”
“Miss Taken, Every Witch and Wizard. Tell me Madam Snape, when did you realise that you and your -- husband were to be the ones that would finally kill He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named?”
“If you mean Voldemort, we didn’t really know, not for sure. Voldemort wanted my money and decided the best way to get it was for Professor Snape to marry me, thinking my husband would then have control of my vaults.”
“So it was not a love match then? How sad, how do you feel about being forced to marry at such a young age, especially with no prospects of a loving relationship?”
Lou turned to look at Severus, unable to answer the question herself.
“Miss Taken.“ He said, glaring thunderously at the woman. “The relationship between my wife and I is not a subject for discussion. Suffice it to say that we shall continue with a student-Professor relationship for the duration of her education. Next” He demanded.
“Michael Lovegood, Quibbler magazine. Tell me Professor, is it true that you have been a spy for the Ministry for the last fifteen years or so?”
“It is.”
“Yet they offered no assistance whatsoever, even when you insisted that He had returned?”
“Also correct Mr Lovegood.”
I understand you and your wife are to be awarded the Order of Merlin, first class. Is that correct?”
“It is.”
“And how do both feel about that Professor?”
“We shall accept of course. However, we are accepting on behalf of the many witches and wizards who played equally important roles leading up to the fall of the Dark Lord.”
“Thank you Professor, I appreciate your time.”
There were questions from Witch Weekly, Best Broomstick, Quiddich Monthly and several others. Unfortunately once the details of Voldemort’s end were out, many of the reporters were far too interested in Lou and Severus’ Binding and their subsequent relationship. Particularly the seven days before and after the ceremony. They’d done their research and wanted to know if the couple had actually abided by all the rules.
Eventually things became chaotic, angering Severus and upsetting Lou to the stage where her magic began to manifest itself in the form of small balls of fire that flew from her fingers and rocketed round the room. This served to turn the chaos into pandemonium and Severus knew he needed to get Lou out of there fast.
At a nod from the Headmaster, and thankful that he was immune from being harmed by her powers now, he wrapped a greatly distressed Lou in his cape and led her through the teachers entrance, away from the constant questions, shouting and camera flashes.
The few brave ones who dared to try and follow the couple suddenly found themselves under the pertrificus Totalis spell, each hitting the floor with a thud.
“Lou calm down now, take control again.” Severus told her harshly.
Lou did so, and quickly once she realised they were away from the glare of the cameras.
“I’m never doing that again. I hate reporters, all those questions, personal questions. They’ve no right to ask things like that.” She told him, wiping her eyes and sniffing.
“They were warned before the interview began, unfortunately it is the nature of reporters to glean every bit of information they can. The aurors are here now, let them deal with them. Come on, I shall escort you to your rooms.”
Leading her through a corridor she’d never seen before, they emerged at the entrance to the dungeon corridor without being apprehended by the horde of newspaper and magazine crews that now crowded the main entrance.
“Will you be alright, or would you prefer I give you a calming draught?”
“No I’ll be fine thanks. Is it alright if I miss supper tonight though? I still haven’t seen Laina and I’d like to cook for myself. Cooking always helps calm me down a bit. Please Professor.”
“Very well, considering it has been a somewhat trying day for both of us I shall allow it. Tomorrow you will resume classes and eat in the Hall as normal.”
Lou thanked him and entered her rooms, she was glad to be away from the hall and just wanted to flop on the sofa.
She thought about the last couple of days, Malfoy, the Minister, the hospital wing and then the press. “Well it’s old news now Lou.” She told herself and smiled. “And you’ve got other fish to fry.”
Making her way to the kitchen she rooted through the cupboards and cooler trying to decide what to make. The rest of the afternoon was spent baking cakes and buns, everything sweet and sticky she could think of. By the time she was done she had no idea what to do with it all. She called Kreatcher and asked him to distribute it all between the four house common rooms after supper and not say where it came from.
“Apart from this one. Will you make sure Professor Snape gets this for dessert, it’s his favourite.”
Kreatcher said he would and Lou placed the chocolate soufflé in the cooler ready for Kreatcher to deliver later.
Severus was surprised and delighted when he received chocolate soufflé for dessert in the Great Hall while everyone else was having treacle tart. As soon as he tasted it he knew it was one of Lou’s, the elves still could not make a decent soufflé.
Fillius, Minerva and several other staff members wondered at the special treat he was getting, only Albus knowing the truth.
“That’s a very large soufflé for one Severus.” Fillius said hopefully.
“It is isn’t it? Still, I am sure I shall manage.” he answered, determined not to share.
His colleagues were not too impressed when he did just that and had they known how sick he’d made himself feel by being such a glutton, they would have thought it served him right.
As soon as he reached his rooms, Severus removed his now overly tight trousers, cursing Lou for making the soufflé, rather than himself for being so damned greedy with it.
At six o’clock, Pegnose arrived with Laina and Lou was overwhelmed with the little elfin.
At eight inch long, her ears were already as big as Pegs, she still hadn’t got her teeth yet her claws were long and sharp. Her orange eyes were as big as saucers and she cooed and burbled none stop.
As soon as Peg passed Lou the tiny bundle, Lou was smitten. “Oh Peg she’s beautiful. I’ve never seen such a cute baby. She fussed and crooned over Laina for the next half hour until Peg said the elfin should be in bed.
She reluctantly passed the gurgling creature back to her mum and said goodnight, all the time feeling a sense of loss that she’d never have one of her own.
In his rooms Severus heard her thoughts, wishing there was something he could do to comfort her. He knew however that if he went to her now, there was no way he would leave before morning.
Lou meanwhile tried not to think about babies and picked up a catalogue Anna had left with her at the weekend. It was similar to the muggle mail order catalogues Mrs Collins would use, only this one was full of wizarding clothing and items.
There were a few muggle electrical items in the later pages, but they were very outdated and no use to Lou since they all worked off batteries or electricity.
She did however find a wizarding sound system that included a radio that picked up wizard and muggle networks. It also incorporated a recording structure so the user could either record what they were listening to, or record independently of the radio. It came complete with a full complement of spells that could alter whatever was recorded, as well as removing the voice from any song, leaving only the music behind. She filled out the form, entered her details for the correct amount of Galleons to be paid from her Gringotts account and sent it off immediately with Validus. The catalogue promised delivery in three days so Lou figured it should arrive either Thursday evening or sometime Friday. She hoped Thursday. She also wrote to Madam Malkin, explaining about the upcoming celebration on Saturday evening and please could she make her a nice gown for the occasion. That last one the woman made for her was beautiful and Lou trusted her to get it right a second time.
She received a reply the following day from Madam Malkin saying that she’d be honoured to make the gown. Madam Malkin would come to Hogwarts personally with the gown on Saturday afternoon to deliver the gown and make any necessary adjustments.
When Severus retired to bed that evening he was plagued with thoughts of Lou using her mouth on him.
In her mind she was licking his cock like a lollypop, then she’d suck on it and lick it some more.
He had no idea she was doing it intentionally, but he could not block her thoughts and images they were so strong. So strong in fact he’d barely put his hand round his member before he ejaculated.
He was still gasping with the intensity of his orgasm as he fell asleep.
The same thing happened on Tuesday and Wednesday night.
‘What the bloody hell is she playing at?’ He wondered, knowing full well now that this was no mere coincidence. The sly looks she would give him each morning at breakfast made that perfectly clear. The trouble was, she could now do Occlumency, she’d been practicing harder than ever since returning to Hogwarts.
If he decided to do all out Legillimens on her she knew she didn’t stand much of a chance against him without actually shifting, but she had her plan and intended to see it through.
Lou was elated when her order arrived just after classes on Thursday and couldn’t wait to set it up in her rooms.
When Severus first heard music thumping through the wall that divided their rooms, he headed straight for the adjoining door, only to find it gone.
“What the …” He grumbled, making his way into the dungeon corridor and hammering on the coiled serpent. The snake hissed and tried to strike him. Luckily Severus instincts were lightning quick and it’s fangs did not get a chance to make contact. After ten minutes of not getting a response, he tried lowering the wards, and found he could not.
He went back to his own rooms and hollered for Kreatcher.
“What happened to the door?” He demanded as soon as the elf appeared.
“Madam Lou is ordering it to be removed Sir. She is adding wards so its not being put back. Is putting her own wards on the other door too. Old Nilsen family wards. Kreatcher not knowing them.”
“Fine, fine. Then go tell her to get in here now, I refuse to listen to that infernal racket all evening.”
Lou entered Severus’ office warily. Kreatcher told her the Professor was in a bad mood over the doors and her music.
“Have you not heard of a silencing spell?” He bellowed as soon as she closed the door.
“Sorry, I didn’t realise it was so loud. I’ll use one from now on.”
“Too right you will, now perhaps you would care to explain why my personal access to your rooms has been removed.” he said frowning.
“You said we wouldn’t be seeing each other except for classes, so I didn’t see the point in keeping it.” Lou told him more arrogantly than she felt.
“Did you indeed? Tell me, who gave you permission to do so?”
“Erm …no one, but it wasn’t serving any purpose. Anyway, at least without a door you know I wont be sneaking in your rooms I thought you would be pleased.” She told him as innocently as she could.
“Is that so? Then explain the wards you have on your outer door, I do not appreciate almost having my hand bitten off by that damned snake.” He growled.
“You told me to put my own wards up, so I did. I didn’t know you wouldn’t be able to break them.”
“I did not say I could not break them, however I suggest you write them down and leave them with me, should an emergency occur I do not wish to waste my time doing so. I also recall telling you that staff are to have access to student quarters at all times.” He told her as he pressed parchment and a quill into her hands. “The wards.”
Lou wrote them down and passed the parchment back. “Is that everything Sir?” She asked, wanting to get away.
“No it is not, sit down. Now tell me what you are up to.”
“Up to? I’m not up to anything.”
“Yes you are.” He hissed, leaning into her face. “You are purposely sending those thoughts my way each night. Why?”
Lou’s blush was natural though she struggled to keep an honest expression as she told him she wasn’t. “I can’t help it, honest, they just sort of …happen.”
“I do not believe you. Look at me.”
“Legillimens.” He shouted as soon as their eyes met.
Even though she tried to block him, it was only a second before she felt him slipping into her mind and she shifted immediately.
“Lou, stop that right now.” He demanded. “If I wanted a new chair it would not be maroon and gold. Change back.”
“Fine, you stop trying to pry into my head then.” She chided. “I already told you I can’t help my thoughts, you should believe me. You’re always doing it and it’s not fair.”
“I shall decide what is fair and what is not, tell me what you are planning and I may give you a reprieve.”
“I’m not planning anything.”
“I will find out eventually, you know that don’t you.” It was a statement, not a question. “In the meantime, I would appreciate it if you would curtail your imagination when you go to bed of an evening. You may go.”
She smile widely once she was back safely in her own room. Once the silencing spells were up she turned the music back on, loud.
That night in bed she resumed her fantasy of licking Severus’ cock in the way he liked. ‘Lollypop, lollypop.’ She thought.
Severus groaned as she came through loud and clear. If her fantasy wasn’t so damned sexy he would have blocked her. ’She knows how much I enjoy this the little minx.’
Friday evening was no different, in fact she woke him up twice during the night with the same fantasy, chanting lollypop as she licked him.
‘Gods she’ll be the death of me.’ he mused as he came for the third time that night.
Everyone was excited on Saturday. There was to be a huge celebration in the Great Hall. Severus and Lou would receive their Order of Merlin’s first class and the party would begin.
Lou had spent all week building up the courage to carry out her plan for this evening. She’d get some of her own back on Severus for punishing her for thinking curses, and hopefully along the way he’d realise what he was missing.
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