There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries. Happy Belated Birthday to brissygirl. ;) I couldn't finish in time for your bday, but best wishes just the same. Enjoy!
NOTE: The spoilers for the Weasley twins are still TRUE. They will both be dragels. I just didn't say HOW or WHEN I would make it happen. ;)
RECAP: Theo, Harry and Charlie are finally fully bonded. Harry's Empath instincts override him for a bit, but he is able to bring them under control. Harry has some time to think and remember about the school semester and unravels a memory charm that Hermione had cast during the school session. He does not tell Theo, but resolves to go and see her straightaway. Bahn Deveraine sends Harry a brunch invitation for a beach party with his original circle Bonded and his children. Harry accepts. In the meantime, Jun's empath nature is disgusted by what it reads off of Ron and refuses to turn him to either dragel or torvak. She leaves instructions for a potion, then prepares to leave with George.
When Bahn's half of the Deveraine Circle came into view, Harry felt his breath catch in his throat. If he'd thought that Bahn was fairly good-looking, then it appeared to be something he valued in his Bonded. Nearly every dragel walking up the beach towards them were dressed in variations of white, with pale-silvery blonde hair and creamy, unmarked skin. There was nothing out of place and plenty of sparkle and shimmer to be seen, even at a distance. A few of them held young children balanced on one hip, while Bahn himself, cradled a small, well-wrapped bundle to his shoulder, a protective hand resting along the back of it.
They were dressed in various styles of swimwear, variations of white and silver though two things were painfully obvious at once. They were all women, with the exception of one. The second was the hair. Various braids and loops and twists held together knee-length tresses, even on the single male dragel as the Circle slowly approached. They walked in some unspoken rhythm, each step precise and unfaltering, the heads turning and mouths moving as they spoke amongst themselves. It was perfection in motion.
Harry swallowed hard. He had mostly been prepared for nearly anything, but there were some surprises that were simply too…surprising. He made a sound in his throat and hurriedly swallowed it back down. Just because they were all women did not mean that they couldn't all have a wonderful time.
Theo looked at him, a flicker of worry shuttering through his golden eyes. "Harry?" He tested.
"Er," Harry answered, intelligently. He tried and failed to piece together a coherent string of words. He'd never had much success with women of any kind, specifically if he would remember Cho and the past year and things that did not quite work out. He shifted uneasily, because remembering Cho, brought back memories of Ginny—who had stated she'd been dating Dean Thomas at the end of the last school year. Yet, when he'd visited The Burrow this year, Dean had seemed to spend more time with Seamus and Ginny had latched onto him again.
Granted, he'd been able to make his feelings mostly clear in terms of romantic feelings, but Ginny was a Weasley and Weasleys were a stubborn lot. His mind reminded him of her constant scent during the interrupted school session and he welcomed the relief that coursed through him. The female form had since been decidedly unappealing to him since. It was too much of what he didn't want, but hadn't realized until he'd held Theo in his arms and been held by the Slytherin in turn.
Then again, Theo was nearly liquid seduction, as far as Harry was concerned. His Alpha was an experienced and attentive lover. He had no disillusions that if he hadn't exactly been Theo-oriented, a single night—no, a single hour—would have convinced him. She hadn't treated him any differently than she usually did after the first transfer of her affections to Dean, so he'd counted it as a victory. He wondered how she was doing now, with his thoughts flickering to the Weasley family in general.
He didn't remember much from screaming for Charlie when the Death Eater had thrown that spell. He had a vague memory of throwing out his magic with such anger and despair that he'd felt the earth shift beneath him. He'd called for Theo and had passed out before his Alpha had returned. Then of course, he'd wakened and Ilsa and Aracle had been there. Harry sifted through his thoughts with more patience than he'd originally expected.
He did wonder if Aracle would be present, but considering the last time he'd seen the kind Rhyeo had been in Bhindi's presence, he wasn't keen to repeat the experience. He'd much rather meet Bahn's circle without any of his twin's particular brand of vitriol. Ilsa would surely be present and Harry had a feeling a meeting between those two would be explosive. He definitely did not want to be present when it happened.
Theo waited a moment longer, but when no answer was forthcoming, he looked from Harry to Charlie, before following their line of sight. His brow furrowed, apparently missing what they were both seeing. "Charlie?" He tried this time. He was mildly relieved to see that Bahn was bringing his original circle and not anyone from Bhindi's or Bhindi, herself. Not that he expected the elfin-dragel to do so, Bahn was surprisingly perceptive the few times they'd met and interacted. Theo wouldn't put it past the older Submissive to have slapped leashes on each of his respective Bonded for the afternoon. He'd simply have to wait and see how it went. The few times he'd had the rare pleasure of meeting the Deveraine circle had always been—intense. He could understand if the mere sight was unsettling, but he thought they were managing well enough for the moment. Ilsa had always taken care to keep him apart from the others, worried that her own strained relations would affect him, so he'd only befriended three of them.
Harry had a faint look of envy on his face and Theo stored it away for future question. He could understand the reaction upon seeing a circle such as Bahn's in such perfect harmony, but only time and experience would allow them to move with the same graceful ease as the group traipsing across the sandy shores towards them.
"Bahn has a…lovely circle." Charlie managed at last. "a very…curvy circle." A faint flush of pink dusted over his tanned face, barely noticeable against the darker skin, but there nonetheless. Harry was definitely his heart's desire, but that did not mean he didn't hold a healthy appreciation for a beauty in any form and gender. Bahn's circle was pure, undiluted loveliness. He hoped they were friendly and polite—especially to Harry.
A wide grin broke out on Theo's face as he finally made the connection. He hadn't even considered that. It hadn't even crossed his mind. "Ah, that." He was hard-pressed not to laugh outright, remembering that his own reaction to Bahn's elfin beauties had been rather similar when Ilsa had first introduced them. Elves, like Fae, were quite wonderful creatures to admire. "I suppose I should explain that Bahn is very, ah, traditional." He winked, understanding what neither of his tongue-tied Bonded could properly articulate.
One blonde tossed her head, pale, plaited hair streaming out behind her as she leaned just out of reach of the small grabbing hands from the child cradled in her arms. Her laughter floated through the air, musical and light. A string of Elvish accompanied it, followed by another round of laughter from her companions.
Theo hadn't thought to warn them, simply because it hadn't occurred to him that they would need warning. "I didn't think I had to mention it, but they are rather…lovely. Aren't they?" Neither Bonded answered. Theo pressed his lips together for a moment, then took pity on them. "Most Battle Elves from the Air Clans are. In spite of it, you will find they are quite normal. The physical beauty is a bit alluring at first, but you will not notice it after a time. They do not notice their own vanity among each other—only when in public or among their fellow Elves."
"Battle Elves?" Harry's head snapped 'round to stare at Theo. He hadn't even heard the rest of it. "Battle Elves?" He repeated as if daring Theo to repeat that and further skew the equation in his mind. Surely those lovely, light creatures couldn't possibly be the lethal, wicked bunch that DADA had warned of. DADA had taught very strict, specific sections in the curriculum in handling dark elves, enraged elves and elven sorcerers. Battle Elves were a classification all on their own. Harry swallowed. Then again, they hadn't really had the chance to properly study them, but now, he could understand the danger. If something that lovely flew into a pure rage, he could imagine it would be significantly terrible.
A smattering of goosebumps rippled over his arms and Harry deliberately shrugged them off. There was absolutely nothing to be afraid of—how many times had he been judged on his celebrity past, rather than his true personality? He would definitely allow them the same chance he'd always hoped others would gift him. He couldn't stop the strangled sound in his throat though, when his mind attempted to overlay one of the old printed, pictures in the DADA textbook with the carefree, golden group traipsing across the sand.
Theo didn't appear to be the least bit affected, but instead tucked a few chocolate curls behind his ears, the sunlight glinting off the silver earrings. "Of course. Can't you tell? See the bone and muscle structure? If they weren't then you would be able to tell, because it is one of the most defining features among them." His brow furrowed. It made perfect sense to him…
Harry made a noise in his throat, the words tangling up again.
Theo rolled his eyes. "Harry, I am being serious. Battle Elves tend to have smaller more compact bodies, especially from the Air Clan. The Earth Clan tends to be tall, willowy hulks—and that is more of a contradiction than you need to know—but you can tell the difference in elements. The Fire elves are simply brunettes and there are no such things as water Elves. There are three divisions of Elves, the Royal Elves, Battle Elves, and Magecraft Casters. Each division exists with light and dark counterparts," Theo nearly shrugged. His shoulders flinched backward. "That is how you have light and dark elves. Please tell me you did not believe what you read in those old DADA textbooks?"
"Can't believe everything you read." Harry heard himself say, he shook his head faintly. He'd think about this later. For now, it didn't matter. He'd just be normal—well, as normal as he could be—and treat them as normally as he could manage as well. "Bahn is a Light Royal Elf?" Harry confirmed.
"Exactly." Theo smiled, pleased. "You are paying attention. Shall we greet them now? If we wait much longer, Bahn will likely 'port himself directly up here, never mind anything else."
Charlie flashed him a reassuring smile, slinging an arm around Harry's shoulder as Theo started for the door. "They'll love you." He gave the shoulders a light squeeze. He was looking forward to this afternoon almost as much as Harry. It had simply been one thing after another and he wanted a break—from the look of things, that break would be soon in coming, as long as they all did not take things too seriously for a few hours. "You had fun with Bahn yesterday, didn't you?"
Harry nodded. He had and things looked as if they would be fun. But he hadn't been expecting this picture perfect vision of beauty waltzing towards them on a milky white beach.
Remember to smile, he told himself, warily.
"Harry!" Bahn's excited voice traveled clearly across the open air, perhaps aided by a touch of his own elemental gift. The dragel-elf quickened his step, involuntarily spurring on the rest of his Circle to copy the increase in pace. He was shadowed by the only male dragel, who came to a stop behind his Submissive, a hand's breadth away. "Tak, hold this." The sleeping child on his shoulder was expertly transferred over to the waiting arms and Bahn turned to gift Harry with a hug, his smile wide. "Harry." He breathed.
The tension drained away from Harry as he found himself hugging back. Bahn gave good hugs too. "Bahn." He heard himself say.
"It's good to see you." Bahn squeezed him tight, then stepped back, the smile on his face upping a few watts. "I am glad. You look rested…and worried. Did everything work out? I thought for sure it would be a good night…" His smile softened at the sight of Harry's blush. "Ah, then it was. Whatever else you're worrying about, don't think so hard about it. Come. I want to introduce you to everyone, starting with this idiot here." He gave a teasing nudge to the fellow rocking the sleeping toddler in his arms. "Theo, Charlie! Come on!" He waited while the other two dragels made their way over with easy grace. "Theo!" Bahn happily hugged him as well, before pulling Charlie down for a hug as well. "How are you?"
"Fine, thanks." Theo greeted. "It is good to see you again. Thank you for the invitation, there was no need to-"
"Shush." Bahn wrinkled his nose. "I wasn't thinking of you, I was thinking of Harry." But he grinned widely as he spoke, betraying the teasing glint in his eyes.
Theo's golden eyes warmed considerably. "And it is much appreciated." He said, quickly. "It has been a while since I've seen you and yours."
"Ah, no worries." Bahn straightened. "I'll introduce everyone—seeing as Harry and Charlie are new faces." His smile softened. "Speaking of which, I was about to introduce this lump." He nudged the fellow gently rocking the babe in his arms. "This is my Beta, Takar. He's special. We treat him very nicely. Tak, this is Harry. The one I've been talking about since this morning. The redhead is Charlie and I think you do remember, Theo, yes?"
Takar fixed his Submissive with a look, but did not bother to correct the introduction in any way. There were crinkles at the corners of his eyes, suggesting that perhaps this particular dragel did not speak much, but that he was not immune to the laughter and youthfulness that seemed to be fairly radiating off of Bahn. "Theo, Charlie." He inclined his head to the higher-ranked dragels as a matter of course.
"Tak, it's good to see you again." Theo greeted, smiling widely. "You look well."
"I am, thank you." The Beta flashed an answering smile. "Charlie, was it? It is a pleasure."
Charlie extended a tanned arm, accepting the clasped forearm in exchange. It did not miss his attention that he'd been offered more than a mere handshake. Theo had been correct in his warning, to remind them that dragels were physical creatures. The dark brown eyes that raked carefully over him were curious and serious at the same time. The redhead found himself hoping he'd be able to spend some time near the older Beta. There was a muted aura of confidence and calmness surrounding the dragel and he wanted to know more. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Takar nodded. "Likewise." He turn to the green-eyed brunet at last. "And Harry, it is a pleasure." He greeted warmly. "Bahn has not stopped talking about you since breakfast. I am pleased to say that he did not over exaggerate. I'd offer you a handshake or a hug, but I'm afraid this little one might wake." He hummed softly when the child made a sound of distress. "It took nearly two hours to make the little monster nod off."
"Do not call my son a monster!" Bahn smacked him lightly on the arm that was not cradling said child. "What if he hears you?" He ran a reassuring hand along the blanket-clad body and curved a finger down to stroke a chubby cheek that was slightly hidden from view. "Shhh." He hushed, murmuring a string of Elvish, twined with a faint white-gold thread of magic that leapt from his fingertips and into the swaddled bundle.
Harry managed what he hoped was a friendly smile, noting the ease and friendliness between them. That was good. Bahn's cheerfulness was catching and Takar seemed vaguely reminiscent of Aracle. "That's alright. It is very nice to meet you." A faint blush startled on the hollows of his cheeks. What exactly had Bahn been saying about him…?
"Call me Tak." The older dragel offered, generously. "I'm more used to hearing it, Takar usually means that Lani's about to have my head for something." Dark brown eyes twinkled merrily. "And Bahn had nothing but praises to sing for you, so do not waste any time thinking of it." Takar turned at the sound of raised voices when the little armful began to stir again. "And they are at it again. I told you, they would, Bahn. You really should have said something."
"What was I supposed to say?" Bahn perked a brow. "It isn't as if you said anything, either."
"That…is beside the point. I told you and you know I can't take sides. That's a death wish waiting to happen. I happen to like being alive and intact." He paused. "And I thought you preferred the same, unless I am mistaken."
"You're horrible." Bahn informed him, calmly. He tossed his head, enough for the free, blond plaits to slap gently against the side of his Beta. "Ask nicely and maybe I'll consider it." His pale-eyed gaze shifted to the rest of his approaching Bonded. It was apparent that they were in deep discussion of some issue, because the serious looks and half-pouts said more than the vehement Elvish would have. "Are they really still arguing over it? It was only a swimming costume. I don't understand what there is to fuss about."
Takar winced at one particularly passionate stream. "By their example, I would say, plenty." He sighed. "Bahn…?" He prompted. "Please?"
Shouts and voices rose a few feet away and Bahn gave a dramatic roll of his eyes before his fingers twitched faintly towards the half-asleep babe. A shimmer of his signature white-gold magic flickered to life and then faded, a muffling charm that would keep sound out, without silencing the child. "Please excuse them," He told Harry and the others. "I'm sure they are unaware that they now have an audience." He turned around to face the bickering women, one slender brow perked in question and spoke plainly. "Nara, Bu, I don't care which suit is shorter than the other and I told Soula she could come as long as she was on her best behavior. I did not censor her outfit or yours. She is fine. She is among family. Harry and his circle are not inclined that way. She is safe."
"I wouldn't call it safe." A short, pouty-faced blonde muttered beneath her breath. "If I caught hold of her, she'd be over my knee so fast, she wouldn't have a chance to double check those honey-sweet words spilling out of her mouth. She wouldn't be sitting for a month."
Bahn blinked, reading between the lines in regards to the oldest daughter within their present company. "…what exactly did Soula say?"
"Oh for goodness' sake, don't repeat it." The second tallest woman shifted the young girl perched on her hip. "Bahn, loveling, my dearest, do not ask, because you do not wish to know. I would not repeat it. Send her home or do more than just scold her. She's been carrying on like this all morning and I am fed up with it." The girl on her hip snuck a glance at Harry and then blushed a bright pink, turning back to hide her face in the woman's neck, her small fingers playing with the necklace around the woman's neck. "This is supposed to be a relaxing and enjoyable excursion for all of us and right now, I am with Edora, I am sorely tempted to do more than simply bring it to your attention."
"I thought you said Ilsa would come." Another blonde adjusted her armful of little boy, pressing a kiss to the wrinkled forehead when the child squirmed to be set down. She murmured something in Elvish, but did not let him down, simply readjusting her arms to better hold him, even when he protested with a half-wail. "Shush, you. Do not give me that fake crying of yours. Nothing will happen if I hold you for a few minutes more and you know you're not allowed to be running about until the wards have been cast. Now behave." She admonished. "I'll handle it, if I must Bahn. But honestly, I thought there'd be more of us, where is our illustrious delinquent and when will she be here?"
Bahn's lips twitched faintly. "I had a craving." He said, simply. "She volunteered. And please do not call her that to her face, if you wish to keep it that way. I was entirely serious when I addressed you lot this morning."
"She was gone for sixteen years, a little longer if you count from the last time I actually saw her." Sueh leaned forward, fangs gleaming as she lightly nipped the ear of the squirming boy in her arms. He stilled at once and curled forward, a pout on his cute face. "I can excuse many things, but please do not ask me to be insufferably polite. I simply couldn't bear to."
"I would never ask you to be anything other than what you are." Bahn smiled. "I merely suggested that you might not wish to say it to her face. Her temper is, perhaps, even shorter than what it was. The years have not been kind."
"I feel a headache coming on already." Sueh sighed.
"Bite Lani when you see her. That should fix it. I have my midday potions in me, you likely won't like the taste of it." Bahn looked at her in concern. "Is it really there or only-?"
"Blech." Sueh wrinkled her nose. "Most certainly not. Those things are nasty. I shall be fine until she arrives."
Bahn's lips twitched again, in the close approximation of laughter. "At least I warned you. Now, if Soula is being such a brat, then leave her alone. You know fairly well that she is only trying to gain a reaction from any of you. I will have Ilsa talk to her when she returns. You know she only listens to her and I really do not wish to be starting-"
"If we can last that long." The shorter one, Edora grumbled. "You never wish to start anything. Where is Lani and Alma?"
"Lani went to fetch Alma, who, if I am not mistaken" and here, Takar perked a brow in Bahn's direction. "Decided it would be amusing to lose his morning tail for the day." Takar sighed. He had copied Bahn's earlier movements and now steadily ran a hand up and down the back of the napping child cradled to the crook of his shoulder. "In the future Bahn, if you do not want one of us to accompany you, then say so. Do not engage in these sorts of games, you know it puts Lani in a terrible temper."
"And your point is?"
"You're impossible." Takar returned.
Bahn blinked, innocently in answer, holding out his arms for the return of the sleeping toddler.
Takar frowned. "It might be best if I hold him for a while." He hedged. "Lani is bound to be furious when she returns."
"Nothing I cannot handle." Bahn returned, calmly. "Besides, the weekend does not end until tomorrow, therefore, she is still counting."
"By counting, I feel obligated to ask if you intend to sit down this week." Takar shot back. "Honestly!"
Bahn snorted. "Your concern is touching. Talk to her in my stead, if you are so worried for the sake of my bum."
"Only because you look horrid when you cry." The Beta threw back, easily.
"My son, Takar?"
The Beta sighed, but gently transferred the toddler over to the waiting arms. The little boy made a sound of protest, but settled down when Bahn cooed softly in his ear, a whispered mishmash of Elvish and something else. He straightened then, turning back to Harry who was watching with an expression of uncertainty and surprise on his young face. "If you frown too much, you will find yourself with wrinkles before your time." He informed the younger man.
Harry felt his face pinken. He'd simply been surprised to see the first-hand interactions of such a large circle. Bahn was comfortable in his role as their Submissive, easy to tease and be teased, to offer a solution and to present a problem. It was a lovely trade of give and take, one he hadn't yet understood as belonging to dragel-kind. He couldn't quite squash the tendrils of envy for wanting a circle with similar ease of interaction. He'd have to make sure he made the effort to make it come through.
Bahn ignored the partial blush. "My apologies for the muddle. It's been quite an interesting mess since Ilsa's return—and they haven't even met face to face as yet." He stifled a chuckle. "I am sorry you had to witness all of that, sometimes I forget when we have an audience or not." He turned, waving them forward. "Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Harry and his. I know some of you have heard of Ilsa's Theo, this is his Circle. Theo, everyone. Everyone, Theo. The redhead beside him is their Beta, Charlie. Charlie, everyone." Bahn inclined his head. "And lastly, the reasons I wanted to come this afternoon, their Submissive, Harry." The elfin-dragel shifted to nudge the brunet with one shoulder. "Harry, this tall one is my Advisor, Nara. Nara, Harry. The fussy one is Edor or Edora, depending on what they feel like being for the day. They are Gheyo, our current Ace." Bahn frowned. "Speaking of which, Edora—speak to Ilsa. Do not blindly challenge her. I'd like to remind you that it's a terrible idea to do so. I would rather you resettled your ranks with as little bloodshed as possible."
"Easy for you to say." Edora scowled.
"You know it upsets me." Bahn returned, calmly. "I do not mind if you are fighting, but I will not have you fighting each other." He fixed the Gheyo with a look, until the blonde gave a grudging nod. "Thank you." He now turned back to Harry. "The one with the slanted blue eyes is Sueh, one of the Pareya. The one on her left with the grey eyes is Bulsph, we call her Bu, for short." Bahn's lips twitched. "And she is shorter than Ilsa."
Bu threw another glare in their direction, but her lips twitched as if to smile as she did so. "Thank you for establishing that fact, loveling."
"Does it matter?" Harry heard himself say, before he could double-check the words. He blushed when all eyes turned towards him.
Nara sighed, softly, a look of warmth and interest in her pretty grey eyes. "That's easily answered actually. A Submissive is always the shortest in a Circle. It's simply the way it is. Our Ilsa is a scant two inches taller than Bahn. She alters her height by using magic to hold her Halfling form. It's not very common. Bu is shorter than her, meaning that she's barely taller than Bahn, which makes her ideal for certain, ah—pranks."
Harry frowned. "What do you mean always the shortest?"
"It means everyone is taller than me." Bahn explained. "It makes it easier for our Bonded to pick us up for a cuddle or to shield us. On our behalf, it makes it easier for us to run when we're trying to hide from them because we've eaten their favorite pudding without asking or-"
Bu snorted. "Small size is not useful when it comes to hiding. I can think of a half-dozen moments where it presents a distinct disadvantage to the one who is doing the-"
"Bulsph!" Bahn's panicked voice cut her off straight away, his pale eyes wide and round. "You said you wouldn't!"
"Hmm?" She hummed, innocently.
"If it troubles you so, then I shall not." She said, mildly. "I already gave my word that I would not and you know fairly well that I keep my promises." She swung her hands in a careful arc at her sides. Two young children stood patiently beside her, content to have their hands in hers, swinging back and forth. "Now, will someone throw up the wards so I can let the little monsters run free?"
"Sunscreen and swimming caps?" Bahn returned, a crease of worry flickering on his forehead. "And why exactly are we all referring to our adorable offspring as monsters today? Did I miss something? A memo, perhaps? And speaking of them, where are the rest of them?"
"Coming with Soula." Sueh stifled a smile. "I told them all to behave and then we left."
Bahn sighed. "That wasn't very nice of you," He frowned. "And it won't put her in a better mood either. Honestly, between you three, I ought to—oh never mind. Alma can have at you when she returns. I refuse to be involved with this one." He Very well then, come on. Once I've warded the stretch, then you can let them run wild." He turned towards the beach, head snapping back to flash a half-smile at Harry. "Coming? The food's not here yet, I sent Callistair to fetch it. The other missing members should be turning up with the other things, chairs, beach towels and sweets." He paused. "Well, there'll be more than sweets, I simply have a bit of a craving."
"A craving?" Takar snorted. "Your cravings, my dearest, are nightmares." He paused, perking up. "Did you say Callis is back? I didn't know he'd returned."
"I did. He did. He's fine. I don't think Ilsa will want to see him though." Bahn said, quietly. "I will not remind you all to play nice."
"Callis and Ilsa? Arielle save us all." Nara winced. "Please tell me Greta is coming. Knowing Aracle, he's the only reason we haven't been interrupted since her return, so I don't expect him to show his face. But I am not sure either of us can handle your idea of reintegration if Greta is not present."
"You will handle it as you have weathered other things." Bahn said, calmly. "And Greta said the pits would release her today—it was a ten-year-contract. Should be up or close enough to it. She said she'd see. I do not know if she will come or not. Dahlia's coming. Ariki too, both of them seem to have had a rough week. Hugs and kisses for all of them—remember, please."
"Dahlia? Is she alright?" Bu's soft grey eyes clouded over. "I hope they aren't working her into the ground, the poor thing. She's been run ragged ever since Lady Pai regulated her to that Healer's Clinic. I wish she'd quit. I had far more peace about her ranks when she was on patrols."
"They always do and she never complains. I believe she's fine, it is more of an inter-circle matter. The clinic might not be her first choice, but she does like it there. I have asked her. Patrols require her to pull rank more frequently than she's comfortable with. For the present moment though, I believe Lady Pai had some complaint, so I sent the request to her second, a Captain Garrow? I asked on the grounds of it being a family outing during Hunting Season. They should not have any other problems, though if they do, I expect we shall hear of it."
"Will Lani be here before Ilsa?" Edora reached for one of the children by Bu's left side. She scooped one up, balancing it expertly on one hip. "I would be much happier if she were here before Ilsa. Please." There was a faintly pleading tone in her voice.
"Ilsa will come when Ilsa is through." Bahn said firmly. "And she's more terrified of you lot than you are of her. Honestly. You are behaving like children and not full-grown adults." His free hand propped up on his hip, sticking out, an annoyed expression on his face. "Then again, that is an insult to my adorable children." He huffed. "What did she do to either of you, I'd like to know!"
Eyes averted and heads bowed faintly. No one spoke.
Bahn's lips pressed tightly together for a moment and then he gave a stiff nod. "Nothing. I thought so. She only has a temper that rivals Bhindi's and that's more than enough for you all to write her off on a single incident where we cannot even confirm all of the details." He huffed. "She's suffered enough at her own hands, I will not have any of you compounding this." He sighed. "We are supposed to be having fun." Pale eyes narrowed. "Lots and lots of fun, for I have been extremely bored."
The last word prompted a round of horrified looks from his Bonded and Harry found himself staring after them in amazement as they scattered across the beach, one of them calling out about the warding. He turned to see a faint smile tugging at the corners of Bahn's mouth.
The elf-dragel turned to him with a sly wink. "That should keep them busy for a bit. They're really quite good at heart and very well-meaning, though once in a while I do find myself stifling the urge to whack them with something wooden." He murmured. "Sometimes they seem to forget that there is so much more to life than everyday drudgery and pointless gossip." He turned to angle his shoulder towards Harry and by default, the little white bundle he cradled. "This is my son, Camalis. Seven months old and a touch shy." From beneath the hooded blanket, a tiny face remained angelic in slumber. "He belongs to me and Alma, the missing Pareya at the moment. He is my—our—youngest." He started forward. "Shall we?"
By the time Theo and Charlie had begun to mingle with the others, Harry found himself able to relax and settle down to enjoy himself. True to Bahn's words, his circle was indeed quite kind and rather well-meaning, if a bit unsure about him and Theo. Takar was handy to smooth over any potential awkwardness and Harry found himself with a growing respect for the Beta and Bahn. Their interactions were virtually flawless, in spite of the continuous banter.
The children were Harry's second point as far as the shock factor went, because they were quite certainly unlike anything wizard or muggle that he had ever seen. As it was, they were all dressed in white playsuits, swimming trunks and shirts, every single one of them had a swimming cap snugly fitted to their head. Every single child had a pair of golden stud earrings glistening from snowy white earlobes and the girls were identified by delicately scrolled bracelets on each wrist, while the boys wore solid ones.
"Harry, hold him, would you?"
"Wha-Bahn!" The protest came too late, for Harry found himself clumsily balancing seven-month old Camalis, with Bahn rearranging his arms to better cradle said child. "Bahn!" He whispered, fiercely. He didn't know if the spells transferred over or not and he had no desire to hold a screaming baby.
"I'll take him back in a minute," Bahn said, simply. "You are simply holding him, there is no need to panic."
"I'm not—this…" Harry sputtered. He'd never been in this particular position before, it had simply never come up. He didn't know anything of younger children—though he had helped a few firsties here and there, in the case of house unity, but never anyone below eleven. He'd certainly never expected to be holding a baby or finding himself in the position where children under the age of eleven were swarming around him.
The bundle made a distressed sound and Bahn leaned over, clicking his fingers. The noise stopped.
Harry gulped.
"Sleeping spell," Bahn grinned. "He was fine, but he is magic sensitive, if you keep on worrying, he'll know it. He doesn't like strangers, but you are not a stranger." Pale eyes locked with worried emerald ones. "You are one of us. I mean it. Now really, all you're doing is just sitting here and holding him. There's no need for you to be worrying and there is absolutely nothing to worry about. I strictly forbid you to panic until you have one of your own."
Harry licked his lips nervously. "Right." The words registered and emerald eyes grew wide and round. "Bahn!"
The elfin-dragel chuckled. "You'll have little ones of your own, someday." He said, practically. "It's virtually impossible to be otherwise."
"I'm not—we haven't even—I-!" Harry spluttered. That particular train of thought had never occurred to him—in fact, he'd been studiously avoiding thinking of it ever since he'd come to terms with the fact that Draco Malfoy—no, Draco Snape of all people, was pregnant. "I don't even-!"
"Speaking of which, you are using the contraceptive spells, yes? Now that you are fully Bonded, once you speak of children, your body will be receptive."
Harry forced himself to take several deep breaths and then he spoke as calmly as he could. They had indulged themselves all night, of course, but Harry mentally crossed his fingers, hoping that "I do not. Could you show me?"
"In a moment. You need not worry, if you are thinking of last night. I assure you that unless you and your Bonded are in unanimous, verbal agreement as to the conception and care of children, you will have nothing to worry about. Once you do, then the contraceptive spells will be useful and you truly only need to use them once. After that, magic takes care of the rest."
"It's a bit difficult to explain." Bahn nibbled on his lower lip. "Hold on a moment, let me set the monsters to rights." He winked. "If your curiosity can suffer a few minutes more.
Harry blushed and nodded.
"Good boy." Bahn praised. He patted the brunet lightly on the head with a fond smile teasing at his corners. "This will hardly take a minute. Line up, little ones." He turned to the gaggle of children crowded on the clean beach towels and jabbering softly to each other in Elvish.
"…why white?" Harry heard himself asking as Bahn squirted out a glob of special sunscreen into one hand and rubbed it briskly between his palms, beckoning to one of the impatient children, standing in a line.
"First blood." Bahn said, simply. "When they are young, sometimes they are also quite clumsy. You know, arms and legs growing in and not quite in the proportions they ought to be. White is the easiest color to use and since their magic and immune systems are not up to par as yet, it makes it easier for us, the parents. When they are older, they may wear whatever they wish."
The little boy whined, squirming in the hands that expertly coated his exposed arms and legs with the necessary cream. "No wiket, Mummy!" He whined. "No!"
"Hush." Bahn thumped his chin atop the capped head and holding the boy still with one hand, quickly applied the cream to the pouting face. "Harry, this is Bruen. Bruen, say hi to Harry. We like him, we will be nice." There was a hint of warning in his tone as Bahn straightened the little lad, giving him a pat on the bottom. "Say hi."
The little white dragel child blinked at Harry, curiously, his restlessness somewhat forgotten as he studied the stranger for a moment. He turned back to Bahn, one hand reaching out reassuringly.
"Harry." Bahn said, encouragingly. "His name is Harry. Say hi. Tell him how old you are."
Bruen blinked again, with eyes that were too big and too grey as he inched forward towards Harry and then smiled, a gap-toothed smile. "Haweh." He lisped. "Myf name if Bruwen. Imf fiwe wears olf."
"Which translates into, my name is Bruen and I am five years old." Bahn chuckled. "Good boy. Now go and show Bu that you're all covered, alright?" He planted a kiss on one chubby cheek, smiling even as the lad tried to wipe it off. "Next!"
The children came forward in shyness, clustering around each other, but apparently only wanting Bahn to apply the sunscreen and no one else. The elf-dragel was quick and efficient, slathering each child in turn and sending them off with a pat or a kiss after he'd introduced them to Harry.
"…is that all of them?" Harry asked, amazed. It was one thing to see a busily casting Bahn fixing up a guesthouse and an entirely different thing to see him playing Mummy to several children under the age of ten.
"Do you need any sunscreen?" Bahn inquired, solicitously. He tapped his wand on his knee, having already cast a spell on his own self. "It's painless and useful, especially if you're prone to sunburn. I am not, but it does not hurt to be safe rather than sorry."
Harry shrugged. He wasn't actually sure. He'd never spent time at a beach long enough to know whether he did burn or not. Then again, his mother had been a redhead and they said all redheads burned easily, but still…a faint tingling ran over him and he looked up in surprise as the white-golden glow of magic faded into him.
"Safe than sorry." Bahn said, calmly. "I can take him back now." He shook his hands as if shaking water from them, wand tucked into nowhere. A flicker of white gold magic suggested that he'd used a charm of some sort to clean them as he now turned back to Harry, his pale eyes fixed on the sleeping form of his son. "That wasn't so bad now, was it?" He eased the wrapped bundle of baby from Harry's stiff arms.
Harry couldn't find it in his heart to glare at the blond. He watched as Bahn returned to the earlier task of cradling his infant son, now that the older ones were taken care of. A look of infinite tenderness spread over the elfin-dragel's pretty complexion. It suited him quite well and for a moment, Harry wondered what it was like to have children that apparently adored him. He remembered the earlier trail of conversation and hesitated, unsure of how to bring that up.
A steady, contented thrum of magic radiated out from Bahn's relaxed figure and Harry idly stored the feeling away for later. Theo had spoken to him of Quinn's explanation of having an empathetic gift and he vaguely recalled the first appointment where the Healer had spoken of ancient, noble families by the name of Evanson and Perevell. He sighed, softly. "Bahn?"
"…the spells?"
"ah, thanks for the reminder." The elfin-dragel drew his wand out of thin air. He stifled a laugh at Harry's blink of surprise. "Air element." He reminded. "It is surprisingly handy at times. Now then, copy the movements exactly and the incantation is Poscah et Nivida."
Harry mouthed the words back, watching the wand movements intently. "Thanks."
"You are most welcome." Bahn's smile rewarded him. "There is a trick to it though,"
"A trick?"
Bahn laughed softly. "Dragel children are half-magic." He explained, stroking a hand down the bundled babe. "Every time you are…together with one of your Bonded, there is an exchange of magic and the necessary fluids. Dragels are amazing creatures in the fact that you will store a specific portion of necessary magic and whatever else is needed to create a child. You will simply hold it frozen inside of you, until you know it is safe and will be welcomed by your Circle."
Harry felt his face grow warm. "How is that even possible?"
"Magic makes a great deal of impossible…possible." Bahn reminded him. "And Dragels are very special creatures."
"W-why would that—I mean,"
"I understand." Bahn interrupted. "Let me explain it this way. Suppose one of your Bonded had a dangerous occupation and you did not wish for them to give it up on account of you, because you knew it made them happy and fulfilled in a good way."
Harry nodded, carefully.
"Then suppose something happened. Swift, sudden and no way for it to be reversed. Suppose that your Bonded vanished. You may have wished to bear their child and raise them in the sire's memory and as they are no more, you would no longer have that opportunity, yes?"
"…it's a bit much." Harry admitted.
Bahn laughed. "You are infinitely amusing," He informed the younger dragel. "I am Elven before the dragel in me was brought out. I do not put too much thought into it. I only know that it is a comfort to know that should anything happen to mine, I would have a very specific remembrance of them." He paused. "It also means that you can recall them to your side."
"When pregnant, the sire of your children is often kept close at hand. Instinct on both sides. You will want them near and they will not want to leave. If the sire is not present when you chose to bear their child, then wherever they are, your magic will reach through the bond and urge them to come home." Bahn offered a faintly sad smile as his fingers trailed over his baby bump.
And Harry suddenly understood. "…Ilsa?" He heard himself say, disbelievingly.
Bahn's smile trembled. "I couldn't lose her." He whispered, softly.
Harry didn't hesitate to reach over and hug his friend, baby and all.
"I know it is absolutely not my place to say anything at all, but in thinking that the absence of your mentor leaves you uninformed, please excuse my forwardness."
Harry snorted. Sometimes the elfin-dragel's strict adherence to formality made him want to smother his new friend. "What is it?" He asked, plainly.
"I noticed that your…Theo and Charlie haven't exchanged scales yet…have you given them time alone?"
Harry blinked. He rolled over onto his side, propping up his head with one hand, a thoughtful look on his face. He had wondered about that briefly, remembering the exchange of scales between himself and Charlie at the Health Clinic. It hadn't slipped past his notice that Theo hadn't offered any of his scales—at any time. Now it appeared as if he'd somehow missed something. "What do you mean?"
Bahn's worried expression softened considerably, as if now assured he wasn't crossing some invisible line of propriety. "You don't know?" He verified.
This time, Harry did roll his eyes. "If I knew, I wouldn't be asking." His lips twitched. "Did I miss something important?"
"Oh, no. Well, not exactly. I mean, you're still fairly new as a triad, it's nothing to worry of straightaway." Bahn absently tapped the swaddled bundle resting beside him. "What do you know of the Alpha-Beta bond?"
There was a moment while Harry thought back over what little he'd read of it in Theo's special Encyclopedia and then of Quinn's mention of it at the clinic. He chewed on his lower lip for a moment. "Not much, really."
"It's nothing complicated. They simply need some time alone and together every now and again." Bahn flashed him a smile. "I handle it by making Takar take Lani out for sweets once a month. It puts him in a horrible mood and her in a rather good one." He sniggered. "And when he returns, then I can fix his bad mood and Lani is happy to be taking care of everything else while I do that." He winked. "It is part of our dynamic. You'll find your own with yours."
"Well, firstly, they will need to know that you're alright with them spending some time together. I don't know if you've noticed, but yours are hovering, while mine are happily playing away as far along the beach away from me as they possibly can." Mischief shone clearly in his eyes. "Apparently the thought that I could be bored is quite terrifying, so they are quick to be sure that everyone is content and ah, amused. Because if they are, then I am. Do you follow?"
Harry shifted to lie on his back once more. He threw an arm over his face, shielding his eyes from the warm sun. He actually did know. Bahn was correct. If he was fine, then Theo was significantly more at ease and relaxed, which in turn filtered through to Charlie and then traveled back to him. Harmony was easily achieved when he was at peace with himself and whatever was happening around him. "I do." He admitted. "It's a little, odd, isn't it?"
"That we Submissives have more power than we're ever told?" Bahn snorted. "Hardly. The Alpha's all know it and the Beta's are well aware of it and we have them perfectly wrapped around our fingers, which makes the rest of them fall in line." He winked. "It's a natural cycle of shared authority. A give and take that can only happen when we are willing to give and take. In this case, to take some time for yourself and give Theo and Charlie some time of their own."
"Oh." The understanding dawned almost at once and Harry was surprised to find that he didn't really mind it. In fact, some time to himself sounded quite wonderful.
"Must never forget to take what you need to keep on giving." Bahn reminded. "Sometimes it is too easy to be giving and accepting and understanding of everything that you forget to look after your own needs and self. Pareya are instrumental in making sure that you do not run yourself into the ground, but it is also a bad habit of theirs as well. They look after everyone else so much that they might forget to look after their own selves. This is why you have to keep your head and your wits about you and do it yourself."
"…speaking from experience?" Harry said, wryly.
"You could not possibly fathom exactly how much experience." Bahn laughed. "Just remember that it won't be the three of you for very long, but the foundation of your entire circle will be built on whatever you three experience in the short time before a fourth is added."
Harry sighed. The fourth. He hadn't even wanted to think of that yet, but he'd felt a distinct pull and stretch in his magic, settling itself in preparation for another Bonded—just as it had done after he'd taken Theo. "What if I don't want a fourth?"
Bahn choked, turning the sound into a cough. He half rose up and then stared over at his fellow Submissive. Pale eyes locked with emerald ones for a good long moment, then the elfin-dragel calmly eased himself back down to his earlier position. "I shall pretend," he began, at last. "That I did not hear such a preposterous thing."
"I'm not-!"
"Repeat it and I will box you soundly about the ears." One pale brow arched. "You will not be happy as a triad. Your magic alone will demand at least five more Bonded, maybe more. I am no judge of such things, but your magic would not require more than you could handle. Your dragel side will crave more than Theo or Charlie could ever hope to grant you." He frowned. "It is not fair to them or yourself, to think that you will simply settle for 'enough'." He scolded. "Do not mention that to me again."
Harry stared for a moment. A faint warmth skittered over him and he licked his lips. "I'm not ready."
"We seldom ever are." Bahn said, quietly. "My own circle is a mess, it would seem, but I assure you there are things. There is so much more beneath the surface, inside all of us and in everything there is to come, I could never even begin to explain or show you." He smiled, faintly. "I know it's quite terrifying at first, after all I was raised Elven. I never considered anything of my dragel heritage until I passed my majority." He laughed. "It was quite a realm-shattering revelation when I was told what was expected of me."
"Marry and produce heirs?" Harry guessed.
Bahn sniggered. "Something like that. Then Bhindi went and found herself an Alpha and it all went to the ruins after that."
"What happened then?"
"We were disgraced in the eyes of the court, so we left. We had no other choice and by then, she'd found Okahn and was leaving me." He sighed. "For all that she is, we are twins. I need her in the same vein that she needs me. Shortly afterward, I ran into Delani and Takar. Things began from there." He smiled, fondly. "What strange days those were. I can never regret them. They were beautiful."
Harry found himself smiling back, as his mind fitted together the pieces. "So you…you didn't have a mentor either?"
"Oh no. I did." Bahn's smile was pained. "After my majority of course. I was also of age and I met mine shortly after accepting my inheritance."
"…what happened?"
Bahn's voice became whisper-soft. "The Elves live apart from Nevarah. It was a trial to leave and travel to here. After all, there are limits to magical transportation and some things will never change. The trip was quite perilous and it was before Bhindi and I had met anyone. We three traveled to Nevarah. It was…a very special time."
"You both had the same mentor?" Harry's brow furrowed.
"Elven twins are different." Bahn said, simply. "We only needed one."
Harry frowned. "And then?"
"Even dragels can die." Bahn's eyes shimmered for a moment, before he looked away, copying Harry's pose of an arm braced over his face. "Suffice it to say that a mentor to a young dragel is in loco parentis. There were things required for half-elves and half-dragels." He drew in a short breath. "I will always remember them."
"…I'm sorry." Harry said, a beat later.
"There is nothing to be sorry for. I treasure each moment we had and I will not spoil it by being greedy and wishing there had been more. I respect them by not calling the name that was gifted to me. In turn, I shall do my best to pass on every bit of knowledge that was granted to me by their kindness. It is one reason I have never had a problem with Ilsa and Theo. I understand. Granted, it is extremely rare for a Gheyo to hold a position as mentor—generally, only Submissives or Pareya do, but it is something of a sacred bond. It is also why it distresses me to think that yours never showed."
Harry was silent for a minute, processing that bit of information. "Thank you."
"For explaining stuff." Harry nearly shrugged. "A lot of things, I didn't know and you didn't…you didn't make me feel like rubbish for asking."
Bahn's response was to extend a hand, palm up and open.
After a moment, Harry took it.
Their fingers laced together and Bahn squeezed gently.
"…what's the Hunting Season like?"
Bahn's thumb absently stroked along Harry's hand, where their fingers joined. "It's quite fun actually. I haven't been for the last one, but the times before I have. It's wonderful. There's food, there's music, plenty of dancing and singing and friends, both old and new."
"It sounds important."
"Ah." Bahn acknowledged. "I suppose it is for some. It's mostly an excuse to meet with friends and family for the rest of us. Nevarah is quite large, there are many sections to it and it only houses what is unspecified."
"Simple. The Air dragels live above, up there." Bahn tipped his head back a bit. "In the clouds, the castles and such there. Only the Air dragels and elementals. If your circle elements outweigh your Bonded with the Air element, then you cannot live there. Air dragels—and pure Air dragels—are very different from those you see walking through the Capital City and such."
"Isn't your element Air?" Harry frowned. It had been his understanding that dragels were community creatures, in a sense, drawing pleasure and security from large families and shared magic. Granted, their society was complicated, but he didn't like the way this was sounding. "That's…prejudiced."
"Not really." Bahn said, quickly. "The Air types, they need to be in the air and above in the clouds. It's the best environment for them. I am of the Air element, but I am half-elf and half-dragel. I would never feel the pull as a true air elemental would or as a native dragel. I would be miserable in the clouds, never seeing the ground and my Elven nature would torture me in other subtle ways as well. I'm sure you've noticed that my entire circle, with the exception of one, possesses some Elven nature in addition to their dragel attributes."
Harry nodded. He had noticed. "I wondered if it was…on purpose."
"Quite." Bahn chuckled. "Compared to others, I suppose I am somewhat traditional. I did have other offers, but I wanted Bonded that I could connect to on both levels and with the exception of Takar, my tastes are exactly what they seem. There are things I will do and continue to do that are decidedly Elven in nature, while there are other quirks that most definitely dragel. By choosing Bonded that shared the same similarities, we are all happier and content on more than one level."
"So you can choose?"
"Of course. You chose yours, did you not?"
Harry hesitated. "It was…different."
"Different how? Tell me."
Harry did.
Bahn listened.
"…I can see why you would worry." Bahn said, at last. "But it isn't anything to really worry over. There are three types of cries that one can produce. A Heartcry, a Soulcry and a Soulscream. There are all specific reasons and situations for using them and it is solely for the Submissive's benefit."
"Why isn't there a Heartscream?"
"Because the heart only cries." Bahn chuckled. "The soul screams and cries."
Harry sighed. "Does it have to be so bloody complicated?" He huffed.
Bahn squeezed his hand, lightly. "It's actually rather simple. A Heartcry is used when you are interested in courting a specific Intended or a group of Intended. They cannot legally and publicly pursue you unless you give them leave to do so, by way of a Heartcry. It is the only cry you can do voluntarily. The others all have to do with Soul Magic, Soulmates and Soulbonds. That is old and ancient magic. A soulcry is usually pulled from you by someone you trust through either exquisite pain or pleasure-"
Harry shuddered. "Exquisite pain? What kind of a-"
"To each their own, Harry." Bahn interrupted. "To each their own. Pain can pleasurable in certain circumstances and if you have such…tendencies." He shivered. "I do not, so you may rest in good company on that point."
Harry swallowed back his own shiver. He'd never known pain as anything but horrible, twisted and dark. He whole-heartedly abhorred it. "That's good to know."
"A soulscream, on the other hand," Bahn sighed. "That is produced only under excruciating duress and without aid, meaning that something terrible would happen to you, where you are helpless and alone, so you call with the last of everything inside of you. There are only a few circumstances where it was not a near-death experience that prompts such a call."
Harry felt a chill ripple through him. "And what do each of these do?"
"A heartcry is the equivalent of a friendly courting. A soulcry opens a connection between you and those who are compatible in both mind and magic, whether you have been friends before or if they are realms apart. A soulscream drags all Intended from wherever they are at whatever stage in life they may be and links your magic directly."
"What if you don't like them?"
"You will not have a say in that." Bahn explained. "This is on the grounds that your magic would never select an unsuitable Bonded for you. It understands your needs and knows what will mix best, so when you do meet, there is very little that you won't have in common. It is the closest thing to a perfect match, or so they say."
"…are yours…?" Harry hesitated. It seemed rude to ask, but Bahn had been open and friendly through all of their discussions.
"Heartcries." Bahn answered, readily. "All of them. You?"
"Heartcry for Theo." Harry frowned. "I'm not sure about Charlie."
Bahn perked a brow. "Really?"
Harry tried to shrug. "It's actually quite muddled."
"Hmm." Bahn hummed. "That's very curious. Have you noticed anything odd since?"
"Odd?" Harry echoed. "Like what?"
"You could have given a soulcry." Bahn squeezed his hand again. "As such, if you encountered any of your potential Intended since arriving in Nevarah, you likely would have noticed. A faint tug on your magic or a sudden attraction. It could show in many different ways, but those are usually the most obvious."
"What other ways?"
"Most likely already imagining them as your Bonded and in whatever role their rank places them. It really does vary, Harry."
Harry sighed. He squeezed back, drawing on the steady, calming emotions pouring out from his friend. He was surprised to find that he didn't mind the whole hand-holding bit anywhere near as much as he might have before. A faint sour scent tickled his nose and he wrinkled it, wondering when Camalis began to cry.
"Ah, shh." Bahn crooned. He released Harry's hand to roll over, half sitting up, to hover over the waking baby. "Nappy change?" He inquired, bending to sniff the crook of the baby's neck. A glow of white-golden magic flickered at his fingertips and he whispered a spell into the tiny, pointed ear.
Harry found himself mildly surprised at that. Not that he had any experience with nappy-changing, but he hadn't thought that magic could be used for it. His face must have shown something though, when the clean powdered scent now replaced the earlier whiff of unpleasantness.
Bahn chuckled. "Whatever you wish to say, simply say it." He encouraged.
"You can use magic for nearly everything." Bahn smiled. "Nappy-changing is a tricky spell, but well worth learning. It needs to be altered as the child grows and you do have to change them at least twice yourself before you can actually perform the spell." He purred, rubbing his cheek along the white bundle, scenting the child.
Harry mentally made a note to be sure to learn it, if—IF—he ever did manage to have children.
Harry continued to enjoy himself by having absolutely nothing to do by lie on the clean, soft towels spread over the sand, staring up at the clear sky. It was comfortably warm, but not too hot. Bahn had settled back down on the towels, with Camalis tucked carefully beside him, fed and happy once more as he was sheltered from the sun.
They'd been talking for hours, undisturbed, it seemed and Harry was infinitely grateful to the older Submissive. Bahn was so easy to talk to, he found himself wishing that the elfin-dragel had been his assigned mentor. He'd said as much and his friend had blushed quite obviously, before thanking him quietly.
"How many children are there?" Harry asked, unable to process the last sentence.
"You heard correctly." Bahn snickered. "and I will not repeat it, lest one of my Pareya should hear and thus decide to increase it. Not that I would mind, but two on the way is more than enough for the moment. I prefer to have them spaced out at least a year in between."
Harry didn't answer straightaway. He was mildly impressed and somewhat horrified. That was quite a bit of hands, feet and mouths under the same roof, spells not withstanding. His daydream had shifted to something nearly nightmarish and he quickly stopped thinking about it. There was more than enough time for that later and he certainly was in no rush to be having children. He was barely sixteen years old, for Merlin's sake!
"So that's definitely not all of them here?" He looked to the side, squinting to see the white-clothed figures jumping and playing around in the surf. A portion of the water had been sectioned off and the Pareya alternated between joining the others in some odd beach game and watching the little ones.
"Hmm? No. Only the young ones, there's a few older ones and then of course, there's Ilsa's children and Bu's. They were the first ones to be with child, so theirs are all older. In fact, they are around your age, Ilsa's own I mean. She should bring her missing two when she arrives, I doubt she'd show up without them anyway."
"Ilsa has-?" Harry faltered. He could not quite reconcile the no-nonsense woman to the lovable image portrayed by the various Circle members. Everyone was laughing, smiling and playing with the children—not a whit of seriousness around them. Light, playful banter that he'd never even seen a hint of in Ilsa. Then again, he remembered standing in the Snape's kitchen as a soft towel slapped harmlessly over his poised stance. He remembered her hug, gentle, but warm—offering strength and comfort.
"Three actually." Bahn's smile grew. "You did not think her capable of it?"
"That's not what I meant-"
"No one ever does." Bahn said, cheerfully. "In fact, she's such a study in contrasts, it is actually quite surprising. She has three and believe it or not, they're all barely a year apart, if at all. I rather think that she didn't rest in between."
Harry felt his face grow warm again and he looked away, gaze searching for Theo and Charlie. Earlier, his Bonded had helped to align a large, rectangular stone at the proper position marked off for the pavilion. Now, whenever a team member was on penalty, they would stand atop the rock. Theo was currently climbing onto to it, a carefree smile on his pale face. It helped to calm him faintly. Bahn's particular brand of teasing seemed destined to keep him in a state of perpetual blush—much as Blaise Zabini's own had been at the start of the school year.
"I'm only teasing." Bahn's voice softened. "And they are lovely children, though there are times when I dearly wish I was Soula's father, if only for the fact that I know she would listen to me more, if I were. That child is so thick-headed, I know she could not possibly be anyone else's but Ilsa's."
"You saw her, remember? The one that was sulking about? As I said, there are three of them, Dahlia's the oldest, Ariki is next and then there's Soula." Bahn's brow furrowed. "How old are you, if you do not mind my asking?"
"Sixteen." Harry shrugged. "It's not a secret."
"You are young." Bahn murmured. "Not an issue, but you are young." He sighed, softly. "I am sorry to see the sorrow that hangs around you—no one of your age should have ever had to suffer through whatever it is you went through to earn those. Never mind though, Soula is the same age as you and she is a Submissive as well. You two might find yourselves in similar company. She's been too absorbed with herself to really notice you, but she is Aracle and Ilsa's."
"Oh." Harry processed that bit of information and then tucked it away. Theo had spoken fondly of Ilsa and their times together, sharing of how his mentor was always nearby and quick at hand. It made him wonder now, to think of how readily she had been there for Theo and yet, had her own children growing up somewhere, without her. He frowned.
"Don't even think in that direction." Bahn elbowed him lightly. "Or she'll give you an earful for it. I assure you that her children are quite fine, upstanding members of society and from their interactions with her, you would think she was beside them every single day and not showing up every few years in between." A thoughtful look registered on Bahn's face. "Then again, she's likely been there more than every few years and they all have a knack for keeping their secrets. Dahlia is a Gheyo though, she works at a specialty clinic in the city. I do not like the clinic nor do I approve of her particular assignment, but she seems to like it, mostly. Lady Pai—the sponsor for her Military Circle—had a disagreement with her over something and the reassignment was something of a punishment." Bahn sighed. "That is where Dahlia is exactly like her mothers. Ariki is a flight instructor, he was in the news this week. There was an accident somewhere, a little girl was brought out before her time. They say she was part of the Kadel Circle, which is rare, if you know what I mean."
The familiar names rippled inside his mind as Harry immediately thought of the scarred young woman assigned to them the first time they'd visited Quinn. He tried to recall anything familiar about her and Ilsa only to draw a blank. He frowned. "I don't, actually." He said, at last, catching up to the end of Bahn's sentence. "The Kadels?" It was fun to talk to Bahn, because his fellow Submissive had a way of sharing news that wasn't petty gossip, but rather, interesting, important facts to keep track of.
"Seers." Bahn rolled his shoulders back, carefully. "They are a very old and noble family within this realm. They are all known for being Seers, Fortune-Tellers, Futuresight Bearers and Holders and all of that." He shrugged. "I'm told the gift is dominant, but they are extremely private and closed off to society, so we rarely ever hear anything of them, unless there is some prophecy that requires translation or better explanation."
Emerald eyes narrowed faintly and Harry visibly perked up. That sounded quite useful, actually. He had to know more. "Exactly what kind of…translation?"
"Clarity really." Bahn looked thoughtful for a moment. "They are quite an odd bunch, though I say that with the utmost respect. There are usually only two children per Circle and every single Submissive has something of a…well, I wouldn't want to be impolite, but you would know straightaway if you ever met one and they usually identify themselves, if only to say that they don't wish to be spoken to." He stifled a giggle. "Which has happened on more than one occasion. Once in a while, you will see one or two of them during the Hunting Season. They only move through the upper rings of society though, so unless you're at least of considerable social status, you wouldn't have to worry of running into them. Speaking of which, "
"Clarity." Harry repeated, completely ignoring the rest of Bahn's ramblings. He was thinking of that stupid prophecy and remembering another stupid black-furred mutt. His lips pressed tightly together and his shoulders twitched for a moment. Sirius.
"Harry?" Bahn's warm voice sliced through his thoughts. "I am sorry if I said something to upset you…" Worry showed plainly in those pale white-grey eyes.
"You didn't." Harry blinked rapidly for a moment and then forced a smile. "I was only…remembering something. It's nothing. If—if I had a prophecy—or if I knew of one and wanted to, well-"
"Have it verified?" The elfin-dragel's expression softened considerably. "Well, the best thing to do would be to make an appointment and not to expect anything to happen until the Hunting Season was over. Hardly anyone does anything during the Hunting Season, save for the Health Clinics and the Marketplace and that is only because they are absolutely necessary. After that though, I'd expect, depending on the urgency of your claim, you'd likely have an answer within a reasonable amount of time. Maybe a week or so. They work fairly quickly and it doesn't hurt to pay extra for a rush job."
Harry blew out a frustrated breath. He reached inside and gently tugged on the bond connecting him to Theo. As long as there was the possibility that there could be more to his prophecy, he would be sure to investigate more thoroughly. He'd waited enough already, what was a few more weeks? He was fairly certain that there would be a way they could afford whatever bribe was necessary.
"Harry?" Theo appeared at his side within a minute, it seemed. He was covered in a fine sheen of sweat, showing off well-toned muscles and a faint flush from the workout of running, jumping and tackling.
The brunet turned to greet his Alpha at once. He smiled to ease the look of worry on Theo's face and offered his hand, prompting Theo to fold his taller frame down to take a seat on the towel beside him. "Bahn said that there's a Circle that could explain prophecies, the Kadels," he began.
The Slytherin's brows knitted together. "And…?"
"He said that we could make appointments to have a prophecy clarified." Harry waited. He knew Theo could connect the dots on his own, his Alpha seemed to have an uncanny knack for understanding nearly everything that he didn't feel comfortable asking out loud—yet.
The golden eyes blinked once and then twice and then Theo sighed. He leaned forward and kissed Harry's cheek with warm, dry lips. "I will see about setting up an appointment. You need only have asked." There was a look of fondness in his gaze and settled comfortably, drawing Harry to him with an arm around those pale shoulders for a light—though sweaty—one-armed hug. "Thank you, Bahn."
"Nothing to be mentioned." The blond waved a hand dismissively. He nodded towards Harry. "You have done quite well—both of you." His lips twitched faintly. "Take good care of each other."
Theo smiled. "Always." He squeezed Harry's shoulder.
This time, Harry didn't blush.
"Will you be presenting tomorrow?" Bahn's question was directed to Theo, interesting glittering in his pale eyes. He'd already fielded Harry's question of what the Hunting season was like, now he wanted his new friend to join him for the fun.
"That is actually up to Harry." Theo said, smoothly. "Will you and yours?" He looked at Harry, tugging gently on the bond to read the emotions filtering through his Submissive. "Harry?" The green-eyed brunet had settled on his side, half-asleep due to the warm sun. He mumbled an answer, shifting to lie on his stomach. Theo stifled a laugh, reaching out to trail his fingers over the sun-warmed skin, skimming over the intricate tattoos fading in and out on Harry's pale skin.
"I think we would dearly love to." Bahn mused. "But that decision lies with Ilsa. We have not shown ourselves as a Circle in any public function or social capacity since her absence. It did not seem…right. If she is amenable, then yes, we will."
Theo's brow furrowed lightly at that. He knew his Oretta had adored her Gheyo life, the presentations, the fights, the duels and all of that. She'd never once complained of giving them up in order to spend her training time training him, but he had wondered. "Have you asked her?"
"I intend to, whenever she arrives." Bahn smiled. "After which, I hoped to invite Harry to join our entrance. I would be happy to introduce him."
Theo's golden eyes lit up at once. "Truly?"
"Indeed." Bahn smiled, warmly. "Harry?"
One emerald eye opened lazily to look them. "What for?" Harry yawned, tugging on Theo's hand that remained tangled with him. The towels weren't quite as comfortable anymore, now that he had the option of his own personal, Theo-pillow. He roused himself to a half-sitting position to figure out how to arrange what he wanted.
"There's quite a bit of social and political maneuvering that takes place during the Hunt." Theo explained. He amusedly let himself be tugged and pulled into position by an adorably half-asleep Harry. "The higher up you are, the better off you are and the more power and influence is at your fingertips. Bahn's Circle, the Deveraines, are fairly high up in society. It automatically grants you the same social status as they have. It's a good thing and the higher society circles tend to be more powerful and more knowledgeable."
Harry snorted.
Theo hesitated. He looked to Bahn.
"What Theo means is that an introduction into the upper echelon of our society means you have a better chance of running into the Kadel family or the Cairothes, the Arythes, the Kalziks, the elemental clan chiefs—for instance, you will be associated with the Gorgens, if you accept my invitation, as it is well known that Ilsa is a part of our circle. Not to mention there's even the possibility of meeting the Royals. It doesn't mean you can't meet and mingle with others, but it does allow you more freedom and it's really quite fun."
"Harry." Theo caught him gently in a hug and pulled him forward to half-cuddle, half-snuggle. "Better?"
Harry tested the new position carefully with a wriggle. He hummed in satisfaction.
Theo tugged gently on one ear. "I think the sun has sufficiently fried your brain." He said, dryly. "Yes, no or do you need to think about it?"
"Yes, if Bahn will attend." Harry agreed, after a moment's consideration. He was interested in the Hunt and he would rather be introduced with Bahn, than alone. Not because of names and ranks and all of that rot, but because the blond dragel was swiftly becoming a very dear friend.
"Lovely." Bahn preened. "It will be wonderful."
Theo perked a brow, but didn't comment. From the gleam in the older Submissive's eyes, he knew his Oretta would not stand a chance—not that he thought she'd complain. With that settled, he turned his attention to the armful of Harry and flexed his fingers. The tattoos had stopped flickering out and had remained visible on the creamy skin. Theo smiled. His Submissive was indeed, quite beautiful.
A second later, Harry all but melted when Theo's talented fingers dug into his neck and shoulders, massaging deeply. He snuggled closer and purred, contentedly.
"Quinn, is that you?"
Dyshoka's voice caught the mute healer's ears the moment he 'ported home. He stepped out of the faintly glowing circle and quickly exited the room, nearly running into said sister hovering by the doorway.
He turned to her, questioningly, not bothering to project as he shrugged out of his traveling cloak. He knew she would explain whatever was needed from him, if he allowed her a moment rather than granting his curiosity full reign.
"You look horrible." She pronounced, reaching out with one tanned hand to feel his warm forehead. "I honestly wish you wouldn't let them work you to the bone like this. You're absolutely useless if you're dead, you know!"
Quinn perked a brow in answer. His lips twitched into what might have been something of a smile at his sister's concern. He waited while she felt his throat next and then manually took his pulse. Dyshoka never relied on spells to tell her what a true healer's instincts could. She was the best of their family yet, for the accuracy of her readings and the quick, non-magical methods of acquiring them.
"Well, you're mostly fine." She fussed, brushing his shoulders and straightening his healer's garb. The standard issue overtunic was deftly unbuttoned and pulled away.
Quinn didn't protest, appreciating the help, however minor, as the day's weariness had finally begun to set in. He'd felt it in the faint tingle that had sparked over him when he'd 'ported in.
"You'll want some blood later." She eyed him, critically. "Do you want it from me?"
The blond immediately shook his head. Most definitely not—Dyshoka was his favorite sister and as much of a necessity as some things were, he hated the thought of biting her, even though it was quite normal of her to offer. He'd manage for the moment, his mother would most likely make him feed—if he ran into her tonight. If he didn't, a blood replenisher potion and a full night's sleep would do the trick.
Dyshoka frowned. "You'll have to take it from someone." She scolded, lightly. "And if you work yourself into a fit again, I'll march you to the training rooms and take it out on your shabby defense."
He bristled faintly at that—but fixed her with a glower rather than projecting any conversation between them. It took effort and energy and he desperately wished to seek his bed at the first opportunity. The emergency at the clinic, then that Soul Cast for Theo, then that pretty wood nymph and her Circle with the pesky Water Flu and then the list had simply gone on and on.
Dyshoka hung the healer's cloak and overtunic on the respective peg inside the transportation room. She reached over to rub a hand along his shoulders and back, a comforting touch. "…you do know why I'm here, yes?" There was a hint of regret in her voice.
Teal eyes blinked in surprise and Quinn mentally backtracked. He was puzzling through the day's events when the realization dawned. He winced.
She sighed. "I figured you forgot. Is there anything you need first?"
Quinn slowly shook his head.
"Good boy." She praised, softly. "Your Da is in his rooms…he's working on Bharin."
Surprise flickered over his face and the teal eyes grew wide. Quinn grabbed her hand, pushing lightly against her mental shields.
"Bharin went to him." She soothed. "And I'm sure he knows you well enough by now to know who is responsible for what." She clucked her tongue. "Mother was very upset when you 'ported out this morning. I did explain my side of things, but I'm afraid she is still quite upset with you."
The blond head bowed and Quinn affected a sigh. His fingers curled lightly over his sister's own. Thank you, Dy. I'm sorry.
"I'm not the one you need to be apologizing to." She squeezed his fingers back and stepped away. "Go on. Drawing it out will only grant you a headache."
…thank you.
"You're welcome. Now go!"
Quinn trotted off down the opposite hall where he'd intended. The Kalzik family had always kept the traditional rooms for the sake of tradition and privacy. It allowed his parents to keep their private lives private when they wished and allowed some of the rest of them a few more degrees of leniency, by having their rooms on the opposite end of the house.
Too soon, he found himself standing in front of the double wooden doors bearing a badger's seal, his Sire's mark. These were his personal rooms. The dial at the left of the door showed blue, meaning he was occupied with a Circle member, but that others could enter. Quinn raised a hand to knock, then thought better of it. He knelt before the door, hands on his thighs and tugged on his magic, pushing his aura out to make his presence known.
He would not enter without an explicit invitation.
Minutes passed. Then, the latch on the doors clicked and slid open a mere inch. Quinn relaxed, surprised to find how worried he had been over the expected response. He wedged his fingers through the opening and carefully pried it apart, wide enough for him to enter without difficulty. The room's large interior was shadowed and earthy, faintly lit by the various candles positioned all around it. It was exactly as it had been from the last time Quinn could remember.
The young healer rose gracefully to his feet and stepped fully into the room. He kept his eyes to the floor and bowed, hands at his thighs.
A second later, his Sire's magic washed forcefully over him and Quinn straightened. He turned back to the door and closed it, turning the dial to red, to show that the room's occupants could not be disturbed at present, then resumed his kneeling position, awaiting further acknowledgment.
Soft pants and the occasional grunt broke the silence in the room.
Quinn mentally withdrew himself from the room, counting his breaths in and out, feeling the unusual warmth in the room beginning to reach him. He hadn't realized he'd felt chilled, except for now the heat had caught his senses and begun to coax his body to relax.
"Did you finish your meditations?" Patrick's voice was low and silken, sounding from somewhere near the center of the room to the right.
Quinn shook his head. It was a healer requirement that all of them had to complete on a daily basis.
"Finish them. You know what to do." Came the quick, clipped reply.
Quinn nodded. He rose from the floor, careful to keep his eyes on the floor, as they adjusted to the shadowed surroundings. He made his way over to the closest corner in the room and pulled a soft, velvet pillow from a slender wooden shelf. There were candles of various sizes and lengths stored on the shelf as well and Quinn withdrew seven, short, white ones.
He backtracked from the corner to give himself some space, then set the pillow down. Deliberately turning his back to the room and its occupants, Quinn knelt on the pillow and carefully stood the candles on the smooth, polished wood floor. He touched a finger to the first one, reaching inside of himself to find the appropriate magic and channel it outward.
The white candle turned a pale pink, then a rich red as magic mixed with the waxy contents from a single finger. Quinn gripped it firmly, then blew at the wick. There was a snap and a spark, before a calm, yellow flame appeared.
Quinn sighed. That was not what he wanted, but it would have to do. He set the candle to the side, knowing his magic would keep it safe as he reached for the next one. The process was repeated until he had all seven candles colored in the appropriate hues of the seven chakras. The flames still burned a steady golden hue instead of their expected colored flames, proof that he had indeed pushed his boundaries further than he should have.
With all the candles lit, Quinn then folded his hands in his lap and closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing. He worked to clear his mind, check his mental shields and defenses, then to isolate any emotions present.
Nearly twenty minutes later, a pained gasp jolted those teal eyes wide open.
Quinn was half on his feet, before the rest of his wits caught up with him.
"Bharin is fine, Quinn." Patrick's voice was steady and calm. "It is nothing to worry about. Finish your exercise."
Hands clenched and unclenched, Quinn hesitated, frowning at the velvet pillow.
There was a quiet sigh from his Sire. "Look quickly and see for yourself."
Quinn did.
He couldn't help it. This was not his Sire's bedroom, but rather his healer's workroom, a detail that worried him even more than the thought of his Sire's impending displeasure.
In the center of the room, a large black rock was smoothly carved out to be a natural table.
Bharin lay calmly on the oiled surface, expertly bound with strong rope, his athletic body coaxed and held into position. Potion filled acupuncture needles bobbed faintly in the candlelight, the slender shadows dancing over the dark skin as Bharin's controlled breathing caused them to quiver. Standing opposite of him, Patrick stood, shirtless, his upper body coated in a fine sheen of sweat, a handful of the slender needles held in one gloved hand.
Piercing blue eyes stared straight into teal ones, until Quinn had to look away. His Sire looked the same as he always had. Trim, well-muscled, with a long, blond braid draped over one shoulder and those vivid blue eyes.
"Finish your exercise." His Sire scolded, mildly. "I am almost through with Bharin, then I'll be with you in a moment."
By the time Quinn had managed to occlude his thoughts and strengthen his mental barriers, the flames had finally burned white. They were closer to the colored flames they should be, but he was too agitated to think on it. He was sure his Sire would not take anything out on Bharin for his foolishness, but then again Bharin had intervened on his behalf on more than several occasions.
Not that Quinn had escaped those situations unscathed, for Bharin was strict, if not stricter, than his parents when it came to certain points, such as his health, safety and proper use of his magic. Still, it made him worry and worry made him antsy and that in turn, made him restless.
"Enough, Quinn." There was a touch of exasperation in Patrick's voice as he spoke at last. "If you intend to sit over there and mentally torture yourself, then kindly come and make yourself useful. Bharin is fine."
Quinn was on his feet and trotting over to the black stone table within a handful of seconds. His worried teal gaze raked carefully over his mentor, taking in the size of the ropes, the current position of the Gheyo's body and the cup of used needles hovering off to the side. Bharin's dark eyes were heavy lidded and his body was quite relaxed, though covered with the same fine, sheen of sweat as Patrick's had.
"See? I told you." Patrick said, quietly. "Do not disturb him." He waved the cup of needles towards Quinn. "Dispose of those." He then began to work the knots currently holding his patient in position.
I know that! I wouldn't disturb him if he looked like that…I was just…he sounded…and I haven't seen you for a very long time. I guess you're very angry though, because you haven't said a word, really. Quinn frowned, though more to himself as he hurried away to do as asked and return. He was back in time to see his Sire tugging the ropes free, having stripped off his gloves. A routine health check followed to verify that Bharin was fine and ready for the rest of his treatment.
"Bharin?" Patrick murmured. "How are you? Ready to be stretched out?"
An answering hum was the necessary confirmation.
"Good fellow." Patrick praised. He cupped a hand briefly around one tanned cheek and smiled when the Gheyo leaned faintly into the touch. "I'll have the cuffs on you in a minute and then we'll see what we'll see. Do you mind if Quinn is here?"
A quiver was the only answer.
"Very well. I'll send him on a run."
Quinn looked as if he were about to protest, only to find those blue eyes drilling into him again. He looked away, feeling warmth flood his cheeks. He'd stay until ordered to leave, then!
Patrick melted into the shadows on the far end of the room and returned a moment later, with four, thick cuffs, lined with softness on the inside. He fastened them in turn to the appropriate wrists and ankles, before coaxing the relaxed Gheyo up to a sitting position. Once Bharin was balancing tentatively on his own, Patrick drew out a length of silk cord and deftly tied back the thick dreadlocks. He summoned a glass of water and blood-spiked it, having Bharin drink half, before setting it aside.
"Quinn, running." Patrick slid an arm around the Gheyo's shoulders, helping him slide off the table. "Do not make me tell you twice. A half-hour is fine."
Quinn scowled, but before he could protest, Bharin's head turned enough for those dark, unfathomable eyes to rest on him. The younger dragel squirmed inside, then cast a look back to his candles.
"I'll handle those. Let me tie Bharin first." Patrick led his Bonded over to the far wall and summoned restraints that fell from the ceiling. He fastened them to the cuffs in turn, working until he had Bharin kneeling on the floor, his arms extended, updward at the sides. He pressed a light kiss to one sweaty shoulder and two fingers to the Gheyo's neck.
Satisfied, he withdrew and strode to Quinn's makeshift meditation area. He checked the candles, noting that they had begun to take on the palest hues of their respective colors. He could recognize the reason for it straightaway. "You were Soul Casting today?"
The unsure half-glower that fixed on him made the blond's lips twitch. "Quinn—you do realize that I do not mind if you speak?"
Quinn blinked. He opened his mouth, then shut it, uncertainly.
Patrick looked him over for a moment, then sighed. "Quinten." He reached over and folded his son into a warm, comforting hug. "I should not have waited so long to return." He said, half to himself. He squeezed the young man a little tighter, then rubbed his chin over the messy blond hair. There were times when he wished that his son would grow his hair out as he did, but knew that the short style was an expression of individuality that he would never wish to take away.
It took longer than it ever had before, until Quinn's stiff posture finally relaxed and he all but melted into his Sire's arms, hugging back just as tightly.
"Quinn." Patrick murmured, kissing the side of his son's temple.
There we go. Took you long enough. I've missed you, son.
…you never…the connection…Papa. Quinn buried his face in his Sire's neck, breathing in the familiar scent he hadn't enjoyed in nearly two years. He'd grown used to the fact that his father, Hiram, did not keep the same mental connection as his mother and Bharin did. Of course, his family was very private and a mental connection would definitely cut into that privacy. His Sire though, had never thought twice about accepting the link and it was always reestablished within minutes of their reunion. He'd been worried when there'd been a delay in the link's connection—but so very glad to know it was still there. I missed you too. Why didn't you come back sooner?
Unfortunately, taking a leave of absence is not as easy as it once was. Patrick returned, smoothly. We'll talk of it later—among other things. Can you manage your run? You look exhausted. What have they been making you do?
I am and I don't have a choice. I refuse to bear a mark against my credentials simply because I've had a long day. I'm fine, it was simply—is simply—a rather difficult case.
You've had difficult cases before.
This one's different, I ah, it was tricky.
You are attached? Patrick arched a blond eyebrow in question. That was quite rare. Quinn was kind-hearted and compassionate, but very professional. He rarely formed any attachments to any of his patients, if ever.
No! I just, it's difficult to explain. Quinn squirmed inwardly at the knowing look in his Sire's eyes. He knew that look and it made him want to groan. They would certainly have quite a bit to talk about, it seemed.
I have all the time in the world.
Bharin doesn't!
And I wouldn't leave him there. Take your time on your run and think of what you'd really like to tell me.
I don't-!
Stubborn as always. Very well then. Enjoy it—don't resent it. A run is good for clearing the mind and even the heart. I'll keep the waxes for you to study later.
But I didn't finish the-!
You've done well enough and over the required time. It's only your perfectionist streak demanding perfection.
They didn't change color the way they'd usually do.
And they usually would, even after you've been performing your Soul Casts?
And after a hard-day's work?
And after a near-death experience?
…Bharin told you?
Your mother, actually. Why do you suppose I am here?
Because you missed me and really wanted to see me?
Nice try, brat. We'll discuss it later. You have a run to take and I have a Gheyo to take down for the night.
…is he…is he alright?
He's fine. But he's a Gheyo and they have certain needs that certain people are not quite suited to fulfilling. Patrick smiled. Off with you, now.
…Take good care of him?
Don't I always?
A/N: Patrick is skilled in several specific branches of obscure healing, as well as basic acupuncture and his skill in Rope Bondage and Bloodplay. Bharin, as a Gheyo, requires a little more 'special attention' than other Bonded. Patrick is happy to provide that, Quinn is very protective of Bharin though and doesn't like it.
Thank you all for the kind reviews, suggestions and also the well wishes for my Aunty. She has successfully made it through one surgery. We're hoping she can continue through to the next one. Link on my profile for the review forum, I cannot answer reviews here due to site policy.
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