Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
Unbeta’d, all mistakes and lousy grammar are mine. Ccino
2 songs in this chapter, sorry.
CH 71
Lou spent the morning with her friends. She didn’t have to worry about turning anyone down for the dance, no one asked her. Now she was married to Professor Snape, she was considered out of bounds. Not that she cared, Lou didn’t want to be with anyone but her husband, she knew though that he would never agree to escort her.
When Madam Malkin arrived, Lou could hardly wait to see the dress and took her straight to her rooms.
“Oh, its beautiful Madam Malkin, can I try it on?”
“That is why I’m here dear; I think it will look even more beautiful once you are wearing it.”
The dressmaker made all the final adjustments, and then produced a small box, which she enlarged. Inside were slippers and a hairpin to match the gown.
Peg arrived and said she would do Lou’s hair when the time came; all Lou needed to do was be there.
Early that evening, as Lou soaked in the bath she allowed her mind one last fantasy of her sucking Severus like a lollypop, just to be certain he would get the message this evening.
Severus would happily have strangled her if it were not for the fact he was coming hard in the shower.
After donning his new formal dress robes, personally delivered by Madam Malkin that afternoon, he admired himself in the mirror. They were black as always, this time though a fine silver strand threaded its way along the edges of his frock coat. Along the collar, lapels, hem and cuffs. The black tie used to fasten his hair into a ponytail at the nape of his neck also had the fine silver strand.
Seeing as how this celebration was in honour of himself and Lou, he decided that just this once he would escort her to the Great hall. They were married after all and it would be expected.
He knocked on her door and Peg let him in.
“I am here to escort you to th …” He gulped and ran a finger around the inside of his collar when she emerged from the bedroom. “Circe.” he breathed.
Lou’s gown was black velvet, with the same fine silver strand running round the plunging neckline and the hem. The gown was close fitting to mid thigh, where it flared in soft folds to the floor. Dainty silver slippers peeped through the hem and a silver clip held her hair up in a French pleat. At her throat was a black velvet choker with a silver swan in the centre.
She looked at him shyly, nervous of his reaction and desperately wanting him to see her as something more than a fifteen-year-old girl.
Had Severus been able to speak at that moment he would have said she looked all woman to him. However, he couldn’t, he was too busy trying to control the urge to drag her to the bedroom and to all manner of manly things to her.
After clearing his throat, he managed to say. “I thought I might escort you, considering this ball is in our honour. Take my arm wife.”
He allowed a brief smile to touch his lips in reassurance as Lou took his arm.
“I like your hair pulled back like that, it’s sexy.” She told him as they stepped into the dungeon corridor.
Severus did not get chance to respond to her comment as several Slytherins, two Gryffindors, two Ravenclaws and a Hufflepuff suddenly appeared from the Slytherin common room, Lou’s friends included. They’d been on their way to meet her so they could all enter the Great Hall together. When they saw her on the Professors arm however, they smiled and waited for the couple to lead the way.
Lou was close to tears as Severus walked them across the main entrance hall, she was proud to be on his arm and happy that he’d decided they would go together. She didn’t think he’d do something like this and it meant the world to her.
Instead of taking her into the Hall, Severus led her down a short passage and stopped.
Lou lifted her face to his, puzzled as to why they were here.
“The headmaster has requested …though it was more of a command, that we make a grand entrance. It appears we are a little early.” Severus explained.
“Grand entrance? Oh crikey, do we really have to? Severus everyone’s gonna be looking at us.”
“That is the general idea.” He agreed, a smile playing in his lips.
“Yeah but you hate that, and so do I.”
“They are going to stare anyway, especially with the way you look this evening. Did I tell you how beautiful you are?” He purred.
Lou gulped. “No.” She whispered.
“Then I am telling you now, you are beautiful.”
“Th …thank you.” She told him, her face becoming redder by the second.
Lou wanted to put her arms about him, however Severus was feeling exactly the same and he knew if they held each other now it would be his undoing, they would never make it to the Great Hall, instead he would end up carrying her to the nearest empty classroom and ravishing her.
The tension between them at that moment was palpable, each clearly seeing the heat in the others eyes as their breathing quickened.
Lou reached out tentatively, barely brushing his hand with her fingertips yet it was as though a fire ignited in both of them.
Severus pulled his hand back sharply.” “Don’t.” He said in a throaty growl. “I will not be responsible for the consequences witch if you touch me again. It is time, lets go.” ‘Gods what is she doing to me?’ He thought, holding out his arm for her to take. He looked at her sternly, knowing she was hurting yet unable to comfort her without fulfilling his basic needs, their needs.
Lou was hurt, deeply hurt. She didn’t care about the party any more, she wanted the consequences, more than anything she wanted those.
‘Fine, if that’s how he’s gonna be, two can play at that game.’ She thought.
Severus gave her a sideways glance, wondering what she’d meant. However they were now at the entrance to the Great Hall and he could not take her aside again to ask. “I am warning you wife, you had better behave yourself this evening.” He warned.
As the massive doors opened, Lou thought briefly of what she now referred to privately as ‘licking his lollipop.’ She smirked slightly when his arm squeezed her hand slightly, she knew he’d got the image.
Lou mind was soon on other things when she discovered everyone in the hall was stood either side of them, creating an aisle in the middle for them to walk through.
‘Oh bugger.’ She thought, fixing her eyes firmly on the Headmaster who stood at the far end with the rest of the staff and that idiot Gamp, waiting for them to approach.
Stealing a quick peek at her husband, Lou knew he was as uncomfortable with the situation as she was scared to death, yet his face remained stoic throughout their walk through the multitude of smiling clapping students and guests.
Albus raised his hands to silence everyone, greeted Severus and Lou then made a long speech about finally being able to live a life free of tyranny, fear and oppression.
He kept referring to Severus and Lou as saviours of the wizarding world, causing both of them to squirm slightly.
Gamp then took over, saying how the Ministry was proud to proclaim that Severus Snape had been working undercover for them for a number of years now to aid in the fight against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Also that aurors were working day and night to seek and arrest the many Deatheaters who still remained at large.
All the time Lou was thinking what a conceited, pompous, arrogant, self-important prat he was.
Hearing her thoughts clearly, Severus had to agree.
They were both awarded their Order of Merlin’s, then were made to pose for photos.
When the photographer told Lou he wanted one of her and Minister Gamp together smiling she told him to get lost.
“I won’t do it. He didn’t do a thing to help any of us, none of the Ministry did. Look out there, see all those people, the students, they’re the ones who fought to make it happen, not the ministry.
“Madam Snape, are you not pleased to receive your award?” Rita Skeeter asked her.
“Yes I am, but not for me, for them.” She said, pointing at the professors and the crowd before her that included all the members of The Order of The Phoenix. “Write that in your paper because I’ve had enough of it all.” She told the reporter angrily and rather loudly.
Rita was about to ask another question but then she saw the crackle of energy that began to emit like an orange glow around Lou.
“I think perhaps this interview is over.” Severus told the woman sternly.
“Yes, quite. Maybe you would like to say a few words for our readers instead Professor.” She said, one eyes still nervously on his wife.
“I think not, I happen to agree wholeheartedly with my wife.” Taking Lou’s arm, he led her away from the small group of reporters and cameramen that were allowed in and sat with her in a quiet corner of the room.
“Lou, you can relax now. I do not think she will bother you again.”
“Is that it? Will they go? I don’t want any more photos’ taking of me Severus, I don’t like it any more. And I hate Gamp, he’s a …I dunno but I don’t like him.”
“I imagine you have made your feelings quite clear on that score and you have no argument from me. I happen to agree with you this time. Just try and control your temper if one of them irritates you. It would not do to unintentionally hex everyone present because a few are so obnoxious.”
She laughed at the images entering her mind of everyone suddenly being changed into little hairy creatures with startled expressions on their faces.
“Not advisable.” He said with a chuckle. “I believe the formalities are over and the celebration is about to begin.. I think also that your friends are eager to get your attention. Off you go.”
“Aren’t I staying with you?”
“No. You will join your friends and I shall be with the staff and Order. Have a nice evening but behave yourself. I may not be on chaperone duty this evening, however I will be keeping an eye on you.”
“Okay, see you later then, lollipop.” She said with a wink and a smile as she skipped off to join Stacey and the others.
Severus gave a low growl in his throat at her last remark, still wondering what she was up to.
Lou was happy sitting at the table with her Slytherin girlfriends. They were joined by the Gryffindors and several from other houses as usual. Tables were pushed together to accommodate them all as the staff looked on happily at the camaraderie that now existed between the four houses of Hogwarts.
Lou waited through several dances then gave Stacey a wink. Stacey was the only one who knew what Lou planned to do this evening, though she had no idea of the significance of it.
Lou approached the Headmaster and quietly asked if she might be allowed to sing.
“Certainly, I recall the last time you did so and you have a wonderful voice.
He took her to where the sound system was located and Lou placed her music into the machine.
“Ladies and gentlemen, students. A certain young lady has graciously consented to sing for us this evening, I hope she will do so more than once. I give you Madam Snape.”
Severus’ head snapped up when he heard who was going to sing. He would never have imagined her able to pluck up the courage to do such a thing, even though she did have a wonderful voice. He wondered what made her decide to do so now, and what she would sing. ‘She did not tell me she was planning to do this.’ He thought. He soon discovered why when she belted out the song.
(Little Millie: My Boy Lollipop)
My boy Lollipop,
you made my heart go giddy up.
You are as sweet as candy,
you're my sugar dandy.
Ha, ho my boy Lollipop,
Never ever leave me,
Because it would grieve me,
My heart told me so,
I love you, I love you, I love you so,
But I don't want you to know,
I need you, I need you, I need you so,
And I'll never let you go,
My boy Lollipop,
You make my heart go giddy up,
You set my world on fire,
You are my one desire,
Oh my Lollipop.
I love you, I love you, I love you so,
But I don't want you to know,
I need you, I need you, I need you so,
And I'll never let you go,
My boy Lollipop,
You make my heart go giddy up,
You set my world on fire,
You are my one desire,
Oh my Lollipop.
Severus sat rigid in his seat, his cheeks flushed as soon as the first verse was over. ‘You little minx, so this is the reason you’ve been teasing me every night.’ He shifted uncomfortably and crossed his legs, the tightness in his trousers disturbingly obvious to anyone who cared to look in that direction.
Every time Lou sang the word lollipop she flashed a clear image to him of exactly what she was thinking.
Amongst all the cheering and clapping that followed her song, Severus glared at his wife for daring to torment him in such a way, but Lou gave him a broad smile and another wink before jumping from the stage and going back to sit with her friends.
He would have gone to her and had words, maybe even more than words if it were not for the fact that most of his blood had made it’s way from his brain to a more visibly obvious place.
“Lou that was great, are you gonna sing some more?”
“You have to, you’ve got a fantastic voice.” Her friends told her.
“Maybe one more, later though. Right now I need a drink.”
She glance in the direction of the head table, which was extended to accommodate the extra guests from the ministry and members of the Order.
Tonks caught her eyes and gave her a thumbs up, so did Remus and he sent her a wink. Kingsley raised his glass in salute and even Moody smiled at her. At least she thought it was a smile. It was hard to tell with Moody.
Severus however sent her a look that said clearly he would not allow her to get away with this.
“Lou, can I talk to you?”
She turned to find Ron sitting next to her. “I think you said enough to me last time we spoke Ron.”
“Yeah, but I was wrong, I know that now. I want to say sorry.” Ron wore smart new dress robes.
Apparently Tonks found an injured Niffler when she was leaving their house at Christmas and asked the Weasley’s to take care of it. They were happy to and once nursed back to health, the little critter rewarded them by finding a hoard of golden Galleons and a small sack full of precious gemstones in the garden, meaning the Weasley’s were now quite wealthy. In addition to that, it seemed they’d been unaware that a lot of what they’d assumed were tree decorations were also precious gems and very valuable.
“Honest Lou, I am sorry, it was the shock I suppose, I thought you …”
“Ron, I know what you thought and I know what you said to me. It hurt, it hurt a lot. You wouldn’t even listen when I tried to explain. Well I’m over it now so forget about it. I don’t want to talk about it any more.” She told him coldly.
“So we’re friends again, you forgive me?” he asked.
“I said I was over it Ron, lets leave it at that. I’m not gonna spend my life hurting over a few thoughtless words, maybe when you’ve grown up a bit we can be friends. I won’t ignore you, but I wont ever trust you again, you‘re just someone I know Ron.”
Severus scowled when he first noticed Weasley sidle up to his wife and he tuned into her thoughts immediately. He was more than satisfied with her response, even though he thought she’d been too lenient on the boy.
Someone managed to spike the punch so that Lou and her friends were tipsy by late evening. Lou wasn’t passed knowing what she was doing though and she wanted to perform the last song of the evening.
She made her way once more to the sound system at a nod from the Headmaster, who once more announced she would be singing.
Severus shifted uncomfortably in his chair, wary now as to what song she would sing. When he turned to look at the stage, Lou was staring back at him intently. She never took her eyes from him throughout the song.
(Whitney Houston - I Have Nothing)
Share my life,
Take me for what I am,
'Cause I'll never change,
All my colours for you.
Take my love,
I'll never ask for too much,
Just all that you are,
And everything that you do.
I don't really need to look
Very much further,
I don't wanna have to go,
Where you don't follow.
I will hold it back again,
This passion inside,
Can't run from myself,
There's nowhere to hide.
(Your love I'll remember forever.)
Don't make me close one more door,
I don't wanna hurt anymore,
Stay in my arms if you dare,
Or must I imagine you there,
Don't walk away from me,
(No, don't walk away from me. Don't you dare walk away from me.)
I have nothing, nothing, nothing,
If I don't have you, you (you, you, you./If I don't have you.)
You see through,
Right to the heart of me,
You break down my walls,
With the strength of your love.
I never knew,
Love like I've known it with you,
Will a memory survive,
One I can hold on to?
I don't really need to look
Very much further,
I don't wanna have to go
Where you don't follow,
I will hold it back again,
This passion inside,
Can't run from myself,
There's nowhere to hide.
Your love I'll remember forever.
Don't make me close one more door,
I don't wanna hurt anymore,
Stay in my arms if you dare,
Or must I imagine you there,
Don't walk away from me,
I have nothing, nothing, nothing...
Don't make me close one more door,
I don't wanna hurt anymore,
Stay in my arms if you dare,
Or must I imagine you there,
Don't walk away from me,
Don't walk away from me,
Don't you dare... walk away from me.
I have nothing, nothing, nothing... If I don't have you, you...
If I don't have you, oh you..
When the song ended the Hall was silent, everyone staring from Lou to the Potions Master whose eyes were locked to hers. Only Lou was able to fully understand the expression in his eyes, apart from maybe Albus before the applause erupted and she was lifted off the stage by Harry, who proceeded to twirl her round before putting her down and grinning at her.
“Well, I don’t know what you’re up to, but whatever it is Lou, it seems to be having an effect.” he told her, his eyes flicking towards the Professor.
“I hope so Harry, I really hope so. Come on, I want some more of that punch before we all get thrown out of here.”
Severus’ eyes followed her intently as she headed back to the table with Potter. ‘Where the hell did that song come from? It is not one I’ve heard before. It has to be a muggle song, it has to be.’
The lollipop song had almost been his undoing, though he’d understood the mischief in it, but this second one cut straight to the heart and that was not a place Severus was ready to go back to for a couple of years.
Standing, he strode directly towards her, took her arm and said it was time to leave.
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