Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
Unbeta’d, all mistakes and lousy grammar are mine. Ccino
CH 72
Lou hardly had time to say one goodnight before she was dragged from the hall to the dungeons.
“Oww. Severus you’re hurting my arm.”
He relaxed his grip but did not let go until they were in his study, then he whirled on her, pulling her into his arms and devouring her mouth with his. One hand strayed to her bottom, pressing her against him, letting her know exactly how he was feeling.
“Is this what you want?” He asked, both of them breathless when he broke the kiss.
“Yes.” She whispered, her lips swollen. “And more.”
“Lou, you do not realise what a dangerous game you are playing with me, I am asking you to stop it, now. If you do not, I cannot, will not be responsible for the consequences. How many times must I tell you how it must be? Stop tormenting me, I will send you away if I have to.”
“Why, why must you send me away for wanting you? It’s not fair; it was special what we had, what we did. I don’t want to wait, what if you find someone else. You might stop loving me, or decide you want children and I can’t give you them. Why is it wrong to want to be with you?”
“Merlin give me strength. Lou, I will never stop loving you, and I certainly do not want anyone else in my life. You know why it must be this way and I refuse to keep explaining it repeatedly. I know how difficult this is for you, it is the same for me, but you have to stop tempting me, trust that I know what is best. Our time will come, as for children, if I cannot have them with you, than I would prefer not to have them at all. So stop with the thoughts each night, and the songs, and any other sneaky, Slytherin ideas you have hiding in that head of yours, because if secreting you away at the Manor on your own is the only way we can get through the next two and a half years, I shall do so. Right now, I suggest you go to your rooms and get to bed. And Lou.”
She lifted her eyes to his once more.
“I suggest you go straight to sleep, if I have one more improper thought from you this evening, you will be at Prince Manor before sunrise. Alone. Goodnight.” He unwarded the door and let her out, rewarding it behind her.
When the door closed behind her, Lou stood in the dungeon corridor feeling a mix of anger, fear and arousal. How was she supposed to sleep when she felt like this? She’d half a mind to go back to the Great Hall and enjoy what was left of the party with her friends.
Quickly applying her occlumency walls, she smirked and headed back to the main hall, the others won’t have left yet, let Severus sit and sulk on his own.
Lou could hear the party was still in full swing and made her way to the large double doors that led into the Great Hall, she was so intent on her destination she didn’t notice the shadow that moved from an alcove towards her.
Her eyes went wide as saucers as a hand clamped over her mouth and an arm wrapped around her, pinning her arms to her side.
Before she realised what was happening someone threw a stunning spell at her.
Lou was totally unaware of the cloak that now covered her, or of the large burley man that carried her outside and off the grounds of Hogwarts. He was accompanied by two others, one tall and slim, and the other slightly shorter and of a more stockier build.
As soon as they were through the gate, they removed their reporter’s disguise and apparated, taking Lou with them.
Severus was annoyed at first, wondering why she was practicing Occlumency when she was meant to be going to bed. He wanted to know what she thought about their conversation, he did not want her trying to run away and was considering entering her rooms and placing a tracking spell on her once, she was asleep. When they dropped ten minutes later however and there was nothing to see, Severus retired to his bedroom. ’At least she has done as I requested and gone to bed, I am sure she will understand better after a good nights sleep.’ He thought. ‘Perhaps I was a little over anxious with the idea of a tracking spell.’ He could not sleep however, something made him decidedly uncomfortable though he had no idea what it was. Just an inkling that something was not right. Unable to ignore the feeling for too long, Severus sighed and decided he would need to check in Lou before he could settle down to a good nights sleep.
Too many years as a spy had honed him to trust his instincts and he dressed quickly, heading to his office to retrieve the wards Lou wrote down for him. Rather that risk being seen entering her rooms from the corridor, he called for Kreatcher. After lowering the wards on what had been the adjoining door from his rooms to Lou little passage, he had Kreatcher recreate the door and stepped inside.
“Check and make certain she is asleep Kreatcher, and do not let her see you.” He whispered to the elf.
A minute later Kreatcher was looking at Severus, his large ears flattened to his head. “Lou not in her rooms Sir, not in bed or anywhere.”
Severus scowled at the elf. “What do you mean she is not there, she has to be?” He growled as he stalked from room to room looking for Lou.
After confirming for himself that the elf was correct, he made his way to the Great Hall to find her. ‘Little chit, how dare she go back to partying when I specifically told her to go to bed?’ He thought angrily.
The party was steadily winding down when he entered and he scanned the room looking for her. When he could not immediately find her, he moved along the perimeter of the room in an attempt to see her. ‘You are in so much bother my girl.’ He thought crossly. ‘If ever you deserved a spanking it is now.’ He scanned the groups of students, both those sitting at tables and those dancing and still could not find her.
When he noticed Potter and Granger near the punch bowl he made his way over to them.
“Where is she?” He demanded.
“Sorry Sir, who?” Hermione asked him puzzled.
“You know well who Miss Granger, now where is she hiding out?”
“Professor we don’t know who you’re talking about.” Harry told him, narked at the Professors attitude.
“My wife Potter that is who I am talking about. I know she snuck back here against my orders and I demand to know where she is hiding.”
“Professor Snape, we haven’t seen her since she left with you, honest. If she’s snuck back in, she hasn’t been anywhere near us.” Hermione told him.
Severus scanned the room once more. “Where is Weasley?”
“Ron, he left not long after you, he said he was tired and was going to bed.” Harry told him. “But Lou wasn’t with him.”
“That is Madam Snape to you Mr Potter. Weasley is in Gryffindor tower you say?”
“That’s what he said Sir.” Harry told him.
Severus narrowed his eyes and turned on his heel, if Lou was with Weasley there would be hell to pay. He strode from the room toward the staircases, Hermione and Harry hot on his heels.
“Open.” He said to the Fat Lady that guarded the Gryffindor common room.
“Certainly Professor, but you could be a little more polite you know.” The portrait told him.
Severus ignored her and climbed stepped into the common room. All Professors had rightful access to the student accommodations in case of emergency. Ensuring no one was in the common room, he moved to the staircase that led to the dormitories, still followed by Harry and Hermione.
“Which one is Weasley’s room?” He snarled at Harry.
“Erm, second door on the right Sir.” Harry said with a gulp. He was praying that Ron hadn’t somehow persuaded Lou to meet him and brought her back here.
Severus opened the door surprisingly quietly and as soon as he did, all three heard the grunts and groans that came from Ron’s bed. His drapes were closed and fluttering as the bed springs squeaked at a steady rhythm, it was obvious he had someone in there with him and what they were doing.
Severus’ face was a mask of rage as he took one step forward, wand drawn and blasted the curtains from the bed frame.
Ron didn’t even notice as he pounded into the girl beneath him, he was about to come and was lost to everything but his release.
Severus saw the dark hair of the girl beneath Weasley and roared in rage as he blasted Weasley from the bed.
Ron was sent flying across the room just as he reached his peak, his come flying everywhere before he landed breathless in a heap on the floor by the window. “Bloody Hell, that never happened before.” He said dazed.
Severus looked stunned at the Ravenclaws girl in the bed who hurriedly tried to cover herself in front of the Professor and two students.
“OUT. NOW. And fifty points from Ravenclaw Miss Penbridge.” He yelled at the poor girl wrapped in a sheet and nothing else as she tried to escape from the room. “Mr Weasley, detention every night with Mr Filch for the next two weeks and one hundred points from Gryffindor.” He snarled, before turning and leaving the trio in shocked silence.
“What the hell was he doing here?” Ron asked, rubbing the bump on the back of his head.
Severus checked the Great Hall and Lou’s rooms once more then went in search of Albus.
“She has gone Headmaster, I cannot find her anywhere.”
Albus set up an immediate search of the castle and grounds, enlisting the help of the elves and portraits, but Lou was nowhere to be found.
Albus wanted to know if she and Severus had some kind of argument. Severus told what occurred between the two of them and why.
“Perhaps if you were to show her a bit more trust Severus she would not have run away. Have you no idea where she may have gone?”
“It is not a question of trust Headmaster, it is more to do with making her realise that she …it makes no difference now. No, I do not know where she might be; otherwise I would not be standing here wondering where she might have gone.” He said heatedly.
Just then Argus Filch entered the Headmasters office, panting. “No sign of ‘er headmaster. Seems the only ones who’ve left the grounds so far tonight are some reporters. Hagrid saw three of ‘em leavin’ an hour ago carryin another that was too drunk to walk. They apparated as soon as they was off the grounds, dunno where they went.”
“Thank you Argus. You have been a great help.” Albus told the caretaker.
As soon as he’d gone, Albus turned to Severus. “I did not notice anyone so inebriated that they were unable to stand, did you Severus?”
“No I did not.”
Both men hurried out of the castle to the main gates.
Lou woke to darkness. She felt sick and groggy and her head hurt. “Bloody punch.” She mumbled to herself as she tried to turn over in bed. Only she couldn’t. “Ow, what the …” Lou found she couldn’t move her hands and feet.
“Hey, who’s there? Severus, if this is your idea of a joke, I’m not laughing.” She called hopefully. Lou had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach that told her this was nothing to do with Severus. “Hello, is anyone there? What’s going on?” She yelled. “Where am I?”
“Aw, you want Severus to come and save you.” Said a sickeningly mock baby voice. “Well I’m sorry sweetie, he’s not here.” The same voice crooned.
“Who are you?” Lou asked, the hair on the back of her head standing on end.
“Oh, don’t you remember me, and we were so …intimate the last time we met.” Bellatrix LeStrange continued in the same hideous childlike tone.
“Intimate, what are you on about? Let me go.” Lou said, fear creeping through to the very marrow of her bones. “What do you want, why am I here. Let me fucking go, this isn’t funny.”
“Such a dirty mouth from one so young, does Severus allow you to speak that way in front of him? Or does he prefer you to save it for the bedroom? You really have been a naughty girl you know that don’t you. You murdered my lover you scheming little bitch, for that you will pay dearly. And your traitorous husband, he will suffer terribly I’m sure once he has you back lots of little pieces. What he saw in you I do not know, Binding himself to a useless little lump when he knew I would allow him into my bed whenever he wished. I always could satisfy him more than any other, do you satisfy him?”
“You …you’re one of them …them Deatheaters. You were at the ceremony, you were the one who …let me go you friggin pervert. Let me go.” Lou raged, furious now as she tugged at the ropes. She realised this was the woman who’d invaded her quite brutally in front of Voldemort, Lou didn’t need to see the woman’s face to know that.
“”I was the dark Lords favourite, his special one. He treasured me above all the other Deatheaters, and you murdered him. Now I am going to make you pay for what you did, you will die very slowly. So slowly, you will be begging me to kill you long before I do. Oh, the ministry is still trying to round us all up but they never will, we’re too clever for them. A lot of my brethren have been waiting for a chance to have a go at you Madam Snape.” Bella spat Lou’s name as though it was a dirty word. “You cheated them, and they do not take kindly to being cheated. Well I hope your husband has broken you in well, because when the others arrive they’re going to be giving it to you good.” She said, laughing heartily. “After I have played around with you for a while. Lumos.”
Lou screwed her eyes shut when the torches flared to life, almost blinding her. She struggled against the ropes again but they got tighter the more she struggled. Lou knew pretty much what the woman meant when she said what the Deatheaters were gonna do to her, she was also terrified of what the woman herself would do, after the way she’d invaded her at the ceremony Lou knew she couldn’t go through that again. Malfoy and Zabini had already raped her, she wasn’t gonna lie here and let it happen again.
Opening her eyes a bit she turned her head to see if she could recognise where she was. She didn’t. It seemed to be a cell of some kind, there were no windows, just four stone walls and a wooden door at one end.
Bella flicked her wand and Lou felt goose bumps on her skin as her clothes disappeared, another flick and her legs were pulled apart.
The Bella stepped closer and Lou saw the woman was also naked and was wearing a… ’Oh shit.’ Lou thought when she saw the rubber strap on. “Nooo.” She screamed, staring at the large rubber phallus rather than the woman herself.
Closing her eyes again, Lou concentrated on summoning all her power, willing it to centre around her brain, pulling it forward ready to unleash. She felt, rather than heard as Bella moved close to her. She heard her saying how she would ream Lou good for murdering her lover. She felt the woman’s breath on her face and opened her eyes to stare straight into the insane gaze of Bella LeStrange.
Then Lou unleashed her magic at full capacity, her eyes searing into the other woman’s like ice.
Bella screamed as she felt her eyeballs freeze in their sockets. But it didn’t end there, she could feel her brain slowly freezing in her skull, bit by bit her thoughts, memories and emotions shut down. She thrashed wildly for a few minutes in the direction she thought Lou was but to no avail.
Lou held her gaze on the mad woman until she collapsed to her knees, no longer uttering a sound, the ability to vocalise herself gone along with her mind.
Lou reined in her magic and watched Bella fall to the floor.
Next she shape shifted, becoming liquid and flowing from her bonds onto the floor, then she became a light mist, drifting under the door and along a dark corridor. Unsure as to where she was going she became a fly, much faster than mist and made her way to the end of the corridor. Another door, only this one had a small grille set in and Lou was able to fly through it. She entered a small room with a long staircase and flew up onto a large landing. After buzzing around for a minute or two, Lou heard loud voices and deep laughter coming from farther along the landing and made her way there. Yet another door, not quite closed, she flew inside and settled on the ceiling, looking, listening. Deatheaters, about forty of them, all talking about what they were going to do when it was their turn to fuck Snapes bitch.
Lou was incensed now. ‘How dare they? How fucking dare they talk about her like that?’
Beyond reason Lou shifted again, she’d not taken Care of Magical Creatures’, but Severus had made certain he gave her the full seven year advance education in the subject and she became a Nundu.
Nundu’s come from east Africa and are said to be the most dangerous magical creature in the world. Similar to a giant leopard, it moves silently, it’s breath is able to cause disease virulent enough to kill off a small town in a few minutes.
Lou staked the length of the room and then padded her way back to the door, effectively blocking the exit. Then she let out a mighty roar in the direction of the Deatheaters, allowing her odourless breath to permeate the room.
The large group of Deatheaters turned in shock, each one inhaling in surprise, and each one falling to floor dead before they could even exhale or utter a sound.
Lou hadn’t been afraid of being killed by them, it needed at least a hundred wizards to overpower a Nundu.
Lou stayed as a Nundu as she roamed the mansion she was in until she found her way to the main entrance. Then she was forced to become herself again to open the door.
That was when she discovered she didn’t have her wand and that she was still naked. “Shit.”
“Accio my clothes and wand.” She whispered, holding out her hand and sending thin tendrils of white light from her fingertips. As soon as the threads broke away from her they whipped out of sight, returning seconds later with her clothes and wand.
Lou grabbed the wand first and used it to dress herself. Then she opened the door only to be snatched by a set of large beefy hands and flung back inside.
Dazed she looked up to see another army of men advancing on her, all with their wands aimed in her direction.
Lou pretended to faint and waited until she heard the door close. Some of them were laughing at the fact she’d fainted but as she heard them closing in on her she once more became the Nundu and roared out her anger at them. This time the door was still open and Lou shifted into a small serpent and slithered through the throng of dead bodies and out the door. She made her way into a clump of long grass to give herself the opportunity to look round this time before showing herself again.
Lou didn’t have a clue where she was. “Now what do I do?” She thought out loud.
Severus and Albus stood outside the gates of Hogwarts. “This is ridiculous Headmaster, we have no idea where they went, or even if it was Lou they carried with them. Though I have a gut feeling that it was.”
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