Weapon | By : uqui Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Voldemort Views: 105520 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 26 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Thank you to SuryaPrakash for the betaing. If there are mistakes, they are my fault.
Ch3rry - thank you for the review
Goldpen - thank you as well, your wolves are here a little bit in this chapter, and the explanation of when things will be settled is there too. Ginny will... well she is essential.
Devourer - those two Death Eater's were looking for someone or to clean up. LOL who knows but they at least realised opps, run!
unneeded - as usual, I will email you. :D
Thank you to everyone who rated. I'm very happy that people are enjoying the fic, and I fervently hope that they continue to enjoy the fic.
Weapon LXXIII After Halloween
When Harry got back to Hogwarts, he merely smiled at Millicent before walking off in the other direction. The Sixth Year girl staggered to her feet and slowly made her way to the Slytherin dorms to wash and sleep and Harry was reasonably sure that would be all he heard from her for a while. She may spy him up something good, she may not. Her reprieve, such as it was, was based more on timing than on forgiveness. She should enjoy this year because Harry was fairly certain, even if he did nothing, she was not going to enjoy the next.
It took Fawkes all of thirty seconds to confirm that Harry was back in Hogwarts but the phoenix was not coherent and Harry actually paused as he listened to the fire bird. The phoenix had touched him right after he left but beyond making sure that Fawkes was not about to follow him, the black-haired boy hadn't really cared what the fire bird wanted. Yesterday Fawkes had simply told him to be careful and that when Harry was ready, they would all be there for him and then the sense of Fawkes' presence had left him. At the time Harry hadn't cared. He hadn't cared for much through the oppressive anger he'd felt but now he could appreciate it, just probably not in the way the fire bird had intended. After an initial burst of confusion, Fawkes faded from his mind. Harry suppressed a resigned sigh and turned towards the Headmaster's Office.
He managed to avoid most of the castle's inhabitants by slipping through a couple of secret passages and when he reached the gargoyle it opened for him without even waiting for the password. As he rode the steps upward, Harry frowned and unconsciously he tensed. He could hear Dumbledore and Snape and there was a pitiful keening that was almost under his hearing. It left him feeling despair. He frowned at the imposed emotion and quickly Harry stepped into the Headmaster's office before he was invited.
The desk had been swept clear of everything and the contents, the usual papers and the few knick knacks were strewn on the floor, unheeded. Dumbledore was on the far side and the old wizard wore an expression of such utter desperation that Harry felt his heart contract. Snape, rather uncharacteristically had his back to the door but the green-eyed young man could tell that the Potion Master was just as worried. Lying on the desk, red feathers everywhere, was Fawkes. His breathing was laboured and Harry's eyes widened incredulously as he realised that the fire bird was wounded. His wings fluttered and the phoenix thrashed slightly before the two wizards could calm him. Fawkes was a large bird but he didn't take up the entire desk and lined up at one end was a series of small vials. Carefully Snape reached out one sure fingered hand to pick one out and brought it close. His other hand gently scooped Fawkes' head up and the fire bird drank down the potion, making an almost human sound as the liquid caught in his throat before it was soothed by Dumbledore's calming hands.
"What happened?" Harry asked as he strode in, unsure what he should do but knowing that he had to see this.
"Basilisk," Dumbledore replied shortly and from Fawkes Harry got a flash of image. He didn't recognise the serpent but it was large, forty foot long at least.
There was a welter of images and Harry got the impression of a fight where both serpent and phoenix did damage to the other. Harry frowned when he sorted out the end images. There were flashes of Shadow. "What?" He demanded of Fawkes.
The images were repeated and this time Harry knew what had happened. The phoenix and the basilisk had fought. Neither had been able to gain victory but since their battle had happened in the Forbidden Forest Fawkes had been able to summon help which had tipped the battle in his direction. The basilisk hadn't retreated though. It hadn't been able to retreat, yet, it had been rescued by darkness.
Savagely, Harry reached out and dragged a Shadow to him. It squealed and for a moment Dumbledore and Snape paused in their work. "I ordered you to obey only me!" Harry snarled at the Shadow.
"We do," the Shadow objected allowing its voice to be cast audibly. Silently other Shadows purred into Harry's mind as they lapped up his light. :Xeloc thought that Fawkes was responsible for the death of Xir. We did not believe that either you or your mate would appreciate the shock of another death so we rescued Xeloc. Just pretend it was the Dark Lord's Shadows and be very harsh and it will be okay. Though,: they added almost speculatively. :You do taste great this way, Master.:
"Then why did you help a basilisk against Fawkes?" Harry demanded, seeming to glow. The Shadows had pretty much confirmed what he had thought had happened the moment he'd seen them in Fawkes memory. He was very impressed with Xeloc's fighting ability. The larger and older serpent in the Chamber of Secret's hadn't done anywhere near this amount of damage to the fire bird.
"It wasn't us!" the Shadow replied desperately. "We are loyal Master, loyal."
"Who was it, then?"
"Those who obey the Dark Lord," the Shadow gasped, seemingly in pain as Harry allowed his aura to flare.
"Bring them to me," Harry ordered as he dropped the Shadow. "You are my servants and you answer only to one master. Me." As he said that Harry took a deep breath, seeming to calm himself before he turned back towards the Headmaster's desk. He studiously ignored the way that Dumbledore's eyes glittered with extreme happiness. Snape was more restrained though he was also relieved. Had they really been that concerned about his will in controlling the Shadows?
:Yes,: the Shadows chuckled at him. :You are their weapon, Master, but they are not sure you have the will to do what needs to be done.:
"Fawkes, I'm sorry," Harry said, accepting what the Shadows told him but ignoring it for now. He had gotten the anger part of this act right, but now he had to pull off caring, affection even for the fire bird and it had to be perfect. He reached out to gently stroke the fire bird. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
It was Dumbledore who answered. "I believe Fawkes would be grateful if you could feed him some energy," the ancient wizard said.
Harry frowned for a moment before he understood what was being asked. Energy transfer was not common for wizards but Dumbledore had explained the theory once. With a slight smile he relaxed, allowing his animagus form to come forth, completely forgetting that the last time his wings had appeared they were ebony.
Blindingly white feathers seemed to fill the room and deep in his mind the Shadows sighed in sheer contentment. Between the night just passed and this, their appetite was more than satisfied. :Wing colour is a matter of intent,: they murmured drowsily. :They are white now, because no matter your feelings towards Fawkes, your intent is pure and is for the greater benefit of life. They were black last night because your intent was death. You wanted to kill and you had killed and your power reflected that. You will have to learn to control your resolve Master, such that even when you intend death, you can call forth white feathers.:
Inwardly Harry frowned before he dismissed the Shadows' words for the moment. He would have to consider them later to determine their real meaning because for the moment, Fawkes was waiting.
He let light gather in his hands. It was different from the light he feed to the Shadows. It shared certain similarities, it was soft and gentle but this was laden with magical energy. The Shadows didn't need that. Slowly Harry held the light out to Fawkes. The phoenix cried and with the Potion Master's help lifted his head and opened his beak. Harry twirled one finger and the light spun into a thin thread that then feed itself to the phoenix. He summoned another thread of light and had it wrap around the worst of the phoenix's injuries.
Fawkes hummed but it was a pleased and almost restful sound. :I will not be taken by surprise again,: the fire bird's voice was firm. As they watched, Fawkes fell asleep, his laboured breathing evening out as his body relaxed.
"I will make sure they all obey me," Harry confirmed, his wings whispering softly as he moved slightly.
Dumbledore nodded. "Are you feeling better?" he asked, his eyes twinkling.
"Much better, thank you," Harry said.
"Would you please retract your wings, Mr. Potter?" the question was uttered in clipped tones.
"Oops," Wings rustled and his feathers shifted against each other before he retracted them.
:That is interesting,: the Shadows said suddenly. If they were human Harry would have said they were examining something minutely. :He appears to have made a decision,: they continued after a moment.
:Who has?: the question was silent.
:Snape,: they almost laughed. :We will talk later,: the Shadows added when both Dumbledore and Severus looked towards Harry expectantly.
Harry looked to the floor. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Last night... Last night was just too much."
"What triggered it?" Snape asked, showing far more perception than the Headmaster who would have probably left Harry's explanation as it was.
Green eyes squeezed shut and tears gathered. "Someone... someone apologised."
That brought frowns to both of the wizards' faces. What was bad about someone apologising?
"Harry you should tell us," Dumbledore said finally.
"And what good would that do?" Harry challenged. "If I tell you who, I give it approximately two hours at the most before Professor Snape is summoned and instructed to bring them."
"Then you have to forgive them," the old wizard concluded, already knowing he was going to get nowhere with his previous line of reasoning.
"No, I don't!" Harry resisted the urge to look at Snape when the man started. Did he look like his mother or did he look like his father with his insistence? What had the man seen to make him flinch like that? "I don't have to forgive them for raping me, I don't have to forgive them for anything. But I do not have to serve them up to the Dark Lord. You know who did it; he already saw to that when he gave them those gifts. You've just chosen not to act about it. But no matter how much pain they gave me, I do not want to see them in my dreams."
"You are correct Harry, I do know exactly who it was but you must understand I can't do anything until you are ready to identify them formally."
"And then what? Headmaster," Harry almost seemed to beg, "We reviewed the laws together. For one of them, there was no crime and for the other, it's barely seen as a crime because supposedly a woman can't rape a man." The black haired boy shook his head. "No, I'll keep them safe until the Dark Lord is dealt with, because I do not want to see him torturing them in my dreams but do not expect me to forgive them, and do not expect me to have to welcome their presence close to me."
Surprisingly it was Snape who spoke. "I'll have a word with them," he said firmly and Harry jerked his head in agreement. If they stayed away then things should be fine, until he was ready to deal with them.
"Thank you, Professor," he offered without prompting and was again rewarded by a small gesture of surprise from Severus. Dumbledore smiled affably, thinking that he and Snape were finally putting aside the past. Internally Harry shook his head. In one way it might be considered good that the Headmaster always tried to look for the best in people. Actually it was good. But for those in a position of power, they could expect the best, but they had to be able to deal with the worst. And on that, Dumbledore failed utterly.
Severus sat back in his favourite chair, a large glass of fire whiskey in one hand. It was only mid-afternoon, but he needed it. The Shadows had been oddly silent today. He hoped it was because they realised he would not follow them but he was not that naive. He could decide all he wanted to follow others, but they were going to be like little children, nagging and whinging until he had no choice but to give in, except he was not a weak willed parent.
And they weren't just nagging.
No! He would not think that, no matter how true it was. They were not just nagging, they were offering, they were bargaining and they were offering everything he'd ever dreamed about.
But they never mentioned the price.
No, he had made his decision. The moment he had touched Fawkes today he had made his decision. He'd been agonising over it for weeks, months, years even but in the end it was shockingly simple.
What did he want?
Oh he wanted all the things the Shadows were offering but he wanted one more thing and they had only implied that, they had not guaranteed it. He wanted salvation. Only Fawkes could give him that. Only a phoenix could burn away his sin. A phoenix was a pure creature of light in an active way, not like the unicorns or others. Phoenixes actually fought, unicorns just existed. Fawkes had driven back both the effects of the Dark Mark and the Shadows and in addition to offering salvation, he offered peace. It would not be easy, the fire bird never promised that, but it would be possible.
And so in the final analysis of things, his choice had not been much of a choice at all. Now, when the summons from the Dark Lord came, he would know in his heart what information to give and what to hold back. He was expecting one soon and was mildly surprised not be called for some action at Halloween but that night had passed now and it appeared that the one he had thought would give him salvation had forgone the usual attacks.
It meant something but for all his intelligence he couldn't work out what. Severus was one of the honoured few who knew the patterns behind the Dark Lord's attacks. They may have seemed random to the Aurors but in the past, each attack had been precise, each attack had been for some gain in the overall goal of domination. It was surprising what the death of even a single witch or wizard could do to intimidate some of the Wizengamot and not a few had paid the ultimate price as either a warning or to keep their friends and relatives in line. There were some random attacks carried out by Death Eaters but the Inner Circle of the Dark Lord's forces, they were far more disciplined and controlled than most realised. The Serpent Lord was a formidable general, moving his troops on a board only he could see towards a goal they had all shared. Today though, Snape was not so foolish to believe himself still graced with the Dark Lord's favour.
He had raised too many doubts. But he could fix that. It would take a little time, it would take his usual guile but he was still the only Potion Master in the service of the Dark Lord and that was part of the reason he was still too valuable to kill. At least that was his reasoning. Nothing could be proven against him either and he would make sure in the future that nothing could ever be proven against him. He had in the past, he would do so again. It should be easier this time too, knowing now which side he served truly.
And yet... and yet when he had seen those blindingly white wings on Harry Potter of all people he had felt doubt coil in his chest. What if the phoenix wasn't the right path... What if the phoenix wasn't strong enough? And what if the Shadows could offer him redemption in the form of their master?
No! There was no way the boy would forgive him. No way the boy would accept, much less try to understand. He might have her eyes and occasionally her demeanour but he was far too much his father's son. His insistence, his arrogance! All of it without thought. All of it focused only on himself. Perhaps in this case it was warranted. Severus was aware of what had happened last year. He wasn't meant to know, but he was also aware of some of what had happened in the boy's childhood. It was terrible. It was sickening but did it give him the right to lash out, to do what he wanted without concern for others? No. If anything it should have taught him better concern for others. It hadn't though, and it was probably too late to correct that oversight.
The doubts that the boy's animagus form raised were quickly forgotten. No matter what the boy's animagus form, no matter how much power that form had, or how aligned with the light it was, behind it all was still Harry Potter. And that was a flaw that could not be overcome. The boy could not forgive him, could not use his power to absolve his crimes. Only the phoenix could.
The Potion Master smiled to himself and sipped the fire whiskey. He was a good deal more relaxed now than he had been. At least he was until he heard it, a chuckle, a laugh that was almost beneath his hearing.
:Do you really, honestly believe it is that simple, Severus?:
He froze. That wasn't possible. They couldn't be here! Not in his quarters. He had warded them so carefully, so completely against them! They had never been able to enter before. Why were they here? How were they here?
:We can go where we want. You know better than anyone that you cannot just leave Severus. The Dark Lord won't allow that. And you won't have the chance to make amends. You've already made one mistake he won't tolerate so no matter what you offer him, no matter that you are in a position to watch over and spy on Harry, he has already made his decision.:
Snape shook his head. The Shadows were wise at times, but on the Dark Lord they didn't seem to understand much of the way he operated. "No. If I had of displeased him, then I would have already been summoned." On their predictions of his future with the Dark Lord they were easy to argue against.
They laughed. :You can think that if you want but remember this when you are screaming on that cold stone floor, when every muscle is cramping, your bones ache and your blood is boiling in your veins, remember this when your saviour phoenix has rejected you, we will still heed your call. We will still come for you and our offer stands. We will give you your dreams. We cannot guarantee redemption any more than the phoenix can but we can give you the chance to seek it far better than he can. We are everything you have ever wanted Severus. That has not changed. That will not change.
:We are the only ones who can show you the future, Severus. All you need to do is say 'yes'.:
After Harry had left the Headmaster and Snape he had almost naturally been pulled in by his friends. They could hardly not have noticed his absence and they wanted an explanation. He didn't want to lie so he was deliberately vague and whispered something about a task he had had to complete. Ginny obviously had figured out more, but she was easily subdued by a quiet smile and a chaste kiss on her forehead.
It was while he was eating a small dinner that the absurdity of the situation hit him and it was all he could do the fight back a laugh. The Dark Lord hadn't attacked because he had screwed him into exhaustion! He wondered what both the Aurors and the Death Eaters would think if they knew the truth. That was a Halloween he could get used to.
Of course he had done other things. Harry looked down at his hands. He could see his claws and see the blood on them but revulsion didn't cause him to choke and he couldn't feel the bile rising in his throat as he had when he'd first realised what he had done. His beloved's explanations had helped and the Shadows' confirmation of the truth of the Dark Lord's words had also helped but Harry doubted he would ever have such a burning desire to kill again. He knew he would have to kill again, but not like that. The next time would be most likely be in combat and that would provide a different reason.
Harry nodded to himself. When he had seen them there, when his anger had been drowning him with its strength and even when his Beloved had been within him, pounding him in exactly the right way to make him see stars of pleasure, he had wanted nothing more than to kill those Muggles, to hear them scream and moan and shudder in pain and to watch as the light faded from their eyes and they knew that he was the cause of their deaths. He had desired to kill them because as the Dark Lord had said, there was very little left that could be done to cause them further pain.
Perhaps it was because of Xeoaph that he had only desired the Muggles' deaths, but with those who had attacked him last year he wanted so much more. Millicent, Blaise and Draco... they had yet to begin to feel pain and while he could picture the Dark Lord torturing them for months as he had the Muggles, that image did not give him satisfaction, not like it did for the men of his childhood. He had wanted the men to suffer and they had, and then his anger had called for them to die, and they had. His was the hand that had spilled out their life force. He wanted those Slytherins to suffer, but at least for now he did not want them tortured and he did not want them to die. That felt too easy for them. He wasn't sure what he wanted for them yet, but he was very sure that he had not forgiven them and he would never forgive them. But right now he wanted nothing to change for them.
Harry smiled as he realised at least a part of what he wanted for Draco and the rest. He wanted them to see the end of the battle; he wanted them to see his triumph. He wanted to look into Draco's eyes and see the grey orbs know defeat. And then, once they knew that he had won and they knew that there was no possibility of escape for them, then he wanted them to suffer.
"Harry, what are you thinking about?" Ginny's question broke through his reverie.
He smiled at her. The youngest Weasley pretended to be worldly, pretended that she accepted everything about him and while she knew the truth better than everyone else, she did not truly accept it in her soul. She was so naïve and even with the experience of the Chamber of Secrets, she didn't believe in the worst of men. If he had been the man he was meant to have been, then yes he would have loved her without reserve, cherishing that innocence. But he wasn't and it was almost a chain around his neck. He'd tried to wake her up, tried to drive her away, to spare her but she had made her choices, just as he had made his and he didn't think they would both live with them.
"Just the future, Ginny," he said softly, truthfully. "I'm just thinking of the future." She smiled at him, probably thinking that with the kiss he had given her earlier, he was thinking about their future. It was almost painful to see but there was nothing he could do about it now.
Sirius blinked as he came awake suddenly. Before he was even awake properly he was demanding answers. :How did it go?:
:Not too bad,: the Shadows replied in that easy tone they usually adopted. :He's not injured, though the battle is not yet over,: they added further explanation.
The canine animagus sighed both in relief and frustration. Last night had been the first full moon after Halloween and Remus was again fighting for the position of Supreme Pack Leader of the Isles. He had been hoping that the werewolf battle would be over this moon but the Shadows had just confirmed otherwise. With a blue moon this month, perhaps he had been foolish to hope it would be over when power clearly lay on that future night. He had faith in Remus, but on a blue moon all werewolves would be that much more powerful.
:And the more powerful the werewolf, the more power needed to fuel that charm? That's what you are thinking aren't you?:
Sirius couldn't help but nod as he got up and began stirring his fire to boil some water and put breakfast on.
:That will not be an issue, our master's charm is more than strong enough to counter.:
"But what about Remus?"
The Shadows chuckled. :What makes one werewolf stronger, makes the others stronger as well. Fenrir may think he has an advantage but the advantage is more towards Remus. Fenrir's animal instinct's will be stronger, and while he will be physically stronger he will be even less controlled and more prone to instinct, While Remus will also gain strength, he'll retain the logic to act upon it. If he does it right, he may even find it easier to control the animal. We don't know yet but the fact that the battle will most likely end at the next full moon is not a bad thing.:
"It's always so logical when you point out things," Sirius grumbled, waiting for the kettle to boil. "So can I reach the Veela today?" He asked suddenly, determined to put Remus from his mind for a brief moment. He couldn't help his friend at the moment and the only thing he could do was hurry back.
:We think so, though,: the Shadows paused and Sirius got the impression that they were thinking about something. :Go to the Veela as our agent. We can feel something close and you may need that anonymity.:
Sirius frowned but nodded as he stood up and stretched properly. Now that they had mentioned it, there was something in the air, something powerful that was not just the oncoming chill of winter. He would be wary.
Rate, rate, rate! PLEASE! - I'd really love it if this got over 300 ratings :D
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