Torment *Completed* | By : Kvarta Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 31892 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it. |
A/N: I know I promised Monday, but given the reception of the previous chapter I think it would be smart to put this one up today. Tho, I’m not sure if this one will make things better or worse, to be honest. It was however fully written, minus few tweaks (which are still missing due to a limited free time)
To avoid further confusion:
Italic - Past, memories
'Single quotation mark' - inner monologue, thoughts
"double quotation mark" - actual speech
Warning: Huh I don’t know how to...I don’t think any warnings are necessary but if you are not in a mood to read behind words and actions, read behind the obvious, you probably want to skip this chapter or leave it for later.
Hermione sighed and rubbed the spot between her eyes. She felt a headache forming and yet she was still giddy, still riding on that toxic feeling of easiness. It was as she managed to escape from prison and into the sun. Nothing could put the damper on her good mood.
Narcissa didn’t sound too annoyed with her outburst towards the Auror, she did, however, point out few of the general rules about men. With a heavy emphasis on stubborn men. She did warn her that Severus won’t be happy with what she did, given that her actions hit a bit too close to home for his liking.
If the woman only knew how right she was! Snape’s displeasure came in the form of long, tedious lecture. Delivered in a harsh tone and with his customary snark. Nothing she didn't face before. After he finished lecturing her, returned to stare through the window. She frowned. If he was reading she would have been just fine, but his focus on the window ticked her off.
Now that she finally felt better a nice conversation wouldn’t go amiss. They worked amicably before, when they had a common goal. It didn’t work out in the end, but she did like the long debates. Those moments were, without a doubt, the most stimulating conversations she had in her life. It did feel nice to talk and think, building idea stronger instead of trying to simplify it just so others could understand what she had in mind.
The door burst open, Draco dashed into the room with the smile she wasn’t sure she liked.
“You are the star of the evening edition, Bucktooth.” He chirped merrily tossing a folded Prophet in her lap.
“Draco! Manners.” They both flinched at the Snape’s harsh words
She sent a glare at Draco’s direction and unfolded the papers, feeling colour draining from her face. In the centre of the front page was a flashing title in huuuuge letters and underneath was a picture of her standing between Lucius and Auror. No Harry and no Kingsley and no Aurors in the background. She frowned at the letters
Read more on pages 4 and 6
She growled and glared at Draco
“This is the picture before Harry came! I saw no reporters…Skeeter!”
“Did you really think my father can’t defend himself against that cockroach of Auror, Buck…Granger?” snickered Draco “It gets better, just read.”
She rushed to open the page 4 and groaned as she skimmed through the text. More pictures were there. One of her conjuring patronus above the lines that questioned why her patronus don’t have a shape, speculating if she indeed switched to the side of Death Eaters losing her ability to produce corporeal patronus. One of her hugging Harry, making a rude commentary hypothesizing weather is she in a relationship with Snape, Lucius or Draco… or maybe with all three of them.
“This is utter rubbish.” She groused “This woman has no shame.”
Not even Kingsley was spared. On page 6, under the picture of Kingsley criticizing Auror, Skeeta splashed letters WHO IS RUNNING THE GOVERNMENT – MINISTER OR GOLDEN TRIO. Text that followed gave a surprisingly accurate description of the events with only a few barbs directed to the fact that Minister did postpone a meeting of a Wizengamot because of her. Criticizing the pass of the new Werewolf law and Minister's statement that she will be included in the workings of new Werewolf division.
She pushed the papers to the side groaning, rubbing her hands over her face.
“I can’t believe it! Actually, I can! That woman!”
“Do not blame the reporter, girl. Deal with the consequences of your actions.” Barked Snape. She wanted to argue with him, but he was right. Narrowing her eyes, as realisation dawned on her, she rounded up on Draco
“This was a setup!”
“Of course it was. It wasn’t the first time either. Do you honestly think that mother and I follow father around?”
“You all knew that the Auror brought her and you let me make a fool of myself.”
“Well, no one expected you to charge in and start threatening people around.” Snickered Draco “And, it would be stupid to tip our hand by stopping you. I did warn you, later to avoid my father, didn’t I.”
“You could’ve said why.”
“Now, where would be fun in that? Why would I? It is not like I am kept in a loop what is going on around here either.”
“Aghhhh. So, what now?” she sighed asking more herself than two men in the room with her.
“You messed up, it is up to you to fix it. Do try to improve your ‘fixing’ skills before you try anything first. We wouldn’t like for the situation to escalate, wouldn’t we?”
“Right.” She grumbled. ‘It figures, now he has a need to talk.”
“Draco, could you pass me the papers?”
Draco picked up the Prophet and handed it to the Snape, who read through the articles with a stone-like expression.
“This is not entirely unsalvageable as Lucius thinks right now. Then again, he was never one to take it kindly or think straight, when someone interferes and muck up his schemes.” Hummed Snape, to her surprise he wasn’t enraged with what he read “Draco, ask Lucius to join me. Hermione, I believe this is the moment to use your newly gained right to explore Malfoy libraries. Misty!”
Elf appeared instantly
“Take Hermione to the main library and give her the book with first mentions of Werewolf laws. And stay with her! Take care that she does not touch any other books while she’s there.”
Before she managed to react, she was whisked away into the huge library.
~ S ~ S ~ S ~
Draco sighed as he navigated through the corridors. He wasn’t happy with the prospect of delivering Snape’s message to his father. Lucius rarely allowed himself to let loose of his bad temper, but this was definitely one of those moments.
His father was strict, autocratic and demanding, only the mother could make him follow her lead without complaint or resistance. But, he wasn’t his mother, so he fully expected to be signed by father's bad mood.
He nearly felt sorry that Snape didn’t give this unpleasant task to Granger. After all, she was the one that put the father in this mood in the first place. In retrospect, maybe it wouldn’t be such a good idea. At least, father won’t draw his wand on him. And no more than harsh words will be swung in his way.
Only sparse few knew how good of a father Lucius was. Stubborn at times. Demanding good grades and proper behaviour. But the man would give him the moon and the stars if he asked for them. The only time he had a dispute with his father was over breaking out of the deal with Parkinson’s, and even that worked out nicely once Snape got involved.
He supposed he owed Potter and Granger for that, even if it was unintentional. For that and for saving his life – again. He groaned silently. He didn’t like to owe, owing was bad business. And he didn’t like Granger that much. He did not have anything against her, especially since she did take care of Snape. But he wouldn’t go as far to say he liked her as a friend or even possible friend in the future. Through, the association with two out of three members of Golden Trio could be beneficial. He will have to sit on that idea.
However, today’s events left little of positive feeling towards Granger. Not only that he had to owl Astoria and explain the entire situation before evening edition, but now he had to fetch father.
Winding around the corner he noticed that a door to Lucius’s private library was ajar. A female voice floated through the air. Draco sneaked closer to the door, listening
~”…you owe me that Malfoy.”
“You do not have to remind me.” Grumbled Lucius sounding displeased “I did save his life if I remember correctly. I do hold my part of the bargain.”
“You grew attached to him.” chastised female voice
“And if I did? That still do not influence your plans or my role in them.”
“I instructed you to befriend him, not to mix your blood with him.”
“It kept him alive, didn’t it?” snapped Lucius “I won’t let you use him, not to the point of his unhappiness. He suffered enough as it is.”
“Finally, we are in an agreement.” Replied woman tersely “However, you progress too slowly for my taste.”
“I did find a suitable candidate, however…circumstances are complicated.”
“I am well aware of the circumstances.”
“Then you know that the girl…”
“What I want to know why are they still here? In here, my influence is diminished, I nearly lost my grip on his magic recently.” Woman’s cold voice was hard as steel “Marble Hall needs fresh blood if we are to keep it alive”
“If you keep insisting on rushing things the only blood Marble Hall will see will be Severus’s, and in an abundance of it. I won’t endanger him or his life for the sake of Marble Hall.” ~
There was something familiar in woman’s voice, but he just couldn’t put his finger on it. And Marble Hall, he heard of it before but where and what it was?
~”It is your task to prevent it.”
“And I am doing that. I might add that I’d be doing much better work if you would stop pestering me.”
“Do not take that tone of voice with me, Lucius Malfoy. Your family's debt is still not repaid.”
“I did things the way you asked of me, and it didn’t work. Now let me do things my way, or risk it all away on off chance that your plan works. Let me remind you that she has to go with him voluntarily.”
“Do what you have to do.” Huffed woman’s voice annoyedly “But get her there, get them both there.”~
Draco backed few steps and cleared his throat, making the amount of noise he would usually make if his father wasn’t in the foul mood. He came to the door and knocked
“What do you want.”
“Severus asked me to give you his message.” He called not entering the room or opening the door further, father’s private library was off limits to him.
“Well, what is it? Or you socialising with Potter retaliated in the diminishing of your ability to remember what the message was?”
“He asked you come to his room, right now.” he replied ignoring the barb, so far it wasn’t so bad
“And why is that.”
“I… he wouldn’t tell me.” His brain worked fast “He did send Granger girl to the library, he practically banished her there.”
He could hear his father's disapproving huff
“Fine, I’ll be there shortly.”
Not wanting to provoke his luck, Draco turned on his heel and hastened to put as much space as possible between him and the father’s private library. He wasn’t sure if he should feel lucky or not for his father's brush off.
‘Marble Hall, where did I hear about that?’
Once he reached his room, Draco sat in his favourite chair and gazed at the dead fireplace, mulling on all he learned today. He has to remember. He has to find out what is going on.
‘Who is that woman?’
She sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't quite place her voice. He did hear it before. But, he couldn’t remember if he met a woman that had so strong magical powers. This one had to be powerful indeed if she could put a damper on Snape. It could be due to his overall weakened state. The woman did want Snape somewhere where she could control him more.
And by looks of it, she wanted Granger’s blood. That wouldn't end well for his family. Not that he particularly cared for Granger, but it would be extremely bad publicity should anything happens to her while she is in their care. Not to mention, the mother would skin father alive if he does anything to further stain Malfoy reputation.
However, he couldn’t just go to the mother or anyone else for that matter without having more information. He didn’t want to risk enraging his father any further. So he focused on the facts. First, he has to find out what Marble Hall is, and why does it need fresh blood to stay alive? Then he has to figure out who that woman is, or at least what is she holding on her father.
But most of all, he has to prevent either Snape or Granger moving out of the Malfoy Mansion until he gets his answers.
‘Potter will be displeased.’ He thought
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