Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Really sorry this has taken so long. Had a small op and am just getting use of my arm back so typing is slow and arduous at the moment. Don’t think I’ve abandoned you. I haven’t.
Ellie, yes please I would love to have you draw something. Most I can manage is stick men and they’re not that good. Lol. Look forward to seeing them.
Everyone, thanks so much for being so patient with me. It’s been driving me nuts wanting to write and not being able to manage more than one finger typing. I’m getting there now.
Both Sides.
Unbeta’d, all mistakes and lousy grammar are mine. Ccino
Ccino whispers: “Lemons ahead
CH 75 Back to Prince Manor.
Only Hermione smiled at her, totally unfazed by the sight of the couple. Severus led her to the Slytherin table and helped her sit, before making his way to the top table and sitting down. He was no longer her professor, but he was still her husband and his own twisted logic told him it was now permissible to treat her as such. Even if she was still only fifteen years old.
The staff and pupils all wondered what was going on, while Albus’ eyes twinkled merrily as he stood and introduced Mr Ervast as a Finnish diplomat, who would be staying with them for a few days to learn about their prestigious school.
Bernie wanted to know what was going on and started asking Lou questions straight away.
“What was that all about Lou? How come he walked you in like that? He never does that.”
“Bernie I can’t talk about it now, hurry up eating you lot and we’ll go to my rooms. I’ll explain everything then.” Lou whispered.
The girls practically inhaled their food, eager to get to Lou’s rooms and find out what was going on.
As soon as they were passed the coiled serpent and the door closed, they began asking questions.
Where’s all your stuff Lou?” Robyn suddenly asked.
“If you all shush and give me a chance, I’ll tell you. But first you all have to take an oath not to tell .”
“Her friends quickly did, all of them trusting Lou one hundred percent.
“Well first, for the next few days Prof …Severus and me are going somewhere secret. Just me and him for …well you know.”
Her friends looked at her wide eyed.
“Come on Anna, we’re married. It’s not as if we haven’t done it before. Anyway, you do it.” Lou retorted.
“I know, but he’s …I don’t know.
“Shut up Anna, he’s hot and you know it.” Stacy said, laughing all the while.
“You said for the first few days Lou, what happens after that, are you going to your new school?“ Nichole asked, her eyes sad.
“Yeah well, Like I told you earlier, I …I …well you already know.
“But what about us? We’re your friends and we’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.” Lou said, crying now as it hit her just what she would be leaving behind. It’s not fair, it’s all that stupid Voldemort’s fault. Even dead he’s ruining my life.”
Her friends hugged her, sobbing with her and promising to write. They would give their letters to the Potions Master and he would send them on to her.
Lou promised to write back as much as she could.
Before any of them knew it, Professor Snape arrived and told her it was time to leave.
Her friends sobbed some more as they made their way back to the common room, while Severus led his heartbroken wife to his study.
Hermione immediately sought permission from the Headmaster to visit her parents. Explaining all this by letter did not seem right and she needed to see them personally before leaving the country all together. Her parents were sad to see her go, but they were used to her absence now and knew she would be unhappy if they tried to persuade her to stay. On Tuesday she told Harry, on Wednesday Ron. As expected, Ron blew his top then calmed down enough to tell Hermione he would miss her.
Albus told Hermione to wait until she was settled into her new routine at the academy before considering her NEWTS. “The qualifications you will receive from Karkias will far exceed those of Hogwarts Hermione.” He told her.
“Nothing can top Hogwarts Headmaster, at least not as far as I’m concerned. I’ll do as you say though, then perhaps I can take my NEWTS when I return.”
Albus chuckled. “Very well Miss granger, if that is what you wish to do, I shall arrange it nearer the time. It is an admirable thing you are doing for Louhi. She needs the guidance of someone like you.”
“Thank you Headmaster, but I am benefiting from this arrangement also. This is a chance in a lifetime for me, and Lou is making it possible for me.”
“Then you are both very lucky. Hopefully the Deatheaters will soon be rounded up and things will be safer here at Hogwarts. Even if that happens, you will both have a choice of whether to stay at Karkias, or return home. Louhi is adamant that the funds transferred to your account remain in your possession regardless of the outcome. Though do not tell her I told you so or try to make her rescind, she would be dreadfully hurt if you did.”
Hermione wasn’t sure how to react. “Headmaster, just how much did Lou have transferred to my account?”
Albus passed her a parchment with Gringotts official seal on the top. “I believe this is for you Miss Granger.”
“Oh My Gods.” Hermione stared at the statement. “Headmaster have you seen this? I …I cant it’s …the amount, it’s astronomical.”
“It is Louhi’s wish that you be gifted with that amount, it would be cruel to refuse it now. If you read the small print you will discover that the amount is also non-refundable once accepted. Besides, think what you could do with any excess of funds after your tenure at Karkias is up. You are very gifted in your own right. Think of what you could accomplish and offer the wizarding world, were you able to set your own laboratories up when you finish school.
Once more Hermione was left stunned and left the office in a daze. For once, her formidable mind was unable to function properly as she made her way back to Griffindor tower.
Lou had her satchel, the only thing of hers that remained at Hogwarts, and faced her husband.
“Are you ready?” Severus asked as Lou took one last look at her rooms.
“Yes, but I don’t have any clothes, they’ve all gone.”
“He smile broadly as he led her into the dungeons corridor. “You will not need them.” He said. “Not while you are with me.”
Lou turned a nice shade of red at this comment as they passed curious students in the main hall and went outside.
They walked silently down to the gates, went through and Severus grabbed her tightly before apparating.
“Master. Miss. You is come home. Tilly is happy to sees you both.” The elf said grinning widely.
“Thank you Tilly. We have already eaten, though a light repast to be left in my …our rooms would be acceptable. Breakfast at the usual time tomorrow.”
“Yes master.” The elf said, still grinning at Lou before disappearing.
“Come.” Severus said as he took Lou’s hand and led her directly upstairs to his rooms.
“You’re not wasting any time.” Lou commented shyly as he closed the bedroom door and fixed his eyes to hers.
Severus removed both their clothing with a simple wave of his hand, still transfixing her with his eyes and walking her slowly back to the bed. He did not utter a word as he laid her down and moved over her.
Lou felt mesmerised as their bodies met, skin to skin. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from his as he moved her gently up onto the pillows. Her breath came in shallow gasps while his hands slowly caressed her arms, her sides, her legs down to her ankles and returned agonizingly unhurried up her inner thighs, stopping just short of their target.
His lips met Lou’s briefly in the lightest of kisses, moving to her cheek, jaw, ear and neck.
She squirmed beneath him, loving his touch but wanting more, so much more.
Severus lowered his gaze to brush his lips along her collar bone and to the swell of her breast, trailing faire in their wake. He avoided the nipple that stood hard and proud, his breathing now deep and heavy. Long, tender fingers continued their path over her hip and stomach to grasp her waist.
“What are you doing?”
Lou spoke in whispers and Severus answered her likewise.
“What does it feel like I’m doing?”
“I …don’t know.”
“Do you like it?” He asked, still stroking as his lips traced a path across her stomach.
“Yes. Oh, yes. But why are you being so …gentle?”
“Do you not like gentle?”
“Yesss.” She hissed as he kissed her so lightly on her labia, still avoiding where she wanted him most.
“Then why are you asking?”
“Be …because you’re …I don’t know …different.”
“Am I?” His tongue trailed hotly, rimming her entrance, not entering, just teasing.
Lou bucked violently, desperate for him to do more. “Severus please. You’re driving me insane.” She cried, grabbing hold of his hair and trying to get him to do something more.
“Argh. You know you are.”
Severus took hold of her hands and removed them from his head, keeping hold of her wrists firmly but gently. He continued his torment of her, never quite giving her what she so desperately desired.
“I am giving what you need am I not?”
“Yes. No. Severus this is torment.”
“Good. Then you know how I have felt these last few weeks. The images you sent me, the looks you gave me. Those songs you sang at the ball. You said you want us to be together, as husband and wife. You told me you want something to take with you Lou. I am giving you that something in a way I want to give. You will be satisfied …in time.” He crooned, his voice still a whisper.
Lou was close to bezerk by now. Her skin was on fire, every nerve ending at it’s most sensitive and still he moved so languidly, teasing, taunting with such soft caresses that she was ready to orgasm.
Severus, I’m so close, please do something. Please.
He smiled, a genuine broad smile and looked up to her. Then he lowered his head and blew ever so gently on her clitoris.
He was rewarded with a hitching cry as Lou bucked again and stiffened. Her eyes wide with surprise as her orgasm unexpectedly overtook her. She trembled with the power of it, unable to voice her pleasure, unaware of Severus crawling up her body and settling himself between her legs.
He peered down on her, watching her expressions, enjoying her pleasure as much as if he was feeling it himself. Which in a way he was. Severus was in her mind, her thoughts all the time, feeling what she felt, struggling to hold back his own climax with the powerful emotions he was getting from her.
He waited until she stilled, her breath returning to normal. “Was that satisfactory?”
“Mmm. You know it was. I never thought …how did you do that> You hardly touched me.”
“Ah but I did. I touched every part of you Lou. Well almost every part. Now I shall touch you some more.” He said, sliding into her as slowly as he had stroked her with his lips and hands.
Lou was still boneless from her orgasm and when he filled her it was like heaven. She waited expectantly for him to begin pounding into her, the way they both loved.
But Severus did not do that. Instead he undulated his body. Rippling over her slow and powerfully. Pulling out and striking in rhythmically, his muscles taut with the strain of holding back and not ramming home as he was want to do.
“Oh God Severus. Harder, faster. Please.” She cried, desperate again and seeing no end, no release in sight.
“Shh. I am loving you Lou. Let me love you. Slowly, sensuously. Let me feel every part of you I have missed. Every part I will miss. I too wish to have something to remember. Give me this.” He purred. “Let me take my fill of you this way, so I can memorise every delicious moment. Each and every stroke as I move inside of you. It is not only my mind that needs to remember this, my body also needs to remember.”
Her eyes filled with tears and she reached up to cup his face. Using her fingers, she traced the outline of his cheeks and jaw. Touching his eyes, his lips, running her hands through his hair, along his shoulders, over his arms, the muscles standing out in stark relief under her palms.
Still he kept up the slow undulation of his body, and Lou ran her hands over his chest, down to his narrow waist to reach round to his back. She caressed him as he’d caressed her, slowly, gently, until she felt something deep inside her, wanting to emerge and she grasped at his buttocks, trying to urge him on.
It didn’t work however. Severus still kept on moving maddeningly slow, but the feeling, the tiny bubble inside her still continued to grow a little at a time, becoming bigger and bigger.
Lou didn’t know but it was just as frustrating for Severus, determined to keep his movements like a wave of flesh meeting flesh. And it was proving to be worth it for both of them. Her walls started to tighten around his cock, her cervix vibrating each time he touched it with the head, his balls tightened almost lazily and he knew he was almost there.
“Now Lou, let it go now. Come for me my sweet. Come for me.” He almost growled the words out as he neared his moment. “Come for me.” He growled again and felt her stiffen again, her inner walls tightening so much he was unable to pull away, he was trapped inside her rippling softness. He let out a strangled groan as he released his seed deep inside, feeling it hit her cervix and splash back to coat him along with her own juices. His eyes screwed up in pleasure, a pleasure such as he’d never felt before, because he’d never, ever, taken any woman in this way. Never before truly made love to any woman until Lou.
For long minutes they lay there, Severus’ face buried in Lou’s neck. Both of them panting desperately, gulping long lungful of air until their breathing steadied.
He rolled of her, falling to his back completely exhausted and a feeling of utter contentment throughout him.
Lou turned on her side to face him.
“Severus. You’ve never …we’ve never …what was that? It was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. What did you do?”
Severus turned his head to look at her and smiled. “I loved you. I made love to you. Something I have never wanted to do before tonight. With anyone. Only you have made me feel this way Lou, only you have inspired me to want to make love this way. Did you like it?”
“No.” She replied.
Severus’ smile fell from his face, replaced by a look of mortification.
“I loved it Severus. Like doesn’t come into it. I thought I would die with pleasure at first, it was like nothing on this earth.”
His face lit up, his eyes shone as he rolled back into her and captured her mouth with his, this time with a passion. His tongue duelled with hers, fighting for dominance and soon he was becoming hard again.
This time he took her more forcefully, Lou pulling at him frantically as he rutted between her legs, driving into her hard until she was a blubbering puddle of lust, bringing her to a peak twice before letting go and coming inside her again.
Neither of them heard when Till placed a tray of sandwiches and a jug of cold milk on the small table under the bedroom window. The little elf waved her clawed hand over the food and milk, charming it to keep fresh before returning downstairs to tell the other elf’s that the master and mistress had done the rumpy pumpy really well.
Severus and Lou woke to a sticky mess in the morning, but Lou didn’t get a chance to climb out of bed and head for the shower.
Severus grabbed his wand for a quick clean-up before taking his morning erection out on her. Not that she complained. Then they both devoured a few sandwiches and a glass of milk each before heading to the bathroom.
That too proved to be a strenuous exercise and left them both ravenous for a proper breakfast.
“Severus, I haven’t got any clean clothes with me. And no, I’m not going downstairs naked. I had enough of that last time.”
Severus clapped his hands and called for Cassia. “The mistress requires a robe Cassia. Several in fact. We shall be here until Thursday. No underwear.” He added quietly to the elf.
Cassia gave an even wider grin that Tilly had the evening before and disappeared. Two minutes later, a forest green gossamer thin gown was laying on the bed waiting for Lou.
“Severus, is this your idea of a joke?” Lou asked, her face set.
“Not at all. You needed a gown, I have supplied you with one.”
“But I can see right through it. And where are my knickers?”
“You won’t be needing any. Besides, I want to be able to see your body at all times. This way we both have what we want.”
Severus himself was dressed only in a white lawn shirt and black trousers. He was also bereft of underwear.
It will make for easier …ah …access.” He said, raising one eyebrow and a slight smirk on his face.
“Hmph.” Was her only response. Lou knew there was no point arguing about it. She couldn’t override his orders with the house elf’s. Plus they were supposed to be taking this time to be with each other, to make memories and love each other. The last thing she wanted was to argue with him.
“Shall we?” he asked, holding out his arm and leading her down to the small dining room for breakfast.
Both were quiet as they tucked into the food, slaking their appetites.
“Perhaps you will take time to cook for me just once while we are here. I have missed your cooking terribly.” Severus said hopefully.
“I’d like that, on condition I wont get mobbed by your elf’s for even suggesting it.” Lou answered warily.
“They are our elf’s now Lou. However I will speak to them. Tilly already knows of your penchant for the kitchen and as she is in charge down there, I am certain she will be able to contain the others.” he told her, his lips twitching madly.
Severus knew there had almost been an incidence of elf warfare when Tilly related Lou’s demands that she be allowed to cook while at Spinners End. Now the couple were married Tilly told the others that the new mistress would most likely want to use the kitchen on a regular basis when she was of age and living here.
The elf’s had not taken kindly to the idea of the mistress cooking for her and the master and tried to rebel. Tilly and Cassia had a hard time calming them down and reminding them that this was the masters house and if the master said the mistress can cook, then the mistress was going to cook.
Severus had to enter the kitchens himself in the end and demand that they obey Tilly’s orders. Otherwise they would be given clothes. Not that he would have done such a thing. Severus had known all the elf’s for all of his life and they would die before they left his service.
It was Wednesday before Severus let up on Lou so she would have enough energy to brave the elf’s and make her way to the kitchen.
Even then the elf’s buzzed around her, constantly wanting to help. Passing her food and bowls, utensils and such like before she even thought to need them. In the end she would hold out her hand for the required whisk, bowl or knife as she set about making the meal. By the time she was done, the elf’s were completely endeared to her and Lou felt she had a new family.
For starters she made oriental sea food salad and pancake rolls.
Main course was veal escalopes with lemon and side salad.
And dessert was Florentine tipsy cake. The elf’s provided the brandy and Lou laced the pudding heavily with it.
She also showed Tilly the correct way to make a good soufflé so the elf could make it for Severus while she was away.
“We’s all wishing yous not needing to leave miss. We’s all liking yous and thinking yous is good for the master.”
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