Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
Unbeta’d, all mistakes and lousy grammar are mine. Ccino
Ccino whispers: “Lemons ahead
CH 76 Those days together
“Oh Tilly. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever told me. Thank you.” Lou said crying. As with Kreatcher, Lou grabbed the elf and gave her a cuddle, surprising the little creature.
Tilly looked up shyly when Lou let her go. “Thanks you miss. We doesn’t usually gets hugs.”
“I know, Kreatcher told me. But just because you haven’t had them doesn’t meant you can’t. So you’ll have to get used to it when I finish school.” Lou told her with a sad smile. “Tilly, you know I’ll want Kreatcher and Pegnose to come back here with me, if I ever get to come back that is.”
“I knows that miss. We deals with it when it happens.”
“They have an elfin you know, she’s called Laina after me so I want you all to be nice to her too.”
“We elf’s is loving babies miss. No harm will come to Laina with us. We is protecting her just like her parents, and helping with the looking after of the elfin.” We’s not had a young one for many years.”
“Thanks Tilly. I feel better now you’ve told me that.” Lou’s stomach rumbled. “I think we’d better start serving dinner or Severus will start complaining.”
“Elf’s will serve, yous did the cooking but others upset if you serves the food too.”
Lou didn’t argue and ran upstairs for a quick shower and change of gown. This one was in a fine, sheer lawn, dark blue with embroidered silver serpents covering her more intimate areas. They seemed to slither through the folds of the gown as she moved.
Cassia came in and curled her hair lightly, fastening it up with a silver slide.
“You is leaving it in this time miss?” She asked cheekily, making Lou laugh.
“Yes Cassia, I promise to leave it alone. It looks nice; I like it. Thank you.”
When Lou entered the dining room Severus got an instant hard on, the blood rushing from his head and down to his other …head so fast he felt dizzy.
“Dear Gods, you look amazing.” He told her, getting shakily to his feet and pulling out a chair for her to sit. If it weren’t for the elf’s coming into the room with the food, he would have taken her right there and then. Food be damned.
“What are these?” He asked, picking up a pancake roll.
“Pancake rolls. Chicken and vegetables in spring roll pastry and oriental sea food salad.”
She assumed he enjoyed the food because there was nothing left when the main course was brought in.
“Mm, it is a long time since I have eaten veal. It is a particular favourite of mine, how did you know?”
“I didn’t, I just thought it might be nice. The sauce is made with white wine, I hope that’s okay.”
“It is delicious.” He told her, pouring himself a large glass of white wine and a small glass for Lou. “What have you made for dessert? Would it involve chocolate and eggs by any chance?” He asked hopefully.
“No not this time.” Lou laughed. “But I’ve shown the elf’s how to make soufflés so there are several in the kitchen under a preserving spell. I think you’ll like what I have made for tonight though.”
And Severus did, though when he tasted the amount of brandy, orange liqueur and cherry-almond liqueur, he curtailed Lou’s portion considerably.
“Hey that’s not fair. How come you get loads and I only get a bit?”
“Because with the amount of alcohol in this pudding you will be drunk for a week. I have already allowed you a small glass of wine, which is ample for someone your age.”
She hmphed but said nothing, deciding she might sneak down to the kitchens later tonight when Severus was asleep and help herself to some more.
Unfortunately, Lou forgot to apply her occlumency skills as she thought this and Severus picked it up immediately. Rather than say anything, he decided to save the information for later. As in, when she was under him in bed.
They gave themselves an hour to let the food digest then Severus suddenly swooped her up in his arms and took the stairs three at a time, Lou screeching with laughter and a bit of panic at the speed her was going. “Severus, we’ll fall. Stop it.” She screamed, holding on for all she was worth.
“This is our last night together for quite a while, I am in a hurry to instil myself into your psyche once and for all.”
He threw her on the bed and she almost bounced of the other side. Only the fact that Severus dived on top of her prevented it from happening.
Lou was still giggling and screaming, loving this new playful side to her husband that she’d never seen before.
The laughing soon subsided when Severus ripped the robe from her body, instantly latching onto a nipple and making her gasp in delight.
His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, touching, probing, caressing and stroking, sending her wild with desire.
Lou fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, trying desperately to get them undone, but the sensations he was causing on her body made her tremble and she was soon thrashing at the bedcovers as he lowered his head between her legs and brought her to climax.
He removed his clothes with a wave of his hand and crawled up her body. “Is madam satisfied so far?” He asked breathily.
“Very. Very, very satisfied.” She answered with a small blush.
“Good, because I have more where that came from.” He told her, flipping her over and pulling her to her knees.
Lou was still coming down from her orgasm as he entered her from behind, sliding in slowly and moving in long, slow strokes. As soon as her breathing steadied he picked up the pace, kneeling up straight so he could see his cock bury itself inside her warm, moist sleeve.
Lou was in raptures until he suddenly swiped a hand on her bottom. SMACK.
“Oww! What did you do that for?” She wailed, bucking when it stung.
Severus ignored her, still thrusting and stroking the slightly reddened area with his hand until she relaxed.
Lou bucked. “Oww Severus. Stop that, it hurts.”
He leaned over, his lips against her ear. “It was meant to. It is you punishment for thinking about sneaking down to the kitchen later.” Straightening up again he smacked her bum twice more, eliciting more cries from her then stroking her cheeks with his hand. Severus was not spanking her brutally, merely enough to sting and leave her buttocks nice and rosy.
“Get used to it Lou, eventually I will teach you that pleasure and a little pain can go together and be enjoyed by both of us.”
Lou tried to process what he said as he continued plunging in and out of her. After a few minutes, she asked. “So I’ll get to spank you too?”
He growled and thrust harder for a while. “No Lou, never that. But you will learn to like it, along with other things I will teach you.”
Her breath hitched when he reached round and started to rub gently round her clitoris. “Wha …what other things?” She wanted to know.
“Too many to show you tonight, you will have to wait.” He drove into her harder now, deeper and faster, still rubbing at her most sensitive part until she was ready to come, then removed his fingers and brought them to his mouth, whetting them before using his thumb massage the small opening to her back passage.
Lou froze, panic overriding her pleasure when she felt the slight pressure of his digit. “Severus no, please.”
“Shh. I will not hurt you. I do not intend to take you that way. Yet. Trust me Lou.” He breathed, slowing the pace of his thrusts and still his thumb. He did not remove it however, instead he kept a steady pace of slow entry and withdrawal until Lou relaxed and moved into his rhythm. Then he removed his thumb and carefully pressed a finger into her tight pucker hole, thrusting a bit harder into her depths as he did. Holding the finger still, allowing her to adjust to the intrusion, he continued to fuck her a while longer then gently moved his finger in and out of her.
Lou felt so embarrassed, yet at the same time, she rather liked what he was doing. It was so different and …nice. More than nice actually.
Severus heard her breathing increase and added a second finger, crossing them and wriggling them as he moved them in and out of her. “You like this don’t you? I know you do. Tell me Lou.”
Lou’s face turned beet red. Yes, she liked it, but there was no way she could admit it to him and stayed quiet, just hoping he wouldn’t stop.
“Severus added a third finger, stretching her wide and picking up the pace again, his hips pounding with force now. Lou was panting heavily beneath him, small cries escaping her as he thrust faster and harder, deeper and deeper while his fingers thrust in and out at almost the same speed.
Lou began to keen her pleasure and he could feel her sphincter muscles tightening along with her vaginal walls, gripping him, making it hard to move inside of her. His balls began to pull up and tighten, denoting his impending release.
“Yesss Lou. Let it out. Come for me.”
And she did, crying into the pillow with ecstasy as her mind closed down to everything but the double penetration and the wash of bliss that flooded through her.
Severus could hold back no longer, the now unyielding grip she had round his member and her cries of passion tipping over the edge and sending him crashing into his own heavenly orgasm. His sperm spurting from him powerfully, making him shudder in pure ecstasy. His eyes rolled back into his head, his jaw slack as he panted and gulped, trying to regain some small amount of oxygen back into his lungs as he collapsed on top of her.
“That is the last time I have one of your meals before engaging in any kind of strenuous activity.” He managed to stutter out.
Lou‘s reply was more in the lines of; “Mph fmph emmph.” Since her face was pressed into the pillows.
Severus rolled off her quickly, pulling her with him and chuckling. “Alright?” He asked grinning.
“I am now I can breath. You’re heavy.” She said, wriggling about until she was facing him.
“I am not heavy, you are weak.” He retorted with an indignant snort.
“You are too heavy. I nearly suffocated.”
“Then blame yourself. If you did not cook so well, I would not eat so much. Which reminds me, no trying to sneak down to the kitchen for more of that brandy-laced pudding. I shall know if you do.”
“Severus, I doubt I could crawl downstairs now, never mind sneak.” She giggled, causing him to smile and hold her closer.
He kissed her softly on top of her head, his hand caressing her cheek as he looked at her with so much love Lou almost forgot to breath.
“I love you.” She whispered. “I love you so much Severus.” Her eyes filled with tears at the thought of not seeing him for so long after tonight. “I don’t think I can bear being away from you.”
“It will be just as difficult for me, but I have decided to visit you during the holidays. I too can no longer stand the thought of not seeing you.
He winced when Lou squealed loudly in his ear, her excitement at his announcement making her bounce about on the bed.
He grabbed her and pulled her back down. “If you keep bouncing like that I shall be forced to expend even more energy on you. Do you not realise how provocative you look when your breast jiggle around like that?” He asked and growled low in her ear.
Lou felt shivers down her spine when he growled and looked at him heatedly, her eyes darkened with desire again.
He groaned, then smiled as he pulled her on top of him. “Your turn to do the work.” He said, lifting her enough to slide her onto his newly awakened erection.
She let out a soft moan as he filled her, then she waited, not certain how to continue. “Severus, I’m not sure I have the energy to do this.” She told him, blushing with embarrassment.
“If you can muster the energy to bounce about on the bed like a lunatic, you can do this. Now move wife.” He demanded, grabbing her waist and urging her to rise, then pulling her down again.
Lou tried, she really did. Eventually though it was Severus who ended up doing all the work, his muscles protesting mightily when he ultimately flipped her over and brought them both to completion once more. He only just managed to roll them both onto their sides as they both fell into an exhausted sleep.
Thursday morning Severus was woken from a wonderful dream. He dreamt that Lou was sucking his cock and he was almost ready to ejaculate when his eyes opened to see a lump under the covers bobbing up and down. Barely did it register that his dream was in fact a reality when he suddenly erupted with a loud cry as Lou continued to suck, whirling her tongue around the flange and swallowing every drop he released.
He was still panting when Lou stuck her head out of the covers and said, “Morning.” A wide grin on her face.
“Gods woman, I thought I was dreaming. That was the best wake up call I have ever had.”
“Good, because it’ll be the last one I’ll be able to give you for a while. Unless …”
“Do not even go there Lou. You know I will not change my mind about this. Come on, we can at least shower together before we have breakfast and return to Hogwarts.” Severus spoke gruffly in an effort to mask his true emotions. The truth was he was having a hell of a time trying not to allow himself to be persuaded into letting her stay. It was not worth the risk of her being abducted again. Instead, he whipped the covers off them both and practically dragged her to the bathroom, then raced to use the toilet first, smirking as she waited cross-legged while he finished.
“Argh. Why do you always have to take so long first thing?” She asked with a pained expression. This only served to make him chuckle and try to make his morning pee last longer. He shot off into the shower with a grin as Lou finally got to use the loo, and laughed again when he heard her sigh in relief.
He was not laughing though when she stepped in to join him. Within minutes, her back was pressed against the tiles with her legs hooked over his arms and he was driving into her powerfully.
Both left the cubicle clean and sated and both feeling happy and saddened at the same time.
Lou was happy to find a new set of robes waiting for her in the bedroom. Dark green with black trim, and a heavy travelling cloak with a matching fur muff.
“Severus they’re gorgeous. Where did they come from?”
“Just a little something to appease madam Malkin after getting your measurements. Miss Granger has a similar outfit. You will need warm clothing for the current climate in Finland. Here.” He said, plonking a fur hat on her head and pulling it over her eyes.
She giggled, pushing it up so she could see. It was lopsided now and he could not contain his own chortle as he removed it for her.
Breakfast was somewhat subdued. Even the elf’s seemed miserable as they served the food. Severus scowled at their miserable faces and called one over, demanding to know why they were all so morose.
“We’s sad because the miss is leaving. And you too master.” The elf added hurriedly. “Even the kitchen elf’s is sad though. Theys had fun when the miss is cooking.”
Severus raised an eyebrow. These were his elf’s, he’d known them all his life and Lou for only a short time. Yet they were openly showing their distress at Lou’s departure.
“Have you performed some charm on them?” He asked Lou jokingly. “I have never seen them so concerned for anyone but me, and never so candidly.”
“N …no. I feel awful Severus. I didn’t know they liked me this much. I mean yes, we made friends and chatted and stuff. But …” Tears coursed down her cheeks at the thought of the elf’s open show of affection towards her. It brought it home to her just how much she was going to miss Severus.
She left her chair and threw herself onto his lap, nearly knocking him from the chair before he managed to gain his balance and hold her to him tightly. He stayed quiet as she sobbed, his shoulder becoming damp from her tears and felt a strange prickling sensation behind his eyes. He forced the feeling back and cleared his throat, urging Lou to stand and getting up himself before his emotions got the better of him.
“It is time.” He said, his voice strangely gruff.
When they walked into the hall to find all the elf’s waiting for them.
Tilly stepped forward with Severus’ cloak, and Cassia with Lou’s.
“We’s all hoping them nasty Deatheaters is soon catched. Then you and the master can comes home where you is belonging.” Cassia whispered to Lou while her eyes widened as she peered sideways at her master.
Lou pulled Cassia into a hug and said thank you. Then she took Severus’ hand and he apparated them to the gates of Hogwarts.
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