Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
Unbeta’d, all mistakes and lousy grammar are mine. Ccino
Also, I am sorry if my descriptions of Finland differ from any you know to be correct, and of my usage of the Finish language. The grammar and nouns etc are most likely very wrong. But hey, I’m doing my best and this is just a story. I’m taking what little I know and twisted it to suit my purposes. Any Finish nationals out there, please accept my apologies in advance. All references to Finnish myth and lore are taken from Wikipedia.
And yeah, I know I did another sentimental song in the last chappie. What can I say? I’m too sentimental for my own good.
Chapter 79
Lou played the disc over and over until Hermione was forced to switch it off.
“Lou please don’t do this to yourself, it’ll break you apart if you carry on like this.”
They sat, Hermione cuddling her friend as they both cried. Lou for Severus, Hermione for Lou.
Severus paced his study while Lou’s emotions washed over him. He’d been truthful when he said their link was more difficult to maintain at long distances, but when she was deeply emotional he could not block them out. He’d sent her that disc in the hopes of making her feel better, reminding her he still loved her. Instead it backfired and she was now an emotional mess.
Dammit he was not doing that again. At least it was a weekend. He intended to settle down with a bottle of good old fire whiskey this evening and blot everything from his mind as he passed out.
For several months Lou and Hermione attended classes. Most of the time they attended the same ones, only during Dark Arts and medicinal training were they separated. Lou had a more than working knowledge of both, where as Hermione had never had the opportunity to study wither of these subjects.
On an evening, Lou would teach Hermione as much as she could about both subjects and within two months, Hermione learned enough to join Lou in her classes.
A Melungeon Indian named Long Jack was their Dark Arts Instructor. He was rather surprised when some of Lou’s knowledge outstripped his own at times. He enjoyed working with her however and there were still many new things he was able to teach her that was as yet a mystery to the rest of the wizarding world. This knowledge was imparted to her privately, being considered a secret knowledge known only to the elders of his tribe. Only the fact that Lou had an extensive understanding of the art persuaded him to impart his tribal learning’s. Even then he’d first contacted his tribe for confirmation before doing so.
Lou and Hermione received letters from their friends, courtesy of the Potions Master though he did not take the time to write again himself. Likewise, they wrote their friends at regular intervals and Lou wrote to Severus each week without fail.
Validus was in his element with all the overseas mail he had to deliver. It also meant he was able to see Hedwig as he waited for the replies to be gathered together. Occasionally Hedwig would accompany him to the academy and both owls would be spoiled with attention from the two witches, before returning once more to Hogwarts.
It was a week before the summer holidays, the students were eating outside on a regular basis, the days were constant, the midnight sun an invariable in the sky now. They’d learnt that it shone none stop for around 73 days, where as in the winter in disappeared completely for approximately 54 days.
The one lesson Lou hated was propriety. Respectability, modestly, political correctness, deportment, all these and more were to become natural to them, they were told.
Lou did not see how sitting with her knees together and slightly to one side, while crossing her ankles and resting her hands demurely in her lap was ever gonna be of use to her. Curtsying had to be done ‘just so’. Madam Perrie was appalled as Lou’s usage of both the English and Finnish language.
“You speak like a commoner.” She scolded.
Lou scowled at the woman and stomped off to drop into a chair, sulking.
“Young ladies do not stamp their feet young lady, nor do they sulk and frown. The only time you should pout is at your paramour, then it should be in a sultry fashion, not that of a spoiled child.”
Lou was gob smacked. She’d never been spoiled in her life. “I’m not spoiled and I don’t have a …paramour. I’m married and my husband likes me fine as I am.” She said rebelliously.
Hermione nudged her as she rolled her eyes. “Lou.” She whispered. “Just do as she says and we can get out of here. Please.” She didn’t like these lessons any more than Lou did, but aggravating the woman only made her more determined to drum the lessons home even more harshly.
“Fine.” Lou snapped. “What’s a paramour anyway?”
“I’ll tell you later.”
Livid did not go halfway to what Lou felt when Hermione eventually told her what a paramour was.
“Of all the bloody nerve. She spouts off about being all correct and proper, then has the nerve to suggest we behave like sluts and have a bit on the side. Talk about double standards, it’s two bloody faced, that’s what it is.” She raged. “I’m not having those lessons any more.”
“I don’t think we have a choice. Anyway just do what she says, she’s not going to know how we act once we get home.”
They learned from the Sami people how to tend the reindeer, collecting the droppings for fuel, trimming the hoofs, ensuring all the animals were in tip top condition and assisting when it was time to collect the antlers shed by the males. Reindeer horn was big industry and was taken away by the Sami to be prepared and sold off.
One Same named Tapani took a special liking to Lou and gave her a whole one side of horn and a small quantity of felt gathered from the woods, that one of the dominant stags had rubbed off.
She sent these to Severus straight away to utilise in his potions. There was no return note of thanks and Lou was put out about that, but Validus showed her an image of him receiving the items and the way he shook his fist in the air and the look of rapture on his face told her he was more than pleased with her gift.
And Severus was. There was no way he’d ever have been able to get hold of the felt while it was still fresh like this. The best he could hope for was several months old and usually dried and powdered, where as what Lou sent was only two days old and in it‘s natural form. That made for much more potent potions. As for the horn, he now had enough to last him a couple of years at least, if he used it sparingly.
It did not enter his head to send a thank you letter, he would be seeing her in less than a week and could thank her much more thoroughly in person.
The day before the holidays, Lou set up her sound system in the courtyard. Matron had given permission for them to have a small celebration on condition it ended at tem pm and no alcohol was involved.
Of course it was, the older students sneaking it in under their tunics, which like the girls, was a drab grey tunic over the same drab grey material for their trousers.
Hermione was going home with Suvi for a week before returning to her parents home, while Lou was instructed to pack her belongings and wait to be collect the following evening by her husband.
The party was a big hit with the students, Lou had a good buzz going on by the time the alcohol was discovered by an instructor popping his head in to make sure all was well. He took the alcohol away, he did not report them however and left them to enjoy the rest of the evening, dancing and singing and behaving in a way children should. It was a first for many of them, their own strict upbringings never allowing for any kind of wild behaviour.
Vithori, who’d had more than his fair share of fire whiskey, now had his sights firmly set on Hermione and hardly let her out of his sight for more than a few seconds. She had to keep escaping to the bathroom when he professed to have fallen madly in love with her, then later on started pleading with her to marry him and have his babies.
Lou thought it was hilarious and couldn’t stop laughing at her predicament. “He’ll stop once he sobers up Hermione. It’s just the drink talking.”
“I know that, but in the meantime he’s like a blasted octopus, his hands are everywhere. If he tries to grab my boobs one more time I’ll hex him into oblivion.”
They were both still laughing about it when matron showed up and told them it was time to clear up and go to bed.
Hermione and Reet did most of the cleaning up, seeing as how they were the only ones still sober enough to safely use their wands without causing any damage or harming anyone that happened to be in the general location.
Saturday morning they were finally allowed to wear their own clothes.
“Thank Merlin for that. I hate those blasted vests and bloomers. They itch.” Hermione said as she flicked her wand, sending the last of her books flying neatly into her trunk.
“Don’t tell me you’ve been wearing them all this time? Why didn’t you get Peg to bring you your normal underwear?” Lou asked her, snorting as she tried not to laugh.
“Because we’re not allowed it.”
“Bugger that, I’ve been wearing my own under things since we got here. No way will you catch me in bloomers. Especially if they itch like you say.”
Hermione blushed. “You could have told me, I’ve been suffering all this time for nothing.”
“I thought you knew.” Lou collapsed onto the bed, laughing outright now. “Ooh, don’t frown Hermione, it isn’t ladylike.”
“Shut up.” She said, a smile playing on her lips.
A knock on the door and Suvi entered. “Are you ready Hermione? Lou, you know you’re still welcome to come too, Aino will be there, and Marja.”
“Thanks Suvi, but Severus is coming to pick me up later. You have a good holiday though.
Lou walked outside with them. Several sleighs awaited them, lined up and three pairs of reindeer harnessed to the front of each one.
Lou looked up to see two Sami’s waving at her. “Urho. Onni.” She shouted, waving back at the two men who’d brought them here in the sleigh.
Matron shot a displeased look in her direction at the unseemly behaviour. Louhi, one does not shout at the Sami in such a fashion. One does not shout at any man for that matter. It is most uncouth, you might be mistaken for a wanton.”
Lou’s face fell, no matter how nice matron was, you did not argue with her. She pouted again but when she turned away, she saw Urho and Onni grinning at her. She made sure her back was to the matron before grinning back.
After hugging everyone goodbye and shedding tears with Hermione, she waved them off, standing and watching the horizon for a good ten minutes until the sleighs were nothing but black dots in the sky.
It was only ten am and Lou suddenly felt very lonely. Why did Severus have to come tonight? Why couldn’t he pick her up this morning with everyone else? Or in the town where they went when they first arrived here?
Tapani, who’d come to see his brother, one of the sleigh drivers, noticed her stood on her own and looking sad.
“Hey Louhi, you want to come and see the calf’s? We had a buck born just this morning”
Lou’s didn’t hesitate, she shot off after Tapani and followed him towards the edge of the large paddock where they kept the doe’s.
“You have to be very quiet, the mothers are very nervous and do not usually like us coming too close, but this doe is young and very tame so does not find us a danger to her. Do not move unless I tell you to though and stay very close to me. If I tell you get down, you lay down on the ground and stay there.”
Lou nodded excitedly as they made their way to a smaller paddock set within the larger one.
“There look, at the edge of the woods.” He said, pointing to a small curve in the line of tree’s edging the mass of woodland. “You can just see the doe’s head. He is special this buck. Pure white but not albino. A magical creature if ever I saw one. There has not been a white stag for many years.”
They moved forward slowly, bent low until they were about six feet from the doe.
Tapani held out a hand in a signal to stop. Lou did and Tapani crouched low, walking ahead in a squat until he reached the nest.
Lou watched, holding her breath as Tapani slowly reached a hand out to the doe, letting her catch his scent. Her breath hitched slightly as the doe pressed her muzzle into Tapani palm and let his stroke her. He was speaking softly to the creature and she lifted her head as though scenting the air. The doe’s eyes met Lou’s and Lou forgot to breath at all until Tapani waved her forward. She squatted like he had and moved forward clumsily. Tapani held out his hand again and Lou stopped.
“Give me your hand.” he said. “Rub your scent onto my palm.”
Lou rubbed her hand on his for a minute and Tapani brought it to the doe’s nose. She sniffed at it for a while, her eyes rolling back in her head.
“Come.” Tapani whispered and Lou moved forward a bit more, stopping to the side of him.
“Now, slowly bring your hand up, let her smell you, is she accepts you she will press her muzzle into your hand. Then you can stroke her.”
Lou did as he said and was over the moon when the doe pressed into her hand.
“Look, she’s doing it.” Lou whispered excitedly. Her eyes welled up with tears when the doe leant back slightly and a small white head popped up. “Oh. Oh Tapani, he’s beautiful. Can ..can I touch him?”
“You can try, but she probably wont let you. Stroke gently down her side toward the fawn, if she doesn’t like it, she will butt your hand and you must pull away slowly. As yet she has not allowed me to touch him.”
Lou let the doe sniff her hand again and stroke her head, then her neck and gradually moved to stroking her side. The doe watched her warily but made no move to stop her as Lou’s hand moved lower and closer to the white fawn. “Please, please.” Lou breathed as her fingers reached carefully out, closer and closer to the young buck. Any moment now Lou and Tapani expected the doe to butt Lou’s hand away, but she didn’t, she just watched as Lou’s fingers finally came to rest on the fawns head, then her palm as she caressed it gently. The fawn made a kind of squeaking noise and the doe then butted Lou’s hand. She slid it away carefully, bringing it back to her side and sitting down on the mud.
“You are blessed.” Tapani told her. It is rare to touch any new born fawn, but to be the first to touch a white fawn, a new born buck. It is a blessing from the Gods. The Sami will sing of this for generations to come, and I shall be the one to put words to the music when I tell the elders what has happened this day.”
Lou said nothing as he led her carefully back to the school. She was too overwhelmed at what happened, instead she let the tears trickle down her cheeks as they approached the door.
“You are crying because of the wonderment of what occurred Louhi. That is good, it shows a tender heart and a humble respect for nature. You will go far in this life.”
Tapani bowed curtly, as was the way with Sami, and turned to walk away.
Lou took off her boots and entered the school, they were covered in mud from the paddock and she didn’t want to leave a trail of muck behind her.
“Louhi, where on earth did you go?” Matron asked as she entered the hall. “And look at you, covered in mud dear.”
“Sorry matron, Tapani took me to the paddock to see a fawn. It’s a white one and he said there hasn’t been one for a long time. It’s okay isn’t it, that I went I mean?”
“Yes. Did you see the fawn?”
“Mm Hm. I touched it. Tapani didn’t think the doe would let me but she did, he said I was blessed. Oh it was lovely matron, I felt so special to be allowed to see it.”
Matron seemed stunned and took Lou to her office. She ordered tea while Lou told her exactly what happened.
“This is a very special thing that has happened Louhi. Special because you were permitted to touch the fawn, and special because he is white. The Sami will be celebrating and singing your praises tonight and for many days.”
“That’s what Tapani said. I’m just glad I got to see it.”
Matron suggested Lou have lunch with her that day, since all the staff and students had left and Lou was grateful for the company.
After lunch she followed the matron round the whole of the building, helping make sure everything was in order, windows and doors closed, classrooms and bedrooms left tidy and clean and that no mischievous spells were lingering to catch out any of the house elf’s that remained in school over the summer.
Lou searched high and low for Kreatcher, Pegnose and Laina, but couldn’t find them anywhere. She shouted for Kreatcher but he didn’t appear.
She asked matron if she knew where they were and the elder witch said they’d been sent on with her things and she would see them later.
She would not however, tell Lou where they’d been sent.
Lou tried hard not to sulk as she wandered about waiting for Severus to arrive. The minutes seemed like hours and the hours like days. It was almost seven pm when matron called her to her office.
Lou went, half expecting her to say that Severus had been delayed and wasn’t coming. When she entered the office and saw him standing there in all his stern glory, she squealed and threw herself at him, almost knocking him on his back when she flung her arms round his neck and her legs round his waist, cling to him like a limpet and sobbing into his neck.
“Severus, I thought you wouldn’t come. I thought you’d forgotten me.” She cried, her breath hitching with every word.
Matron cleared her throat and Severus, who’d not actually returned Lou‘s embrace, prised her off and lowered her to the floor.
He glared down at her and she nearly missed the spark of amusement in his eyes before he spoke.
His pleasure at seeing her in no way compensated him for what he considered her wantonly physical display in front of another person. His voice hissed when he spoke to her.
“Control yourself wife, at least show a modicum of restraint.”
Her jaw dropped, wondering if she’d imagined the pleasure she’d seen earlier.
“A very unladylike display Madam Snape. Have you not been paying attention during Madam Perrie’s lessons?”
“Yes matron. Sorry.” Lou hung her head in mock shame, all the while seething inside. ’Just you wait.’ She thought. She smirked to herself and raised her head. “I apologise matron, Severus. I forgot myself in the excitement, please forgive me.” She pleaded in a simpering voice.
Matron was immediately contrite. “Of course my dear, it has been a long day for you. Perhaps you would care to order tea and cakes for us all, I am positive your husband wishes to see how well mannered you can be when you try.”
Severus’ eyebrows practically hit the roof and he almost choked when Lou gave them both a polite curtsey and obeyed without question. He’d been about to suggest they leave immediately, but instead he took the proffered chair and watched in amazement as his wife, the normally fiery little chit who drove him insane with her antics as well as her passion in bed, now acted like a perfect lady as she poured the tea.
All the time she kept her eyes downcast demurely, first serving the matron then Severus, before taking her own cup and sitting down to sip politely at the brew.
Severus did not know quite how to react. This was not his Lou.
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