Hollowed | By : dirtydarella Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 6996 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Harry chewed on his lip as he mulled over how to handle Hermione. Telling her the truth about being cursed was an option, but then the same issues he was hoping to avoid would be raised, and her protectiveness over his actions would no doubt increase. It would certainly keep her from misunderstanding what she had seen this morning with Malfoy in his bed, but perhaps that was a more extreme measure than he needed to take. Perhaps telling part of the truth that Malfoy had been assisting him and they had fallen asleep on his bed would be enough. She had no reason to suspect Harry and he were attracted to each other, and he was sure she must be looking for an alternative explanation herself.
Mate, you alright? Ron asked, drawing Harry from the over crowded thoughts of his own mind. You look worried about something
Hermione, who had yet to even look in Harry's direction, buried her face further into whatever book she was reading. Based on the fact Ron hadn't had a fit the moment Harry had walked into the kitchen, he was positive thank god she hadn't mentioned what she had witnessed that morning. Harry looked down at the bowl in front of him, now full of very soggy cornflakes. How long had he been zoning out?
Uh, yeah no. I mean, I'm fine. Letting out a sigh, Harry raked his fingers gently through his hair before, out of habit, he smoothed them over his scar. Ron tensed immediately, obviously misinterpreting the gesture.
You sure? His eyes focused on Harry's forehead.
Everything's fine, don't worry, Harry tried to reassure, hoping his voice was calm.
Everything was fine as it ever was at least.
A movement later the kitchen door swung open and a very confident looking ex-Slytherin swaggered in. Ron was the only one to glance over, scrunching his face as if irritated about Malfoy's general existence which was probably the case while Harry and Hermione simultaneously ducked their heads down.
Morning, Malfoy said smugly, seating himself at the end of the table. When neither Hermione nor Harry responded, Ron's face seemed to smooth out. Harry figured he was obviously pleased that everyone was ignoring the git like he had wanted to do all along.
Despite keeping his head down, Harry could tell Malfoy was staring at him. He tried not to wince as he felt silver eyes boring into the top of his head. What was Malfoy's game? Harry would have figured he'd be all huffy about what had happened, forcefully denying it to everyone he came across. But at the same time
Harry remembered not long ago when the blond had been parading down the hallway, wet and half naked. The look he'd given Harry then, that
I'll fuck you so hard you'll go hoarse from screaming my name look.
Harry blinked. Then blinked once more. What had he been thinking about again?
What's with you all this morning? Ron mumbled, looking in Hermione's direction. Something's different.
To Harry's horror, Hermione began to blush and fidget so guiltily that she was sure to give something away. What had happened to that blank, emotionless face of this morning? Clearly she was only able to pull that off when she was shocked from seeing her friend half naked with another bloke. When she spoke, her voice was extremely meek.
Why do you say that?
Ron dropped his fork noisily and sat back, crossing his arms as his brows drew together. First off, you and Harry are acting
strange. Then, the Ice Prince himself comes sauntering in here all cheerful like he's just drowned a sack full of kittens.
Malfoy glared heatedly at him, and Harry almost wanted them to start fighting so Ron would stop thinking, but to his displeasure the blond remained quiet, and Ron continued.
And Hermione's acting
he paused to wave his hand between Harry and Malfoy, like she walked in on the two of you making out.
Ron guffawed, then must have realized the joke wasn't funny at all when he looked startled, then horrified at the thought. Luckily he was too distracted with his own musings to notice the way her face turned tomato-red or that Harry had sunk so low in his chair he just about fell off it. If that was Malfoy snickering, he was going to kill him.
he saw you guys kissing
his hand gesture moved to sweep between Harry and Hermione now, and was happy because he could blackmail you
Ron looked extremely pensive, and just a bit hurt, as if an entire sequence of events leading up to Malfoy walking in on a heated make-out session were rushing through his head.
Harry and Hermione cried out at once, talking over each other.
Don't be ridiculous!
I would never, mate.
How could you think that?
They exchanged a brief glance before Hermione continued. You're being silly, nothing is going on.
Harry nodded jerkily.
I promise you, Weasley, Malfoy cut in, speaking for the first time since his one-word greeting, if that were the case, Id be in my room alternatively throwing up and Obliviating myself.
yeah, Ron said evenly. He sat for a moment, his head cocked, before turning his speculative eyes on Harry.
You ever think about giving it another go with Ginny?
Harry, who had just dared to take a sip of his coffee, nearly choked. Suddenly there were three sets of eyes all looking intently at him, and it was his turn to squirm a bit in his seat. Malfoy's eyes were particularly intense in their gaze, but he couldn't quite read the emotion behind it.
Shrugging uncomfortably, Harry took another sip from his coffee, more to stall than anything else, before answering, I don't know. Not really.
What about
Ron set his chin in his hand for a moment pensively. After a beat he waved it dismissively. What about someone else?
Harry shook his head. I'm not interested in any girls right now.
Malfoy snorted and it took all of Harry's will power not to turn and glare murderously at him. He didn't want to do anything that would lead to Ron misunderstanding his behavior.
The redhead's eyes remained squinted in suspicion, but eventually he gave a brief shrug of his shoulders before tucking into the last of his breakfast. It didn't go unnoticed that he frequently shot the other three wizards speculative glances until finally Harry decided he felt uncomfortable enough for now thought it was a good time to go back upstairs to hide for a while.
I'm going to take a shower, he announced as he stood, gulping the rest of his coffee and dumping his uneaten cereal in the sink. On the way out behind Ron's back he tried his best to give Hermione a meaningful look that translated into we need to talk, but her eyes remained glued to her book. Malfoy looked over to him, however, and his eyes gleamed suspiciously.
Really, what was his deal?
This was too easy, Draco mused as he silently spelled cream cheese to spread over the top of his muffin, enjoying the little bit of magic he could perform with his new temporary wand. He was more than amused that Weasley believed Potter had been making a move on his girl as if Golden Boy Potter would do that in a million years. Granger was obviously embarrassed about the whole thing; and the way she blushed furiously led him to believe she had quite the imagination when it came to what Potter and he had been up to last night. If things continued on like this, he was sure the blushing hero would willingly come to him, probably in a confrontational way, but he could use that to his advantage in drawing the other even closer. And yes, he could call it what it is: seduction. Merlin help him, he was going to try and seduce Harry Bloody Potter. What he wasn't prepared to voice yet, even in his own mind, was his motivation behind it.
For now, he could chalk it all up to being board and wanting to have a bit of fun.
Despite the voice of reason nudging his thoughts, telling him that getting involved with Potter was not the smartest of ideas, he knew with certainty that it wouldn't convince him to back out of this. If things went completely sour, he didn't think Harry would revoke his offer of protection; but just to be sure he was going to have to play this where he didn't piss off Granger and/or weasel-face. Should it end up with him being pissed off at Draco, if anyone could talk Potter into kicking him out, it was Weasley, and if anyone could talk Potter into letting him stay, it was Granger.
He took a bite of his muffin and smirked to himself. Weasley looked over to him with an air of hostility most likely wishing he would leave so that he could talk to his precious Granger. It just made the smirk on Draco's lips spread further. Gryffindors were so simple minded, it was almost too easy to play with them.
Malfoy, can we talk?
Draco turned his head towards the direction of the whispered voice, being sure to keep his face expressionless. He knew it wouldn't be long before Potter would come to him, it was just a bit unexpected that the brunet would sneak up and practically accost him in the hallway. Not that he particularly minded that Harry grabbed his arm and dragged him closer. He kept his face impassive while the other wizard looked nervously up and down the hallway.
In here, he said, dragging the unresisting blond into the bathroom, his breath puffing against Draco's cheek and causing a small shiver to run down his spine. Potter hesitated, though, as he reached to close the door. Er do you think you could
He gestured vague in the direction of the banshee-screaming hinges.
Lingering for a moment on the swelling of pride in his chest yes that's right he was the only one who could fix things in this house Draco lazily swished his wand and said, Reparo.
He watched, satisfactorily, as the wood of the door bent itself back and the hinges shredded their rust like spilling red flour onto the floor.
Right. Good. Thanks.
Draco arched an eyebrow, prompting Harry to go on, which he did, not wasting any time getting straight to the point.
I'd appreciate it if you left it to me to try and explain to Hermione what she saw.
And why would you need to explain anything? Malfoy asked in mock innocence, feeling playful and batting his eyelashes once. If he saw himself acting like this two years ago, he would have probably killed himself.
Harry was doing his best to hold back his annoyance. He'd thought this little talk through, at least enough to guess that Malfoy would probably want something in return for all he'd done for Harry. More than the wand, even, because he was an ungrateful git like that. He didn't even know if Malfoy would be intrigued by this offer or not. The wadded up parchment in his pocket felt noticeably heavier all of a sudden.
If you agree to leave the situation to me, Harry said, forcing himself not to use the term 'damage control' like he secretly wanted he doubted the blond would take too kindly to it being referred to like that, then I'll sneak you out of the house tonight.
This seemed to perk the blond's interest. Malfoy straightened his shoulders and looked straight into his eyes.
What does that mean, exactly? Sneak me out?
I have, er an errand to run. Harry didn't want to tell him until he was sure Malfoy would agree. You can come with me, if you want. After, if you want to go somewhere else, within reason, we could. I'll take you.
Malfoy narrowed his eyes, fighting the urge to mockingly compliment Potter on his articulation abilities. But everything will be closed.
Shrugging, Harry frowned. That's the best I can do. We'll be going under my invisibility cloak as it is. So there's the offer, if you're interested.
This definitely interested Draco indeed. Under that invisibility cloak, closely confined in its fabric, he was sure Potter and he would be forced to stay quite intimately entangled so as to not expose any body parts. The more comfortable Potter was with the idea of their bodies interacting so closely together, the better.
Plus, Draco remembered his first few weeks here, feeling irrationally irritated at being left out when the golden trio ran off to do their own little adventures without even a second glance his way. He also remembered how incredibly pleased he had been when Potter had started to tell him when they were leaving, saying goodbye. Now, he was being offered a place of participation. It was
exciting, and also just a little bit. Well. He didn't know. It meant Harry somewhat trusted him, and that was
He shook his head, forcing down the thoughts before they could even surface.
No tag-alongs. Just me and you, correct?
Potter nodded.
Fine, he said as neutrally as he could. Something jumped in his stomach the moment brilliant green eyes turned to him, smiling despite the fact Potter's lips remained in a flat line. If he was going to keep up this seduction game, then he really should start making rules. Rule number one was obviously going to be to ignore all odd feelings in his chest when Potter looked at him, which is exactly what he did now.
We'll leave tonight around eleven-thirty.
Harry barely waited for Malfoy's nod before he was rushing back out of the bathroom. The last thing he needed was for Ron or Hermione or anyone else, really discovering them together in the bathroom. Now all he needed to do was send Hedwig off with his response to the twins.
Left alone, Malfoy quickly went to shut and lock the door. He was still feeling a little anxious about recent events and wanted a moment to collect himself. Tonight, whatever this little errand Potter had him doing, he would need to keep a clear head for. He wasn't delusional enough to think he was going to witness anything important, like a mission to end the war Potter had Granger and Weasley to put in danger for that. Still, they were going to sneak out and do something potentially dangerous together, like they might have been doing all along if Potter and he had ended up friends instead of enemies first year.
A burn of resentment touched his chest, but he dismissed it immediately, thinking of rule number one in the Potter Seduction Laws. Besides, what he was aiming for now was better than mere friendship.
Suddenly he had an image of himself, holding Potter's hips down while his mouth sucked mercilessly on the brunet's hard, hot cock and the other arched his neck and begged him to come.
He blinked, trying to get his wits back. Malfoys most certainly did not go down on people. Still
the small little fantasy had his pulse racing blood straight down to his groin.
Well, a wank wasn't a bad idea. Getting it out of his system was a brilliant plan, hed be less
sexually frustrated tonight, he figured, as his hand slipped into his pants.
Kiersten, Alison July
^_^ Thanks for your comments *hugs*
*hugs you silly* All those questions will be answered by the next chapter. :)
^_^ Poor Harry cant catch a break.
XD Its not over.
lol! Hopefully Hermione wont be walking in on anything else. XD
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