The Master of Assassins | By : fantasyra Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10284 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I dont own anything Harry Potter, just the story idea and plot. |
Ye Old Disclaimer: Harry Potter and associated milieu,
characters, and situations are owned by J.K. Rowling and her licensees. This is
a work of fan fiction, produced solely for enjoyment. No infringement of rights
is intended. J.K. Rowling owns it all, I am just playing with the Story.No profit is being made by me, its all J.K's.
boom, boom, boom, boom. The force of the sounds coming from around them
rang in their chests and bones. A loud voice rings out throughout the dance
hall as the music died for a moment.
“You got
three wishes Mutha Fucka.” Just as the words stopped the music picked up and
people down below started really thrashing about to the beat. She watched with
the other two as Harry moved to the sound with his eyes closed and his hands
holding Ishtar’s hips. She was leaning with her back against him. Her arms
where looped loosely behind his head while she ground her hips and rear into
Harry’s front all the wile moving to the muggle music pounding all about them.
Luna waved
over to her wide-eyed companions and pointed to Harry’s table. They had placed
a few noise filtering charms so they did not have to yell to hear each other.
Harry used similar charms when he was playing his card games. Ishtar had gotten
all of them new clothes yesterday and they where dressed the way most of the
other women where. Susan and Hanna though where not use to the revealing
garments and felt a bit uncomfortable until Harry leveled three young men who
had been eyeing them up at the bar. Just like with Luna word had spread quickly.
Susan and Hanna where under Leontes protection.
Once they
where seated the waitress walked up to them taking drinks. Both Susan and Hanna
where very surprised when they asked for wizarding drinks forgetting for a
moment they where in a muggle place and she nodded saying she would get them.
Luna Ordered a drink she had learned to like after experimenting with different
muggle variations. She ordered a Sex on the Beach. Her companions looked
stunned but the waitress just smiled telling them it’d be a few moments before
With the
addition of Susan and Hanna to Harrys party a second table just for Harry’s
card games had been placed within his section close to the tale they currently
sat at. Currently it was empty and Luna knew it would only start to fill once
Harry took his seat. He was a horrible card player and the people around here
loved to take his money. Harry seemed to enjoy it.
They sat in
silence for a while until their drinks arrived. They could still hear the music
but it was nowhere near as loud as it was. Susan was the first one to speak
after she took a drink from her cup.
“Okay Luna,
what the hell is going on?”
Luna smiled
at her friend. “Leontes does not like us to use our real names. In here I am
Kynthia, Just as you are Chloe (1),”
she turned to look at Hanna, “and you are Isis (2). Leontes told me no one uses
their real names here and it’s safer to use an alias. I would get use to it,
Leontes comes here most nights.”
leaned forward after looking around. She not have bothered, no one at the club
came near Leontes booth unless he was sitting in it. “Kynthia, what happened to
you? You disappeared the same day as three Slytherins disappeared. Professor
Fenwick was insane with worry. They searched the castle several times but all
they found was some blood and Zambinies wand in an unused classroom. The whole
castle was on lock down the entire time you’ve been missing. How did that
looked confused at the interruption. “What?”
“When he
looks like that he calls himself Cloud.”
Morgana are you telling me that was Harry?!” Susan asked with wide eyes.
Luna looked
around to see if anyone heard her before she turned back to Susan. “SHHHH! Yes,
that was him and his name is Cloud. In here, he is Leontes. At the flat you can
call him by his real name but nowhere else. Leontes has changed but inside with
people he trusts or likes he is still the old Leontes, just a bit rougher.
As to what
happened to me I was attacked and about to be claimed by Nott and Zambine. They
grabbed me as I made my way to back to Ravenclaw. Before they could do anything
Cloud showed up and stopped them. He took them somewhere and I haven’t seen
them since. I have been staying at Leontes’s Flat since. He hasn’t been there
much but most nights he as brought me here. As to the other missing Slytherin,
I imagine Cloud grabbed him later. I don’t ask what for and he has not told me.
I tried to ask him once and he just told me not to ask questions I don’t want
answers to. I think its better that way. What ever he is doing to them is very
unpleasant, immoral, and illegal. However since they tried to rape me I am not
very concerned about it.”
asked. “So, the things in the papers about…Cloud. The guards, the muggles, that’s
all true? He did those things?”
nodded. “I am pretty sure. Ishtar has told me some but not a lot. She said the
Guards ‘Hurt her Master’ while he was in Azkaban. As far as the muggles go she
said they where just prey he was assigned to hunt. I get the impression he
hires out his services as Cloud to people for muggle money.”
Mauve, he’s a Hit Wizard. There where rumors he was going Dark about the school
but I didn’t really believe it.” Luna note the sad look in Susan’s face.
“Neville didn’t
think so. He thinks he’s just waiting for the right time to come back.” Hanna
turned to look at Luna. “There are several students who think that if they
prove themselves worthy Harry will come back and lead them in the coming fight.
Neville has been taking several of them into the Room of Requirement continuing
the D.A. Their training is rigorous and they are almost fanatically devoted to
proving themselves worthy to Harry by becoming as good at fighting as they
Luna was
deep in thought, “So that was what he was up to… He never told me about it…”
She pushed the hurt feeling away. She should be use to people overlooking her.
“Ever since
the last day Harry was seen standing outside Gringotts after he was released
from Azkaban Neville’s been that way. He took Harry’s words in the Prophet to
heart. He has about five or six others with him. Don’t feel bad about not being
included, Neville did not invite any girls, just guys.”
All three
of them remembered that article. She doubted there was a witch or wizard in the
isles who hadn’t read it and screamed at his words. He was caught walking out
of Gringotts by the reporter and the paper was out within hours of the
“Mr. Potter, now that you have paid your dept to society
do you have anything you would like to say about the trial or your
imprisonment? It was no secret you felt it was unjustified. What about the
rumors that you are the ‘Chosen One’ and only you can defeat
I truly felt a
chill as I stood before the broken looking young man still dressed in the
clothes he wore those three months in Azkaban. “There was a Prophecy concerning
Me and You-Know-Who. (Mr. Potter said the name.) I know its contents and he
knows the first few lines.
The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord
approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh
month dies...
That is half of the Prophecy, the half he knows. I know
it all.”
“So you are the
Chosen One?”
“Belive what you
want. Nothing I can do has ever stoped you before. I don’t care what you think,
what you want. There will come a day when you, the magical people of Britin
will rise up pleading and screaming for me to help you…Begging you will wallow
in your fear and sins crying out for me to return to save you… And I will
whisper back to you…No. When the day comes and you are all burning in hell, I
will be there to toast a marshmallow over your smoldering corpse. There is
nothing left for me here, no reason to care for any of you. None of you are worthy
of saving.”
Kynthia what do you know about the woman with Ha… Leontes?” Luna snapped out of
her reverie and turned to look at Susan. She was looking down at Harry and
Ishtar on the dance floor. It was obvious to any they where intimately familiar
with each other by the way they pressed themselves into the other while they
moved to the muggle music.
calls her Ishtar, here, at the flat, and elsewhere. The only time I have heard
him call her anything else is at night while they are having intercourse and he
cries her real name. She only ever calls him Master. She is not human and is
devoted to him. Ishtar is the only one I have seen able to keep him calm when
he is angry which I attribute to the fact she has sex with him many times a night.
Other than those things I know she is the only one he takes with him when he is
statements where met with blank stares as her companions tried to mull through
what she had said. Susan looked stunned by their relationship while Hanna took on
a more thoughtful look as she worked over what was said.
finally managed to ask, “They have…sex?”
“O yes.
Many times a night. You get use to it after a few nights. I usually masturbate
to them as it sounds quite lovely. She is very passionate and vocal. I have had
the pleasure of seeing Leontes naked and was very impressed. I don’t have any
experience to compare it to but if her screams of pleasure are anything to go
by he is quite good at it.”
Susan sat
in stunned silence. Hanna though asked her, “She’s not human and devoted to
him… She’s not a Veela, no allure even if she catches a few eyes. Leontes
trusts her to work with him. That says a lot. You know who she really is don’t
you Kynthia?”
nodded. She had heard her real name many times coming through the walls.
“Have you
and… Leontes… you know?” Luna smiled dreamily at Susan’s uncomfortable
“No. If he
asks me I would not pass on the opportunity. It sounds lovely and he is the
only one I can think of I would like to experiment with as far as men go.
Ishtar is a lovely woman and I have seen her naked many times, as she prefers
it late at night. I would not say no to her either.”
blinked for the forth time as she watched Harry walk out of the room they where
forbidden to enter. He was dressed in the same black clothes she saw him in at
Hogwarts. Despite what Luna had said she had not really believed that the
Assassin Cloud was really Harry until now. Seeing his face in that frightful
image truly set home who he was now. His entire demeanor was different than a
few hours ago when he was joking while losing at cards or dancing with Ishtar
to the muggle music.
His face
was set grimly while he talked to Ishtar. She nodded to everything he said
while she tied his hair back and placed the mask over his face. She watched
stunned as he walked over to the golem and they both passed through the shadows
of the wall going to ‘work’.
Hanna had a
book from Harry’s library and was sitting in one of the chairs. She was not
nearly as surprised as Susan was. Hanna had told her that she herself had
treated Harry poorly in second year and forth believing what she read in the
papers and never seeking the other side of the story. Later she regretted her
decisions and promised herself to take nothing at face value anymore. When
Susan had brought up how Dark Harry was becoming she merely shrugged saying he
was not hurting them and so far had only done Dark things to others who where
Dark themselves.
She would trust Harry as long as it
stayed that way. It was either trust him or go back to Hogwarts where they
where sure to get raped and trapped into a Marriage Contract with Death Eaters
unless they whored themselves out for protection. Susan had shook her head but
she could not deny that what Hanna had said was true. Hanna also mentioned she
would help Harry in anyway she could. Dumbledore and the Ministry wouldn’t help
them at all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named just wanted them on their backs, at least
with Harry they wouldn’t get raped, beaten, neglected, abused, or killed. Well,
getting killed was a possibility but Hanna felt that Harry would protect them
as much as he could. It sounded like a good deal to her.
Luna was
another big surprise. She did not get to really know her until last year but
she always seemed spacey to her. She still had that look of eternal surprise on
her face mixed with a dreamy look that never seemed to go away but her voice
when she spoke was clear with her convictions. She had to admit she had
misjudged the Ravenclaw.
lover was standing by the balcony looking up into the night seemingly to be
thinking. The few days they had been here she noted that only happened when
Harry was away. “Hedwig…Luna have you
seen Harry’s Owl since you’ve been here? I was reading in this book and there
are a few things I think Harry might want to try if she is still with him.
Familiars can be a huge asset to a Wizard if properly brought along and he’s
had her since his first year, their bond would be powerful.”
Hanna had
her face buried in the book and had not looked up, but Susan had caught it.
When she called for Hedwig, Ishtar spun around with wide eyes. Her look slowly
changed as her features became sharper, more avian. Especially along her
cheekbones and eyes. She looked pissed. Merlin’s beard…I don’t believe it…
voice whispered quietly, “Oh dear…”
Hanna had
looked up confused at the by play looking around. “What’s going on? Something
As he
slowly felt his consciousness return to him the first thing he felt was pain in
his wrists. Keeping his breathing even and biting back the urge to make a noise
he took in his surroundings with his ears. He heard sobbing a few feet away and
the sounds of chains clanking. More voices whimpered.
As far as
his own welfare, he was hanging by his wrists by a set of manacles. Most likely
from the ceiling. By the sounds of those around him there where at least a half
dozen others in similar predicaments. His nose was assaulted by the stench of
blood, bodily waste, and decay. This was not good.
continued to hang motionless while he tried to go over in his mind how he ended
up here. He remembered he was in the Greenhouse getting fresh potion
ingredients he was going to need to restock his stores when his godson came
stumbling from the Forbidden Forest. He was in bad shape babbling about
escaping from somewhere and being hunted. A sharp pain in his back was greeted
shortly by the blackness he recently just arose from.
Very slowly
keeping his body as relaxed as he could he opened one eye slightly peering
ahead of him through strands of his greasy hair. The sight about him was what
he was expecting. He was being held in a dungeon of some sort. The room was
large. The far wall he was facing was sealed with bars. Inside he could see
several persons though it was too dark to know who else was captured and held
here. In the center of the room were two ritual runescapes. He had seen many in
his day but did not recognize these. They where crude and poorly drawn but
evidence that they had been used before stood before him in the form of a pool
of dried blood. Sacrifice… Telling but not exactly reassuring…
There was
no sound to announce his arrival but he felt his captor’s presence. Even
through the half darkness of the room he recognized him from the Great Hall. It
was that Assassin that had been plaguing both Dumbledore and the Dark Lord.
Unlike then, now he was bare-chested. He looked young, but young did not
necessarily mean incompetent. He watched and waited. The figure faced his mask
in his direction before he moved forward toward a figure who he had not noticed
before. It was only his many years of practice that prevented him from
flinching and giving himself away when he noted it was his Godson Draco. He
could feel the Vow tighten around him trying to compel him to do something.
looked up frightened as the figure stood over him looking down. “You said you
would release me…” His voice was broken. Things started to make sense; his
Godson had sold him out to protect his own hide. Disgust welled within him
while the Vow sent splinters of pain through his nerves.
“I lied. I
have been getting quite good at it lately…” He knew that voice but he couldn’t
place it. Just like in the Great Hall he felt he should recognize him but could
please don’t kill me…” Draco whined.
The figure
said nothing reaching for him. It was then that he could no longer fight the
Vow and felt his body jerk forward to try and save the useless wretch. When his
chains rattled the figure stopped moving.
I wonder what would make you break your facade… Not like you at all Snape…”
Caught now
Severus opened his eyes fully straining at his constraints eyeing the figure as
he straitened back up.
“So… quite
now. No jibes? No taunts? I always wondered if you lacked the ability due to
inbred genetics or if you simply where that ignorant…”
remained silent while he continued his assessment of the man before him. Yes he
was young but he was confidant, sure of himself. He wore the bladed claws
easily with the practice of a man who not only had grown accustom to their
weight but used them as extensions of himself. Animalistic… The tone in his
voice told him he thought his words out before he spoke them. The combination
of the two told him this man was very dangerous. He knew how to use his rage
and bacer instincts tapered with his intellect. That made things… problematic.
“You always
had the answers in your classes. Always strutting about and talking down to
everyone… Why so silent now? No answer to my question? Tell me… Is Malfoy
important to you in some way? Aside from being your Godson?”
His mask
spoke volumes as well. Death Eaters wore theirs to avoid being identified by
others and to lend fear into the hearts of those they sought. Fear was the mind
killer, it prevented opposition from thinking clearly which allowed mediocre
wizards to win in situations they normally would not. Fear of the unknown and
the known brought forth in the physical world. This one understood this. Not
only understood it but the polished mask went even further. His clawed hands
spoke of a man who enjoyed getting close to his targets. Any who looked into
that mirror finish would only see fear in their own eyes reflected back at
them. It was a potent weapon, one this man employed effortlessly. He was cold
to the emotions of others. Problematic indeed…
Not getting
any response from him the figure carelessly backhanded Draco slamming him into
the wall against he rested. The sound of steal on flesh and the back of his
head hitting the wall was counter pointed by his involuntary jerk against the
chains and they rattled. Several of the other prisoners whimpered and gasped.
“You are a
controlled man Snape… Something has bound you to protect him… Interesting.”
He scowled.
His lack of knowledge also spoke of the person in front of him. Whoever he was
knew him, he may even have taught him at some point. Who he was still eluded
him however. The figure stood still just facing him apparently thinking. After
some time he waved his hand over to a suit of armor. The armor moved and with
the grace it should not have had to knell and unshackle Draco. He dragged him
by one arm over to a table that sat within one of the runescapes and began tying
him to it with ropes attached to the table legs. The figure in front of him
just stood there facing Snape.
Seeing his
Godson and the one he was bound to being prepped for an unknown and potentially
lethal ritual he could no longer hold back his tongue. “What do you want?”
The figure
was silent and did not answer him. The only sounds now where the groans from
Draco and the rattle of the hallow armor as it secured him to the table. The
man before him did not speak until after he was tied down. He spoke while he
slowly walked toward the bound body. “I think it would be more productive for
you to call me ‘Professor’ in this situation Snape. I have loads to teach you…”
growled but did not reply. The figure spoke again, his voice just above a whisper
but he heard it clearly. “I don't expect you will really understand the beauty
or subtle science that is the exact art rending flesh from bone, of a fresh
wound or the slow leak of the someone’s life blood draining to pool about your
feet… the delicate power that comes from screams from a bound soul, bewitching
the mind, ensnaring the senses...”
He watched
straining against his bonds while the figure before him slowly sliced one claw
through Draco’s garments. He started with the collar and worked his way down
his sleeve. As he was finishing his speech he had cut a second one down from
his throat to his navel. He was careful and his hand was steady. He only dug
deep enough to slice his clothing and nothing more. The meaning of his actions
where clear.
“What do
you want from me…Professor…” it took all his will to choke out that
He heard an
amused chuckle come from the man. “He can be taught… Good, good.” Snape
was shaking with suppressed rage that sent his chains rattling as the figure
continued to slice through the seems of Draco’s clothing.
“You are a
man with many secrets. Some I already know, some I don’t. It is the ones I
don’t know that I want. So we are going to play a little game. Draco here is
going to help us keep score…” As he said this he finished his work and the suit
of armor began to pull the shredded clothes leaving the young man naked. It
looked practiced and did not bode well for them both.
“The ritual
I am going to use on him will burn out his magic core and transfer its essence
into a receptacle for me to access when I desire to. Now, since you seemed to
be bound to him I imagine this will be very unpleasant for you. I will ask a
question and you will answer. If you do not answer, I will continue until you
do. The ritual when done non-stop takes four hours of rune etching. I have only
done this a few times and I was distracted the last time… Zambine was not
pleased with the results… before you get ideas on lying to me, I know the truth
to some of these questions already and will test you from time to time. Answer
my questions before I finish and I wont subject Draco to this ritual. Shall we
growled but did not reply.
“Do you
have information on where Dumbledore, The Ministry or the Order of the Phoenix
are currently hiding the Death Eaters they captured in their raids?”
hesitated too long in answering trying to puzzle out what he could want with
captured Death Eaters. He pulled a knife and sliced into Malfoy’s arm. The Vow
roared within him forcing a scream of pain to burst from him. “YES!!!”
The pain
stopped when the knife stopped cutting. “Oh my… it seems your bond will compel
you to answer me… Interesting… and here I was worried this would be difficult.”
panting from the pain he took in the figure before him. “Before we get to these
imprisoned Death Eaters you know about… I have got to know…”
The figure
leaned toward him resting a clawed hand over his godsons chest letting his
claws dig in slightly. He felt the blasted Vow begain to build again. “How do
you get your robes to billow like that when you walk?”
Authors Note:
1 The name Susan translates as Lily roughly. Lilies
popularly represent several things, one of them being Fertility. Chloe is
another name for Demeter, Greek Goddess of Fertility, among other things.
2 The name Hanna translates Goddess of Life Or Grace. Isis
was a Popular Egyptian Goddess known for both.
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