Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers, Thank you so much for your lovely reviews. I really love you all. :) What would I do without you?
Characters: Fenrir, Yorik, Hermione, Severus, Draco, Ages, Neville
Sexual interactions: Fenrir/Neville; Yorik/Neville; Severus/Hermione; Ages/Draco
Warnings: spanking, het, anal, cock caging
Chapter 8 – Healing
“What is it with you running away from me?” Fenrir joked teasingly to calm the sub. He pressed him against his chest and spread his legs with his feet for Severus.
Draco first cried out when Severus put his balls in the small bowl with the salve, but then the relief washed over him and he sighed, sinking into the heavy chest behind him.
“Be careful; I fear he’ll black out soon, Fenrir,” Severus sighed, exhausted.
“No worries, I have him.”
Draco could feel Severus’ fingers on his balls again, spreading the salve. The pain was almost completely gone, and he finally blacked out in exhaustion.
The dominants avoided looking at one another but were both secretly relieved the worst of it was over.
Hermione woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom. Draco was sleeping beside her and Neville was asleep on the other side of Draco.
Draco was naked and lay on his back. His genitals were covered in a thick black salve. Hermione winced just from looking at it. Feeling the urge to go to the toilet, she looked around. Behind one door she could hear voices; Fenrir's and Severus' and if she was right, Ages. So this door wasn't the bathroom, if this bedroom even had one. To the right of the bed was another door and Hermione cautiously opened it. Relieved, she saw it was a bathroom.
Hermione lowered herself onto the stool, only half awake. As she began to release her urine a sharp, burning pain caused her to let loose a shrill scream. The door to the bathroom was ripped open even though she had locked it. Fenrir burst into the room, looking around wildly. “What happened?”
“Nothing, please get out!” Letting the man fuck her was one thing, but letting him watch while she was using the toilet was another.
“Severus!” Fenrir bellowed.
“No!” Hermione protested. She tried hard to hold the stream of urine in but her bladder had been too full. “Oh Merlin,” she whimpered when not only Severus, but Ages as well stepped into the bathroom. It was so embarrassing.
“What's wrong?” Severus asked and knelt down in front of Hermione. “Are you hurt?”
Hermione couldn't say anything. Her face was burning, and she looked away, ashamed. She felt the last drops fall into the toilet and wished she could flush herself away.
Severus groaned impatiently and spread her legs. Shortly afterward, Hermione could feel magic flow over her. “It's not an inflammation of the bladder but an inflammation of her vagina. Her rear is also still very sore. She is not used to having intercourse this often.”
Hermione wasn't prepared for what would come next, so she jumped when Severus inserted his wand inside of her. He pressed her down hard with one hand and glared at her until she stopped struggling. “As the diagnostic spell has worked quite well, I will try to heal it magically. We can still apply a salve later. Try to relax.” Severus moved his wand a bit deeper and Hermione winced. Then a wonderful wave of what felt like cool water flooded through her vagina and helped her relax.
“Better?” Severus asked.
Hermione nodded.
“Let's try the other end as well.”
Severus guided Hermione forward and made her lean backwards so he could have better access. Hermione tried to relax but it still hurt when the wand penetrated her. Soon the pain was washed away with the same cold feeling she had in her vagina now. Before she could protest, she was lifted off of the toilet by Severus. She could hear the flush of the toilet while Severus placed her on the bed beside Draco again. This time the boys were awake.
“Sorry for waking you,” Hermione said tiredly.
“No problem,” Draco replied, and Neville smiled at her.
“Back to sleep all of you,” Severus said sternly and didn’t leave before they all had shut their eyes.
The next two days had been heaven for Tara. She was the only sub that was allowed to be used. She could hardly walk any longer, but she was so happy. After almost all the dominants had avoided her because of Hermione's comment, she was in need of affection. Now she was happy.
Neville was scared even though he had not seen Draco's fight with Miller and Fenrir. Severus had been lenient with him, but he feared it would cost Neville his life. The boy had only slept with two dominants by now. At least Fenrir had promised to try an attempt this evening. First, Severus hadn't believed Draco, but then he had heard the story of Fenrir's behavior from Igor as well. It seemed Fenrir was a new man. Maybe he could help him with Neville.
Draco was already eager to pleasure dominants but was restricted by Severus and Ages. Nobody dared to touch him no matter how much he tried to seduce them. He got spanked for that behavior quite often by Severus and Ages in the last two days. Now he was desperate. He was naked at Ages’ feet, wriggling his body to get pity from the head alpha, who was trying to do paperwork.
Ages groaned. “Draco, do you want to get another spanking?”
“Yes,” the naked boy said and sprang up eagerly. Anything to get skin contact. His cock was already hard.
Ages rolled his eyes. “Draco, it's still dangerous. You were really hurt.” He tried to reason with the sexually frustrated boy. He knew how hard it was for a sub to be without sex for days.
“But I'm alright. Look!” He started to roll his balls and stroke his cock but his fingers were harshly smacked away and he was turned to get three very hard swats.
“I had hoped I could spare you this but I see I can't,” Ages said sadly and opened the drawer at the very bottom of his desk.
“No,” Draco whimpered in fear. He knew what Ages would pull out now. He was forced to wear the cock cage once for punishment and it was horrible. “I will be good. I promise.”
“You will penetrate yourself on whatever you find the moment I turn my back on you. Come here and sit on my lap.”
That wasn't fair. All day he had hoped to be allowed to sit on Ages’ lap, and now he needed to do it for getting that horrible thing on him. Draco whimpered and hid his genitals.
“Don't make me come over to get you, Draco,” Ages said warningly.
Whimpering miserably, Draco went over to Ages and let the man place him on his lap facing away from him. Draco sobbed when his legs were spread by Ages spreading his own thighs. He whimpered even more pitifully when Ages slowly but merciless pushed his cock down until it went soft. Quickly Ages caged the cock in that position in the cock cage and tightened the string that led through Draco's ass cheeks and over his hole to the straps that reached around his waist.
Ages let Draco cry against his chest for a while and then sent the boy into his bedroom to sleep. He knew Draco wouldn't dare free himself.
“Are you still mad at me, my sweetie?” Ages asked when he joined Draco in bed.
Draco sobbed. “It hurts.”
“I know, sweetheart, but it was necessary. You could have hurt yourself seriously.”
“Severus said I'm okay,” Draco whined. Severus had examined him two hours ago, had said the healing was going very well, but then had replaced the cock cage again. It was so unfair.
“Shh, Draco, I promise you I make it all good in the morning.” Ages stroked Draco's hair soothingly.
“Promise,” Draco whined.
“I promise,” Ages answered.
Hermione was fetched by Severus after supper. In exchange, Neville had to go with Fenrir. Hermione was relaxed. She knew that she still had healing time and so nothing could happen she didn't want. She was enjoying these two sex-free days. She wasn't like Draco, who felt bad for not being able to pleasure his dominants. Hermione's lower region had felt sore even though Severus applied a salve and the healing spell a few times. Of course, Hermione had felt sorry for Yorik and Fenrir who both had to fight hard not to touch her. She had pleasured them several times with her mouth and hands, even though she had become sexually frustrated by it. One time she really had begged the two to ignore Severus' order and just fuck her. Of course they hadn't done it.
Hermione's jaw was a bit sore now too, and she had the feeling everyone would see what she had done the last few days. She had forgotten about her reprimanding meeting with Ages for what she had said to Toric about Tara, but Fenrir had reminded her this evening. Tomorrow she had to meet with Ages and that made her very nervous. When the old man waited to speak with her until she was fully healed, it could only mean there would be more than just talking.
In Severus’ chamber she was immediately ordered to get ready for bed and she wasn't allowed to wear her knickers.
“I brewed some new salve. I want to try to apply it now. Tell me if you notice any side effects or if it doesn't help.”
Normally he asked her where she wanted to start but this time he didn't and just waited impatiently for her to lift her nightgown. She knew he was tense because of Neville, but nevertheless she couldn't stop to feel guilty about his discomfort, which made her tense as well. When Severus stroked his salve coated fingers over her lips it didn't feel good because she knew he was upset. The two fingers Severus stuck into her without mercy made her insides burn so badly that she cried out in pain. Normally, she would already be lubed up by the outer ministrations. She bit on her bottom lip, too late to stop the screaming.
Severus pulled out his fingers as if he had burned them and looked concernedly at Hermione.
“I'm sorry,” Hermione whimpered miserably.
“For what? What happened? You are totally dry.”
Hermione looked away. She had displeased him even more.
Severus groaned. He knew he shouldn't block his ability to read minds, especially when he was around Neville or Hermione. He opened the link in hopes she was still thinking about whatever this all was about.
“Hermione, it's not your fault that I'm so unfocused. Tell me why you were dry!”
She didn't answer, but her thoughts told him everything he needed to know.
“Come here.” Severus sat against the headboard and waved her over.
She crawled to him and rested her cheek against his chest.
Turning her slightly so she was resting against his chest but facing away from him, he stood her legs up and spread them to have a better access. “Now listen,” he said while he spread more salve on his fingers and lazily stroked them over her lower lips. “I'm worried about Neville, but that doesn't make me love you less. You are important, and only if you feel well will I feel well. So if you remain dry to punish yourself for not making me happy, you work against me. Do you want to work against me?”
Hermione shook her head. She could already feel her pussy getting wet. His fingers played her like an instrument. He knew exactly were to touch her and what to say to make her squirm or moan.
“I will enter you now, and I want you to be nice and slick. Will you be able to do that for me?”
Hermione nodded. She could feel her juices drip onto the bed, and Severus must have felt it as well.
“That's a good pup.”
Hermione squealed when two fingers entered her; this time in pleasure. She hadn't realized how much she had missed that feeling over the last two days. Hermione bucked and wriggled and tried to impale herself deeper.
“So eager, my pup,” Severus said hoarsely. Finally he could forget about his worry over Neville. Hermione's lust was intoxicating.
“Please,” she moaned. She was sure she would die if he didn't take right now.
“Hmm, I think I could spread the salve even deeper with my cock.” He grabbed the salve and smeared it over his cock. “On all fours, pup.”
Hermione obeyed. She even tried to lower her upper body as much as possible when Severus pressed down between her shoulder blades. It was an uncomfortable stretch, and she felt very exposed, but she was horny beyond any ability to feel shame. When Severus entered her slowly, she moaned in ecstasy. Severus restrained her hands behind her back, and she was at his mercy. He pushed in as deeply as possible before Hermione stiffened. He waited for her to relax again. He knew Hermione would think he would pull out then, but instead he pushed in deeper until he found the end.
Hermione made mewling sounds. Like the first time he had taken her so deep, she couldn't decide if it was uncomfortable or pure pleasure. It changed from second to second. Severus, meanwhile, started to circle his hips a few times until she moaned.
“Good pup,” he rasped, marveling at how incredibly tight she was.
He drew almost completely out and rammed back in. She screamed and tried to struggle to push him out a bit but he held fast, balls-deep in the lithe pup.
Hermione finally realized what she was feeling; it was pleasure, but that kind of pleasure like when she was overstimulated and had trouble coming. Severus had no mercy and held her in place until the spasm of unbearable pleasure lessened. Then he started to circle his hips and made Hermione moan again. He first pulled almost completely out and then rammed back home and restrained her again while she screamed in frustration. Her walls were clamping down over Severus' cock as if they wanted to suck him in deeper, even though he had reached her inner limit already.
“Oh gods!” she wailed, panting desperately, her face pushed into the bed and her juices soaking his hard cock.
Her reaction had Severus smirking, secure in the knowledge she thought him the most dominant wolf, although he’d never tell anyone else he’d seen that in her thoughts.
After several more ramming thrusts Hermione started to cry and sob and beg him to end it. That's when he took pity and hammered her deeper with fast but long strokes. His hips pumped mercilessly against her firm arse, taking his pleasure and giving it in return. He let out a low growl and grasped her hips firmly, digging into the soft flesh and jackhammering her backside when he felt her sleeve tighten around him.
It didn't take long and she was screaming her release.
He was surprised when she screamed his name at the apex of her orgasm.
“Oh Merlin, Severus, yes!” she cried, unable to stop the intense vocal reprisal he had ripped from her body in response to the pure pleasure she’d experienced.
Severus continued and captured some of the liquid Hermione had spread out and prodded Hermione's rear with it. He had let go of her arms and they hung limply beside her now. Hermione had no energy to fight or speed the process up.
Severus applied more salve on his cock and pushed it firmly into Hermione’s arse.
The girl groaned, but he pushed in to the hilt. Then he paused and let her adjust; not long, because he wanted her so badly. Within moments he was plunging in and out of her, head thrown back, enjoying every second of her luscious body riding his dick.
Hermione tried to relax her muscles. Severus’ cock was thinner than Yorik’s and it wasn't hurting her. The healing salve and the quick, but careful entering had made sure of that. Hermione's half asleep, half-awake condition also helped her to relax enough to make this pleasurable.
She didn't come again, but Severus rode her a bit more gently. He whispered into her back, feeling incredibly connected to the powerful, sexy pup beneath him.
“Oh, Hermione, yes, pup, gods, I’m coming!”
With a thick grunt he released his seed into her, pinning his hips against her backside in an intense moment of pleasure before heaving a tired sigh. He rolled them over and then cuddled her close to him.
Hermione was happy. She had made him feel better. With that thought she promptly fell asleep, unaware of just how profound her effect was on her mates.
Let's deal with your punishment first,” Fenrir said and patted his lap after he had sat down on the couch in his living room.
Neville trembled and looked worried at the rest of Fenrir's pack who sat on the armchairs and even the couch Fenrir was sitting on. He wanted to spank him in front of them? Yorik, who sat beside Fenrir, grinned lustfully. “Yeah, popcorn and a nice sub to spank and ravish; what could be a better way to end the day?”
Neville looked shocked at the beta, who now let some popcorn drop into his mouth, his fingers dangling high above his head as the popped kernels plummeted one at a time into his open maw.
“Neville, if I have to come and get you, it will be much harder for you,” Fenrir said warningly.
Amaris gently pushed the whimpering sub in Fenrir's direction. As soon as he was close to Yorik the man let his popcorn drop and pulled him close. “Let's unpack our gift from Severus.”
Fenrir growled. “We are not at the fun part already, Yorik.”
“But the fun part is much more... fun than the punishment part. Why don't we skip it?” He pulled Neville's shorts down. “Look! He agrees with me!”
Neville blushed when Yorik pointed at his hard cock and played around with it. Fenrir grabbed Yorik's hand and stilled it. “Can you still remember what I’ll be punishing you for, sub?”
Neville nodded miserably.
“See? You made him go soft,” Yorik said, disappointed.
“I'm sure we’ll get him hard very quickly again when the time has come.” Fenrir threw a warning look at his beta.
Yorik rolled his eyes. “You’re such a spoilsport.” He stood up and went to the fridge-like thing in the small kitchen corner.
Fenrir pulled Neville over to him and let him stand in front of him. It looked ridiculous with his shorts down, but Neville didn't dare to pull them up.
“Tell me why I will spank you now.”
“Because I said that it would be possible that I won't survive.”
“That's not totally true. You said it in a way that suggested our efforts to train you to survive would be unimportant or useless. That's not the case. The whole clan wants you to survive and stay. You are a cute sub.”
Fenrir lifted Neville's shirt over his head and played with Neville small tits. “If not for that, I would want you to survive for my pup. She seems to be very attached to you. But first it is the pleasure I could take from you that makes me want to protect you and train you to survive.” He squeezed Neville's nipples until the boy was fully erect.
“Are we at the fun part now?” Yorik asked from the kitchen counter he was sitting on, drinking a beer.
Fenrir ignored him and pulled Neville over his lap. Neville squeaked when his penis was trapped between Fenrir's muscular thighs.
“Yeah, that looks like fun,” Yorik said and grabbed a small bowl from the fridge. “Look what I have to make him nice and clean.”
Neville tried to crane his neck to see what Yorik was showing Fenrir, but the alpha grabbed his head and commanded, “Eyes front!”
“Nice idea, even though you are starting to annoy me. I need to punish the boy.”
“Then hurry up, alpha.”
“Yorik! Your big mouth just got you into deep trouble. You’ll see me later.”
“You scare the shit out of me,” Yorik said melodramatically to tease his alpha. Inwardly he hoped Fenrir would dominate him again like in the bath.
Neville squeaked when the first blow hit him out of the blue. It hurt, but the impact brought pressure to his cock that made him leak precum. He just hoped Fenrir wouldn't realize.
Yorik grinned. Oh, his alpha was in a good mood today. Why Severus feared for the little chubby sub was beyond Yorik's imagination. For him it was crystal clear that the boy would survive. He reacted well to any stimulation someone gave him as long as he felt safe.
Neville, meanwhile, whimpered. Fenrir was causing pain but he also caused great pleasure. Neville feared he would get in trouble for it. When Fenrir told him to stand up, he didn't dare to.
“You want to disobey me so soon after a punishment? Do you have a death wish?”
Neville shook his head miserably. He tried to think about something ugly and really off-putting to get his hard-on to vanish.
“If you wait long enough for your erection to fade, I will punish you again.”
That made Neville peek up at Fenrir. So the alpha knew? Of course he knew. The alpha had his dick trapped between his thighs.
Fenrir squeezed his legs together to tease Neville.
“Why don't you leave him be in that position, and I’ll shove some of these in his ass,” Yorik said enthusiastically, lifting the bowl.
Now Neville tried to stand up and look behind him, but it was too late. With one hand Fenrir pressed his lower back down on his lap and with the other he held Neville's head in place. “You had your chance. Now you are at our mercy.”
Okay a bit for everyone in this chapter, wasn't it.
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