Twice in a Blue Moon | By : UnseenLibrarian Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Hermione/Bill Views: 19764 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters from it. I make no money from this story. |
Author's Note:
"It's about time!"
Oh dear, I can hear your exclamations now. That darned Real Life keeps happening, you know? Would it help if I told you that I, too, dislike how long it takes to get each chapter posted? No? Ah well. On with our tale.
BETAS: Thanks to dormiensa, captainraychill, and RZZMG for their wonderful ideas, comments, and praise. You helped my muse, ladies - you're beautiful people.
To recap: Hermione was feeling overwhelmed by the past forty-eight hours' activities. Calmer, now that she has somewhat of a plan for her future career (thanks to Bill), she and Bill have just arrived at the Burrow to hear Harry telling everyone that someone at Malfoy Manor was attacked by Fenrir Greyback.
Disclaimer: I own nothing in this fiction except the plot idea, and make no money from it. JK Rowling's characters and locations are all hers.
Sunday, Dec 12, 2000
Moon phase: day after the full moon
"Greyback did attack someone last night, at Malfoy Manor." Harry's face was grim.
Everyone began talking at once, clamouring for answers.
"What? Why would he go there?"
"Who did he attack?"
"Was he transformed?"
"Did he bite anyone?"
"I hope it was Malfoy. It would serve that ferrety git right!" This last was from Ron, who was red-faced and scowling and had his arm draped protectively around Lavender's shoulders. When he said this, however, she looked at him in shock and jumped to her feet, hands on her hips.
"Ronald Bilius Weasley! How could you say such a thing?"
At once, the shouting stopped. Everyone's eyes were on the two of them. Pale and shaking, Lav was glaring fiercely at her mate. Her own bite-mark scar stood out against the skin of her throat as she clenched her jaw. She dropped one hand to her pregnant belly. "No one deserves such a fate, Ron, no one! Not even Draco Malfoy, bane of your Hogwarts years though he was." She gestured at Bill and herself, eyes glittering with tears. "I'd have thought that you would be more sympathetic than most, considering that your brother and your wife - your mate - are both dealing with the consequences of a Greyback attack!"
She wiped at her face angrily. "I need some air." She turned on her heel and strode toward the newly-repaired back door. She paused just long enough to grab a cloak from a hook before hurrying out into the December afternoon.
"Shite," Ron muttered. "I didn't mean… Malfoy's always been… someday I'll learn to just … 'scuse me," he said, and he swiftly followed his mate outside. The door slammed behind him.
Molly started to go after her youngest son but Arthur laid a firm but gentle hand on her arm. "Now, Molly dear, you stay here. Obviously Ron's gone to apologize. He knows what he said was thoughtless. Let them sort it out." He tugged on her arm. "Come on; let's have some of Charlie's delicious birthday cake."
Wringing her hands, she nodded reluctantly, then turned back to the table and picked up a long knife. "Yes. Yes, Arthur, I'm sure you're right." Pasting a big smile on her face, she said brightly, " Well, I'll just cut and serve the cake while you tell us what has happened, Harry, shall I?" She proceeded to hew off a huge slab of the chocolate and vanilla cake, placed it in front of Charlie, and began cutting similar-sized pieces for the rest.
Harry's stomach growled. "I'm starving. I'll make it quick. There isn't a lot to tell, not at this point. I shouldn't really say anything at all, as it is an ongoing case. However, it may affect all of us, and I'd rather we were all prepared." He took off his Auror's cloak and hung it up, and then proceeded to tell them about the attack.
"Somehow Greyback managed to get through the Manor's wards. We think it is possible he got through when Lucius and Narcissa were leaving for a party. They'd taken a horse-drawn carriage instead of Apparating. The wards were down just for a few seconds as they left, but that would have been enough time for him to slip through onto their grounds.
"We assume Greyback transformed when the full moon rose, if he hadn't already, and that he was trying to gain entry but was thwarted by locking spells on the entrance. The door was covered with claw marks and scratches.
"He apparently stayed hidden near the drive until the coach returned, at about midnight, and then he attacked. He killed the Abraxan horses outright by ripping open their throats, and then he managed to squeeze his head through the carriage window and tried to bite Narcissa. Lucius pushed her out of the way and threw himself at Greyback. Greyback sunk his teeth into his arm and held on, even though Lucius punched him in the nose several times. Narcissa … she's one cool lady under pressure. She cast a Conjunctivitis Jinx at the werewolf and followed it with aLumos, which made him howl in pain and run off." Harry took a deep breath and then scooped a large forkful of cake into his mouth. He rolled his eyes with pleasure. "This is wonderful, Molly. Happy birthday, Charlie." He took another bite before speaking again.
"We searched the entire property for Greyback but he was gone from the area. Lucius is in St. Mungo's right now, under observation. Draco and Narcissa are there with him."
Bill asked, "At St. Mungo's? So he was bitten?"
Harry shrugged. "It's inconclusive. Lucius had on a thick cloak, dinner jacket, and shirt sleeves, so it would have been difficult for Greyback to bite through, but then he also has bloody scratches and marks all over him. They are going to keep him under observation for a month and give him all sorts of tests." Harry shook his head, looking thoughtful. "It has been quite a sobering experience for the Malfoys."
Just then Ron and Lavender came inside together, holding hands. Lavender's smile shone as Ron took her cloak, and they both looked tousled and red-cheeked. Hermione caught Bill's eye. He winked knowingly and Hermione hid a smile behind her hand. Oh, they might try to blame it on the cold windy day if they wanted to, but Ron and Lav were definitely wearing a satisfied, freshly-shagged look. Now that's what I call a quickie, Hermione thought to herself.
Seeing only that they had made up, an oblivious Molly breathed a sigh of relief and handed the two of them plates of cake. Ron immediately dug in with gusto.
A frowning Percy was asking, "But, Harry, why in Merlin's name would Greyback have been at the Manor at all? He and the Malfoys were on the same side during most of the war. I don't understand."
Harry pushed his empty plate away. With a sigh, he said, "Well, the Manor's front door wasn't just scratched and marked by claws. There were words, too."
"Words? Really? What did they say?" asked Arthur.
Harry hesitated, looking quickly at Hermione, before answering. "They were hard to read, but we could make out the phrases soft skin, delicious girl, and Mudblood."
A tiny moan escaped Hermione before she could stop it, but only Bill, standing right next to her, seemed to hear. He snarled softly and wrapped an arm firmly around her waist, tucking her against his side, almost as if to shield her from the words themselves.
Shifting uncomfortably, Harry finished, "Those are all phrases he kept repeating during his stay in Azkaban."
"I still don't quite follow. The Malfoys are pure-bloods, not Muggle-borns," said Percy.
Hermione couldn't stand it anymore and spoke up. "I know what they mean. They refer to me, Percy. Greyback and his Snatchers captured Harry, Ron, and me in the woods, and he said those words to me. Then he and his gang brought us to Malfoy Manor. He kept pawing at me and muttering those same words, over and over," she said, flatly. "He must have gone to Malfoy Manor last night because it is where he …" Hermione swallowed hard before continuing. "It's where he helped Bellatrix Lestrange torture me, and it's where he developed, um, an unhealthy interest in me, it seems." She looked up at Bill and said softly, "I guess that's the proof. Now we know without a doubt that he's looking for me."
Bill pulled her fully into his arms, a protective growl rumbling in his chest. She buried her face against him, closing her eyes and searching for calm. The scraping of chairs being pushed away from the table filled the kitchen, and then many loving hands were rubbing her back and soft, comforting murmurs surrounded her.
December 2000 – January 2001
Moon phases: almost a full cycle
The weeks after Greyback's attack on the Malfoys passed in a blur for Hermione. Charlie's birthday dinner had ended on an upbeat note in the end, when he accepted Bill's heartfelt apology with complete forgiveness. "No permanent harm done, Bill," he'd said with a rueful grin. "It was completely understandable. Your inner wolf saw me as a threat. Besides, the bruise'll win me sympathy points with the ladies."
No further sightings of the werewolf allowed everyone to relax a bit, though of course Harry reminded them all to maintain "constant vigilance". For her own part, she found she had little time to worry about anything other than the next item on her never-ending "To Do List".
Before doing anything else, Hermione took Bill to Australia by Portkey to visit her parents, who had chosen not to return to England after regaining their memories as they were quite enjoying life "down under". They were thrilled to see her and greeted Bill warmly, having heard a lot about him over the past few years. Bill and Hermione, once they got past the extreme awkwardness of explaining their recent mating, were relieved to have the Grangers welcome Bill into the family without reservation. Horatio, Hermione's father, was fascinated with the idea of Curse-Breaking and plied Bill with questions all through their dinner. Bill was more than happy to explain. Meanwhile Helen, Hermione's mother, asked her if there was to be a wedding ceremony to make everything "official" before the baby came. Hermione grinned broadly, thinking of Molly's insistence that Ron and Lavender be properly wed, and assured her mother that yes, they would officially get married. It would most likely be a small ceremony in the spring. Bill, overhearing this, paused in his conversation with Horatio to roll his eyes at her from behind her mother's back, making a face, and Hermione had to look away quickly so as not to break into giggles.
Once back home at Shell Cottage, Bill remarked that all mothers seem to be a bit alike when it came to weddings, at which Hermione finally burst out in peals of laughter. Bill laughed right along with her. He then chased her down the beach, snogging her senseless when he caught her.
With the parental visit checked off her list, Hermione cleared out her flat (with help from Bill of course, along with George, Ron, Harry, and Neville) and moved into Shell Cottage permanently. Crookshanks was thrilled to be able to explore the outdoors all he wanted. Bill asked her to do whatever she wished with the décor to make it feel like it was her own home, so she spent several happy days rearranging the rooms and furniture to suit her. Between the two of them, she and Bill had a mountain of books. She quickly decided to put a bookcase or two in every room and then sort out their combined library. Once she was finished hanging pictures and scattering cushions around, Shell Cottage felt warm, homey, and comforting.
She and Bill then proceeded to christen every room in the little house with their love.
Then Christmas arrived. Christmas at the Burrow was always a chaotic and noisy affair. It was the gathering place for all the family and many of their friends and thus was full to bursting with food, decorations, gifts, and happiness. On Christmas morning, they broke the news to the family that they were expecting, which sent Molly over the moon in happy hysterics. She immediately began to pester them to get married, but they were able to temporarily placate her with a promise to discuss a wedding after the holidays. Presents were handed all around, and Charlie was thrilled with the soft, brown leather 'man-purse' that was his gift from Bill and Hermione. Hermione had charmed it with a strong Extensible Charm, just as he'd wanted, and had even added a few sequins in jest. Everyone held their breaths when he kissed Hermione on the cheek in thanks, but they relaxed when this seemed to have no negative effect on Bill's mood. In fact, Bill had put two books inside the bag:Bodybuilding Tips for the Weakling Wizard and Defending Yourself from Werewolf Attacks. Burly, good-natured Charlie laughed when he pulled them out and then proceeded to give his older brother a handshake that made the bones in Bill's hand creak.
After Christmas, Bill sent an owl to Narcissa Malfoy and offered to go to St. Mungo's to speak with Lucius. She immediately wrote back, asking him to please do so. They still didn't know if Lucius had been tainted by the fully-transformed Greyback. The fact that Bill came from a pure-blood family and was a Greyback survivor himself tipped the scales in his favor with the reluctant Malfoys, and they wanted to hear how he had learned to cope. During the conversation, Lucius admitted he had a preference for very rare steaks, just like Bill, but since steak tartare had always been Lucius's favorite meal, this wasn't necessarily a cause for alarm. At the end of his visit, Lucius thanked him and asked, haltingly, for Bill to return a week later for more discussion. Bill agreed readily. Grinning to himself as he left St. Mungo's, he mentally awarded fifty points to Gryffindor for winning the gratitude of such a dyed-in-the-wool Slytherin.
New Year's Eve was heralded with a terrific storm that blew all over England. Though it was snowing heavily at the Burrow, driving rain and whistling wind whipped around Shell Cottage, on the coast. Hermione and Bill were secretly glad for the horrible weather. They used it as an excuse not to join the rest of the family at the Burrow and instead had an intimate dinner for two. Then they cuddled together on the couch. The cuddling quickly became snogging and groping. Just as the clock struck midnight, welcoming in the year 2001, the two of them reached a loud, shuddering mutual climax, Hermione riding Bill as he gripped and squeezed her arse. In the afters, watching the flickering fire in the fireplace, they agreed it had been the best New Year's Eve either of them had ever had.
Tuesday, January 2, 2001
Moon phase: waxing gibbous; one week before full
The day Hermione had been anticipating finally dawned — the first day of her new job. Bill would escort her to work, formally introduce her to the goblins and other Curse-Breakers, and she'd be shown the state of the library. Her excitement had been mounting for days. The Curse-Breaking interns would be arriving on the following Monday, and she was eager to get started and make a dent in the library organization before they got there.
Her day did not start off well, however. She woke up earlier than usual, and leapt out of bed to scurry to the bathroom. She barely made it to the toilet before she began to retch. She knelt on the floor, her face pressed against the cool porcelain, swearing under her breath and waiting for her stomach to settle. Bill came in, fetched her some water, and rubbed her back. It was some minutes before she felt it was safe to stand and brush her teeth. Back in the bedroom, she retrieved her wand from her bedside and cast an Illness Detection Charm on herself. The results were negative.
"All right there, sweetness?" Bill asked, his scarred face full of concern. She nodded, rubbing her stomach. Incredibly, it was now growling and she was eager for breakfast.
"I'm okay. I think it must be the start of morning sickness. It seems kind of soon, but I'm certainly not an expert. I'll ask your mum and mine about their experiences – but not today." She smiled, embracing him. "Today is the first day of my new job. Let's eat. I'm starving."
She led the way down to the kitchen, where she proceeded to polish off three slices of toast and several cups of tea. Then she hurried back upstairs, brushed her teeth again and dressed quickly in a burgundy jumper and black trousers, before rejoining an amused Bill in the living room. He was wearing his usual Curse Breaker outfit, with lots of leather and denim and dragon hide boots. He looked her up and down appreciatively.
"Very nice. You look ready for anything, Hermione. The goblins are looking forward to meeting you." He kissed her. "Sure you are feeling all right?"
"Never better, love," she said, brightly. "Really. I'm healthy as a hippogriff. Let's go." She tugged on Bill's arm and pulled him toward the fireplace. She couldn't wait to see the library. Who knew what treasures she might unearth?
Bill laughed, shook his head, and took her hand firmly in his for the ride through the Floo.
Friday evening, January 26, 2001
Moon phase: two days after the new moon
The Gringotts Research Library was now neat as a pin, despite the disaster area it had been before Hermione had taken it under her wing. When she'd first seen it, she had been shocked at the neglect and mistreatment the collection had suffered. Books were covered with dust and piled everywhere except on the actual shelves. Being located in the middle of the building as it was, it received no natural light, and the entire large room had smelled dank and musty. She wondered how the Curse Breakers had ever found anything useful in the chaos. Hermione had privately decided that, for creatures who loved priceless objects and metals, the goblins certainly didn't seem to appreciate what a treasure trove their library was. Once Ashnazg and Krimpatul, the goblins who oversaw the Curse Breakers, had shown her to the library and left, she'd given Bill a big kiss of thanks and set to work putting the place to rights.
Just as Bill had said, the goblins had been, in their own way, pleased to have her take on the responsibility for sorting out the mess that was their library. Her stellar academic reputation had preceded her (freed dragons notwithstanding) and the rapidity with which the goblins had accepted her also showed just how strongly they trusted and respected Bill.
The January full moon came and went without any sightings of Greyback. The only lycan Hermione encountered that month was Bill and his nigh-insatiable libido, and that had hardly been a chore. She'd learned something intriguing about his wolfish nature, however. She obviously knew firsthand how the full moon had a rather dramatic effect on him, but then Bill had told her about his sentient, talkative inner wolf and how it had appeared and matured during his time in Egypt. While the wolf himself was not evil, his growing strength had been an ominous portent of Bill's possible future. "I think he is the voice of my Id, with a large dash of Ego thrown in," Bill had said as they lay curled together that night. "My thwarted attempt to mate with Fleur was some sort of catalyst. If I hadn't mate-bonded with you, Hermione, I'm positive I'd have become a full-fledged werewolf within a year. But now that we are mated," and here Bill had begun to nibble Hermione's bond-mark, "I just have a crass, lupine, mental sidekick."
At that point, Hermione had saucily remarked, "Mental is right," and in retaliation Bill had proceeded to do wild and wicked things to her, much to their mutual satisfaction.
Now, three weeks after she'd started her new job, the library was clean and organized. Self-renewing air fresheners, a Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes product meant to be used in bathrooms (tagline: You'll Never Smell Poo In The Loo), had taken care of the dampness. She'd been pleased to discover they also helped lessen her morning sickness, which now bothered her every day at dawn. (Earlier that week, her Healer had told her it was different for everyone and not to worry. She was strong, young, and healthy, and was already six weeks into her pregnancy.)
She had sorted, catalogued, and shelved all the books, unearthing fascinating material she looked forward to reading, and had arranged the facility to be as conducive to information gathering as possible. All of the Curse Breakers had expressed their thanks. The three Curse Breaker interns — Katie Bell, Anthony Goldstein, and Theodore Nott — had been especially appreciative, Theo in particular. He'd begun to hang around the library during his breaks, trying to chat up Hermione. She was polite but aloof, to no avail. Bill quickly had enough of that nonsense, so at the start one of his teaching exercises in the library, he made it clear that she was his and his alone by soundly snogging her in front of the interns.
Hermione silently thanked her brilliant and thoughtful mate for dreaming up this employment solution for her. This job was everything she loved: planning, organizing, researching, and teaching. She had fallen into the role of research librarian as if she'd done it forever. Which I suppose I have, in a way, she thought, smiling to herself.
It was Friday evening and time to go home, but there was just one more pile of books to shelve and the library would be spotless. They were extremely old volumes, all covering different aspects of lycanthropy. She'd been thrilled to discover them in a forgotten corner of the neglected library, and she had put them aside to peruse when she had a free moment. She hoped they might shed some light on the complexities of werewolf mating drives. During her reorganization, she had purposely made sure that the entire "were-creatures and shape shifter" section would end up shelved near her desk so she could access them easily. In her opinion, these books were the pièce de résistance of the collection.
She was heaving the last leather-bound tome into place when a familiar, freckled, long-fingered hand closed over the spine. Bill helped her shove the volume onto the shelf and then leaned over her, caging her against the books with his arms.
"You, my sweet, clever mate," he said with a low thrum in his voice, "Shouldn't be lifting such heavy objects."
She smiled at him. "Rubbish. You should know by now that I'm not some fragile, shrinking violet." She lifted her face up and kissed him on the nose. She gestured at the tall bookcase behind her. "Just look at these, Bill. They are all on werewolf habits and behaviour. Think what we can learn from them!" Her eyes sparkled.
Bill murmured, "That's brilliant." His voice was low and rich in tone and his eyes never left her face. He nuzzled her nose with his own. "Your enthusiasm is catching, sweetness. You're in your element. I'd love to have seen you as a student in the Hogwarts library." He smiled a slow, wicked grin and licked his lips.
His intense gaze made her breath catch, and she saw that his blue irises were ringed with gold. His nostrils flared as he inhaled the air around her, capturing her scent. His inner wolf wants to come out and play, she thought. He leaned down to nip and lick at the bond-mark on her throat and her eyes went wide as realization dawned. Oh. He wants to play — right now. In the library! Hermione felt her heart quicken. It was incredible how quickly this man of hers could fire up her senses. She had already been giddy over her discovery of the werewolf books; now Bill's obvious desire was ramping up her excitement even further.
The smell of parchment wafted up when Bill pressed his body against hers, pushing her firmly against the bookshelves. As he kissed her neck, gradually working his way upward, she moaned softly. Suddenly one of her favorite fantasies flashed through her mind: she was back at Hogwarts, a mere fourth year, and she had been cornered in the Restricted Section by none other than the Head Boy.
Bill had been Head Boy, hadn't he?
He still had her caged in, and now his lips were doing marvelous things to her earlobe. She slowly slid her arms around his neck, which simultaneously brought her closer to that magical mouth of his and allowed her to surreptitiously draw her wand from its strap on her forearm. No one should be around this part of the bank at this hour on a Friday, but just in case, she cast a nonverbal locking spell at the library door and added a Muffliato for good measure. Replacing her wand, she murmured in Bill's ear, "Oh please, I didn't mean to spill ink on those books, Head Boy Weasley. Please, I'll do anything, just don't tell Madam Pince!"
Bill chuckled, a deep, velvety sound that sent shivers through her.
"Anything, Miss Granger?" he asked, raising his head to look her in the eye.
"Yes, anything, Mr. Weasley. Anything," she whispered.
He brought his hands down from beside her head, sliding his fingers lightly down her neck. He fingered the buttons on her work robe, which she wore loose over her clothes to keep dust at bay. Then he took hold of it and pushed it off her shoulders and down her arms. It slid to her elbows and hung there. Hermione gave a quick wiggle and a shake, and the robe puddled around their feet.
Bill let his eyes wander over her, the amber flecks within them sparking. Her breath was coming in soft, quick pants, which made her breasts heave enticingly under her shirt. He cupped them both in his hands, flicking his thumbs over her fabric-covered nipples. They hardened instantly. His gaze traveled further down her body, and he frowned when he saw the plain, sensible skirt she was wearing.
"Tsk, tsk, you've spilled ink on the books and you are out of uniform, Miss Granger," he said with a sigh. "This will never do if you wish to be Head Girl someday." He drew his wand from his belt and transfigured her long, warm, woolen skirt into a short, pleated little number that barely covered her arse. Beneath it, she wore thigh-high silk stockings that were now completely revealed to Bill's hungry eyes. He pushed one hand up her thigh until it disappeared beneath the kilt. He raised an eyebrow.
"No garters, Miss Granger?" he asked.
She shook her head, her legs trembling. "N-no, Mr. Weasley. Sticking Charm."
His other hand joined the first. Now both eyebrows rose. "No knickers, either?"
She stifled a smile. Wide-eyed, she said, "No, sir. I, I like to keep my options open."
Bill laughed. "My, my, Miss Granger. What a daring young witch you are. You may become Head Girl after all." His eyes burned as he slid a hand between her legs, finding her already wet with arousal. A low growl escaped him.
"Undo my trousers," he commanded. She nodded quickly and reached for him. She was amused to find that her fingers were shaking with anticipation. They made her clumsy and she fumbled with his belt for several seconds before she finally had it unbuckled. Then she had to undo the button and zip, but he was now teasing her slick folds with his fingers, ever-so-lightly touching her, not giving her the pressure she wanted. It was distracting and not fair at all.
"Why have you stopped, Miss Granger?" Bill was smirking. "Is something wrong?"
"No, Mr. Weasley, nothing's wro—ohhh!" Hermione moaned when one of Bill's fingers suddenly found her entrance and slid inside to the knuckle. A second joined the first and he began to wiggle them, rubbing his thumb around her clit at the same time.
Their eyes locked. He stared at her, unblinking and expressionless, even as he continued to move his fingers inside her, tickling her G-spot. A whimper escaped her. He's challenging me, she thought. His mate! Well, I'll show him, the randy wolf man.
With renewed dexterity, she had his fly open in a heartbeat, and she pushed his trousers and pants down to free his erection. She immediately grasped his cock and began to pump him, stroking his full length and running her thumb over the crown, which was beginning to leak fluid. She slicked his shaft with it.
"Well, Mr. Weasley?" She said breathily. She wet her lips. "Am I doing it right?"
Bill had begun to thrust his hips, pushing himself through her stroking hand. Lost in the moment, he jumped slightly when she spoke, then he swore, groaned, and withdrew his hand from between her legs. Hermione was momentarily concerned; had she gone too far in trying to take the upper hand in their role-playing game? A second later all worry vanished as he pushed her legs apart with his feet, flipped up her skirt, and firmly gripped her hips with his large hands.
"Miss Granger, it's time to pay for your transgressions," he growled. Lifting her completely off the floor, he thrust himself into her with a grunt. She cried out in surprise and relief and instinctively wrapped her legs around him. He held her around the waist, his hands supporting her arse, and he was pulling her down onto him as he repeatedly buried his cock inside her heat. Cords stood out on his neck as he strained to fill her. Her head and shoulders rhythmically bumped against the bookcase, and several volumes were shaken loose and hit the floor.
Hermione reached back over her head, seeking a handhold on either side. More books toppled over and fell as she found purchase on the shelf. She braced herself, droplets of sweat beading on her brow, and moaned loudly as Bill leaned forward and bit one of her nipples through her shirt. He pulled himself back then, adjusted his stance, and slammed his full length into her even faster. He was groaning and panting, and the hot, wet sounds of their flesh slapping together filled the library. The old books continued to fall off the shelves, but neither of them noticed.
Hermione looked down to watch as Bill's thickness, hard, wet and glistening, slid into her again and again. She could see her folds clinging to him each time he withdrew, and her little pink nub was right there, needy and eager. She tossed her now-damp hair out of her eyes, and saw that Bill too was mesmerized, watching the place where they were joined. When he moved a hand from her arse and began to circle her clit with his thumb, an act guaranteed to make her come, Hermione felt her orgasm begin to build, and she threw her head back against the books, heedless of more falling tomes, crying out with the sensations Bill was drawing from her body.
When she came, she pulled Bill deep inside her with her legs, screaming his name. The intensity of her climax overwhelmed her, and she was only dimly aware of a great, roaring shout as Bill finally gave in to his passion. He continued to thrust as he came, his seed hot and thick as it filled her, and he roared again as he came down from his high, his legs and arms shaking. He buried his face in her neck, gasping.
After a moment or two, Hermione dropped her feet to the floor and released her grip on the shelf, throwing her arms around Bill. He hugged her fiercely and their lips met in a long, deeply passionate kiss. Hermione poured all of her love for him into it, and felt his love surround her in return.
When they ended the kiss, they opened their eyes and looked around, finally realizing just how vigorous their little sexual role-play had been. Bill grinned a bit sheepishly. Hermione felt a pang of guilt. The entire floor-to-ceiling bookcase near Hermione's desk was empty. Every single one of the books had fallen to the floor.
Bill levitated the books back onto the shelves and with some expertly-cast Reparos, the books were once again whole, safe, and sound. Hermione straightened out her clothing, but as she was rather overheated, she left her skirt short. She cast Scourgify several times on the books, shelves, and floor, to be sure the library was back to its pristine, pre-passionate interlude condition. Bill turned to her as he finished buckling his belt. She raised an eyebrow at him. The corner of his mouth twitched.
"Well now, Miss Granger," he drawled. "That was… a most satisfying encounter."
Hermione couldn't stop the grin that spread across her face. She sidled up to Bill, walking her fingers up his chest. "Does that mean, Mr. Head Boy Weasley, that I've paid for my offenses?"
Bill looked thoughtful for a moment or two, then said slowly, "I'd say that that was an excellent first payment, but of course now you have to be punished for throwing all those books on the floor."
"I… what?!"
He ignored her, surveying the now-tidy library. "Yes, sadly, further punishment is necessary, but I'll take you back to my room for that. We don't want you treating the books badly again, now do we?" With that, he scooped an indignantly spluttering Hermione into his arms and headed, chuckling, for the door. He unlocked it with a spell and strode towards the bank's Floo network fireplaces, still carrying her as easily as if she were a kitten. Hermione gave up and began to chuckle along with him, cheerfully surrendering to the whims of her mate.
Author's Note: I know this chapter covered a lot of ground. There were lots of pieces I wanted to touch upon. I realized it would be very easy to get sidetracked if I wasn't careful, so I gave you a verbal montage, of sorts, between the two longer, meatier sections.
In the next chapter, we are back to Bill's POV (and his wolf's), and things will start to become really interesting.
Please review! Ask me questions, make comments, whatever you want. Thanks!
Source credits: The names of the goblins, Ashnazg and Krimpatul, are words from the inscription found on the One Ring in J. R. R. Tolkien'sLord of the Rings trilogy. The inscription is in the Black Speech of Mordor. I thought the words sounded like excellent goblin names.
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