The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96906 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Hermione called down to the kitchens for sandwiches and tea before sitting down sat down on her sofa next to Severus. He had divested himself of his frock coat and laid it across the back of one her armchairs. The bushy-haired witch realised that not many got to see what he had beneath that black exterior.
Severus immediately put his arm around her, and encouraged her to cuddle into his side.
Noticing how quiet Severus was, Hermione twisted to face him, and gently brushed the hair away from his face. "You OK?"
Looking down at her with sad eyes, he appeared to be about to speak, but then he turned his face away from her.
"Severus, what's wrong?" she asked more urgently moving to straddle him. He couldn't ignore her if she sat directly in front and in top of him.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she moved to look at him, trying to catch his eye, and when he realised he couldn't escape, Severus pulled her close to him. Snaking his fingers into her hair, he gently played with it whilst trying to compose himself.
Finally, he said softly, "I always sensed that you could see through me."
Releasing his grip on her, he touched her lips with his before pulling back slowly. "You always seem to be defending me, but you know there are things that you cannot, and should not, defend, don't you? Especially to myself."
Hermione looked at him softly. "I know. I've seen your memories, but it wasn't the real you. Everything you did, even the really terrible stuff, you did with a conscience. War means sacrifice. Yes, you've killed, but you did it humanely. You didn't torture anyone who was innocent, and apart from your initiation, you didn't rape anyone."
Severus recoiled at this. "How can you want to be with someone who's even done that once? I wasn't spying, then, remember. I was a Death Eater. I was one of his most loyal. You cannot deny that I sought out Voldemort. Although, I suppose, my reasons were different to some. Lucius, and many of the others, were elitist pigs. Some followed with the disapproval of their families, some followed because that was the way they were brought up, and it was expected of them. Some were just unhinged.
"And then there was me―the Half-Blood Prince―who was brought up staunchly working class by an abusive Muggle father and a mother who was so in love with the abusive bastard that she seemed to overlook everything. My mother was quiet, but stubborn and, in her own way, a brilliant witch, but he dragged her down. He hated me for being born; he hated our magic, and when I came to Hogwarts, he practically disowned me. But as much as he hated me, I hated him more.
"The only person who understood me, it seemed, was Lily. I wanted to be worthy of her―I wanted to prove myself to her with my knowledge and my skills, but the stupid thing is, I already had her. I didn't need to prove anything except to myself. At the time, I was a nobody. I wasn't part of an influential family, and I wasn't―at that time―even the heir. All I was was an insufferable know-it-all who could whip up a potion blindfolded, was fascinated by the academic possibilities of the Dark Arts, and I felt like nothing. Becoming a Death Eater made me a somebody. They wanted me; they saw my worth and I finally belonged. The irony was, after I took the Mark, I became one of the richest wizards in the country; but in reality, all the money in the world wouldn't have stopped me from feeling the way I did about myself.
"You're right, though, I was more humane. I would poison my victims to save them from the pains they would have endured at the hand of some of my more sadistic brothers. It doesn't make it better though, does it?" His voice was full of disgust and self-loathing.
Dropping his hands to his sides, he hoped that Hermione would see sense and move off him; get away from him whilst she still could. But not taking the hint, she looked at him with sad eyes. She was amazed that he'd just opened up to her so willingly, but now she was watching his expression change. It was becoming darker; he looked like he was ageing ten years in ten seconds. She knew that she had to stop him from descending further into himself, and grabbed his wrists, pulling them up between them.
Severus was taken aback by how strong her grip was, and not wanting to hurt her, he decided not to struggle, but averted his eyes to hide the shame he felt.
"Look at me, Severus," Hermione commanded softly.
He felt compelled to looked up at her and was completely transfixed by the determination in Hermione's eyes.
"Shall I tell you why I can be with you?" Hermione asked, looking down at his hands as she entwined their fingers. "Because you are you. You are Severus Tobias Snape, former Death Eater; member of Voldemort's inner circle; Voldemort's right hand man. You are a member of the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore's confidante. You were a spy; a double agent. You are a skilled practitioner of both light and dark magic. You are one of the world's most respected Potions Masters as well as one of the most powerful wizards alive. You are of the most skilled Occlumens and Legilimens alive. You are Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and, as Harry would say but never to your face, you are the bravest man we know. Oh, and you are one hell of a man. Believe me, I've felt the evidence," she purred.
He gave her a derisive smile, but it was a smile nonetheless.
"And all of that combined with the fact you have an incredible mind," she continues, "just confirms that you are an amazing man. You're a snarky git, and most people would agree that you are an utter bastard, but they don't know you in here like I do," and she placed her hand over his heart. "That's why I love you, but I won't labour the point."
Severus' expression began to soften as he interrupted her in a deep monotone. "Really? You do surprise me. You are Hermione Granger, aren't you?"
He was completely stunned by what she'd just said. No one had ever spoken so passionately about him before.
"Very funny," she snarked. "Look, I know deep down that you're a good man, and yes this is all happening really fast, but my mum moved in with my dad two days after they met, and they've been married for twenty-one years. That was without some stupid bond, so let's just accept that we're here and enjoy the ride."
"Bearing in mind the position you're in, my love, if you continue talking like that, you will be enjoying the ride," Severus smirked as he wrapped his arms around her before adding more seriously, "I know you're right, sweetheart. This war did far more damage than anyone will admit. None of us came back the same. I used to envy those who died, but then I look at you, and I thank whichever deity is listening that we both came out on the other side."
Bringing his hands up to her face, Severus pressed a tender kiss to Hermione's lips before gently seeking to deepen it. Immediately, she let him in, moaning into his mouth as his tongue toyed with hers. Surprising even himself, he skilfully broke the kiss, leaving her mid-sigh before trailing kisses over her jawline and down her neck until he felt her shudder as he reached the juncture of her neck and shoulder. Pleased to have found such a sensitive spot, Severus attacked it gently, grazing his uneven teeth over her skin.
Not that the unevenness of his teeth detracted from the pleasure coursing through Hermione. If anything, it was adding to it. The feel of his hot breath against her skin combined with the nibbling and teasing was causing her to melt against him; her aching core now dictating her actions. The need to feel his skin again was overwhelming, and she frantically began to undo his shirt.
"I never thought I would ever be worthy of you," he groaned against her neck as his chest was exposed; feeling the need for skin contact as well, he began to lift her jumper over her head. Hermione was struggling to undo his cuffs, so he wandlessly undid them for her before she practically ripped the shirt from his body.
Continuing to suck and lick her delicious pulse point, his hands explored her back, but he was desperate to remove the last two layers of clothing between them. He wanted to feel her naked breasts against him; he wanted another chance to savour her rosy buds especially as she now instinctively grinding herself against his ever hardening cock. It was getting harder to resist the temptation to carry her to bed and make love to her.
She had a long sleeved t-shirt on and frankly he didn't want it there anymore. He teased the hem of her shirt and started to pull it up so that he could remove it, when Hermione leapt up off his lap hurriedly.
"Oh look, lunch is here," she said quickly, walking over to the tray. It had arrived ten minutes ago whilst they were enjoying each other's kisses, but she was acting as if it had just arrived.
Severus growled in frustration. "Hermione, leave that. Don't leave me like this," he almost begged, looking down at the bulge in his trousers―even though Severus Snape never begged. Well, maybe he did. To be honest, he'd never had to ask for sex. It was usually the female doing the begging, but Hermione wasn't like anyone else he'd ever been with, so perhaps he could allow himself to beg in this instance.
Then, he looked at her. She had a plate in her hand, but she wasn't moving save for the shaking of her shoulders.
"'Mione, what's wrong, sweetheart?" Severus asked urgently before adding upon the sound of a stifled sob, "Oh bollocks, what did I do?"
He was immediately stood behind her, turning her to face him when Hermione broke down. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close, but instead of her calming down, it just seemed to increase her anguish.
"I'm sorry, Sev," the young witch managed to choke out. "It's not you. I'm so sorry. I's me...I can't do this," and breaking away from him, ran into her bedroom and the door slammed behind her. Severus looked up quizzically at the orb that was floating ominously around him.
Picking up his shirt from the floor, he put it back on without buttoning it back up, and went to open the door dividing them. It was locked. "Hermione, talk to me. What did I do? What happened?"
There was no reply. He put his ear to the door but couldn't hear anything. He examined the door, looking for a weakness in the magic Hermione must have used to keep him out, but was disturbed not to find one. But the reason he couldn't find a spot to exploit was not because Hermione's magic was flawless, that because―even more worryingly―there was no magic to be felt.
Panic began to creep up his spine, but then he finally heard the door unlock. Taking a deep breath, he opened it slowly, wondering what state he would find Hermione in, but instead of seeing her room, he was faced with a brick wall. He stared at it in disbelief.
Why has she done this? What the hell did I do?
Severus felt sick. She'd given him the 'It's not you, it's me,' line.
But what of this morning? Why did she go through with that farce of a meeting? What's changed in the last ten minutes?
Then he saw it. Her wand sat on the coffee table, and bile burned his throat.
She hasn't done this. Fuck!
Drawing on his logical side before it disappeared entirely, he decided to try the other doors in her rooms. The bathroom was bricked up, as was the library and the front entrance.
"Fuck!" he yelled, before calling Missy, his chief House Elf.
"Master calls Missy?"
"Yes," he confirmed, looking around Hermione's living room methodically before moving towards the mantelpiece and the coins she'd taken out of her pocket earlier. "Find Professor McGonagall and Draco Malfoy," he commanded the small, but elderly creature as he performed a spell over one of the coins, and wrapping it in a napkin that had placed on the lunch tray. "Tell them to Floo to my rooms. They need to find the main plans for Hogwarts. They are on the desk in my study. Tell them this is a matter of the utmost urgency, and give this to the Professor," he said placing the wrapped coin in Missy's hands. "It is a Portkey," he explained, "and make sure she brings Draco with her. She just has to say my name. Now go."
"Yes Master, sir," and with a loud pop, she was gone.
"And what the fuck is going on with all this fucking orb shit?" Severus railed at the bright ball of light hovering around the room.
There was method in Severus' decision to send for Minerva and Draco. He had considered Apparating into Hermione's room, but if the location was being tampered with, he ran the risk of being splinched. And besides, by leaving her rooms, there was a chance that they might disappear altogether and his witch could end up trapped somewhere unreachable. He surmised that the rooms were less likely to vanish if there was someone still in them.
A thunderous crack alerted him to the arrival of Minerva and Draco.
"What is this place?" Minerva asked curiously, looking around the room appraisingly as only a woman can before casting an approving look at the glimpse of Severus' bare flesh as he put his shirt back on.
"It's Hermione's living room," Severus responded distractedly, taking the plans from Draco before pointing to various doors. "Her bathroom, library and bedroom should be behind those doors."
Minerva's head snapped to look at the headmaster, whose shirt was still undone. "Should be?"
"She went into her bedroom, the door slammed, and then a wall appeared. I can't get to her."
His voice was steady, but there was an uncharacteristic edge of concern that Minerva picked up on immediately. She watched him carefully as he unrolled the plans on the dining table, and began to discard the ones he didn't want haphazardly.
Finally, Severus spoke again. "Look, here are my rooms and there is a faint line around where her bedroom and this room are, but everything else is gone. Even the name has gone." He pondered this for a second before looking at the map again, but in particular at the wall connecting their bedrooms. It was still solid; the gateway was still open.
The dark-haired wizard looked up from the parchment into the suspicious eyes of his godson.
"What did you do?"
"I...I don't know. Everything was fine. We were talking, and then...well, we...kissed, and―"
Both Draco and Minerva would have found Severus' floundering quite amusing had the situation not appeared to be so serious.
"Oh, for goodness' sake, Severus," Minerva blustered, "it's obvious by your state of undress that something more was―"
"I can assure that nothing more happened because―" Severus sighed defeatedly. "Hermione removed my shirt and I went to reciprocate, and then she bolted. I tried to comfort her, and then I was told it wasn't me, but―"
"She obviously didn't have her glamours on," Draco interjected nonchalantly. "She doesn't wear them all the time because they make her tired. I take it you haven't got to that part yet," he added as Severus groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"No, we hadn't got to that part yet. She must have had them on this morning. Oh fuck! Please stay here both of you, make yourselves comfortable. Don't leave this room...please," and picking up the map, he used his headmaster's privilege and Apparated to his bedroom.
"Hermione, can you hear me?" Severus called through the wall. He didn't want to attempt to walk through into Hermione's bedroom until he knew it was safe, but wasn't sure how to go about it.
Nothing. Of course, knowing the walls were thick probably meant that Hermione couldn't hear him, he reasoned.
Hermione are you there? he thought.
Nothing. Now he was worried, but looking at the map again, he saw that the line between the two bedrooms was still solid. Walking towards the wall, he tentatively held out his hand, hesitating to touch the cold stone. Steeling himself, he reached forward, only to hear a disconnected voice say, "She wants to leave you. She's not worthy of you, Severus. We will find a replacement for her."
The voice sounded like Lily's. Turning around, he saw that the top drawer of his bedside table was glowing. He moved swiftly, and stepped back in disbelief as the drawer slid open and the ethereal form of Lily appeared before him.
"We're sorry, Severus. We thought she was the one, but she ran from you," the glowing red-head informed him.
"Who the fuck are you?" he demanded angrily.
Reaching for his face, and recoiling when Severus took a step back, the ethereal being stated calmly, "Lily, of course."
Severus snorted, knowing that he this wasn't a ghost. "Like hell you are."
"We have tested her over the last few days, and she is not worthy. She said she couldn't do this after promising to be with you earlier."
Noticing the form changing slightly, the headmaster shook his head incredulously. "The fault was entirely mine, and she wasn't leaving me," Severus informed the morphing entity before adding in his head, I hope.
"She was just upset," the Slytherin pressed on, "I just need her to know that she had no reason to hide herself from me. And why the fuck am I telling you this? What are you?"
Moving around Severus the form spoke again. "She was your future and your future must be controlled for the greater good."
Exasperated at the use of the phrase made popular by Dumbledore to justify acts of dubious morality, Severus shook his head. "'The greater good?' What the hell does that mean?"
"She has failed. She was meant to be yours."
The changes in whatever it was that was floating in front of Severus were becoming more apparent; the face was becoming less like Lily's.
"And I've got her, thank you very much. Please stop stalling because I need to see her. Did you―whoever you are―put up barriers to prevent me from reaching her?"
"She is not worthy of you."
"I will be the judge of that, and besides, it is I who is not worthy of her," Severus growled, his voice cold and hard. "Now, answer me this, if I walk through that wall, will I find her on the other side? And why the hell are you using Lily to get to me?"
"Lily could have been your future, and you regret that she wasn't, but Hermione was meant to be your future." The entity's voice was becoming more disconnected. It had an almost masculine tone, but seemed unworldly.
"She was supposed to love you, keep you safe, be your―"
"―Be my everything," Severus interrupted frustratedly. "Hermione keeps saying that she wants to be my everything and, as unbelievable as it seems, she is. I don't how or why, but she is; she is mine."
"She is unclaimed," the voice boomed at him, but it no longer had a feminine quality.
"She'll be claimed soon enough, and by me. But I will not have her bullied into giving herself to me. Damn it, I won't be bullied into taking her; I won't be bullied into anything ever again. I want Hermione to be ready for me. I want the first time she makes love to be so special that she won't want me to stop." Severus was now pacing the floor, running his fingers through his hair.
A more masculine voice rang out from the changing form. "But still, she will not be yours completely."
"What do you want me to do? Marry her?" Severus said snidely.
"Precisely. She was to be The Headmaster's Wife," another distinctive, but feminine sounding voice informed.
"And she will be!" the headmaster bellowed before adding quietly, "Again, I don't know how or why, but I want her to be."
Severus hung his head, a small smile gracing the corner of his mouth, as he repeated more assuredly, "I want her to be." He then looked directly at the now formless shape, and with his voice slowly crescendoing, he said, "But it will be in our own time and on our own terms. Now, again I ask―in fact, no, as headmaster of this school I command―you to tell me that if I walk through that wall, will she be there?"
"If she wants to be there, then yes," a female voice responded which was deeper than the one that had spoken recently, and certainly wasn't Lily. There was an accent, but it was indistinguishable―much to the surly wizard's chagrin.
Growling menacingly, Severus looked up at the ceiling, his fists clenched. "What the fuck does that mean? I demand an explanation. What is going on?"
"All will be revealed. Your intentions have satisfied us. She was not the only one who needed to be tested," said what sounded like a man's voice.
"What sort of a half-arsed answer is that?" Severus snarled.
"Go to her," he was instructed by a more gentle female voice.
Severus went to argue, but the draw to see Hermione was too strong. "If there's one thing I can't stand, it's fucking riddles," he snarked, striding through the wall without a second thought.
Hermione was laying on her bed, back facing the wall joining her bedroom with Severus', sobbing her heart out. She didn't hear her wizard enter the room; she didn't hear him let out the breath that he hadn't realised he'd been holding.
Relief washed over him as he saw Hermione laying on the bed, but that relief dissipated at the sound of her tears. Swallowing hard, Severus walked towards the bed and swiftly moved onto the bed, pulling his witch to him. He didn't say anything to her, he just held her until he felt her calm in his arms.
Placing a kiss behind her ear; he finally asked, "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"
Turning in his arms, Hermione threw herself against his chest, tears flowing once again. "I'm sorry," she sniffed once she had calmed again. "I...I forgot to...I don't want you to think that I'm―"
"Hermione Granger, look at me," Severus implored, pushing his fingers through her hair, and moving back to get a better look at her face. "Draco told me about your glamours. I'm the one who should apologise―I should have realised."
Severus had heard rumours of Bellatrix's artwork, but that was all they were―rumours. He remembered overhearing Mulciber and Dolohov laughing about how the bitch had supposedly been bragging about how the screams of Potter's Little Mudblood had made her wet, and how they would love to have watched some girl-on-girl action. He also remembered feeling confused about why he had felt so inordinately angry at their recounting of the story beyond simply thinking that Bella had gone over the top again. In hindsight, it was obvious why: his hastily cast mind-lock had not been as strong as he'd hoped. However, whatever the reason, he had enjoyed pondering which undetectable poison he could use to cause Bellatrix Lestrange's sudden and unexplained death.
He'd also been aware that Hermione had been hurt badly by Dolohov in the Department of Mysteries, but he wasn't sure about any resulting scars, or any other scars that she may have picked up over the course of her time on the run and the final battle. Of course, no one talked about their scars―least of all himself―but to his shame, because he hadn't seen any evidence of Hermione's scars this morning, he forgot about the possibility of their presence. He could only imagine how she felt about them. After all, he hated his scarred skin, which he was sure formed a road map to somewhere―hell, probably―but Hermione was a young woman, and he knew that her self-esteem was likely to be affected by her scars. Of one thing he was certain, though: Hermione was going to be left in no uncertain terms that scars or not, she was beautiful to him.
As she continued to sob, Severus knew there was nothing for it. He knelt up on the bed, gently coaxing Hermione to kneel up with him. He kissed her forehead gently before cupping her face in his hands and tilting her head so that she was looking at him. His thumbs skimmed her cheekbones as he asked, "You know that I love you, don't you?"
Hermione nodded. "Of course, I do," she whispered whilst searching his eyes for clues about where this conversation could be leading.
Severus nodded apprehensively, taking her hands in his. "I want to reiterate and reassure you that I don't want to rush you into anything that you are not comfortable with, and by observing the Declarations of Intent we cannot consummate our relationship until we have made the final declaration together. But I want to make the second declaration now. I fully understand if you feel that you do not want to take this step so quickly, but―"
"Severus Tobias Snape, I am yours and you are mine," Hermione interrupted him, solemnly speaking the words of the second declaration through her sniffs.
Severus gulped. He had wanted to explain that by making the next declaration that he was committing to courting her regardless of her scars, but hadn't expected her to turn the tables on him like that.
How very Slytherin of her.
The corner of his mouth twitched and slowly the young witch was rewarded by a genuine smile. "Hermione Jean Granger, I am yours and you are mine."
He looked up and their orbs were happily dancing around each other. He turned back to Hermione and captured her lips in a bruising kiss into which he poured everything he could including the relief that she still wanted him. Now wasn't the time to tell her what had just happened with the strange entity in his bedroom, but he would be sure to tell her later. However, she was his priority at the moment, and everything, and everyone else could go to hell.
"I love you," Hermione murmured, pulling back slightly before kissing him again with as much intensity as he had kissed her.
Reluctantly breaking the kiss, Severus choked out, "Stay here," before hopping off the bed, heading towards the door. He reached for the handle but paused before finally enclosing it with his hand, closing his eyes as he tentatively turned it. He heard the click. Thank God for that, he thought.
Severus' eyes were still closed as he pulled the door open, hoping not to see the brick wall again.
"I thought you were a spy. Opening doors with your eyes closed doesn't seem very wise to me, Uncle," Draco quipped as he walked towards his godfather; Minerva following close behind.
Severus' eyes shot open. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, not since the day you were born have I been so relieved to see you." And Severus had his reasons to be relieved beyond measure the day that a certain small, wriggling and very blond baby had been born.
After turning back to check on Hermione―just so he could confirm that she was still there and that the events of the last few moments had not been a figment of his imagination―Severus addressed both his godson and deputy. "Can you both check the doors to the bathroom and the library, please?"
However, neither moved, apart from straining their necks to see if Hermione was there, and their curiosity was answered by a very relieved Severus. "She is safe and well."
Pleased to hear this, Draco and Minerva checked each door as Severus called on Missy for some fresh tea for everyone.
"Fucking hell, 'Mione. You could get a Quidditch team in this bath," Draco exclaimed from Hermione's bathroom. "If ever you get lonely in here, I'll come and share it with you. I'll keep my boxers on, of course," he teased, earning himself a glare for suggesting―even jokingly―that he would share a bath with his witch.
"No, you bloody well cannot," Hermione shouted indignantly from the bedroom.
Trying to diffuse the tension, Severus' godson commented, "Now I can see why she doesn't want to be Head Girl anymore with rooms like this."
"Actually," Severus drawled, pouring out the tea, "I wanted to talk to you about your position next year. I have decided that for this year only, each house will have a Head Boy or Girl in an attempt to breakdown house divides. You will all be housed in two new chambers near Ravenclaw Tower. Should Hermione remain in her position you will have your chambers, which will include two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and common room to yourself, whilst the others share similar, but appropriately sized quarters."
Draco looked concerned. "And if Hermione gives it up?"
"Then I shall Miss Parkinson to―"
"What?! No! Oh, bloody hell, Uncle, please don't ask her."
However, knowing that Severus would be unmoved in his decision, Draco decided to plead for mercy from Hermione. "Please, don't make me endure my daft bint of an ex," he called out to her only to told to grow up by his godfather as Hermione's laughter rang out from her bedroom.
It was then that Minerva returned to the living room having perused Hermione's library. "What an impressive collection of books Hermione has," she commented, watching as Severus realising that his shirt was still undone, quickly rectified the situation. "What is going on, Severus? I really think you should inform Dumbledore immediately."
"Actually, I disagree," Severus informed his deputy. "The last time I checked I am the headmaster of this school as much as I appreciate and will often seek Albus' counsel, I am, believe it or not, capable of making my own decisions." Gesturing to the sofa, he continued snarkily, "You may sit down, Minerva if the shock of my making a decision is too much for you. No, please send word to Lucius to say this afternoon's meeting has been postponed until further notice and tell the mad old coot I will see him later. There have been developments, but they can wait. Hermione needs me."
Blustering over her words, Minerva blurted out, "You can't put this off to spend the afternoon with your girlfriend. It is hardly appropriate."
"Really?" Severus snarled. "As I her boyfriend?"
"I suppose you are," Draco smirked before adding cheekily, "until she makes an honest man out of you."
Severus' eyebrow arched as he considered this. An alternative to the term 'boyfriend' would have to be found―quickly. "Indeed. Well, this situation arose because Hermione is unnecessarily afraid to show me her scars. Why the castle reacted in the way it did is, admittedly, of concern, but my priority at this moment in time is my witch's well being."
Minerva hung her head feeling suitably chastised as Severus continued. "Can you explain to me why I was not informed of the resulting scar from Dolohov's curse? You must have known that I could have assisted her, Minerva."
"We were aware, but―"
"But what?"
"Because of the position of the scar, we decided it would be inappropriate for a male member of staff to assist. So Poppy did what she could, and assumed that there wouldn't be that much of a scar."
Draco snorted. "Well, there's a nasty scar, I can assure you. I've not seen it, but she's incredibly self-conscious about it."
Severus fought to hold back his anger that Hermione's modesty had been put before treating her properly. "Poppy did what she could," he repeated calmly, but with a cold, hard edge. "Well, she obviously didn't do enough if Hermione is still wearing a glamour two years on, did she? The scar must still be imbued with dark magic and God only knows what your mad bint of an aunt did to her."
Sighing and running his fingers through his hair, Draco informed them Bellatrix had used a poisoned blade using a poison of her own design. "Sorry, I can't be of more help."
Closing his eyes, Severus' tried to think how best to help Hermione when Minerva touched his arm. "Can you forgive a daft old woman? We only did what we thought was best at the time, and I apologise if I intimated that you wanting to spend this afternoon with Hermione was for less than appropriate reasons. It is difficult to comprehend everything that is happening between you, but one thing I believe I should do is trust you more with her."
Putting his arm around the older witch's shoulders, Severus said, "You find it difficult to comprehend? How do you think it is for us? We've just made the second declaration and two days ago I was very single. However, you are not daft and I confess that I am unsure what I would do without you."
A blush immediately spread over Minerva's cheeks. "Oh, stop it," she groused with a hint of embarrassment, placing her hand on Severus' chest. However, almost immediately she returned to her usual brusque manner. "I'll be on my way, then. Oh, and, by the way, Mr Potter owled me earlier. He intends to come and see you tomorrow."
Rolling his eyes, Severus drawled, "As you can see, my day has been made complete by that news." The headmaster's monotone appeared completely emotionless, but a keen observer―and Minerva McGonagall was certainly one of those―would have seen the amusement flash in his eyes.
"You'd better watch that twinkle, Severus. You'll be ordering in Sherbet Lemons next," Minerva chuckled and swept out of Hermione's chambers before Severus could retort.
Draco snorted before placing his hand on his Uncle's shoulder and asking in a concerned, conspiratorial fashion, "So what happened earlier?"
Severus looked at the younger wizard, amused by how much Draco, despite his godson's best efforts not to, was turning into Lucius. The dark-haired wizard thought for a moment. "I can understand Hermione's reaction, but I am not entirely sure why the castle is reacting the way it is towards us. I have my suspicions, of course, but as I said to Minerva, finding a way to help Hermione is my priority at the present time. Now, I believe we're having tea at four-thirty?"
Putting his hand on Draco's shoulder, Severus dismissed him. "We shall meet in my office. Until then."
Draco nodded and walked towards the door before turning as he put his hand on the doorknob. "Take care of her, Uncle."
"I intend to," Severus admitted, watching his godson smile and leave. Despite him causing his godfather more than one headache over the years, young Mr Malfoy had, after many trials and tribulations, become quite a charming young man. It was obvious that he was desperate to turn over a new leaf and that he was trying to create his own distinct mark on the world. Severus had to admit that he was quite proud of him for that.
Yet, he had to wonder whether Lucius would still be proud of his son once he'd dropped the bombshell that Severus had to pretend he hadn't been told about earlier by an overwrought Hermione. He hoped that his friend wouldn't disappoint him.
Walking back into Hermione's bedroom, Severus leaned up against the doorframe watching her whilst she sat at her dressing table trying to put her hair up. She smiled at him in the mirror.
Biting his bottom lip, he tried to find the right words to say to her when all of a sudden, words which he didn't believe he was capable of uttering tumbled out. "Have I told you how beautiful you are?"
Hermione stopped what she was doing―letting her hair fall back down over her shoulders―and stared at the mirror as her blush spread across her cheeks. "I don't think you have actually used those words."
Swallowing hard, Severus pushed himself away from the door jam and walked over to Hermione. Turning her round on her dressing table stool to face him, the dark-eyed wizard knelt down before her and took her hands in his.
"That is terribly remiss of me. Please allow me to rectify the situation," he implored, pressing a chaste but lingering kiss to her lips. Pulling back ever so slowly, it seemed to take an age for his lips to leave Hermione's before he said sincerely, "Hermione, you are so beautiful to me."
The curly-haired witch shivered as Severus' voice seemed to drip like warm honey right from the top of her head all the way down to her toes. Putting her arms around his neck, Hermione felt his arms wrap around her, holding her tight. Neither of them spoke, but as he held his witch, he made sure that he offered her all the comfort that he somehow knew she needed following the revelation that she had been wearing glamours.
Eventually, Severus pressed a kiss to Hermione's hair and whispered, "Come with me," before standing to lead her to the bed.
Without a word, Severus laid down, pulling Hermione atop him and once again he held her, gently rubbing circles on her back. After a while, and just as he thought her hair would suffocate him, he reversed their positions before quickly moving to her side, and propping himself up on his elbow.
Leaning over her slightly, Severus lowered his lips to hers and began to kiss her gently. Their tongues moved languidly against each other's and as the kiss deepened, the surly wizard very slowly moved his hand up under her top until his fingertips lightly brushed against the base of her scar. Moving his hand no further, he nuzzled her neck and grazing his teeth over her earlobe, he spoke. "I've had a thought about your first-year apprenticeship project."
"Oh?" Hermione whimpered as he pressed a kiss to her neck just behind her ear.
In between his ministrations and Hermione's soft moaning, Severus outlined his plan for Hermione to work on reversal potions for wounds and scars inflicted by dark magic.
"But doesn't that mean I'll need to use dark magic?" she asked breathlessly as his hand moved over her breast.
"Yes," Severus groaned, feeling her soft flesh beneath his fingers, "but dark magic in itself is not evil. It is often the intent behind its use that is considered evil. Dark magic is powerful and inherently difficult to control and that is what makes it so dangerous. And should you be able to control it, the power it gives you has the ability to drive you mad or corrupt you. But you won't be alone; I will be with you, and you will only use it under strict, controlled conditions. If I didn't think you could handle it, I wouldn't let you anywhere near it."
As Hermione's fingers made light work of his shirt buttons, she pushed herself up slightly and kissed his mouth. "Are you talking about dark magic or something else?" she asked seductively, whilst her fingertips skimmed his stomach towards the waistband of his trousers.
Severus' eyes burned into hers before he playfully nipped at her bottom lip. "Well both. But before I let you get your hands on either, please allow me see your scars."
His request came out a little quicker and harsher than he'd intended and a startled Hermione recoiled slightly from him. But a tenderly placed hand upon her cheek helped her to relax and feel safe again before Severus engulfed her in his arms.
"I merely wish to help you, my love. With your permission, I can try to, at the very least, reduce the appearance of the scars." He wanted to castigate Poppy and Minerva for their misplaced sense of propriety again, but resisted.
"However, I will not push you. Only show me them if you are comfortable, but you can't keep your glamours on all the time, sweetheart. It is inevitable that I will see them, so perhaps we should adopt a policy of sooner rather than later."
Hermione was still hesitant, but knowing that Severus had enough scars of his own to contend with, she decided to be brave. However, it still worried her that he might find her less attractive once he had seen them.
"Sev, promise me―"
"What did you think when you saw my scars this morning?" Severus interrupted, brushing an errant curl away from her cheek.
"I...I didn't think anything except that they're part of who you are," she told him, tracing her finger down over the scar that had fascinated her this morning. "They represent everything that you have been through and that makes them beautiful."
"And do you think I will think any less?" he asked her solemnly.
"No, but your scars, apart from the one on your neck―which seems to be fading every time I touch it―are silvery or fading," the young witch protested. "Mine are fresh or angry and..." Hermione's voice trailed off before returning shakily, "what she did...well it's a constant reminder of what I am."
Realising that Bella's boasts were true, Severus pulled Hermione on top of him and then sat up fully, encouraging her to wrap her legs around his waist as he held her close to his chest. "That is not a reminder of what you are because what you are transcends any scar or mark. Am I a Death Eater now because I bear the Dark Mark?"
Hermione shook her head.
"What that scar represents is a society that needs to be fixed and it will take people like you―like me―to help heal the rifts and create a society of greater tolerance. And all you need to know is that I don't care what that scar says, you are all I care about, so, please show me."
More than ever, Severus wanted to see what his brave witch had endured in her short life. Knowing that if the war had continued Hermione's scarring could have been as bad as his own, he thanked whichever deity was listening that she didn't have to suffer further.
Hermione leant back slightly, and upon seeing the tears rolling down her cheeks, Severus gently wiped them away. He watched as she hung her head before taking a deep breath and summoning her Gryffindor backbone. As she lifted her eyes to meet his, he saw her apprehension mixed with steely determination.
"Only for you," she whispered before pulling her top over her head in one swift move.
Ordinarily, Severus would have felt some kind of arousal if a witch had just pulled her top off in front of him―even more so when she was effectively sat in his lap, but his eyes were focused on her scars. As she leaned back further, moving her scarred arm behind her to support herself, he noticed the angry, puckered scar which marred her smooth, otherwise unblemished skin. It extended from between her breasts to her abdomen and he also noted several dark stretch marks where she had lost so much weight when they were on the run. They may not have been inflicted injuries, but they were nonetheless caused by the suffering of war. Her other scar he would deal with later but for now he put his arm up her back to support her as he shifted his weight to lay her down.
It was then that he saw Bella's work as Hermione put her hand up to his face. His stomach went tight. He wanted to vomit not because of the scar itself but at the thought of the torture that had been inflicted on the woman he loved.
Wrapping his hand around her wrist, Severus pressed a soft lingering kiss to Hermione's scar. It wasn't simply a gesture of affection and support, but the sensitivity of his lips made them ideal for detecting dark magic signatures. He didn't recognise the magic that pulsed through the ugly word, and whispered, "This one will need further investigation in the lab but, Hermione, you must not feel ashamed of this."
Severus wanted to weep as his witch clung to him, sobs racking her body as she finally let go of her pain. Just letting her cry was the least he could do, and when her tears finally began to subside, the smile she gave him made his breath hitch.
"I trust you," she whispered, leaning up to kiss him softly, but it was returned with more passion than Severus had ever kissed anyone, including her. To have someone finally tell him that they trusted him without ulterior motive, affected him more than he ever thought it would.
Regaining his composure, Severus pressed one final kiss to Hermione's mouth before he moved to her side and asked Hermione's permission to undo her bra.
Since when have they fastened at the front? he thought to himself before slamming down all lascivious musings. His fingers deftly unclipped the clasp whilst carefully ensuring that her breasts were not exposed to his gaze.
Tentatively, he ran his finger down Dolohov's scar. Hermione flinched a little at the unfamiliar feeling of someone else touching what she considered to be so private just as he had done earlier when she first touched his scars.
Constantly reassuring her, Severus positioned himself so that his lips could make contact with her scar. The shiver this elicited was delicious and had the circumstances been different he was sure his next act would have been much more carnal, but there was a time and place for that and this might have been the place, but it certainly wasn't the time.
He could taste the dark magic in the scar. He'd already tasted her skin earlier and he knew the difference. Urging her to relax, his fingertips caressed her side as he continued to press his lips to the scar to confirm the signature of the curse. Satisfied that he had identified it, the dark-haired wizard laid his hand over the scar and murmured an incantation.
Hermione wanted to ask him what he was doing, but her voice caught in her throat as she saw the whites of his eyes go as black as his irises. She felt heat surging through the scar as Severus' hand began to tremble. She could tell that he was struggling against the curse when all of a sudden he cried out, removing his hand and hissing in pain. Shaking his hand out, a black vapour left his fingertips.
After a moment, Severus' eyes returned to normal, but his breathing remained heavy and laboured.
Pushing herself up and resting on her elbows, Hermione asked, "What did you do?"
"You were the one who said I was a skilled practitioner of dark magic," Severus chuckled, rolling onto his back whilst trying to regain his breath. "I drew out some of the magic. Look," he said vaguely gesturing towards her abdomen.
Looking down, Hermione couldn't believe her eyes. The scar was less livid and it felt smoother. It actually looked like it could now heal.
Severus snorted softly as he observed Hermione's incredulous expression. "It will take time but eventually all the magic will be drawn out. After a while, and as more magic is removed, it will naturally deplete but the incantation which prevented your scar from healing has been removed," Severus said still panting lightly.
Curiosity got the better of Hermione. "How did you know which incantation to use?"
"I could taste the magic on your skin," she was informed matter of factly. "You see here..." he said, planting a lingering kiss on the skin to the left of her scar, "this tastes like you." He revelled in the shiver of anticipation he felt course through Hermione before he gently kissed her scar. "It tastes slightly metallic still but it was like I had a mouthful of iron filings before I drew out most of the magic, and here..." Severus planted another lingering kiss on the right hand side of the scar. "Here we are back to your delicious taste again."
However, Severus' kisses did not stop there. His lips peppered her skin before he ran his tongue along her scar. Blowing along the wet trail, Hermione's body arched, followed by her soft, quivering sigh. The headmaster felt the familiar twitch in his trousers, and he knew that what had started out as a simple way to soothe her suffering was now the start of something much more sensual.
Moving up, he brushed his lips against hers; making her hungry for his kisses. She parted her lips as he lightly grazed her still cup covered breast with his hand and his tongue wasted no time in delving deep into her mouth. She could feel the magic on his tongue. It was intoxicating―completely seductive. She moaned into his mouth as a wet warmth pooled at her core.
Despite knowing that they wouldn't make love fully, Severus was aware that, until then, his physical relationship with Hermione would take the form of gentle but passionate step-by-step explorations. Their brief dalliance earlier had left him wanting far more, but if recent events had taught him anything it was that Hermione, for all her confidence, was still fragile and he didn't want to risk damaging what they were beginning to build by pushing her. She would set the pace, and he would happily match it.
Showing Severus her scars was a significant step for Hermione. However, he did not ridicule or take advantage of her. Instead, his gentle and reverent actions cemented her trust in him. It didn't mean she wasn't apprehensive about laying on her new bed, with her new boyfriend―or whatever word you used to define someone like Severus in this situation―but she knew that he would not hurt her.
And so it was that Hermione moved the cups of her bra to one side to reveal her breasts to him. She couldn't help the shiver or the gasp as Severus immediately reacquainted himself with the feel and taste of her soft mounds. She looked down to see him feasting on her, eyes closed, happily attending to each pebbled nub. Warmth spread through her body, but just as she was about to allow her head to sink back into the inviting pillows, she felt Severus' hand ghost over her stomach and his fingers tease the button of her jeans.
However, it wasn't Hermione's breath that hitched, but rather Severus' when he realised that she was undoing the button and unzipping her jeans for him.
"Tell me what you want," Severus whispered against her lips, resisting the temptation to just shove his hand inside her knickers.
"I want this," she purred, sliding her hand downwards, her fingers slipping between her now soaking folds.
Over the last few days, he'd watched avidly as Hermione had performed this act through the bond's connective visions, but to observe the act in person was completely different. Severus' senses were filled with evidence of her arousal and he inwardly cursed himself for doing the honourable thing and insisting that they abide by all five stages of the Declarations of Intent before he could finally make love to her.
Still only three stages to go, he mused to himself before reality smacked him around the head as his cock began to strain against its clothed prison. And that's a consolation is it?
"Don't tease me, you sexy minx," he growled in her ear before adding playfully, "let me have a go."
Hermione giggled at Severus' friskiness, but realised that she was going to enjoy unlocking parts of her wizard that no one else knew existed. "Only if you let me touch you," she purred teasingly, pushing her jeans further down her thighs whilst carefully trying to keep her knickers in place.
Severus couldn't remember ever undoing his trousers so quickly.
Not letting her eyes leave his, Hermione bit her bottom lip as she helped him push his trousers and boxers down far enough for his cock to spring free. As his hardened flesh bounced into her hand, she gasped when she realised what she'd just wrapped her fingers around. However, she couldn't help but smile when Severus groaned at this first touch.
Feeling brave and ever so slightly impatient, Hermione asked, "Right, so how are we going to do this?"
Severus swallowed hard, trying not to lose himself entirely as Hermione unconsciously began to stroke him. In the past, there had been little preamble to his rather perfunctory sexual experiences. He knew it would be different with Hermione, but he hadn't expected her to make him feel eighteen all over again. However, trying to sound like the voice of experience that she expected him to be, he kissed her quickly and whispered, "Let's take your jeans off, but keep your knickers on. Then I'm going to spread your legs."
However, when he saw his witch's eyes widen, he pressed a kissed to her nose and growled seductively, "Don't worry, we won't be doing that unless you beg."
Once Hermione's jeans were discarded, Severus wasted no time in kneeling between her legs, his fingers exploring her covered core whilst his mouth greedily explored hers.
"Sev, please, touch me," she whispered breathlessly against his lips, gasping as Severus obliged.
Severus pressed his forehead to hers, lost in how good she felt and sounded as his fingers slipped into her wet heat. He was so determined to pleasure her thoroughly that he could easily have neglected his own arousal, but it wasn't long before he realised that Hermione hadn't forgotten about him.
She began stroking him again, seeking, through half-lidded eyes, his approval.
A soft groan left his lips as her hand skilfully pumped and twisted along his length; if only she realised that just being with her was enough.
She really is a natural, Severus thought, closing his eyes before kissing her deeply.
As they continued mutually masturbating, Severus dripped filthy thoughts into Hermione's mind, and it soon became clear to him that her reactions and responses meant they were definitely on the same wavelength sexually, and, by Merlin, he was going to enjoy her.
"You should go soon. Draco will be waiting," Hermione panted as Severus collapsed onto the bed completely spent.
Severus, however, didn't want to move. He didn't want to leave in case what he had just experienced proved to be a dream. He couldn't get over how beautiful Hermione had looked when she came apart before him―on both occasions―or how hard he had come by her hand.
"I should," he told her, puffing out a breath, "but, I believe my godson can wait a few minutes longer whilst I reacquaint myself with the correct orientation of the world."
He then turned to look at woman beside him. In his mind, the girl; the Insufferable Know-It-All was gone, and in her place was everything he'd ever wanted. "By God, you are amazing," he whispered, taking hold of her hand, interlacing their fingers and bringing it up to his lips. "You're so...God, you're just..."
Leaning over, Hermione kissed Severus gently. "Have I rendered the headmaster speechless?"
"Yes" he chuckled, pushing his other hand into her curls and pulling her down for yet another kiss.
AN: This chapter was updated on 25/07/2014. If you spot any mistakes, please let me know.
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