The Mimicker | By : TalisRuadair Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 54128 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 16 |
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter Series (1997-2007) and any characters and original locations within the books belong to JK Rowling. I do not make any form of profit or I'd quit my day job. |
Chapter Eight – The Departure
Harry sat on the bed in the room where he had spent the past twelve days since arriving in Avalon, which was a shocking realization in itself. He ran his fingers over the knot work decorating the book he’d found that replaced all the notes he had made on loose parchment, while thinking over all he’d learned over the past ten days. He learned much about his mates on the first day and discovered many more secrets on the second, but none of it compared to the information overload that followed. He could remember the sight that awaited him behind the room with the open book carved into it. Upon entering the room he let out a gasp and knew that the room before him would be the star in many of Hermione’s wet dreams. With the ancient tomb lined floor to ceiling book shelves, the large work tables, and just the overall atmosphere. The Hall of Knowledge was ten times larger than the Hogwarts and Potter libraries combined.
He had spent two days in the Hall of Knowledge taking notes on the different creatures he had listed. He discovered many interesting things and began to organize the information under each species with important bullet points. He had sections for family lines, different types, description, mating habits, gestation, and the rarity of the race. He was able to discover how to put Lucius into heat, though the number of orgasms required was still an unknown. He would just have to wait until he had more of his mates available and then they’d have an all-night love fest until his lovely tiger was pregnant. He was interested in the different gestation periods. Also, he found it interesting that the werewolf curse could be neither passed onto a child be that child carried by the werewolf or by another. However, a child conceived during the full moon and carried by a werewolf would become a changer. Though changer werewolves hadn’t been seen in many generations, they had the ability to change from human into a werewolf and even had a third form of a full wolf. They were not limited by the full moon, but because of the narrow window of conception and various other factors they just simply hadn’t been created. Harry wondered if the mating ban enforced by the ministry had anything to do with it.
Harry was happy when he was finished in the Hall of Knowledge. Though it was out of the dreams for bibliophiles like his friend Hermione or even his mate Severus, Harry only had so much concentration he could put toward such things. He was more of hands on learner than learn from a book type. He needed something to sink his teeth into. Though the Hall of History sounded boring, the carving on the door of the vine wrapped sword spoke of the wonders behind the door. He was able to spend two days there as well; however, he wished he could’ve spent a whole lot more. It was like a muggle cinema and a pensive all rolled into one. The Mimicker history was brought to life, but he wasn’t just following disjointed memories or living other lives. He was interacting with a set story that even had the perfect narrator. The ancestor in that room was bloody Merlin himself! Apparently, he was the last Mimicker that appeared the millennia before. He was the reason why Avalon was even spoken about in both Muggle and Wizard history. Of course both societies got it all wrong, but hey how could anyone understand the true grandeur of a place that exists outside of space and time. A place where the dead can interact with the living, Harry shook his head for the moment as he once again peered down at the book.
He had taken so many notes while in the Hall of History that he was sure at least a third of the six inch thick tomb was from that experience. His mind quickly went over some of the important things he learned about his race. Though he was expected to infuse the magical world with more magical races, he was still able to prevent pregnancy. The ancients understood that not every mate was prepared to bear children right away, and some alphas needed to get certain things prepared before expecting every mate to carry a child. Also, no alpha could handle all of his mates pregnant at the same time. Harry shivered at the thought. He needed to have a few not pregnant to help with the mates that are and also help with caring for the children. Also, Harry reminded himself to review the notes he took on the wizarding laws that protected Mimickers and their Harems. They were still on the books even though their existence was forgotten.
Harry enjoyed his two days in Hall of Power behind the door with the circular ball of energy. He took to those lessons on his mimicker abilities like he to practical application in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Since he was able to teach many students that subject the previous year in the DA, he was very proud of his accomplishments. He still had a long way to go, but he had made some progress. He had learned how to access the connections that form between him and his mates. He learned how to access his power to mimic any ability he comes in contact with, which was kind of like Rouge’s power from X-men but without the whole sucking their life-force thing. Not being able to kiss his mates would really suck! His favorite power was his ability to access physical forms associated with his mates though that one was giving him a bit of trouble. He had accessed it previously, but was still unable to do it at will.
The two days spent in the Hall of Focus behind the brain carved door, seemed like a repeat of his disastrous Occlumency lessons from the previous year. There were some exceptions, like Severus wasn’t there, and the whole hall became his mental landscape. That last thing at least made the process of building fortifications easier. He wasn’t just told to clear his mind, he was able to see when his mind was cleared. He could focus on hiding his links behind huge castle walls in the dungeon of the highest tower. His inner sanctum looking like the Dursley house on Private Drive, however, his thoughts were hidden in the flower petals in the gardens he spent weeding during the summer. The house itself was a huge decoy filled with memories of those nasty slobs. The ones that he watched but never participated.
However, it was the second day spent in the Hall of Mystery that had left him sitting on the bed for a moment thinking over everything he learned. He should’ve known that blasted tea leaf carved in the door was a warning. It was like walking into the hazy room at the top of Professor Trelawney’s tower for the first time all over again. Well, except for the fact that he was actually seeing visions of the future rather than listening to that fraud predicting his grizzly demise. Instead he got to watch the dangers his unclaimed mates still had to face. He had pleaded to the guardian of that room to let him leave, but was reminded that what had happed had yet to occur. He would still have an opportunity to do something to save his mate. Harry never knew he would feel so much for a person he hardly knew, he shook his head again before aimlessly staring at the wall.
After that same horrible vision repeated in his mind, he quickly stood from the bed. It was time for him to leave. He had learned quite a bit and he could always return. Avalon was opened to him for his whole living life and he was likely to join the other’s in death. He walked toward the northern facing wall that held the door he first entered twelve days before. He walked through the archway, but turned right instead of left and opened the blank door. He knew it was through this door linked to the Hall of Departure, which was really only the name of his own body; he would enter and leave Avalon in the future. Stepping through the door, he slammed back into his body just in time to feel it change. He sighed with the knowledge that he would remember his interactions with Remus that night. He knew what he needed to do for that mate, but he still had another mate facing grave danger that he needed to retrieve. Even if he had to appear in his werewolf form, he would get to that mate and protect him.
Remus stared down at his hands and then back up at the sky. He had been running with unaligned wolf packs trying to recruit them to the Order’s side. He had not heard from any of his fellow members for many months and was unable to take Wolfsbane because his pack mates would not take well to a medicated werewolf. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts as he looked around at his new pack in the clearing where they changed every full moon. A part of him longed for a mate, but he knew someone like him would never find one. He vaguely remembered smelling his mate so very long ago, but that memory had eluded him for such a long time. It seemed more like fantasy than reality.
He took a deep breath as he mentally prepared for Moony to take over. He had fought with that beast for so long that the past year without his medication; he could feel the wizard in him slipping away. Part of him wondered if he was going feral. He felt lonely and abandoned. Why hadn’t Dumbledore contacted him and kept him apprised of the other Order Members’ health like he had in the previous war? Why hadn’t he received an owl from his best friend Sirius in months? What was going on in the Wizarding World? He let out a pained howl at the thought that the dark side had won and he was just out there a lone wolf having yet to receive any notice of their demise.
Remus’ consciousness slipped away as Moony was once again freed. He knew there was much he was hiding from his human side, but that same human had kept him restrained for too long. He ran off toward where he’d been meeting his alpha. The mate he’d been waiting for to give him cubs. He’d spent too much time alone and finally he would have his family. He needed his green eyed mate. He craved him like he used to crave raw meet. He was the only thing his wolf needed to live. Werewolves were much faster than any other creature. It didn’t take him too long to find the secluded Scottish Manor that belonged to his Alpha. He sat on his haunches and waited for his mate to meet him in the circular meadow. He hoped with everything that this mating would end his heat and bear him a cub of his own.
His kind rarely mated because many of his kind were too weak to carry cubs. Most of his kind was set on creating more in a violent manner. Many had forgotten the ways of the past, but Moony knew his alpha mate was different than others. His mate was strong and his magic would lend him strength to help their cub. He wouldn’t be able to have a cub if his human side continued to take that nasty poison. Fate was smiling on them, as his other self hadn’t taken that poison in over a year. He didn’t have to wait for long before his black furred mate appeared from the large manor home. Moony howled in glee and went around in circles. He could feel the magic in the air and just knew that his cub would be conceived that night. He also knew that his alpha would properly mark him.
Harry took a few moments to leave his two sleeping mates on the bed before making his way through his ancestral home. His eyes saw every little detail that he missed even while he wore his glasses. His nose picked up so many different smells he had to bite back a whimper. Too many strong smells permeated the walls of his home. He couldn’t fight the need to get out of that home. What he sensed the most was the strong waves of magical residue that he could only associate with the ritual performed earlier. Usually magic didn’t stick around as thickly as it seemed that night. He finally made it to the front door and found his clawed hands prevented him from opening it. It took a couple more whimpers before the door opened for him. He could only assume that one of his house elves intervened. Perhaps this was how he had gotten out of his house previously.
He was overfilled in happiness when he reached the outdoors. The meadow had nothing but a fresh sent and the magical residue was far enough away. The wind from the ocean left him elated as he ran towards a new sent that came toward him when the winds shifted. He smelt the sweetest fruit, but he knew it was one he never tried. He couldn’t help but feel a pull to the source of that smell. He felt his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he laid eyes on a familiar tawny colored werewolf. He felt his heart full of too many emotions to decipher except for the all-consuming need to claim what was his. The wolf before him was another of his mates and that mate was in heat. That mate was begging for a cub and he knew that Moony wouldn’t be happy until he was with cub. The tawny werewolf was on all fours with his arse in the air and whimpering. Harry couldn’t stop himself from just reacting as something more powerful than his human mind took over.
He felt the beast consume him as his body grasped onto that beautiful wolf. He was soon felt the heat consume him as he pushed into his perfect mate. The claim overcame him as he pushed toward orgasm after orgasm. It was as if his body wanted to make sure his seed would stick. He needed to conceive a cub that night. He couldn’t explain the additional feelings he was experiencing but it was rooted in instinct. When he’d finally exhausted his many orgasms, he bit into that perfect shoulder and claimed his mate fully. He felt his tongue run over the mark and lifted his now sleeping mate into his arms. He walked toward the cellar that had an opening from the outside of the home. He walked into the room and found it had a bed. Harry couldn’t help but wonder if Remus had spent some full moons here when he was younger and staying with the Potters. He tucked his mate in as well as he could with his clawed fingers before bounding up the stairs and slamming the cellar door down. He watched as a magical barrier automatically erupted.
He couldn’t remain staring at the way his home automatically reacted to him as he felt a pull. He remembered that vision of his mate in need and knew he had to go to him right away. He was soon on all fours and a bit surprised when his shape seemed to change. He no longer had the appearance of a werewolf but he felt more like a running wolf. He lost track of time as he just ran toward the pull and had no idea how far he traveled. His colorblind vision was soon looking up at a spiked iron gate. It had a square knot worked in to the center of the gate as if it were marking the family for which the manor was named. The gates automatically opened for him as he rushed up the pathway and toward the back gardens. A small part of his still human mind couldn’t help but wonder what it was with abusive pureblood parents and torturing children in the back gardens.
He felt a growl erupt from his throat as he found the despicable man taking a whip to one of his precious submissive mates. The honey blonde male was slumped over with his head resting on the wooden post his arms were tied to. His back was arched with rivers of blood running down it. The man over him looked as if he were the wizard’s grandfather rather than father. What caused his instinctual reaction was the sight of the hot iron magically moving in and out of his unclaimed mate. He just growled and pounced on the man. His jowls went straight for the abusers throat. He heard a sickening but somehow satisfying snap before he tossed the man away. There was a strange tingling noise before the body landed with a thud and Harry sat on his haunches staring at his unconscious mate. He noticed the sky lightening up and part of him knew that he would soon reclaim his human form. He would soon assist his mate and would welcome three more to his manor.
The transformation back into his human form more like he would from an Animagus rather than the painful snapping, he was sure his mate was going through. He stood and quickly called a house elf. Dobby appeared before him awaiting his orders, “Dobby, I put one of my mates in the cellar back home. Please check on him and bring him breakfast. I’m sure that he’ll probably need a couple of pain killers as well. Please bring Sirius with you when go to attend him. He’s an old friend and I’m sure Sirius will know how to care for him. Let the rest of them know that I will be home shortly with a few more house guests.”
The house elf nodded and popped away. Harry turned back toward his mate before realizing his current lack of dress. “Well, damn.” He muttered before calling another house elf. Winky appeared before him. “Winky could you please quickly dress me. I fear I’m far away from my wardrobe and I can’t meet new people in my current state of undress.”
The little house elf giggled before snapping her fingers and fully clothing the mimicker. Harry looked down at his tight fitting muggle jeans and emerald green tee shirt and nodded. “Thank you Winky. Please go check on Draco and Severus for me. If they ask, let them know that I will return shortly with a few more house guests.”
The house elf nodded before popping away. Harry slowly ran a hand through his hair before staring at his damaged mate. He pulled out his wand from his jeans pocket. He would really have to thank Winky for going the extra mile. He had his silvery stag waiting for the message to report. “Go find Blaise and tell him, ‘I am outside with your step-brother. Your step father is dead. Please come with a proper healing kit. Wounds include open whipping wounds and severe burns. Please come quickly.’” The stag bounded off to the house as Harry slowly approached his harmed mate. He’d learned quite a bit about his mate in the Hall of Mystery and even the small vision he had of his mother’s death.
He walked around to the other end of the post where the rising sun was beginning to blanket with early morning light. He slowly reached out to lift his mate’s head up. He wiped away the still falling tears from the closed eyes. He shushed the whimpers coming from his mate before severing the rope that tied his mate’s wrists together. He levitated his mate over to the stone bench where he took a seat first. He had his mate lying on his stomach with his head turned in Harry’s lap. Harry ran his fingers through his mate’s mussed hair, as he awaited help. He knew that he didn’t have any of the supplies to assist with the wounds on his mates. He also didn’t have any of the healing skill necessary. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw the two dark shapes bounding toward them from the house.
Soon a son and mother stood before him. The boy had creamy mocha late colored skin and exotic wine colored eyes. His mother was an exotic beauty herself with a similar shade of complexion, but she possessed eyes so dark they were almost black if it weren’t for the slight cherry hue to them. Her eyes were surrounded in Egyptian style Kohl and her lips were as red as blood. She scowled at him as if he was responsible for the wounds on her step-son’s back. Harry shook his head and pointed toward the dead body still lying in a pool of blood on the flagstone garden path, “I arrived in time to watch that beast whip his son while magically raping him with a hot iron poker. Please heal him. I fear Ms. Zabini you are once again widowed.”
Her smile turned feral, “I say good reddens to bad rubbish.”
“Will you heal him, please? He’s in so much pain and I fear it will be a while before he’ll accept even a kind hand in his vicinity,” he continued to run his finger through the unconscious young man’s hair. He watched as the woman pulled out her wand and began casting as her son pulled out salves and potions from the basket he was holding. “I’m guessing this isn’t the first time you’ve had to come out here to heal him this summer.”
Blaise shook his head no, “We’ve had to resort to magically restraining Nott Sr., but he must’ve somehow thrown off his magical bindings last night. We didn’t know that he had Theo out here. We would’ve intervened had we known.”
Harry shook his head, “There is very little you could’ve done to stop that beast. I only had the advantage of having a werewolf mate and thus an overly strong wolf form. I arrived in said form and acted without the limits of human conscious. Since it is only a couple of days until we leave for sixth year, perhaps it is best to have you pack up this manor and stay at mine. I hope to make it a perfect home for all of my mates. Your son and step-son included.”
Ms. Zabini didn’t respond until after all of the wounds were healed, “I guess we can go and see what this manor looks like. Is that where you expect me to stay while all of you go to Hogwarts?”
Harry smiled, “I don’t expect anything of you, but I would love for you to stay there. I’ll likely be leaving Remus behind as well, since I don’t have a valid reason for him joining us. Maeve will come with us as my pet tiger. I believe we will return for holidays there, unless we are invited somewhere else.”
Ms. Zabini nodded, “Yes, it would be best for me to be secluded as long as I am in my current condition. Plus all the manors that I have acquired through my careful maneuvering are not currently accessible to us. I have put them under an inheritance contract for Blaise. We will not have access to those properties again until November, so I can stay at your home until then. I didn’t want that retched man to somehow get his hands on our wealth. I only married him at my son’s behest to protect his friend from the fiend.”
Blaise’s red velvet eyes widened, “Mother, why didn’t you tell me you’ve conceived your second child?”
She pulled he son into a side hug, “Darling, I just realized my condition this morning. You know how slow the gestation period is for me. I hope that Harry will entertain me for the full amount of time.”
Harry nodded, “I will have to discuss it with Theo, but I have a feeling that he may not want to keep his current surname. If that is the case, then I’m sure we can name your unborn child the new Nott Heir. I will take you three with me through the floo after you give the house elves their orders. I’m sure I can send over one my elves to assist them and show them the way.”
Sirius groaned when the bright eyed and chipper Dobby popped into the room he was sharing with his latest conquest Maeve. It had felt so good to have that blonde under him and taking his cock as hard and fast as Sirius wanted it. In part of his mind it was his own punishment against the man who had protected Severus in their first year. A man that was presented to him as the perfect pureblood heir by his horrible mother, someone she was happy to point out that Sirius would never be like. He was always the disappointment. Well, up until she decided he was ripe for the picking. His mother really was a bitch and a whore. He shook his head wondering why he was doing something out of revenge to the submissive who he was sharing a bed with. He sighed before groaning at the elf, “Yeah, what do you want?”
“Master Harry asked me to inform you that one of your old friend’s currently inhabits the cellar. He wanted me to bring the wolf some breakfast, but thought you would know how to treat him after a full moon. Do you want me to wait for you to get dressed?”
Sirius eyes widened as his mind quickly flashed to Remus. He had stopped looking for him when Dumbledore informed him and the order of their werewolf spy’s death. Why hadn’t he questioned the old man more thoroughly? Where had Remus been all this time if he wasn’t dead? He had yet to inform Harry of the information because he didn’t want to hurt the boy. Now, he was gratified that he never shared his former Professors supposed demise. What was that old fool up to anyway? He ran his palm down his face before finally answering the elf, “Yes, if you’d please. I really need to have a discussion with this old friend. Please wait for me in the hallway.”
Sirius looked down at the still sleeping Lucius, “You and I need to have a discussion. I don’t think we’ve really put our past behind us. I fear that I haven’t really treated you the best lately and I guess part of me blamed you for being everything my mother wanted me to be. I know that’s really sad when she was such a sadistic bitch, but she was still my mother. We always strive for our parent’s love don’t we? I bet even after all the crap that Abraxas put you through, you still wanted to make him proud somehow.”
He turned away from the bed and pretended like he didn’t notice the shaking form on the bed. He pretended that his acute hearing didn’t hear the sobs. He could’ve sworn the man was still sleeping before he spoke, but part of him knew in that moment that Lucius heard every word. He quickly got dressed and couldn’t help but wonder if they maybe did have something in common. Perhaps a conversation was long overdue. Not to mention the conversation he still needed to have with Snivellus. He really wasn’t looking forward to that one. He never wanted to see the good in that wizard. It just went against his principles. Sure, he’d been reserved with the man and didn’t purposefully bate him, but that was all because his godson asked it of him. A mischievous smile spread across his face, now that two of the Maurders were reunited, surely they could find ways to put Snivellus in his place when Harry wasn’t looking.
He was dressed and quickly followed the elf to the cellar. He found a rather slim looking Remus lying on the bed. It appeared that someone had tucked him in. Sirius couldn’t help but whistle at the large bight on his friends shoulder, “It looks like you had a run in with another werewolf and the other werewolf won. I can’t say you’re not a sorry sight Moony, but your appearance in a non-ghostly manner is well received. We, as in the Order, were told of your death. Which, I must admit was grossly over-exaggerated. Should we find out if we can calm that beast with some breakfast?”
Remus amber flecked green eyes stared back at him in surprise, “Was that why no one notified me from the order? They all thought I was dead.” He looked down at his hands for a moment, “I’ve been off Wolfsbane for more than a year. I’m not sure what I did last night or how I got here, but I’m so hungry I could eat a stag to myself.”
Sirius let out a barking chuckle, “Wouldn’t Prongs to hear that? I’m not sure how you got here, but I’m sure that Harry knows you’re here. On the way down here the Elf said something about Harry being out, but that he would be returning with a few more house guests shortly. I really wonder how many more will be joining this madhouse.” He looked his friend up and down, “Though I must admit you do have a just shagged air to you.”
Remus just blushed before a tray of bangers and mash was placed before him by a familiar looking house elf. Any comment he was likely to make seemed to disappear in his ravenous hunger. Sirius could barely bite back a smile. He was happy to have his best friend back. Then his mind went to the claiming and welcoming they would have of Remus to their group. Sirius had not doubt that his friend was dominant and not a submissive. The only downside was the fact that Snivellus would have to be present as well. Maybe he could humiliate the man and make him lick up his own spunk.
Severus awoke to an elf in a little doll dress, “Master wanted me to check on you two. He wanted you to know that he will be back shortly with a few more guests.”
He groaned and felt as if he were slipping into quicksand. His mind just wasn’t with him that morning and all he wanted to do was roll over and cuddle with the warm body that had kept his nightmares away. He rolled over and hugged that body to him, as he didn’t remember to whom it belonged. His conscious came to a head when he felt a sharp corner of something sticking him in the side. He reached for the object and furrowed his brow as he stared at a green book covered in Celtic knotting, “I’ve never seen this book before. I don’t remember going to bed with a book last night.”
A moan answered his words and he looked over at his godson before rubbing his eyes. He set the book on the night stand and decided it was time to get up. He still needed to check on his beloved godson and make sure that he was adjusting after the ritual. He sat on the edge of the bed trying to gain his bearings. He hadn’t felt this bad waking up since his Death Eater days after an all-night rival. He stood on shaky legs wondering if he had really depleted his magic reserves while participating in the ritual. He knew that he was getting on in age, but surely what he participated in the night before shouldn’t have drained his reserves so thoroughly.
He pulled open the drawer of the night stand and sighed as he drank down a bottle of Pepper Up Potion. He sighed as his energy temporarily returned. Part of him told him that he should really tell someone about his reaction that morning, but an even larger and more stubborn part refused to share a weakness with anyone. He would just shoulder it like he had with everything else in his life silently and alone. He finally was awake enough to take in the changes of the blond boy lying in the bed. Draco’s hair had grown a bit more in length and took on a bit more of a reddish hue. Severus smiled at the thought of his godson becoming a strawberry blond. However, it was the addition of perfect spiraled curls. His complexion was still quite pale but his veins were no longer blue splotches over his overly thin skin. However, the shock of the difference in his godson didn’t occur until those eyes opened. His godson’s trademark grey eyes were now a perfectly clear blue reminiscent of a crystal clear lake.
“How are you feeling Draco?”
The blond stared at him for a few moments before smiling, “I feel sore, but the pain I’ve lived with for all these years is gone. I no longer feel the pins and needles. Severus, could you please check my deformity? I want to know if it will respond to healing magic now.”
Severus nodded and pulled back the covers. He looked down at the small hole that was the cause of so many inadequacies in his godson. No wonder he had acted so overconfident and arrogant for so long. He was trying to shield his weaknesses much like how Severus had hidden behind poor hygiene and his long limp hair. His love of potions and the dark arts were also important parts of his armor. Even joining the Dark Lord’s ranks had been to protect his still hidden weaknesses. Of course he was never attractive like Draco. He couldn’t hide his freakishly large nose, his worn wardrobe, or his gaunt body. Draco could hide his small deformity and act a way that no one would look too closely at him.
He lifted his wand and pointed it at the small hole and started casting spells to knit together the tissue. He watched with a smile as the deformity finally closed with a small pink scar line as the only sign of it being there. He reached in his drawer and pulled out his scar prevention salve. One of the many salves he created while still in his youth. He rubbed it on the scar and watched it lighten, “If you apply this to your scar every day, it should fade so much that no one will notice it. You won’t even see it any longer. So, I guess you’ll see your new hair as the lesser of two evils. You know now that you no longer have to cast a barrier preventing you from peeing from the wrong hole every time you use the loo.”
Draco let out a shrike, “What about my hair?” His hands made their way up to the top of his head, “I bet I look like one of those bloody dwarves that Lockhart dressed up like cupids in my second year. Well, I guess that I’ll need to get a haircut and continue to wear my hair slicked back. There is no way I will every let anyone see just how curly my hair has become. There’s no way that I can have this long. My father was lucky enough to inherit the long straight hair of the Veela. Wait, how can my hair be so curly when I’m Veela?”
Severus sat down on the corner of the bed as he felt a bit winded from the magic he used, “I’m not sure Draco, however, you have yet to come into your inheritance. It is quite likely that your hair will change again once you’ve become a true Veela. I think you should still rest for now. I’ll call an elf and we’ll have breakfast in here. I’m not really in the mood do deal with that know-it-all and those twins this morning without Harry there to keep them in check.”
Hermione took breakfast with the twins on the patio overlooking the ocean views. She stared out wondering what was bothering her. She’d fell asleep in the library the night before as she tracked the Weasley and Prewett family trees. She couldn’t shake the feeling that a puzzle lay before her to solve. What was she missing? She finished chewing her jam topped scone and looked over at her counterparts. A huge part of her could never fathom a life without the two, but a logical part wondered where the hell those feelings had come from. She was coming of age in less than a month, but she was still far too young to end up in such an untraditional relationship.
She had spent more time researching Gemini Twins wondering how children were conceived. Was it magical or was it biological? How would a mateship work between three males? However it was the question that was twisting in her mind that she just couldn’t stop from asking, “How do you know that Bill is a siren and Charlie is some other creature? When did you find out?”
The twins looked at each other before George spoke for the both of them. “Well, we must admit that neither showed any creature tendencies until they were away from home for a couple of years. When we visited Bill in Egypt the summer before your third year, we noticed how his aura and magic changed. At first we thought it had to do with being surrounded by such ancient magic for so long, but then we caught him singing in the shower and felt the magical trawl. Though his siren characteristics have faded recently since he and Fleur have moved home, and we noticed the same with Charlie when he met us in Egypt. Though his magic screamed predator and part of me felt very drawn to him and his fiery power. I couldn’t help but feel like he could protect me, but I never figured out from what.”
Hermione felt her brow furrow as she concentrated on everything she had read over the past month while staying with Harry at Potter Manor. Was there a way to temporarily suppress creature gifts that wasn’t as evasive as ritual binding? How would one administer something like that? A plan started forming in her mind until Fred spoke up breaking her train of thought. “You know, I’ve noticed that even Fleur’s Veela Allure has toned down a bit since she started staying at the Burrow. It doesn’t seem as strong as it was at the Tri-wizard tournament, but perhaps she’s just controlling it while she’s been around her boyfriend’s family.”
Hermione quickly stood, “No, I don’t think that’s what happened. What if there was a potion one had to administer for a certain amount of time that would dampen one’s creature gifts? Would it be possible to slip some of that in the family meals during the holidays, so that enough of it would be built up in one’s system that it doesn’t wear of while away from home? However, two years had to be long enough for it to fully wear off. It would explain a few things, don’t you think?”
George’s eyes widened, “Are you saying that our mother has been drugging us? Is it possible that we are more than just Gemini twins?”
Hermione nodded, “I believe that is quite likely.” She quickly called an elf, “Where’s Harry? Is he awake yet?”
Dobby shook his head no, “He’s with his new mates and mates’ mother. He told me to tell you guys that he will be back shortly with some new guests. We’ve already prepared two rooms for mates and mates’ mother. One mate hurt badly and will need his brother’s care.”
Hermione gasped for a moment while wondering who Harry was bringing with him. “Well, I want you to prepare for a trip after they arrive. I believe we need to make a trip to Gringotts. I have to pop out for a bit, please keep an eye on these two while I’m gone.”
The elf nodded and just stood there staring at the twins, while Hermione ran back into the manor. She had so much to do. She needed to go to the bank and schedule an appointment with an account specialist. She didn’t have a vault there so that might be a bit challenging. Perhaps she could make the appointment on Harry’s behalf and make sure the goblins understand that she would be returning with him and several others. She would need to have them prepared for inheritance rituals, blood analysis for foreign potions, and need to make sure that they have both their employees Bill and Fleur present. She was sure that whatever was discovered was going to lead to several very angry Goblins. A shiver ran down her spine as she grabbed her little beaded bag that she had casted an undetectable extension charm on before the end of term. She had much to do and they still had little time. She could only hope that Harry went along with her suggestions and didn’t fight her on this issue.
As she walked to the floo she couldn’t help but grasp at the many questions circling her mind. What was Molly up to? Why would she want to drug any of her family? Why hadn’t Bill or Fleur noticed their powers weakening? What happened to the Prewett Twins? If they were truly dead than why didn’t their family records that were linked by blood show them that way? If a person under the effects of Polyjuice was killed, would the body revert back to its normal appearance or would it remain frozen in the way it appeared at death? Was that a viable way to fake one’s death? Why would the twins fake their own death? What was she missing?
A/N: Okay so here is me starting to get things rolling again. I hope it’s not so rushed and that I’ve given enough hints for you to chew on. I fixed my typing errors. I apologize for them. I really should take the time to read over my chapters before posting.
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