A Marriage of Convenience | By : NinaSweets Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 159377 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 45 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters and places all belong to JK Rowling this is a not for profit story. |
Uh... what? Two chapters in a week? This girl is on a roll! Enjoy guys!
Chapter Eight
Harry sat at the Gryffindor table with Hermione. Ron was ignoring him and Hermione so he had chosen to sit with his brothers Fred and George and their friend Lee Jordan. It had been like this for weeks and with each passing day Harry got more and more depressed. He was angry that Ron had said something like that to him; he knew exactly why Harry had married Snape. Perhaps because of all the faking romance for whenever the press was around had led to Ron believing he actually cared for Snape.
Everything was very confusing and he couldn’t work out how to deal with Snape. After carrying him to bed and lying beside him till he drifted to sleep he had completely ignored him and Harry was getting very frustrated with everything going on. He needed to talk to someone and helpful though Hermione was, this was more an adult problem and he needed to talk to an adult.
He was thankfully meeting up with Sirius later today, the ball was just over two weeks away and this was the only opportunity the students had to go into the small village of Hogsmeade near the school to buy things for the dance. Harry was using that as a cover to slip off and meet his Godfather on the outskirts of town.
Hermione and Ginny were going with him and would claim he’d been with him all day if anyone asked when they split up.
Hermione had gotten a date and was fretting and blushing over it, though she refused to tell Harry who had asked her.
She didn’t have her nose in a text book today; she was looking through a catalogue of pretty dresses trying to get an idea of what she might like to wear to the dance.
“I have to find something perfect!” she worried and Harry smiled at her. It was odd seeing his friend who normally didn’t care for this sort of thing freak out about a dress.
“Don’t worry Hermione we will,” Ginny Weasley assured her from across the table. “Besides you’re really lucky. You’ve got a great skin tone that will go with almost every colour; I’m pretty restricted in my choices because of my hair,” she held up the orange strands of her hair and waved them about for emphasis.
“I thought the dance was only open to fourth years and above,” Harry said.
“I have a date,” Ginny said haughtily, “What surprised a scrawny girl like me could get one?” but Harry caught sight of the grin knowing she wasn’t being serious.
“Well will you tell me who? Hermione is being so tight lipped.”
“She won’t tell anyone. I however am not ashamed of my date-” Ginny started but Hermione interrupted
“I’m not ashamed, it’s a surprise,” Hermione said primly and Ginny smirked before turning to Harry.
“I’m going with Neville,” she said.
“Oh that’s great, you’ll have a nice time,” Harry said and Ginny nodded
“I think so,” Ginny said with a smile. Harry went to talk but Ginny held up a hand.
“Look,” she said nodding behind Harry and Hermione.
They both turned in their seats to see Ron heading across the Great Hall. He was heading to the Ravenclaw table but toward the front where the students from Beauxbatons were sitting.
Harry sat up a little straighter to see over the top of Hermione’s frizzy hair, he wound up just pushing it down flat on her head to get it out of the way. She gave him an apologetic smile and turned back to watch Ron.
Ron stopped in front of a group of Beauxbatons girls including Fleur Delacour.
“Hi,” he said, it had gone so quiet in the Great Hall because everyone was watching Ron. It wasn’t everyday a fourteen year old just walked up to a group of seventeen year old girls.
“’Ello” Fleur replied smiling kindly at him.
“Hi, um... I was just wondering if you have a date to the ball,” Ron blurted out quickly.
Fleur snorted but quickly turned it into a delicate cough, “Oui I do. But if I didn’t of course I’d go wiz you,”
“No,” she said. Ron nodded and shuffled away in defeat while Fleur and her friends began laughing screeching loudly to one another in French.
Ron sat down in between Fred and George who burst out laughing while Ron hung his head.
“I feel kind of bad,” Hermione said
“Don’t, he was being a prat, this knocked him down a notch,” Ginny said with a shrug.
“Still in front of the whole school,” Hermione said quietly but Ginny shook her head.
“Come on, let’s get down to Hogsmeade before all the nice dresses are gone,” Ginny said standing up.
Harry and Hermione followed suit heading out into the chilly grounds. Winter had fallen hard and fast the first week of December covering the grounds in a thick blanket of snow. Hermione quickly wrapped a Gryffindor scarf around her neck and huddled down under her school cloak.
Ginny led the way over to the carriages that seemingly moved by themselves, they would take the students with permission slips down to Hogsmeade station from there it was a short walk to the village itself.
Filch the Hogwarts caretaker was checking everyone’s permission slips before allowing them into the carriages. Ginny, Harry and Hermione proudly showed theirs before climbing into a carriage and then they were off.
They got to Hogsmeade and the two girls immediately dragged Harry off to the first dress shop on the block.
He didn’t have to meet Sirius until twelve near the Shrieking Shack so he had a few hours of watching Ginny and Hermione trying on dresses.
They walked into the first shop and the shop assistant brightened at the sight of them.
“I’ll bet you’re here for dresses for the dance,” she said and Hermione and Ginny nodded.
“Well, leave it to me,” she said brightly and she was off. She was grabbing dress after dress off the shelf and then shoving them into the girl’s arms.
They each shuffled away into the changing rooms to try on the dresses. The shop assistant turned to Harry, her name tag said Belinda.
“Do you want some dress robes?”
“I already have some, I’m just helping out my friends,” Harry said with a smile. She smiled back and busied herself tidying the racks.
“Okay, first dress!” Hermione called and then stepped out of the changing rooms. It was a floor length brown dress with ruffles around the shoulders.
“The colour is nice,” Harry said uncertainly.
“But not amazing,” she sighed and slipped back into the changing room.
Ginny stepped out dressed in a little lavender cocktail dress with spaghetti straps. It was too tight, clinging to her all wrong.
She held her arms out and did a twirl, Harry shook his head and she disappeared once more.
It went on like this for two hours and Harry honestly didn’t see why they had to try on so many dresses, he was preparing himself to wow over the next dress regardless of whether or not it looked good.
Then Hermione stepped out and gave him a nervous smile. It was a strapless blue dress that fluffed out a little at the bottom. Hermione patted it down self consciously and looked up at him.
“Wow!” Harry said and Hermione smiled, “It looks amazing,”
Ginny came out in an orange dress that looked so hideous Harry’s eyes watered just at the sight of it, Hermione gasped staring at in horror.
“You look great!” Ginny said to her
“You don’t,” she said and Ginny laughed,
“Harry, it’s nearly midday, you should probably head off,” Hermione said nodding to the clock on the wall.
Ginny didn’t know about Sirius but Hermione told Harry she had come up with a convincing lie about why Harry had to disappear for a few hours.
“So you’re going on a secret rendezvous with Snape huh? Have fun,” Ginny said. Harry turned to glare at Hermione who was suddenly very busy looking at men’s tailcoats.
“Yeah,” Harry said in reply to Ginny who grinned.
“Thanks for coming. Your opinion was invaluable,” Ginny said and Harry laughed.
He waved goodbye to Belinda, Hermione and Ginny and left the shop.
Hogsmeade was like something off a postcard in winter. The little shops and houses all squished together and their roofs covered in white snow made the perfect picturesque scene. Harry made his way down the main streets, past Honeydukes Sweet shop and Zonko’s the joke shop, the Three Broomsticks was a little pub run by a buxom woman named Madame Rosmerta. The pub was always crowded on Hogsmeade weekends because all the students from Hogwarts wanted to have a nice Butterbeer.
Harry made his way to the outskirts of town where the Shrieking Shack sat; it was reportedly one of the most haunted houses in Britain. Harry knew that the wailing and screaming the villagers had heard had been Remus Lupin, a werewolf who had used the shack as a place to go and safely transform on the full moon night. The house had been silent for nearly twenty years but the villagers still feared it and no one dared step closer then the beaten down fence.
Harry had actually been inside; it was where he’d first met Sirius face to face last year. There was a passage leading from the Whomping Willow, a malevolent tree in the school grounds, to the basement of the shack.
Harry had gone down the passage with Hermione, trying to save Ron who had been caught by what Harry had thought was a vicious dog. It turned out to be Sirius’ Animagus form and there had been another Animagus amongst them that night. Harry had finally learned the truth about his parent’s death. It hadn’t been Sirius who had betrayed their location to Voldemort, it had been Peter Pettigrew. Sirius had confronted the man and he’d escaped using his Animagus form of a rat, hiding out as a pet of the Weasley family till that night. Sirius had been sent to Azkaban for his apparent murder and broken out earlier in the year when he’d found out where the man had been hiding.
Sirius had forced Pettigrew to reveal himself and confess to Harry what he’d done. They had planned to take him up the castle, turn him in and free Sirius but the man had escaped and Sirius had been forced to flee.
Harry sighed and lent against the fence to the Shrieking Shack waiting for Sirius. He didn’t expect the man to just waltz toward him in broad day light. He was on the lookout for the playful shaggy black dog Padfoot that was Sirius’ Animagus form.
He heard a bark and turned to see Padfoot standing off to the left. He was standing at the beginnings of a rocky cliff, he barked again urging Harry to follow him. Harry stood and let Padfoot lead the way. He slipped and stumbled a few times on the uneven ground, the snow making it even more difficult to navigate. Padfoot paused every time Harry slipped and when he fell flat on his face the dog even let out a small apologetic whine.
“It’s okay, I’m fine,” Harry said hoisting himself back up again, with a little more difficulty than usual because of the slippery snow.
It took over a half hour to finally reach the little cave Sirius had made his home.
The dog disappeared between a small openings, between two rocks, Harry followed after him.
The cave got smaller the further in you went but it was quite a large space, big enough to fit Buckbeak the Hippogriff. Harry bowed low to her maintaining eye contact; her large yellow eyes watched him for a moment before she bowed back allowing him to approach. Hippogriffs were very proud creatures so you had to show them proper respect if you wanted to pet them. Harry stepped forward and gently stroked down her beak.
“Harry” Harry turned to find Sirius his Godfather behind him his arms open for a hug. Harry launched himself at the man nearly knocking him off his feet.
“You’re getting stronger,”
“And you’re getting thinner,” Harry said pulling away. His Godfather had been thin, he was bordering on skeletal now.
“Don’t you worry about me, the villagers love Padfoot, I get scraps out of the trash its fine,” Sirius said dismissively and Harry opened his mouth to protest but Sirius shushed him.
“Let’s sit and talk we’ve got a lot of catching up to do,”
Sirius sat down next to Buckbeak while Harry sat down opposite the two of them.
“So, you’re still getting those visions?”
“I don’t want to talk about that, I was just telling you what had happened,” Harry said and Sirius smiled
“Well what did you want to talk about?” Sirius asked.
Harry looked down and blushed not quite sure how to start. Sirius sat up straighter shuffling forward a little.
“We can talk about anything. You know that,” Sirius said encouragingly. Harry nodded but still couldn’t look up from his lap.
“Uh I wanted to talk about... girls... and boys...” Harry said quietly.
“Oh... oh! Oh... Harry,” Sirius said and frowned, “Can’t you get a book or something?”
Harry stared at him and Sirius sighed
“Didn’t your uncle-?” Harry interrupted him with a glare.
“All right, okay, I can do this,” Sirius said and took a deep breath, “When a man and a woman-”
“No! No! I know that part; Hermione told me that stuff,”
“Hermione told you?”
“She read about it,” Harry defended.
“You need to borrow her book,”
“Sirius! I want to talk about Snape,”
“Well this went from bad to worse,” Sirius muttered.
“Sirius please I don’t have any one else to talk to,”
“Fine, fine go ahead,” Sirius said
“Okay... well you know what he’s like. It’s like talking to a wall sometimes, but other times... he’s really... not sweet but I don’t know... considerate. He helped calm me down after my vision and held me while I slept so I wouldn’t get scared again. Then the next morning he’s ignoring me and pushing me away. Then the other night, Ron and I fought and Snape had me sit on his lap and distracted me from it. I was falling asleep and he carried me to bed and stayed when I asked him to, just till I fell asleep. Then again the next morning he was ignoring me again. And whenever I tried to write to you he’d distract me by kissing me or something and then completely ignore me again.”
“You had his tongue in your mouth?” Sirius asked
“Sirius please!” Harry whined and the man sighed.
“Okay... well it sounds to me Snape isn’t quite sure what he’s doing either. He’s probably just as confused as you are right now. He’s used to being his own man, the lone wolf and then there you are living in his house and just being in his space all day every day with your adorable little face, he doesn’t know how to act around you. Every time he’s doing one of those nice things he realises you’re getting to close and shuts you out,”
“How do I get him to stop?” Harry asked sadly.
“Look at him with that face, who could say no to that,” Sirius said and Harry stared at him.
“I don’t know Harry! I’ve been out of the game for a while now,”
Harry sighed and looked down at his lap.
“Just try explaining how you feel, maybe try opening up first so he can see it’s not so hard,” Sirius said and Harry looked up, his hands twisting in his lap.
“But I don’t know how I feel, I’m all confused. Snape is... he’s really interesting and I do want to get to know him... but... there’s this girl...” he said nervously.
“Oh a girl?” Sirius teased, “Well, I’m much better at helping with that,”
“She’s the Ravenclaw Quidditch Seeker” Harry said, “She’s really pretty and nice”
“But... I mean I like Snape as well. I’m not weird for liking both am I?”
“What? Boys and girls? I don’t think you’ve had enough experimenting to come to that conclusion but no Harry you’re not weird. You can like whoever you want to. In fact lots of people like both boys and girls. I prefer the finer sex but Moony has been known to explore”
“Really?” Harry asked thinking about straight and proper Remus Lupin. He didn’t seem the type.
“He says it’s the werewolf in him urging him to his baser desires but that’s a load Hippogriff dung,” Sirius said, “uh... don’t tell him I told you that.”
“No of course not,” Harry said.
“Good. Now have I helped so far?”
“Yeah... thanks I know it’s awkward and weird,”
“Part of the Godfather gig, I don’t mind in the least. I mean I’m sad your dad can’t be the one fumbling through this very odd conversation but he probably wouldn’t have to because you wouldn’t be married to Snape.”
“Would he have been as weird about it as you are?” Harry asked.
Sirius and Harry’s father James had been best friends all through school along with Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. They’d called themselves the Marauders and had spent majority of their time in school pulling pranks or causing mischief. Harry however was very proud of their greatest creation the Marauders Map, a map that showed every area of Hogwarts including all the secret passageways leading out into the grounds or even Hogsmeade village. Harry particularly liked the fact it showed where ever anyone was within in the castle. It was handy to know when you were sneaking about just who was patrolling where.
“Ah weirder. He just really didn’t like Snape, didn’t help that your mum and him were good friends. James was jealous because he couldn’t get Lily to talk to him but there she was hanging round with Snape,” Sirius replied and Harry gave a small smile.
“Your mum however, bet she’d be thrilled. She liked Snape, for some incomprehensible reason. She’d always believed the good in him, even when he started hanging around with the Death Eater kids and whatnot. She’d say how good he’d be for you, that you wouldn’t find a man who’d treat you nicer. She’d be right.”
“You think he’s the nicest I’ll ever be treated?” Harry asked with a small laugh, Sirius laughed as well and shook his head.
“You deserve nicer, of course you do. However I do truly believe that he’s the lesser of two evils and in the big scheme of things that’s really not what I’m terribly concerned with. I am concerned about your visions with You-Know-Who,”
“Yes oh, I get that Snape is a big part of your life now so that’s what you want to focus on but don’t forget about what else is out there. I’m worried that not only he’s getting stronger but so is your connection. This last vision you had made you bleed. What if it gets worse? You could bleed out or something even more horrible.”
Harry rubbed his scar idly; it hadn’t really stopped tingling since the summer when before he had to be standing right next to Voldemort now they didn’t even need to be in the same post code.
Harry sighed softly; sometimes he wished he could just be a normal teenager and have the luxury of worrying about boys and girls, not about a mad man trying to kill you with headaches.
“You don’t remember anything from this last vision?” Sirius asked.
“It was only little bits, he was planning something and he’s hit a kink in the plans. That’s all I got. Sorry,” Harry muttered
“No, no don’t be sorry. I don’t want to encourage you with this, trying to find out more might make him realise what’s happening and if he ever realises you can see into his mind...” Sirius stopped and shuddered, “No, we can’t let that happen.”
“So what should I do?”
“I don’t know. Dumbledore hasn’t said anything?”
“Well we haven’t really spoken about it.”
“The man is busy running a school I don’t want-”
“You’re not just some ordinary student! This is far more serious than a stupid homework problem!”
“I just... I mean... Snape-”
“Did he tell you not to or something?” Sirius snapped, “The bastard I’ll-”
“No! No! I just because he never told me to I didn’t think it was a big deal,”
“Harry! It’s a pretty big deal!” Sirius cried
“Stop yelling at me,”
“I can’t help it! I care about you!”
“Caring means yelling? Well the Dursley’s must love me loads then!” Harry said and Sirius let out a long deep sigh.
“I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to get mad,” he said calmly and Harry nodded.
“It’s okay I can be pretty dumb,” Harry said with a small shrug.
“No, not dumb, Harry, never dumb. You are a little careless when it comes to your own wellbeing, though,”
“I’ll talk to Dumbledore tonight I promise,”
“Good, that eases my worry a little,”
“Just a little?”
“Tiniest bit,” Sirius said with a smile, “now before you run away from me to the safety of the castle is there anything else you wanted to bring up? All good with the birds and bees? Although if Snape is the one that taught you I’ll kill him,”
“All Snape and I have done is kiss I swear it,”
“Good, and that better be how it stays,”
“What do you think I should get him for Christmas?” Harry asked
“A nose job?” Sirius said playfully and Harry rolled his eyes.
“Well you’re a grown man what would you like to get?”
“I’m a simple guy Harry, send me a turkey dinner and I’ll be the happiest man in the world,”
“I don’t think Snape likes turkey very much,”
“Just something small and meaningful will make him happy I’m sure. The fact it came from you will be what makes it special,”
“Meaningful? How?”
“To show him you’ve been paying attention when he talks. He likes Potions right? Get him some rare ingredient.”
“But if he can’t get it how am I supposed to?”
“If I’m not mistaken there’s a certain beast that has some very rare and very pricey scales lying dead in a certain chamber,”
“The Basilisk?” Harry asked
“My family was big on all things dark, you learn a lot about big rare evil creatures in a house like that. The way you’ve described that thing it could be worth millions. However as your one of the only people able to get in and out of that place what happens to it is entirely up to you,”
“You think he’d like that?”
“He’s a Slytherin. Offering him to take him down to Salazar Slytherin’s secret lair will be enough. Adding in the husked out carcass of the man’s infamous monster will be a big bonus. Then there’s the fact it’s a potential gold mine, if he wasn’t already married to you I’d reckon he’d do it right then and there in the chamber,” Sirius said
“Okay... I guess I could take him down there...” Harry said with a frown.
Snape would understand its significance, he’d appreciate it in a way no one else really ever could. The more he thought about it the more he realised how perfect it was.
“Great... good. That’s sorted now are you sure all you want is a turkey? I can get Hedwig to drop off some other things as well.”
“The turkey will be fine, maybe some other things that won’t spoil,” Sirius said
“This sucks,”
“I know... hopefully... soon we can be a real family” Sirius said sadly. Harry leant over and hugged the man tightly.
“I really hope so,” Harry said his voice muffled by the man’s shoulder.
All too soon it was time to leave and Harry pulled away from the hug trying not to show exactly how upset he was to have to leave.
“You can write to me whenever, you know that,” Sirius said and Harry nodded not trusting himself to talk at that moment.
“All right, I’ll walk you back,” Sirius said then suddenly Padfoot was yipping at him excitedly.
Harry smiled and stood up letting the shaggy dog lead him back into the village. Harry gave him a quick hug before making his way back through town.
Ginny and Hermione were still in the dress shop, Hermione had her dress but Ginny had had no luck.
“Ugh, it honestly shouldn’t be so hard to find something nice,” Ginny was complaining as they left the store. Hermione was holding her bag containing the beautiful powder blue dress.
“Don’t worry Ginny, we can come back tomorrow and have a look somewhere else,” Hermione said cheerfully, “and no Harry you don’t have to come.”
“Oh thank God,” Harry said and Ginny laughed
“Bore you did we Potter? I suppose you had a much nicer time canoodling with Snape,”
“Yes I did thank you very much. I really don’t see what was wrong with that red one,”
“The one with the ruffles and the slit that went up to my belly button?”
“Yeah that one looked all right,” Harry said.
Ginny and Hermione stared at him blankly.
“Boys” Hermione said as if that explained everything and Ginny nodded along.
“Uh fine don’t ask my opinion on anything ever,” Harry said in a mock huff.
“I won’t, you have horrible fashion sense,” Ginny said.
“I am perfectly all right with that,” he said and she laughed.
“Come on, let’s head back up to the castle, we can brainstorm so more dress ideas for you Ginny,” Hermione said.
“And we’ll look at how to style your hair,”
“Style it?” Hermione asked putting a hand up to her bushy brown locks.
“Well you’re not going to wear it like that to the dance right?”
“No... I suppose not,” Hermione said and Ginny smiled.
“Great because Rosie in my dorm has hair like yours and she swears by Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion,” Ginny said excitedly. “We can try it out tonight.”
“Oh sure, that’d be... great,” Hermione said although she shot Harry a very worried glance. She was a little out of her element here; Harry gave her a reassuring smile, Ginny would take care of her there was no need to worry.
Harry branched off from the two girls in the Entrance Hall and headed down to his rooms.
He walked in and stopped short at the sight of Snape on the couch. He was fast asleep with a book open on his stomach. Harry had never seen Snape sleeping before, the man didn’t snore or make any sort of movements relating to sleep. In fact he just looked like he was lying down with his eyes closed.
Harry carefully walked up to him and gently took the book placing it on the coffee table. He turned to sneak past into the bedroom for a quick nap before dinner when his wrist was caught.
Harry was not very proud to admit he had squealed in surprise.
“Were you faking?” Harry asked glaring at Snape who was still lying down but his eyes were open and he had hold of Harry’s wrist in a death grip.
“No but I’m a light sleeper.”
“Feather light! I didn’t make a sound!”
“You stomped your way over here so loudly I’m surprised the whole school didn’t hear,” Snape said and sat up. He still had a hold of Harry’s wrist; he smiled in amusement as Harry gently tugged trying to get his hand away. Harry gave up quite quickly.
“Did you want to talk?” Harry asked sitting down next to Snape when it was clear he wasn’t getting away.
“I did actually I wanted to – why do you smell like piss and dead rats?”
“Um... do I?” Harry asked self consciously. He leaned down to sniff his robes, they weren’t fresh but he didn’t think he smelt that bad.
“Yes. Were you hugging homeless people or something?”
“Just one homeless person,”
“Ah,” Snape said catching on immediately, “you went to see your dogfather. Do you realise every time you do you’re bringing him closer to capture?”
“We were careful,”
“Neither of you are particularly known for your subtleties.”
“Are we just going to argue? Because if so I’d like to leave,” Harry muttered.
“I wanted to talk about the Ball,”
“Why did you find another date?” Harry asked.
“No. I am simply telling you how I expect the evening to go. You will enter with me, we will dance, once, you will then go and mingle with your friends until midnight then we both shall leave and go to bed.”
“Sounds magical,” Harry said dryly, “I also had something to ask. Do you celebrate Christmas?”
“Of course I do.”
“Okay, so you got me a present?”
“Why? Did you get me one?” Snape asked with his eyebrow raised.
“Well I’m giving you something... sort of...” Harry replied evasively.
“You are?” Snape asked. He sounded surprised.
“I don’t like sweets or trinkets.”
“It’s nothing like that. In fact I’m very sure you’ve never gotten anything like it ever before,”
“What is it?”
“Well I’m not telling you now,” Harry said, “You were rude to me”
“How about if I’m nice to you? Will you tell me then?” Snape asked huskily and Harry bit his lip.
“Hmm... maybe,” Harry said playfully. Snape smirked and leaned over kissing Harry’s cheek softly.
“Will you tell me now?”
“No...” Harry said, Snape gave him another kiss this one on his jaw
“Hmmm.... no...”
Snape began to kiss and lick at Harry’s neck, Harry gasped and went to grab him, to pull the man closer up to his lips but only got so far as the grabbing part. He was pushing Snape away staring at him with wide green eyes and a slightly open mouth. Snape had a dark look in his eyes, a hungry sort of look.
Hungry for me, Harry realised.
He held Snape away from him though. This needed to be sorted out right now.
“Wait!” Harry said and Snape frowned.
“For what? New Years?”
“No... You have to... I mean... ugh... before we do anything. I... you... tell me how you feel?”
“Horny,” he said and Harry shook his head.
“No! How do you feel about me?! I mean one minute you’re all ‘Oh Potter let me ravish you’ then the next it’s all ‘bugger off’”
“I don’t say bugger off. I’ve never said that,” Snape muttered and Harry raised his eyebrows.
“We’ve been married for two months and I know it’s not real or anything but I like to think we’ve gotten closer. I can even freely admit I think we’re something close to friends. So can you please just tell me something? Anything,”
“Potter,” Snape said pulling away and Harry reluctantly let him.
“Please I kind of really sort of like you like you and I want you to kind of sort of really like me like me too,” Harry said
“This is not going well,” Harry mumbled to himself.
“Potter I am not a tap you can turn on and off for random declarations of affection. They will come when and if I am ever ready to say them,” Snape said and Harry nodded.
“But you wouldn’t kiss me if you didn’t like me right?”
“And you wouldn’t hold me after a bad dream if you didn’t like me?”
“So... you can’t say it but you do care about me right?”
“That’s a very dangerous assumption you are making Potter.”
“Well you wouldn’t do those things if you didn’t care. So you do care but you just can’t say it. That’s okay... really its fine but maybe you can show it... more... I mean... I’d like more. But please stop pulling away after. I keep thinking I’m doing something wrong but I’m clearly not if you keep coming back and doing nice-” Harry was interrupted by Snape’s lips suddenly on his. His mouth had been open as he was mid sentence so Snape took full advantage of that fact to deepen the kiss.
Harry had to push him away once more but not because he wanted to, he just needed air to breath.
“Potter,” Snape said pulling Harry close once more. They were less than an inch apart; Harry could feel the man’s breath across his lips.
“What’s my present?”
Harry let out a breathless chuckle.
“It’s a surprise,” Harry replied and then lent forward to kiss Snape. The first time he had ever initiated such a thing. It felt good though, wonderful even.
“Well...” Snape started trying to pull away but Harry held him close kissing the corner of his mouth to try and stop him talking. He didn’t want to talk now! That part of the program was over.
“I don’t normally...” Snape tried again but Harry just kept peppering his mouth with little kisses.
“Like surprises...” he continued his voice muffled by Harry’s cheeky mouth.
“But... I suppose... hmmm... this time I can... make an exception” he had finally gotten his sentence finished. Harry could tell because as soon as he did finish he gripped the back of Harry’s head with one large hand and pulled him into a breath stealing kiss.
Snape moved from Harry’s lips, Harry only let out a small moan of protest because the man didn’t go far. He stopped at Harry’s neck, biting softly, an action which had Harry immediately turning into a pile of goo. He protested weakly trying to push Snape away from that very sensitive spot but couldn’t raise his hand high enough; it got to Snapes chest and stopped, resting against the man’s heart.
“Professor...” Harry managed to gasp out, “I... wait... hmm...dinner...”
Snape stopped and pulled away from him, Harry let out a small sigh of relief as his brain began to function once more. He froze again when he saw the look Snape was giving him.
“Oh I’m not in the mood to eat in the Great Hall tonight; I have quite a delectable little appetiser sitting right in front of me”
Harry let out a gasp and then forgot everything he wanted to say as Snape was suddenly at that magical spot on his neck again.
So... yeah... I honestly wasn’t expecting to update but I just wrote and wrote and this all poured out. Harry is just so sweet I couldn’t resist, his sweetness had to be shared and then ruined by a naughty potions master.
But seriously don’t get used to these updates, classes have started up once more and I am a slave to her whims.
Thank you to all my lovely reviewers! I’m glad to get so much positive feedback it’s truly wonderful. I’m hoping with this chapter to go over 100 reviews so special choc-chip cookies for whoever that wonderful person is, until next time, Nina
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