Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Sept. 1st
Harry headed to Gryffindor Tower with Ron and Hermione, absently chatting with Neville, as he noticed that no older girls seemed to be following behind them anymore.
He assumed McGonagall had already pulled them aside and was telling them the falsified story they had crafted for the occasion. He had decided who he wanted his first to be, and hoped she’d say yes, so he wouldn’t have to go through the horror of rejection and asking a second girl.He listened half-heartedly to the conversation going on around him, occasionally pitching in with his opinion.The fifth, sixth and seventh-year girls began drifting in, most in groups of two or three, all giggling and casting playful glances Harry’s way, making him really uncomfortable.“Are you alright, Harry? You look a bit pale.” Neville said in concern.Harry groaned, rubbing his face wearily. “Actually, I feel a little tired. I think I’m going to bed early.” He said apologetically, desperate for an escape from Gryffindor tower.Hermione and Ron wished him a good night as Harry headed out the portrait hole and toward his room. He slipped his invisibility cloak on and waited a few feet down the hall from the entrance to the prefect bathroom.He could only hope the girl he was waiting for showed up tonight.*****Harry smiled as he spotted Angelina Johnson on her way to the Prefect’s bath.Finally.He waited until she was a few feet away, before he reached out and grabbed her hand, pushing the hood of the invisibility cloak away from his head.“Hey, it’s me.” He whispered, cautiously scanning the halls. “Um, I wanted to talk to you, if you don’t mind. In private.” He stammered, blushing furiously.‘Merlin, she already KNOWS why I’m talking to her, so WHY is it so bloody hard to ASK?!’ He mentally berated himself."You want to ask me to be your first, don’t you?" Angelina asked with her voice calm and hushed.Harry nodded. “Uh, yeah. My rooms are right here, and you can use my bath after, so you won’t be interrupted.” He offered.Angelina giggled. “Relax, Harry. I was already going to say yes. You’re cute, after all, and I AM single right now.”“Really?” Harry asked happily. “Thank Merlin.” He sighed, and then flushed once again. “Um, I mean, I’m glad.” He touched the wall to activate the door, letting Angelina in.Harry pulled off the invisibility cloak, revealing that he was already out of his robes and tie, only his shirt and trousers remaining.The founders were all in their frames, watching the events with interest. “Let’s go to Godric’s bedroom. I’ve already moved his portrait into his Garden.” Harry explained, punctuating his sentence with a stern glare at the lecherous man.Godric smiled and gave him a mock bow.Harry rolled his eyes.“So, have you done much before? Or are you totally inexperienced?” Angelina asked.Harry bristled, leading her to Godric Gryffindor’s room. “I’ve kissed a few times.” He groused.She laughed. “Don’t be so defensive. I was just checking. I need to know how much you’ll know on your own already and how much I can teach you.” She batted her eyelashes at him coyly. “There’s so much I can show you. We could be here for a WHILE.” She teased him.“I think I’d rather just learn the basics and leave the rest for next time, okay?” He muttered as his face reddened. This blushing thing had to be a new disease. He’d never blushed so much in so short a time in all his fourteen years!“NEXT time?” Angelina asked in mild surprise. “There’s going to be a NEXT time?” She repeated, setting her clothes on a chair.“Er, well, not with you! I mean, not that I wouldn’t want to, but I want to wait until I have a serious relationship!” Harry stammered, wishing he could keep his mouth from spouting things before he had time to give his consent to say them.Angelina was smothering a laugh. “Harry, CALM DOWN. I’m your friend, you know me. This is just some fun, nothing serious. Don’t think so much. I can lead you into it.” She reassured him, before she took his hand and walked to the bed.Harry was mildly surprised when she shoved him back. He sat on the bed as his knees gave.Angelina smirked at him and began unbuttoning her school robes.Harry gulped. This was it. He was about to have sex for the first time ever. He was nervous, excited and terrified that he’d mess it all up somehow.Angelina dropped her robes and leaned down to gently prod Harry back against the pillows as she worked the buttons of his shirt open. “Nervous?” She asked conversationally.“Yeah, a little.” Harry answered honestly. “But I’m also really excited.” He added.“I can remember how I felt my first time.” She said, pushing his opened shirt over his shoulders and completely off his body. “I was almost too nervous to go through with it. But I was SO eager to do it, all the same.”Harry gasped as her lips gently brushed over his chest, sending tiny sparks of pleasure zinging through him.Angelina chuckled softly against his skin as her tongue traced the barely defined muscles of his chest. “Feels good?” She asked as she moved her hands to her Gryffindor tie, working it off.Harry nodded as she pulled away and began unbuttoning her shirt with nimble fingers. Harry was unable to tear his eyes away from the sight.Angelina dropped her shirt over the side of the bed and smirked, raising her hands to the clasp of her bra. She opened it and pulled it off as well, dropping it by the side of the bed. “There. Now we’re even.” She told him with a saucy smirk.Harry nodded, unable to form a more intelligent response, as his gaze was riveted to her breasts. Her skin was just barely lighter where the sun had never been allowed to meet it, and her nipples were a surprisingly dark brown, almost black. Harry was struck by the urge to taste them, and he had leaned forward and taken one into his mouth almost before he knew what he was doing.As soon as his lips closed around it, Angelina gasped and moaned, cradling his head to her breast and leaning slightly back to grant him better access to her body.“There, now, this isn’t so hard, is it? All you needed was confidence.” She said breathily, before it trailed off into another long moan as Harry turned his attention to her other nipple, bringing a hand into play on the nipple he had just left. “Mm, yeah, that’s really good.” She encouraged.Harry reached down to trail his fingers over the waistband of her trousers as he licked and sucked on her, wishing he knew if it would be rude to open her trousers without asking. He hesitated.“Go ahead, take them off me. Girls will probably expect you to be the aggressor, Harry. We’re used to the guy taking charge in a relationship, and some girls will never make the first move, so you need to learn to lead in these kinds of situations.” She said helpfully, then raised her hips and helped Harry get them off of her.“Right.” Harry said. He quickly shucked his own remaining clothes as Angelina moved to lie against the pillows.Harry gulped when Angelina spread her legs for him, holding out her arms. “Let’s do this now, please? It’s been too long since I’ve had a boyfriend, and I miss sex.”Who was Harry to tell her no? He moved over her, and then flushed. “Um…”Angelina smiled and reached down to guide him in. When her hand encountered his erection, she froze, and her eyes widened as she squeezed him a few times, and then leaned up on her elbows to look at it in shock.Harry flushed. “What? I’m not deformed, am I?” He asked, looking at himself nervously.Angelina just let out a sigh and leaned back against the pillows with a huge smile on her face. “No, Harry, actually, you’re VERY well-built. This is going to be great.” She decided.Harry looked down at his cock. ‘Really? Well, how about that. Not EVERY part of me is tiny, after all.’ He thought smugly.Angelina wrapped her hand around him again, and this time, she wrapped an arm around his shoulders to draw him close. “One more thing:” She said to him softly. “Normally, you’ll have to use a contraceptive charm. I’m already taking the Contraceptus potion, so I don’t need to worry about those things, but most girls are not on the potion, so make sure you check in the future.” She warned him as he finally rested against her entrance. “There. I think you can figure out the rest yourself, hm?”Harry smiled. “I think so.” He agreed, and pushed in.Angelina moaned loudly and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Oh, Merlin, yes!” Angelina sighed, letting her eyes close as she clung to Harry.Harry gasped at the hot, wet, tight feeling of being inside someone for the first time. It was amazing, and the feeling only increased when he moved his hips slightly, feeling her inner walls flutter around his length.Harry set up a quick pace, wishing he could draw the experience out, but his body was too demanding at the moment for him to manage such control.Angelina didn’t seem to mind, if the new pitch her voice reached as she shouted was any indication. At one point, her back even came straight up off the bed as he inner walls clamped down on him, and then began pulsing round his length tightly as she screamed: “God, Harry, keep going!”Harry’s cock pulsed at hearing his name from her lips, and he bit his lip to keep from coming.His control was shattered only minutes later when her slick inner walls seemed to flutter around him again, pulsing wildly.Angelina cried out wordlessly, then melted into the bed as Harry braced his weight on his arms, staring at her as they both panted, worn out.Then, Angelina smiled brightly. “That was wonderful.” She purred.Harry flushed one last time, mostly in pride this time. “Thanks.” He said. “But… You didn’t finish.” He said. “Sorry.”Angelina laughed and shook her head. “Actually, Harry, I reached orgasm TWICE. There’s absolutely NOTHING for you to be sorry about. It really was great.” She said as she reached up and wrapped an arm around his neck to pull him down for a kiss.Harry kissed her deeply, newly thankful that he had gotten that impromptu kissing lesson from Rowena.Angelina sighed after he broke the kiss. “So, about that bath you promised me?” She asked with a grin. “I could really do with one now. I’m all sweaty and sticky. Hm, and I think I’m leaking. Merlin, you came quite a bit.” She giggled, looking down at the puddle of feminine juices and semen between her legs, wetting the sheets.Harry flushed and reached down to rifle through his clothes until he found his wand. He cast a quick cleaning charm on the bed and then stood, holding out a hand for her. “The bathroom is through here.” He said, leading her to the right door.“Thank you for choosing me, Harry. And don’t worry, I don’t kiss and tell. Even if I do take the virginity of someone famous, I believe that knowledge is for me and the other party only.”Harry shrugged. “I had a feeling you would keep my secret. And you ARE hot, so it was kind of selfishness on my part. I’m just happy you said yes. Katie Bell was looking at me like she wanted to tie me down and whip me, or something. She had an evil look in her eye that worried me.”Angelina laughed. “She probably would, at that. She’s a little kinky.”“Merlin preserve me.” Was Harry’s opinion on the subject, delivered with a small shudder that made Angelina giggle as she closed the bathroom door.
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