Dragons Heritage | By : Doragonkage Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 50371 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or the Dracken concept, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling |
Along their way along the busy street Molly and Harry passed Madam Malkins clothes shop, and while Harry didn't need new clothes,e specially since the old ones the Dursley were so generous to donate to him, fit him so well still, there was something behind the display windows that caught Harrys attention.
Set upon two mannequins was a complete set of clothes any wizard would be proud to wear. The pants and vest were sharply cut, fit to pronounce ones features better by broadening the chest and narrowing the waist, the shirt added a splash of color with its deep red color and casual style, the light grey tie could be worn casual or neat and it'd still fit, but what really stood out about the outfit were the robes. Cut down to a sharp form the top hugged close to the torso, buttoned up all the way from the waist up to the neck where the sturdy collar ended, the sleeves widening towards the end, while the bottom was left to pillow out neatly and the coat came accompanied by a hood, a nice, large hood that added a slightly sinister air to it all. While the whole robes were black in color there was a darker shade of red along the rim of the hood, the collar, the mouths of the sleeves as well as the bottom of the robe, not to mention the inner lining of it was of the same dark red, with only the inside of the hood as an exception to this as it remained a solid black through and through.
Looking at the price-tag Harry almost winced a little, it was a bit on the pricey side of hings, but well...when was the last time he had spent on himself, not to mention that he had quite a bit of coin to spend in his and his family vaults., so with a decision in mind Harry looked where Molly was, but upon turning around he was startled to find the woman standing right there with that usual smile on her face.”If you want to go and try it out, you can.” She said with a nod, but before she could even inquire about accompanying the teen, Harry beat him to it. ”Thank you Molly, i'll look up a bit more clothes while i'm at it, so i'll meet you up at the bookstore in a bit?.” While talking Harry already moved towards the store door, barely catching Mollys one hour time-limit before she'd be back to look for the other, which was all fine and dandy since Harry only wanted the outfit in display, and to get something for Molly for her endless support, and it wouldn't do for Molly to be around while at he went through about it.
Stepping into the store Harry steeled himself, just to appear less like a nervous wreck, and more like a respectable customer, which was proving to be a challenge unto itself, what with most of the patrons who saw him enter turning to whisper to their partners and friends about who knows what, not that Harry cared much, as long as they kept it to themselves, he'd be happy to let them resume on that.
Walking through the racks and shelves Harry made his way over to the counter where the elderly woman set about orders and deliveries, but upon hearing a customer approaching she set it aside and focused her attention onto them, and upon recognizing her customer Madam Malkins smile just doubled in radiance. ”Ah, welcome Mister.Potter, how can i assist you?” She inquired in a professional, although elated tone of voice, looking at her customer keenly with eyes that held the wisdom of age, not to mention talent of practice. ”Well, first of all just Harry will do...” He started, coaxing out a small laugh from the woman, a small and bubbly sound that had harry flashing a smile as well. ”And second, i'd like to get the outfit on the display window, and some extra shirts, an extra vest and pants, and something for a woman your age, for a thank you gift.” He said, pointing out to the items he'd requested and as the owner rounded the desk and directed him to the measuring area, she'd need it to size the items up.
Six shirts, three pair of pants, three ties and two of the robes sat aside behind the owners desk while Harrys witched up into his new clothes, much tot he delight of Madam Malkin who always delighted in people wearing her creations ”Well, there's only one thing missing, the present for Mrs.Weasley....Any suggestions??” Harry inquired from the elderly woman, who asked but a few questions to pinpoint what she would think were a fitting gift, and b the end of it Harry chose what Madam Malkins suggested, a bright orange Kashmir scarf, enough length and width to go with most outfits, or by itself as an accessory. ”Will that be everything Harry?.” She asked while placing what harry had bought,a nd not worn, into bags for him, making sure to set the old ones in a bag of their own. ”Well, if you could have this wrapped up for me, i'd be overjoyed.” Harry replied, giving the owner a smile as well as the scarf, watching her nod before moving off to the backroom to package it up.
While waiting for the woman to come back Harry took his bags and set them down by his feet, and as he stood up he heard a familiar chuckle from behind himself, and upon turning around he was not wrong in his assumptions to find a smirking Draco behind him, his two minions standing by him. ”Well well well, look here boys, seems Potter is getting fancied up, got a date with a daddy, hmm?” Draco almost spat out, but never once lost his grin as he stepped closer, standing tall and looking at Harry down along the bridge of his nose.
About to shoot back an insult of his own Harry snapped his jaws shut and blinked his emerald green eyes owlishly as the whole area behind the Malfoy heir seemed to darken up and before said Heir of the pureblood house could speak another word a low, rumbling voice snapped his mouth shut and tugged his attention behind himself.
Ocean blue eyes looked down along the bridge of the angular nose, a scowl set upon his face, a look that demanded utmost attention even as those eyes darted from the three teens to Harry, taking a mere second to appreciate the sight from this close. ”This young Kukac bothering you Mister.Potter??” The male growled out, straightening himself up to his full height, a good half a head taller than Draco, but more than three times his size, and while Grabbe and Goyle certainly were no sticks, neither of them could hold a candle to the build this man held as he awaited patiently. ”No...not yet, they were just about to move along anyway.”Harry spoke as he looked from the trio of trouble over to the stranger, whose name was eluding him so far, yet looking into those eyes it was painfully obvious that just standing there looking down at the snobby brat and his two goons, was the LAST thing he wanted to be doing right now, even as he was enjoying the uncertainty in their stance, especially as the bratty blond dared to pipe up. ”What did you just call me old man!?.” Draco almost hissed, yet held onto the pureblood mask of indifference with the skin of his teeth, which was proving out quite a task as the stranger laughed, dared to LAUGH at HIM of all people.
Leaning forward, a wicked smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he set himself at an eye-level with the Malfoy heir and let out a low growl. ”Kukac...is insect that revels in ground...” The stranger rumbled out, delighting in the flush of anger forming on the blonds cheeks, he looked just about good enough to bed with such an expression on. ”Nov begone little Kukac before i make you.” The stranger snarled, his tone of voice just low enough for Draco, Grabbe and Goyle to hear barely as he stood up and stepped tot he side, keeping his eyes set on the trio, watching them depart from the store.
With the issue at hand dealt with the stranger turned his undivided attention onto Harry, offering a small bow at the waste. ”megbocsát nekem Mister Potter.” The stranger said before standing up again, looking eyes with the teen again, who pulled off a quite the nice look of confusion and amusement all at once before he could shake it off, it wasn't till he got a sniff of the males scent that it came back to him, like he'd heard it all his life, the others name. ”AH!! T-thank you Mister Farkas, though you needn't have bothered with that.” Harry started as his arms slid behind his back and he held his gaze up in the depthless swirls of Bators eyes, who just flashed that predatory smirk of his, nodding his head in a sign of thanks. ”Think nothing of it, was my pleasure watching your honor.” Those words had a small blush creeping over the apples of his cheeks, and had it not been the slight cough from behind him Harry would of lost himself in fluster.
Turning around, effectively turning his back onto Bator, who growled slightly, enough to send the nearest customers inching away from him. ”Ah yes, thank you Madam Malkin, can we get a withdrawal note over tot he bank for them to transfer it all to you?” Harry inquired, although he was quite certain it was an uncommon practice, yet he couldn't help the small smile from forming onto his lips as Madam Malkins drew out a sheet of parchment and began writing down each item and its cost exactly onto it and signed it with a tap of his wand, asking harry to do the same, which he did quite happily, and as his business in the store was concluded in this store he had a new issue to deal with, the repayment of a favor performed, even though it was unasked for, but none the less appreciated.
Turning around again Harry almost felt sad to see that Bator had moved off, presumably left, but a quick scouting around earned him a sighting of the tall man standing by a shelf, looking through dress shirts so he moved over, standing nearby until the male lift a dark green shirt with a silver tie, common slythetin colors, but for some reason seeing it in the strangers hands made it look...good in a way Harry couldn't explain. ”If it's for you, then i'd definitely pick that one Mister.Farkas.” Harry mused aloud, flashing the other a smile as he turned, that infernal grin of his set on, like it was cut in stone. ”Please, you can call me Bator.” He growled out softly, but this way of growling wasn't meant to drive away others, no it struck a cord within Harry that brought to life the blush from earlier.
Taking a moment to just look at the stranger for a while, Harry took in a few breaths to calm himself, and his hormones, a little bit before trusting himself to reply. ”A-alright...but only if you call me..Harry.” Getting a nod in a reply Harry steeled his resolve as he kept looking into those mesmerizing eyes that seemed to drill holes right through him, quite an unnerving, yet oddly thrilling thing to behold. ”I....was wondering if...if i could treat you to...a coffee...or something as thank you.” Harry managed to out without much stammering, which only seemed to amuse the elder man, if the low chuckle passing his lips was of any suggestion to such. ”No, you vill treat me nothing, but, i vill accept you for company on my treat.” Bator mused aloud as he gave the shirt and tie Harry had pointed out , one last glance before heading towards the counter, motioning for Harry to follow him. ”But how is it a proper thank you if i don't pay for it??” Harry shot right back, gaining a bit of confidence out of his rising temper, if this man had his head so far up his own backside as not to accept an offer when given, then he could just run off a cliff for all Harry cared for.
Paying for his item and bagging it calmly Bator turned to harry, that grin still in place as he bowed, offering his left hand for the teen. ”Is thank you enough to get to spend time vith you without having to stalk like a creep.” Bator rumbled out as Harrys hand landed on his, a gesture where Bator wasted no time in closing his fingers delicately around the appendage, pulling it over to plant a chaste kiss on the knuckles, a certain way to melt away Harrys temper and get those cheeks flushed paler red again. ”Well...i suppose i don't want you to be a creep...so...i'll take your offer.” Harry said with a nod, letting the elder gentleman lead the way to the door, which opened as if on que to reveal Molly right behind it, ready to step in, and as she stepped aside to let the large man through without risking any awkwardness she spotted harry there, her eyes going through the figure in an appreciative manner. ”There you are Harry, hope you're all set.” She inquired as Harry walked on outside, face set on a smile as he nodded to the woman who was like a mother to him. ”I am, but i need to thank Mister Farkas for coming to my rescue against Malfoy and his gang.” Pointing out to said man who stood tall, noting the presence of the woman with a mere nod of his head, but other than that she might of been a dot of colorful air to him.
Looking over at the stranger harry pointed out Molly blinked a couple of times, only for a small frown to set on her face, if this is the way the man acted, then no thank yous were necessary in her opinion, but Harry seemed content enough to do so.”Well, alright, always good to uphold good manners, i'm so proud of you Harry.” Molly smile as she moved closer to Harry, planting a small peck on his forehead, which earned a murderous glare from Bator, luckily missed by the both of them as Molly stepped back and fixed up Harrys collar a little before looking over at the intimidating man, but there was nothing more steeled than a mothers need to protect their young, and Molly was an exception in this as she stood her tallest and looked at the elderly man with all due seriousness. ”I trust you to have the manners to see to harrys well being while he is in your company, he does not need more scandals in his life, so when you two are done, you'll take him to the Leaky cauldron where i will wait for you both, understand young man?.”
Looking at the short, chubby woman before him, jabbing that finger at him from where she stood kind of reminded him of his own parents, while neither were short or chubby, his mother certainly did the same thing as this one did with his siblings, even as some were far older than he was at the moment, so in those words, and event he tone of voice Bator found respect towards, even his Dracken side was taken aback by this puny human woman daring to question his ability to protect the unmated submissive he was trying to woo off of his feet, to a decree where even it decided to show the woman off by ensuring that nothing happened to the submissive. Bowing at the waist, his left hand crossing his abdomen while at it, but his eyes never left those of Molly Weasleys, conveying a level of commitment that one wouldn't expect from a stranger.
Standing straight Bator kept looking at the woman dead in the eyes, finding not a single ounce of being intimidated in them ”I promise he vill be returned unharmed, unscandalized.” He said in a tone of voice that left no room for maybes or backtalk, and it seemingly pleased the woman to a point where she turned to the teen behind him, who had remained silent out of worry that if he spoke-up he'd trigger events he wasn't prepared for, but as the two settled their things out Harry found himself fixed up again and another small peck planted on his forehead before the woman went off, not glancing back even once, she trusted Harry enough to know what he was doing, and he trusted int his..Bator fellow enough to see him back.
Left alone Harry shook his head and looked over to Bator, who looked like he had before, collected, self-aware and most of all, confident in his own being so Harry allowed himself a small breath and adjusted the bags in his hands. ”So, where to next??” Harry said while eyeing his surroundings, not finding many a places he could see Bator at, to be honest it was a bit of a stretch to see him even at Diagon alley to begin with. ”There is a place down that vay, the best coffee and cukrászsütemény, vi vill go there if that is alright.” Bator motioned along the way where Molly had just went, looking at Harry intently.
Brows knitting together a bit Harry titled his head and pursed his lips a bit.”What is a cukraasuutemeeny” He inquired, quite puzzled by the use of such foreign words, but as Bator offered no explanation, instead of just walking over and offering his hand out for him, chuckling along the short distance at the failed pronunciation, earning a small growl of irritation from harry who didn't enjoy being laughed at. ”You vill see soon, i promise you vill like it, perhaps enough to remove such a vile expression from your face.” Was the only kind of reply to the inquiry left hanging in the air as he held his hand out still.
Harry wasn't aware of what it was, but something had him shifting the bags from his right hand over to his left, brows still knitted together in irritation as he took the hand, using his sleeve to hide the fact of being walked along, escorted as it were, like he was something special by such a tall, dark and handsome male who held his hand as delicately as one would a flower, a surprising fact considering the size difference and the air the other put off constantly. Looking at his companion while they walked, Harry took in the time to take in the angular features, the jet-black hair, those pale red, but full lips, the well defined chin as well as the texture of the hand holding his, rough, but smooth, well used but taken care of as well, as seemed to be the case with everything about this mysterious stranger, yet there was an air about him that he'd seen him somewhere else, after the incident at the Leaky Cauldron, he just couldn't recall where exactly.
True to his word Bator took Harry to one of the more expensive cafeterias along Diagon alley, one that had everything imported from abroad and handled with silk gloves, and despite having no lunch serving they had a waiter escorting customers to their table, providing they had a reservation that is. Stepping into the cafe Harry could see many an expensive paintings, presumably expensive that is, lining the walls, porcelain cups decorated with leaf-gold and intricate designs, people in various designer clothes sitting about discussing money, politics and such, quite the cliche rich place to be honest, and where else would he have the second unpleasant encounter, if not here.
Turning his head to eye more on the clientele of the place, rather than the posh styling and styled waiters, he spotted two heads of blonde and two of dark, of course the Malfoys would be here of all places, where ELSE on Diagon alley would they feel at home? The sight had made Harry tense a little, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Bator who lift his head to eye the clientele and upon spotting a familiar little kukac sitting at a corner booth he couldn't suppress the chuckle that escaped even if he had tried. ”Vorry not Harry, they are of no significance to the situation.” Bator rumbled out, letting go of Harrys hand in favor of moving it over to his shoulder instead, giving it a firm squeeze as well as a nod of his head for assurance.
Having the male there, assuring him, squeezing his shoulder in such a way had Harry relaxing notably in a matter of seconds, that and the slight change in the others scent, from the bite of cold air and the woodlands, to a mere summer scented and more of like bathing in a tub of vanilla, soothing all in all and harry literally dropped his bags from his left hand as he relaxed away, a fact that had Bator chuckling softly again just before the waiter came over.
Dressed in a pair of dress pants, a white dress shirt and a black vest, quite plain but stylish enough the waitress had her hair done back in a ponytail, her index finger set on the list of today's reservations to go through it. ”Reservation under the name Farkas, table for two.” Came the firm reply and the waitress went through it and upon spotting the name in question she crossed it over and requested that they follow her over.
Despite his relaxed state of mind Harry didn't miss the fact that this was a reservations only-type of place, and that the reservation had been made for two to begin with, a fact he was eager to check over before he went along with this much longer. Following the waitress along to their seat, three seats down along the wall from the Malfoy table, Harry allowed himself be seated by Bator as per his request, and watched as Bator took his own seat right across from him, looking at him expectantly. ”By the way....what is this cukra....thing you mentioned earlier, didn't spot anything of the name.” harry piped up as the other kept looking, not to mention the constant presence of the waitress standing there for their order. ”Ve vill take the strawberry and Italian chocolate ones and a black coffee for me and...Vat vill you drink?” Bator handed out their order, giving harry a glance upon needing his drink information, yet again effectively ignoring the question about what he'd meant with the single one word, a fact that was seriously pissing Harry off at the moment, enough so that he just spat out his order for Honey tea, which in turn had Bator arching a brow, looking at him a bit more intently, if possible at all before his lips stretched into a grin again.
Opening his mouth-up again to speak his mind about being ignored and what not else Harry found a solid finger pressed to his lips, man could Bator move swiftly if he needed to.”Calm down, i promised you vould see, i can not explain cukrászsütemény, the word...it escapes me so patience little spitfire, you vill see.” Bator murmured softly and as he pulled his finger back, he did so in a lingering fashion, eyes never once leaving the emerald pools that Harry was blessed with.
In a matter of minutes, some which were the longest ever in Harrys life, despite the constant chat about latest events, they were brought their order, a piece of three chocolate Italian cake and a piece of fresh strawberry cake along with their coffee and tea.
Looking down at the plates set on the table Harry had a small epiphany as a grin stretched his lips anew, his eyes darting off from the plates and onto Bator who merely shrugged his shoulders.”So it's Cake that you meant...is it for generic cake or something specific?” harry said as he took a spoon to claim himself a piece of the chocolate one, devouring it in an instant, table manners be damned right then and there, something for Bator to chuckle over again.” Is just...cake? Any can be called the same in Hungary.” He said with a nod, taking a spoon for himself, and in a spur of mimicking harry, just ate his little spoonful with as much enthusiasm as he could dig out of it, something that had Harry chuckling softly at the display of the stoic, maybe even a bit of an evil-looking man enjoying a piece of strawberry cake in such a manner. ” you really should try the chocolate one, it's so good.” Harry almost purred as he swallowed down his spoonful, although he had to swallow down the lump in his throat at the look he was given.
Eyes narrowed down slightly, that grin melting down into a slight smirk, like a predator about to pounce on its prey. ”If you vill feed me a piece, i vill try.” Bator crooned softly, keeping up the intense lock of the eyes, though he felt elated as he caught sight of the teens hand moving the spoon to cut a small piece onto it and shakily bringing it up for him to lean in and swipe away, making sure to part his lips just enough to get the spoon and the piece of cake between them before closing them, tongue swiping away the tasty treat while lips cleaned the spoon as he pulled back, a small sound of delight rumbling from his throat as he savored the piece, thinking of another way he would rather be devouring this particular treat, but that'd have to wait.
From then on they exchanged pieces of cake, drank their beverages and talked, about what Bator did for a living, what did Harry plan on doing with his life, family status and everything inbetween, and out of it all what pleased Bators dracken most was Harrys desire for a large family, having missed having a family entirely growing up, so he wanted to patch that up, and what pleased Harrys Dracken to hear the most was that Bator was a confirmed unmated male, and while Harry remained oblivious the Dracken side knew well that the other was indeed just that..a dominant, a strong, able one at all, maybe not as young as one might want...but definitely at the top of his game.
With their bellies full of cake and tea, minds at ease and a casual event brought to a halt, with no disturbances from the Malfoys at all, though harry suspected that he would be hearing from the blond along the train ride to Hogwarts, but as it was he didn't mind while he walked out of the caffe and allowed Bator to lead the way over to the Leaky cauldron, stopping right behind him when the larger man stopped abruptly by the corner of the establishment.
Taking a step back and apologizing for bumping into the other harry held a small smile on his face as the other turned to face him again. ”I vould like to invite you for a casual lunch tomorrow.” Bator said as he offered his hand to the teen again, palm up and fingers only slightly bent, and as if on que Harrys free right hand went up to place his fingers over bators, who bent his just a little and planted his thumb against the back of Harrys fingers, holding them as he leaned forward and lift his hand to plant another small, chaste kiss on the back of it, giving many of the bystanders a good look and a load of gossip,.
Harry, for some reason, didn't mind the public display nearly as much as he should of, it just brought warmth to him that someone would go out of their way to hand him such a gesture out in public for no good reason, so with flushed cheeks Harry nodded as his hand was released. ”So, we meet here at noon tomorrow?”Harry inquired, smiling widely at the agreeing response given to him.
Still smiling Harry stepped past Bator, who didn't stop him, merely turned to watch him walk the distance from the corner to the door where the teen bid him farewell till tomorrow before going inside. Left to his own Bator turned on his heels and marched off, his robes pillowing out and his expression darkened considerably, he'd heard something agitating during their conversation, and while he hadn't let Harry see just how much it had angered him, he was certain that the teen would find out the results of angering him quite soon.
Authors notes: SO SORRY!!! this chapter was a pain in the butt to write D= i was blocked left and right with different ideas jumping at em like Xenomorphs out of dark vents...D= but here we are, hope you enjoy!! and merry christmas to you all
Christy8889: Glad to hear it <3 well maybe he'll get to visit the bank, maybe not, depends if my idea catches the wind of the reader audience, you people all influence this with ideas and comments <3
Staar: i hope he'll be nice on Harry, so far so good, eh? ;)
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