A World Not Fit To Live In | By : snowblind12 & Lissa Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 78552 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: These characters and the Harry Potter world belong to J K Rowling and her publishers. I make nothing from this story and I own none of it. It is based off the work of JK Rowling. |
Same disclaimer as always.
Thanks to my very talented best friend and co-writer, LissaDream. Please check out our other co-written story, Master Mine!
As always, a big thanks to all who take the time to review :)
Chapter Eight
Instead of Apparating her back to her suite, Lucius led her through the halls by her hand. Him holding her hand gently was extremely baffling. Not seeing that old look of disgust in his eyes was even more puzzling.
Hermione began to wonder if he had an ulterior motive he hoped to achieve with his kindness. Wouldn't it make sense, though, for Draco to be kind as well – so they would have a better chance of succeeding at whatever they were trying to do? Well…unless they were playing good cop, bad cop? Her face hardened at that thought and she tugged her hand out of his grasp and stopped walking forward.
"Miss Granger?" Lucius questioned. He turned to her as she stood stock still in the elaborate hall. She could hear murmurings of whispers from the portraits that lined it. She ignored them, he did not. He glanced cautiously around, making note of who was watching.
"What is it that you want from me? What is the purpose of all this?" Hermione stated bluntly, getting right to the point. She needed to know. What could she do to get out of this mess she was in? Whatever it was, she'd do it, even if it meant she was just one step closer to dying. At least it wouldn't be this day in and day out torture of her body and soul.
"I'm afraid I am not sure what you're asking me." Lucius cocked his head to the side, studying her with new eyes. Bloody hell, the girl was smart and forthright. Her eyes were bright, her expression determined. It was obvious to him now that she hadn't been well even that first night. And why would she have been well? She had spent six weeks in a cell, living off bread and water and gruel. She hadn't seen the sun, had to live in her own filth, and had been confined to a ten by ten-foot room. She had been dragged to be presented to the Dark Lord, Crucio'd twice, raped twice, and then not allowed to sleep more than an hour at a time for the next two days while she was raped a half dozen more times. No wonder her immune system had broken down so quickly.
Her fire and spirit were stunning. The fact that she had survived this war and could still hold on to her sharp tongue and wit was a testament to the type of person she was. Priapic, sadistic flea on a turd. What a fucking intellectual insult! Although, he really shouldn't have laughed. It was most likely what had stroked Draco's ire.
"Like hell you don't know what I mean!" she snapped, her hands fisting at her sides in her anger.
In a quick movement that startled her by evidence of a squeak, Lucius reached out and snatched her jaw in one of his hands. He wasn't unnecessarily brutal, but he wasn't tender or gentle, either. It was a show of dominance at its finest. "We spoke this morning about the way you address me, girl," he told her in a dangerous tone. Why did it bother him when her eyes dropped, when the color drained from her face, when she jerked out of his grasp?
"You will be respectful to me, as I have been respectful to you." Lucius ignored her snort of disbelief. She really didn't realize how controlled he had been with her. Perhaps he should make her understand? Part of him wanted to lash out at her, to make her regret not fearing him the way she should. If he had to be, he could be just as cruel as Draco. More so. He didn't want to be, though. He was tired of the violence. Seeing fear in her lovely eyes was the last thing he desired. "Do you understand, Miss Granger?!" Again, his tone was cold, a touch of cruelty evident.
"Yes," she said sharply. "I understand, Mr. Malfoy." Their eyes were locked onto each other's and Lucius found himself disappointed he had been forced to play this hand.
He chose to ignore her tone and started walking again. "To answer your question," he said after a few moments of silence in which he could hear her heels clacking softly against the floor as she followed him. "It is not for me to tell you what the Dark Lord wants. He will tell you when he's ready."
She didn't answer, and she didn't ask any more questions. After a long stretch of silence and walking, Lucius arrived at his suite and pushed the door open, beckoning her inside. Her eyes looked wild, and he realized that she didn't know this was the easiest way into the mistress's chamber. She probably thought he had brought her here to have his way with her. Damned if he didn't want to, either. The way she was done up tonight was delectable. Her hair done in long, soft curls, his fingers itched to sink into the tresses. He gave himself a mental shake.
"Your chamber is through here," he told her softly. Walking over to a blank stretch of wall, he tapped a small knot on the woodwork with the tip of his wand. An archway appeared and he stepped aside to let Hermione through. He didn't miss the relieved look on her face.
Carefully, she studied him for a moment before whispering. "You are unexpected, Mr. Malfoy." Then she quickly disappeared into the room, the enchantment closing behind her almost instantly.
"As are you, Miss Granger," he replied to the empty suite.
Hermione was happy to find Tinny waiting for her. The elf helped Hermione out of her dress and into an emerald, silk camisole nightgown that came to her mid-thigh. She studied her reflection as she brushed her teeth. After she wiped her mouth she looked at Tinny who was standing expectantly beside her, holding a vial with a potion she needed to take. Hermione knew better than to ask her question before swallowing the said potion. Tinny may be small, but Hermione had never met a more determined or fastidious elf.
Handing the empty vial back to her unexpected friend, she asked. "Tinny, my first night I slept in a sheath that could barely count as a gown, and now I find myself sleeping in silk and satin. Why the change?"
Tinny set the empty vial aside and handed Hermione her next potion. "Malfoy Manor has great magic. The rooms and the wardrobes adapt to the Master's desires. When good witch first comes, the guest suite presented Tinny with what the Manor felt the masters would chooses." She took the now empty flask from Hermione and continued. "The next night, Tinnys finds pretty gowns in night drawer." Tinny and Hermione walked out of the bathroom into the expansive suite. "When Tinnys brings good witch to mistress suite, Tinny finds clothes and jewelries Tinny would find in Madam Malfoy's wardrobes."
Hermione thought about that as she stepped on the step stool and climbed into the inviting bed. She wondered what had changed. Why did the Manor feel Lucius and Draco would want her dressed like this? Perhaps it was simply because she was in the Mistress suite?
As she sank down into the soft sheets, welcoming mattress, and plush comforter, she drifted off to sleep before she could give it much more thought. Little did she know, Tinny had handed her an extra potion, a calming draught mixed with just a pinch of dreamless sleep. As of tonight, she was finished with her potions, and Tinny would have no need to wake her for further doses.
Hermione awoke the next morning to soft light filtering into her suite. She lazily opened her eyes and looked at the clock. Five-thirty. Yawning and stretching, and having to pee, she slid out of bed and padded to the bathroom where she emptied her bladder and brushed her teeth. She stepped back into her suite and turned to her right, curious about the balcony. The door opened easily and she drew in a breath of surprise at the beauty before her. The sun was just rising over the pasture in front of her. Soft clouds of vapor and mist hovered over the green grass. Twinkles of light reflected off the pool water as birds chirped loudly from the scattered massive trees around the grounds.
The irony caused her to laugh without humor. A foreboding Mansion of torture and rape surrounded by serenity and beauty. Sort of like her battered and bruised body dressed in formal gowns.
She looked around the balcony. Beautiful cast iron chairs, a love seat, and a table were arranged so that one might enjoy breakfast or time in the sun. The cushions were damp, but would dry quickly once the sun beat down on them for a bit. It would be lovely to sit out here with a cup of tea and good book. Ha! As if you'll ever have that opportunity. Then she remembered that every day, for an hour after lunch, she could do as she pleased.
She stepped back inside, realizing she still had a few minutes until the bond would pull her to the older, mercurial Malfoy. She stepped over to the bookshelves and glanced at the titles. "Madam Bovary," "The Awakening," "Candide." As she glanced at the other titles, she realized they were all pre-twentieth century releases and were scandalous muggle fiction in their time. She was disappointed to find very little that interested her. There was nothing academic and very little that pertained to the wizarding world. She wondered when this suite was last used and why there was so much muggle literature.
She didn't wonder for long, though, as the pull to Lucius was taking hold. This time, there was no parchment. She knew the door at the foot of her bed led to his suite and that's where the compulsion led her. She found the door open and his suite dark. It took her eyes a minute to adjust, but she could just make out the shape of his large four poster on the other side of the expansive space.
As she stepped through, the door magically disappeared behind her, leaving an archway that morphed into a blank stretch of wall. She turned back towards the bed, swallowing her apprehension. Perhaps she was a fool, but she didn't think Lucius would hurt her. He didn't scare her, not like his son.
She climbed into his bed the same way as before, by stepping on the footboard and grabbing the corner post to hoist herself up. She remembered how difficult it had been last time. She remembered how sore she had been, how tender and battered she had felt. This time, it was much easier and she was much less afraid. She would do as he ordered, nothing more and nothing less. She felt no shame, only frustration and resentment.
She crawled up the bed until she was laying close to him and the pull of the bond relented its force. She lay still, this time letting her head fall gently on the pillow next to his. She closed her eyes, hoping he would simply sleep and leave her alone. He shifted next to her, but seemed to still be sleeping. She rolled onto her left side, facing away from him. After a couple minutes she began to drift off to sleep.
Her eyes shot open when she felt him move up closer behind her, and a large, warm hand slid around her waist. Lucius' fingers rubbed her flat stomach, bunching the fabric of her green, satin gown. His voice was raspy from sleep. "Why are you wearing this? Take it off."
Hermione rolled her eyes as she shimmied the gown up her body and pulled it over her head, tossing it at the foot of the bed. She lay back down, once again on her left side. He pulled her close so that she was pressed up against him. His hand once again rubbing her now bare stomach before moving up to cup her breast. "Rest, kitten. It's Saturday," he whispered. He was still as he lay behind her and after a couple minutes she could hear the soft even breathing indicating he had fallen back to sleep.
Again, this man confused her. Again, she couldn't help but think that he was entirely not what she had suspected him to be. Her jumbled, whirring thoughts prevented her from slipping back into sleep for a long time. She was startled at one point when Lucius' hand moved from her breast to wrap around her waist, pulling her closer to him before throwing a leg over her body. He was naked, as well, and she could feel his semi hard erection pressing into her bum. Here we go, she though, a thrill of trepidation danced up her spine. He settled back in, though, and his breathing returned to the evenness of sleep. He was warm, and the gentle, human contact was as comforting as it was peculiar. Eventually it lulled her back to sleep.
Lucius woke, feeling slightly off kilter, a while later. He was warm, a bit too warm, if he wasn't mistaken. There was something on his face. Starting to reach up, he realized his arm was stuck. Moving the other instead, he cracked his eyes open. A mass of riotous brown curls covered more than half his face, he brushed them away in surprise. He was even more shocked when he took in the position of the girl. At some point, they had shifted. Lucius was laying on his back, and Hermione…he swallowed hard…the Mudblood was wrapped around him. Her face was pressed again his chest, one of her arms tucked behind his shoulders while the other wrapped around his stomach. She had one leg entangled with his. Her breathing was deep, and peaceful.
Carefully, he brushed her hair out of her face. He was relieved to find that her lovely features were no longer covered in bruises. The gash on her head was mostly obscured where her face pressed into his chest, but what he could see looked pale pink. It appeared she would have a small scar. The displeasure that thought caused to course through him was as disconcerting as Hermione all snuggled up to him like she was. He shifted awkwardly and heard her breathing change slightly. He paused, not really sure he wanted to wake her. Very slowly, he slid himself out from underneath her and made his way to the bathroom. He relieved himself and washed his hands. Taking a deep breath, he fought with his own internal demons before deciding it was best to just get this over with.
He hesitated, though, upon returning to his chamber. She had shifted, but appeared to still be sleeping. She was on her back, hair sprawled all over his pillows. The sheet had pulled down, revealing her beautiful breasts. The cool air had her nipples standing erect. He swiped a hand down his face. Bloody fuck, if she wasn't undeniably appealing. One of her arms was laying palm up above to her head, the other wrapped lightly over her abdomen. One leg was hidden away under the blankets, but the other sprawled at an angle on the outside of the sheets. Lucius' body reacted hungrily, his cock springing to life. He closed his eyes. Just get it over with, he told himself for the second time in less than ten minutes. He crawled up onto the bed, slowly smoothing a palm up her slender leg, over her abdomen to a breast. It was smooth and heavy in his palm.
Instantly, every thought of quickly moving through the motions flew from his mind. A determination settled into his soul; a disquieting need to make her enjoy this, to give her pleasure, overtook him. Unthinkingly, he went with it, dipping his head to gently nibble at one taught nipple. It hardened further as he laved it with his tongue. A small noise left her, but she didn't wake. He slowly slid the blankets down her body, leaving her completely bare. Reluctantly, he turned his attention away from her breasts and moved between her legs, gently spreading them. He slipped a finger through her nether lips, parting them. She was slightly wet and the uninhibited, innocent reaction she was having to his touch while she slept made his heart race.
He trailed his fingers up her thighs, pushing them further apart and was just about to put his mouth on her when he noticed wide, luminescent eyes starting at him warily. "What are you doing?" she whispered fearfully.
"I'm going to make you feel good, Miss Granger," he answered just as softly. "Please, don't fight me. Give in to the sensation."
Knowing his words wouldn't give her a choice made him feel guilt he didn't want. He was surprised to see her give him a slight nod before she let her eyes flutter shut. Lucius didn't question it. This was much easier for both of them when she didn't resist. Leisurely, he slid a flattened tongue into her folds, loving the gasp she wasn't able to smother. He sought out her clit, flicking it gently with his tongue, pulling another licentious sound from her. He worked her clit until her hips were rolling of their own accord. He almost pulled away from her as if burned when he felt tentative fingers on his head. Lucius glanced up at her and was thrilled to see uncertain, but glazed eyes staring back at him. He returned to her clit, not missing the way her head fell back. He did miss the tears in her eyes, though. Tears that would have told him this was not wanted, that it was incredibly confusing. Desperation for the release of the delicious coil that was winding in her womb, coupled with the feeling of revulsion for the way he was making her body respond, was tearing her apart.
Lucius slipped two fingers into her, a moan rumbling from his lips to her core when he found her drenched. He curled his fingers against the bumpy expanse of her g-spot. The muscles of her inner walls exploded almost immediately, her hips arching from the bed as she let out a desperate little whimper, her breathing heavy and erratic. He didn't wait, just hooked her legs with his arms as he slid up her body and into her.
Seeing Hermione's face fully, guilt crashed down on him. Her eyes were squeezed tight, dampness on her temples, and her bottom lip was caught between her teeth, bloodless with the fierceness of her attempts not to cry out. It was infuriating, the way this little Mudblood wench made his composure crack. He nuzzled her neck, trailing hot, wet kisses down the tendons that stood out, trying to get her to relax again without giving her an order and taking away her free will.
It was all Hermione could do not to cry out when she felt him stretching her apart with his cock. Now that she was no longer tender and sore, it was just unparalleled sensation. With him being so gentle and giving, the feeling was filled with unwelcomed pleasure. She clamped down on her lip hard, stifling a moan as he grazed that spot inside of her that was magical. It had to be magical…what it did to her was…oh, gods!
His mouth was on her neck, and unconsciously, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her short nails digging into them. Whimpers left her throat without her permission. His breath was ragged and hot on her collar bone. His speed picked up and he used his hand to encourage her to wrap her legs around his waist, before sliding it between their bodies to stimulate her clit some more. She wasn’t sure why she wasn’t protesting, but she didn’t and then…oh, fuck! She was coming again. Again?! Tears leaked out her closed eyes. Why did her body betray her like this? She didn't want this, she…oh, oh, fuck. Why did it feel good when she didn't want it?
Lucius couldn't believe how calm she was, he expected her to rage at him, to ask him to stop as she had both times they had been together previously. He was prepared for it (or thought he was), but she remained quiet, with the exception of the little gasps and whimpers she wasn't able to swallow. When he brought her to climax the second time, he let himself go, quickly following suit with a low, rumbled groan in his throat, claiming her completely. He rolled off her fairly quickly, letting her roll away from him to compose herself.
An unsettling feeling of shame coursed through him as he watched her. She curled into an impossibly tiny ball, her face occluded by her curls. Kindly, he pulled a blanket over her to give her some sort of dignity.
"I have to go," she said quietly. The sound of terror in her voice confused him further. "I have to go to Draco." Suddenly, she was scrambling. She pulled herself to the edge of the bed, rounding the foot quickly and snatching up her nightgown.
"What are your directives from Draco?" A terrifying feeling of protectiveness washed over him as he observed her. She avoided his eyes. "Tell me, Miss Granger."
"When you are through with me, I am to go to his room and kneel by his bed until he wakes. I am not allowed to wake him. He will fuck one of my orifices," she spat the word. "Then I'm to bathe him." The words left her mouth without conscious thought even as her cheeks heated with embarrassment, but her heart was starting to race with discomfort.
"You can relax, Miss Granger," he said. Lucius' voice was clipped, trying to hide the frustration he had with his son. "I am not through with you. On Saturday mornings, we eat breakfast in our rooms. Draco usually doesn't have breakfast until closer to ten-thirty. It is only a quarter to eight. You will go shower, and then you will eat with me. Casual attire is perfectly acceptable for this morning." He paused, watching the relief that sagged her body. Well, at least he knew she preferred his company to his son's…not that that was saying much.
Hermione almost burst into tears when the pull of the bond suddenly disappeared. Apparently, Lucius could override Draco's orders. The reprieve he was granting her was precious. Granted, it was only prolonging the inevitable, but … at least he was saving her from two plus hours of kneeling on the floor.
"I will see you back here in forty minutes, Miss Granger," he told her softly. When Hermione looked at him she swore she saw a flash of sympathy cross his face before it became an unreadable mask.
"Thank you, sir," she whispered, and started to move towards the blank expanse of wall where the door to the mistress suite was hidden. When nothing happened, she looked back to him. He was watching her expectantly. "Um…Mr. Malfoy…how do I get back…?"
"The password is Domina Gloria," he said, a small smirk passed over his features. "Not that I expect you to be honored by this, Miss Granger, but you are the first woman to use that room in over a hundred years."
Her face darkened, and Lucius almost smiled with glee. Damn, he loved seeing her riled up. "How wonderful," she said with no little hint of snark before muttering the password and disappearing through the archway.
Hermione's head was still spinning with the conundrum that was Lucius Malfoy. Their breakfast had been almost…nice. He had shared his paper with her. They had simply eaten together in comfortable silence. Reading, like any normal couple might do on a Saturday morning. Only they were anything but, a normal couple. The sex had been…frustrating. Frustrating and…wonderful. She didn't want it, but knew it would do no good to ask him to stop. So, her plan had been to simply lay there and take it. Until, and it pained her to admit this, until she felt the desire to put her arms around him. Until she could no longer deny that what he was doing felt incredible. She had let herself imagine this was something she wanted, something she had some control over, something she desired. It was an illusion, but it helped.
It was rape, but it wasn't brutal or painful or… stop it, Hermione. It was rape! And now you have to go to his son, the devil himself, and who's to say Lucius isn't the devil in sheep's clothing? The truth is, you know nothing, Hermione!
No longer able to resist the pull, she placed her hand on the glowing parchment in her suite. She knew this was going to be…difficult? Degrading? Painful? All of the above? You and your big mouth. You need to learn to hold your tongue! What the hell were you thinking insulting him like that?
When she landed in his suite, she slowly turned to face the large space. The bed was made and he was nowhere to be seen. She slowly stepped forward, wondering where he was and internally prayed he had gone out, perhaps forgetting about her.
"Ahh, the Mudblood has decided to grace me with her presence." Hermione nearly jumped in surprise as he stepped out of his closet, to her right. His face was stone, expressionless. His voice devoid of emotion. He seemed so much taller all of a sudden. She swallowed as she looked up at his towering form. "It's only..." He looked toward the clock. "…ten-thirty." He stepped back, looking her up and down. "Father kept you occupied for four and a half hours?"
Hermione didn't know how to answer. She opted for cautiously. "Yes, he kept me under his control until we finished breakfast, which was just now."
A flash of irritation broke through his stone façade. "You already ate? He fed you?"
She shifted her feet nervously. "Uh, yeah. We ate in his suite."
"Well, I have not eaten and had insisted the kitchen elves prepare a special breakfast, just for you." The right side of his mouth curled up in a crooked grin. "No matter, another time."
"I see you are dressed for the day." He cocked an eyebrow as he scanned down the teal gown that hugged her chest and waist in silk, flaring out at the hips as it draped to the floor. It was sleeveless and a light shawl of matching silk and lace draped over her shoulders and arms.
His eyes went back to hers. "You really shouldn't have bothered. Take it off, now."
He stepped away, slipping off his outer robes. Thankfully, this dress buttoned up the side. As she unbuttoned it, he stepped back into his closet, hanging up his robes. The dress and shawl were sliding to the floor as he reappeared and slowly approached her.
"You are not permitted to wear panties. Take them off and don't let me find you wearing them again."
She internally rolled her eyes as she slid them down her legs, leaving her naked. The minute she stood back up, she saw stars as he slapped her so hard she fell to the floor. Her hand shot to her left cheek and tears stung her eyes from the pain. He leaned over her. "If you ever insult me at the dinner table again, or in front of another person, I will beat you black and blue. Do you understand, Mudblood?"
She nodded as she continued cradling her cheek trying to stifle the tears still threatening to spill.
"Not good enough, Mudblood." He grabbed her hair and yanked her up until she was standing on her tip toes, his eyes dark with disgust and hatred. "Say it, you filthy whore."
The words came out broken and choked, "I, I un..understand."
He held her in the same position, her scalp burning with pain. "See that you do, Mudblood." After another few seconds, he released her.
Hermione's hands moved to her head and began to rub her tender scalp. He turned and walked towards his desk where he picked up a magazine.
"I've been reading about punishments. Punishments some women get off on." He was leaning against his desk with his ankles crossed as he flipped through the pages. "I feel like practicing."
His eyes moved from the magazine to the bed. "Go to the bed. Keep your feet on the floor and lay your stomach, left cheek flat on the mattress."
Hermione's body responded to his command, and her legs headed to the bed without her giving it a conscious thought. While her body was quick to respond and was in the present, her brain was reeling with anger at him and at herself for provoking him last night. Her cheek and scalp were still burning and now she was going to have Lord knows what prevailed upon her.
As soon as she was in position, he stalked up behind her and began to rub her bottom. He continued in a conversational tone, as though they were friends. "So, apparently, I'm supposed to spank you lightly a few times to warm up your skin."
She closed her eyes and let out a slow breath, mentally preparing herself for the first hit. She felt a slap come on her left butt cheek and then her right. Four more slaps came down in different spots, each harder than the one before. It was starting to sting when he stepped back.
"Well, I'll admit your ass is nice and pink but, my hand hurts. That won't do." Once again, his tone was conversational. She didn't respond. She heard him pick up a magazine and begin flipping pages. She remained still, dreading what might come next.
"Oh yeah, need to see if you're..." He said the words softly to himself as his hand reached between her legs and rubbed her. He sighed. "Nope, not wet."
"Maybe a different magazine." She heard him toss one down and pick another up. He began to read aloud. "Number one, talk to your partner. Communication is key. Tell her what you desire and ask her what she desires." He paused. "That's not so hard." He leaned forward and peeked at her. "Mudblood, I desire to spank you and you desire to be spanked." He straightened back up. "Ok, that step is done."
"Number two. Set some rules and discuss your limits." He was quiet for a minute. "Limits. Uh, Mudblood, what are your limits? None? Perfect!" He chuckled, "I don't have any either. See how compatible we are?" Hermione knew better than to speak.
"Number three. Choose a safeword that will put an immediate stop to the situation." He let out bark of a laugh. "Well, that's just silly. If I want to stop, I'll stop." Hermione heard him toss the magazine aside. "Ok, I think I'm ready."
She heard him let out a frustrated, pained hiss. "Fuck. I'm being summoned." He stepped back. "Stand up, quickly!" His voice was urgent, slightly panicked, the teasing cockiness of only a moment ago was long gone. "Look at me," he demanded. Hermione was confused as she slid off the bed and turned to him. He studied her face and then waved his wand over her left cheek as he whispered an incantation. After a satisfied nod, he added, "you are not allowed to tell anyone I hit you. You are not allowed to tell anyone your face is sore or that you are in pain. Go back to your suite, Mudblood, I'll come for you later."
Two hours later, Hermione was smiling at Tinny as the small elf smiled back. "Dobby was always helping Tinnys like that." The elf continued brushing Hermione's long hair.
"Oh, Tinny. Thank you for being my friend. You are the one bright spot to my otherwise miserable time here in this God-forsaken Manor."
Tinny beamed at her in the mirror. "Good witch deserves to be happy and Tinny is honored to have good witch call Tinny her friend."
Tinny and Hermione both froze as the figure appeared in the mirror behind them.
"Tinny, what did you call her? What did you call the Mudblood?" Draco's voice wasn't loud and it wasn't threatening. Which made it even more terrifying. He was leaning casually against the doorframe, his arms crossed. His body language wasn't threatening, but his eyes betrayed him. There was no mistaking the calculated hatred.
Tinny's tiny form trembled as she looked up at the foreboding and towering presence of the younger Malfoy. Her voice was shaky. "Tinny called the young Miss good witch."
Draco pursed his lips as if in casual thought. Quietly, almost a whisper, he said, "Hmm, good witch."
Slowly, he pushed himself away from the door frame and stepped closer. Hermione kept her face expressionless as fear and trepidation caused her heart to race. His eyes met hers in the mirror as Tinny jumped off the step stool behind Hermione's chair.
Draco waved his wand, magicking the step stool away. He moved closer behind Hermione, holding his hand out to the terrified elf. Tinny handed the brush to him.
Draco cocked his head to the side as he studied Hermione in the mirror, as though he were contemplating her. He gently stroked the brush down her hair. "Good witch, you say?" Neither elf nor Hermione said anything as Draco continued to gently brush Hermione's hair in meticulous strokes.
His voice was slow and condescending. He spoke as though he were teaching a basic principle to a small child. "Tinny, what you need to understand, is that this thing in front of me is hardly a witch. She's a Mudblood." His strokes began to be rougher and Hermione's head was slightly jerked backwards with each swipe of the brush, she forced herself not to looked down at the elf. "Say it with me." He raised his eyebrows and smiled evilly at the small creature. "Muuuuddddbloooood." He drew the word out slowly. "Say it, Tinny."
Tinny swallowed and said in a soft voice, "Mudblood."
"Very good," Draco said as his eyes went back to Hermione's in the mirror. "In this case, this particular Mudblood, isn't just a Mudblood. She's a Mudblood whore." He looked back at the elf and smiled maliciously. "Say it, Tinny."
Tinny looked from Draco to Hermione and back at Draco before whispering, her voice trembling with terror. "Mudblood whore."
Draco watched Hermione in the mirror for a minute, an evil expression still on his face. Hermione had stopped listening to him and was trying to think about anything other than the words coming out of his mouth. She hated how cruel this bastard was being to her only friend in the world. At least, the only friend she had contact with. It wouldn't do to think on it, though, it would only make the situation worse.
She stared at Draco so hard he was blurry in the mirror as she recited her favorite Shakespeare comedy in her head..
Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour
Draws on apace; four happy days bring in
Another moon: but, O, methinks, how slow
This old moon wanes!
"Muuuuddddbloooood." He drew the word out slowly. "Say it, Tinny."
Don't listen! Hermione drew a breath as she imagined the scene before her; Theseus holding Hippolyta in his arms as he continued speaking.
She lingers my desires,
Like to a step-dame or a dowager
Long withering out a young man revenue.
"She's a Mudblood whore. Say it, Tinny." Ignore him, Hermione. Hippolyta, think of Hippolyta. She let out a breath as she maintained her stoic face while her brain recited the next phrase.
Four days will quickly steep themselves in night;
Four nights will quickly dream away the time;
And then the moon, like to a silver bow
New-bent in heaven, shall behold the night
Of our solemnities.
Ignoring the trembling voice of her little friend, ignoring the hand that was now fisting itself into the back of her head, pulling her hair, causing her already tender scalp to scream, she continued with her distraction. Theseus…Theseus then says,
Go, Philostrate,
Stir up the Athenian youth to merriments;
Awake the pert and nimble spirit of mirth;
"Say it again, Tinny. Mudblood whore." Don't Listen!
Turn melancholy forth to funerals;
The pale companion is not for our pomp
Draco yanked her head back painfully, one hand rubbing down the front of her gown, under the neckline, over her breast. Roughly, he twisted her tender flesh. "Mudblood whore is what this filth is, Tinny. She's not a good witch."
Hippolyta, I woo'd thee with my sword,
And won thy love, doing thee injuries;
But I will wed thee in another key,
With pomp, with triumph and with reveling.
"You are forbidden to call her good witch. If you call her that again you will be punished severely." Her heart began to pound in her chest, anger beginning to boil. Hermione stop, concentrate! Yes, she would think of Egeus. Think of his entrance,
Happy be Theseus, our renowned duke!
"You are forbidden to speak to her, at all. Forbidden to do more than bathe, feed and dress her." No! Shit, stay calm...stay calm. Still trying to mentally evict his presence, she ignored his other hand as it grabbed the beautiful teal fabric of her dress, ripping it open to reveal her breasts. Her body responded automatically and without thought when he commanded, "Stand up, Mudblood. Turn around and kneel before me…before your superior, your better, your master." Just do it, don't think! Her body did that on its own already, though. Her body always did what it was commanded to do by the Malfoy men. It did it without a conscious thought.
On her knees before him, she was finding it harder and harder to concentrate on anything. "Now, Mudblood whore, undo my belt, take out my cock and suck it like you love it. Moan like the pathetic little slut you are."
Don't think about it! Think about Theseus…yes, Theseus. But, her brain was too far gone to recite the play any further. She couldn't remember the next line, despite being able to recite the entire play without a thought, normally.
Hermione's eyes welled with tears of anger as her mouth complied and her throat let out raspy moans. Draco's hand fisted into her hair once again, holding her still as he forcefully and viciously thrust himself into her mouth, causing her to gag. "If your teeth touch me, I'll punish Tinny. If you in any way resist my cock, Tinny pays the price."
Hermione felt fury building within herself unlike any she had ever felt. How dare he threaten an innocent like Tinny! She used her mouth and her tongue as best she could as he rammed in and out of her. Her jaw was beginning to hurt from the tension of keeping her teeth off him. Relief and dread struck her at once as his disgusting hot liquid spurted into her mouth, him grunting over her.
After a minute, he pulled back from her. "Take off that dress and climb on your bed. On all fours, like the hound you are."
She found her body complying even as she saw Tinny watching with terror out of the corner of her eye. "Leave, Tinny." Hermione whispered frantically at the elf.
"No, Tinny. You stay. You watch. This is what happens to this Mudblood whore if you ever speak to her again. This is just a taste of what will come."
Tears of fury slid down Hermione's flaming cheeks. Her body felt like it was on fire with rage. Her clothes off, she climbed onto the bed and assumed the commanded position. She could hear him sliding his belt through his belt loops.
He approached the bed and Hermione could feel his eyes on her. He stepped closer, reaching his hand out to rub her bottom.
It was practically psychotic the way he changed his tone, once again. Just like in his suite earlier, he spoke to her as though she were a companion whom he was discussing the weather, as though he had not just brutalized her and raped her mouth. "So, back to where we were earlier before the Dark Lord desired my company." Hermione scoffed internally. She doubted the Dark Lord desired anyone's company.
Her focus was back on Draco as he continued, conversationally, "I really don't think I'll use my hand to warm you up. I don't see the point of that at all. It made my hand hurt this morning. This is your punishment, not mine." She could sense him step back from her and heard the jingle of his belt buckle as it shifted in his hand.
Hermione's breathing was rapid, as she braced and tensed for what was sure to be excruciating pain in any second. She heard a swishing sound and then a loud slap followed by a sting and a burn across both her butt cheeks. Fuck, that hurt!
Her breath came out in pants and her forehead crinkled as another crack of the belt came down on her lower back. She let out a yelp in pain. It felt like he had whipped her with fire.
"Oops, missed my target." He peaked around to her face. "Sorry," he said without a touch of sincerity in his voice. She heard him let out a breath. "Wow, this is fun." Suddenly her thighs were blazing as the belt came down at the junction just below were her buttocks met her legs. She couldn't help but sob uncontrollably as the belt began rapidly raining down on her tender flesh, strike after strike…on her bottom, her legs, her back. It hurt like nothing she had ever experienced, outside of the Cruciatus curse. She was trembling and sobbing. No longer able to hold herself up, she collapsed onto her stomach. Her heart started racing with the panic from disobeying his order and she felt her body fight to resume her demanded position.
"Tinny, get over here." He spoke to Tinny, once again as though she were a small child. "Look at the Mudblood. This is what will happen to her every time to you speak to her. Every time you are nice to her. Just to be sure you understand, bend over."
"Draco, no!" The words were out of Hermione's mouth before she even knew she had something to say. "Punish me, it's all my fault! Tinny has done nothing wrong!"
"Tsk, tsk. Oh, but she did, Mudblood whore. She has disgraced the Malfoy Estate by befriending you. She has shamed her ancestors who faithfully served this house for hundreds of years by calling you a good witch. By thinking of you as her friend! You are not worthy of friendship, Mudblood. Not even by a lowly house elf."
She heard him move around, but couldn't see him. "Bend over, Tinny. Right here. You need to know what the Mudblood whore will experience."
Hermione screamed "STOP!" as she heard the crack of the belt on the tiny elf and the cry from Tinny's sweet mouth.
Fury overcame her, unlike anything she had ever experienced. Her body shot up, overcoming the bond, and turned toward Draco. Before he had a chance to comprehend, she rolled into a tall kneel on the bed and stared down at him. She focused on the wand in his pocket as he started to reach for it and wished with all her might it would come to her. "Expelliarmus!" she yelled. The wand flew into her grasp instantly and magic flooded through her body as it tingled in her hand. Her magic sparked from her, and Draco's eyes grew wide as he could practically see the magic swirling around her.
Tinny dashed behind the sofa as Hermione pointed the wand at Draco. He seemed to regain his senses and was opening his mouth. "Silencio!" she screamed. "Don't you fucking touch her again, you sadistic asshole!"
Draco turned to run, but Hermione was quick as she flicked the wand and whispered, "Locomotor Mortis." The leg binding spell caused him to fall forward with a loud crash. She jumped off the bed, watching him try to crawl away like the worm he was. Before she knew what she was saying, the forbidden curse started to spill from her lips. "Cruci.." Somehow, despite her rage, despite her desire to flay the skin from his disgusting body, she stopped herself short of whispering the unforgivable. Her voice trembling with continued fury, she whispered in a barely controlled voice. "You are a vile, vicious, cruel and pathetic specimen of a human being. If being a pure blood gives someone the right to be what you've become, then I'm proud to be a mudblood."
She heard movement behind her and turned to see Tinny peek out from behind the sofa. Forgetting about Draco, she dashed back to the trembling elf. "Tinny, are you alright?" Tinny nodded with wide tear ridden eyes and didn't speak, reminding Hermione of Draco's awful command that she could never speak to Hermione again.
Hermione turned back to the sadistic bastard, and upon seeing him crawling rapidly towards the door, almost escaping, fury overcame her, once again. Before giving it a conscious thought, she waved the wand in her hand and yelled "impedimenta!" The spell shot forward with incredible force, hitting Draco from behind, lifting him from the ground and throwing him into the table where the glowing parchment had been earlier. He crumbled to the floor not moving. Hermione's breathing was rapid and her pulse was racing as she cautiously stepped forward. All her fury left as the pool of blood began to form around the blond's head.
When the rage was gone, fear began to take its place. A feeling of dread overwhelmed her as her heart began to pound, the bond taking hold once again. The compulsion to climb on the bed and resume the commanded position on all fours was more than she could bear. Tinny slowly crept out from behind the sofa, her eyes looking from the unconscious blond on the floor back up to Hermione. The tears fell as she watched Hermione resume her earlier position.
After a moment, Hermione realized she had no choice. "Tinny. Tinny, get Lucius."
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