Weapon | By : uqui Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Voldemort Views: 105520 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 26 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Thank you to SuryaPrakash for the betaing. If there are mistakes, they are my fault.
She-who-waits-in-darkness – thank you for the review. I hope you continue to enjoy
LadyFreak – thank you for the review. Ginny is supposed to be disturbing though in that way that teenage girls can obsess… though she really should have picked a less dangerous target to obsess about.
Unneeded – thank you for the review. I can’t remember if I emailed you a reply or not since life had been really busy. But no Snape does not get to be zombie now. People would be even more disturbed than they are! Thanks again and I hope you like this chapter.
Black_Angel – Thank you for the review and the flattery :D this is my fic though so I write it the way I want it. I do give consideration to comments though. I always give consideration to comments but sometimes some of those comments are just not acted upon because the reviewer doesn’t have the whole story. BUT in those cases it tells me what I need to work on revealing when the time comes. Cheers again and I hope you like this chapter
Thank you to everyone who rated. I'm very happy that people are enjoying the fic, and I fervently hope that they continue to enjoy the fic.
Weapon LXXX Blue Moon
Remus, like the other three Pack Leaders, leaned against trees as they waited for the moon to rise. All of them could feel their inner wolves shifting in anticipation, testing the bounds of their human bodies but unable to break free. A blue moon may mean nothing to most, but to werewolves it was a time of power.
Fenrir was across from him stripped down to a loin cloth, though Lupin could feel that the man would like even less in the way of clothing. He'd been pacing back and forth measuring distances with his still-human mind.
"Don't even think about it," Remus warned, catching Greyback's intent as the man looked deliberately at the ground between him and Blackpelt. Remus let his wand slip forward.
"Bah!" Fenrir snarled even as Blackpelt became aware and growled his own warning. The four who remained in the fight for the position of Pack Leader of the Isles had all been werewolves from a young age, though Longtooth was Muggleborn. Blackpelt, Fenrir, and Remus all had Wizarding blood but only Remus had the training and he was not afraid to use that fact.
The four of them had chosen a clearing deep in the woods and were now waiting for the moon to rise, and while none of the others were quite as scantily clad as Fenrir, they were all in simple enough robes that could be shed when the transformation took hold of them.
"I'm going to enjoy watching you bow to me tomorrow," Fenrir growled to Remus. "Then your pretty little wizarding tricks won't mean a thing."
Remus snorted. "Funnily enough, Old Man, I was just thinking that it was time you stepped aside."
"Over my dead body."
"I can arrange that," Remus returned the last with a toothy grin. This close to a full moon, he had learned not to attempt to restrain the wolf and the aggressive instincts it had. If he did, it hurt more and for this particular moon, aggression was called for. Even if he couldn't control the wolf, Remus was feeling confident. To go into this battle with anything less than a full belief in his abilities would have been stupid. He knew the others had been offered the same charm and he was fairly sure that Longtooth had taken it but he didn't think that would affect the outcome.
Simultaneously, the four werewolves stiffened and turned their faces towards the moon. A sliver was visible over the mountains, not enough light to change them but enough to get their attention.
"Finally," Fenrir growled, his voice showing his immense satisfaction. "I'll be disappointed if you pups don't fight to the death."
"There will be at least one death," Blackpelt snapped.
"I'm aiming for two," Fenrir rumbled happily.
"Oh, I'm honoured," Remus laughed.
"Only because I want to see you bow more than I want to see your corpse," Greyback barked, his voice degraded as the moon rose higher.
For a time the only noise in the clearing was the popping of bones and the snarling and snapping that accompanied a human's change into their werewolf form. And then four Alpha wolves regarded each other for a moment. It was only an instant of time and before the battle tonight there was no preamble. Four sets of claws dug into the earth, gaining purchase to jump in attack. Fenrir claws raked at Longtooth while Remus snapped towards Blackpelt. Momentum carried them all passed the others and the instant they landed, all four wolves leapt back into attack.
This time Remus tried to bite Fenrir, knowing that if he could wound the older werewolf, he might have a chance of getting Longtooth onside if his human mind still dominated his wolf. He would no doubt recognise that Fenrir was the biggest threat. Remus had been surprised tonight, as he had been the last two moons. The charm was meant to reinforce his human mind, it was not meant to do anything about the pain he felt with his transformation, but he would swear that with each moon the pain had in fact lessened. It still hurt like hell as his body forcibly restructured itself, but it seemed to him that it was a bit smoother and recovery was easier. He would have to check later.
In werewolf form there could not be discussion and it was pure chance based on the way they landed but they did not try to fight as four again. Remus found himself snarling at Blackpelt and he didn't even think as he allowed his werewolf instincts to control his actions. As per his name, Blackpelt had one of the most magnificent jet black coats that Remus had ever seen. It was long with a few white stripes through it. You wouldn't call them a tiger because they traced their way over his back almost like the edges of a blanket. The werewolves were about the same size as wolves and neither backed down at the other's displays of dominance.
Remus didn't have much chance to think about anything before his wolf and Blackpelt attacked each other. They didn't jump but instead ran at each other, ducking and weaving as each attempted to grab hold. Remus felt his teeth pierce flesh even as he felt Blackpelt's teeth dig into his own muscle but neither managed to gain a decent purchase, so they continued to dance around the other. Lupin at least kept one eye on Longtooth and Greyback and their very vicious battle.
As they closed again, Remus saw an opening and he twisted in what any wolf would have thought was a submissive move but it allowed him to come at Blackpelt from an odd angle, ducking under and coming up under Blackpelt's muzzle so that he could not defend. He jumped back, having realised what was happening, it was too late. Remus was driving him upward, back on to both their hind legs before he allowed momentum to continue to carry him forward, driving Blackpelt over backwards. Lupin came down on top of the other werewolf, his jaws fastened over Blackpelt's throat. He didn't grip tightly, but enough to draw blood. Blackpelt's forelegs scrambled for a moment trying to drive Remus off, but it was no use and after a moment the wolf in him relaxed, curling his front legs up and tucking in his hind legs as he lay on his back in complete submission.
Remus scrambled around slightly, placing one of his hind legs on Blackpelt's now exposed abdomen before he released his jaws, licking once at the shallow wound he had made and then he let the other werewolf up. Blackpelt had lost; he would now obey him. Blackpelt turned and disappeared into the trees, a sign of his defeat. That left Greyback and Longtooth. Knowing what he did of Fenrir, both man and wolf did not hold out much hope of Longtooth defeating Greyback. The Muggle werewolf was as strong as any other of their kind, but Fenrir was truly vicious and that would make the difference.
It was no surprise therefore when Remus turned to the battle between Fenrir and Longtooth and found that Longtooth was limping badly, bleeding from several nasty looking gashes. He was engaged now more in defence and Remus could see that the human within the wolf was controlling that part. If the wolf had of been in control of Longtooth then with wounds and the rampant aggression from Greyback, he would have gone to ground, exposing throat and belly in submission... And Greyback would have then proceeded to rip both out and no doubt Longtooth's human side knew that which was why he was continuing to attempt to fight, even with his wounds.
It had been a long time since Remus had seen or even dreamed of Greyback. He really was a magnificent specimen of wolf. His coat was grey, dappled in places and tending towards what was a beautiful silver along his back, giving him his name. His age showed in the silver that was gathering about his blood-splattered muzzle, but age had not slowed his reaction time. After taking in the situation, Remus didn't hesitate, jumping into the air with the intention of coming down on Greyback's back. Longtooth saw the movement and tried to help, stilling for a moment so that Greyback was also relatively stationary.
Remus landed, his claws scrambling against Fenrir's pelt in an effort to gain traction. His jaw was biting and ripping but Greyback was experienced and after half a heartbeat of shock he jumped, arching his back and twisting to drive Remus from him. The two werewolves snarled and barked at each other. There might have been the slightest twinge of recognition between the wolves, father to son, but neither wolf felt the slightest crumb of affection for the other. Black burning hatred was what defined their relationship and would define the battle now. Longtooth disappeared, retreating into the trees, realising he was defeated.
Lupin had been expecting the counter and had jumped as well as he could, driving his paws into Greyback's back with his claws digging as much as he could. He landed lightly under the trees again, and sunk his hind claws into the rich loam. It felt good under his paws. He and Greyback circled each other, ears laid back, teeth bared and lips drawn back threateningly. If there was any sign that Greyback didn't really want to kill him, Remus couldn't see it. All human desires and restraints were locked away by the wolf. Physically, Greyback was a little taller and quite a bit more built;, not enough that Remus' wolf felt inferior, but perhaps it offered an alternative fighting method. Greyback excelled in close fighting and while Remus was adept, a more open fight would suit him. He was not the lightest built of wolves, but he could jump with the best of them. With that in mind, he sprang toward his foe.
Fenrir's experience showed. He braced himself, digging all four of his paws into the ground as he snarled, his head tracking Remus. Lupin missed on his first jump, and quickly scrambled away. He needed to come down squarely on Fenrir's back or else the larger wolf would shake him off. Greyback was quick to react and spun, attempting to close the distance but Lupin was wary and had already leapt way.
They circled each other again, snarling. Attack plans formed in Remus's mind but he discarded them all. For all his other faults, Fenrir was not a weak werewolf and his instincts were strong. Remus was reasonably sure he could outfight him but that would take time and he'd most likely be injured. The pain didn't concern him but they were at war; he could not afford to be injured at a time when the Werewolves were just beginning to fight.
Greyback took the initiative this time, leaping with teeth bared towards Remus who was forced to respond in kind, jumping towards the other werewolf. They meet in a tangle of failing limbs and snapping jaws and Lupin felt one of his hind paws catch itself in Fenrir's abdomen. Instinct pushed his claws forward and dragged his leg down, tracing as deep a wound as he could through the other werewolf's gut and down one hind leg, even as Greyback twisted away. They separated when they landed and canine eyes flicked over the wound. It bled, but it was not deep and Remus felt a cold pull of shock through him when it began healing. As he watched, the blood flow stopped and the sides of the wound began reaching towards each other to seal it. The wizard werewolf had seen wounds healed by magic before but this was not natural. This was beyond a werewolf's normal healing.
Why hadn't anyone noticed?
Remus snarled, his growl echoing with hatred as his answer came to him. Fenrir had always been in the thick of battle, moving, twisting, biting and clawing. He'd come away scratched, but never with devastating wounds and in the churning movement of battle, no one would have noticed the extra healing. They would have thought him lucky, but it was obvious that someone had augmented his already accelerated werewolf healing ability. The human side of Lupin's mind accepted the information and began planning while the werewolf within him howled its hatred. It didn't care, it just wanted to make the other werewolf hurt.
The rule of thumb when fighting those with accelerated healing was to kill them quickly. Usually they could not heal fatal wounds fast enough and from observation it seemed as if Fenrir was no exception. The other rule was to go for tendons and ligaments. Flesh wounds were well and good for using energy, but snap a tendon and no matter how fast their healing, they were down for a little while. It took time to reform and stretch them into position. Not to mention the pain it caused. Accelerated healing did not mean that one did not suffer pain. That made his plan of attack simple: hamstring and go for the throat. But since that was pretty much what Greyback was attempting to do to him, how did he distract the other werewolf long enough to strike?
Lupin considered the ground. The easiest distraction would be to claw dirt into Fenrir's eyes, but the clearing they had chosen to fight in was well grassed and the soil was moist. It could be scratched into the air, but it would clump and would not be sufficiently fine to be a distraction. Their clothing was scattered around the edge of the clearing and while one of their loose robes would be suitable, Remus didn't think he could fling it properly without tangling himself in it and the angles would be all wrong if he ran towards them. He'd have to raise it up over him or turn around somehow... He'd definitely tangle himself before he snared Greyback.
Fenrir leapt at him, jaws wide to show off an impressive array of teeth and claws to the forefront. Remus jumped over the larger werewolf, still considering his options. He couldn't use their robes but his wand was in one set... He was a magical being and he knew a few spells well enough to cast them voicelessly... was it even possible? His opponent turned with impressive speed, driving one rear paw into the ground as a pivot and Remus was forced to spring back again as Greyback pressed his attack. The blue moon had obviously increased his power and aggression and he was all teeth and claws and snarls in the silver light.
As Remus leaped again, trying to land on Fenrir's back, he dismissed using his wand. It would be a last resort if nothing else worked. Lupin wasn't worried about damage to his wand. It had been with him through almost every transformation since the other Marauders had cast a whole gamut of protection charms on it. But he didn't really want to risk his life on something completely untried. He might be able to cast a charm, he might not, and finding out now was not the best option.
There was one sure way of getting a shot at Fenrir, though it would leave him injured. He didn't want to be injured at this early juncture, but with Fenrir's accelerated healing, even if Remus could outfight him with his human mind, he may not be able to outlast the other werewolf.
Remus snarled, teeth bared, ears laid flat, his tail high and bristling. His human mind made no effort to restrain the wolf's hatred. If he couldn't land properly on Fenrir, then he would just have to go with Greyback's specialty and out fight him quickly. The longer he delayed the harder it would be.
Greyback took up the challenge, growling back, and Remus could detect no hint of weakness in the other werewolf. Whomever had cast the charm to accelerate healing knew what they were doing and it was causing no overt adverse effects. Not surprising given the list of possible casters was rather short, and no one had ever accused the Dark Lord of being unskilled. Uncouth, inconsiderate, amoral, and all associated adjectives for being indecent, but unskilled, never.
As the two werewolves leaped at each other, Lupin braced himself not only for the shock of their meeting, but also for what he had to do. He was detached as he watched himself raising high one foreleg with the pastern curled beside his forearm. With a flick of his tail he twisted in mid-air, spinning so that his curled foreleg was high and his jaws were lower. The thought to box Fenrir's throat with his leg was dismissed as soon as it occurred. It would work but it would only be a temporary distraction to the other werewolf and so he went with his original plan, wincing as he deliberately jammed his forearm into Fenrir's open jaw.
Greyback was surprised for an instant at getting such a good grip, but Remus was ready when the larger werewolf bit down. He ignored the pain, something his wolf would not have been able to do alone, as he twisted further getting his back and withers over Fenrir's forelegs and going for the throat. They were falling now, their momentum ended and the ground fast approaching and Lupin felt Fenrir's jaws tighten in anticipation. He didn't want to relinquish Remus' foreleg even after they landed. Inwardly the human werewolf smiled and made his move.
Everything changed.
Remus smelled and tasted blood in his mouth and unlike the almost ceremonial grip he'd taken on Blackpelt, he clamped his jaws around Fenrir's throat as hard as he could, angling himself so that he would land on his back but still be able to grip. Though still possessing a wolf's mind, Greyback instantly knew what happened. He'd been distracted by Lupin's leg in his mouth and had sought to wound, never realising the other wolf was going for the kill. His legs slammed into Remus's side as he tried to get a paw between them to push Lupin away. Remus tensed, pulling himself upward towards the grey werewolf, his free foreleg braced against Fenrir's chest and his hind legs scrambling in the air. He ground his jaws when he hit the ground with shocking force, his mind blanking as the torn grass dug through his pelt.
Fenrir landed on all fours but was dragged down by the extra weight of Remus. He released Lupin's leg as he continued to struggle. The smaller werewolf held on grimly, not trusting his weight to his now damaged leg. Instead he used his front legs as much as he could, pressing his injured one upwards on Greyback's lower jaw, keeping the larger werewolf's mouth closed. He felt Fenrir's claws trying to gain purchase against his rib cage and twisted his hind legs, attempting to dig his claws into the dirt. Blood trickled into his mouth and the wolf responded powerfully. He wanted nothing more than to pull back, but with Fenrir struggling, he couldn't get his feet under him. Remus was confident, though. He had the throat, all it would take now was time and Greyback, of human mind or wolf, knew it.
Desperate and unable to get purchase on the younger werewolf, Greyback jumped, hoping that the movement would loosen the grip on his throat. The move allowed him to arch his back, driving his hind legs into the rib cage of the other werewolf, but before he could push he felt Lupin's hind legs barrel into him from the side. Greyback growled as they landed, his strength fading, and he sank to down, not quite on his belly yet. Lupin scrambled at him scratching the underside of his jaws, but Fenrir didn't even feel it. He was still upside down, but Remus could sense that the dappled grey werewolf was weakening. The realisation that he was beaten was slowly coming to the older werewolf.
As Remus felt Greyback quiver, he closed his eyes, drawing his lips back and preparing. With a savage growl, he let the wolf take over, shifting his grip. He clamped his jaws closed around Fenrir's windpipe and drove his fangs into the arteries of his neck. Lupin jerked his head back, feeling flesh rip beneath his teeth, hot blood scenting the air and splattering to the ground. Remus scrambled back and rose, careful not to rest his weight on his bitten foreleg. He had to see if the grey werewolf's accelerated healing could handle having his throat torn out. And if it did, he'd have to risk magic.
Greyback seemed to choke and blood flowed out of his mouth, though Remus could see that the wounds inflicted on his arteries were healing superficially. The grey werewolf's forelegs were bent and he was resting on his pasterns. His tail was lashing the air and as Remus watched, he could see the flesh on Fenrir's neck try to tie itself together but somehow it couldn't grip the other side of the wound. Inwardly he felt himself breathe a sigh of relief. The arteries had healed of necessity because he hadn't been able to rip open large enough holes, but the trachea was torn and broken. He really didn't want to test his ability to use magic, not in such a battle. Greyback was strong though, and even missing most of his throat he was taking a long time dying. His eyes, the coal black eyes of his werewolf, latched onto Remus and burned, even now with hatred and Lupin allowed his brown eyes to stare back flatly as Greyback struggled to his feet. It should not have been possible but the smaller werewolf accepted it and tensed, his legs stiff and tail alert. He shouldn't have worried. Fenrir crashed back into the ground but Remus took no chances darted around the larger werewolf to attack from behind, his jaws snapping as he went for Fenrir's hamstring. If the other werewolf recovered, that should impede movement. Pain blossomed in his injured leg, but Remus' human mind pushed it aside and he jumped, further attacking as he'd meant to.
He landed on the silver werewolf's back and they both crashed into the ground as Fenrir's remaining three legs twitched, trying and failing to push the dappled grey werewolf into a standing position. Remus didn't care, snarling as he gripped his jaws around the scruff of the grey werewolf's neck. He braced himself and shook, dragging Fenrir through the dirt. Blood from Fenrir's throat splattered around them but instinct was in control now and Lupin's wolf just wanted the kill.
With deliberate aggression Remus felt himself jerk, reclamping his jaws though Fenrir's thick pelt with each movement until he felt the other wolf's back bone. With a growl, he bit down as hard as he could. He felt the bones grind under his teeth and the sound spurred him further; he kept the pressure on.
When the break came, it was all at once with a resounding snap. The bones separated and the great silver werewolf beneath him became a dead weight. Remus was almost dragged down but he released his burden, jumping away, ready to attack, just to be sure.
He was breathing hard, his heart hammering in his chest and his blood roaring in his ears. Unconsciously, he narrowed brown eyes as he looked towards Greyback. The larger werewolf was slumped, his tongue extended almost stupidly from his jaws and his fangs stained red with his own blood. The yellow eyes were glazed but they unerringly were fixed to him. The silver chest was motionless and Lupin could see the wound in the great throat was still unhealed. There was not a lot of blood around the wound at the back of Greyback's neck but it was enough to show the savagery of the attack. His legs were under him and if not for the blood it would almost be as if the larger werewolf was resting, but Fenrir was dead.
Remus drew a shuddering breath an instant before he collapsed, his wounded leg no longer able to support him. It didn't matter. He didn't care and he had to remind himself forcefully to breathe again. He had been prepared for victory, he had been prepared to be wounded, but nothing could prepare him for the sheer sense of relief he felt. The weight that had lifted from him was something he hadn't even been aware had been crushing down upon him. Now that it was gone it was...it was incredible. He felt weightless, despite the fact he was lying on the ground, twigs digging into his pelt.
He felt... He felt free!
After so many years, he felt free. He was still a werewolf, he would always be one, but the monster whom had infected him, the monster who would have led all werewolves to be mindless savage beasts was dead. There would not be another like him, another bitten for no other reason than to cause pain. It was...it was unbelievable and the werewolf swallowed unconsciously.
Slowly, Remus raised his head and howled; anger, hatred, relief, victory all encompassed in his voice. The noise faded and he gasped, the wolf in him still growling in contentment. It felt lethargic now which was more than unusual for a full moon but it was... The wolf didn't feel emotion as a wizard did but it felt happy. Killing the one who created it was not the relief that it was for Remus; the wolf was more content that it had killed one who had dared to challenge.
Lupin smiled. At least on this they were both happy and inwardly he looked over his wolf as it rested, licking occasionally at its wounded leg. This meant that he, both human and wolf aspect, was Pack Leader of the Isles and that meant his life was about to get a lot busier. A new weight seemed to settle on his shoulders but it was a glad weight. The care and wellbeing of the werewolves on the Isles now rested with him. He could do nothing more than his best for them and somehow, even in the midst of war, even with so many conflicting desires calling for their attention, some to destroy them, some to nurture them, Remus felt deep in his soul that everything would work out. The path was not yet travelled, there would be difficulties that he, that no one had foreseen, but everything, eventually would be fine.
He raised his nose to the moon, baring his teeth as he howled again and cockily his thoughts solidified.
Bring it on!
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Until next time…
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