Weapon | By : uqui Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Voldemort Views: 105520 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 26 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Unneeded – thank you for the review. The basilisk’s have their ways and that will become clear in time. I wanted to present them as an independent force allied with the Dark Lord and this seems the best way. Harry does have some grand plans :D Even if he doesn’t know all of them. And Sirius will be back in a bit, soon but he’s got a few things yet to do. The shadows were right when the spoke to him. It’s easier for him to move around as he is now and the instant he goes back he gets trapped. Thanks as always for the review and the questions!
Thank you to everyone who reviewed and rated. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Well I hope everyone enjoys this chapter to be honest. :D
As Sirius had suggested the other night he had locked his true self deep in his mind and was currently contemplating what he wanted, what he truly wanted. He was working through the childish answer of wanting his Dark Lord. That went without saying. And he knew what Voldemort wanted, but what did he want? That was a far more complicated question.
He didn't really want to fight but he knew that was necessary. The problem was that he couldn't really answer the question of what he wanted so he tried to think about what was wrong with the world. Voldemort would be making changes and Harry had naively said that his job would be to make those changes not based in blood but the mechanism of being able to make those changes would be bloody. There was no real choice about that blood but about what came after and the best Harry could think of was that he wanted to change what was wrong with the wizarding world.
To him what was wrong was pretty simple but Harry didn't know how easy it would be to fix it. It was possible just changing the ruler would be enough, especially as Harry would be there to moderate Voldemort's policies but as Sirius had slyly suggested, Harry didn't really want to remain in the shadow's forever. His position as the Dark Lord's mate would become clear at the end of the year, he couldn't remain in shadow when that happened. He may not wish to rule but he would have to take his place beside his beloved.
:Ruling doesn't actually mean much you know,: the Shadow's whispered deep in his mind.
:Doesn't it?:
:Ruling is just getting what you want, and for you Master, that's a given,: they quipped.
Harry chuckled. :So you want me to rule?:
:More to provide guidance,: they amended. :We have noticed that human society, whether muggle or wizard, are based heavily on their leaders. Where the leaders are good, fair and reasonable, the society tends to follow that norm, but where the leaders are despotic, psychotic and unbalanced then society degrades. You won't need to make the day to day decisions, that's what others are for, but you will need to be there to provide guidance on what the standards are. And that you can do, Master, and you will do it very well.:
:I seem to recall a vision a while back, where I was sitting on the throne and the Dark Lord stood beside me.:
:We remember something similar.:
:Did you plan that?:
:No. That was a genuine vision of what may have come to pass at the time. If you were to have a vision now, we imagine it would be different.:
:Then I suppose I better think about what policies I want.:
:Perhaps you should.:
:Though... there is one thing I did think about.:
:I realise it's late but could you get someone for me?:
:Get someone?:
:Yes, get someone, as in bring them here as a prisoner.:
Harry felt the Shadow's smile. He could play nice politics but they were pleased he could be ruthless when called for... or when he wanted. :Wilbur O'Haresh,: Harry said the name. :I think the werewolves might like him.:
:We'll have him,: the Shadow's said dubiously, obviously not knowing who the wizard was.
:Trust me, they will love him.: Harry added with an inward chuckle. It was nice to know that sometimes he could get the better of them.
:If you say so,: the Shadow's said accepting the small pulse of energy Harry feed to them.
:Thank you,: Harry said with a smile as he settled within himself. While he didn't know exactly what was going to happen, he felt much lighter with at least a few things worked out so that now he could focus on more important things, like petting Xaos since the huge basilisk was curled around his mental self as a living cocoon.
Or as his false self took Ginny around Hogsmead with the others, he could begin working on his Mastery papers. He was nowhere near ready to submit a final work but along the way he had to present progress papers and some were nearly due.
:Do both.:
:Xaos is asleep.:
-Not that much asleep.-
Harry laughed, reaching out one hand to run it over his basilisk's soft, almost downy crest. –Enjoy the moment, Master,- Xaos advised him, -because the Phoenix is not gone yet and I believe the King will be making moves to keep to the one year deadline.-
-I will,- Harry promised as he lay back, resting on Xaos. –I will.-
In the interests of safety Harry walked with Ginny and the rest of their friends. He'd pulled the red haired witch aside for a moment earlier and apologised that he couldn't take her alone because of the situation and the look of absolute joy she had given him was painfully bright. Everything seemed to be going well on the walk down but Harry was aware of eyes on him. It wasn't a vampire. Or if it was, someone else was watching.
:Want to tell me who is watching?:
There was one thing his fake self could do, and that was interact with the Shadows for petty little things that they were expected to do for him.
:The better question might be who is not watching,: the Shadow's replied.
:Who is watching then?: Harry asked looking around as they approached the outskirts of Hogsmead. Hermione took charge of their group, asking everyone where they wanted to go and organising the schedule so that they could visit just about everywhere together. She had taken the safety spiel to heart, though Harry couldn't bring himself to blame her. She was doing her best. They would end up at The Three Broomsticks later in the day for butter beer which suited him. He'd slip away after to The Hogs Head.
:Well, first off we do have a vampire!: The Shadow's began the list, making the names sound almost like the announcement for some muggle television game show. :Followed closely by one Draco Malfoy! And rather surprisingly your friend, Hermione has been watching you all day, and last but not least, Fawkes, the immortal Phoenix is keeping close tabs on you.:
Suddenly Harry was very glad that his true self was submerged so deeply today. While an echo of frustration could be covered as many things – frustration at the Dark Lord, at his studies, at the necessity of all this caution – frustration at having to spend time with Ginny was one thing that would raise alarms. It was slightly surprising though. With the Phoenix spying within him, he would have thought he could feel it, or had the feeling of being watched externally over ridden the phoenix?
:You are not meant to be sensitive to him,: the Shadow's reminded him and Harry nodded. It didn't matter. It just meant he had to be on good behaviour, and he'd been created to be good behaviour.
"All right!" Hermione was saying. :We'll go to Honeyduke's first, then Zonko's. I need to stop by Scrivenshaft's and Luna said she needed to go to Dervish and Banges. After that we can head to the Three Broomsticks for butterbeer. No one needs to go anywhere else?"
"I need to go to the Post Office," Neville said, "but it's on the way to the Three Broomsticks so there's no rush."
The bushy haired witch nodded and everyone gave her a short nod in return. "Okay!" Hermione said, turning down the cobbled street. "Let's go!"
"Yes Ma'am!" Harry and Ron snapped out, the two of them smiling at each other when Hermione spun back at them, with a half outraged expression.
The group laughed and began walking, Ron, quickly leading the way as he no doubt wanted to get some sweets from Honeydukes.
"My brother is such a glutton!" Ginny said. "You'd think by now he wouldn't just rush to see Honeydukes or Zonko's since he's seen them before but no..."
Hermione smiled at her, using the opportunity to flick her eyes carefully over Harry. "I think it's rather sweet," she said. "Besides, since Christmas is coming up, he probably wants to get some presents."
Ginny's blue eyes opened a little at that and she flushed. She still had no idea what to get Harry and when she glanced over at him, he didn't seem at all fazed. Had he somehow already done his shopping? Somehow Harry read her gaze and he grinned, the expression making him look carefree. "I got your present already," he murmured and Ginny felt the flush turn into a full blush.
Harry chuckled at her, slinging his arm over her shoulders to draw her close and Ginny went even redder. "You are so cute," he whispered and half expected to hear Draco's stringent voice making some objection but the blond was nowhere in sight.
The flash of a camera was much worse.
They both barely had the chance to look around and only caught the outline of someone running down between two buildings disappearing before either witch or wizard could react.
"Darn it!" Harry swore.
"Harry," Ginny's voice was concerned.
The green eyed wizard forced himself to take a deep breath. "It's not you, Ginny," he said softly. "Just with the current situation, someone taking a photo and running is not likely to have the best outcome."
"What do you mean?"
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Was she really that naïve? "You know the Dark Lord wants me?" The question carried meaning on so many levels and the red haired witch nodded.
"Do you think he will like it if I openly flaunt another?"
It took a moment for the meaning to sink in and Ginny gasped, her blue eyes going wide as she frantically looked around.
Harry sighed. "It's all right, Gin," he whispered, leaning in close to her. "I'm not ashamed, I just wanted to keep it a secret a while longer because that was the safest way."
"We could fight?" She offered in a tiny voice.
"No," Harry said, thankful that his real self was not paying attention. His real self may only have needed the Dark Lord, but he needed Ginny. "It's all right," he said again, linking one arm through Ginny's ignoring her startled look. "At least this way we don't have to hide anymore."
The way she smiled up at him made his heart flutter and Harry revelled in the feel of what could have been.
Harry sighed and looked up at the sky. The clouds were still in evidence though they were darkening as dusk began to fall. It was a little difficult to determine exactly what time it was without seeing the sun but he figured it was late afternoon. He'd need to see about breaking off from the others so that he could meet the Werewolves in a few hours.
Ginny's continued talking oblivious to his distraction. He didn't know why he felt such apathy towards her feelings. With the head of the DMLE Amelia Bones he felt a small amount of genuine distress towards her plight. He felt sympathy for that witch and it was a sympathy that he did not feel for Ginny. Perhaps it was because Madam Bones had no way of knowing the truth while Ginny should have known it all too well. Harry sighed again and extended his senses.
Around him he could feel the town of Hogsmead bustling with the presence of the students of Hogwart's. It appeared that most were heading towards the Three Broomsticks having concluded their shopping. It was certainly quieter than it had been earlier. Around the town though he could feel the forest and in the distance the solid would presence of the castle of Hogwarts. Green eyes blinked and Harry sharpened his focus seeking to define individual presences before he hissed, narrowing his concentration on the Forbidden Forest.
It should have been teeming with life. While it wasn't the most hospitable place for wizards, he should have been able to sense the myriad of wildlife, both magical and otherwise that made their homes there, even at the edges. But he could feel nothing. The edge of the forest seemed cold and dark but he could sense life deep within it, too deep within it to be natural. Something had driven the forest's inhabitants into its depths.
His shark of alarm alerted Fawkes and Harry felt the phoenix shift in his mind. Deliberately he turned towards one of his shadows who had been trailing unobtrusively the entire day. :Go find out what is in the forest,: he instructed. He'd shown Sturges what the Shadows could do, and no doubt there was a complete report on Dumbledore's desk, so ordering his servants to spy was something Fawkes would be happy to see him do.
After a moment the shadow returned and whispered into his mind. :There are Dementors there.:
:Fawkes!: Harry immediately called for the fire bird and he felt the phoenix respond.
:Are they attacking?: the question was intent.
Harry looked to the shadow who had reported in. Somehow he could see the gesture it made in denial while around him his friends continued to chat amicably, completely unaware of the potential danger. :They are probably gathering for an attack,: Harry reported.
:Then we have a little bit of time,: Fawkes said. :I'll get the Professors to start getting the students to come back to the Castle,: the phoenix continued. :Can you get a count on how many there are?:
:Just a minute,: Harry replied and flicked his eyes at the shadow. It disappeared again, taking a bit longer before it reappeared, stretching smoothly over the Post Office.
:There's about fifty Dementors,: the shadow reported.
:Fifty!: Fawkes was stunned. There weren't that many Dementors. No one was sure exactly how many there were but fifty was a fair proportion of their colony.
"Students!" The call came via someone's sonorous enhanced voice. "Please start making your way back to Hogwarts!"
There were a few gasps but for the most part the students began moving back towards the castle with only some minor grumbling.
:Harry, get your friends to start up and wait somewhere safe. The Order is on its way,: Fawkes said.
Deep inside Harry snorted. The Order was on its way... Oh joy! He felt so much safer already. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he turned towards Ginny and the other girl she had been talking to. Neville, Luna and Ron were emerging from the Post Office and Hermione was coming out of the Quill shop. They turned to him and he could see the expectation in their faces.
"Go back to Hogwarts," Harry ordered with a small smile to soften the command.
"What's wrong Harry?" Ginny asked.
"There's just something in the Forest," he said. "I'll tell you later, for now you all really do need to head back to Hogwarts."
"What about you?" the red haired witch objected and Harry was given yet another reminder of why he could not love Ginny. He should have felt touched that she was concerned, instead he felt annoyed that she was not taking the path she had been instructed to. She was selfish and it was a selfishness which would hurt. The feelings bubbled around him, deep in his mind but on the surface all he felt, and all Fawkes felt was a tenderness towards the young witch.
"I'll be okay," Harry said with another smile. "Fawkes wants me to stay here." As the others turned around, he placed his hands on Ginny's shoulders and turned her to face him so that his green eyes could look deeply into her blue. "Go," he whispered to her. "This is what I was training to do and what I have to do," he added trying to smile gently.
It seemed to work and Harry was a little started when Ginny reached out to embrace him before she pulled back, placing one kiss on his nose and turning away. "Be safe," he heard her whisper with a little catch in her voice.
"I will," Harry said, feeling relieved as she left. While Ginny didn't see reality, when it was explained she seemed accepting so perhaps there was something he could work with there. It was the act of explaining that left him exasperated.
As his friends disappeared, Harry looked around. If it came to a battle with the Dementors he wanted somewhere that was a bit more defensible. And the street just wasn't going to be enough. They'd run through some simulations over the summer but he wasn't sure there was any place suitable to fight Dementors in Hogsmead. Well... there really wasn't any place that was suitable to fight Dementors anywhere. Their abilities made them far too dangerous to take on for most Witches and Wizards, especially in the numbers that the Shadow had reported back were present. One to one, a witch or wizard could fight, even if there was a small group they could hold out, but against that many with their combined power, that was something of a futile task unless there was a correspondingly large group of fighters. And at the moment, the Order was not yet here.
Harry could feel them approaching. There was a large group of witches and wizards pelting down from the castle and they would be here soon but he wondered what the Dementors were thinking. Why hadn't they attacked, and why hadn't they left when the call for the students to retreat had been given? What were they waiting for?
:Go and spy more on the Dementors,: Harry instructed the shadows and was happy when they flicked away while others came closer to him, stretching around him. :Find out what they are up to,: he added, knowing that the shadows who had already left would hear his intention. He moved himself, walking through Hogsmead as the store owners and villagers closed up their shops and barricaded their doors. There had been no formal notification but the witches and wizards who lived in Hogsmead were not stupid, they knew what the call to the students of Hogswart meant.
And this was perhaps what was wrong with the Magical world. They did not care, and would not move to protect anything than what they understood, what they held dear. They needed the shakeup that Voldemort wished. They needed to change. He came to the centre of the township and looked around. It was completely quiet and Harry wasn't sure what he should do. The members of the Order of the Phoenix were nearly there but the Dementors were still hanging around at the edge of the Forest. They didn't appear to be interested in coming closer and Harry frowned, wondering what they could be up to.
"Where are they?" one of the members of the Order gasped as they ran up to Harry. Like most wizards he needed to be fitter. Very few wizards considered physical conditioning to be important and it showed.
"They are still in the forest," Harry replied as his servants reported to him that the Dementors hadn't moved.
A couple of the Order members grinned, "That makes this easy then." They seemed inordinately happy and Harry wasn't sure why until another one gave the command. "Patronus' now!" And then he realised what they thought would happen. They thought they could cast their patronus' here and drive off the Dementors, all without getting close. Inwardly Harry shook his head at the sheer naivety of the wizards. Centuries had dulled their ability to think but he raised his wand with the others and cast his Patronus with them, watching as it ran off into the distance towards the Dementors.
After a few minutes there came a high pitched squeal and in the distance they saw the flying forms of Dementors rise into the air, some being pursued by glowing white Patronus' and others just scattering. There was a cheer from the gathered members of the Order and Harry suppressed his sigh. They knew so little and it almost hurt to be associated with them.
"Good work everyone, and good work Harry for detecting them," one of the older members of the Order said and Harry ducked his head almost shyly, just as some Auror's appeared with soft pops.
"Where are the Dementors?"
Harry snapped to attention. He was an Apprentice Auror so in this situation his loyalty was a bit skewed. "They were in the Forbidden Forest, Sir!" he reported gesturing with one hand towards the forest, where a few Dementors could be seen streaming away.
"Patronus'!" the Auror commanded and his team replied sending their glowing Patronus' into the forest to follow the Order's.
:Most of the Dementors have gone deeper into the forest,: one of the Shadow's said to Harry and he suppressed a sigh, making a little bit of light for them to eat. He could tell from their tone that they had something more to say but they wouldn't speak while the Phoenix was paying such close attention.
"Harry could you please confirm that the Dementors have left?" the Auror commander asked him and Harry was slightly surprised but pleased to see that someone at least remembered what his servants abilities were and with some show he turned and ordered the Shadows to go look at where the Dementors were.
After a few moments they came back and reported making sure that the gathered Aurors and Order could hear them. "The Dementors have gone deeper into the Forest but they appear to be leaving."
"Why were they here?"
"We don't know," the Shadows answered the Aurors question easily without prompting from Harry. Some of the older Aurors nodded and Harry was thankful for their presence. They wouldn't expect the Shadows to be able to do everything and speculating on why the Dementors were there was definitely beyond the capabilities they were meant to have. Of course his Servants by now would know what the Dementors had been up to but that was not something that the rest of the world needed to know.
"Well," said the leading Auror, "I don't think anyone wants to pursue the Dementor's through the Forest," he added as his Patronus reported back and disappated. "Good catch, Apprentice," he complimented the young wizard before turning to talk to some of the Order.
That left Harry at a bit of a loss but he felt relieved when Fawkes' attention was diverted. :Good work,: he complimented the Shadows but refrained from asking what they had found from the Dementors. That would have to wait until Fawkes' attention was completely off him.
For a moment Harry wondered what he should do. He hadn't been dismissed by either the Aurors or the Order and he was just left standing around. The thought made him smile. They probably didn't mean it but in this little way they were treating him like everyone else. There were more than a few who were just watching as the respective squad leaders spoke though it was odd to see Professor MacGonagall in that role. She did seem to take to it well though.
Eventually the two finished discussion and after one long look around the Auror Leader snapped out a command and the Ministry Officials vanished, leaving Harry with the Order. Before he was packed back up to the Castle like the rest of the children Harry knew he needed to act so he smiled as his Head of House and moved forward.
"Professor, before I head back to the castle, might I have some time to calm down?" He asked in his most reasonable voice. It was hardly his best excuse but perhaps simple would be workable here.
The older witch looked startled for an instant before she looked at him, really looked at him. Over the summer with their one to one classes she had realised how little she really knew about Harry and they had worked on that. Minerva couldn't say she could read him like a book but she knew now that when he asked for things, he needed them because it was not in his nature to ask authority for anything. Curse his upbringing!
"Be back by curfew please," the feline animagus said softly after a long pause in which Harry felt Fawkes take a brief look around his mind before the phoenix disappeared. MacGoganall was rewarded when Harry smiled at her. It made the decision so much easier. "I will let your friends know you will be back later."
Harry's smile brightened and he nodded his thanks before he slipped away, going down one of the alley ways to put some distance between the Order and himself. They would be leaving shortly but he had some preparations to make before he met the Werewolves.
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