Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
Unbeta’d, all mistakes and lousy grammar are mine. Ccino
Chapter 86
Lou felt like her back would break he was holding her so tightly. “I can’t breath.” She gasped.
Fenrir looked down at her, a strange need to be more gentle suddenly filling him and he loosened his hold a little.
When he did, Lou embraced him, running her hands up and down his broad back, letting her fingers flutter against his skin through the coarse, matted hair that seemed to cover every part of him. “You’re very strong.” She said softly, laying her cheek against his chest, her eyes closed against the pieces of gore stuck to the hair.
Again he was taken by surprise and looked down at her, marvelling at her tenderness towards him. No woman had ever spoken to him like this, nor touched him so gently and shown no fear.
He raised a hand and cupped her cheek tenderly, wondering if he could control himself enough to take her less harshly than he would normally have done.
Lou flicked her hands sharply and held tight to Greyback, the silver, double edged blades piercing his flesh easily, the blades so sharp he did not even feel them until an intense, burning started in his back and spread rapidly throughout his entire body. His veins felt like they flowed with molten lava as his skin scorched and peeled from his flesh. He screamed in agony and let go to rive at himself as he fell to his knees, dying a most agonizing death as the silver took hold and spread through his system.
Lou stared blankly down at the dying man, watching the hurt confusion in his eyes slowly fade and a blank, lifeless hue take its place.
The wards suddenly dropped and Kingsley, Arthur and Charlie fell into the room to see Lou standing over the body of Fenrir Greyback. She was naked, her arms held slightly out at her sides, blood dripping from the glints of silver in her palms.
“Lou.” Kingsley said, moving cautiously towards her.
Lou didn’t respond. She just stared at the man laid at her feet.
Charlie went to take her shoulders and Arthur laid a hand on his arm.
No son, she’s in shock, and whatever those things are in her hands, they’re deadly. Let Kingsley handle her, after Severus, he’s the one she’s most likely to listen to.”
“Louhi listen to me. It’s me, Kingsley.” He said in as soothing a voice as he could manage. “Drop the blades Louhi. He’s gone and it’s over. Severus is safe, but he needs you to heal him. He also needs to know that you are safe. I had to stun him because he was ripping the nails from his fingers trying to get to you.”
Severus’ name and the word ‘heal’ rocketed into her head, jolting her from the mindless trance. For a while she’d felt such a great sense of remorse because this violent, murdering werewolf had actually started to feel for her, had trusted her. But Severus was more important to her than anyone and this beast had hurt him, was going to kill him, he was the reason she was here.
She flicked her hands and the blades retracted.
Charlie picked up her ruined clothes and repaired them with his borrowed wand before holding them out to her.
Lou suddenly realised she was naked and her whole body turned crimson.
The three wizards turned their backs while she hurriedly dressed, but kept her eyes lowered as they led her from the room. She took one last brief look of loathing at the dead werewolf and entered the cell where Severus lay unconscious.
After renervating him, she took great pains to heal him as much as she could, especially the broken ribs, ensuring he was able to breathe properly. The wizards would all need potions when they returned to Headquarters, but for now they were all out of danger and could leave this place.
Severus chose a wand from the bundle Lou had left with Charlie, then they all did accio’s to retrieve their own wands. Severus had lost both of his when he was captured, but he mainly wanted the one he’d got from Lou’s collection. If Greyback had not jumped him from behind, he was certain the wand was powerful enough to combat the werewolf.
Making their way out cautiously, and making sure no more Deatheaters lingered loose about the place, they emerged to bright sunshine and an extremely surprised Albus Dumbledore, who’d arrived with the rest of the Order to rescue them.
Remus had managed to locate the two members set to watch the entrance about an hour after changing back into human form. He was in no fit state to go back in there himself, or even apparate back to number 12. One of the guards returned and alerted the Order as to what Remus had told him and they immediately gathered and formed a rescue party. The last thing they expected to see was the four wizards and Lou walking out under their own steam to meet them.
As Poppy Pomfry fussed over them, running her wand from head to toe over each one, Severus, who’d taken Lou’s hand before he even got off the bed and not yet let go of her, suddenly apparated, taking her with him and dragging her along Grimauld Place and into number 12.
They entered the kitchen where he grabbed several phials of healing potion from the pantry, still not letting go of her hand. He held each one out to her and she removed the tops and he drank them.
Then he turned and marched her up the stairs to the master suite. He stepped inside and looked round, then marched them out and pulled her into the next room, the one he’d given up for her that first summer.
He’d not spoken a word so far and Lou did not want to tempt fate and say anything that might start him off on a tirade of scathing remarks aimed at her.
He warded the door and stepped out of his trousers as he headed into the bathroom and set the bath to run.
Lou removed the finger blades, dropping them on the dresser with a clunk.
He came back, grabbed her hand again and yanked her into the bathroom with him.
There he slowly undressed her, turning her as he did, checking every inch of her skin before turning her to face him.
“Did he … ? Greyback … did he touch … did you let …?”
“No.” She said ,softly but firmly.
He held her gaze for several minutes before nodding slightly and stepping into the bath with her. Slowly he washed her hair and rinsed it, the soaped her thoroughly. He passed her the soap and shampoo and she returned the favour.
His thoughts were in turmoil. He was angry, livid, that she’d put herself in danger after all the precautions he’d taken to ensure her safety, for terrorising him when he was unable to reach her and Greyback. He was insanely jealous at the thought of her seeming willingness, embracing Greyback‘s attentions, he was grateful that she’d had the capability to rescue them alive, and he was distressed that it could have all gone so wrong, that she might have been captured and killed.
He wanted to punish her at first, then take her, brutally, then lovingly. He wanted to hold her, tell her he loved more than life itself, now he did not know what to do.
Only when they were both clean did he took her hand again and lead her from the bath. He did not stop to dry himself, or give Lou time to even grab a towel. Instead he lay her straight on the bed and climbed on top of her, burying his face in her neck.
He was intending to bury himself deep inside her and prove to himself that she was still intact, that he was the only one to know the exquisiteness of her body.
It was a moment or two before Lou realised he was shuddering, and the reason for it. Her arms came round him, her tears mingling with the wetness of his hair as she stroked her hand lovingly over it his hair as he cried his own silent tears.
Severus was unable to hold back the flow of tears that welled up and fell from his eyes, his gratitude and love for this miraculous young woman beneath him was just too overwhelming. So he finally gave in to his emotions silently, letting them flow through to her and clinging to her warmth.
Eventually, Severus’ tears dried up, as did Lou’s, yet neither of them noticed as they’d fallen into an exhausted sleep.
When Kreatcher appeared to clean up the bathroom, he magically moved the couple into the bed proper without disturbing them, still wrapped in each others arms and covered there naked forms.
Severus woke sometime in the early hours of Boxing day, wondering for a moment where he was. Then he felt the warmth and softness of his wife lying partly under him, her legs wrapped around his thigh, one hand clutched in his hair, the other flung out to the side. He was sprawled face down, halfway across her, clinging loosely to her waist. When he tried to push himself up she stirred and turned slightly in her sleep, making him wince when she took a fistful of his hair with her.
He grappled with her fingers for a minute and freed himself, then sat up. He ached everywhere and looking down at himself he saw a multitude of black and blue bruises, as well as quite a few newly healed scars. Rising stiffly, he stepped into the bathroom to relieve himself, then looked in the mirror. ‘Gods, what a sight.’ He thought. His hair, still damp when he went to bed, stuck out in all directions, his face was pressure creased from the rumpled bedding and whatever part of Lou’s body he’d been lying on. His eyes were puffy and he felt like shit. Raking a hand down his face he groaned, then brightened. He was alive, both of them were alive. The others too he realised were alive and safe.
“Uh. Do I look that bad?” Lou asked as she entered the bathroom and joined him at the mirror. “Nah, it’s just you.” She said with a grin as she turned to use the loo.
Severus frowned and watched her through the mirror. “Cheeky little minx.” He said, though there was no unkindness in his words.
“Happy Christmas, at least I think it’s Christmas.”
“Actually it’s Boxing day. We seem to have overlooked that particular celebration.” Severus mentioned with glee.
“Well you don’t have to look so pleased about it. Did everyone get back okay?” She asked, washing her hands and face.
“I have no idea, I am assuming they did since we have not been called upon.”
Severus wet his hair in the sink but it still stuck out, causing Lou to giggle.
“You look like a loo brush.” She said with a snort and ran from the bathroom.
His eyebrows raised and he chased after her. “You will regret that remark.” He growled, catching her by the wrist and pushing her onto the bed where he pounced on her and tickled her mercilessly, both laughing hysterically until she screamed and pleaded for him to stop.
He released her and wiped the teary streaks from her face as she gasped for breath.
I am going for a shower.” He said, slapping her bum gently and heading back to the bathroom.
Lou waited until she heard the water running and joined him.
They washed each other as they had in the bath the previous day, but he did not make a move to make love to her and when Lou tried to initiate more intimacy he stopped her.
Seeing the hurt expression on her face he held her close. “Lou, when I take you again it will be … as it was the first time. Did you not receive my owl? The potion, something I now regret, I …”
Lou’s eyes flashed as her face took on a heated expression. “Hmm, let me think. Oh yes, something about trusting me implicitly, but fearing the amorous intentions of the other male students at Karkias. How you thought it advisable to slip me the Heal All as a safety measure. Though how it would prevent me being unfaithful to you if I wanted to I don’t know. The fact is Severus you didn’t trust me. What you did was sneaky, underhand, dirty and mean. Thanks for reminding me about that. I really appreciated finding out how much you trust me.” She yelled, pushing him away from her and barging from the shower cubicle.
He ran after her. “Lou I do trust you, although I confess there was another, more selfish reason I did what I did.” He told her, his voice pleading with her for understanding.
“What? Severus everything you do is for selfish reasons. Especially when it comes to me.” She ranted, pulling on her jeans.
“It most certainly is not. This was the first time I have ever done anything like that for my own gain.”
Lou narrowed her eyes at him. “Maybe.” She said. “But it was still a nasty thing to do. What was the selfish reason anyway?”
“I was not expecting to be with you again until summer, by that time you will be truly of age and I wanted to … you will have finished your education and … celebrate.” He added lamely, running a hand through his hair, a slightly embarrassed look on his face. “I wanted to experience you as a virgin again when you reached the age of wizarding consent.”
“And you didn’t think I should have a say in the matter? Severus it bloody well hurts the first time and I‘m losing count of how many ‘first times’ I‘ve had. And stop scowling at me for swearing, I think I have a right to this time.”
Severus actually felt slightly ashamed at what he’d done, though he would never admit it. “I will overlook it this time, if you will cease berating me over something I did when I was temporarily distracted at the thought of being apart from you again.”
“I might, if you can find a potion that undoes what the Heal All last did.”
“That is not possible. One cannot un-heal someone.” He said incredulously. “It is done and I cannot undo it. I do however promise not to make any advances on you until you are seventeen.”
A swirl of magic pulsed round him.
Lou was wide eyed when she realised he’d taken an oath. “You idiot.” She whispered disbelievingly. “It’s Christmas and we’re here together and you’ve just made a blasted oath not to have sex. How dumb is that?”
Severus wanted to kick himself when he realised what he’d done. His words were not meant to invoke an oath. “Something else I cannot undo, it is your fault, you had me distracted again.”
She harrumphed. “Right, so it’s all my fault now.”
“No.” He said, reaching out and taking her hand. “It is not your fault, any of it. Lou I need you to know that no matter how much I hate the fact you risked everything yesterday to save us, I am also extremely grateful that you did. You are a remarkable young woman and I am proud to be your husband.”
Lou started to cry. It was the second time he’d made her believe he was proud of her and she flung her arms round him.
Only the sound of gurgling, grumbling bellies separated them, both realising they were famished. Then it was a race to get dressed and downstairs to the kitchen.
Lou of course was first as she was already half dressed before Severus left the bathroom, plus his hair had dried again before he was able to run a comb through it.
Chuckling at his frustration, Lou pulled it back into a ponytail for him so they could get some food.
“What are these?” He asked as they were heading for the door.
“I dunno. I found them at the Maatila and kinda like the look of them. I used them to … on Greyback.”
Severus picked up the double edged silver blades and took them with him to examine further.
Early as it was, they were greeted by a kitchen full of Order members all wanting to say thank you.
Lou blushed shyly. The truth was she’d really gone in there for Severus, the other rescues were just by the wayside, but she couldn’t tell them that.
Albus asked her to put her memories into a pensive so they could find out exactly what happened in the tunnels near Warwick castle.
Lou was a bit hesitant about it but Severus said he would also like to know the full story, starting from when she left the academy with Hermione.
She agreed to do it on condition they let her eat first as she was starving.
Molly Weasley cooked mountains of food, piling extra onto the plates of Lou and those who were rescued, saying they needed the extra nutrition.
Lou whispered a suggestion to Severus that the Heal All might be useful for those that were captured as well and he reluctantly agreed.
The best thing to come out of it all as far as Lou was concerned, was that Remus Lupin had finally given in and agreed to make an honest woman of Tonks and they were to be married at Easter.
When they were alone, Lou asked Severus what he thought about giving Remus and Tonks one of the London Mansions for a wedding present. Remus could be employed to manage the other eight properties, using them to house magical families that lost everything during Voldemorts reign. But it would have to seem as though Severus was donating the gift and offering him the employment. Remus had turned Lou down once before and she didn’t want to offend him again.
Severus agreed to arrange everything if Lou would just set about making the pensive.
She did, then had another thought. “Severus.” She said casually.
“Hmm?” He asked from the drawing room table where he was looking through the various deeds to Lou’s estate.
“You know that daft oath you took upstairs?”
Lifting his gaze suspiciously in her direction he nodded. “Yes.” He drawled cautiously.
“Well you only said you wouldn’t make advances to me, does that mean I can make advances on you?” She asked, doing her utmost to look innocent.
Severus’ eyes widened and he leaned forward and banged his head on the table twice. “Woman, you are the biggest tease it has ever been my pleasure to know. You can make advances to me yes, but, and that is a very big but, I must warn you that I still intend to take your virginity on your seventeenth birthday. So whether or not you make those advances, depends wholeheartedly on how frequently you are willing to lose that virginity. Myself, I find the idea quite addictive.”
Lou stared at him horror struck. “I only wondered.” She stuttered petulantly as she left to find Hermione and the others.
Severus chuckled to himself when she left the room and continued with his work. He sent the appropriate documents to his solicitor and moved to view the pensive before taking it through to the kitchen.
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