Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
Unbeta’d, all mistakes and lousy grammar are mine. Ccino
Chapter 88
Everyone was gathered outside. The sun was close to setting, a faint breeze barely fluttering the treetops.
Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks stood facing Albus Dumbledore in front of and archway of early spring flowers. Their hands were tied loosely with a gold and sliver cord as they said their vows to one another.
When they hand fasting was declared binding, Albus stepped away and Remus and Tonks jumped over a broomstick that hovered low in the archway. Then Remus took his bride in his arms and kissed her passionately for all to see.
The guests cheered and applauded and when the kiss finally ended, Remus was as red as a beetroot while Tonks grinned from ear to ear.
As the couple stepped back down the aisle made by the guests, Tonks shot a wink in Lou’s direction, while Remus had eyes only for Tonks.
Severus noticed how quiet Lou was. Not only during the ceremony, but at the reception afterwards. He knew it was unusual for her, she normally enjoyed parties and get-togethers.
Hard as he tried to invade her mind, her shields were impenetrable and he was forced to admit defeat.
That night in bed he asked her outright what was bothering her. “Lou, I know you have something on your mind. I have never known you so be so subdued when it comes to celebrating.”
Lou snuggled closer to him, laying her head on his chest while he held her close, his chin resting on top of her head.
“You’ll think I’m daft if I tell you.” She muttered.
“So now you are able to read my thoughts before they have even formed. Let me make my own opinions on what the problem might be, after you have told me that is.”
“Tonks and Remus, I felt …this is really petty you know. It‘s not important Severus.”
“Clearly it is or it would not be bothering you as much as it is. So tell.”
“Iwasjealousealright.” She mumbled into his chest, her voice barely audible.
Severus put his hands to her shoulders and lifted her so he could see her face, which by now was pink. “Try again, and this time speak in a fashion that I might actually understand what you are saying.”
Lou lowered her eyes and lifted them again when he sighed at her action. “I was jealous alright. Of … of Tonks, and the wedding and everything. There. Now you can tell me how stupid I am.”
Severus tilted her chin and peered deep into her eyes, then lowered his lips to hers before embracing her once again. “I do not find anything wrong in wishing for something you have wanted for yourself, yet was forced to forego through no fault of your own Lou. If I am truthful, I too would have preferred to marry you in a more traditional manner, rather than the nightmare we were forced to endure. I do not regret that we are Bound, I never shall, but circumstances were such that it was far from the ideal situation for us. You especially, suffered much more than I, and I dearly wish things would have been different to what they were. So no, I do not think you are stupid, or daft, as you first put it, for feeling a certain amount of envy. So long as you do not begrudge the couple their happiness, then what you felt is perfectly natural.”
“Of course I don’t begrudge it. Severus I’m really happy for them. Besides, Tonks is family, I couldn’t be anything else.”
Severus’ eyebrows shot up into his hairline. “Merlin that’s right. She is your cousin I believe.”
“Yeah, but Tonks said I’m like her little sister and she’s glad we’re related. That means Remus is related to us too, we’re all family now.”
Fortunately she did not see the scowl that now creased Severus’ brow. ’Related to the werewolf? Me? Dear Gods.’ He thought, though his despair was half-hearted, he and Remus long since coming to terms with their past.
Lucius Malfoy paid a visit to the school in his capacity as a member of the board of governors. His attitude was much different to the one Lou remembered. His oath had stuck and he seemed a more genuine person than anyone had ever known him be. Drucilla/Draco was at present attending a Swiss finishing school for young ladies according to Lucius, after which she would be betrothed to a suitable young man in readiness for marriage. Narcissa had insisted on the finishing school since Drucilla had not had the upbringing any other young lady of breeding would normally benefit from. Narcissa was also five months pregnant with a son and Lucius was adamant the child would be brought up to respect others, regardless of their breeding and upbringing.
Lou almost felt sorry for Drucilla, but only almost.
Once the students left for the summer holidays and Hermione returned from her final year at Karkias, Severus had perfected the wolfesbane/Heal-all potion. The trials had gone well and they were ready to offer Remus the chance to try it.
Lou invited Remus and Tonks to dinner, cooking the meal herself.
Hermione and Harry were there, along with Severus and herself of course.
Severus was explaining to Remus what he believed the effects of the potion would be.
“It will be neither quick, nor painless. The potion is to be taken three times each lunar month over a period of eighteen months. Each dose to be take on the night before, during and immediately after the full moon. Each month you transformations into werewolf should become easier, hopefully leaving you more human than wolf as time passes. The transformations back to human however are something we cannot predict. More than like they will be worse than before, and continue to worsen before they improve. So far I have tested on rats, puffskeins, pixies, nifflers and gnomes. Surprisingly, the nifflers seemed to be the least affected by the potions after effect, the pixies the worst. The pixies and the nifflers however have equally similar metabolisms to our own, that is why I cannot truly predict how you will react after the full moon. Each and every one of the infected test subjects have now recovered and been cured. It goes without saying that the larger the test subject, the larger the dose and the longer the course of treatment. It will be a long and arduous journey Lupin and only you can decide whether or not to take it. Whatever you decide, we will respect your decision. If however you do decide to embark upon the course of treatment, there will be no turning back, no half measures. Regardless of how bad things may or may not become, you must agree to see it to fruition. I want you to think long and hard about this, discuss it privately with Nymphadora, but do not make a decision tonight.”
Remus was bowled over. He truthfully was speechless.
Harry was excited. “What’s to think about? Of course he’s going to do it. Aren’t you Remus? Tell Professor Snape you’re going to take the potion.” He said eagerly.
“Harry no.” Hermione told her friend. “It’s not that easy. Like the Professor said, it’s a long and possibly agonising cure, and although it cured the various creatures Professor Snape tested in his lab, it was not without it’s pitfalls, nor has it been tried on a human being. This is not your decision to make Harry. I’m sorry.”
“Take your time deciding Lupin. Nymphadora, I am sure you will have his best interests at heart when he discusses this with you. If you decide to go ahead, let me know. Lou has a property in Wales, a small country estate, far out of the way of any local inhabitants. She has offered it for use during those three days and nights of each lunar phase, plus any recovery time you may need after that. The Maatila elves are standing by ready to be of assistance to you during your stay there, since it would be unsafe for your wife or myself to be in attendance during that time because of the nature of the potion and obviously your transformation. Meanwhile I shall continue to brew the wolfesbane as normal.” Severus told Remus.
Lou’s stayed quiet, her eyes flitting from one person to another. Remus, who seemed staggered. Tonks, who seemed worried. Hermione was chewing her bottom lip in consternation, while Harry was having difficulty just staying in his seat.
The evening seemed to come to a sombre end shortly after that. Clearly big decisions needed to be made and the couple left, thanking Severus and Hermione for all their work on the potion, and Lou for the lovely dinner.
Harry and Hermione apparated back to Grimauld Place, arguing over the fors and againsts of the curative potion, leaving Lou subdued and Severus deep in contemplation.
Over the next couple of weeks however, Severus mind moved to other things. One other thing as a matter of fact. Lou’s seventeenth birthday. The day she would come of age. The day he would finally get to take his wife’s virginity again. And he could hardly wait. Severus found himself becoming hard at all hours of the day and night, grateful he did not have classes to teach while he eagerly counted down the days.
Lou noticed a difference in him, how distracted he seemed most of the time and how he struggled more to hold back when they were being intimate.
He persuaded her to give him more blow jobs over two weeks than she’d given him since they married. He would drag her into the trees as they walked the grounds, or pull her into an empty classroom or cupboard off one of the school corridors, fumbling with his flies while Lou looked at him incredulously, wondering if he’d accidentally ingested a lust potion or something. Not that she was complaining, she found these little escapades exciting, and Severus always, always made sure to return the favour, sometimes bringing her to orgasm more than once to show his appreciation.
The staff threw a party for her birthday, inviting her friends and members of the order and doubling it with Harry‘s birthday.
The Weasley twins made sure the evening went with a bang as they set off dozens of fireworks in the grounds after they’d all eaten, drank and danced the night away.
Lou was in her element, she’d enjoyed every minute of her party and even sang a few songs for them all.
“This must be the best birthday I’ve ever had.” She told Severus as they headed back to the dungeons.
“It is not over yet my love. You do remember what we have both been waiting for I hope.”
Lou looked at him, her eyes already darkening at the prospect of finally making love with him, at the same time apprehensive at the pain she knew she’d have to endure first.
As soon as Severus closed the door behind him he was on her, pulling her into a tight embrace, his lips locked to hers as his tongue invaded her mouth, leaving her heady and gasping for breath.
Severus was impatient and hurriedly removed her clothes as he led her to the bedroom, pausing here and there to kiss her while his hands roamed over each new area of skin revealed.
Lou tried to work at his buttons but the feeling he was causing in her was clouding her mind and she soon abandoned any attempt at undressing him.
By the time Severus laid her on the bed she was naked, he made her wait as he undressed slowly.
His jaw was clenched tightly as he purposely took his time. He wanted her as much as she wanted him, but he wanted, needed, to savour this moment. The was last time he would ever have at taking her virginity and he wanted to remember every second of their coupling. The memories of every time he deflowered her were still fresh in his mind, each time precious, each time having it‘s own unique meaning to him.
Lou squirmed on the bed, willing him to hurry up, at the same time as her nerves caused her to tremble at the thought of him ripping through her hymen. Again.
“Severus Snape I could wring your neck for what you’ve done. For goodness sake will you hurry up and get your clothes off.”
He chuckled at her frustration, her desperation to be filled and fear at what she must endure to have him fill her. She could not understand that unique, rare, exceptional feeling it gave him as he pushed through her barrier for the first time, and the second and the third. It was a feeling like no other and he knew he could easily become addicted to it.
Severus was still grinning as he lowered himself onto her, spreading her thighs wide and looking down on her glistening petals. Unable to resist, he lowered his head and ran his tongue along her folds, grasping hold of her hips when her hips raised suddenly, wanting more contact. He obliged, licking slowly, his tongue parting her labia, trailing wetly around the nub yet not quite making contact. His tongue slipped inside her, laving her walls and skimming the stretch of skin that protected the depths he was eager to breach.
His own release was threatening at the mere thought and he lifted his face to see a pair of deep brown velvet orbs staring at him longingly.
“Don’t stop now. Why did you stop?”
“Shh.” He told her. “I promise you that once I begin, I will not stop again, at least not until we are both satisfied.” He said softly, making his way up to meet her face to face.
Lou stared into his eyes as her legs wrapped around his thighs, unconsciously pulling him closer to her as her hips rose to meet his.
Severus was forced to close his eyes when she lifted her hips. The head of his penis coming into contact with her hot, moist entrance had him teetering near the edge. A slow groan escaped him and he turned black eyes upon her once more. “You are a terminative little witch, too eager for you or my own good.”
Suddenly Lou lost her nerve. She let her hips slump back to the bed, her body tense at the thought of the impending pain.
“Relax.” he whispered. “You know what to expect, a brief moment of pain, then comes the pleasure Lou. You remember the pleasure.” His voice purred softly into her neck, each word interspersed with small tender kisses to her earlobe, her neck and collar bone.
Lou shivered beneath him, her breathing becoming faster in anticipation and fear. “It’s allright for you to say, you’re not me. It hurts when you AHHGH!”
Severus could hold back no longer. As Lou complained, he realigned himself and slid inside her, pausing for only a second at her barrier and slowly forcing his way through, burying himself deep with a long, groan. The other times he’d entered quickly, waiting for her to adjust to hi. This time he wanted to do it differently. Not waiting he slowly withdrew, almost to the tip and re-entered, savouring the pulse of her walls alternately gripping him and trying to expel him. Still he continued, slow, deep, even strokes, loosing himself to the intensity of her heat. His strokes soon turned to thrusts, not giving Lou time to think about the pain and soon she was striving to meet his thrusts, her body taking control of her mind as the thrusts became harder, faster, his hips driving at her like a hammer.
Lou could no longer keep a rhythm with him and instead she clung to him tightly, enjoying the ride.
He slowed for a moment to grind against her, then added two fingers to join his cock, making them slick before inserting them into her back passage, gently passed the small resistance she still presented, then sending her spiralling into a world of mind numbing, climatic pleasure, her walls clamping down round his cock and his fingers, gripping so tightly he was unable to move. He pounced onto her mouth, lips claiming lips, tongues duelling as he rode her orgasm, struggling to hold back from his own , but Lou was too tight, pulling him in deeper and he finally gave in as his own orgasm rocketed down his spine, his balls tightened and he released pulse after pulse of his seed, his own moans merging with hers as they both trembled and clung and collapsed, exhausted, yet more sated then either had been for many months.
Severus lifted to his knees, delighting in the sight of her blood mixed with their emission coating his organ and her inner thighs.
He fell to his side, sliding one arm under Lou’s shoulder and she snuggled in against him.
He reached over to the bedside and retrieved a small phial for her. “Regular healing potion, to ease things for you.”
Lou took it but inspected it suspiciously, checking it’s colour, smell and consistency before drinking it. “I don’t trust you not to put that blasted Heal-All in a different bottle Severus.” She told him, half pouting, half smiling.
He raised an eyebrow and tried to look innocent. “Would I?”
“Severus don’t try and look as though butter wouldn’t melt in you mouth, you’ll send it sour.”
“Minx.” he growled as he pinned her down and tickled her sides before both of them collapsed in exhausted laughter.
Most afternoons found Severus and Hermione still experimenting on the revised wolfesbane, infecting more nifflers and pixies and treating them with different variations of the potion. Hermione gave the pixie doses of the neat Heal-All immediately it changed back from it’s were pixie form to see if it would help with the pains, but because she was unable to give it the potion before the actual change all it did was heal any damage the little creature caused itself during it’s agonising change back.
Then she was sent some kaht, courtesy of Vithori who was on a tour of magical Arabia His letter explained that the more primitive nomads there made an infusion of the leaves and would let it soak into a piece of raw meat for one week. The meat would then be thrown to the newly turned werewolf and he would become docile and his transformation back to human would be a slow and gentle process.
She and Severus spent weeks breaking the leaves down into individual components and adding them individually to small samples of Remus’ blood. It was found though that the leaves as a whole were necessary to make the infusion. When added this way to Remus’ blood it caused the blood to fulminate, violent flashes like lightening bursting forth from the infected blood, while leaving the human cells alone.
They tried it on four of the pixies after they took the revised wolfesbane and the results were amazing.
About a minute after devouring the raw treated steak, the werepixies seemed to calm down, losing a lot of their ferocity. Then they suddenly went rigid before going into fits. They thought at first they were losing the creatures but the spasms quickly abated and the pixies let out small squeaks and mewls, then became meek, craving affection from their individual cages. Their eyes were gentle and Hermione reached out to pet one.
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