Where’s My Dragon? | By : ZooArmy Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 49574 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Warnings: Nothing special, just some kissing and cuddling – so more or less fluff
Oh and, there’ll be NO HGxSS in this story. Actually I don’t like that pairing as well, and I don’t know what kind of drug I took, but it felt right at the moment to give Hermione such thoughts. I’m sorry for those who looked forward to some HermionexSeverus action, but maybe I’ll imply some thoughts of Hermione again. After all she’s a teenage girl and we all know, what that means…oh oh hormones.
Something else to say? … … Nope, don’t think so, or I’ll relapse into rambling. *shrugs*
Where’s My Dragon? | Part Eight | Infirmary Time The Second – How does it take Weasley?
He closed the door and saw that Snape was already gone and Weasley and Granger stood alone in front of the door. He hadn’t even enough time to get away from the door when Ron pushed him aside and stormed back into the infirmary.
“Weasley, you…” the door flew into his face and Draco turned around, grumbling all the time. He went past Hermione, carefully keeping more than an arm length distance.
The first class after lunch was already over and the second was in progress. He had no idea how he should explain his absence and delay.
‘Please excuse my delay, but I needed to visit my new alleged boyfriend, who tried to kill himself because of me and actually he wanted me to snog the daylights out of him, but I told him I still have classes. And here I am.’
A little bit implausible – just a little. It wouldn’t even work to tell Blaise and Pansy.
“Malfoy?” the blonde stopped and turned around, facing Hermione.
“I wanted to apologize.”
Draco couldn’t help but sneer at her.
“Is that so Granger? This morning it didn’t seem like you would regret it.”
A light pink tinged Hermione’s cheeks, but she wasn’t backing off.
“Snape told us everything, actually I had a similar surmise and… I wanted to thank you.”
Draco’s ears perked up and he lifted his left eyebrow.
“Did you say ‘thank you’?”
“Yes, for helping Harry and preventing him from suicide or going mad.”
A dirty smirk appeared on the blonde’s lips and his eyes gleamed slyly.
“You know that I will probably fuck him, because he wants me to, don’t you?”
The pink on Hermione’s cheeks got more intense and she stared down on the floor when she scratched her neck awkwardly.
“I, eurm, I know! Just don’t hurt him, please.”
Draco’s eyes got bigger and when Herm realized what she had said, she smacked her hand against her forehead.
“Oh my, I didn’t mean it like that!” Draco began to laugh heartily and Hermione looked up. “Don’t worry Granger, I got what you meant. I won’t hurt him, not during sex either.”
The girl just nodded shortly and grabbed the door handle.
“How did Weasley take it?”
She smiled slightly at him and he felt outright stupid for asking and even caring about it. After all it was a thing just between Pot- Harry and him, everyone else was unimportant.
“He’s taking it… let’s say he accepts it, but needs some time to accustom.”
She opened the door and they parted without another word.
Ron was ranting non-stop, when Hermione closed the door. Harry looked at her pleadingly and took his fingers out of his ears, which he had put in to dull Ron’s nagging.
“Herm, please, tell him to stop. I promised Draco to get some sleep.”
Malfoy had told him to sleep? And he obeyed? He hadn’t listened to Hermione’s nor Ron’s pleas to sleep. Even when his body was at his limits he didn’t listen and stayed awake. But if his love told him to sleep, it was something different and complied with willingly.
Hermione walked closer to Harry’s bed and cast a silencing charm on Ron. Harry sighed, but Ron glared at her.
“Thanks, Herm. He didn’t stop telling me that I don’t need Draco and that he’s a useless, hateful git and that, in reality, I don’t love him at all.”
Hermione shot Ron a dark look, who in response crossed his arms in front of his chest and slumped down in one armchair with a mute huff.
“Don’t take Ron serious. You know he and Mal- Draco don’t come along that well. Give him some time to accustom.”
Harry snuggled deeper into his bed and pulled the blanket up to his chin. He turned to the side and closed his eyes for a moment.
“I know, Herm, but how long does he intend to be against us? My dragon finally came back to me and he isn’t happy for me.”
Hermione stroked over his head in slow moves.
“Harry, he’s happy for you, because you’re happy. You are happy, aren’t you? But he can’t show it that easily, he can’t forget Draco’s earlier behaviour towards us.”
“I know that he was horrible, but he changed – for me – and I don’t know how long Ron wants to hold the grudge.”
The red head grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill from the nightstand, scribbled something on the parchment, crumpled it together and threw it at Hermione, before she could answer Harry.
“Hey! Why did you do that?” she unfolded the paper and read aloud. “You don’t need to act like I’m not in the room.”
The other two Gryffindors laughed frantically and it became harder when Ron made a pouting face.
“Okay, okay.” Hermione said through subsiding laughs “I think we should go now, so that you can sleep. We will come after dinner again, okay?”
Harry scratched his forehead awkwardly.
“Eurm, Herm, Draco wanted to come after dinner.”
“Oh!” she understood that they wouldn’t be welcome. She looked over to Ron and saw his disapproval, to put it nicely.
“Well, fine, Harry. Then we will visit you tomorrow again.” The Golden Boy gave her a thankful smile. “Come on, Ron.”
Ron stood up obediently, because he knew his protest wouldn’t be heard and he and Hermione wished Harry a good sleep, whereby Ron just waved, and left the infirmary.
Draco stopped in front of the huge white double door of the infirmary. His stomach felt like he had had stones for dinner – contrary to the fact that he hadn’t eaten one single bite. He gulped painfully and his ears cracked ugly inside because of it.
He leaned against the wall right next to the door and closed his eyes. His heart was beating fast and uneasily.
Although the morning had gone rather smooth, Draco tried to postpone the next meeting. To be honest, the morning had scared him, his own behaviour had scared him. All day he had thought about nothing else, but hadn’t found an answer till yet. Why had it been so easy for him to play Harry’s boyfriend? He had touched him, had talked to him and had kissed him, like it was the most normal for him. Where would that lead to?
Again his ears cracked and he felt a headache building up. No wonder, had Blaise and Pansy pestered him all day, where he had been and what he had told Snape and why Granger had punched him and nag nag nag. He had tried to blend them out and it had worked fine every time – until they poked him, or shoved him or screamed in his ear again.
Even if it was just his imagination, but his eyes began to hurt, like every other part of his body and he felt tired. Just thinking all day and finding no answer and worrying about things one couldn’t name, because one had no idea what the worries were about, was really exhausting.
The door of the infirmary opened slowly and Draco pushed of the wall, expecting Madame Pomfrey and he wanted to prevent a reproof for leaning against the whitened wall and maybe dirtying it.
“Harry? What are you doing here? You have to stay in bed.”
The Gryffindor steadied himself at the doorframe and smiled sheepishly at Draco.
“I just wondered where you are. I missed you. – What’s wrong, dragon? You don’t look good.”
Draco rolled his eyes and walked closer to Harry. He put one arm around the others waist and forced him gently back into the infirmary. They walked slowly back to Harry’s bed and Draco wondered how long Harry had needed to get to the door without help. He sat the Golden Boy down on the bed and lifted his legs into it too, before he pulled the blanket above Harry.
“You can’t just walk around and chase after others.”
The blonde walked around the bed and fell into one armchair. His head fell back against the backrest and he closed his eyes. Bloody awesome, another thing to worry about on his list – a run-round Harry bloody Potter.
“Yeah?” he groaned, remaining in his position.
“Come here.”
“Huh?” the Slytherin lifted his head and looked at Harry. The dark haired boy shifted to the opposite side of his bed and padded the free place.
“Come here, Draco.”
“I think… I don’t know, if…”
“Just come here, Draco.”
The blonde stood up and sat on the bed, his back to Harry. He could feel Harry sitting up when the mattress moved. Hands wandered up his back and he shuddered.
“Ssh, dragon, relax!”
Harry’s hands wandered up to his shoulders and kneaded them shortly, before crawling up to the blond scalpe and massaging it gently. Draco leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and slumped down as his shoulders relaxed. Harry inclined his head and pressed his lips against Draco’s back of his neck, making him groan and dropping his head forward. The Gryffindor flicked his tongue over the sensitive skin and pulled the skin carefully with his lips and teeth. The blonde’s breath hitched and he dug his fingers into the mattress.
“Har- ry, no, stop… you shouldn’t…”
His erection started to press painfully against the zipper of his pants and he shifted uncomfortably from one butt cheek to the other.
Golden Boy dragged his lips slowly up to Draco’s left ear, nibbled at the lobe and received silent mewls.
“Lie down.”
Without a second thought the Slytherin obeyed and lay down beside Harry. He looked up at him and didn’t know what to do but gaze into those shining green eyes. Harry leaned down and spoke – almost whispered – against Draco’s lips.
“I want to feel you, my dragon.”
He kissed him hard and bruising, not giving Draco a chance to answer. But the blonde didn’t complain, his mind was blank and he answered the kiss just too willingly.
Harry stopped the kiss, but kept the distance between their faces very small. He looked deeply into Draco’s ice blue eyes and his hand wandered down to his pants.
“I want you, Draco.” He whispered and placed his palm on the blonde’s erection to rub it firmly.
Although Draco was thinking with his lower regions and moaned because of the touch, he took Harry’s rubbing hand in his own and lifted it up. He opened his eyes and saw Harry’s confused and hurt look.
“No, no, it’s fine.”
The saviour of the wizarding world rolled from Draco and turned his back towards him.
He could have stood up and left, but he didn’t. He knew if Harry hadn’t been injured, he hadn’t stopped him. But this reason was new to him. He was concerned about the health of someone else. And why the hell was it of all people Harry Potter, he cared for apparently? But that was something to think about later.
Draco rolled to his side and snaked one arm around Harry’s waist. He lifted his head to the others ear and spoke in a soft tone.
“Harry, I…”
“You don’t need to explain anything or defend yourself. You don’t want me – I got it.”
“Harry, no! But you… you lost a lot of blood and you’re still weak. When you’re completely recovered, I won’t push you away – never.”
The Golden Boy humphed in disbelief.
“Empty promises. It’s all a farce for you.”
Draco looked like he had been smacked across the face with the backhand – twice.
“Er, er, eurm, what? Why do you think so?”
Harry rolled on his stomach and mumbled into the pillow.
“Harry, please talk to me, not the pillow.”
The boy rolled back into his old position and Draco leaned over him to look at him.
“I’m sorry. I’m stupid. Just forget it.”
“You will tell me – now!”
He kissed a path from Harry’s ear down to his neck and placed soft kisses on the soft skin. Harry moaned silently and craned his neck to give better access. Between kisses he asked him again to mouth his doubts.
“Will – you – tell – me – now?” and bit the neck to underline his gentle demand. The Golden Boy whimpered.
“You don’t call me ‘Baby’ anymore. – I loved it so much when you did it. – I felt… I felt special.”
Draco stopped his procedure. Harry was right – in a strange kind of way. He would never call someone ‘Baby’ who was unimportant to him or ‘just’ friends. Just the one special beloved would. Also it was implied to Harry through the potion, that he thought he, Draco, had called him so, the blonde shuddered inwardly. Was it a hint for his future?
“I did call…” no, no, he couldn’t ask, or Harry would know that something was wrong. “…I didn’t do it, because I thought you wouldn’t want me to call you Ba-by so short after breaking up and being together again.”
Draco mentally patted his own shoulder for reacting so quickly and finding a reason for not calling Harry ‘Baby’. He knew he couldn’t avoid it forever, but either the potion wore off before or he needed to get used to it quickly.
“But you’ll call me it again?”
The Slytherin Prince couldn’t help but smile. He lay down and wrapped again an arm around Harry’s waist.
“I will.”
He pulled the Gryffindor close and pressed him against himself. The saviour of the wizarding world sniggered all of a sudden.
“Eurm, is there something wrong?”
“Well…” his hand snaked under Draco’s arm and around himself, down to Draco’s dick and stroked it again. “…you’re still hard.”
“So much for your allegation about me, not wanting you, huh?”
The blonde kissed Harry’s neck once more and rolled away to stand up, but Harry grabbed his arm and kept him down.
“Stay with me tonight, dragon.”
Dragon! Always dragon! No one called him dragon, except his mother and now apparently his ‘boyfriend’. And both were filled with so much love, sounded yet so different, that every time he heard Harry calling him, his stomach fluttered, which had never happened because of his mother.
Anyway, every time he was with Harry he had difficulty to differentiate between reality and fiction. Means, he wasn’t sure what his real feelings were and which were the ones he had because of acting as Harry’s boyfriend. He felt like the boundaries became blurry and both feelings began to melt into one.
“Dragon? Are you okay?”
“Huh? Oh er yeah.”
“Will you stay?”
“And Pomfrey? She will kill us, especially me, if she finds me in your bed tomorrow morning.”
Harry crawled half on Draco, who was lying on his back, and kissed his chin.
“I don’t care about Pomfrey. I’ll just tell her, that I needed you to recover. It isn’t even a lie.”
Draco kicked of his shoes and closed the white hangings. He wasn’t sure if Harry had squealed but when he had pulled the blanket above them and had kissed Harry’s forehead, he had been hundred percent sure that Golden Boy had purred on his chest.
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