Hollowed | By : dirtydarella Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 6996 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I've been really bad about remembering to post this here when I post it on LJ. *Slaps self*. I won't let it happen in the future.
As always, thanks to my beta tari_sue
Are you even going to say where were going, or am I supposed to guess?
Potter looked over his shoulder with honest confusion on his face brows drawn together in the silliest little way. Diagon Alley. Didnt I already tell you? It was quarter to midnight and the two teens had met in Potters room not five minutes ago. Rather, Draco had been waiting for him anxiously for the past forty minutes, and Potter had just walked in.
The trio had been out earlier, and thus Draco had worried all day that Potter wouldnt be back in time. Once eleven rolled around, he had snuck into Potters room to sulk and possibly have a well-rehearsed rant ready if the git showed up at dawn as he was prone to do. Although, he was also prone to leaving and not coming back for days, but he hadnt even wanted to consider that possibility. In the mean time he had contented himself with lying down on Potters bed and enjoy the fact that it smelled like him.
The rant Draco had ended up preparing had died immediately when Potter rushed in, mumbled a hurried apology, then proceeded to rip off his own shirt in favor of rooting around the room for a clean one. Really, how could he stay mad when Potter did that? He could call them even for the eyeful he got of those delicious muscles flexing in Potters chest and back.
Now Potter was frantically rushing around the room, apparently getting ready for whatever it was they needed to do in Diagon Alley. He shrugged into an over-sized black cloak and Draco caught a flash of the insides, lined up and down with pockets as Potter rolled the sleeves up impatiently. He wondered if the almighty hero had eaten anything today, pondering if they had time to stop by the kitchen first, but he didnt want to sound so
nagging, so he squashed the urge to ask. Potter was a big boy, he knew when to eat. At that thought, his mind decided to dip off into pervert land for a brief moment.
You ready? Potter said, suddenly, and Draco really wanted to respond with a husky ready for anything you can dish out but chose to nod instead. Damn those romantic novels of Hermiones, they had ruined him. He was going to have to make Fantasizing about Potter while hes still in the room not allowed one of the Potter Seduction Laws. Although honestly, he wasnt sure if he could keep himself from breaking that one.
Clearing his throat, and knowing he would sound foolish, he asked without letting the nerves through to his voice, "Is this going to be dangerous?"
One thing Potter had probably forgotten was that Dracos wand wouldn't be any good in defending himself. Sure it could cast things like shields, but only noble Gryffindors defended themselves like that. He wouldn't be able to cast any
Slytherin defensive spells, and it caused an anxious tremble in his body when he thought about it. If someone attacked them, would Potter protect him too?
It shouldnt be
Potter said, his eyes turning away. Although, you might want to stay hidden while I take care of something.
Draco raised an eyebrow but let it pass.
Harry was comfortable that, unless they were somehow ambushed by Death Eaters, tonight would be perfectly safe although the Death Eater ambush wasnt totally out of the question, it never was. However, tonight was one of those things that Hermione would think wasnt worth going out and risking, and he didnt want to put Ron in the position of doing things behind Hermiones back when they were still in the first steps of their new relationship.
So no, it wasnt dangerous, but for Malfoy it wasnt safe. No one was really all that safe when it came to the twins, but especially not someone who had insulted the Weasley family. He figured it would just be best to keep Malfoy hidden while he picked up what they wanted him to get, then afterwards they could go wherever he wanted, as long as it wasnt somewhere like Malfoy manor. Shoving his foot into his trainers his other pair had got wet and he couldnt remember the proper drying spell Harry glanced over to the blond from underneath his black fringe. Malfoy was still on his bed, leaning against the headboard with his limbs crossing over each other as if he was a carefully posed model. He really did have an interesting grace ingrained into his body, one that made Harry feel clumsy and awkward in his own.
Malfoy's new wand wouldn't let him apparate, Harry knew, so they'd have to do a side-a-long in a few minutes. He was sure Malfoy knew this too. What he didnt know was why the thought made him feel so nervous. Before it happened Harry would need to get a hold of himself lest he end up splinching them both all over the place.
Taking a deep breath, Harry rose from his crouching position and grabbed the invisibility cloak off the bed. Malfoy obviously got the hint that they were leaving and rose smoothly, standing expectantly with one eyebrow raised.
Careful not to step out of the cloak, especially when we go out the door. Theres always Death Eaters in the front, Potter said without a hint of fear in his voice. Hed obviously had plenty of time and experience to get used to the idea. Draco did his best not to cringe as he nodded. It was suddenly hitting him that he was going outside. Outside. It seemed so terrifying, yet at the same time thrilling. How long had it been? Even before Grimmauld Place hed been stuck with in the walls of his own home for months.
Potter cleared his throat and took a step toward him. Draco became acutely aware of his presence, so close that he could feel the others body heat radiating like the muggle oven downstairs. He took the opportunity to move even closer as Potter fumbled with the cloak until they were barely touching hips and shoulders on one side the teasing contact immediately maddening. Thankfully, the fluid fabric of Potters invisibility cloak covered the small shiver that traveled down his spine. Merlin he could smell the brunet the sent of sun, grass and summer wind, throwing him immediately into memories of flying on his broom.
They made their way down the stairs keeping constant contact, but as they reached the front door each misstepped a bit in the wrong direction, ending up with the cloak half slipping off Potters shoulder. Draco reached out, taking hold of Potters forearm in a strong, but gentle grip. They drew in close once again, bumping shoulders, but Draco didnt release his hold, nor did Potter try to shake it off. As they stepped carefully outside in the most deliciously refreshing night air, Draco slid his hand down, enjoying the firm muscles and warm skin underneath the pads of his fingers. Their bodies felt comfortable together, just so
well, he didnt want to think the words in fear of being cheesy. Did Harry think the same?
He looked away from the outlined figures, practically invisible in their disillusionment charms. If he looked close enough, he might have been able to figure out who they were, but it was the last thing he wanted to know right now.
It seemed as if Potter was about to turn and apparate, so Draco drew himself even closer, pressing his body firmly against the others toned one. There was a hitch of breath, a pause, then he felt the familiar squeeze of apparation.
He smirked.
Harry couldnt control his breathing. Nor could he control his heart rate. Hell, he couldnt control his entire body especially the er
lower regions. It was all Malfoys fault too, and the blond didnt even know it.
When he had first grabbed Harry, it had been to steady them under the cloak, and that was perfectly fine. When he hadnt let go, Harry figured it was because they were about to do a side-a-long apparation. Again, fine. But what wasnt fine according to his brain at least, his cock didnt find it all that troublesome, apparently was the way Malfoys thumb kept rubbing across the inside of his wrist. It was ridiculously sensual the way it soothed over the sensitive skin there, dragging pure warmth across where ever it touched, dipping down into the palm and drifting over it slowly. The action sent jolts of awareness up his arm and it was all he could do not to shiver.
Harry had glanced over a few times to try and gage if Malfoy was doing it on purpose, but each time those pale features had been relaxed and his eyes distant. Leave it to Malfoy to have a subconscious act that made Harry half hard and all barmy.
Thankfully, the walk down Diagon Alley came to an end before Harry had to ponder too much as to why the blond affected him so. They stopped at the twins extravagantly decorated shop even in the dark looking extremely playful. Standing under the number 93 that marked the address, Harry paused and turned to Malfoy, who was examining the shop door with narrowed eyes. He whispered, leaning in close so as to barely make any noise.
Wait here and stay hidden under the cloak. Soft, white-gold hair brushed against his cheek causing a shiver to crawl down his spine, but he thought he sensed the other shivering too, so maybe it had just been a cool breeze. Wand at the ready as was always necessary Harry glanced around once more before slipping out from underneath the cloak. He knocked three times in rapid succession, followed by a two-second pause before repeating.
Im coming with you, Malfoys voice whispered suddenly in his ear, and he was half way to turning around and hissing a firm negative to that when the door retched open and Harry jumped in surprise, accidentally bumping into Malfoy. Oddly, the other teen didnt bother to move back any further, remaining warmly pressed against him. He began to take a step forward, but paused when two identical redheads leaned forward with intimidatingly tall bodies and said in perfect unison, Youre late.
he mumbled with a crooked smile. He didnt miss the way the corners of the twins' mouths were twitching upwards. There was a soft pressure at his lower back and he tried not to visibly react.
Then the pressure jerked away from him, and Malfoy must have stepped back just in time because Harry suddenly had both the twins arms thrown around his shoulders as they laughed good-naturedly and walked him into the flat.
Ten points from Gryffindor, Fred said with a grin. Just as the door was closing, he felt a swish of fabric against his leg. He hoped Malfoy would stay fairly close, the twins werent all that predictable and the last thing he needed was for them to accidentally bump into him, or fire off a random spell that would do god knows what if it hit the blond.
After a brief pause, the twins looked back at the still open door, each with a raised eyebrow. Harry nervously glanced back too, then separated himself from their arms and looked questioningly towards them. What?
"Are we to believe you came alone?" George said narrowing his eyes knowingly as Harrys gaze shifted nervously to the side without his permission.
Surely little ickle Ronikins came with you, Fred said, and Harry nearly jumped as the voice came from behind him, followed by the click of the door shutting.
Come out come out where ever you are," George and Fred sing-songed together as they started to move their hands searchingly around air, blindly groping. He could feel a presence appear at his side, shifting as the twins circled and he tried not to react in a way that would draw attention.
"I'm telling you, he isn't here," he said, feeling a little uneasy. He trusted the twins but, well, he didnt at the same time.
"Oh, I see," George said with a wink and Harry didnt know what to make of it. Both the twins energy seemed to triple as they talked off one another, jumping in mid-sentence so fast Harry had a hard time keeping up.
Probably for the best, Fred said, nodding. Ron was never very good about keeping his mouth shut
Especially around mummy dearest.
She is the one who feeds him, after all
nothing makes Ronikins more loyal to someone than if they feed him.
Like a stray pup, our brother is.
Glancing between the two, Harry couldnt help the small twist of his lips upward as the twins took turns speaking, even though a little deeper down knew it was unfair to laugh at Rons expense. After all, Ron had kept quite a few of Harrys secrets over the years and had proven his loyalty time and time again.
"Accio invisibility cloak, one of them shouted just as hed let his guard down, and he tensed as the fluid fabric was pulled off the pale teen next to him. As inappropriate as it was, Harrys first thought was how
incredible Malfoys hair currently looked; locks of platinum hair messily twisting this way and that, falling into gray eyes and dragging against milky colored cheekbones. Cursing, Malfoy shifted behind him, making Harry a human barrier between the two redheads.
The twins mouths dropped open simultaneously, although the shock seemed a little too fake for Harrys liking, especially as they said Not Ron?! in unison with an unexpected cheerfulness in their tone.
Harry said, thinking that perhaps he should say something, but having no clue what.
Oi, Harry
You brought a ferret with you!
The twins exchanged glances, glee shining in their eyes.
Do you think you could leave him here with us?
We're dying for a new beta tester.
I bet Malfoy's a squealer.
And a screamer.
Harry's thoughts plummeted towards the gutter and he felt a flush rise to his face.
If Potter left him here with these two, Draco would kill him. He didnt care that his wand couldnt cast any offensive spells, hed just jab it straight through his eye into his tiny little Gryffindor brain.
no, Potter said, laughing. Bastard. He thought this was funny? Theyd turn Draco into a ferret permanently and give him to Weasel as a pet. Then hed have to spend the rest of his life forced to look into a dumb freckled face and possibly even witness the horrors that were him attempting to lay Granger torture! I just brought him so he could help me carry the booze. You know, whiskey and stuff? For the party?
Three heads turned at once to Harry, the Weasley twins with a look of remembrance and Draco with confusion. Party? As if reading his mind Harry turned to him with a sheepish look.
I meant to tell you about it, he mumbled.
Family reunion, the weasel twins said in unison, for once sounding anything but gleeful. Draco couldnt help sharing the sentiment a house full of the ginger family was anything but pleasant sounding.
Er, Harry added. And I think Lupin is coming. And Tonks
your cousin. Plus some others.
The twin standing left of Draco sighed in an over dramatic manner. Knowing our mum, shes planned a whole night of kid-friendly fun. His expression changed quickly a shadows flicking in his blue eyes. So weve decided to add our own spice to the party.
As guests arrive, the other twins started, Harry here will make sure bottles of Dutch courage keep showing up in the kitchen. As long as she thinks they are gifts, shell be obliged to open them.
Alright, he said holding up his hand in a halting gesture. Like he cared, he just wanted to get out of here already. The twins shared a look, then turned away from him.
Have I told you about our new, other goods, Harry? Interesting new developments that might help you. Draco frowned as the twin on his right raised his eyebrows slowly before turning, grabbing Potter by his elbow and leading him towards the back of the room.
A heated conversation seemed to follow, and Draco was tempted to take a step forward to see if he could make out anymore than the mumbled sounds, but unfortunately the other twin had stayed back and seemed to have a I dare you to move, just try it look on his face.
Instead he busied himself with making careful glances around the store. They sure knew how to make it unsightly and cluttered, no doubt perfectly acceptable to them considering they probably modeled it after that shack they were rumored to live in. Colorful objects spun around here and there, signs dancing around in an attention grabbing way. There were some fluffy little creatures in a cage next to him and he did his best not to curl his lip up in disgust as he turned his gaze away. He didnt need to look any further he knew the place well enough. It was where he had bribed a first year Ravenclaw into buying him Darkness powder last year.
A gentle laughter filled the room and Draco turned his attention back to Potter. His head was thrown back, exposing a shapely neck. The twin near him was gesturing wildly with his whole body, but whatever he was saying Potter obviously found it humorous. A moment later, to his horror, Potter was smiling like an idiot and nodding, then shouting that he would be right back.
Damnit, Potter was actually leaving him alone with the twins. This wasnt happening. The moment Potter disappeared behind the corner, apparently into another room, they were on him like a hawk on a helpless little mouse, each speaking off each other so quickly he couldnt keep track of who was saying what. Not that he was a helpless little mouse, mind, Malfoys were not helpless.
Would you like a drink, Malfoy?
Something to wet your whistle?
We have many whistle-wetting drinks.
The twins exchanged an annoyingly secretive glance that made him feel unbearably anxious. Draco tried very hard not to let his eye twitch. No, thank you, he said curtly. Feeling dizzy, he wished he could close his eyes for a moment and collect himself, but he didn't dare around these two. Instead, he fingered his wand in his robe pocket, trying to remember every defensive spell he could. Now what was the incantation for the one that bounced hexes back in multiple directions?
We just want to make you comfortable
Of course, its only polite. The left one turned to the right one and vice-a-versa.
Perhaps we should start with small talk.
Great idea. They turned back.
Yes, we should all get to know each other better.
You go first, Malfoy. How long has it been since youve wanted to fuck our little Harrys brains out?
It was such an unfair thing to do, switching topics so quickly. Draco realized a second too late that he had shown his shocked reaction on his face and mentally cursed at himself before shifting his features into a sneer. I dont know what youre blathering about.
Cause we think you do
Even though he doubted they would be any good at Legilimency, Draco brought up his Occlumency walls, guarding his mind from any possible intrusion. There was no way he was risking his jumbled thoughts about Potter, thoughts that he barely understood himself rather, he didnt understand them at all most the time to anyone else's interpretation.
The two shared yet another look, this one consisting of pure smugness. Obviously theyd been in contact with Granger. How else would they know? For whatever reason, hed figured Gryffindors didnt go spilling secrets about their best friends. Wasnt Potter supposed to talk to her about all this? What happened to that? Fucking Gryffindors. They were ruining his plans, the whole lot of them.
Everything okay in here?
Draco jumped and turned to see Potter peak his head around the corner. He was obviously checking up on them, making sure that Draco hadnt been blown up yet, and five minutes ago Draco would have been thrilled but right now he needed the idiot to go away so he could deal with the twins.
Fine, all three of them chimed together, although the twins was more singsong and his slightly edged with panic. Potter gave him an inquiring look and Draco jerked his head in a get-the-fuck-out-of-here kind of way, pleased when his figure retreated a second later.
He waited a beat to make sure Potter was out of hearing range before turning his iciest glare towards the twins. Being the wankers they were, they laughed.
Dont be so defensive, the left one said.
Draco tilted his chin up and forced a fake confidence in his words. Im not being defensive. I have nothing to be defensive about.
They tutted together and he curled his lip up. Malfoy, Malfoy, Malfoy.
The left one shifted and slapped his hand on his shoulder. It took all his will power not to shove it off and punch the git. Instead he gritted his teeth until his jaw burned and reminded himself that he didnt have a wand that could throw out hexes or properly defend himself.
I would say
The left one said scratching his chin while addressing his brother. Their third year was when those looks started.
Quite right, his brother agreed, taking on a pensive look as well.
Malfoy turned up his glare a notch and jerked his shoulder away of the freckled-faced git. Looks?
You know the ones
The longing, hurtful looks.
They each mimicked what they apparently thought he had done back in school, drawing in their eyebrows, pouting the bottom lip just so, and shooting each other pathetic puppy-dog eyes. He choked down a snarl.
Any looks back then had been of contempt and nothing else. He squashed down the thought that tried to suggest otherwise, mercilessly shoving it back in the darkness of his mind. Hed always hated Potter, hadnt he? The only thing that had changed was his interest in bedding the brunet, and that was purely on a carnal level.
"Don't worry, we won't tell."
This time he really did snarl. Theres nothing to tell.
Matching grins. Right.
Dont get the wrong idea, we want to help you.
Sure they did. Draco narrowed his eyes, then to his discomfort, one of the twins went one way and the other darted off in a different direction and he pulled out his wand in a panic. That wasnt fair, they couldnt just split up like that. Bastards.
One flicked his wand and had a box fly into his hand; the other was on tiptoe, frowning at a display before snatching a book and tapping the cover with a spell. It was a whirlwind of movement that only lasted a second but it had been enough for Dracos stomach to turn cold with anticipation.
They lined up in front of him again, their eyes having taken on a devious glint, and somehow they each had flasks in their hand and were banging them together.
To helping Harry loose his virginity, they chimed together, extremely loud, and Dracos eyes shot in a panic to where Potter had disappeared.
Would you two knock it off, he hissed.
Their answer was for one of them to hold out a colorful box and wave it expectantly at him. Fools, did they expect him to touch that? For all he knew it was a portkey to the bottom of the lake at Hogwarts. What is it?
They did that annoying, answer-in-unison thing. Patented Daydream Charms.
And what was he suppose to do with them? He was afraid to ask. No thanks.
Thats not all, one said cheerfully. Weve also got lube.
And how-to gay sex books, and
Okayokayokay, he said, shushing them. Merlin, they had the subtlety of a blaring lighthouse in pitch darkness. Just shut up about it already.
Snatching the items savagely, he shoved into his robe pocket. He nervously glanced over to where Harry was suppose to be. This was all a little too much for him to handle, it made him feel so keenly anxious.
How humiliating. He dreaded what the twins could do with this knowledge. Why did all these damn Gryffindors have to go and ruin everything all the time?
Harry looked over to Malfoy questioningly, but the other kept his face turned away. He wondered if the twins had done something to him, although he didnt know why Malfoy wouldnt have called for his help. He sure had made it clear with his desperate looks to Harry that he had wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Once outside, when asked where he wanted to go Malfoy looked distracted for a moment before suggesting the Quidditch shop.
Stepping in just a little closer, he let his arm bump into Malfoys, wondering if he would grab Harrys like last time, but if anything, he seemed to shy away from the touch. Frowning, he focused on keeping them close enough for the cloak to safely offer them both coverage, yet far enough to give Malfoy space, since thats what he apparently wanted. Maybe the twins had brought something up about his mum, or even his dad that had upset him and he just needed time to brood.
It wasnt too far of a walk over to Quality Quidditch Supplies, and once they got there they paused to look into the display window. There was a set of newly designed Chudley Cannons robes, along with a few posters of players from various teams zooming around. Ron would probably know all their names by heart, but Harry only recognized two, maybe three of them. There was a new model of broom too, at the center of the display all smooth, red wood and perfectly trimmed sandy bristles. Letters sizzled above that zipped around the window before forming the name Lightning Striker. The words flashed dramatically for a moment, then the letters separated, starting the whole process over again.
Next to him Malfoy sighed and mumbled something that sounded like a promise to come back after the war. Harry thought the same promise in his head, if he survived it.
Doubting thoughts suddenly left him feeling hollow.
Thanks ElfHybrid, sShadow, hieisdragoness18 , and Tree for the comments!
thrnbrooke Indeed, Draco is someone handy to have around. XD He'll be even more handy next chapter.... or is that handsy?
Alison July Thanks! *hugs*
Eros I am sorry about the lengthy time between updates *ducks head* It's definitely taught me not to start posting anything unless it's complete in the future. XD
Yes, Draco is totally a masturbation addict. Poor sexually frustrated him....
I haven't really touched on Harry's sexual preferences, I don't think even he really knows. -.-
*squishes you* Thanks for your reviews!
Kiersten Next chapter there's some definite action.... : )
DTDY XD I'm sure Draco wished it wasn't to the twins place...
FallenAngel1129 I'm sure a sweet place where they can fuck will be their second date. XD
Phoenix-Wings Thank you! *squishes you silly* I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
yaoiObsessed Thanks! There's definitely going to be some action between the boys in the next chapter... some drunken action. :D
stephen Update, yay! (finally, sorry!)
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