To Devour The Soul | By : escapethefate Category: Harry Potter Crossovers > Slash - Male/Male Views: 25070 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER OR TWILIGHT NOR DO I MAKE ANY MONEY FROM THIS STORY!! J.K Rowling owns all rights to Harry Potter and Stephenie Meyer owns all rights to the Twilight Series. So ther is no way I am making any money from this fic! |
I know promised this chapter would be out right after the last one but I had to rework some stuff. I'm thinking of splitting the story up so the mpreg would be the focus of the sequel, does that sound good to yall? Anyways there are only a few more chapters left so stick with me people. Oh and I didn't like the actress they picked to play Leah so I actually picture her looking more like Haifa Wehbe.
Jacob growled and squeezed Harry's waist tighter. "What the hell do you mean by that?"
Harry sighed and aimed a glare at Amy "What she is trying to say is that Alice and myself received a vision. Mine was just a little more detailed that her's. Do you mind if I tell them about it Alice?"
The small vampire nodded and Harry continued on. "I saw a group of newborns in a bedroom sniffing a shirt or something, then the vision flashed over to Jacob." Harry's voice cracked and he could feel the burn of tears trying to form in his eyes. "Jacob had been killed and the Cullens were all being ripped apart and burned by the group of newborns, leaving Bella to be tortured by some red haired woman."
The Cullens seemed to move as one to encircle the now shaking Bella while Draco only huffed and rolled his eyes. "Forever your morbid self, eh Potter. Who's to say this 'vision' of yours is real? Perhaps it's another of your false prophesies, your last so called 'vision' got your godfather killed if I remember correctly."
Jacob could barley hold the enraged demon as he hissed and spit at the smug looking blond. While he was surprised at the smaller boy's strength he was more surprised when Amy growled and lunged for the boy, knocking Seth out of her way. The demoness snapped her own set of sharp teeth in the shaking boy's face as she lifted him from the ground to dangle by his now ruffled hair.
Amy's deep hissing voice sent chills down everyone's spine. "You dare mock my child's gift! That vision was sent from the fates themselves because he is a cherished child. What happened in the past couldn't be helped. You may have a new 'friendship' with Harry, but if you tempt me again your little wolf over there will be mourning the loss of his arrogant asshole of a mate."
Seth growled deep in his chest and Amy turn her attention to the young wolf. "Try it and I'll neuter you. I've been alive longer than your ancestors have lived on this land, you really want to test me puppy?"
When Seth reluctantly took a step back Amy smirked and dropped the cursing blond boy to the ground. "Now be a good boy Coco love, I hate having to show my bad side to people."
Flashing a sharp smile at the ruffled boy currently being thoroughly examined by his mate, Amy moved over to gently brush her forehead against Harry's and Jacob's. "My kitten may have found his mate but I am still his mother. No one is allowed to speak ill of him."
Jacob chuckled and returned the affectionate gesture Amy delivered.
Felling awkward Sam cleared his throat. "Alright so she is beyond creepy. Now can we get back to the matter at hand, vampires coming to kill us all."
Amy smirked and turned to face the alpha.
"Actually we" gesturing to herself and Harry "were not a part of the vision. The fates have ordered us not to interfere in this battle."
Everyone looked to the demoness in shock. Harry pushed her back so he could fully look her in the eye. "What do you mean we can't interfere? My mate is going to battle and I plan to be by his side."
The other wizards and witch nodded in agreement. Amy shook her head "The wizards are allowed in the battle the fates have no control over their actions, but we are to stay out of it unless it gets out of hand. Only then can we step in. The consequences of any disobedience could me the death of not only your mate but everyone on the reservation and in Forks. I'm sorry kitten but you will not be there for this battle."
Sam grunted "We don't need your protection. We can handle this as a pack."
Harry smirked "Actually it would benefit you greatly to team up with the Cullen family for this battle. Your pack has no experience fighting newborns, or any vampires for that matter. The one vampire you killed can't really be claimed as 'experience'. He was only one lone vampire, you will be dealing with an army of vampires that are stronger, faster, and more bloodthirsty."
Sam nodded along with Carlisle. "We need to gather the elders so there can be some revisions made to the treaty. Can we meet up later tonight?"
Carlisle offered a kind smile and nodded "Of course. How about we allow the children to finish up at their party and meet up after that? I believe my daughters have Harry's number so he can call when you are all ready to meet up."
Sam nodded and looked to Jacob "Go and finish up your party. You still have a few hours left so don't rush, I want you to enjoy yourself."
Jacob smiled "Sure. I wanted to get another piece of cake anyway."
Harry turned to glare at the grinning boy. "You rub that cake on my face again and I'll end you, got it?"
The taller boy only grinned and lifted a protesting Harry off the ground and slung him over his shoulder. "Babe I told you, I love cake. Now let's go, there may be some still left!"
Harry grunted from the shoulder pressing into his stomach. "Nobody wants that cake, you put your hands in it!"
The grumbling boy yelped when Jacob roughly smacked his ass. "Shut up green eyes."
The Cullens didn't return to the party, choosing instead to follow Carlisle home to have a "family" meeting, Bella included. Jacob only shook his head and turned his attention back to his beloved cake when he heard of their departure. The party had lasted about three more hours before Sam called and they kicked everyone out. Thankfully Harry had thought to hire a cleanup crew so they were free to leave once the last of the guests had left.
Harry followed behind Jacob's packed car with the newly named puppy Shípa(1). While Shípa seemed to sleeping peacefully Harry was almost shaking. Jacob seemed fine with him being a wizard but there was still so much for him to tell. How would Billy react to this? Billy was almost as important to him as Jacob was, he had slowly become what Harry was desperate for, a stable father figure. If Billy rejected him it would be like losing Sirius all over again.
Harry shook himself from his depressing thoughts of his lost godfather and was surprised to see that they were deep into the woods and it seemed that they were the last to arrive. Taking a deep breath he slowly picked up the still sleeping Shípa and followed behind the group of loudly talking werewolves. Looking over at the already gathered elders Harry froze.
"Bleeding hell!" Jacob and the other boys looked back at him in surprised.
"What's up green eyes?"
Looking down at himself Harry could only shake his head. "We still have the costumes on. I'm wearing a skirt damn it!"
Jacob laughed and pointed over to Emily's car. "Em always has extra clothes in her trunk for us. It's open since Paul broke the lock on it, just grab something and change real quick."
Jogging over Harry barely heard Paul say "You know none of those clothes are gonna fit right?"
Harry scowled as he slowly made his way from behind Emily's car with a pair of cut off sweats that were at least four sizes too big and a t-shirt with sleeves that came half way down his forearms. He couldn't find anything to tie back his hair so he knew that he looked like a small flat chest girl.
Coming up behind Jacob he pinched the skin of his hip making the bigger boy jump. "Come on babe, you know I hate that!"
Turning to face the smaller now smirking boy Jacob fought to keep his laughter in check. "You look so small in those clothes."
Before Harry could get out a response Billy's voice called everyone to attention.
"Now that everyone is here let's get down to business shall we?" Everyone moved in closer and Jacob grabbed Harry's hand and flashed a thin smile.
Billy cleared his throat and began. "Sam has filled us in on what occurred at the party but we still have a few questions for you squirt."
Harry barely suppressed a sob of relief. Billy use of his nickname let him know that Billy had accepted who he really was without much problem. Amy smiled brightly and plopped down onto Billy's lap, nuzzling close and making herself comfortable. Billy looked kind of freaked out but then just shrugged and carried on.
"Before we question you, I think you should know that when Dumbledore asked us to take you in he really didn't give us much detail on your situation. We only knew that you were a wizard and that you were hiding from someone. Now care to fill us in on what your hiding from?"
Jacob cut Harry off "Whoa wait a minute, you knew all along what he is?"
Billy simply rolled his eyes. "Isn't that was I just said now shut it. Harry explain please."
Harry nodded. "Alright. Back in England there was a war going on between the wizarding world and the Dark Lord Voldemort. Voldemort was targeting me because of a prophesy that was made predicting that I would be the only person with the power to kill him. So when I was about a year old he broke into my family's house and killed my parents. Then he attempted to kill me. The spell that he used is supposed to be the ultimate killing curse. There has never been a person to survive it…except me of course. Voldemort didn't know that I was a chosen child of Ammit."
Harry gestured to Amy who once again let her full demon feature come forth. Billy jumped but didn't move to push her from his lap.
"That night Dumbledore took me to my Aunt and Uncle's home for them to take me in. He didn't know that Petunia hated any and everything to do with magic, myself included. The Dursley family never physically hurt me, except for a few smacks that everyone gets as a child, instead they ignored me. The only real love I ever received was from Ammit."
He gestured to the grinning demon before pressing on. "I thought she was just a figment of my imagination as a child like an invisible friend. She would whisper stories to me at night when I couldn't sleep, she would calm me when the Dursleys said something especially mean to me and she always sang me happy birthday. When I was eleven I was brought into the wizarding world to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Each year Voldemort would have some plan to try to kill me and every year he failed. Every year though Ammit's voice would become louder and more solid almost like she was standing right next to me. On the night of my sixteenth birthday I received my full magical inheritance and finally met Ammit face to face."
Harry paused to smile at the still grinning demoness. "She explained to me that She chose me as an infant to be the one to carry on the evolution of the demon Ahemait(2). With my acceptance of the Ahemait gene I was no longer a blood relative of Petunia Dursley and the blood wards that had been keeping me safe from Voldemort fell, allowing him to find my location and attack. Voldemort must have known something would happen because he was ready for the wards to fall and attacked. The Dursleys' were captured and Voldemort ordered his followers known as Death Eaters to stand aside and let him duel me. He didn't know that my power was equal to a fully recognized demon and needless to say he lost and I simply allowed Ammit to judge his soul as guilty and she "devoured" it."
Ammit licked her lips at a now paling Billy and Harry continued. "That night Dumbledore and his followers the Order of the Phoenix arrived just in time to see me send Voldemort's soul to hell and the old man immediately began working on sending me into hiding so that I could remain safe while he and the others rounded up the last of the Death Eaters. Now any questions?"
Harry looked around at the dazed looks that most of the group had and almost laughed at a nearly drooling Carlisle scribbling down notes of everything he just said. Embry shook his head and slowly raised his hand.
Harry rolled his eyes. "You're not in school, just ask the question."
He simply blinked and asked "So you're actually a demon. Like a real live demon?"
Ammit could hold it, she burst into loud full belly laughter. "Are you serious? After all that all you can ask is if he's a demon? Yes he's a demon! And before you ask I am too."
Embry blushed at the laughter "Well I was shocked!"
Quill nudged him "Yeah shocked stupid. Don't ask any more questions alright."
One of the elders spoke next. "So do you have the same power to eat souls?"
Harry nodded. "It is a power that I will gain in time but not the only one. I have been give power over the elements and I kept my magic so I also have the abilities of a wizard. I have also been given increased speed, stamina and strength. There are so many other things that I am capable of, I have not been given all of my powers yet. It would overload me, I just have to know how to recognize a new ability when it develops."
The elder nodded and spoke again. "So it is not like with the vampires? You don't need souls as a means on nourishment?"
Harry smiled and shook his head. "No I don't. That ability is more of a duty than anything else. When Ammit's time comes she will pass on and I will wipe this world clean of this species and the take her place as the underworld judge while a new species rises."
Seth seemed a little freaked out. "So the end of the world is soon?"
Harry and Ammit both laughed "No I don't foresee it for a few thousand years. There has to be enough time for me to actually master all of my abilities and Ammit has to step down from her position."
Ammit only smiled and playfully snapped her teeth in Billy's face. Harry rolled his eyes but before he could comment on her behavior Carlisle asked. "Harry could you tell me how you were chosen by Ammit? Also I know you refer to her as you mother, with the acceptance of her genes does that make her your biological mother?"
Harry nodded "Umm..well Ammit will have to explain how I was chosen, I honestly have no idea how or why she did it, but I can tell you that she is genetically my mother. Think of it as she gave me her genes so I can transform into the demon version of myself like she has but I still have the facial and physical feature of Lilly and James Potter. Err..does that make any sense at all?"
Carlisle nodded still scribbling notes. "Yes it does, Ammit would you mind explaining how and why you chose Harry?"
Ammit pulled her attention from a still pale Billy. "Sure doc. I chose Harry because he had spunk. He was a handful even as a babe. He wasn't afraid to stare me in the eye and while most babies would cry if you took a toy or bottle from them he merely snatched it back from you. He was already destined for greatness I just decided to give him a boost. I had no idea about the prophesy, that's the fates department not mine."
Carlisle nodded and was once again scribbling down notes. Harry smiled at the enthusiastic vampire "If you like Carlisle I can find a few books that explain the evolution of demons and the history of Ahemait."
Carlisle positively glowed with excitement. "Please do Harry. I would greatly appreciate it."
Jacob pulled Harry close. "When you said that you had to learn to control your powers is that what you're doing when you're meditating with those little balls. I saw one glow once while you were meditating."
Harry nodded. "Yup they help to ground my magic while I figure out my limitations and how to control a certain ability."
Ammit seemed to have had enough. "Alright moving on, I think we have explained just about everything you need to know about us. Now can we get down to business please? What are you going to do about the vampires coming here?"
Billy nodded and finally looked to be gaining some color back into his face. "We have agree to allow the Cullen's onto our land but only if it is needed. We also would like for our boys to get some training in with your family Carlisle. They don't have the experience fighting vampires that they may need for this battle."
Carlisle nodded and moved to shook Billy's hand. "That is perfectly alright with us. Now if that is all we will take our leave for tonight. How about we meet here tomorrow night to train?"
Sam and Billy both nodded and one by one the Cullen family blurred from the field.
Billy looked at each of the shifters and said. "Take this training seriously boys. The best way to learn to kill a vamp is from a vamp. Don't slack off with this, we need all of you to make it through this battle unharmed alright?"
The boys all nodded and Ammit practically purred in the now rapidly paling man's lap. "You're cute when you're serious. Do the mean voice again. You know I've been kind of bad, you could..discipline me however you like."
Harry felt Jacob shudder behind him. "Oh that's just gross! She's hitting on my dad! Make her stop babe."
Harry laughed and flicked a sting of electricity at the grinning demoness. "Leave him alone mom. You're freaking him out."
Ammit pouted but slowly slid from the relieved man's lap. "You're so mean kitten. Fine, I'll leave him alone but I'll be back love."
Billy quickly rolled himself over to where the other elders had gathered. Ammit made her way over to a still shuddering Jacob and pressed herself into his side. "Your dad is cute Jacob. I think I will make him mine."
Jacob moaned in disgust."You're joking right?"
Harry simply laughed. "Nope. Sorry Jacob she's been plotting on him for a while now.
Just some explanations:
(1) Shípa is Quileute meaning "Black".
(2) There are three evolutions of Ahemait, each spelled different. So in order from oldest to Harry's evolution it's spelled Ahemait, Ammut, and Ammit. I spelled them different because those are the accepted spellings for the name and because it allowed me to differentiate between the generations.
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