Freedom In Chains | By : TaintedSensibly Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Slash - Male/Male Views: 29673 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. All original characters and plots are mine. No money was made with this story. |
Family Dinner
May 26th, 1995
Zabini Manor
Laine woke with his heart pounding in his chest and instantly turned toward his charge. There were two imprints on the bridge of Hale’s nose from his glasses, and his mouth was parted slightly in sleep. His fingers trembled as he reached out and caressed Hale’s soft cheek.
This precious person had almost died…
Because Laine hadn’t been strong enough to protect him.
Laine bent forward, letting his lips caress Hale’s. He was nearly vibrating with the obsessive need to keep Hale safe and healthy. To keep the other boy whole. “I will protect you,” he vowed. “No matter what it takes. I won’t let anything hurt you.”
Gently, he pulled the blankets down. Hale’s chest rose slowly with every deep, peaceful breath. Laine’s eyes fastened on the new scar marring Hale’s warm skin. Flushed with rage, Laine ghosted his fingers over the mark; traced the evidence of his failure. He’d make sure Hale was emotionally well after the attack, but then Laine would need to focus on magical training. He didn’t care what it cost. He wouldn’t allow himself to be that defenseless again.
Hale felt a warm sensation sliding along his chest. He giggled and tried to lift an arm to bat the tickling sensation away only to realize he couldn’t move. Green eyes blinked open to the sight of a blurry Laine lapping at his chest. He tried to move his arms, but Laine was pinning his wrists above his head. Hale sighed and arched his back, warmth saturating his body and mind.
You’re okay. I’ve got you. Not going to let anything happen to you.
Hale’s eyes fluttered closed. His body went perfectly limp as Laine’s hot, wet mouth moved over his chest, sucking lightly. Hale let the warmth build, let it tease the power within him. Laine had been hurt as well and Hale was determined to fix him. He submitted to his magic and his dominant, let the magic seep from his skin like body heat to be absorbed by his protector and let his body lay pliant in Laine’s hold.
Laine nipped at his erect nipple. Hale gasped, eyes flying open. Silky black hair framed Laine’s bright blue eyes and a wicked grin. The older teen leaned down and tongued the sensitive nub, making Hale moan. When Laine raised his head again, the playfulness had dimmed. He pressed a gentle kiss to Hale’s sternum.
Hale lifted his head and peered down at his chest. A faint, pearlescent scar in the shape of an asterisk marred the skin there. Abruptly he remembered the sharp horn punching through flesh and bone… remembered the tsunami of agonizing power that crashed over him… and sent him tumbling into oblivion…
None of that disturbed him really. What brought tears to his eyes was the memory of Laine’s anguish. The broken look in his dominant’s feverish eyes… They way Laine had screamed his name…
Butterfly kisses rained down on Hale’s tear-stained cheeks, and Hale let himself bask in Laine’s attention and love. He let it wash away the gutted-sensation of seeing Laine go down under the werewolf. He drifted in soft waves of peace for long minutes when Laine spoke.
“Open your eyes, Hale,” Laine whispered, voice low and husky.
Hale looked up into his dominant’s face. The older teen stared back, his expression suddenly hard and remote. Hale swallowed as a sudden spark of anxiety jangled his nerves. He opened his mouth to say something - to apologize; to beg forgiveness - but Laine’s eyes narrowed dangerously and Hale snapped his mouth closed.
“Hale,” Laine said slowly, eyes unblinking. “You disobeyed me twice this week. You ran into the room with Ms. Zabini when I told you to wait…” Hale’s eyes went wide, a whine building in his throat. Laine reached forward, placing his palm across Hale’s throat. He applied just enough pressure to cut off all sound. “You disobeyed again when you ran past me into the night. Into danger.” Laine’s voice turned dark and hissing. “You distracted me. Forced me to deal with you instead of evaluating the situation. You demonstrated lack of trust in my judgment and ability.” Laine leaned down until their faces were almost touching. His eyes burned into Hale’s. If you cannot uphold your obligations in this relationship, Hale, then it will have to be dissolved.
terror - Hale gasped, tears flooding his eyes and spilling over. He mouthed “no” over and over again.
Laine pinned Hale flat with his body, holding him still, and lifted his hand, allowing the smaller teen speech. He never broke eye contact. Your mouth, your eyes, your body, your pleasure and pain. All of it is mine, Hale. Say it!
“I’m yours, Laine!” Hale rasped desperately, eyes wide. “Only yours!” It felt like he was on fire, he was terrified, knowing a single wrong move could cost him Laine forever. He looked into Laine’s eyes and everything else fell away. All that existed was his dominant, the sole person who kept him sane and safe.
Laine entwined his fingers in the sweat-damp hair and pulled until Hale extended his chin and revealed his vulnerable throat. “Why do you obey me, Hale?” he growled angrily.
“Because! You love me! You keep me safe!” Hale cried – fear desperation.
Laine lowered his head until his mouth was right by Hale’s ear. “Do you still need me? Do you still want me, Hale?”
“Yes, Laine! Yes!” Hale screamed and burst into frantic tears. “I need you! Please don’t go! Please! I’m sorry! I’ll never disobey again! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry! Laine! Please!”
Laine moved his mouth over Hale’s throat and bit down right above the pulse point. He sucked and bit, working a large, painful bruise into the soft skin. Hale bucked, mouth open in a silent scream, all the cords on his neck standing up in sharp relief. As Laine released him, Hale went limp, still trembling and crying. Laine leaned back to see his work.
Satisfied, he nodded and bent to lay a gentle kiss on Hale’s lips. He licked over every inch of that mouth, inside and out. Love you, Hale. I’ll take care of you. Forever.
gratitude adoration sorrow - Hale kissed him back hungrily, his thin arms coming around Laine’s shoulders, never wanting to let go. Laine pulled back enough to let Hale speak but remained close enough that they still shared every breath. Hale whispered, voice trembling, “Yours, Laine. Love you.”
Laine nodded. He was still not satisfied his message had sunk in yet, but he was happy the punishment was over. He hated to see Hale in pain. He stood and moved to the dresser. He dressed quickly in some jeans and a t-shirt. After he tossed a pair of pants onto the bed for Hale, he grabbed one of Hale’s white undershirts, ripping it into strips. Hale still lay where Laine had left him, not moving without permission. Laine smiled.
“Good, Hale.” He kissed the swollen lips once in reward before pulling away again, thrilling in the happiness pleasure that spiraled through Hale at his praise. “Sit up.”
Hale obeyed and Laine wrapped a few strips of the shirt around Hale’s eyes as a blindfold. The teen’s brow furrowed, but he didn’t resist. Laine grabbed Hale’s wrists and gently bound them in front of him. His charge’s shoulders tightened, but he still said nothing. Laine considered gagging Hale as well but decided against it. He didn’t want to strip Hale of all identity and power. His boy could still speak out if he needed to be heard.
Laine ran his fingertips gently over Hale’s blindfold. “You’re going to prove you’re mine. You’re going to go blind until I say and trust me to be your eyes.” He gently touched the rags cuffing Hale’s hands together. “You’re going to be restrained. Trust me to be your hands.” His fingers gently stroked down Hale’s throat, over the mark, and down his chest. Hale’s muscles jumped under the light touch and the teen’s breath caught in his throat – desire began to swell through the bond, making Laine smirk. “You’re not going to wear a shirt. I want everyone to see who you belong to, who you chose to guide and take care of you.”
Hale’s heart raced. He didn’t like being blind, but he trusted Laine completely. He could do this. And it sent a thrill of astonishment pleasure through him that Laine wanted to make his claim public. That meant Laine wasn’t ashamed of him. He was still proud to be Hale’s dominant. Hale felt almost faint with relief at that realization.
“Yes, Laine. Thank you,” he whispered thickly.
Now that his submissive was blinded, Laine allowed his shoulders to go limp with fatigue. It had taken all he had to act like he wasn’t aching and about to crack a yawn. Hale would have instantly felt guilty again, and he would have tried to heal him even though he was even emptier than Laine at the moment.
“Turn to your left and scoot off the bed. I’m going to help you put your jeans on,” Laine instructed, and he watched through half-lidded eyes as Hale did as he was told. Smiling, Laine knelt to help the teen step into his jeans. “Okay. It’s getting late, so if we want breakfast, we should hurry. Then we’ll come back up here to sleep some more.”
Hale nodded and stood, waiting for instruction.
The cotton around Hale’s hands and eyes could easily be removed by the teen; it wasn’t spelled, but Hale made no move to escape the gentle bindings. That show of trust made Laine’s heart soar. It felt like redemption. He hadn’t lost his beloved’s trust, even after his failure. Hale gasped when Laine unexpectedly pulled him into a slow, passionate kiss. A sudden jolt of desire seared him to his toes. Laine stroked Hale’s wild hair gently and guided him toward the door.
Let’s go eat, Hale.
Hale moved forward in absolute darkness, utterly dependant on Laine, and felt trust fear swirl through his stomach. It was almost overwhelming, but he made no move to stop this. He thrilled in the chance to make Laine proud and prove himself. He wasn’t about to let irrational fear stop him. There was nothing to be scared of. He knew Laine wouldn’t let anything bad happen to him, so he squared his shoulders and let Laine lead him into a world that suddenly felt much bigger.
Severus’ eyes widened as his two sons entered the dining room. Armand and Gloria’s conversation halted mid-sentence as Hale trailed after Laine barefoot and topless. His head was canted to the side as if listening intently; which wasn’t surprising, since Hale was blindfolded! His lips were tight and dried tear tracks stained his cheeks. A large hickie marred his throat. Laine, on the other hand, walked loose-limbed, his expression slack with evident exhaustion.
As if he were unaware of the scrutiny, Laine used a firm hand to guide the younger teen into a chair and then pulled another over so it touched Hale’s. The silence hung heavy, the three adults watching in varying degrees of shock, as Laine began to fill a plate with food. When the young man was satisfied, he forked up some scrambled eggs and began to patiently feed it to the blinded teen at his side.
“May I ask what is going on?” Severus demanded in what he thought was an utterly reasonable tone, considering the spectacle before him.
“No,” Laine answered without lifting his eyes from the task of feeding Hale.
Severus felt like gaping, though he kept his mouth firmly closed. What in all hells is going on? Everything in him was revolted by this display. Marking the boy like property, blinding and binding him, making him a doll to fulfill Laine’s needs, claiming him as if one human could ever own another… Severus almost leapt to his feet and started cursing his eldest son right there. It didn’t help to see Hale’s cupid-bow mouth curl up into a satisfied smile or that his slender, bound hands rose to gently trace over the bruise on his neck as if it were precious. Laine had twisted him until he actually enjoyed being made a plaything.
“Is this really necessary?” Severus asked in an arctic voice. Hale stiffened while Laine stared back, utterly unmoved. Armand’s hand settled briefly over his left forearm where the Dark Mark resided. Severus’ eyes shot to his friend in utter shock.
“It’s not the same, Severus,” Armand told him calmly, holding the raging black gaze without flinching.
Severus shut down, becoming silent and still. He wouldn’t say anything to the boys until after he’d had it out with Armand once and for all. This was the final straw. Laine’s behavior with Hale was getting worse every day it was not checked. Severus refused to let it continue.
“How’s Remus? And Tonks?” Hale asked, bravely trying to start a conversation.
Gloria Zabini shook out her napkin pointedly and placed it in her lap. Laine ignored the obnoxious hint. “Miss Tonks is out looking for her lover.” Her expression was hard, robbing the statement of all warmth. “She is lucky to be well enough to do as much, considering her wounds. As for the monster in question, the werewolf has not been seen since last night.”
Laine clenched Hale’s hand under the table as a flood of fear worry came through the bond. He glared warningly at the woman. Gloria lifted an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed.
“Is she okay?” Hale asked quietly. He turned his hands so he could hold onto Laine’s more firmly.
Gloria visibly softened at his trembling voice. “She’s as well as Laine, I imagine.”
“Fortunately,” Armand cut in before Hale could panic at the thought of his dominant injured, “we have access to a Potions Master who provided excellent healing potions.”
Hale turned his head in Severus’ general direction, his voice thick with sincere gratitude. “Thank you for healing us.”
Severus very nearly blushed.
“Why was that monster allowed in this house?” Gloria suddenly demanded, surprising them all. Every fork and spoon froze, every eye turned toward her, and she shot them all a venomous glare. “A werewolf! And I left uninformed!” The full heat of her glare landed on Armand.
Laine tensed, his knuckles going white around the fork. The air around him tightened as his magic coiled in preparation. Hale tensed in reaction and practically clung to Laine’s free hand. He was blind and vulnerable. He wanted to be covered by Laine’s body, wanted to be invisible.
Laine forced himself to relax. She’s just posturing, Hale. I promise. None of them are too upset. She’s not going to hurt anyone. Everyone’s okay.
As if to support Laine’s unspoken statement, Armand’s clam, soothing voice answered Gloria’s accusation. “We spent four years with Lupin. He’s managed his condition safely. We’ve never been in danger.”
“I cannot express how upset I am,” Gloria spoke through clenched teeth. “He could have killed you, Amadeo, just as he nearly did them!” A violent gesture took in the pale-faced, blindfolded Hale and ice-eyed Laine.
Severus tapped his finger against his plate, the ringing sound drawing attention. “Lupin’s condition is no longer a concern.”
Gloria looked like fire was about to come out of her eyes.
Laine cut off her furious outburst before it could even begin. “Severus is right.” The shock of such a sentence coming out of Laine’s mouth was enough to silence the older witch temporarily. “Lupin is not a werewolf anymore.”
Hale ducked his head, his messy locks splaying over his cheeks as he chewed at his lower lip. “I… My magic went into him… And it only heals… I think it tried to fix him.”
Laine stared Gloria down when it looked like she was about to say something snide. “I am linked to Hale’s mind. I felt what happened, and he’s right. His magic changed Lupin. Whatever he was, he’s something different now.”
“He could be worse!” Gloria yelled, slapping her hand down hard enough to rattle the china. Hale jumped in his seat, his anxiety rising rapidly once more.
“Don’t be obtuse,” Severus snapped, demonstrating rudeness toward their host for the first time. “A unicorn added its magic to Hale’s. I’ve never heard of such a pure creature mixing with human magic. Whatever was done could not have possibly worsened Lupin’s condition.”
Suddenly, they heard the front door slam open. Laine and Severus were instantly on their feet. A sharp crack next to Lady Zabini had Laine grabbing Hale and putting their backs to the wall. Laine mentally projected the scene into Hale’s mind so the teen knew what was happening. Both were highly surprised by the little, grotesque creature that had appeared.
“Mistress! The werewolf and Lady Tonks have returned!” it cried in a high, piping voice. There was another identical pop and it disappeared.
Severus relaxed at the news, but Laine remained tense. He scowled at Severus, blaming him for the surprise. The older man glared back. There was no time for a verbal exchange, however. Gloria stood at her full height just as the missing witch and wizard appeared. Power wreathed her shoulders. Tonks, who was bent under the weight of human Remus, the wizard’s arm having been slung over her shoulders, froze in the doorway. Remus hung nearly limp at her side. His head dangled on his neck, his face obscured by his hair.
“How dare you enter this house and not inform me of your disease!” Gloria hissed, voice thick with disgust.
confusion fear anxiety – Hale pressed himself into Laine’s side. His hands twitched to rip the cloth from his eyes.
Hale. Laine held him close and smoothing his free hand through Hale’s messy bangs. It’s okay. Nothing bad is going to happen. Trust me.
Slowly, the fear bled away as Hale leaned more into Laine’s side. He clutched the older teen’s shirt in his hands, still very confused.
“He takes the Wolfsbane Potion,” Tonks said in a rush. “He was no danger to anyone.”
“Really? That is not how I recall last night going.” Gloria raised her wand and aimed it at the pair. “Give me one good reason not to banish you from my home.”
“Mother…” Armand began only to fall silent as Severus took hold of his wrist, squeezing it once.
“Lady Zabini, I ask your forbearance…” Severus began.
Laine’s eyes were riveted to Remus, so he was the first to notice as the man lifted his head enough to reveal a happy grin. Then the change began. A shimmering as one reality merged into another. The battered human body standing in filthy rags morphed painlessly and beautifully into a massive russet wolf. Tonks was pushed into the room as the animal’s body filled the doorway completely. The large head almost reached Tonks’ chest, the wolf standing four feet tall (125cm). The golden irises gleamed with life as the long, large tail swept back and forth in doggy happiness. A healthy pink tongue lolled out from between the sharp, white teeth.
“If you’d let me finish,” Tonks said with an irritated scowl at both her lover and the shocked witch. “We had the Wolfsbane Potion, which has been effective in neutralizing the werewolf for four years. We had no reason to think last night would be any different. Not that it matters.” She gestured at the wolf in the doorway. “He’s not a werewolf anymore. Now he’s just an Animagus. A weird one, but it’s a perfectly safe and respectable magic.” Tonks eyes blazed gold like her lovers as she stared Gloria down. “Remus is no longer diseased.”
Armand looked at Severus with amusement. “You knew?”
Severus released Armand’s wrist and lifted his head arrogantly. “I recognized his form after he was healed. A dire wolf.”
Gloria dropped the hand aiming her wand at the creature. Her glare was fearsome. “What exactly is a dire wolf?”
“We might as well all sit down,” Armand cut in. He gracefully sat back in his chair and gave a polite smile at the massive animal in their midst. “I assume that form is more comfortable for you right now. Please curl up where you like. I’ll have Ryrie bring some meat.”
The wolf gave a happy yip and curled up in the corner closest to Tonks’ chair. The witch sat, her good humor returned as she focused on Severus. “What is a dire wolf and why do you say it like it’s something special?” She cast a quick look behind her. “Not that you’re not special, love.”
Laine guided Hale back to his seat, equally curious. He remembered being bitten, the feel of the horn impaling his shoulder… Perhaps he would also be able to switch to a wolf form. He eyed the lethal form with approval. It certainly wouldn’t be a terrible fate, not if it helped keep Hale safe.
Severus cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s eyes from the unusually large wolf. “Although it was closely related to the gray wolf and other sister species, Canis dirus is not the direct ancestor of any species known today. Unlike the gray wolf, which is of Eurasian origin, the dire wolf evolved on the North American continent, along with the coyote.”
Tonks lifted her hand to block Severus’ view of her mouth and staged whispered across the table toward the boys. “I feel like I’m back in school.”
Laine stared back at her impassively, but Hale let a giggle escape. He quickly ducked his head guiltily, however, knowing his dominant strongly approved of education. Tonks stuck her tongue out at Laine, but he ignored her.
Once Severus had their attention again he continued. This time he purposefully used as much scientific lingo as he could. “The fossil record suggests that the genus Canis diverged from the small, foxlike Leptocyon in North America sometime in the Late Miocene epoch nine to ten million years ago, along with two other genera, Urocyon and Vulpes. Canids then spread to Asia and Europe and became the ancestors of modern wolves, jackals, and foxes.”
“Fascinating,” Gloria drawled, her long nails drumming on the table impatiently. “But get to the point, Snape.”
Severus took great pleasure in ignoring her. He focused his attention on his eldest son who was listening intently. Severus spared a brief moment to wonder why Laine was so interested. He would have to corner his son later to discover the answer. “Over the next nine million years, extensive development and diversification of the North American wolves took place by the Middle Pleistocene period. Canis armbrusteri appeared, from which the Canis dirus evolved.
“The dire wolf was one of the abundant Pleistocene megafauna. During the Late Pleistocene, the grey wolf, Canis lupus, crossed into North America from Europe on the Bering Strait land bridge. Due to the changing climate and unable to survive off the prey the smaller, quicker wolves hunted, the dire wolf went extinct nine thousand years ago.”
Tonks raised her hand as if she were a student at Hogwarts once more. “Professor, how exactly is the dire wolf different from the wolves around today?”
“Ten points to Hufflepuff for an intelligent question.” Severus smirked, and Tonks grinned back. “The difference in appearance is obvious. The dire wolf is taller, stockier, and heavier by about fifty pounds. Their skulls and jaws are wider and heavier than the grey wolf, and as such the bite of a dire wolf is about 120% more powerful than a gray wolf.” His expression turned thoughtful as he looked at the russet wolf staring up at him from the corner. “However, the significant differences lie in their social structure and hunting methods.”
“Why does that matter?” Gloria snapped.
“I thought you’d be interested to note the differences since it is widely known that the animal form that an Animagus takes has some slight affect on the wizard’s personality. It could give us insight into any changes Lupin may undergo.” Severus gave her a cool look. “You were concerned about your safety, were you not?”
“Just because he is an Animagus does not mean he is not still a werewolf and also contagious!” Gloria snapped. “That is what concerns me!”
“It is a well known documented fact that werewolves cannot take an Animagus form,” Armand reminded her gently.
“Clearly this situation is unusual! You don’t know anything for certain, Armand!”
Severus ignored the woman’s anger. “The difference in size between male and female dire wolf was minimal with little dimorphism. This means that the female dire wolf did not have specifically feminine traits. In modern animals, the amount of sexual dimorphism correlates with that animal's breeding system. When both sexes have similar canine teeth, as is the case with the dire wolf, typically there is a lower level of competition between males and a more pair-bonded breeding system is seen. So this leads researchers to believe that the dire wolf pack was monogamous in structure with one male typically mating with one female.”
Tonks turned a bright smile to the wolf behind her. “Good to know.”
“The dire wolf did not opt to eat smaller animals, which may have been a factor in its ultimate extinction. Dire wolf packs rarely hunted prey weighing less than 600 lbs.” Severus shot Gloria a glance. “In other words, humans would not interest the dire wolf in the slightest. Lupin will have no instinct to attack us unless he is defending himself or his pack.”
“None of this changes the fact that he might still be infected,” Gloria bit out. Her fingers were white-knuckled from how hard she gripped the table.
“Madre.” Armand reached over to cover one of her hands with his. “Even if he is still infected, he will not change until the next full moon. I ask that he be allowed to stay here. If you refuse, then at least give us time to pack and find a safe alternative.”
Gloria stared at her son with obvious frustration. “He can stay until the next full moon. However, if he changes, you will remain and the others will go.”
Armand inclined his head, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with her demand. “Thank you, Madre.”
Gloria glared at everyone before rising to her feet. “I am going to retire for the day. Call Ryrie if you need anything.” With that, she walked stiffly from the room and disappeared upstairs.
Everyone relaxed as soon as she was gone.
“Why are you so interested in Lupin’s new form?” Severus asked, turning to Laine.
“I was bitten and healed also,” Laine reminded him. “I was wondering if I will be able to take the dire wolf from as well.”
Hale perked up next to him, a wide smile blooming across his face. “That would be so cool!”
“It is a possibility,” Armand answered. “Perhaps when Lupin recovers his strength, he can talk you through the change.”
Laine turned his eyes to the massive wolf. “I’d like that.”
“Can I turn into an animal, too? Or does that need a wand?” Hale asked excitedly, practically bouncing in his seat.
Armand shook his head. “It doesn’t need a wand, but it does require control over your magic. I do not think it is something you will be able to achieve without losing your healing ability.”
“It’s okay,” Tonks sympathized as Hale’s expression dropped. “I can’t do it either. As a metamorph, I can change my shape to match anyone else’s. For some reason that means I can’t take an animal shape.”
“I’ll be able to play with Laine so it’ll still be fun.” Hale smiled up at his dominant.
Laine sighed. “You’re going to make me chase sticks, aren’t you?”
“Yep!” Hale grinned.
Everyone laughed, even Severus.
When Hale laughter trailed off into a yawn, Laine smiled and pulled him to his feet. “Time for bed.”
“Just woke up,” Hale protested half-heartedly, but he willingly turned to face the rest of the room blindly. “Good night. Thank you for explaining all that stuff.”
“You are welcome,” Severus answered. His voice remained neutral, but it was clear he was still very unhappy by Hale’s appearance. “Sleep well.”
“Good night, Remus! Tonks!” Hale called as Laine took his bound hands and pulled him from the room. “Sweet dreams, Armand!”
“You should go to bed as well, Lupin. You need to recover your strength,” Severus said softly once the boys were gone. His eyes were locked on Armand’s, silently commanding him to stay behind.
“Come on, love.” Tonks got to her feet and stretched. The wolf licked her hand and followed her obediently upstairs.
As soon as they were alone, Severus jumped to his feet, rapidly cast privacy wards around the room, and spun to face the other man. His dark eyes flashed sinisterly. His sharp features were hard and dangerous. “I will not be fobbed off with platitudes anymore, Armand. Explain yourself. Now!”
Armand blinked slowly. “You need to be aware of what is at the source of your reaction.”
“I am not under discussion,” Severus hissed coldly. He leaned forward, pressing his palms flat on the table as he crowded the other man. “The source of your supposed understanding of the boys is.”
“Severus, I am not your enemy. I am only trying to assist you.”
“Please,” Severus hissed, low and dangerous. “Assist me, then.”
Armand turned his face away, instead looking across the room at the wall. “You see the situation as a perversion.”
“It is a perversion!” Severus slammed his hands down hard, the violent move rattling the dishes. “I fail to see how you could see it any other way!”
Armand flashed the furious man a challenging look. “Disengage your assumptions for a moment and perhaps you will.”
Severus snarled and straightened, crossing his arms defensively. “How so?”
“Let’s review the situation. If you do not agree with my interpretation, I will support you in separating the boys.”
“Very well. I am confident I will win this one.” Waving an elegant, long-fingered hand, Severus drawled, “Enlighten me.”
“First, you assign Laine sexual motivation for binding Hale as he has. Why?”
Scowling, Severus returned to his seat. “What other motivation could there be? We know they are intimate.”
Armand shook his head, his braid sliding over his shoulder and falling down his back. “That does not mean sex motivates every action between them. Laine could have easily used satin or leather, it is more sensual, but he did not. He chose white cotton. That does not conjure a sexual association to me.”
Severus frowned. “Bandages? You think Hale’s injured?” He shook his head sharply. “That doesn’t explain the bruise!”
Armand waved this away. “I’m discussing the bindings right now. I merely want to point out that it doesn’t appear to be motivated by sexual desire. That means something else is the reason behind Laine’s actions. You understand that reason before you condemn the action. As for the mark, we already knew Laine claimed Hale. I don’t see how anything has changed just because that claim is now visual.”
“This goes too far, Armand!” Severus yelled in outrage. He was up on his feet and began to pace restlessly. “Laine might not hurt Hale intentionally, but this is clearly a type of psychological abuse whether Laine believes so or not.”
“Severus,” Armand said gently. He stood so he could be more eye level with his friend. “Just because the boys were rescued from their horrible situations doesn’t mean it’s over for them. I don’t know about Laine, but Hale was systematically abused since before his conscious mind developed. That means his unconscious, his most primal mind, was molded in a very harmful way. The abuse continued for several years after that, further influencing his conscious as it developed. You can’t expect Hale to function as a normal child. He is not. His needs are different, but that doesn’t make them wrong. It just makes them unconventional. Ignoring or denying him would be cruel in the extreme. Hale is remarkably happy and healthy considering all of this.”
Severus was reeling with astonishment. “I do not feel it is beneficial to allow behaviors established due to abuse and trauma to remain as they are. They both need to be healed.”
“I would agree as long as you don’t really mean fixed,” Armand countered firmly. He crossed the distance between them and put his hands on Severus’ shoulders. “You cannot fix it so that the abuse never happened. You can make them strong, try to help them become happy and capable adults, but you cannot make them fit society’s norms. They were outside those norms since infancy, the both of them. You can’t expect them to suddenly be normal children. It’s not possible for them and never will be.”
Severus knocked Armand’s hands away with a fierce glare. “From where does this certainty come? You have yet to explain that!”
“Does it matter?” Armand moved his long hair over his shoulder before turning and dismantling the ward Severus had erected. “At least recognize your emotions are unusually engaged in this situation. Consider things carefully before you make any decisions.”
Severus watched him leave the room with a fierce glower. Armand was infuriating to the extreme! Severus was appalled that the man he’d come to rely on was turning on him so completely. Furious, hurting, he stormed from the room and headed for his sanctuary. When all else failed to make sense, potions always would.
They were running short on healing potions after this latest debacle. It would calm him to brew, calm him enough to sleep, and then he’d see more of his children’s past. He’d prove to Armand that he understood the boys better than anyone else. He’d prove that the best thing to do for both boys was to encourage separation. One more damning thing from the past, and Armand would have to see he was right.
Chapter end.
A/N: The information on dire wolves came from two sources: http:// www. direwolfproject. com/ dire-wolf.html and http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/ Dire_wolf
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