Rise of the Cannonites | By : KusanoSaku Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 12651 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or it's characters. I am just having fun with them and I don't make money that way. |
Title: Rise of the Cannonites
Pairings: GideonxArthur, BreccxGeorge, ViktorxCharlie and BillxFleur ect.
Summary: A spin-off story of 'I did not sleep with that wizard!' focusing on the Weasley-Prewett family. Tracks the family's rise to fame (or is it infamy?) as a Quidditch Dynasty.
Chapter 8
Arcturus had been pouting for hours and Gideon was sick of it.
It was childish and unbecoming of a former Auror who was nearly a grandfather through most of their children.
"Arcturus I have quite had enough of your foolishness. If being my consort is so distasteful I can arrange for you to have private rooms. Then we can only met at work or over the table at meals. I am sorry if having my mark on you is embarrassing. I won't give you up and I refuse to share you. So either grow up and get over it or I shall have you moved out of my rooms." Gideon snapped.
Arthur winced and paled, "Don't…I'm sorry. It's just…I didn't expect to wake up with them."
"A pathetic excuse for childish sulking." Gideon snorted. "It's pretty poor manners you've shown. I would be embarrassed to have your parents witness it or your children. Especially with how irresponsible some of your children are."
Arthur groaned, "I hadn't realized I was that bad."
"You are. Since Ronald and Ginevra refuse to consent to Bondings still, you and Septimus will have to sign for them. They are underage unlike the twins and are unable to legally give consent. I believe since it is a bonding of convenience to young Michael that a bonding contract will be all that will be needed to make Ginevra his bonded. However there is the possibility that she might stray…" Gideon mused.
"In the case of Lady Lavender, it is a love match. She would want more ceremony but Ron won't consent to that. Perhaps in time they might renew their bonds but I worry for her. Ron is a selfish petulant boy that Molly spoilt…" Arthur frowned.
"Perhaps, fatherhood will waken him from his complacently." Gideon said without belief.
"The sooner they are bonded the less chance they have of ending up like my poor nephew." Arthur sighed.
"If you are quite done with your own dramatics we can discuss this with your father. The betrothal contracts are signed but we did hope to not have to bond them without their consent." Gideon said rising and smoothing the wrinkles from his robes.
They entered the floo and called out, "Somerset, Godric's Hollow, Weasley Hall."
They emerged in the Receiving Room and made their way up to Lord Septimus' study.
"Well you are much later then I expected. Was it successful?" Septimus smirked.
Gideon frowned at him, "Father what is it you know?"
"I was considering how best to give my congratulations. Cedrella checked the tapestry this morning and was not exactly surprised to find three names had appeared over the night. She knew of your assistance in the trap…" Septimus chuckled.
"Three?" Gideon swallowed, three infants of their own, a Third year and nearly all of their children bonded or engaged were expecting.
"Yes; Gaheris Fabian, Gawain Novius and Gareth Rigel. I would suspect that Gaheris, Gawain and Gareth are chosen due to Prewett tradition of using Arthurian legend names. Novius is probably for myself, after all my parents did use numeric names for myself and my siblings. Rigel is no doubt for Cedrella; the Blacks use celestial objects for their names mostly." Septimus smirked.
"Three? I doubt one of us is carrying triplets…" Gideon mused, "It is more likely that I am carrying a single child. Since you were bedded twice in the dreams, I suspect you are carrying twins."
Arthur groaned.
"It's only fair you know." Gideon snorted, "After all, I already gave you two myself. You had seven with my harpy of a sister and we adopted my cousin. You are my consort and I'd say it's your duty."
Arthur swallowed, "You're right. I'll…bear it."
"You're already carrying." Gideon frowned.
"I meant I'd deal with it." Arthur scowled.
"You really need to get used to the idea of being a consort." Septimus chided, "A majority of consorts are bearers, though it is rare to have a consort that is a sire unless the bonded are both heads of their own Houses. There are exceptions like the Prince consort who is the sire of the heirs to the House of Prince."
"Heiresses." Gideon corrected.
"Well now that is unexpected Prince Heiresses eh? George was an oddity because female offspring are more difficult to conceive for a wizard couple. With George managing to carry this far despite all possible complications and chances of loss they might have a chance. Especially if Lord Prince is given proper care from the beginning. Considering how much he is disliked as a professor I do hope he proves to be a decent parent." Septimus mused.
"We were hoping we could push the bondings of Ronald and Ginevra forward. They still refuse to give consent. They are born for your House not mine, as their legal guardian I would advise you to sign the contracts and hand them over without fuss." Gideon said stiffly.
"Especially, in light of the Bones heiress' untimely birth." Septimus nodded. "I will floo Lord Brown and Mr. Corner. The sooner it is done the better."
"We knew we could trust you Uncle." Gideon grinned.
With the betrothal contracts already signed it wouldn't take much to push bonding through even if Ginevra and Ronald were against the matches. Given the situation despite the protests they would have little choice but to give in. Perhaps, in time if they still proved unsuited they could petition for divorce…
While his in-laws, Brecc's parents still were contemptuous of him George put a brave face on and treated them with the respect they deserved.
George still blamed himself for Brecc's injuries and despite his pregnancy he did his best to see that Brecc was taken care of. He would do his best to prove his worth.
"Are we going in to work today?" Brecc asked.
They had breakfasted in their sitting room in the suite prepared in their private wing. Although Montague children were traditionally cared for in the nursery by elves George didn't want that.
George swallowed, "Would it be too terrible if I wanted to care for our girls myself?"
Brecc blinked at him, "How so?"
"I'd like to nurse…I know Harry does. I want to feed, clothe and care for them mostly myself. I can't take them into the lab with me. I did sort of wonder if I could have bassinets or baskets in the office for them. I don't think they'd be in the way. I'd come up and feed them. I'd make sure they weren't a bother." George stammered out in a nervous sort of babble.
"You want to be their primary caretaker?" Brecc frowned.
"Is that bad?" George swallowed.
Brecc shook his head, "I have no objection. If it's good enough for Potters and Malfoys, there is no reason why it shouldn't do for Montagues."
"Will your parents be upset?" George asked softly.
"They are our daughters. If they protest it is merely a test. If you are determined and I support your choice, they have no say. Besides, Father wouldn't want to embarrass himself by being contemptuous of you publicly. He agreed to the bonding to preserve our honour." Brecc shrugged as he caressed George's rounding stomach, "Soon…it can't be long now. The girls are maturing well despite the danger they might have been in. daughters, I never dared dream we might have them I doubted that you might return my affections despite the dreams. I didn't know we shared them…"
George blushed, "Twin heiresses are a boon, I am glad I could bring them to you. Even if I didn't know about them for most of their gestation I am glad they brought me to you."
Brecc smashed their lips together, his knee was a detriment. It made it more likely to collapse underneath him, which limited the positions they could have sex.
Sometimes he really detested his bonded's twin, they were very much alike in appearance but it was their personalities that set them apart. Despite the charisma Fred exuded, it was George who was the better twin. Fred was a flashy but poor substitute, he not only acted as if he were the better twin but he believed it the arrogant git.
George was smarter, a better student and clearly the more intelligent, creative twin.
One he was very proud to have as his bonded and the bearer of his children.
George moaned returning the kiss, it was best to breakfast in private or to have lunch delivered to the shop because they were often distracted quite easily.
Much of their intimacy since their bonding night was oral, frotting or handjobs. Since their bonding night, even gently Brecc wouldn't take him. His bonded was too conscientious about how tenuous a wizard's womb held little witches.
That Brecc was careful and looked out for him made George happy but he missed the feel of being made love to. He almost wished to have the babies today so that it would be sooner that he could have Brecc inside him once more.
The dreams he had were still erotic, they didn't share them anymore but it wasn't enough. At least neither of them had a creature inheritance…that would make this more difficult.
A spell and they were both naked; George was careful how much weight he put on Brecc because he weighed more pregnant. Brecc's leg worried him…
Brecc wrapped his large hand over both of their cocks and stroked them together as he sucked a claiming mark over George's nipple. "I love your body, covered in lean muscle and tall…"
George was shorter than Brecc but he was above average in height unlike Harry who was still tiny by comparison. He clung to his bonded, groaning at the touch of Brecc's hand and the friction of its pumping. "Yours is hotter…"
Brecc smirked, "I'm glad you like it."
His memory had returned eventually, but the missing nerves would haunt his every step. He would always walk with a limp, nerves were the one thing Healing Magic couldn't regrow or repair. Brecc was touched by George's worry and working around his disability. He was used to being the tallest wizard in school, one of the better students and one of the better built. He had always had a strong constitution so he was rarely ill and if he was it was short-lived. His knee was a weakness he had to learn to live with…
His George shouldn't have to feel responsible for his injury; it was more Fred's fault then George's. George had always been in his twin's shadow but being at his side made the other stronger and he stood up to the arrogant Fred.
George let Brecc tease and mark his body, content that Brecc would never mistreat him. Slytherin his bonded might be but at his core he was honourable. He might play dirty on the pitch but that was the extent of his shady tactics. He adored him…almost to the point of idolatry which was dangerous and he had to temper that.
They came nearly together, groaning out their climaxes.
Brecc grinned down at George, pleased that his bonded liked indulging in pleasure as much as he did. They'd wasted a lot of time at least half of their Hogwarts years when they could have been together but they were together now. The bonding contract was unbreakable, Brecc had argued for that. He would take no other consort…
George was his only consort, the only bearer of his children that he would accept. Most Slytherin witches would turn on him for his knee…
Not George who blamed himself needlessly…
Brecc kissed him, "I suppose we ought to floo to the office. You still have much to teach me about your business."
George blushed, "Alright."
"We ought to shop for baby things. Perhaps, after lunch?" Brecc grinned.
George nodded, "If you think you can…"
"I have my cane and I have you. Between the two I will be alright." Brecc assured him banishing the seed from their skin and then casting refresher charms on them both before setting George on his feet. "We'll have to redress."
"You enjoy undressing me…" George looked away.
"Of course, you're my bonded. It's my privilege to take pleasure in your body."
George hit him playfully on the arm, "Stop."
Brecc chuckled, "never."
They dressed and then flooed from their sitting room to the shop.
Fred was restocking shelves when Angelina came storming down the stairs.
"I've heard of cold feet but this is ridiculous." Angelina glared. "Our families have come to an agreement, you liked me enough to bed me and now you're refusing to agree to bond me? This is your daughter Fredrick Maris Weasley! They deserve a dad; this baby is putting my Quidditch career on hold. You should take responsibility."
"I never wanted to be dad alright!" Fred snapped. "I don't want to be tied down. It was fun and I like you but I don't want kids."
"Who is going to inherit this place then?" Angelina retorted.
"Leave it to family loving George. I might not like Montague but they already proved their fertility. They can have a son or two at some point; one can have the title and the other the shop. He is the primary owner anyway, the sneaky bastard." Fred grumbled.
"I didn't want to be a mum just out of school either."
"So neither of us want it and it's too late to abort. I don't want to be bonded." Fred glared.
"Merlin we can hear you all the way upstairs." George snapped. "That means all of Diagon Alley can hear you and I take exception to that. If you want to argue then cast some privacy wards."
"He won't bond because he doesn't want to be a father, I'm not happy about being a mum either. So we're at a standstill, still." Angelina said her hands on her hips.
"Merlin, what is so terrible about being a parent?" George hissed. "You're acting as idiotic as Ron and Ginny."
Fred reeled as if he'd been slapped. "I'm nothing like Ron."
"Really? Sexually interested in the hottest girl in your year but not interested in bonding? You're about as stubborn about it as he is, he probably planned to bond to Hermione. She deserves better, someone smart who actually loves her. She's been around so much like Harry I see her as family. I wouldn't want her with Ron though." George snorted.
"If you want her as family why didn't you choose her rather than your Slytherin?" Fred tossed back.
"Because I love Brecc after what you did to him, offering myself as his bonded and bearing his children is a small thing. He cares for me; he is gentle with me and never makes me feel guilty about his injury. Brecc makes me feel like I matter that someone sees me outside your shadow. He gives me confidence, and because of him I don't have to pretend to be the lesser twin. I may not have your flash or your playboy ways, I don't have to. I can just be me and someone likes me that way. Hermione is a nice girl but I don't like her above that of a sister, I'd trade Ginny for her any day. I might not know Michael Corner well but I pity him being stuck with her. If you could come to an agreement…"
"Grandfather will take nothing less then a full bonding." Fred grumbled.
"Dad won't accept anything less. He hopes being a mother will cure me of wanting to fly." Angelina frowned.
"Then I see you have one option. Bond but live separately. You can attend Cannon events as spouses, when you wish to be intimate you can but you can be bonded only on paper. As for little Clarine if you are both too busy I'm sure I can ask Brecc if we can foster her. She can grow up with Galiene and Fenice, they'd be alike anyway being the daughters of twins. If in time you wish to have her live with you I'm sure it can be arranged."
"Well that would be easier, flying for the Cannons I won't have time to be a mother." Angelina chewed on her lip.
"Will Grandfather accept this?" Fred scowled.
"Who cares, you are Clarine's parents. If you are not ready to be parents someone will have to raise her. When you are ready or willing I'll give her back." George chewed on his lip, "That is if I can get Brecc to agree. He's not fond of Angelina and he really doesn't like you."
"If you can get your Slytherin to agree perhaps I'll consider apologizing." Fred grumbled.
"You are an arrogant git." George glared. "I offer to take in your daughter and you say that if my bonded agrees then you'll apologize for his injury that is your fault? I am beyond ashamed of sharing the same face. I pity you Angie having to be bonded to the likes of him. You deserve better…I always saw you as a friend. I'll ask Brecc, if he agrees you better hope you are a lot more apologetic then you are right now. I really dislike being your twin right now." He left the two glaring former Gryffindors storming off.
Brecc looked up when the door to the office slammed open and then shut. "Did you deal with them?"
George threw himself into a chair, "I lectured them and told Fred he was being as stubborn as Ron. They are mad because they don't want to be parents. Fred said he has no intention or desire to be a father or a spouse. Angelina just wants to fly and won't have time to be a mother. They won't be allowed to have anything less then a full bonding. It wouldn't be right to have dad have to raise a grandchild."
"If they both refuse to take responsibility then as his twin you'll have to take it. We'll foster the girl but her inheritance or dowry is their responsibility mind." Brecc scowled. "That is if you think you can handle carrying for three instead of two…"
George blushed, "I hope you'd agree…I was unsure of how to ask. I'm glad you agree it's the best choice. Their parents won't approve but if they won't raise her, she should be raised with affection. I don't want Clarine to feel unloved…"
Brecc pushed his chair back, "I wouldn't want her to suffer either because her parents are irresponsible, selfish children."
"Well Fred has no choice but to apologize and be grateful…" George mused, his eyes flashing, "He ought to have apologized before…"
"At least he doesn't have to worry about trying to raise a family in such a cramped space." Brecc sighed.
"I'm glad you're honourable…" George grinned at his bonded, "I knew I could rely on you." He didn't have to ask because Brecc decided to do the right thing on his own…
He had the better choice in bonded; he was not the lesser twin. George was the more mature and the wiser twin, Fred refused to grow up and his bonded-to-be wasn't much better.
George moved to sit on the arm of Brecc's chair and they proceeded to work on organizing the office better.
Greg wasn't the wisest of wizards; he had Mafalda's heart and hand. Yet he had yet take her to his home at Lanesborough.
They hadn't had a ceremonial bonding…
He didn't want to seem like a copycat but he was partial to the ceremony that Lovegood and Longbottom had. Greg was unsure how to broach the subject…
"There is something on your mind Greg, you can speak." Mal sighed closing her book after memorizing the page number.
"With the blood wards up, I could take you home to Lanesborough. That is if you'd rather be mistress of your own house. We're legally bonded but I was worried that you'd rather something ceremonial…" Greg mumbled.
Mal sighed, "Greg I never expected to have you which is why I refused to accompany you to the Yule Ball. I never took pleasure in your bed before we were bonded, because I didn't want to taste something I couldn't keep. The kisses we shared in secret I cherished but I knew then that your father would never approve. To be your wife was a fantasy I barely dared hope for. I held the dreams we shared unknowingly close to my heart, I was glad to come to your bed the night after you signed the bonding contract a virgin. I don't need a fancy ceremony, I am your consort, your wife and your bonded. I am the mother of your daughter and that is what matters. We'll be sharing an apartment in Hogwarts, nothing else matters to me."
Greg blinked, "So you don't want something like what Lovegood had or your adopted brother Colin?"
Mal shook her head, "George is very much in love with Brecc but they only had a contract. I'm fine with that. I spent much of my childhood being told I was an embarrassment and that no one would ever want me. I have you and our daughter to prove them wrong. I'm happy with papers. If you want to go home I'll be glad to join you. It's a bit awkward being around still. Colin is at Marcheness with Seamus. I don't know where Ron will end up but Grandfather doesn't like him so I doubt it will be here. My adopted fathers aren't very pleased with him so I doubt papa will let him stay with them. As for Ginny she'll probably be forced to move to where ever it is the Corners live."
"So do you want to return with me to Lanesborough? Now that we're bonded and you're carrying my daughter, the wards will accept you." Greg asked sheepishly.
"I told you, my place is at your side. Where you go I'll go. If you wish to return home then that is where I want to be." Mal said picking up her book, "I just hope you have a decent library."
"You are welcome to read anything you wish but please don't read Veela Romances out loud." Greg groaned. "They are a habit of Giselle's that I do not particularly enjoy."
"I promise not to do so but I think you might like to hear a few of my favourite Muggle novels. I'm quite fond of Austen's Pride and Prejudice; it's a gothic romance so there is a lot of angst and misunderstanding but no sex. I take most everything I have to Hogwarts so I had them with me when I came here. I'll read you Pride and Prejudice. It somewhat reminds me of Draco and Potter." Mal chuckled. "Maybe I should send them a copy as a belated bonding gift. Potter might enjoy it…"
"What is it about?" Greg frowned; he enjoyed listening to Mal read…
"Mr. Darcy's pride and Elizabeth Bennett's prejudice and how despite these obstacles they fall in love." Mal grinned. "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a young woman in possession of a fortune must be in want of a husband." She'd reopened her book from the beginning and began to read.
Greg moved to join her on the settee and laid his head in her lap so he wouldn't be tempted to try to read and give himself a headache. This was a liberty he would never have taken if they weren't at least engaged.
Mal continued to read, adjusting her voice to give each character personality. Stroking his hair as she read pausing only to turn the page before she resumed her petting, it was relaxing to enjoy such a simple pastime and share one of her favourite books with her bonded.
She was Lady Goyle…she the unwanted witch had been loved by a prince despite being a practical pauper. She felt as happy as Elizabeth Bennett when she finally became Mrs. Darcy…
Since Charlie was already on paternal leave due his pregnancy and Viktor was on loan to the Cannons, they were going to need a place to stay of their own.
They packed their own things up and locked them up in the attic of the house he'd purchased after becoming a fully fledged dragon medic and keeper. He'd saved the money up, enjoying the freedom of his own place after living in the preserve's dormitory.
They were looking for a house in Hogsmeade, because Charlie had agreed to take over the Care of Magical Creature's classes despite his pregnancy. He could resort to mostly lecture if needed. Sometimes theory was better then practical, he'd found.
His specialty was dragons but he was well read in other fields of magizoology.
"You aren't using too much magic are you dragule?" Viktor asked nuzzling his neck.
"Iubitule." Charlie melted, he'd always come off more manly then he really was.
It was just a front to hide that he was actually bent from his mother. He was also shorter then he appeared, his father thought he was over six foot when he was really 5'11. Viktor was a little over an inch taller and he liked that. Viktor was romantic and gentle as well as well read. He was slimmer and less muscular then he seemed beneath his glamour.
They had been set up by his boss Dragomir who was Viktor's uncle. He'd fallen in love at first sight, it was lust and awe at the world cup but it was love at first meeting.
It hadn't taken Viktor long to take him to bed, Viktor had worried that he'd be what he would be afraid to lose but he was too old to be used in the Task supposedly. He hadn't had a lot of experience having never been penetrated.
Charlie almost wished he had been in the Black Lake for Viktor to rescue…
They'd bonded this past spring and conceived later so their son was due in November. Rozica hadn't liked him at first but when told her brother whom she respected had set them up she'd begrudgingly accepted him. Viktor's father Branko liked him more and Charlie had no difficulty imagining what his bonded would look like when he was older.
"You ready?" Viktor asked.
"I don't want to leave our home…" this was where they'd begun living together soon after the Tournament.
He liked Harry and all but he felt that Viktor had been cheated out the Tournament. But he wouldn't want his Viktor to have ended up like Diggory.
Charlie shivered.
Viktor frowned, "What's wrong dragule?"
Charlie blushed, "Just thinking how proud I would have been if you'd won the tournament."
"I might have been cheated out of it, but I am glad I didn't win given that the Triwizard Cup was a portkey to some musty graveyard with a mad Dark Lord in it." Viktor scowled.
"I'm just glad you were stopped from doing anything too terrible. I might not like Diggory but I am glad you weren't punished for what you did under the Imperious." Charlie said leaning back into his bonded.
"I would never hurt you dragule." Viktor said gruffly.
"I know…" Viktor have been gentle the first time they made love. He was four years older then Viktor but Charlie didn't care. They were both Seekers, with an interest in Dragons. They were madly in love but Viktor was as clumsy at romance as he was walking on the ground.
Viktor slid a hand beneath his shirt to tease his nipples and into his trousers to tease him.
"Viktor we're…supposed to be packing." Charlie gasped out.
"It's been hours since we were in bed dragule." Viktor growled against his neck.
"What will you do when you're flying for the Cannons and I'm at Hogwarts?' Charlie moaned.
"Spend our lunch hours in bed." Viktor smirked.
Charlie whimpered at the idea, he'd slowly gotten used to love making every day. They had lube that kept him from pain but increased his pleasure. "You have to stop…"
"No … we both need this and it's good for our son. You're not far enough along that it's unsafe. Come on dragule, let me…" Viktor said kissing his neck.
Charlie melted, "As you like…" he trusted Viktor; his bonded knew his limits and he too wanted Viktor.
The 1994 Quidditch World Cup Seeker picked Charlie up and carried him off to bed.
Their love-making was slow and tender, Charlie was due in November. He was only four months along, they'd been sure to use contraception before their bonding. They were bonded in April and Charlie'd conceived in May.
Viktor was so pleased, Charlie was gorgeous pregnant, his bonded truly glowed. It had saddened him that his bonded refused to invite his parents but his grandparents had given consent and come to the private ceremony.
Despite being a crowd favourite lusted after by both wizards and witches, Viktor chose a simple ceremony with only his family and a friend from Durmstrang Ivanovski who served as witness. Charlie had actually reluctantly invited his elder brother only to learn that Bill was seeing his former rival the Beauxbatons' Champion Fleur Delacour.
It was odd that he was in-laws with the French Veela witch…
He was devilishly content with his dragon keeper.
Charlie whimpered at the preparation spells cast on his arse, pulling Viktor close so his bonded entered him as he moved closer. "I love you."
"I as well." Viktor kept his thrusts slow but deep.
The pace kept their orgasms at bay until they were both gasping and eager. Only then did Viktor increase his power in his thrusts.
Charlie came clinging to his bonded, once more made completely unravelled in Viktor's arms. He closed his eyes and smiled, "Thank you…"
"It was a pleasure." Viktor smirked, "Rest now. I will finish…"
"But…" Charlie protested.
"Take care of yourself and our son. I'll finish. I'll wake you in an hour so you can cook dinner." Viktor promised.
Charlie blushed, "Okay…"
Charlie fell asleep with a smile on his face, the hand bearing Viktor's ring on his stomach.
Viktor smoothed back his short red hair, "Rest dragule."
Ginny threw herself on her bed at her grandmother's.
That stuck up Slytherin had her grandmother wrapped around her finger and even was a Lady. A Squib and a Muggle's daughter was Lady Goyle, granted she had an idiot for a bonded but she was still a Lady.
That damn Lilithean, how dare it make her pregnant with Corner's daughter! She was Harry Potter's destined Lady Potter.
Malfoy had him under the Imperious there was no way her Harry would carry Malfoy's babies willingly.
Her grandmother disliked her and she couldn't even owl her mother, she hated Uncle Gideon and refused to call him papa.
Her marks were apparently an embarrassment…
To be related to the three best marks of her year was insulting.
Luna was her cousin by marriage even if Neville and herself were what third cousins? To find out Colin was her half brother was insulting, her uncle raped her father and now they were bonded? Shouldn't he be in Azkaban or something? Mafalda that stuck-up Slytherin was an adopted sister- no one asked her about that! She hated Uncle Gideon! That stuck up Ravenclaw.
She was still pissed about being betrothed to Michael whom she was starting to hate. How dare he insist they be bonded? She wished she wasn't watched so carefully, Ginny would get rid of the child if she could. She had no desire to be a mother.
Let Michael have the brat if he wanted it so much. Being bonded to Michael Corner irritated her. She didn't care if he was rich, he was not Harry Potter and he wouldn't do.
She had to find some way out of being bonded for life to Michael…
The Ravenclaw maybe decent in bed but she would be Lady Potter…
Not only was he required to spend two hours an afternoon with Lavender, Ron was forced to do revisions and attend all the flighty blonde's healer appointments.
He had no intention of bonding to the heiress, although her having money and her worship soothed his pride.
Did Harry have to be so unaccepting of his crush on Lavender? You'd think the boy was jealous but no even Cho Chang wasn't good enough for him. Hermione was just jealous, she maybe more intelligent but she was a bossy know-it-all who grated on his nerves when she lectured. She was like a female Percy; they deserved each other, forgetting that Percy had been Oliver's lover.
No wonder Chang was attached to Davies; Harry was an idiot letting that one get away.
So he'd be forcibly bonded against his will to Lavender Brown, at least he'd get a decently filled vault. Merlin knew he wouldn't get anything from that stuck up git he had for a grandfather and his dad's pathetic new bonded hated him.
He couldn't count on anything from his father.
At least if he was bonded he'd have an allowance from Lavender's dowry, sometimes it wasn't so bad to have a rich bonded.
He'd put up a stink about it, it wasn't exactly very Gryffindor but he had not objection to a mercenary bonding.
Ron cared nothing for Lavender as a person, in fact he wasn't even sure that his lust would survive very long and he sure didn't want to be a father at sixteen.
Damn the idiotic Lili-whatever creature!
Ron blamed it for his troubles, if he could have the money without the witch or the child he'd be happy.
Colin was glad it was only one…
He was close to birth; thankfully Seamus' Aunt Áine had some healer training and was keeping an eye on him.
Colin pitied her, finding out her only child was a Death Eater. He worried that Seamus' uncle also had such leanings but the wizard was coolly polite to him.
He liked Seamus' parents and grandparents; Seamus' grandmother Bertina was surprisingly his dad's aunt. Something that had gone overlooked due to Seamus' son growing inside him. They were merely second cousins, but it was distant enough with other blood mixed in but barely.
The first thing he had to learn was Gaelic, Seamus and his family spoke it often. It made Colin feel out of place…
Lady O'Shanesey took pity on him and gave him lessons as well as showing him how a house like Marcheness was run. Easing him into things she was…
Colin was forever snapping pictures with his camera, chronicling his life as Seamus' husband. He was shy with his new relations but tried to make the best of it.
His son was expected to be delivered sometime next month, in early August if everything continued to go well.
Seamus was forever offering him treats, Ireland was full of tastes and dishes he was unfamiliar with due to his upbringing in Wales.
Colin worried he was getting spoilt…
Seamus was being instructed in his grandfather's duties as a Lord.
Given that his Uncle no longer had an heir, if his Aunt didn't bear another child before his uncle died, then Seamus might find himself named the O Mordha heir as well.
If Colin wasn't gaining weight and looking like a chubby boy hopefully getting ready for a growth spurt you might not even guess he was pregnant. Being Muggle-raised he hadn't a clue wizards could have babies without a witch until Seamus told him. His fear of having a child and his unease with being bent had kept him from allowing Seamus to bed him or even to allow Seamus to invite him to the Yule Ball.
"Thinking a stór?" Seamus said wrapping his arms around Colin's waist, caressing the stomach where their son was growing. "How is our son?'
"Kicking…" Colin said shyly.
He maybe married to Seamus and had taken pleasure in his bed but he was still shy.
"Mmm…I see. So how are you a stór? Tired? Hungry?" Seamus asked kissing his neck.
"Content." Colin squeaked.
"Are you sure you aren't tired? Colm's kicking kept you up late…" Seamus frowned.
"We both napped while you where with your grandfather." Colin said quietly.
"Soon he'll be in our arms, you're beautiful a stór." Seamus said pressing his full length to Colin's back.
"Cariad." Colin moaned softly, a shy youth to have a lusty Irish man who was as fond of bed sports as he was of food, Quidditch and song was almost overwhelming for one who preferred quiet.
They were mismatched perhaps, but Seamus had his heart…
They stood there watching the fingers of sunlight on Marcheness' lawn.
Their wing faced the lawn they were bonded on…
Colin touched his ring remembering the feel of the cords that bound them. Once tied and blessed they'd sunk into their skin leaving a sort of tattoo.
"Together…" Seamus said kissing Colin's neck…
"Always…" Colin whispered.
They stood like that as the glowing fingers of sunlight painted the grass.
Bill liked the Chatau Silvataine and its surrounding vineyards, it was relaxing to walk through and the wine was lovely.
However he wanted to give Fleur a home of her own…
After the battle for Tinworth and arrest of three Death Eaters, Bill had finished looking in at the property called Shell Cottage.
It was a rather common name but was in fact the same lovely manor house he vaguely remembered from childhood. During the war when he was small, his mother had taken them here when she was pregnant with the twins. After that it was too much trouble….
It had belonged to the Prewett family and ought to have been Uncle Gideon's inheritance since The Eerie was to be Uncle Fabian's.
He was welcome at Château Silvataine in Aquitaine, Weasley Hall in Godric's Hollow and The Eerie in Scotland. Have spent all his time in a dreary mismatched house that was too cramped even if there was plenty of room, Bill wanted to have his own House.
He maybe his Grandfather's heir but he wanted to give Fleur her own House, his bonded was proud in her own way and would want to run her own House. He understood that and didn't wish to make ripples of discontent between his grandmother Cedrella and his bonded.
Shell Cottage was stone and perched on the top of a sand dune; they had a lovely flower and herb garden in the front yard. From the front door was a lovely view of the sea…
Behind the house was a garden that was overgrown but could be remedied easily.
Bill had fallen in love immediately.
While he could like Charlie have afforded a home of his own, this place was a belated bonding gift.
Charlie was a blissfully happy as himself and they had served as witnesses for one another.
The house had lamps that dispelled the gloom of the House because it had fewer windows then it needed. It was painted in light colours that filled it with warmth…
There were a few minor changes he wished to make, since he had no mother and his grandmother was in Somerset, Bill offered to settle the debt between himself and the Longbottoms in exchange for them having the gardens cleared, weeded and in some cases redone.
Bill wanted a sun room erected on the rear of the house that would function as an enclosed porch, a conservatory and a room for Fleur's painting.
Thankfully, arranging such things was within Lady Longbottom's power. She had a lovely conservatory and her brother-in-law was a famed herbologist so settling the debt for such labour benefit them both.
Once the House was spruced up and given a shine, Bill would present it to Fleur as a birthday present.
It was July 20th, and his bonded's birthday was August 14th. So little time, commuting from France wasn't too terrible but Bill would prefer to be home somewhere in Great Britain.
Cornwall and Dartmouth weren't exactly near neighbours but Bill didn't care he had few if any good memories of Ottery St. Catchpole. He took in a deep breath and smiled.
He felt home, now all that he needed was Fleur beside him and their son in their arms.
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