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Reviews for Secretly Slytherin

By : Veresna
  • From ANON - Monique on February 21, 2003

    I am bad, because I've been reading your work for about a week now and this is the first review I've left. I can condence though, when I tell you that all of your stories are marvelous! I too have a hopeless facination with Snape and rarely come accross such a wickedly accurate and well drawn characterization of the character. You see in him, the potential that JKR has imbued him with and take it to the next level. Oh, and that next level is ever so delicious.

    I find it interesting that women like me (and I suspect you as well) that have a strong sense of self and inner strength, are helplessly facinated by this side of Snape. I imagine it has something to do with the fact that it is rare to find a man who would take this type of (or even close to) initiative. Your character can be nasty, he can be downright domineering, but he remains human. With tenderness, consideration and a slight hint of vulnerability mixed in witht that arrogantly and well deserved sexual confidence, your Severus is darkly sexy and extremely compelling.

    Thank you for sharing your work. I'm onlychapchapter 2 of your Helen sequel, and I'm planning on savoring the next 45 odd chapters or so. LOL, luckily for me, you seem to be highly prolific. Long may Severus serve as your muse!

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  • From ANON - Carla MacNabb on February 12, 2003
    LOVE IT! Awesome, intelligent story/plot and really well-written. Complicated, but everything seems to fit together perfect It It seems like you never forget a detail -- if you mention it in one chapter, it WILL be significant later. I think you got Snape's character dead on. I agree completely with your assessment of him: I think he is frustrated and vengeful, full of thwarted ambition, and that, yes, he does indeed get satisfaction out of being a bastard. But we still love him. (And, boy, should he be grateful to you and Helena for all the great sex!) I really thought the chapter in whic tes tested Helena's loyalties (re the Dark Mark) and gave sadistic explanations was one of your best. I kept thinking, "No, he wouldn't do that; no, he wouldn't . . . well, maybe he would!" You could have convinced me either way, it was so well-done. Your Malfoy is really scary-bad, too. I've heard great things about *Secretly Slytherin* all over the internet, but it's even better than I dared to hope. Really enjoyed it and read it all in just three sittings. Just couldn't stop. (Really liked *Don't Lie To Me* and *Love's Labours, Paradise Lost,* too.) You are a wonderful writer and I will make a point to read anything you post. Please write that sequel!
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  • From ANON - Linda on February 09, 2003
    Please, please write a sequel! This is the best NC-17 story I've read! Your plot is really good, and I want to know what happens!More! More!
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  • From ANON - Werecat on January 27, 2003
    I'm not a slow reader. But I had to read your story slowly, *study it*, if you prefer the term, amazed of the way you weave your sentences. Especially when you describe the characters' emotions and facial expressions, I feel I'm reading poetry. Being a writer myself, I can understand how hard this can be. (It's harder for me, since English is not my primary language). And this makes your story stand out from the mediocre adolescent fiction that dominates FanFiction. Thi This too can be rea reading, of course, but sometimes you need to read something of a higher standard, like your story.

    I also enjoyed the way you develop you characters. Helena is enchanting, and I was happy to see you've kept Snape close to character. The dialogue among them was fast and witty, and several of their remarks brought to mind R. Atkinson's "Black Adder" series and it's venomous sense of humor. I'm not really fond of the sex scenes in general, and some of them were too lengthy for my taste, but it suits in your story perfectly.

    One more detail I enjoyed, one that few people notice, as far as I know, is your well-chosen chapter titles. I found myself chuckling at most of this, especially "Is that what beds are for?"

    Overall, I have to sais his has been the best story I've read so far.

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  • From ANON - Amanda on January 15, 2003
    Well, well, well. Ol' Snapey is truely trapped. Malfoy is a cunning bastard for sure. Still the last few chapters were a little, wanting. No hot steamy nasty sex. Whine, moan.

    I really liked the touch about Grandma and I bet she knew what Lucius was planning. And it makes the sex with Helena on Lucius' part all the more, well, yukky. I still wouldn't put it past him to try again, and again. And what about Draco? How will he react knowing he has an older sibling? Sibling rivalry? Warm fuzzies? Attempted rape? And Snape is about to be his new brother-in-law. Must be mind blowing for a tender teenager. That sould be a fun scene to write, for sure. The baby-power-leaching thing is great, fits in well with dark magic. Just the thing for old Voldy to try as a lark. But I bet it also leaches energy from the parents as well, t let least the mother. Just strikes me that way.

    Please keep it updated, this saga has a life of it's own, and it's way too good to abandon. Make it an AU and keep going, because Helena is way too distinctive to let slip away. And more nasty steamy hot sex, please.

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  • From ANON - Nellas on January 12, 2003
    T you you so much for that wonderful story! :)

    I loved every part of it!

    Now for the sequel! You don't know how relieved I was to know that you're going to write a sequel.. thakyouthankyouthankyou!

    I might be obssessive but.. I'm checking every night to see if youe poe posted something new..

    Please, please. Hurry..
    A Fan..

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  • From ANON - messenger on January 10, 2003
    I started reading yesterday and read all day into most of the early morning! I have just finished and must say-- Well done, Well DONE!
    You have done a great job with all the characters. I can here those from the movie cast just as if they were speaking the words. You have captured Snape as a reluctant hero and god help you bastard. The sex is, is well great, and interesting each time not just "oh well time for sex" and throw the same old stuff in. I hate to type so I have tried my best to give you some feed back. I hope we don't have to wait long for the next story. You should be proud of some very very good work. If this was a book in a store I would have bought it! I will say I do need a happy ending and will not waste my time on a story that ends badly for my main hero type characters. I know that is not the real world and everything is always going to have a happy ending. That is exactly why I look for them in my stories. The real world is not always a pleasant place. One does not want to spend time and energy in something that lets you down.

    Thanks for the stories.
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  • From ANON - Bela on January 05, 2003
    It is wonderful. I never thought, that the pornography may cause so much feelings. Please, do not stop to write. I am sorry for the bad English. You Snape is magnificent. Many thanks.
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  • From ANON - Ox King on January 05, 2003
    Fantastic story. I was burning the midnight oil to finish this story. I coulden't stop reading it.
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  • From ANON - Goddessnmb1 on January 05, 2003
    Ouch, poor Helena. I am very glad that you finished...wait. NO I'M NOT! These last few chapters were wonderful, wonderful, and I cannot wait until you have the sequel up. By the way, I loved the ending. Er, the desk part, the betrothal was sort of funny but the Voldemort sucking the life out of their first child certainly wasnt...are you sure his real name isnt Rumplestiltskin? I really, really dont want to think about my granmother knowing about my sex life...or sharing hers. Ick:D Still, I like her grandmother's true character and what happens after Helena leaves. Altogether, this was such a clever, poignant, and just plain good sequel, that I am fervently wishing for the sequel to the sequel:)
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  • From ANON - elana on January 05, 2003
    NO!!!!!!!!!!!! it cantbe over! sequel sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love your story! gret jo.......find time son, we're patient, just not that patient, :) . great story!
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  • From ANON - Amanda on January 04, 2003
    Thanks for the kind reply, and the new chapter. About that Blake's 7 story, The Hellhound Series, it was many years ago and in print. Before the days of computers and internet. about 1989-91 or so. OK, computers existed, but not the internet. The zine was Southern Seven, before they started publishing on their own, and I don't know where they are now or what they have done. It was an AU, with Avon in our modern Earth and it was really good. I am an "old" fan, been around since the first slash story, read it in the first edition, too. And if you want Snape to be older, NBD to me, but you did ask about details, and I just wanted to help. Besides, Helena won't care about a few years here or there.

    Helena is a great character. Keep her in mind for something original someday, because she is too good to let go. Jean Lorrah and Jacqueline Lichtenberg started in Star Trek Fandom, and they had quite a few books out. Jean Lorrah's two Savage Empire books have two characters who are thinly disguised Avon and Vila. Anyhow, keep in mind about doing original stuff and going pro, because you definitely have the talent. This plot is amazing, and I am as interested in that as the sex. Really. There is too much dreck out there nowadays. I am a classically raised SF and Fantasy fan. I like good plots and well done stories, not repetitive shlock and gimmicky strangely written cyber punk stuff. Neuromancer was great, but lately it has degenerated into crap.

    Anyhow, keep up the good work, and I am really interested to see where this all is going. OK, you can't probably do the total defeat of Voldemort, but hey, you can still do a whole lot otherwise. And yes, it is a long time between books. But fanfic keeps us all sane and interested. And thinking. Your fan, Amanda
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  • From ANON - Goddessnmb1 on January 03, 2003
    My goodness; you've no idea how damnedly *difficult* it is to get a hold of this story! Thats all right, its so good that I certainly didnt mind having to go check four different sites until I found one that worked and all. And since its been a while since I read this story, I got to read three whole chapters and it was very nice. I was quite worried when Snape asked her to leave; I dont want this story to end. Wonderful job, and I hope to see the next chapter in the very near future.
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  • From ANON - Frini on January 01, 2003
    Hey Trisha!!!
    The other site is going crazy so I came to read the new chapter on this oneVeryVery good one, by the way!!!! SMUT FEAST!!!! I was missing it!!!
    I can't imagine what you are going to do with the party at the Malfoys!!
    SS is always a good read! i love your writing!!!
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  • From ANON - Liya on January 01, 2003
    It and Cassandra Clare's there are favourite fics
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