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Reviews for Research and Development Part I; Hunger

By : Aubrey
  • From ANON - saske\'s iris on September 24, 2005
    this is absolutly hilariously funny. OMG ILOVE THE THREE OF THEM IN THE CAR that was soooooooo funny. I just cna't put into a coherent sentence how much i'm enjoying snapes maniputlations and the kinky sex of harry remi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. puppy eyes out i need an update now... or now... update updat update!
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  • From ANON - harryhollow on August 21, 2005
    Hey, hey, hey, hey.... you last update 2004-09-08 and now its 2005-08-21!! You can't do this to your fans!!! We your fanatic fan's have right's! We are waiting for some updates *glare* I am a horny bitch!! That thinks non-stop of hp/rl....Do you don't know that there isn't alot of good rl/hp stories but yours is one out of ten that is a masterpiece a work of art, that harry potter books should really be written like!! *teary-eyes* *sob* whine....whine...are you doing this to use??? IS THIS SOME SICK PLEASURE FOR YOU!! OR HAVE YOU JUST GAVE UP OR FORGOTTEN US!!! *sniff* don't you care about us at all anymore?? Are we not faithfully waiting for your wonderful writing skills to come up and create more, an more, an more, and more *glare* *pout* chapters for "Research and Development"??? PLease please don't make us your reviewers wait until 2006 or 07,08,09....*sob* *whine* you hurt us.. *whine*.... (I am not being mean or flaming you!!) (I just am stress out thinking that you have just gave up on this fanfic story!! An if so I will never get the chance to read more of rl/hp new amazing relationship!! PLease please if you need to yell back a reply go ahead and if you are still going to continue this fanfiction story please e-mail when you update!! I now I sound so rude and a drama brat, but I can't help writing this down!!
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  • From ANON - War-chan on August 07, 2005
    **Tigris T Draconis: If Voldemort does sing, what do you suppose he prefers? I
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  • From ANON - harryhollow on June 13, 2005
    please update soon!!
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  • From ANON - Tipama on May 29, 2005
    Wow. Very good fic! Kept me occupied for a few hours. Absolutely loved it. Need more fantastic fics out there like this one.

    I loved how you wrote the growing relationship between Harry and Remus and the bonding was fantastic! ^-^ +squeals+
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  • From ANON - Mahia on February 16, 2005
    I love your story, but you need to update it soon! It
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  • From ANON - dreamer22 on November 03, 2004
    hehe I would LOVE to see the expression on Snapes face when he saw Harry wearing a dog colar, lmao. This sould be interesting...
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  • From ANON - E_Vector on October 28, 2004
    Yes, they are--this is wonderful. I for one won't complain about slow writing for the next eight months...I rarely have time enough to read! Did you change the first chapters? They seem to have an extra edge in style that I had forgotten about. Tell Shadowphoenix I'm sorry for the weird quote on her story, if she doesn't like's funny how opposite these stories are and how good they are! said "noisy" instead of "nosy" somewhere...anyway I look forward to the resto of the story! I don't think I even have any constructive criticism to offer.
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  • From ANON - MarieGoos on October 11, 2004
    Please tell me you're going to continue to update this. I
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  • From ANON - cdkobasiuk on September 29, 2004
    An absolute triumph. Such cosmic smut. Well written.

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  • From ANON - Katie K on September 11, 2004
    I love this story so so SOOOO much! Seriously, it is so good. You've got the characterization of the characters down pat, especially Snape!!!! I also love how you add the occasional joke or bit of sarcasm that makes me laugh! Anyway, I LOVE this story, and I LOVE you for writing it. :)
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  • From ANON - Crimson on August 26, 2004
    can't laugh for fear....*giggle giggle*... famliy comes over...*giggles to where she almost can't breathe* Update soon please and thank you.
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  • From ANON - Phat Kat on August 23, 2004
    I really really like your use of Dom!Remus. Although it would be nice to see Harry get the upper hand, just once. Maybe. Hm.
    anyways, nice chapter, as always.
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  • From ANON - E_Vector on August 07, 2004
    Ha! With an ending like that you'll never be banned from again! Well, for rating reasons, anyway...why DO they ban people? whatwhat I didn't get to say there was that the paradox of making their mess physically, but really purifying the Black bedroom, is the kind of thing that makes me wish these stories were publishable! Oh and Harry's "fishing for compliments" comment is great. The smut is definitely a success, perhaps more than the last chapter, but it's good when they get witty in the middle of it, especially when Harry is cheerful. Thanks for helping to fill in the great hole that is Remarry fiction!
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  • From ANON - maya on August 06, 2004
    that was really hot!
    thanks ;-)
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