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Reviews for An Unexpected Outcome

By : kaye60c
  • From ANON - Ainsley on November 04, 2005
    ....I was reading this...for two hours (slow reader) and I'm just like...waiting for the ultamate sex scene to happen, then snape starts hyperventilating! This is me :Awww crap he's gonna die in the middle of sex. D: It was great, 'cept for the hyperventilating that scared me...XD
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  • From ANON - Gryphinwing on June 03, 2005
    OMFG!!!! That was unbelievably AWESOME!!! I'm still all giddy and bouncy! I was looking for an awesome Sev/Siri fic because I've just started reading them and I find the best one IMAGINABLE!!!! I hate to sya though that you ahve totally ruined me for any other SS/SB fics because none of then will be as good as this one! thank you VERY VERY much for writing that! Gryphinwing
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  • From MidnightLilly on November 25, 2004
    Very lovely story.
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